A Stranger in Paradise Part Ten

"With the holiday festival wrapped up, the stranger heads to the bathhouse with a quartet of female friends..."

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As the festivities of the past three days drew to a close and the villagers started to dismantle the stalls and stages they had set up for the extended holiday, I was truly blessed in the fact that the party wasn’t yet over for me. In fact, my revelry felt like it was just beginning because even though I was the fortunate man who had had the honor of banging the Queen of the Festival, I believed I was about to partake in something just as exciting since I had four women leading me to the bathhouse.

I should probably back up for a minute. When I say “banging” the Queen of the Festival, I think it would only be fair of me to take a moment to edit those words. Yes, Rosalind had been dubbed the Queen of the Festival, but to say that I had “banged” her is just plain vulgar on my part. Referring to the night of passion we had shared together as “banging” is obscene in nature. What we did was not something dirty, but instead decorous and virtuous. What we did was make love. We had truly shared a wonderful moment, and to call it anything other than “lovemaking” would be degrading what we had. We had made sweet, passionate love…and it had been amazing.

With that being said, I can’t deny that as I walked with Sara attached to my left arm and Dinah on my right, it was pretty darned amazing to watch Isis’s amazing buns bounce as she led the way in front of me. It didn’t hurt that I was giving Madelyne a piggyback ride during all of this, so I could feel her plump breasts mashed against my back and her fat nipples digging into my flesh as she wrapped her arms around my neck and giggled in glee. Neither I nor my boner could wait to reach the bathhouse at the end of the path.

It was one thing that the quartet of women I was with were all drop-dead gorgeous, but I appreciated the four of them on so many other levels. Dinah was the oldest of the bunch and had an air of intelligence about her, and since Sara had saved me just outside of the colony, I almost thought of her having a “motherly” way about her. That’s not meant to sound creepy by any means. I just felt that she was protective and seemed to watch over me…and I appreciated that about her.

Isis was different than the others in that she almost came off as being somewhat regal. That probably makes her sound hoity-toity, but she wasn’t. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense in these particular terms, but she acted like she was above everyone else, but not in an arrogant way. Again, I’m sure my descriptions of these wonderful women sound confusing, but I know what I’m talking about. I knew that even though Isis was elegance personified, she wasn’t uppity in any way whatsoever.

Madelyne was something else entirely. The shortest member of our quintet was not only the kinkiest, but ironically enough, also the most insecure. It sounds funny putting those two terms together, but it’s the only way to say it. I would never forget the first time I had met her when she had been ridiculed by an authority figure for her lack of height…

My brain suddenly felt fuzzy as I came to a halt and lifted my right hand to my head. Dinah was the first to question if I was all right, and even Maddie asked if I needed her to climb off my back. When Isis and Sara both stopped to check on me, I shook my noggin and remembered that meeting the silver-haired fox had occurred in her home after I had blown a huge load all over her adorable roommate, Cassandra. Why, then, would I have a hazy vision in my head of a pompous scholar who thought he was above everyone else…?

“Are you all right?”

I again shook my head clear of the cobwebs after hearing my name a few times from the concerned women with me. When I saw the legitimate worry etched on their beautiful faces, I did my best to crack a smile and tell them that everything was fine. I tried to convince them that I had enjoyed the revelry of the festival a little too much, but my white lie wasn’t exactly compelling since they all knew I didn’t drink.

Sara placed her hands on her amazing hips. Her hourglass figure was something else, but I couldn’t stay focused on it for long as she asked, “Is there something you’re not telling us?”

“I’m fine!” I fibbed again with a chortle. I tried not to think about the trouble I had had remembering my past when I had been with both Kaede and Rosa on separate occasions. It was troubling, but it wasn’t going to stop me from living my life. “I think what I need more than anything right now is to clean up a bit. A shower will clear my mind and put me at ease, so let’s keep moving, shall we?”

Maddie flashed me a devious smile and mentioned how I was a “dirty” man and needed to be cleansed. I couldn’t have agreed with her more in that moment as I gave Isis a pat on the rump and told her to continue leading the way. She gleefully did just that.


Upon entering the bathhouse, I could see that there were other people present and washing off in the larger pool of the main room. One man actually looked to be going for a leisurely swim, but everyone else was either cleaning or toweling themselves off. I probably don’t have to mention this, but the moment I set foot in the establishment with four amazing females surrounding me that were giggling like schoolgirls due to excitement, the eyes of everyone present were squarely upon us.

Maddie was the first to point to the smaller basin of water as she energetically shouted, “I say we lay claim to the smaller pool for ourselves!” Both Sara and Isis agreed with her as they rushed over to the bathing area that was roughly the size of a hot tub.

