Her name was Margot, a gorgeous woman who was introduced to me at a mutual friend’s party. She was hot and I was thrilled, except we were no sooner introduced when she said, “You look kind of wimpy.”
I’m not a big muscular guy, but I’m relatively fit and I get occasional compliments on how I look. I’m pretty confident in my physical abilities. I played football and wrestled in high school. I won nearly all of my wrestling matches. Sure, that was fifteen years ago, but I’m still in pretty good shape. I work out three or four times a week, and I run a little. I’m alright with the way I look.
“You don’t work out much, do you?” She asked. “Do you exercise at all? You look out of shape but I bet you think you look great.” Then she says, “I bet even I could take you.” She eyeballed me from head to toe with a snarky smile on her face when she said, “I bet if we wrestled, I’d win.”
What a snotty, arrogant little bitch, I thought. I didn’t know how to respond. She must be crazy to suggest she could stand a chance of beating me in a wrestling match. “Really…and the stakes for this bet are?” I asked.
“Sexual domination,” she said confidently. “If I win, I get to do anything I want to you. If you win, you get to do whatever you want to me.” She went on, “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. This isn’t about pain. I’ll just defeat you, restrain you, strip you, and sexually humiliate you. I love humiliating cocky little boys like you.”
I was getting pissed. I’m not cocky. I do my best to be humble and polite. I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue the conversation…but her looks were hard to resist.
She was saying she’d beat me in a wrestling match. That was absurd. Was this some sort of a come-on? Her offer seemed too good to be true. I’ve often fantasized about wrestling a hot chick, tying her up, and having my way with her, and I’ve fantasized about the reverse. She certainly filled the bill in the looks department, but while she appeared physically fit, she wouldn’t stand a chance against me. It was obvious she wanted me to do to her exactly what she claimed she would do to me – to be dominated and humiliated.
That’s the full extent of the thought I gave to her proposition before accepting her challenge. When it came to my thinking, dick ruled. I was getting hard thinking about it. I had no choice but to listen to my very smart dick.
She said she belongs to a gym with a boxing ring and she’d reserve it for a private session. She said she’d call with the address and tell me what time to meet her.
I must admit, I found it a little discomforting that she belonged to a gym with a boxing ring. Who is this woman? Still, I’m 6′ 2″ and I weigh 180 lbs. She was maybe 5′ 4″ and 130 lbs. – give or take.
For the next few days, I couldn’t stop thinking about what was to come. I asked a couple of friends who were at the party about her, but no one could tell me much more than I already knew. Two and a half weeks went by and I thought she wouldn’t call until finally, the phone rang. It was Margot.
“I reserved the gym for one week from today at 9:00 pm sharp,” she said. She gave me the address of the gym and said, “Knock four times, so I’ll know it’s you…unless you’re afraid.” She laughed and said, “You can still back out if you’re afraid. It’s not too late”
“Right,” I said. “I’ll be there.”
I was surprised at myself for accepting her challenge. It seemed it had to be some sort of setup but she was so hot, dick had to know for sure.
I couldn’t stop fantasizing about it. I couldn’t wait to see her naked and under my control. I thought about all the ways I would manipulate her. I wondered what she’d wear if anything. Should I bring rope?
The day arrived. I made sure I was there at exactly 9:00 p.m. I wore a black thong under my clothes. I brought straps – the kind with soft Velcro ends that can be secured around the wrists or ankles, and the other end can be secured to an anchor point. I’d strap her to the ring and make her the sex toy I always fantasized about.
I walked to the side door of the gym and knocked four times as she told me. I heard the deadbolt turn and when she opened the door I was taken by the amazing outfit she was wearing. A tiny, black, string bikini top drew my attention first. Black silk boxers slit up the sides to the waist were the perfect compliment. They were attached by Velcro at the waist so they would come off easily. I’d seen shorts like these in catalogs and had often thought they’d be perfect if someone were tied up. They’d eliminate any interference from the restraints. She looked like she was ready to be stripped. Once I tied her up, I would have no problem removing her clothes.
Margot’s breasts were medium-sized, full, and pert. She was stunning. It was obvious she was excited too. Her perfectly placed nipples were standing at attention as if they were looking straight at me. My anticipation grew. My heart began to pound. I walked in and she locked the door behind me.
