“God I’m horny,” Lexi Simmons said.
“Oh my god, Lexi. Shut up,” said her friend, Maddy Barrone. “No one wants to hear that.”
Maddy looked around the university cafeteria sheepishly, while waiting for their food. She smiled to herself. ‘Except maybe the pervs behind the lunch counter,’ she thought.
Even though she and Lexi had only been on the USI campus for one day,
Maddy noticed that the student workers at the Cafe restaurants were already eyeing her huge boobs.
“I’m serious, Maddy,” said Lexi almost in a whining voice but smiling. “I haven’t fucked Alan since he left for Wisconsin. Ugh! Why would he choose a campus so frickin far away?”
“Yeah, what was he thinking? Getting good grades and going to a college that is top 20 in his field? The nerve of him!” Maddy said.
“Oh shut up,” said Lexi, slapping her friend’s arm, “He takes my v-card, fucks the shit out of me all season long… All summer long. Then he just springs that shit on me early August… that he’s going to a school a thousand miles away.”
“Wasn’t the only thing he was springing up on you,” Maddy said, holding little to no sympathy for her friend. “You were the one that had to lose your virginity the day after your 18th. No one told you to go falling in love.”
“I don’t know about all that,” Lexi said. “I did love that dick though. Besides, if I recall you went just as crazy as I did.”
Maddy had heard her suitemate complaining about this unfortunate turn of events for about a month, ever since Lexi had learned that she would be without her high school lover for the first time since losing her virginity.
It wasn’t exactly a surprise to Maddy however. In addition to being a track star stud, her boyfriend was also top 100 in their class. Lexi wasn’t dumb by any means, but she certainly wasn’t setting anyone’s curve in high school.
“No, I didn’t go crazy. It just seemed like I did because my crazy mom wouldn’t let me out of the house until I turned 18. I had a lot of catching up to do.
“Not like you and Alan. Didn’t you guys get in trouble for skipping a practice late last season?” she asked as their food orders were passed to them on a university tray.
“Well, I told coach Browner that I had stomach pains,” Lexi said. “I also told Miss Knapp the same thing in class. So that way, if Browner asked around, he would get the same answers. I don’t know what Alan told him.”
“Browner probably thought you were pregnant.”
They both laughed as they sat down at a table, both with their backs to the wall. Ever since high school, the two enjoyed people watching and insulting those who drew their ridicule.
“Can you imagine Alan making up an excuse to get out of Suicide Stairs?” Lexi asked, her smile showing her perfect teeth behind glossy pink lips.
“Uh Coach,” Maddy said, in a much deeper voice, doing her best impression of the 6’1” high-jumper. “I’m uh – not gonna be able to pound those stairs today, Coach”
“‘Why not Son?’” said Lexi, now doing her best impression of the black coach. “Not turning into a slacker now, are ya!?”
“Naw Coach. I’ll still be getting a workout,” Maddy continued with her impression of Lexi’s boyfriend. “Just instead of pounding stairs, I’ll be pounding the back of Lexi’s thighs, with her long legs draped over my shoulders. It’s basically a squat thrust with my dick out.”
The girls burst out laughing and the sound attracted the eyes of Byron Oaks. He was standing at the Burger King counter; the same spot Lexi and Maddy were earlier. The cafe was full of people, but after hearing the laugh, even over the hum of the large cafeteria, his eyes were drawn to the pretty white girl with dirty-blonde hair and the tanned DDs sitting next to her.
Whatever she was saying, had those huge orbs jiggling and bouncing in her burgundy-pink tank top whenever she jerked her head or made a gesture. She seemed to be doing a bit or an impression because her movements were very pronounced and exaggerated. Her dark wavy hair swung with every head movement.
Her dirty-blonde friend was obviously amused, as the joke had her showing off her dazzling smile. ‘Not as curvy’ he thought ‘but perhaps the prettier one. This might need some closer inspection.’
Byron was jarred back to reality when he realized that someone was talking to him.
“ … or I can just eat all of it.”
Byron’s suitemate Andy Scott was attempting to hand Byron his food.
“You ready to get out of here?” Andy asked.
“Actually,” said Byron, taking his bag of food. “Change of plans. Grab a tray.”
As the two boys approached the two girls’ corner of the Cafeteria, Lexi was the first to notice.
“Uh-oh. I think we are about to get hit on,” she said quietly leaning into her friend.
“I know. I saw the cute one staring at my boobs while he was in line.”
“Why wouldn’t he?” Lexi asked. “Which one is the cute one?”