Remaining firmly attached to my right arm, Dinah glanced at me with a hint of concern still evident on her mature visage as she once again made sure that I was all right. I answered her with a smile and nod before catching her off guard and throwing myself behind her. I then reached down with my right hand and placed it between her legs so I could begin rubbing her furry cooch while using my other to grope her massive left tit. She immediately began sensually sighing as I kissed her neck and showed her exactly how well I was feeling.

“Hey, you two!” Madelyne shouted from where she and the other two women were splashing in the smaller pool of water. “Bring that action over here, where we can all benefit from it!”

I think Dinah would’ve been fine with continuing right then and there while a few of the onlookers from the other side of the bathhouse watched on, but we eventually made our way to the other three bathing beauties. When I stood at the edge of the pool and gazed down at the three stunners splashing one another, I couldn’t help but take note of all the gorgeous titties flopping around. I was one hell of a lucky guy.

As Dinah lowered herself into the warm waters below, Isis gazed up and saw my stiff meat swaying while I watched her and the others flounder about in the soothing liquid. Since I was just standing there, the ebony goddess eventually told me, “You need to get down here with the rest of us so we can fondle that wonderful cock of yours!”

Who was I to argue with such a statement? I quickly stepped into the water and onto the outer ring of seating within the basin. I would’ve lowered myself completely into the pool, but I had both Isis and Maddie on me within a second. I instead placed my posterior on the outer ledge and had a seat…and then gleefully watched the two women swarm my lap as they began fighting over who was going to suck on me first. They quickly came to a compromise as Isis began inhaling my staff while Madelyne licked the base of it. About thirty seconds later, they traded positions.

I placed my hands on the floor behind me and sat back a bit while letting out a sigh of relief. It felt truly spectacular to have two of the most beautiful women I had ever seen sharing my cock and balls for an afternoon snack, but it was just as incredible to gaze across the pool and see both Dinah and Sara staring at me with hungry eyes as they played with each other’s massive mammaries while kissing in such a way so they could keep their eyes glued to me. Neither of them blinked as they swapped spit and gazed at me, and when they started rubbing their enormous jugs together, they knew they were exciting me in ways I had never imagined possible.

When Isis was again sucking on me, Maddie stood up in the small pool and began pushing the ebony babe’s head further down on me. The dignified woman gargled as she deepthroated my entire length with her thick lips pressed up against my body. When our shorter friend finally released her hold on her, the exotic woman came up for air as a string of saliva flew through the air.

Eventually, Sara decided it was her turn to get involved and waded across the warm waters so she could take a turn at my manhood. As she lowered her head and began blowing me with a grace like no other, Maddie watched in glee and lasciviously said, “Suck that cock! Is that a good cock? I bet you like that cock!” Sara’s response to the vulgar words was to give me her absolute all.

When it was Dinah’s turn to wade over so she could get in on the action, the kinky Madelyne beat her to it when Sara momentarily relinquished her hold on me. The silver-haired fox instantly lowered her head onto my prick and began gobbling it down, while making some of the most obscene noises imaginable. I’m sure she knew exactly how much I enjoyed said sounds since my dick was throbbing in her oral orifice.

As Maddie’s head bobbed up and down, the ebony goddess and Dinah began forcing her further down on me, just as the shortest member of our entourage had done to Isis. I think Madelyne was really enjoying it as she flailed about and started making noises akin to a duck’s quacking. I’m sure that doesn’t sound sexy on paper, but believe me when I say it was taking everything in my power to not blow a load directly down my silver-haired partner’s throat.

“Hey,” I suddenly spoke up and gained the attention of the entire group. “Can we try something else, ladies?”

Intrigued, all four of the naked beauties stared at me with lust in their eyes.

With a smile on my face, I pushed myself to a standing position and stepped out of the small pool. I took a few steps back in order to give us a little room while realizing that two more people had entered the bathhouse. Like the villagers who had arrived before my friends and I, they simply started to watch from where they washed up in the larger pool or by the spraying spouts. All of them pretended like they weren’t interested in picking up on a thing or two even though their gawking orbs said otherwise.

I motioned for Sara to come toward me first. She skipped forward with her knockers swaying back and forth, and I couldn’t help but jerk my staff a few times due to her unmatched energy. I asked the dark-haired woman if she’d mind dropping to her knees so she could massage the underside of my length with her tongue, and she immediately complied.

As Sara went to work on my root, I motioned for Isis to join us next. The ebony goddess had no problem awaiting her instructions, and after I asked if she’d stand behind Sara and bend slightly forward so she could place her hands on the big-bosomed female’s shoulders, she did just that. The tip of my dick quickly ended up in her mouth, and I had two beauties going to town down below.