She said, “Just so you fully understand, you and I are about to wrestle in the ring. Whoever wins will have the right to dominate the loser in any sexual manner the winner chooses – no pain, just sexual domination. Agreed?”
I said, “Isn’t that the bet we made at the party? Of course, I agree.”
She said, “I just want to make certain you understand everything that’s going to happen so there can be no confusion. Once we start, there will be no backing out. “One more thing,” she said, “Our fight will be recorded.”
“Backing out? Why would I want to back out?” I asked. “You’ll be the one wanting to back out. You’re mine.”
I wondered…why is she so confident and cocky? Wait, did she say recorded?
“Why will we be recorded?” I asked. “You’re not going to post this on the internet.”
“No, no,” she said, “But I want a copy for myself so I can get a laugh once in a while, and I’ll give you a copy so you’ll never forget the humiliation this little girl put you through.”
She caught me off guard, but immediately after she said it, I realized how foolish her statement was.
She held out a pair of black silk boxers just like the ones she was wearing. She said, “You’re wearing these – that way it’ll be fair.”
I said, “I already have something on I think you’ll like.”
“No,” she said, “You’ll wear these.” She pointed to the men’s locker room and in a commanding tone, she said, “Change in there.”
I asked, “What do you mean, fair?” I made a pathetic argument. “You have two items on and I’ll only have one. How is that fair?”
She laughed. “Wah, wah,” she said. “What’s the matter, are you afraid you’ll lose? You’re bigger than me.”
I grabbed the boxers and headed to the locker room.
When I came back, she was waiting for me in the ring. The ambiance of the room changed. Most of the lights were now turned off except for a few select spotlights. There were a couple of spots on the end walls well away from the ring. Another two were pointed at the long wall, and there were spots directly above the ring. The room was large. Outside of the direct lighting, the rest of the room was dim.
Margot looked magnificent. The tiny bikini top barely covered her nipples. Her shorts, slit to the waist, exposed her upper thighs as she sauntered around the ring.
I was already excited. I didn’t want to get hard yet because these shorts were so loose and revealing, I was afraid I’d pop out. I was feeling insecure about it. I didn’t want to give her a reason to make fun of me.
The ring was three ropes high. It was small – about fifteen feet across and only about six inches above the floor. I didn’t see any workout equipment. There was probably another room for that. This was “the fighting room,” I guess.
It was an old warehouse that had been renovated. The walls were concrete block and the room was about thirty feet wide and seventy-five feet long. Four steel support poles down the center the long way were reminiscent of a former machine shop. The ceiling was high, twenty feet or so, similar to a high school gymnasium. Three of the block walls were exposed, the longest of which had a large, painted mural of two fighters in a boxing ring. Other than the mural, the walls were painted dark steely blue as were the ceiling, pipes, and ductwork. The wall opposite the mural had an elegant, dark blue, velvet curtain covering it from end to end.
On closer inspection, the fighters in the mural were wearing boxing trunks, but each of them had hardons, creating large tents in the fronts of their trunks. One fighter had a mean, dominant expression on his face as he was punching the other guy in the gut. The fighter getting punched was doubled over with a pained expression. Additionally, the cheering crowd in the painting was comprised of all women. The painting told quite a story but it didn’t make sense that a mural like that would be in a gym the general public used. Something didn’t seem right.
“What are you waiting for?” Margot asked. “Are you having second thoughts?”
She startled me. I was trying to absorb everything in the room. I had never been in a boxing ring before and this was nothing like what I had pictured in my mind.
I didn’t want her to know this was my first time in a ring so I pulled the top rope up like I knew what I was doing and climbed over the center rope into the ring.
I hadn’t even stood up straight when she attacked.
Fortunately, I was quick enough to grab her wrists to keep her at bay but she slammed her wrists together, pinching my thumbs in between.
I let go immediately and gasped in pain. Before I could complain, she got behind me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and climbed onto my back.
Her sudden attack was unexpected. She caught me off balance and I dropped to the mat on my belly.
She kept her arms wrapped around my neck, choking me a little, but mostly hanging on for all she was worth. As soon as she had the chance, she wrapped each of her legs around my waist with her feet in my crotch.
She was stronger than expected. No matter how hard I tried; I was unable to get loose. I managed to get to my hands and knees but she held on, not giving an inch. I struggled to get her off of me but to no avail.
I finally got back to my feet. I thought, if I could get to a corner, I might be able to back up quickly and slam her into the post with hopes of exerting enough pressure to knock the wind out of her and force her to relinquish her grip.