Maddy saw what she meant. While one had a dark-caramel complexion and a nice smile, the other sported a square head, broad shoulders, dark hair and a strong jawline. But it was the full handlebar mustache that stood out on his face and Maddy found them both very attractive.
“Would you ladies mind if we joined you?” Byron asked, as he drew within earshot. “Everywhere else is pretty full.”
“Sure,” Lexi said, smirking and glancing around. It was pretty crowded, but the two guys could have definitely found a table to themselves if they looked. Lexi was happy to have two handsome hunks to laugh at, however.
“Thanks so much. I’m Byron,” he said, pulling out his chair and sitting down in front of Maddy.
“Maddy,” she said, taking his hand for a quick shake. “This is Lexi.”
“Lexi. Maddy,” Byron repeated. “I love it.”
“Nice to meet you, ladies. My name is Andy.”
“Hi, Andy,” Lexi said.
“So how long you been growing that mustache Andy?” Maddy asked before Andy had even settled into his chair.
Both girls and Byron laughed. This is why Lexi loved her best friend. It may have taken her weeks to ask, while Maddy was never one for preambles.
“Ah well I was the only kid at Bridgeview Elementary with facial hair,” said Andy jokingly. “And I bought my first face brush in the seventh grade.”
“I swear it had to be confusing for the teachers,” said Byron. “They didn’t know whether to give him homework or ask him for a ride home.”
They all laughed a little.
“Oh and when I got to high school, students and teachers thought I was a sub,” Andy said, earnestly.
“Maybe you should’ve just ran with that,” said Maddy “Could’ve started your career early.”
“There you go,” Byron chimed in. “Walk in the teacher’s lounge and start making coffee….just like …”
“Drillbit Taylor!” Lexi and Byron finished the name of the movie together.
Lexi and Maddy were definitely enjoying themselves. Lexi was glad the boys were funny and had personalities, unlike the losers at her high school. Maddy was happy to see some attractive faces. She always felt Lexi’s boyfriend, though a total catch, was kind of a horse-face. These two were pleasant to look at.
After they finished their meals and stacked their trays, the four students headed out to the grounds in the direction of the dorms.
“Ladies first,” Byron said, giving the impression of chivalry while holding the door for his female peers. In reality it gave Byron and Andy a chance to eye the girls from all angles as they filed through the open door.
Maddy went first, giving Byron a chance to take in all of Maddy’s curves. When no one was looking, he leered at her tank top and her round booty, which was wrapped in black leggings.
Lexi’s long legs were not covered and for good reason Byron thought. Her teal colored t-shirt was a bit baggy on her, and it hid her perky boobs. She also wore a sports bra, but her white track shorts were perfect for hugging her hips and showing off her toned legs.
“What are you studying?” Byron asked Lexi, as he caught up to her.
“Sports Medicine,” Lexi responded.
“That sounds fun,” Byron said. “Also sounds like science and math.”
“Not that much math, but science, yes,” Lexi said. “I think the classes will be fun. I did some work like that for the football team. I thought, ‘I could do this for a living’.”
Lexi omitted that the reason she started helping with the team was so she had a valid reason to hang around guys who weren’t her boyfriend.
“What did you run in track?” Byron asked her. “I assume you ran track.”
“I ran the 4×4 and I was also a high-jumper,” an impressed Lexi said. “How did you know I was on the track team?”
“I mean… track pants, long legs and you look like you are in great shape,” Byron said, eyeing her entire body.
Byron was doing what he always did. He knew exactly how to ask a question that leads to a compliment. He learned in middle school that all girls want to do is talk about themselves. So he just had to let them do that.
“Well, I appreciate that compliment,” Lexi said, blushing just a bit.
‘This little scamp has been staring down my legs’, Lexi thought. ‘Here, I thought he was more interested in Maddy’s tits’.
Maddy, sensing her friend was probably enjoying her talk with Byron, intentionally slowed her pace a bit so that she, Andy, and Andy’s Mustache were a few yards behind as they walked.
“Was your team very successful?” Byron asked. “I don’t know a lot about your school’s history. Did you run any big meets?”
“We won state with me as the second jumper,” Lexi said, her pride swelling. She was very proud of her accomplishments and her team. “What about you? What did you run?”
“I didn’t run track,” Byron laughed. “I went to the first practice… Too much running.”
“That is what it’s known for,” said Lexi amused.
“Man, all they did was run,” Byron said.