Next up was Dinah. When the busty brunette approached us, I asked if she would get behind me and press her body up against mine. I wanted to feel her gigantic tits smooshed against my back, and I wanted to feel her furry cooch against my flesh. She answered with a smile and not only did as I asked, but also placed her arms around me so she could run her hands over my hairy chest. Stimulation coursed through my frame.

Last, but not least, was Maddie. I motioned for my smallest companion to join us by standing to my right, and when she did so, I asked her if she trusted me. She wholeheartedly nodded and let out a squeak of joy when I carefully scooped her up while being careful to not disrupt the work of the other three stunners. Due to Maddie’s diminutive stature and trivial weight, I was easily able to heft the silver-haired vixen up and place her on my shoulders so my face was right in her puss. Madelyne let out a squeal of unbridled passion as she wrapped her legs around my head and placed her hands on my scalp. I securely held her against my face and ate her delectable vage as she whimpered above me.

We had to be the sexiest totem pole in the history of mankind.

I obviously couldn’t see what the other villagers thought of what we had going on since I had a face full of pussy, but I think it was a safe bet that they were probably in awe. I doubt any of them had even thought such a salacious act could be possible…let alone carried out right before their very eyes. I’m sure they had to be learning a few things by watching our licentious display.

In that moment, I didn’t even feel like I was in my own body anymore. It’s hard to describe, but I had so much pleasure firing through my synapses that I didn’t actually feel normal any longer. I mean, I had four women stimulating different parts of my body all at once…and when I say “women,” what I really mean is “faultless goddesses.” These four were so far beyond the normal ken of what most people are used to.

For example: Take the most perfect woman in mind, body, and soul in all of existence…and then double those attributes. No, triple them. Now, imagine that entity as not a singular female, but instead four of them who are all radiating with intelligence, kindness, desire, sex appeal, and – most importantly – minds of their own. To top all of this off, envision the four of those women craving nothing more than to deliver the ultimate in pleasurable experiences based on the simple fact that they care.

Yeah, that’s what I was reveling in while trying to make sense of everything around me.

Sara was massaging the base of my penis and my testicles with her tongue while Isis sucked on my shaft like there was no tomorrow. Dinah was clutching my body and pressing hers against mine while licking between my shoulder blades. Madelyne was screaming at the top of her lungs and pulling my hair while rubbing her wet cooch in my face. All four of these women were beyond perfection…and they were all over me.

So yeah, it was safe to say that I was having some kind of out-of-body experience.

I couldn’t say with any certainty how long we stood in that position. All I know for sure was that my body underwent a euphoria that no other man had or would ever experience. Some may argue this point with me, but those people weren’t in my spot at that given instant. I know for a fact that in that moment, I was the luckiest man in all of existence on this plane or any other.

When we did eventually leave our “totem pole” and return to something a little more conventional, I ended up back where I was before on the outer edge of the pool with my legs in the water. I was sitting back on my elbows and watching in delight as Sara and Dinah smooshed my dick between their breasts and went to town on it. While the four boobs crushed my piece, the two babes doing the work leaned over me so they could begin kissing. Behind them, Isis and Maddie stood in the small pool groping each other and doing the same.

I grunted and groaned in sensual delight while watching the erotic scene play out before me. I tried speaking up on a few different occasions, but everything coming out of my mouth was pure gibberish. I couldn’t put together a coherent sentence to save my life, and when I heard Dinah ask Isis if she wanted to suck my cock again, I couldn’t help but silently pray that the answer would be a resounding “yes.”

It goes without saying that my request was ardently heard and my wish was granted.

The ebony goddess stepped forward and moved her dark locks back as she bent forward in the most seductive manner possible. Her ass was in the air behind her as she took my cock in her right hand, and as she bent down, her hardened nipples became my focal points as I commanded each of my eyes to stare at each of them. I feared going cross-eyed the way I was trying to take in both at the same time, but I knew it would’ve been worth it.

As Isis began devouring my piece, Maddie suddenly gained my attention from behind her as she placed her hands on her head and popped her chest forward. She then ordered Dinah, “Spit on my titties.” After the bronzed cougar acceded to the demands, the silver-haired fox spat on her own rack as well. Saliva dripped from her luscious melons.

Sara let out a laugh and stood up so she could begin rubbing the fluid across Madelyne’s chest, and then the two of them began kissing as Dinah took notice that Isis was willing to share my pecker with her. The most mature of the four women present leaned down after pushing her brown locks out of the way and clamped her lips around my rigid organ while firmly gripping the base in her right hand. She applied pressure with both her mouth and fingers as she began sucking on me.