She was desperately trying to bring me down again but I managed to get her back against the turnbuckle and pressed against her as hard as I could to force her to let go. She didn’t.
I looked down and there were the straps I brought, already tied to the ropes, one on each side of the corner on the top rope and one on each side of the corner on the bottom rope. She must’ve secured the straps while I was changing. Was she right when she said she would win? Could I have so underestimated her?
When I saw my straps already secured in place, I lost concentration. In that brief moment, one of her arms tightened around my neck with her hand locked onto her other arm which was now grabbing the top of my head. She exerted extreme pressure under my chin. She was choking off the blood flow to my brain. I wanted to tell her I’d had enough but I couldn’t talk, couldn’t swallow and I couldn’t breathe. I tried to tap out, but I was losing consciousness.
When I came to, I was sitting in the corner of the ring with my wrists secured to the top ropes. My left leg was already tied and she was securing my right.
It was over almost as quickly as it began. I suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of this pint-sized dynamo. She knew from the beginning she would win, and she knew how she’d win. Everything was perfectly scripted from the start and I severely underestimated her.
My god! How could I have been so stupid? Damn, dick got me into this.
I knew nothing about this woman or what she might be capable of. She is a black widow who will do as she pleases to her ensnared mate. I was afraid, sitting bound in the corner of the ring, powerless to do anything about my situation.
She was laughing. “Relax,” she said, “I won’t hurt you. I just love toying with little boys like you. That was such easy fun. You weren’t much of a threat.” She went on. “I had you right from the start. You were so sure you would win. You thought, just because you’re a big, strong man, you could handle a little girl like me. Well, surprise…you can’t. It’s time for me to collect.”
She leaned in front of my face and spoke in a soft voice, “I’m going to humiliate you beyond your wildest imaginings. You’re going to be my little sex toy.” She started laughing. “This’ll be so much fun. You’re in for some fun surprises?”
Filled with fear and apprehension, I couldn’t deny the anxiety I felt. I was her slave, yet despite my fear, something very arousing was happening.
She said, “You’re about to experience things you wouldn’t dream of in a million years. You look perfect, just like you did at the party. I picked you specifically because of your looks and your demeanor. That’s right, you look superb, contrary to what I said at the party. Why do you think I picked you? I certainly wasn’t going to pick some scrawny, homely guy.” Then she tells me, “I had so much fun toying with your manly pride. You were at my mercy then, and you’re at my mercy now. I plan on taking full advantage.”
She looked magnificent against the dark blue curtain as she strutted back and forth in front of me – taunting me – teasing me. She caressed herself slowly; rubbing her breasts, then her crotch, then back to her breasts. She was excited over her victory and she knew how much she turned me on. My fear turned to lust, then back to fear, and back to lust again.
She knelt before me, still slowly rubbing herself. I could smell her excitement.
I wanted to resist but I couldn’t help becoming hard. Part of me didn’t want her to see how excited I was, but another part of me wanted her to know how much I desired her. I found my predicament taking over every fiber of my being. I was anxious to know, yet afraid to find out what she had in store.
She reached over and lightly ran her hand up the inside of my thigh. I flinched with anticipation. She stopped just short of my balls and slowly slid her hand back down my leg. I was disappointed that she didn’t continue to my cock, but the tease heightened my excitement.
She smiled and said, “You like this don’t you?”
I wanted to tell her, “No” but I sighed and said, “Yes.”
She looked at my cock and said, “I can see how much you like it.” She continued with her gentle touch on my thigh.
I became extremely hard, anticipating that first contact I knew would take my breath away. I think I was harder than I’ve ever been, almost to the point of being in pain and she hadn’t even touched anything beyond my thigh. Despite my fear, it felt incredible to be dominated and teased by her.
I was frustrated that she wasn’t touching me where I wanted to be touched. Finally, she slowly slid her hand over my silk shorts, feeling my balls and up my cock. I gasped and moaned, stunned and disoriented by my arousal. She said, “I want you turned on more than you’ve ever been, helpless boy.”
I said, “I’m there.”
She said, “No you’re not. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
I couldn’t imagine what the hell was next.
She began stroking my cock, still covered inside the silk boxers. Her other hand lightly fondled my balls and my ass, also still covered.
I thought I couldn’t take much more without cumming, but she stopped and we both watched my cock throb under my shorts.