While Lexi and Byron laughed about sports, Maddy was sizing up Andy. After all, if Lexi was as horny as she claimed, she might need someone of the opposite sex to keep her company before long.
“I major in hospitality,” she said, answering Andy’s question. “I was going to do business because I want to … well open a business.”
“Business is kind of a good catch-all,” Andy said nodding.
“I want to own a hotel company and I learned that hospitality would work out better. What about you?”
“I am a communications major,” Said Andy.
“Okay. So you want to like work in media or television? Something like that?” Maddy asked.
“No, actually, I’m going to join the Marines,” Andy said.
“Really, I-” Maddy began but she was cut off.
“Hey, why don’t you two come by this evening,” Lexi said to Byron and turned back to Andy. “We need to finish setting up our rooms. What dorm are you two in?”
“We’re in the campus apartments,” Byron said.
“Oh. Well we could call you guys when we are finished with the dorms,” Lexi said. “I feel like it would be good to hang out before classes start on Monday.”
“Yeah, sounds good with me,” Andy agreed.
The four exchanged numbers and hugs. Maddy gave Andy a proper friend hug, though Andy still managed to get his hand on enough of her boob that she felt a small jolt of electricity up her legs. Maybe she was hornier than she thought.
Byron, however, pulled in Lexi for a much tighter hug which Lexi happily returned. His left hand dropped to the small of her back and he held her for a second or two longer than one might have expected. Lexi felt her pussy pulse and knew she needed to do something, or someone about this.
The group split and headed for their living quarters.
“Why did you invite them to our dorm?” Maddy asked as soon as they were out of earshot. “I mean they were cute and all, but it’s a bit early to-”
“Byron said he can get alcohol on campus,” Lexi interjected.
“Oh,” said Maddy, taken aback. “Well, see you tonight then, Byron and Andy.”
The two girls laughed and were in good spirits heading to the dorms.
In the guys’ apartment, Andy and Byron sat watching Ironman in the common area while Byron rolled his weed into a joint.
“Rusty gunna get you some beers?” Andy asked Byron.
“Not just beers,” Byron replied. “My parents gave me like three grand for food. Except I’m on a meal plan so… booze and snacks.”
They were both laughing.
“Wait, your parents gave you three thousand dollars?” Andy asked, “What do they do again?”
“My mom works concierge at Lucas Oil Stadium,” Byron said, matter of factly.
“Oh, so like a waitress in the restaurants?” Andy asked again.
“No, like…s he is head of all the concierge services in Lucas Oil Stadium.”
“Oh damn.”
“Yea … and she works with the hotels around the city too. What about your parents?”
“Shit,” Andy said. “My parents are broke. Dad used to race cars but when he got old he never really found a real job. Mom was always teaching and tutoring.”
As the guys watched Tony Stark get kidnapped, Byron finished rolling his joint, sparked up, and began rolling a second one.
“Yeah,” Byron continued. “My little track star said she likes vodka. And she let slip your friend…was it Marie?”
“Maddy,” Andy corrected him. “With the Double Ds.”
“Nice,” Byron said, smirking as he passed the J. “Yeah, I’ll be upset if we don’t get to see those hush puppies tonight. You think her nipples are pink?”
“Maddy’s? No,” Andy said while puffing. “Those nips are big and brown.”
“Ugh,” said Byron longingly. “But what if they are pink though? With that tanned skin and some sexy-ass pink nipples.”
“Dude, look at her skin and her hair,” Andy said. “She has brown nips and probably some gigantic areolas.”
The guys laughed, each now imagining a different set of nipples on Maddy’s huge boobs.
“Anyway,” Byron said, coming back to earth and taking the joint. “Maddy likes whisky. Lexi also let slip that Maddy, with the double Ds, might be a lightweight.”
“Oh, really?” Andy said with interest. “So it’s our old friends, Tito and Jack, huh?”
“Tito, Jack and MJ,” he said before sparking the second joint while holding the first… “Yeah, I think Lexi might have a boyfriend at a different college or somethin’. She made it seem like Maddy wasn’t always around while she was getting smashed… before … getting smashed.”
“Bad luck, huh?” Andy said, taking the joint.
“Well you heard me say he ain’t on campus, right?” Byron smiled as he passed.
“I’m glad Byron started talking to you,” Maddy said. “I just wanna grab Andy’s face and rip that mustache right off.”
“I thought you were gonna say ‘ride that mustache like a unicycle’,” Lexi said.
“That too!”
The girls were in their dorm room also laughing about the boys. Maddy was changing into a black halter top that showcased her assets. Not that she had many tops that wouldn’t, but she wore them with a set of blue high-waisted pants and she thought she looked hot.
