Sincatcher Finale

"Saralynn's unusual church trip cums to a close"

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Overall, the day went extremely well. It felt good to talk to others about the church. They received a few interested parties and collected some names, numbers, and donations. Many men seemed especially eager to speak with the girls and the boys did a good job chatting with a few girls. Though Bonnie and Virginia seemed less keen on recruiting more women. But it was busy, and it distracted Saralynn and took her mind off what was to come later. However, that lingering sense of dread returned whenever she saw the other girls talking to the guys.

Bonnie spoke with Preston first, and Saralynn noticed her standing with her arms behind her back, her posture almost unnaturally straight while they conversed. She didn’t know what Bonnie said or how she explained it to him, but he looked over to Saralynn afterward with a somewhat wicked grin on his face.

Virginia took Travis, and although Saralynn missed most of the conversation, only catching one part of it where Virginia touched his arm and he nodded at her and let out a heavy sigh, she noticed him watching her throughout the rest of the day. But not in the same hungry way Preston did. Nor in the way that Gavin kept looking over at her, with devotion and admiration. It was something else. Something she couldn’t quite pinpoint.

No one seemed to have told Gavin about anything, however. Maybe the other girls expected her to. They certainly seemed pleased to see her talking with him at one point. But that conversation solely consisted of him complimenting her swimsuit and telling her what a great job she was doing getting all those signatures and donations.

Saralynn didn’t know a person could experience such exhilaration and such devastation at the same time.

For the rest of the day, she just concentrated on the recruitment, their personal time on the beach afterward, and the celebratory final dinner with the city’s church group, pastor, and volunteers. She just went through the paces, until she found herself back in the closet much later that night.

Once again, kneeling there, naked and waiting, Saralynn felt nervous. Moreso than the first day, twice as much as the second. This final day made her more anxious than anything in her life ever had. She had even taken off her cross and put it to the side of her cardigan. She’d commit to her duties, sacrifice what she needed to, but something felt wrong about wearing it tonight.

She wondered who would come through the door first. Who would first get to use her in this new way. She hoped it was Gavin. She hoped that even if she couldn’t do this just for him, he could be the first one to experience it at least. A small consolation to a heart-wrenching situation. But she knew he wouldn’t be first. She expected Preston. The way he glared at her throughout the day, she knew temptation had built up inside of him and he wanted to release it on her. And that she would have to take it.

The door opened, and she prepared to face him, to accept his sinful load into herself.


“Hey, Saralynn.”

The lanky boy shut the door and strolled over to her but did not unzip his pants or take out his member.

“Sorry to sound surprised. I thought Preston might have been first tonight. But I’m glad to help you and…” She stumbled, the words hard and heavy. “Let you—”

“Preston’s not coming.”

“What?” She gaped at him with wet eyes, confusion etched on her face. “Was he not… I saw the temptation in him earlier. Doesn’t he need to—”

“Oh, he’s mighty tempted but I… ‘convinced’ him that he could handle it on his own. He assured me he’ll not give in to anything while we’re still here. So, you don’t have to worry about that. And the other girls won’t know either. It’ll all be between us. I just wanted to come in here and let you know.”

A weight lifted off Saralynn’s shoulder. That small act of kindness from Travis mended something broken inside of her and the world shifted, brightening and rightening itself. Her heart and soul glowed, an invisible chorus erupted around her, and a sense of peace and elation and goodness enveloped her in its warm embrace. She sniffled and wiped at her eye. “Thank you, Travis.”

He gave her a nod and a smile and was about to turn back toward the door when she stopped him. “Do you want to use me? If you need to and want to, you can.”

Travis gave her the same look he had given her all throughout the day, the one she couldn’t quite put her finger on. One almost of respect and care and love, but not like the love found in Gavin’s eyes. “If you don’t mind, honestly and truly don’t mind, I wouldn’t either.”

“I don’t mind. Not for you.”

Saralynn parted her lips, offering herself, but he chuckled and pushed her mouth closed with a gentle finger on her chin. “That’s for Gavin and you to share. But I appreciate the thought.”

Removing his cock from his pants, he closed his eyes and started masturbating.