She smiled continually with occasional giggles, thoroughly enjoying the control she had over me.
I thought I heard something behind me. It sounded like the side door where I came in but since she didn’t react to it, I didn’t give it much thought. Margot continued to stroke, but after a few seconds she said, ”Well, it’s time for your next surprise.”
My thought was that she’d stroke me to the finish. Instead, in walked two more women.
My heart began to race from embarrassment and fear.
I was horrified, yet I was still hard as a rock. Margot introduced them as Cory and Fina.
I insisted, “This wasn’t part of the bet.”
“Oh yes it is,” she said. “The bet was simply for sexual domination. The winner gets to do anything they want to the loser and you, my friend, are the loser.”
So, this is what she meant when she said, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
Both girls were pretty. They stripped off their outer clothing to reveal very different, but beautiful, nearly naked bodies. Cory was stunning, about five-foot-two, beautifully proportioned, small-breasted, and slim. She wore a tiny pink string bikini top and thong. She fit every aspect of my fantasy woman – petite, sassy short hair, sweet expression, and very little makeup. Fina was fuller-bodied with larger breasts, wearing short, baggy tap pants and a thin, loose-fitting tank top. Fina’s breasts swayed back and forth as she moved. I could see her nipples through the thin, knit material. I anticipated her tits falling out of the oversized arm holes but somehow, they stayed in. As attractive as Margot and Fina were, Cory was the one who took my breath away. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
Cory and Fina came into the ring to admire Margot’s catch. Margot said, “My friends like humiliating little boys too, so I’m going to share you with them.”
Margot knelt in front of me, lightly stroked me, and fondled my balls while Cory and Fina watched.
I quickly became aroused again but just as I was about to cum, she’d stop. I was frustrated.
Cory and Fina enjoyed seeing me under Margot’s control. The scent of female juices filled the air. It was as though, the more turned on I got, the more turned on they got, which of course, got me even more turned on.
Fina said, “Quit fucking around Margot. Let’s see his cock. I want to see him naked, helpless, and excited about it. No doubt, he thought he would dominate you. Surprise… Make him squirm. I love watching a man struggling against his restraints.”
Despite fearing their control, that’s exactly why I was so excited. I was helpless and at their mercy, and it was turning me on to no end.
Cory got out of the ring. She came up behind me, grabbed the back of my shorts on each side, and pulled, giving me a wedgie and tightening my shorts around my cock and balls.
She came back into the ring laughing.
I didn’t think it was funny, but it magnified the feeling of vulnerability. Seeing the outline of my erect cock under my tight boxers in front of these women elevated my arousal.
Margot began stroking me again. “I guess it’s time,” she said.
In the most teasing way, she slowly pulled one of the Velcro sides apart, not allowing any part of my genitalia to be exposed. My shorts became loose except for the wedgie still up my ass. Then she pulled the other side apart. A thin strip of silk to obscure their view was all that was left.
I was beside myself, torn between anxiety and arousal.
Cory left the ring again, walked over to the end of the curtain, and began pulling the rope that opens it. As the curtain opened slowly, it revealed an audience of at least 20 women seated at tables, having drinks and watching the show. I had assumed the curtain covered another block wall. I had no idea there was an audience.
Margot said, “They’ve been watching you on a big screen TV from the moment you walked in the door.”
I looked around and discovered cameras mounted on the support poles closest to the ring.
As the curtain opened, the women in the other room broke their silence with applause and cheers.
Margot told me this was a women-only club. She said, “We hold periodic female vs. male, female vs female, and even occasional male vs. male sex fights including some male humiliation events. These women and others support the club through memberships simply because they love watching sex fights. Some of us, including Fina and Cory work for the club. We put on sex fights for the viewing pleasure of the members. That’s the sole purpose for the club’s existence, and by the way,” she says, “Tonight is a male humiliation event. Isn’t that cool?”
It was frightening, humiliating, and embarrassing, yet I was never so aroused. I was this evening’s show. That’s why she reiterated the bet before we started fighting, probably in case something went wrong or I might want to sue, she had video evidence of my agreement.
With the curtain now open and the excitement intensifying, the women in the audience migrated to the edge of the ring.
I was powerless. They could do anything they wanted. Margot continued to stroke while she gently reached under my shorts and lightly fondled my balls.
