Errol and Shannon Greenidge were both born in Barbados and both moved to the UK as children. Errol was now aged sixty and Shannon was sixty-one and they had been married for forty years. They still had an active and satisfying sex life but they had been thinking of dabbling in the swinging scene for some time.
They thought that, if they went ahead with it, they would like it to be with a couple experienced in the scene rather than another pair of first-timers. They were not too concerned about the ages of whoever they swapped with, assuming they did but thought that it would be preferable to meet a couple close to their ages.
For it to work, everyone had to find their prospective sex partners to be sexually attractive but Errol and Shannon had no preconceived ideas about the other couple’s ethnic status.
Errol and Shannon were giggling after a particularly stimulating lovemaking session when Shannon suggested that they look seriously at finding another couple if they were ever going to do so. “Baby, tomorrow can we start doing something about this swapping thing?” said the well-fucked Shannon.
“Oh, is my cock no longer big enough for my hot and sexy wife?” smiled Errol.
“Your lovely cock is plenty big enough sugar but if we are serious about doing it then we should do it soon,” answered the beautiful Shannon.
“Yeah, you are right baby: my cock has only known your pussy since we were teens so it would be nice to fuck another woman,” replied the strong and handsome Errol.
“Right, so you are bored with my sexual talents?” teased Shannon.
“Not at all, it is you that suggested having a different cock between your legs,” replied Errol, although he did think that swapping might be quite a turn-on.
Neither of them looked their age and Errol was quite athletically built and was very well endowed. Shannon had a beautiful white-toothed smile and although she was possibly a little bit overweight she certainly had impressive tits and an impressive arse. Both of them should be attractive to most potential companions.
The next evening they started to put things in motion. They thought that they wanted a couple quite local but thought it best that it was a pair that they did not know, not that they knew exactly what their circle of friends were into sexually.
They started looking on the internet under swinging or swapping and started searching in a twenty-mile radius of their home. They were amazed, initially, at the number of people that were into it in their area and imagined that if there were those numbers in their area it was probably similar nationwide.
They decided that maybe they would be better off advertising themselves on a swingers site and seeing if they got any response. They set up an account on a site and made sure that the fact that they were first-timers seeking an experienced couple and their own ethnic background was stated and waited to see the interest if any.
At this stage, they were reluctant to put their photos on the internet but did stress that photos would be supplied if any suitable-looking couples made contact.
Alan and Debbie Scrivener were both aged fifty-seven and they had been swinging since their late thirties. It was a second marriage for both of them and they joined the swapping scene not long after they got married in their mid-thirties. Alan was good-looking and had every reason to be proud of his sexual equipment. Debbie was blonde, slightly heavy and had large tits and a large rounded arse.
They saw the advertisement placed by Errol and Shannon and thought that it looked interesting, they liked the idea of introducing ‘swinging virgins’ to the scene. They had met a couple of West Indian origin once before but that did not go too well as the woman chickened out at the last moment, much to Debbie’s disappointment because it looked like the man had a very impressive package.
Alan and Debbie made contact, describing themselves and attaching photographs of their faces and unclothed bodies, and asking if they could see pictures of the other couple. Several more couples were showing an interest so, for the moment, Errol and Shannon did nothing although they certainly liked the look of Alan and Debbie and were also impressed with their years of experience with wife swapping.
Two nights later, Errol and Shannon were naked on the bed, she gently stroked Errol’s erection as they did a review on their laptop of the people that had shown interest. There was a couple aged in their twenties and Shannon giggled that she would not mind getting a fucking from a male nearly forty years younger than her but they kept coming back to Alan and Debbie looking to be their best bet. It helped that Alan and Debbie lived in the same town as them.
Having decided that they would contact them, they put the laptop down and Errol mounted his wife for what proved to be quite a long lovemaking session.
Photographs of Errol and Shannon were sent to Alan and Debbie and the white couple were suitably impressed. Alan supplied an email address and a mobile number and asked the other couple to contact him however they wished with a view to a meeting in a pub or somewhere before deciding whether they were all happy to go ahead.
Errol rang the mobile number and on it being answered by a male voice, he introduced himself. “Alan? It is Errol, from the…um, site,” said Errol in his deep masculine voice.
“Hello Errol, good to speak to you,” replied Alan.
“Yeah, I thought that we could maybe arrange to meet,” said Errol.
“Yes, of course: is Shannon with you? Debs is here so maybe we put the phones on speaker and we can all talk,” suggested Alan.