Lexi was in her bra and panties, looking at some jean shorts and cutoff shirt laid out next to a cute skirt and top combo laid out on her bed.
“I was going to put on a cute outfit but…” Lexi began.
“No point, cuz you’ll be sliding right out of it for Byron huh?” Maddy finished.
“No!” exclaimed Lexi. “I was going to say because it’s so late and no one is going to see it. I’m not fucking anyone tonight.”
“You were the one saying you were soooo horny.”
“I am horny,” Lexi said. “I haven’t had sex in like three weeks. So if we make out for a bit… well.”
“You know most women….most people can deal with a few weeks of sex sobriety,” Maddy said, rolling her eyes. “I haven’t had sex since April. You don’t hear me whining about it.”
“Wow,” said Lexi thoughtfully, “Was Louie really almost four months ago? Damn babe. You need to get laid.”
“I know I do,” Maddy said. “But I’m not about to hop in the bed with any old Tom, Dick or Andy.”
“What about a Jonathan, Mickey or Leroy,” Lexi asked, her blue-grey eyes flashing knowingly at her best friend.
“Jonathan had a big cock. Mickey could work that tongue and I never slept with Leroy,” Maddy said. “I would have, but he said I was too drunk at Bev’s party and he held me all night.”
“Aw. What a sweet guy,” Lexi said, squeezing into the jean shorts. “Stacey told me his dick was huge.”
“That little whore,” Maddy said. “I mean, it was but…”
Lexi paused putting on her long-sleeved cutoff shirt and looked at her friend inquisitively.
“I did say I was drunk, didn’t I?” Maddy said, her eyes I may have grabbed at it a few times.”
The girls laughed as Lexi texted Byron that they were ready for them to come to O’Bannon Residence Hall.
“Speaking of rather large cock,” Lexi said. “I may have been spoiled by Alan. His was the biggest I’ve seen.”
“Bigger than Terry?”
“By about an inch,” Lexi said. “Like, how good of a look at it did you get that day we were both in my Mom’s shower?”
“I only saw a glance,” Maddy responded. “It looked pretty big though.”
She’d actually seen it many times. On more than a few occasions, Alan had tried to get into Maddy’s pants. She’d never told Lexi about the time she let Alan rub her boobs for a few minutes before he whipped his dick out and tried to get her to grab it.
Nor did Lexi know about the time Alan basically flashed her when the three went swimming at his grandparents’ house. Later that night, Maddy came downstairs, after showering, to find Lexi on her knees, doing an impressive job swallowing as much of Alan’s dick as she could while he sat at the kitchen nook.
She stood there for a full minute, unnoticed, while Lexi sucked off her boyfriend and she remembered thinking that his grandparents would surely wake up and hear the sound of their houseguest slurping on their grandson’s dick.
She backed out of the kitchen slowly, but Alan looked up and saw her when he heard the floor creak. He gave her a smile before resting his hand on the back of Lexi’s head and pushing her further into his lap.
Maddy waited at the top of the stairs for a few minutes, before she heard a long satisfied groan from the senior and soft muffled whimpers from her best friend. Two minutes later, with her pussy moist, Maddy came downstairs again. This time, the two were seated on the couch in the living room watching MTV, as if he hadn’t just finished blasting cum down her throat.
“They are here,” Lexi said looking at her Blackberry.
The two went out to the suite commons. There they saw their suitemates, Angelica and Jennifer, sitting on either side of their across-the-hall neighbor, Brent. Brent was looking a little uncomfortable as both girls seemed to be seated rather close to him for the size of the couch.
“I think Angelica wants that cowboy dick,” Lexi said once they reached the hallway. The two college students giggled their way down the hall to the door and arrived just as Andy and Byron were getting to the door.
“Hey ladies,” Byron said smartly, once Maddy opened the door to let them in the dorms. “Wow, you guys both look great.”
“Thanks,” they said together.
“You look the same as before,” Maddy said. Byron was still in his Marvin Harrison jersey and Andy still wore his short-sleeved polo. Of course she hadn’t expected the boys to change clothes but she could still tease them about it.
As the foursome walked back to the dorm room, their chat was cut short when the door across the hall opened and a black couple walked out followed by the pungent smell of marijuana smoke.
“What’s up, Darin,” Byron said. “You’re in O’Bannon?”