Wanting to become the center of attention again, Maddie pushed her way into the mix and pressed her tits forward as Dinah continued to blow me. I watched on in unrestrained joy as I titty-fucked the silver-haired vixen while the luscious cougar continued to suck on my tip. While this occurred, Isis lowered her head and stuck her tongue out so it would pass over the nub of Madelyne’s left knocker every time she went up and down. Sara simply watched and awaited her turn like a good sport.

Eventually, Dinah backed away and Isis began spitting on my dick to further lubricate it as Maddie took over and leaned in closer. She placed her hands on her upper chest and closed her eyes while pressing my penis back against my body and pleasuring it with that amazing rack of hers. I was mainly focused on what my shortest partner was doing, but I couldn’t help but pick up on the fact that both Dinah and Sara were pleasuring themselves while watching. Seeing such hot action sparked the desire in me to pitch in, so since Isis was closest to me, I reached forward with my right hand and began fingering her moist crease. She let me know that she appreciated it by letting out a low moan.

Lust eventually propelled Madelyne to begin downing me again, and as she sucked my cock, Dinah reached out and gripped my shaft so she could tug on it while the silver-haired fox went to work. I loved the obscene sounds emitting from Maddie as she did so, and I knew that half of the kinkiness coming out of her was all part of her performance in order to get me off.

Isis reached forward to pull Madelyne’s hair back. As she held the silver locks in her hands, she slyly pointed out, “I want to be able to see you choke on that hunk of meat while you down it!” Her words certainly had all of us riled up.

When it was finally Sara’s turn to have a go at me again, she decided it was time to take things to the next level. She crawled past the other girls by placing her feet on the edges of the pool at my sides and squatted down over me. I made sure to reach forward and grab hold of her since I was afraid that she could possibly slip and fall, and I saw her face light up with a smile as I did so. I’m pretty sure that happiness was due to the fact that even though I was the recipient of one of the hottest events in the history of the entire world, I still cared enough to make sure that the wonderful women pleasuring me were safe. Had poor Sara fallen off me and hurt herself in the process, I would’ve never forgiven myself.

The woman with the hourglass glass figure reached out to grab one of my shoulders with her right hand, and then she used her left to rub her damp cooch before using two of her fingers to spread it open. She then lowered herself onto me and let her jaw drop when she felt the penetration below. Her blue eyes rolled back in her head when she was halfway down me, and then she plummeted the rest of the way down.

“Fuck yeah!” Madelyne called out upon seeing the reaction on my face. “Go fucking balls deep, Sara! Take that cock!”

The black-haired beauty atop me began riding up and down as she let out whimpering sounds while listening to her friends tell her how to ride me. She was receiving all sorts of input, but she was doing things her way. As much as I appreciated the advice from the other three women, I was glad that Sara was fucking me on her terms.

“Geezus!” Maddie called out as she watched the action playing out before her. She then asked her friends if any of them had ever seen anything as marvelous as my dick as Sara slid up and down my length.

It was Isis who answered the question and gave her opinion by saying, “Oh yeah! His chest!” She then began running her hands over it.

Dinah agreed and let out a laugh that had her massive chest jiggling. When Madelyne took note of the gigantic breasts bouncing, she couldn’t help but point out, “Dinah, I think one of your tits alone is as big as my head!”

“You have some pretty sizable ones yourself, Maddie!” I chuckled, and then motioned for the silver-haired vixen to come toward me. When she did, I gave one of her boobs a gentle slap before beckoning her to rub them in my face. I felt her fun bags pound against my kisser…and then since Maddie was practically weightless, I grabbed onto her as she let out an excited squeal and pulled her onto my head. I chowed down on her delicious pussy while Sara rode me and Isis fondled me. Within seconds, I felt another pair of hands touching me and knew that Dinah had joined in.

I enjoyed what every man dreams of for a couple of minutes until we decided to switch things up. While we all debated on what we wanted to do next, I pulled Dinah down with me and spread her legs apart. She leaned back on her elbows and watched in delight as I planted my face in her puss and started eating her out. Having a mixture of her flavor along with Maddie’s in my mouth was one hell of a sweet combination.

Speaking of the silver-haired vixen, she just couldn’t get enough of me. She leaned down in front of Dinah’s opened legs with me and started forcing herself on me. We started making out right in front of the hairy gash, and in between our sloppy kisses, I would send my tongue toward the older woman’s furry crevasse. I knew it was going to be a sinfully delightful afternoon with the way things were going so far.

Isis stood in the small pool and called out for my attention. When I turned to face her, she turned around and presented her amazing brown buns to me while giving them a shake. She smiled at me over her right shoulder and told me it was her turn to be pleasured. I decided she was on to something, and climbed to my feet as my manhood bobbed up and down while making my way toward her.