Fear and lust overwhelmed me. Being the focus of a humiliating sex show was beyond anything I’d ever imagined. No, that’s not true. I had imagined it. I just never thought I’d experience it.
Margot slowly pulled back the lower part of my shorts revealing my balls. She stroked my silk-clad cock while playing with newly exposed parts of me. Every stroke, every light touch made me squirm as the sensations continued to elevate my level of arousal.
The women called for more, chanting, “Cock, cock.”
My emotions were frazzled. I was afraid, yet more aroused than I’d ever been. Despite my fear, I was excited to be the center of attention, and anxious to be shown off to an appreciative crowd of women.
The women continued chanting, but Margot said, “All in good time. Let’s just keep him on the edge for a while. We’ve got all night. Let’s have some fun first. Then we’ll take him up another notch.”
Fina came up behind Margot, knelt behind her, and reached around to caress Margot’s tits. I had the perfect view of this new show and I stared in amazement.
Was this for the benefit of the three girls in the ring, for the audience, for me…or all of the above? I guess it didn’t matter. It was an incredible sight to behold regardless of the motive.
Margot became increasingly excited. Very slowly and deliberately, Fina pulled the cups of Margot’s top aside so her tits were exposed. They were perfect. I didn’t know how much more I could stand without cumming. Then Fina reached inside Margot’s shorts from behind and began stroking her clit.
Margot was getting incredibly hot, yet she never stopped stroking me.
Cory came over and stood in front of Margot, pulled her own thong aside, and thrust her pussy into Margot’s face. Margot went after Cory’s pussy like she hadn’t eaten in weeks.
Slowly running her hands up Margot’s leg, Fina pulled the Velcro apart on one side of Margot’s shorts and pulled them back so I could see her pussy as she continued stroking Margot’s clit. Margot looked me straight in the eye as I watched her excitement escalate. She loved being watched.
The intensity of Fina’s strokes increased and Margot yelled, “I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum.” She tensed up in front of me and nearly collapsed from the intensity of her orgasm, moaning, almost screaming as she came.
The women surrounding the ring applauded.
I nearly came too, but Margot’s orgasm was so intense, she stopped stroking me. She doubled over as she shuttered from aftershocks.
Margot looked up at me and smiled as she regained her senses. She said, “Did you like that? You didn’t think I’d let you cum yet, did you?” and went back to licking Cory’s pussy.
Cory had the kind of looks I’d dreamt of waking up to every morning. Her sweet face and her petite body were perfect in every way.
Fina stood up, and fondled Cory’s tits the same way she fondled Margot’s, eventually pulling the cups on Cory’s bikini top to the sides, exposing her tits as she had done to Margot. I was intensely focused on Cory’s body and facial expressions as Margot and Fina devoted all their attention to her.
Cory grabbed each loose armhole of Fina’s top and pulled them together in the middle of Fina’s chest, exposing her tits through those oversized armholes. With her other hand, she reached into a pocket on Fina’s tap pants and pulled out a pocket rocket vibrator. She hit the switch, slid it up the leg of Fina’s baggy tap pants, and penetrated her with it. Fina gasped.
Margot was still licking Cory’s pussy when she began stroking me again. I desperately needed to cum but Margot had other ideas. When she thought I was getting close, she’d stop, frustrating me in the process.
Cory gave in to Margot’s tongue, sweating and moaning loudly, nearly dropping to her knees on shaky legs. She grabbed the back of Margot’s head, doubled over, and came hard.
At the sight of Cory cumming, Fina came almost simultaneously.
I was squirming and moaning, begging to cum as Margot stroked me, but that would not be allowed.
The women surrounding the ring drowned out my pleas as they clapped and cheered for Cory and Fina’s orgasms.
The sights and smells of these three women were driving me crazy. I had to blow, but Margot wouldn’t allow it.
After Cory’s aftershocks, they all turned their attention toward me.
Cory said, “C’mon Margot, quit fucking around! We all want to see his cock.”
Cory and Fina knelt on either side of Margot. They grabbed my legs and pulled me away from the corner post which put me in more of a horizontal position with my arms straight up in the air and my legs spread farther apart.
Margot was still stroking my cock through my shorts. My balls and ass were still exposed. She took full advantage, lightly rimming me and driving me crazy from the sensations.
Margot said, “It’s time to get a look at you.”