“Yes, Shannon is here, I will put it on speaker,” replied Errol.
“Hello Shannon,” said both Alan and Debbie.
“Hello, good to talk to you,” said Shannon, giggling a bit nervously.
“Good to talk to you, babes: are you up for this swapping thing?” asked Debbie.
“Oh yeah, Errol and I have been thinking of doing it for a while,” said Shannon, feeling a bit more confident.
“Debbie certainly likes the idea of meeting your Errol,” interjected Alan.
“Yeah and Alan certainly likes the look of you, Shannon,” laughed Debbie.
“We both like the look of you two,” said Errol, with Shannon adding “Yeah, we do.”
“Right, so now that we all seem to be in favour, where do you want to meet?” asked Alan.
“I don’t know: where do you usually meet couples?” responded Errol.
“Often in the bar of The Crown Hotel in town,” said Debbie.
“Fine with us,” replied Shannon, getting a nodded agreement from Errol.
“What I would suggest is that we leave things open-ended when we meet: If we all click at the meeting there is no reason as far as we are concerned that you two can’t come back to our house for the night,” said Alan.
“But if any of us is unsure there is no pressure if someone wants to think about it a bit more,” added Debbie.
“That sounds good: We had not thought of going straight into it when we first meet but if we all get on, then why not?” responded Errol.
“And I like that there is the option to take time to think about it if necessary because, as you know, it is all new to us,” said Shannon.
As there was a strong possibility of it becoming a night of sex they agreed that they should meet on a Friday or Saturday evening, having established that all four had or could have Saturday or Sunday morning free. They fixed a meeting at the hotel bar for seven o’clock the coming Friday, with them having this conversation on a Tuesday.
Later that evening, after excitedly chatting about their upcoming first time swapping, Shannon and Errol fucked. Alan and Debbie did something similar after getting each other aroused teasing about upcoming sex with a West Indian partner.
It was coming up to two weeks since Debbie and Alan had had a night of swapping and they were looking forward to another. They still got on very well together sexually but they both felt that as they had been swinging almost all of their married life, that had helped keep them together.
Friday arrived and Errol and Shannon were both excited and nervous. As Errol had a shower after arriving home from work, Shannon drank a quick whisky to try to settle her nerves. She had already had a long bath and was feeling very horny.
They got things prepared for the possibility of being out all night and then drove to the hotel for the meeting. Errol drove anyway but Shannon did confess to having had the drink. Errol did not intend to consume alcohol at the hotel but if they did get as far as going back to Alan and Debbie’s house he might have some there if offered. They both looked very attractive and if they had not been going out they would probably have fucked.
When they entered the hotel bar, Alan and Debbie were already there and as they recognised each other from their photos, Alan beckoned them over to where he and his wife were sitting. Alan and Debbie stood up as they approached and both Errol and Shannon were thinking that their prospective sex partners were even more appealing in real life than in their photos. Alan and Debbie were thinking much the same of the couple approaching them.
Both women were wearing trousers and both of them filled them out very nicely with their big bottoms and thick thighs.
“Errol, good to meet you,” said Alan, shaking the new arrival’s hand.
“Good to meet you too, Alan,” replied Errol.
Meanwhile, the two women grasped each other’s hands and gave each other a peck on the cheek.
Alan then took Shannon’s hand and kissed her on the lips. “You look gorgeous, Shannon,” said Alan.
“Well thank you, Alan, you look good yourself,” responded Shannon, a bit shyly.
Debbie and Errol then held hands and kissed. “Mmm, very nice,” said Debbie after the kiss.
“You look very sexy,” said Errol, a bit self-consciously.
“Right, what would you like to drink?” asked Alan, cheerfully.
“Just an orange for me please, I have the car,” said Errol.
“Maybe something stronger if we go back to our house,” said Debbie, hopefully as she had already looked at Errol’s crotch.
“Yes, that would be nice,” agreed Errol, wanting his hands on Debbie’s tits and arse.
“Um, I will have an orange too please,” said Shannon.
“Don’t tell me that you are driving too,” laughed Alan.
“No but I had a drink before I came out, I am a bit nervous,” smiled Shannon.
“Nothing to be nervous about sweetheart, you will not be doing anything that you don’t want to,” reassured Debbie.
“Yes, of course, you are right,” smiled Shannon.
“Sit down, sit down,” said Debbie as Alan went to get the drinks.