I stepped into the small pool with Isis and wrapped my right arm around her waist in order to pull her closer while popping my cock in her puss. She reached back and placed an arm around my shoulders as I began ramming away. I listened to the squeals escaping her lips while realizing the erotic sounds were music to my ears.

As expected, the always horny Madelyne wanted in on the action. Being careful not to hurt Isis or myself, she crawled onto my back and grasped onto me like I was taking her for another piggyback ride, just as we had done on our way to the bathhouse. She held on for dear life as I unceasingly whaled away on the ebony goddess in the pool with me.

Across from us, Dinah and Sara sat on the other side of the pool and began making out again…and it suddenly occurred to me that such a happening should’ve been a physical impossibility. I mean, hear me out on this one; both of them had these titanic tits that defied the laws of physics, so when those mammoth mammaries pressed together, they shouldn’t have been able to reach each other’s mouths! By all rights, they should’ve repelled one another…but they somehow managed to pull off one of the hottest make-out sessions I had ever had the joy of witnessing.

With Maddie still on my back, I somewhat turned my head as I pounded Isis and warned the silver-haired minx, “Hold on!” I then lifted the ebony goddess’s right leg high into the air as I really gave it to her. Her foot was so elevated that it was practically over her head, and her ass was spread so far apart that she barely had a crack. I could tell as I held her close that she was loving every second of our union.

The other people in the bathhouse were still being treated to a show unlike any other they had ever seen before. I was going to town on four of the loveliest women to ever walk the face of the planet, and I had come loaded for bear. I was going to blow a magnificent load…but not for a while if I had anything to say about it.

Trying to describe the symphony of pleasure the five of us were conducting would be another task altogether. The slapping of my nuts against Isis as the squishing of my cock pounding her pussy were only the opening movement. Listening to Maddie cheer me on and squeal in glee increased the eroticism, and the sloppy kiss and eventual fingerings that Dinah and Sara were sharing added to the mix. The carnal consonance built to a delightful crescendo as I drilled deeper into the exotic female before me.

After about a minute, I eventually withdrew from Isis and made sure she didn’t slip before carefully stepping out of the pool with Madelyne still attached to my back. When I was out of the water, I whipped her around and held her in my arms while staring down into her glowing eyes. I studied her red lips with a smile on my face as I told her, “You are one fucking hot lady, Maddie!”

“You better believe it!” she giggled in glee before shooting her head toward me so she could plant a wet kiss on me.

After wrapping the passionate smooch up, I lowered Maddie to the ground and positioned her on all fours. I then squatted behind her and swiped my dick between her glorious butt cheeks. She gazed back at me over her right shoulder as I did so, and every touch of my cock against her flesh had her squawking in jubilation. When I eventually shoved my prick into her wet snatch, she was screeching at the top of her little lungs.

While Isis took a momentary breather, Dinah and Sara decided that they wanted to get involved again. Sara did so by dropping to all fours in front of Maddie…but with her backside to her. The black-haired beauty crawled backward until her taint was shoved right into the face of the smallest woman in the bathhouse, and as she wiggled her backside, I could hear Madelyne scarfing down on the tastiness presented to her. I would’ve loved trading places with her and having my face buried in Sara’s lower privates…

However, I was about to receive something just as delectable.

As I continued ripping Maddie a new one, Dinah walked over as her enormous knockers bounced back and forth. She stepped over the beautiful woman I was pummeling so she could straddle her, and as she ran a hand over her hairy puss that I adored so much, she used her free one to grab my head and force it into the copious cleavage before me.

My face was smothered between two of the largest, natural breasts I had ever seen as my cock incessantly plowed the benevolent box below me. My body was met with a barrage of pleasure from all angles when Isis decided to join back in while similarly grabbing onto me from behind like Maddie had done minutes earlier. However, since I was squatting and she was taller than the silver-haired fox, she didn’t jump onto my back…but instead hugged her arms around my head while pressing her ample bosoms into the back of my neck.

“Do you like those titties?” Sara directed her query at me as she glanced past what Madelyne was doing to her and watched me motorboat Dinah. She placed her right hand on her corresponding bun and pulled her ass apart a little more so Maddie could get in there good and deep. “I have some big jugs for you to do that to if you want!”

In between coming up for air from the wet hooters, I answered Sara by trying to rile her up even more. “Oh, I’d love to slobber all over your huge titties…but I want to be plugging that pussy at the same time in order to make you squirt those glorious fluids you’re always ejaculating for me!”

“Eeee!” The excited female called out since my very words had ignited a fire within her. I’m pretty sure she may have made Madelyne’s face more damp than it already was in that moment.

I turned my head away from Dinah’s chest momentarily so I could locate Isis’s right tit and begin sucking on the nipple. While doing so, I grabbed the two jubblies in front of me and squeezed them for everything I was worth as the excess goodness poured from my hands. I listened to the mature woman in front of me moan as I did so, and as the teat in my mouth grew hard, I continued to encase my meat in Madelyne’s drenched sausage holster below me.