They both remained silent the entire time, a contrast to their usual chatty encounters. Instead, she watched him stroking and pumping at himself, his breathing picking up, growing steadily heavier, while he kept his eyes shut and thought about Virginia. Even though he didn’t say, she knew that’s who he was thinking of, who he always thought of. Picturing her breasts, probably how her swimsuit showed them off, displaying so much of them. Virginia told her that first day, “that’s what you’re for,” when it came to how she teased him, and Saralynn was glad to be. She was happy to give Travis this. Give rather than do what Virginia did: take.

He groaned and stiffened and came.

“She doesn’t like you, you know,” Saralynn told him as he reached for the door handle. “I heard her say that she just likes the attention. I’m not saying it to be mean or cruel or to hurt her. I just thought you should know.”

“I know she doesn’t like me.”

“Then why do you give her so much when you deserve so much better?”

He gave her a wistful smile. “It’s like I said yesterday. Devils… and fools. Have a nice night, Saralynn.”

Travis opened the door and walked out into the dark.

Once he left, Saralynn reached for her cardigan and wiped her face clean of his expended load. She then picked her cross back up off the floor and resecured it around her neck, giving it a quick squeeze before dropping her hand away and waiting for Gavin to enter.

She’d didn’t have to wait much longer. The doorknob turned, and like the door to her heart, Gavin ambled on in.

“Hey, Gavin.”

“Hey, Saralynn.”

They stared at each other, smiles on their faces, an air of joy and serenity and happiness around them. Despite her nakedness, he looked only at her face in this moment, like nothing else in the closet or house or world mattered.


“Yes, Gavin?”

“Will you go out with me?”

Her grin almost split her face in two.

Saralynn jumped to her feet. Gavin reached a full head taller than her, and she stood on tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. It seemed almost silly: her naked in front of him and having taken multiple loads on her face over the past couple days yet still too shy and reserved to kiss him on the lips.

“I would love to.”

They hugged, unable to hold themselves back any longer, Gavin almost lifting her off her feet. He held her tight, savoring the sensation of her, her presence and warmth. Then he gradually noticed the other things. Her bare skin under his arms. Her naked breasts smushed against his torso. Her nipples poking into his shirt. That butt he enjoyed inches away from his fingers.

Gavin slid his hand down her lower back and landed on Saralynn’s wide rear.

She leaned back from his chest while he palmed her behind, his large hand incapable of fitting the whole cheek in its grasp. His growing bulge pushed into her stomach and mound, and she bit her lip and playfully twisted her leg side to side.

“I think you may have some temptation you need to release,” she said, backing away from him. A strange buzz ran through her… along with a growing tingling between her legs. She sank to her knees and took her place on the ground. “And instead of a sincatcher, you have a girlfriend ready to take it all.”

In seconds, Gavin had his thick, lengthy babymaker out and pointed at his new, kneeling girlfriend. The size of it continued to shock her, but now it also excited her. Because one day, that same massive penis was going to fill her up and provide them a family. A rather big family considering how much the idea made the buzz inside her grow and spread, meeting with the tingling down below to create a tsunami of passionate delight. Her soft eyes took on a heated haze. Her bare chest rose and fell in steady shallow breaths. And Saralynn said, right before parting her lips and opening her mouth wide, “Ready to take it all inside of her.”

Gavin’s already stiff prick pulsed in anticipation. His hand flew across his long length, sticky pleasure leaking from his tip and extending down, down, almost snapping off to meet the floor before Saralynn leaned forward and collected it on her tongue. He moaned, a low joyful rumble that ended in him sighing her name. She smiled with her eyes, wanting to keep her mouth open for him, and another drip of excitement gathered on her tongue.

Gavin gasped and groaned. Last night, he found her nudity alluring but now she appeared positively radiant. A naked angel come to accept his desire into herself.

Like a prophetic vision he saw them together on their marital night: her on her back and gazing up at him with the same lovingly wanton expression. She’d spread her thighs, offering her treasure to him and he’d open her up, sinking his thick, hefty member inside of her, making her squeal out in joy. Her tightness would hug his shaft as inch after inch disappeared into her dripping tunnel. Deeper and deeper, until she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him close when their pubic hairs mingled. He pictured himself passionately pumping into her with powerful thrusts, filling her completely, her womanhood stretched to accommodate his size. Her breasts bounced from their enthusiastic coupling and when he released into her, flooding her womb with a river of sticky seed, cries of bliss rang out from her hung open mouth.

Her hung open mouth.