“We were thinking that we would chat here for a little while before we decided the next move,” said Debbie, although there certainly seemed to be little doubt that there was a mutual attraction between the planned sex partners.
Alan came back with the drinks and the two couples chatted generally for about half an hour. “Um, I think that Debbie and I would very much like you to come back to our house tonight but the decision is yours: If you are not interested or want a few days to think about it, that is fine with us,” said Alan.
Debbie had a hand on Errol’s muscular thigh thinking that that might help him decide if he was wavering but she thought it more likely that Shannon would be the one having doubts. “I am certainly up for it,” said Shannon, slightly surprising Debbie and maybe surprising herself and her husband.
All eyes were then on Errol. “Yeah, yeah, let’s do it,” said Errol, his doubts not being about himself going with Debbie but about Alan shagging his wife. He liked Alan but still felt strangely jealous.
Shannon sensed her husband’s doubts. “Only if you are sure, baby: we can talk some more about it at home if you want,” said Shannon.
“No, I am sure: we have been talking about it for months: I am up for it too,” said Errol, and Debbie looked at his crotch again and it looked like he was literally up for it.
“Great, we might as well go home now then: how about Shannon travels with me and Debs goes with you, Errol?” suggested Alan.
“Fine with me, you alright with that Shannon?” said a slightly surprised Errol.
“Well if I am going to bed with Alan I do not see going in a car with him to be a problem,” laughed Shannon, again surprising herself.
“Very logical thinking there, Shannon,” complimented Debbie.
The two couples left the hotel “I am parked over here,” said Alan, indicating his car whereabouts.
“Oh, I am over there,” said Errol, indicating the other side of the car park.
“See you two in about five minutes, come along Shannon,” said Alan, holding out his hand and Shannon took it.
“Don’t get up to mischief in the car,” laughed Debbie, as she walked off with Errol.
“Try not to,” responded Shannon with a giggle. She now seemed totally relaxed.
Alan and Shannon reached his car and, having unlocked it, Alan held the passenger door open for her but he held it in such a way that Shannon had to squeeze past him, not that she was bothered. As Shannon tried to squeeze through, Alan kissed her but rather than any recoil, Shannon took Alan’s head in her hands pulled it towards hers, and snogged him. “Oh fuck, this is going to be a wonderful night,” said Alan, his cock hard in his trousers when Shannon let him go.
“I think so,” said Shannon, putting her big arse down in the passenger seat.
The other couple was unaware of the goings-on at Alan’s car but Errol had held the passenger door of his car open for Debbie. Once they were inside, Debbie put her hand on Errol’s lap and then rubbed his bulge. “Shit Errol, Alan is big but you seem fucking huge,” said Debbie.
“Thanks, Shannon seems to like it,” replied Errol, as he and Debbie looked at each other.
Alan laughed as he flashed his car headlights through Errol’s windscreen as he drove out of the car park.
“The sooner we get to my house the sooner we can do what we want to do,” said Debbie, wanting Errol’s cock out of his trousers as soon as possible. So Errol drove out of the car park too, still with his cock hard in his trousers.
Both couples chatted and laughed on their short journeys and they were soon at the Scrivener house. Each man held the passenger door open for the lady but Shannon teased Alan by moving her head towards his as she got out of the car and then pulling her head away as Alan puckered for a kiss. Shannon giggled and Alan gave her a playful slap on her arse. “Oooh,” laughed Shannon.
“You should get a real spanking,” grinned Alan.
“And I bet that you would like to be the one to give me it,” responded Shannon.
By then, all four of them were at the doorstep and Errol’s eyes were on Debbie’s big arse in her tight-fitting trousers as she unlocked the door. Errol had taken the overnight things for him and Shannon out of his boot.
“I think both our women have big backsides,” said Alan, seeing Errol looking at Debbie’s behind.
“It seems so,” agreed Errol.
They got inside the house and Alan, who was very used to such things, announced the plan. “I will get the drinks and Debs will put the music on: what are you drinking?” said Alan.
“Whisky, please,” said Shannon.
“Same for me, please Alan,” said Errol.
“You sit there Errol and you there, Shannon,” said Debbie, indicating two separate two-seater sofas. The house guests complied and smiled a bit nervously at each other. Debbie went to put a cd on and bent over a bit more than necessary, knowing that Errol’s eyes would be on her trousered arse.
The music started and Debbie gyrated with her back to Errol as she moved her arse from side to side sensually. Alan appeared with the drinks. “Oh Debs, you are teasing Errol already,” said Alan, with a chuckle.