“Yeah man,” said the guy called Darin as he dapped up Byron. “Bout to go get somethin’ to eat.” Darin then glanced at the two ladies and flashed Byron and Andy a look of approval before heading down the hall with his female companion.
“Later dude,” said Byron.
“How did you know that guy?” Lexi asked as the group got into the dorm room and closed the door on an awkward-looking Brent who was still sandwiched in between the two girls on the common room couch.
“That guy has a great connect. He used to go to my school before he transferred to BD,” Byron said as he was handing the bag of soda and juice to Lexi. “I was honestly worried about that coming all the way down south. Luckily I saw him during orientation and you wanna talk about relieved. I knew he’d know someone.”
“Connect?” Lexi asked.
“Yeah, you know a plug,” Byron said. He continued, having a bit of fun when he saw Lexi was still lost. “A source. A bagman. A peddler. A friendly neighborhood pharmacist.”
“A drug dealer, Lex!” Maddy said.
“Oh…” Lexi said with a laugh. “I don’t do drugs.”
She then pulled the fifth of Titos out of the bag and immediately cracked open the top.
“Mmm hmmm,” Byron said.
“Oh shut up,” Lexi said. “You know what I mean.”
They all laughed and began pouring drinks. There wasn’t much room in the dorm. Byron ended up sitting in a chair facing away from the desk. The rooms were in an ‘L’ shape with the bathroom at the top of the ‘L’. The desk separated two beds that would have been perpendicular if they were longer.
Maddy offered Andy a seat in her bed while she and Lexi got comfortable sitting on Lexi’s bed. After about half an hour of chatting, drinking and laughing about high school, they were all just beginning to feel the effects. Lexi got up to play music from her iPod dock.
“Hope y’all don’t mind, but I love Weezy,” Lexi said, as Lil’ Wayne began rapping about his skinny-ass pants and his fresh pair of vans.
“This album is dope,” Byron said. “Smoke that Kiesha, Not that reggie for you name-droppin’ guys.”
‘Score one for Lexi’, Maddy thought. ‘They like the same music.’
As Lexi began to gyrate a bit, Byron again was staring at her shapely thighs which he thought somehow looked better in jeans than track shorts.
He also gathered that she must have been wearing a sports bra earlier, because while not nearly as big as Maddy, she was sporting some impressive mounds under her shirt as well.
“Oh, we should play a drinking game,” Maddy said.
Byron and Andy locked eyes, both thinking the same thing. ‘So the lightweight wants to play a drinking game? This could be an interesting night.’
“I know a great drinking game,” Andy offered. “It’s pretty simple. Whenever there is alcohol in your cup, you drink.”
“Mhm,” Maddy said, smiling.
“Here’s where it gets a bit complicated,” Andy continued in earnest. “Whenever your cup is empty…”
“You drink?” Maddy finished.
“Oh, you’ve played before?” Andy asked her, feigning his surprise.
Everyone laughed and they all topped off their drinks. They started with Never-have-I-ever. Byron loved this game because he knew what to say that would get the girls drunk. After a few rounds, Lexi’s eyes were as glossy as her lips. Andy meanwhile found that a tipsy Maddy had migrated over to her own bed and had become pretty touchy-feely as the game wore on.
“Never have I ever…” Byron thought for a moment, looking at Maddy. “…had authentic Italian cuisine.”
“Oh, my mother is so Italian, it’s like a stereotype,” Maddy said. Everyone but Byron drank.
“Okay,” Lexi said, thinking of a way to even the score. She stood up and wobbled a bit. She knew she was a little far gone, but with the music flowing as well as the booze, she was having a great time.
“See you in my nightmares,” sang Lexi along with Kayne West, staring into Byron’s dark eyes as she sang. “Okay. Never have I ever…tackled anyone.”
“Tackled anyone?” repeated Maddy as both Andy and Byron drank. Maddy had to move her hand from Andy’s knee so he could reach for the bottle of soda and Jack Daniels.
“He played football in high school,” Lexi explained.
“This little guy?” Maddy said looking incredulously at Byron, who was still sitting in the chair with his back to the desk. He wasn’t very tall or buff in her opinion. “I would’ve guessed tennis.”
She leaned into Andy’s lap as they both chuckled at their friend. Andy sat back against the wall and put his right arm around her. As she got closer, her tits were squeezed against his ribcage.
“Apparently he was very good,” said Lexi, dancing a little closer to Byron. He reached his hand out to her hip and pulled her closer to him as she danced. She slapped his hand away but didn’t move so she was basically shaking her ass slowly in front of his face.