When it came time to switch things up again, the five of us ended up in a position I never would’ve imagined to be possible. I’ll do my best to give the details, but I’m going to ask for forgiveness ahead of time since I’m still having trouble believing that this ever befell a silly palooka like myself.

So, to start things out, I sat at the edge of the small pool with my feet in the water as Dinah climbed onto me. She punctured herself on my penis while facing me and shoving her gigantic hooters in my face. As she started bouncing up and down on me, Maddie took a seat to my right. Instead of sitting directly next to me, though, she pressed her back up against my side and began playing with her tits as Isis and Sara stood in front of her. What happened next still has me in disbelief to this day, and I’ll do my best to do it justice.

Sara started to sit down, but instead of putting her round posterior on the smooth floor, she placed her hands behind her and bent her knees while propping herself up on her hands and feet. As she balanced herself there, Isis stood to her left on one foot. The ebony goddess then planted her left foot on Sara’s right knee while spreading herself wide. And this is where Maddie comes in…

The silver-haired vixen started viciously fingering herself as she shoved the tiny toes of her right foot into Isis’s puss while rubbing the little digits of her left over Sara’s flaps. And of course, since I’m talking about Maddie, it didn’t stop there since the foul-mouthed minx always had something vulgar to say.

“Do you like having my big toe jammed up your clamchops?” The naughty babe asked Isis. She then turned her attention to Sara as she further pressed, “Do you want me shoving my little piggies into your meat pocket too, or do you just like having your cooch massaged?”

The answer Maddie received was nothing more than a unified moan from both women as Sara watched me rail Dinah like there was no tomorrow in sight. Isis, on the other hand, showed her flexibility as she placed a hand under her left leg and lowered the upper half of her body toward Sara’s so she could begin sucking on one of the black-haired beauty’s nips.

Eventually, both Isis and Sara straightened themselves out and knelt before Maddie as they began sucking on her toes. They then turned to one another and started making out as Dinah shouted obscenities from my lap. Madelyne just howled like the kinky madwoman she was as a puddle began forming under her leaking gash.

The bathhouse was the steamiest it had ever been. While the five of us continued our unrivaled fuck fest, a few more people had come in with the intentions of bathing, but they stopped and watched in awe from a distance as the dynamic quintet I was a part of taught everyone present a few more moves they had never seen before.

I watched in unrestrained delight as both Isis and Sara dropped down in front of Madelyne and started feeding on her little fortune cookie. They were all over that puss, and I could tell the silver-haired fox was enjoying herself just from the way she was leaning back against me. She loved having the two beautiful women go to town on her in between bouts of copulating with me.

When Dinah eventually climbed off me in order to take a short break, I carefully climbed to my knees so Maddie wouldn’t fall over. I then took my throbbing dick in my right hand and began thudding it against the side of her little face to gain her attention. When the silver-haired vixen turned and saw a one-eyed monster staring directly at her, the expression on her visage lit up as she let the hunk of meat slip into her mouth. I pushed it down her gullet and felt the vibrations from her purring all throughout my length.

“Hell yes!” I called out in a low tone as Sara and Isis took note of what was going on. I think they may have been slightly jealous, but they knew their time would come.

Dinah rejoined the action by dropping to her knees on my right side and began fondling the base of my cock as Maddie sucked the other end. She jerked on it as it bulged in her grasp, and she gingerly played with my testicles while being careful to not go overboard.

While this transpired, Isis had begun fingering Madelyne’s drenched hole while making out with Sara again. The two of them swapped spit as the black-haired beauty began knocking her massive melons together, and when she abruptly grew tired of that, she turned her attention directly toward me and pouted, “I want to be fucked again!”

I laughed since it was truly incredible how these fine specimens of womanhood all wanted me so much. I found it hard to believe such a thing could be possible, and it was even a greater feat that I was able to please them as much as I was. I had no idea why they found my body – and especially my dick – to be so gratifying. I had only ever seen myself as an average guy at best, so the fact that I had so many perfect women fawning over me in the nudist colony…

“I think it is my turn!” Isis interjected as she pulled herself away from Maddie’s cooch long enough to get involved in the debate. “My pussy is aching for…”

“Hey!” Madelyne called out after I withdrew my penis from her mouth. “I was eating that! It was doing a fantastic job of massaging the back of my throat!”

“Ladies!” I did my best to remain humble as Dinah stood behind me with her luscious body pressed against mine. She ran her hands over my chest before finding her way downward and grabbing onto my wiener with both hands. As she tugged it, I told the other three, “I would like to be fair and give everyone a turn…”

“But Sara has known you longest and you practically live with her!” Isis pointed out. “She can have you anytime she wants, but you never come to my home!”