“Am I?” said Debbie in innocence before looking behind her at Errol who was shifting uncomfortably in his seat but his arousal was very obvious.
Alan handed out the drinks and both Shannon and Errol drank theirs very swiftly but both declined the offer of a refill. Alan sat next to Shannon and put his arm around her shoulders and Debbie sat next to Errol and put her hand on his thigh.
“We have plenty of condoms if you want them used but we like to go bareback if the other couple is in agreement,” said Alan.
Shannon and Errol had not given thought as to whether the sex would be unprotected or not but now they had to make a decision. “Bareback is fine with me but what do you think Shannon?” Errol asked his wife.
“Yeah, I don’t think at sixty-one I am going to be having babies,” smiled Shannon, who now had Alan caressing a tit through her blouse and bra. She then turned her head towards Alan and they kissed.
Debbie’s hand had moved up Errol’s thigh and she was now stroking the huge bulge in his trousers. Errol had his hand between Debbie’s trousered legs and seeing his wife move to kiss Alan he did the same with Debbie. The kissing between Debbie and Errol got very passionate and Debbie swung herself onto Errol’s lap and he cupped her large buttocks as they snogged and dry humped.
Alan and Shannon broke from their kissing to see Debbie’s arse going up and down on Errol’s lap as his hands caressed her cheeks. “Looks like they are ahead of us,” said Alan, starting to undo Shannon’s blouse.
“About time that I had your cock out then,” said Shannon, undoing the belt on Alan’s trousers.
Debbie and Errol were both very turned on so Debbie decided that a change of room was in order. She stopped the snogging and made a general announcement. “Errol and I are going to bed,” said Debbie, not giving Errol a choice, but in bed with Debbie was exactly where he wanted to be at this moment.
“I think we will be going up soon too,” said Alan, taking his arse off the seat so that Shannon could pull his now undone trousers down. His erection was stretching his boxers.
Debbie got off Errol’s lap and Errol grinned a bit sheepishly at his wife as he followed the big arsed woman out of the door. “See you two later,” said Errol as he left the room.
As Debbie and Errol climbed the stairs, giggling, Errol gave Debbie a playful slap on the arse but he did not seem to know his own strength because it stung. Debbie put her hand to her left buttock. “Fuck, a real spanking from you would fucking hurt,” said Debbie, rubbing her arse cheek.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to hurt you,” apologised Errol.
“I didn’t say that I wouldn’t like a spanking from you, did I?” smiled Debbie over her shoulder as they reached the top of the stairs.
Both Alan and Debbie had now independently mentioned spanking and in fact, they were both into it and had attended spanking parties. Errol had sometimes smacked Shannon’s impressive arse but they were not deeply into spanking as such.
Downstairs, Shannon wanked Alan’s erection through his boxers before lifting the top of his boxers over his cock and stroking it again. “Big cock there, Alan,” said Shannon. It was a big cock but not quite as big as Errol’s as Debbie would no doubt be finding out at any moment.
Debbie led Errol into the master bedroom, it was long established that when the Scriveners ‘entertained’ Debbie would use the main bedroom and Alan one of the two spare rooms. Debbie and Errol faced each other and kissed, Errol first massaged Debbie’s tits and then caressed her arse. “Let me at this,” said Debbie, breaking the kiss and undoing Errol’s trousers.
“Fucking hell!” she then exclaimed when she pulled Errol’s trousers and underwear down and his huge erect cock sprang free.
Errol got Debbie’s blouse and then bra undone and off and he massaged her huge tits. “You have wonderful tits, Mrs Scrivener,” said Errol.
“Well thank you, Errol,” replied Debbie, running a hand up and down Errol’s penis.
Downstairs, Alan’s trousers and boxers were completely off as was Shannon’s blouse and bra. They kissed, with Shannon stroking Alan’s erection before Alan thought that it was time for bed. “Shall we continue this in a bedroom?” asked Alan when the kissing stopped.
“Okay baby, lead the way,” agreed Shannon, so Alan, naked down below, and Shannon, naked up top, moved to continue their adventures upstairs.
As she climbed the stairs, it dawned on Shannon that she would very soon be getting the first penis other than Errol’s between her legs since she was a teenager. Debbie had deliberately not fully closed the main bedroom door so as Alan and Shannon went past it, they would have heard voices from within except at that moment they would not have heard Debbie’s as she had her mouth locked on Errol’s cock.