“Oh. I thought you had to be a stud to play football,” Maddy teased, as Andy’s right hand rested against the outside of her breast. Andy had the best seat of anyone on campus in his own opinion. He looked down and could see Maddy’s halter-top had pulled down a bit so he had a great view down her already revealing shirt. “Why don’t you have any muscles?”
“Who said I didn’t have muscles?” laughed Byron. He heard all this before and was pleased where this conversation had gone.
“Aw… Okay,” Lexi said, turning to face Byron. She put her drink down on the desk behind him. “Stand up. Let’s see what you lookin’ like.”
As Byron stood, Lexi, who was just a few inches shorter than him, reached under his Colts jersey with both hands, grabbed his undershirt, and pulled both shirts up over his head.
When Byron lowered his arms, Lexi was taken aback.
“Whoa,” she said audibly. She immediately chastised herself for letting Byron know how she felt. There was no getting around it. Byron looked great shirtless. To drive the point home, Byron grabbed Lexi’s hands and moved them to his chest and abdomen. As soon as Lexi felt his hard chest muscles she felt like a flood had rushed through her belly and pushed right up against her pussy.
Maddy, even though she was subconsciously enjoying the attention Andy was giving her right breast, couldn’t help but be impressed. ‘I was only teasing,’ she thought to herself. ‘But, damn, score two for Lexi, Byron was hot as fuck.’
Byron, realizing the moment, moved his hands to Lexi’s hips and pulled her groin up against his own. She continued her gyrations against Byron’s cock and she could feel his arousal on the inside of her toned thighs. Her movements were matching the music and she was getting hornier by the second.
“Tell everybody that you know,” the speakers sang on as Lexi rubbed up and down Byron’s front.
Lexi’s blue-grey eyes, like her hands, were glued to Byron’s chest. Byron touched his right hand to Lexi’s chin bringing her lips up to his. Lexi stared into Byron’s eyes until they locked lips. She closed her eyes and returned the kiss with her hands still on his muscular chest.
Maddy watched Byron’s left hand as it dropped to her best friend’s ass and gave it a squeeze while the two made out. It was then she noticed that not only was Andy squeezing her right breast, but his hand was under her shirt making its way to her sensitive nipples.
To make matters worse, she hadn’t realized that she was stroking Andy’s cock through his jeans. Judging by her sense of touch, it had to be a pretty impressive size. Andy was enjoying himself as he kissed the back of Maddy’s neck while trying to get as much of her ample bosom into his hand as possible.
Byron broke his kiss with Lexi and spun her around. He began caressing her body from her hips, up through her exposed stomach and reached under her shirt. He rubbed her titties through her bra while she reached back over her own shoulder to continue touching the well-built former athlete. Lexi never stopped grinding her ass to the music and up against Byron as he kissed up and down the side of her neck.
“Now we just re-sinning. The clouds is in my vision. Look how high that I be gettin and it’s all because of you,” sang the music.
Lexi couldn’t take much more as the alcohol and the atmosphere began to get the better of her. She opened her eyes and had all but forgotten there were two other people in the room. She was more surprised to see at that moment Maddy had turned her head and body so she could kiss Andy right under his big mustache.
‘Score one for Maddy,’ she thought, as she saw Andy was about half an inch away from exposing her best friend’s tit completely.
“Hey Andy,” Lexi said in a state of complete arousal. Andy came up from Maddy’s lips. “Go ahead and hit that light switch by the door.”
With Maddy laying on her back, her head and shoulders in his lap, Andy could lean forward and just barely flip the switch. Now the only light in the room was a small lamp on the desk. With the semi-darkness, the two couples felt more emboldened.
Andy returned to Maddy’s lips while he used his right hand to open the front of Maddy’s halter top to finally reveal her huge globes. Maddy sighed into his mouth as Andy massaged her tits, catching her nipples between his fingers. It was hard to tell in the mostly dark room, but as his eyes adjusted he couldn’t believe she had big pink, and extremely sensitive nipples. Maddy let out a soft moan and a slight jerk whenever he squeezed her nips.
Byron meanwhile was making headway. While his left hand found its way under Lexi’s bra, his right hand dropped to the waistline of her jeans. He effortlessly undid the button and slid the zipper down. He reached between her legs and cupped Lexi’s pussy through her cotton panties.
Lexi’s left hand reached back to feel for Byron’s dick through his jeans and she used her right to help Byron by easing her jeans off her hips. As soon as the jeans hit the floor she stepped out of them and turned to face Byron. She pushed him with her body and he laid back on the bed and she joined him.