Gavin returned to the present, to the same parted lips and eager face of Saralynn but now upright in front of him, inches away from his jerking penis. She was going to take his eruption inside of her. She was letting him eject his cum past her parted lips, into her cavernous mouth, and she’d gulp it all down. He whimpered, his gyrating hips fucking into his humping fist.

Saralynn continued to watch her masturbating boyfriend, taking pleasure not only his enthusiasm but also in giving him this special gift. She saw their future together in his devotion, his desire — and shared every longing grunt and groan. She dreamed of his large member pushing all the way into her. She imagined that stiff tool hammering her privates. She fantasized about him on top of her, lying on his back below her, and from his admitted interests, behind her slamming into her childbearing hips, the sounds of their joyful and fervent lovemaking like a carnal chorus.

The met each other’s eyes and Gavin came.

His heavy load blasted out of him, every pulse almost audible in its intensity. Its wild nature sent a few stray streams of sticky love onto her cheek, lips, and nose, but the vast majority of his expenditure splashed into her mouth, coating her tongue and forming an opaque lake of spunk.

They maintained eye contact the entire time, connected in a joint fantasy of impassioned sexual intercourse, wordlessly communicating their cravings and the tableau of him buried to the hilt inside of her and spilling his seed in mutual climax.

When Gavin at last finished draining his balls into Saralynn’s mouth, she closed her lips and swallowed.

Like the previous two nights, Bonnie came into the closet to get her after Gavin left, unaware that he was the only one that used her mouth that night. True to his word, Travis made sure that stayed a secret, and Preston never ratted that fact out to anyone. Even after he and Bonnie got together a few months after the church trip. Miss Anne found them in the same storage room that Saralynn and Bonnie had had their conversation in, Bonnie bent over a table with her jeans around her ankles, Preston behind her aggressively pounding away at the blonde’s no longer innocent snatch. It led to a rather large scandal around town, and Bonnie left the church group once it was discovered she was pregnant. Her and Preston became too busy planning their last-minute wedding to deal with the group and whatever happened on the trip.

A lot changed after Bonnie left. They saw her around town, and everyone was still friendly with her, but it was different. The dynamics of the group shifted. Everyone turned to Saralynn to take charge and organize. Deep down, the other girls really did respect what she had done on that trip and the longer time went on the more they even looked up to her. Under Saralynn’s guidance, their church group became more involved in community work, recruited more members, and turned into a safe space where everyone could confess their thoughts and talk about things openly and honestly without fear.

Nora and Darlene revealed they had a relationship with each other. A new guy named Matt and his girlfriend Allie strengthened their bond after receiving advice on what they could do sexually before getting married. Even Virginia admitted to insecurities about not trusting guys’ feelings for her because of her endowments. The group helped her work through those anxieties and her and Travis even ended up becoming close friends because of it. Not as close as he and Saralynn were but still very close.

Even Saralynn and Gavin’s relationship changed. It got even better. They went on real dates to dinner and a movie, worked together on events and church-related efforts, and continued their regular releases of temptation with one another, Saralynn happily serving in this duty exclusively for her boyfriend and no one else.

They never went any farther than Gavin painting her face or filling her mouth — and occasionally releasing onto her nose, which always made her giggle — but it came as no surprise when less than a year into their relationship Gavin proposed and Saralynn joyfully accepted in front of all their friends in the church group.

The wedding night was everything they could have hoped for and more, and the sounds of their eager and enthusiastic lovemaking filled the familiar Airbnb the group had rented for them all through the night and into the morning… for three straight days. They mostly kept their activities to the bedroom, trying every position imaginable and glad for the privacy as they both really enjoyed voicing their satisfaction; however, on their last night there, they couldn’t help but venture into that closet one more time.

Nora, Darlene, and Virginia had long since apologized for what they made her do during that group trip, for putting her in the position that they did. But as Saralynn knelt on the closet floor, crying out in ecstasy as her husband took her from behind, his hands on her wide hips and his big, fat battering ram pistoning in and out of her, it was hard to regret what happened and where it got her. She was tested, faced hardships and heartbreak, almost lost herself, but she never gave up, didn’t quit and did what she had to for others, and in the end, she was rewarded. With Gavin. With love and happiness. And if the amount of baby-batter blasted into her these past few days had anything to say about it, with the first of what was sure to be a large family.

As Gavin plowed forward one more time, filling her body and soul completely, Saralynn smiled, tossed back her head, and sang out toward heaven.


Published 2 years ago

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