Alan and Shannon got into their room and, like Debbie, Alan deliberately did not fully close the door. They kissed and then Alan undid Shannon’s trousers and helped them on their way to the floor, he then put his hands inside her knickers on her bare arse as Shannon wanked his cock.
A few yards away, Debbie had briefly dropped to her knees to suck Errol’s cock but now she was standing with her back to him as Errol first cupped her tits with his erection pressing against her trousered backside. Errol then massaged her buttocks for a moment and Debbie breathed, “Oh fuck,” as her excitement got towards fever pitch.
Errol undid Debbie’s trousers and pulled them down, her big arse in knickers came into view and moments later it was bare as her knickers came down. Debbie stepped out of the clothing at her feet as Errol kissed her buttocks. “Oh that feels so good,” said Debbie as Errol stroked and kissed her arse cheeks.
Nearby, Shannon had got Alan’s shirt off making him naked and when Alan started to pull her knickers down, she completed the task of removing them so she was naked too. Alan and Shannon kissed and caressed each other and were getting very close to fucking.
Just as close, down the hall, were Debbie and Errol and Errol became the last of the four to be totally naked when he took off his shirt and scrambled out of the trousers and underwear that were at his feet. Almost simultaneously the two naked couples got onto their respective beds and black cock was being guided into white cunt and white cock into black cunt. Debbie and Shannon both sighed as a strange penis entered them but for Debbie, it was the latest of many and for Shannon, it was the first in more than forty years.
Alan and Errol were both very good at lovemaking and both had great staying power, Debbie and Shannon were both very exciting and stimulating sex partners so for the next fifteen minutes two couples fucked in rooms only yards apart. With the two doors not being fully closed, female shrieks of pleasure were heard by the other couple or would have been if that female was not also shrieking in pleasure.
There were utterances from both women such as, “Oh fuck, yes,” “Oh baby, baby,” “Shit, oh fuck,” “Yes, oh yes,” and “Oh, oh, fuck, oh.”
The two men were panting in pleasure and panting because of their efforts as they drove the woman within whom their rigid penis was thrusting to peaks of sexual pleasure.
Both Debbie and Shannon had screamed through two orgasms each as the couples writhed on their bed with changes of positions.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, I am cumming again,” shouted Debbie as she and Errol perspired.
“Yeah, cum with my big black cock in your wet white cunt,” encouraged Errol.
“Shit, yes, I am fucking cumming with your huge black cock in me,” shouted Debbie and, despite their own sexual efforts, Alan and Shannon heard that.
It gave Alan the impetus to give about six short sharp thrusts and that took Shannon over the top again. “Oh baby, fuck, cumming, fuck,” shrieked Shannon and with Debbie coming down from her orgasm, she and Errol heard her.
Very soon after this Alan groaned as he shot blast after blast of spunk into Shannon’s hot cunt and a little while beyond that, Errol started ejaculating into Debbie.
Each couple then cuddled as they got their breathing back to normal. “Well Mr Greenidge, are you enjoying your first time swapping?” asked Debbie.
“Fuck yes, it is amazing: is it always this good?” replied Errol.
“Not always, occasionally there are disasters,” admitted the very experienced Debbie.
Alan and Shannon could hear the other two talking although they could not hear what they were saying. “Sounds like their fucking is finished, shall we go and say hello?” said Alan to Shannon.
“Yes baby, let’s go and see them,” said Shannon, so she and Alan made the short trip to the master bedroom.
Alan tapped on the door. “Can we come in?” Alan inquired.
“Yeah, come in, we are not decent,” laughed Debbie.
Alan and Shannon entered the room to see a flushed Debbie laying on her front as Errol caressed her arse. Errol’s slowly softening cock was flopped on his hip.
“Hey baby, did you enjoy it?” Shannon asked her husband.
“It was wonderful, how about you?” answered Errol.
“Yep, wonderful is about right,” replied Shannon.
“I don’t know what you think Errol but I think that these two women need a damn good spanking for going to bed with another woman’s husband,” said Alan with a glint in his eye. Debbie was not surprised by what her husband said because he had used the line at other swaps but it was a shock to Shannon.
Errol still had his hand on Debbie’s backside and the thought of seeing that spanked was very appealing. “I think you are right Alan, they need a good hiding,” replied Errol, much to Shannon’s dismay, although she also found the thought exciting.
“Not just yet, we will go downstairs and have a drink and then warm their arses,” announced Alan.