My cock was as hard as it could be. My balls were tight as a drum. My heart was pounding, racing from fear and excitement. I knew she would expose me and force me to orgasm for all to see. Nothing even remotely close to this had ever happened to me before.
She kept stroking, but so lightly now that my shorts were gradually slipping out of her hand until they finally dropped to the mat, fully exposing my rigid cock. My vulnerability was intoxicating and I squirmed uncontrollably from the sensations I was feeling in front of all these women.
Fina got up and walked to the edge of the ring. She returned with a bottle of lube.
While Margot continued stroking, Fina squirted lube all over my cock and balls and Margot’s hand. There was lube everywhere.
Cory held up the pocket rocket and said, “I wonder if he’d like this shoved up his ass.”
I said “No!”
With that, she turned it on and held it tightly against my asshole. She didn’t shove it in, but she applied pressure making me afraid she would. That level of fear elevated my vulnerability and arousal making me want her to shove it in. I was huffing and moaning without restraint, willingly giving up every bit of dignity I might have had.
Margot began stroking me a little faster while Fina lightly fondled my balls.
It was obvious the women around the ring were enjoying the show as they watched with intent calling out, “Make the fucker cum,” and, “Torture him.”
My cock was never harder, and my balls were never tighter. I couldn’t take any more. I had to cum.
Just when I was about to blow, Margot stopped. I let out a loud, sighing moan in frustration. “What the fuck are you doing to me?” I asked
She said, “You want to cum?”
“Yes!” I exclaimed.
Cory untied my right hand and Margot said, “Do it yourself. Grab your cock and stroke it for us.”
I had to cum. I did as I was told.
Margot said, “We’ll help you.”
All three girls were feeling my balls while running their hands up and down the insides of my thighs. Cory was still holding the pocket rocket tight against my asshole until she slowly pushed it in. I would finally get my release.
I strained, screaming through clenched teeth as I let loose a huge load high in the air. It was the mother of all orgasms. I huffed with every pulse of my cock, bringing me beyond the height of pleasure. I was drooling as I looked at all the women watching me in my most vulnerable state. My balls felt a level of pain with every pulsing squirt.
Cory yanked my hand away from my cock and forced my arm behind my back. Margot took over stroking me. She focused her grip on the sensitive head. With lube and cum between her hand and my cock, I continued to scream and squirm uncontrollably. I thought the throbbing of my cock and my body would never end as I did my best to endure the torture that tickled and hurt at the same time. Margot forced me to bounce around helplessly while trying to free myself from her cruel hand.
I could hear women laughing at my gyrations through the sound of their applause and my screams. They loved the sight of me twisting in my restraints.
Finally, Margot decided I’d had enough and gradually slowed the pace of her strokes. Fina continued with her light touch on my balls, and I continued to twitch until the sensations finally subsided. They made sure they milked out every last drop and every last quake.
I was a worthless blob of naked gel, helpless and spent with three limbs still tied to the ropes. I had been sexually exploited and molested, forced into bondage, and tormented to the point where I humiliated myself by jerking off in front of them. It was degrading, yet it was the most sexually exciting experience of my life. I will never be the same.
The audience went back to their tables and Margot untied me. Fina brought over a pail of warm water and told me to clean up my mess.
Still naked and utterly humiliated, I cleaned up myself and the corner of the ring while watching Margot, Cory, and Fina get dressed.
I still had a hard time keeping my eyes off Cory. Everything about her was irresistible. She looked at me and smiled, but in light of what I’d just been through, I felt worthless. I knew I stood no chance with her.
The women in the crowd were chuckling and making fun of me. I was spent and embarrassed. Margot won and I was left without a shred of dignity, yet it was the wildest, rawest sexual experience of my life.
After I was finished cleaning up, they allowed me to go and get dressed. When I came back into the gym, Fina and Cory were sitting at a table with a couple of other women. It felt good when Cory looked at me with a sweet smile on her face, but I knew I wasn’t at her level.
Margot handed the straps, the sexy boxers, and a jump drive to me. She said, “The jump drive is a copy of the night’s events. It’s time for you to leave,” and she held the door open for me.
I felt compelled to ask, “Do you think maybe we could…?”
She interrupted and put her finger to my lips, “Not a chance.”
I gave one last look around the “gym” before I walked out the door. It was over. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. A version of one of my wildest fantasies became a reality, and I had a precious recording I could beat off to. I’ll remember and relive what happened that night until the day I die.