“I crashed with you three nights last week, Isis!”

All eyes went to the ebony beauty as she impishly smiled.

“I want to squirt, damn it!” Sara called out. “I want that handsome cock shoved so far up my puss that it gets lodged in there and never comes out!”

Even if Dinah hadn’t been tugging on me, my cock would’ve been pulsating just from hearing that lewd declaration.

“What about me?” Maddie squeaked from she sat in a puddle of her own juices. “I want to be covered in an eruption of frothing man-goo!” She rambled on about having my spunk covering her from head to toe and mentioned wanting to have me plop my sausage down on her head in order to let my cream ooze out and down her body. Again, I’m sure Dinah noticed some extra fluctuations from down below as she causally yanked on me.

“May I say something?” I then queried as all eyes went to me.

The four stunners decided to give me the floor.

“Personally,” I began, “I adore all four of you. I would love nothing more than to dick each of you for the rest of the day and well into the night, but unfortunately, I only have one penis…and there’s four holes to please. Well, small correction; twelve holes between the lot of you. I forgot I had other options.”

Isis crossed her arms under her ample chest and made her boobs appear even bigger as she took her regal tone with me and commanded, “Cut to the point.”

I scratched the back of my head as Dinah released her grasp on my cock and began rubbing my shoulders. “Well, I guess I really didn’t have a point! I just want to make all of you cum…but first things first, I really want to make Sara squirt!”

“Fuck yeah!” The black-haired beauty called out. She jumped for joy, and as she did so, her oversized bazooms bounded up and down with her.

The other three women sighed and decided to let me once again plunge my manhood into the steamy seam of the dazzler with the hourglass figure. They knew I wasn’t playing favorites since I adored all of them equally. Each woman with me was amazing in her own right, and they knew I would get to each of them in due time.

I took Sara right there on the floor beside the small pool of water as I spread her legs apart and started drilling her in a missionary position. “Oh, shit!” she called out as I pressed myself in deeper with each thrust I made. When I eventually dropped down at her left side and held that same leg of hers up so I could plow her from a modified spooning position, her joy took the form of rapturous screeches as she praised my prowess with profanity.

I held onto the thin sides of the gorgeous female as the slapping of my genitals against her wholesome privates had my boner at the highest point of arousal it had ever felt. I throbbed within her pink and was probably stretching her to new limits as I filled her with my engorged manhood. I was running on pure instinct as I bashed her beaver beyond anything the two of us thought to be possible.

I was so thankful that the other three beauties had decided to kneel down in front of where the sensual thrashing was occurring. Since they had front row seats to the pussy-pounding extravaganza, they were right where they needed to be when I suddenly pulled my pecker out of Sara as she let out a shriek that was probably heard throughout the whole colony.

The wondrous woman spread her legs as far as she could when a powerful stream of squirting goodness erupted from her perfect pussy. A clear liquid of epic proportions shot out from between her flawless flaps and rained down upon the other three women. It gushed forth with nothing to hold it back, and when I reached down and began fingering that sopping-wet slit with wild abandon, it continued to erupt like an uncontained geyser.

It goes without saying that the five of us were already drenched from head to toe in a combination of water/steam, sweat, saliva, precum, and other moistness from between the girls’ legs, but being coated in that extra layer of wetness from Sara’s glorious insides was the icing on the cake.

Of course, Maddie – being Maddie – always had to take things one step further. After Sara’s initial eruption, the silver-haired vixen had to get as close to the action as possible, so she pressed her head down between the blue-eyed beauty’s legs and opened wide as the clear liquid splattered all over her face. It was one of the hottest things I had ever witnessed, and I hope I’m not being pretentious by saying that I think Madelyne was doing it for my benefit. She knew it was going to rile me up.

I rubbed my digits over Sara’s clit even faster as she continued to go off, and when her screaming finally started to cease and her convulsing body began to calm down, I turned my attention to my next target and went after the closest female to me.

Since the ebony goddess was within mere inches of me, I climbed to my feet and practically fell into her as I shoved my cock in her mouth. I think she was pleasantly surprised by the action, and she took my dick with ease as it slid right down her gullet. If I had to guess, I would be willing to bet that the pulsing piece of meat probably tasted great since it was covered in Sara’s fluids.

Maddie and Dinah moaned while touching themselves and watching their exotic friend and neighbor down every inch of my manhood. They cooed and cheered Isis on, and I could see the very excitement in their eyes when they witnessed the ebony beauty making herself more comfortable on her knees before me and taking my enlarged pecker in both her hands. She tugged with everything she had while slurping away on the tip, and the satisfaction coursing through my entire body was inconceivable.