Debbie looked at Shannon and smiled. “It will be quite erotic,” she told Shannon, from experience.
The naked foursome went downstairs and sat around chatting and laughing. Sitting naked with another couple was totally new for Shannon and Errol but Shannon found being in a room with two impressive if not fully erect penises was very erotic. Shannon could not get the fact that she had a promised spanking coming up and she was unsure about it but Debbie was rather looking forward to hers.
It was getting quite late but that did not matter because nobody had much to do the next morning. “I think the girls should get their spankings now,” announced Alan, and Shannon unconsciously squirmed in her chair.
Nobody spoke, so Alan continued. “I suggest you tan Deb’s arse for a while and then I will take over and then I spank Shannon and you finish it off,” said Alan. Shannon gasped because that seemed to mean two spankings and not one, It was Debbie’s turn to squirm because she had a pretty good idea that Errol would make her arse sore even before her husband took his turn.
There was nothing said so Alan fetched a chair from the kitchen. “Here you go Errol, take Debbie over your knee,” said Alan, and Errol’s cock got stiffer than it was just before, with those words.
Errol sat down and Debbie did not wait to be told, she lay over his lap although his now near erect penis got in the way a bit. Errol looked at the large white buttocks for a moment and then looked up at Shannon and Alan looking at him. He raised his hand and commenced spanking Debbie’s arse, hard.
Errol had no idea how long he was supposed to spank her for but he had turned both her buttocks red and Debbie was bucking and squirming when Alan stopped this part of the proceedings. “Okay mate, my turn now,” said Alan so Errol let the red-faced Debbie get off his lap, he was now fully erect.
Errol got up and glanced at his wife who seemed stunned at what was going on. Alan sat down as Debbie rubbed her buttocks.
Debbie was across Alan’s lap and he spanked her as hard and as long as Errol had, she was getting quite a spanking but she was very wet. At last, Alan stopped. “Up you get Deb’s, over my knee Shannon,” said Alan.
Debbie got up clutching her arse cheeks, her eyes were sparkling partly with tears and partly with excitement.
“Go on baby, your turn,” Errol said to Shannon who had not moved.
Shannon gulped, took a deep breath, and lay across Alan’s knee. Alan did not spank her as hard as he had spanked Debbie or for quite as long but it was hard enough and long enough to have an effect. “Give her the second helping Errol,” said Alan, who was also revealed to be fully erect when Shannon got off his lap.
Shannon rubbed her arse and shifted from foot to foot as Errol sat down, she got across her husband’s lap. Errol knew that he could not go lightly on her so he spanked her hard and Shannon bucked, writhed, and squirmed but at some point, she realised that her cunt was wet.
Shannon lay over her husband’s lap not aware that the spanking had finished. “That will teach them, ” said Alan.
“Yes, it will,” agreed Errol.
“Not sure what you ladies think but I think us men are ready to fuck again,” said Alan, when Shannon had struggled off Errol’s lap.
“I am, how about you Shannon?” said Debbie, who was more than ready for a good shafting.
“Um, yeah, me too, it was quite a turn on,” said Shannon, with her arse burning.
“Okay, so same partners as before or husband and wife?” asked Alan.
“What do you think baby?” Errol asked Shannon.
“I just want a fucking: yeah, I will have Alan, I can fuck you any day, Errol,” replied Shannon.
So the four went back up the stairs, the two women very uncomfortably and soon both women were on all fours getting a good fucking from behind with their well-spanked arses pointing at the male that was fucking them. Everyone was suitably satisfied and then Debbie returned to Alan and Shannon to Errol for sleeping purposes.
They breakfasted together after they had each had a shower although both women ate standing up.
“So what do you two think to this swapping scene, then?” Debbie asked Mr and Mrs Greenidge.
“It was great,” said Shannon.
“Yeah, great,” agreed Errol.
“Would you two do it again?” asked Alan.
“With you two?” responded Errol.
“Well possibly, with us or with another couple,” said Alan.
“I think we would certainly do it with you two again but don’t know about another couple,” said Shannon, getting a nodded agreement from her husband.
“I would certainly like to see you two again,” said Debbie.
“Me too,” agreed Alan.
So the still naked Errol and Shannon got dressed and Alan shook Errol’s hand and snogged Shannon before Errol snogged Debbie and the two women hugged. There was every chance that the four would be meeting up again.
Shannon tried to keep her arse off the car seat on the drive home but she and her husband were very happy that they had finally tried swapping.