As she climbed into the bed she grabbed the blanket and pulled it with her as she straddled Byron. She brought her torso down to his chest and wrapped them in a blanket cocoon. As Lexi continued kissing Byron, his right hand squeezed her ass… hard. His left hand went straight for the back of her bra and he unclipped all three snaps in two seconds.
It was easy from there to maneuver out of her shirt and bra. As she wiggled out of her top garments, Byron broke the kiss just long enough to pull her clothes over her head. Lexi went back to kissing Byron. She was now only in her panties as she ground her pussy against Byron who was still in his jean shorts. The fly, however, had come undone at some point, and the pants had slid down enough that Lexi could feel a hard dick poking her slit even through two layers of underwear.
Byron sat up, taking Lexi with him. She grabbed at the blanket determined to stay sheltered under the blanket as if Maddy and Andy would assume they were just talking if they couldn’t see them.
Byron brought his mouth to her neck, kissing all the way down until he was sucking at her pointy nipples. Alternating between each boob, trying to get as much into his mouth as possible, the smacking of his mouth on her skin was pronounced. Everyone in the room could hear.
Lexi was on fire and she knew she was entering dangerous territory. She reached behind her to grab both his wrists as he was pinching and squeezing her ass, and pushed his torso down so that he was back on his back again. He continued to make out with her, running his hands all over her body until his right hand was wrapped in her hair.
At the same time that Lexi was getting disrobed by Byron and pressing her tits against his lips, Maddy was working at Andy’s buttons on his Polo. Andy was making it difficult. While Maddy was still on her back bending her arms to try and get at his shirt, Andy had taken it upon himself to lean down and suck on Maddy’s huge exposed tits. Her sensitive nipples were sending jolts of electricity to her brain and to her groin whenever Andy pulled at one of them with his lips.
Andy was also a pro; sucking, licking, and blowing on each of her nips until they were rock-hard. Maddy was laid out on the bed, her torso draped over Andy’s lap and his right hand was simultaneously squeezing the inside of her thigh and rubbing against her pussy through her cotton pants. The combination of so many sensations had Maddy’s breathing labored and she was emitting soft sighs of pleasure that could be heard across the room, even as Lexi and Byron dry-humped each other.
Maddy had had enough of waiting and since Lexi and Byron were obscured from view, doing God knows what under the blankets, Maddy was ready to see what she was working with.
“Take off your shirt,” Maddy whispered and Andy pulled the polo over his head in a flash. At the same time, Maddy lifted her waist and slid her pants down, off her ass and she kicked out of them. Andy changed his position so that he was laying down on his side next to her, closest to the wall. Maddy grabbed the back of his head and brought his lips to hers and they began to make out more. Maddy’s legs parted and Andy began to rub the inside of her thighs.
Maddy then pushed his head down back toward her boobs and Andy began to flick his tongue over her large areolas.
‘He is going to need to start paying some attention to my pussy real soon’ Maddy thought.
At that moment a Jay-Z song roared through the air like a firecracker.
“Ooooh! I love you so! But, why I love you, I’ll never know!”
Lexi’s phone was ringing much louder than the music from the speakers and completely killing the mood. Maddy moved at light speed, snatching the covers that were neatly folded at the end of her bed and covering herself and her bedmate before Lexi and Byron’s head appeared from under their own blanket.
“Oh my gawd,” Lexi whispered as she reached for her phone that was still in her jeans pocket on the floor. “It’s Alan.”
She had completely forgotten that she texted her boyfriend to call her tonight. She expected to be randy and perhaps have phone sex. She certainly didn’t expect to have a shirtless guy she barely knew in bed with her when he called.
“Alan?” Byron said annoyed yet slightly amused.
As Lexi grabbed and silenced the phone, she looked at Byron, a look of aroused desperation on her face.
“Quiet you,” she whispered earnestly. “Turn down the music! And turn off that light!”
Byron could reach the desk without getting out of bed and when he returned, the little cheater was laying on her side, facing the wall. She was pressing the answer button just as Byron was settling back in next to her.
“Hey, babe,” Lexi said softly as Byron’s arm draped around her and cupped her bare boob.
‘Babe?’ Andy thought.
“Oh, it’s her boyfriend,” whispered Maddy. Having covered themselves completely, Maddy was laying on Andy’s left arm while he was still caressing her tits. His right hand was exploring her legs and even as she strained to hear what was happening in the next bed she opened her legs allowing him permission to massage her pussy through her silky panties.
“Nothing,” Lexi said quietly. Lexi felt no shame as she was too turned on to care how the situation looked. She switched ears and used her right hand to grab Byron’s left wrist and pulled his arm so she could lay on it much like Maddy was.
“Laying in bed.”
Byron could hear a guy’s voice through the phone, but Lexi had turned down the volume considerably so he couldn’t make out exactly what he was saying. Not that he gave two shits. From this position, he could squeeze Lexi’s tits with his left hand and rub her thighs with his right.
“I know,” Lexi continued, as she covered Byron’s left hand with her right hand so she could force him to caress her breasts just the way she liked. “It’s been a pretty long day. I spent all day exploring the campus with Maddy. So I’m just tired.”
At this point, Maddy let out another audible gasp. Andy had slid her panties to the side and dipped his middle finger into her sex.
‘Finally,’ Maddy thought. She was definitely aroused and the idea of Lexi in bed with an illicit lover, while she talked to her man, only heightened her arousal. Couple that with the ministrations of Andy’s fingers which had traveled up her slit to find her small little clitoris and Maddy was already close to climax.
As Andy began pressing her buttons, he couldn’t believe how turned-on she was. She was already quivering and tiny as it was, he found her clit to be easily accessible. As he gently prodded her sensitive love button, her breathing became jagged and more audible as Andy pushed her closer and closer to release.
He was still squeezing her boob and massaging her nipple with his left hand and the combination of sensations was driving Maddy wild.
“No, I haven’t met any of my professors or classmates besides Maddy obviously,” Lexi continued as Byron lightly pinched her nipple. He ceased rubbing her thighs to the dismay of Lexi, but returned his hand to her legs once he removed his pants so that he was only in his boxers.
“We were able to get some drinks from an older student, so we’ve been drinking alone in the dorm,” Lexi said.
‘That little liar!’ Byron thought he would punish her for that fib and began rubbing her pussy through her panties a little more forcibly which took Lexi by surprise. The sensation of the cotton against her pussy felt amazing. But it felt better when he moved her panties out of the way and began rubbing her already-soaked pussy.
Lexi needed to move the phone away from her mouth so she could stifle her soft moan and her heavy breathing. She needed to end this call but she realized her boyfriend was asking her a question.
“What’d u say?” she asked, as Byyon made sure to rub her clean shaven pussy-lips as well as catch her nub, which was hidden under her clit hood, making Lexi’s entire vagina slick with her own juices. “No, we haven’t even seen our RA. So no one knows we’ve got alcohol.”
“Uuuuunnnggghh!” Maddy couldn’t hold back.
Lexi heard the deep, satisfied, yet somewhat stifled, moan from her best friend’s bed. Andy had sunk his middle finger deep into Maddy’s soaking hot tunnel while using his thumb to keep the pressure on her clit. That forced Maddy’s impending climax to boil over accompanied by her guttural groan of pleasure.
The orgasm came from deep inside her and she shuddered as it subsided and she turned to make out with Andy again, her lust satiated.
The former track star was still being tortured however as Byron had taken it upon himself to stick his ring finger and his middle finger down her slick love tunnel and begin sliding in and out of her.
“Whiskey,” Lexi said. “And vodka for me.”
Her voice was shaking, Her legs were wide-open and trembling. She was so close to a huge orgasm but needed her boyfriend off the phone. She grabbed Byron’s wrist with her right hand as he continued to pummel her vagina with his fingers.
“Yeah, ….I do need … sleep,” Lexi said, taking quick breaths while talking to hide or at least mask the desire in her voice. Byron had, at last, found her G-spot and was now in complete control of her senses. Lexi knew she had only seconds before she exploded all over his fingers. “We are…oh… gunna need to find classes so… hmmph… I’ll call you tomorrow, babe.”
She hung up the phone just as Alan was saying how much he missed her and immediately grabbed a fistful of blanket, turned and covered her face.
With a noise that was half-moan, half scream she had one of the most forceful orgasms of her life. Her body jerked and her hips ground into Byron’s groin. Her brain couldn’t focus on anything but the flood of pleasure signals coming from her pussy.
The orgasm continued to wash over her even as Byron’s fingers slipped a little from her G-spot. Byron, wanting to be certain she was satisfied, continued to rub her to completion before he sensed that she was done cumming. He slowed his finger to a gentle stroke as Lexi continued to twitch slightly in the afterglow of her climax.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the adventures of these horny teens. Stay tuned for more antics across the hall. Please vote and comment. Feedback is greatly appreciated. More to come.