“Oooh, fuck, Isis! Suck that dick! Ahhh…” It was safe to say that the moment had overtaken me.

The ebony goddess did exactly that, and as she gulped me down and drank me in, she stared directly up at me with those amazingly unique eyes of hers.

Maddie could no longer hold herself back and appeared on her knees beside Isis. She pushed the erotic woman’s head further down my shaft while telling her, “Take all of that cock in, Isis! Down that fucking monster!”

I smiled down at the amazing woman sucking my dick and noticed the most tantalizing sheen of wetness covering her dark skin. Unable to hold myself back, I pulled my pole away from her while bending down and gently pushing her back. It was nice of Maddie to get behind the ebony goddess for what was about to happen next because the small woman allowed my exotic partner to use her drenched cooch as a pillow.

I shoved my penis between the brown lips below as Isis let out a squeal of delight. I then started thrusting like crazy while grabbing onto the smooth legs and holding them apart. The incredible limbs slipped out of my grasp a few times due to the sheen of perspiration and mixture of other fluids saturating them, but I simply grabbed on again each time and took pleasure in the feel of her flesh.

Isis’s face looked so fucking sexy as I pumped her. She had a pouty expression etched across her countenance, but as her bottom lip quivered and she stared meaningfully into my eyes, I could practically read her every thought and knew that she wanted me to slam her as hard and deep as I could. She wanted my cock immersed so far in her that it would never come back out.

While Isis used both hands to hold herself open even wider for me, Maddie leaned over her and started sucking on one of her hard nipples. She then moved up and began kissing the ebony goddess in such a provocative way that I think she was trying to suck out the flavor of my dick that lingered in the exotic woman’s mouth. While doing so, the silver-haired fox began pinching the dark teats before going back to nibbling on them.

I gripped the underside of Isis’s knees and pushed them back as I rammed away. I thought it was so hot how she kept her mouth open so damn far while screaming her satisfaction, and listening to the way Maddie slurped on her was just an added bonus.

Dinah crawled toward the action and started to laugh when I began pounding Isis so hard that Madelyne could no longer stay attached to her bouncing tits. The sultry cougar enjoyed every sight she took in while sitting up on her knees, licking her right hand, and running it over her enticing bush.

As I whaled away on Isis, I became elated to see that the oldest member of our group wanted back in on the action…and would go to any lengths to do so. The mature woman took matters into her own hands and suddenly started to crawl over the top of the ebony goddess so she was looming above her in a sixty-nine position. As she planted her fur pie in the face below her, the brunette beauty gazed up at me and opened wide. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as I was invited to enter the oral orifice.

I pulled my cock out of Isis’s flooded innards and turned my attention toward Dinah’s mouth. As I shoved my shaft in, Maddie leaned on the sultry cougar’s back and watched while commanding me, “Fuck that dirty little mouth of hers! Fuck that mouth and then fuck me!” The silver-haired vixen had a way with words.

Sara fingered her wet hole behind us for a few more seconds before crawling forward so she could also view the spectacle. She decided that since she liked what she saw, she was going to kneel behind me and reach around in order to massage my balls as Dinah downed me.

“Oooh, yes!” Isis called out as she pleasured herself at the bottom of the heavenly pile of voluptuousness. Sweat and other fluids were flying through the air and contacting me as she ran her fingers over her flaps with an uncanny quickness.

“Ladies,” I groaned as I felt the culmination of every pleasure center in my body going off at once, “If I happen to die tonight from an overabundance of happiness, make sure my tombstone reads, ‘died with a smile on his face after being shown what true bliss feels like by four of the loveliest women in existence!’”

The quartet of the enchanting women giggled in between their squeals and moans. They were enjoying the steamy afternoon just as much as I was.

“Maddie!” I suddenly called out as I pulled my cock out of Dinah’s mouth. I jerked on my staff as I started to stand up. “Give me that cute mouth of yours…and say something dirty at the same time!”

Knowing that I was on the verge of cumming, Madelyne bent down so she was right over Dinah’s head as she shouted, “Shoot your hot load down my throat! I want your thick jizz all over my body!”

I beat my dick senseless right in front of Maddie’s face as I suddenly exploded like a bomb. A huge helping of cream of nut soup shot out of me with so much force that when it struck Madelyne’s face, she was forced back a step. The white magma continued to erupt from me and splatter all over the lovely face in front of me, and I watched in glee as if splashed and dripped onto Dinah’s brown locks below.

“Look at all that fucking cum!” Sara exclaimed as she once again reached around me and took control by jerking my manhood. She caused more shots to blast forth as my pecker pudding gave the squealing and begging females before me a milky shower in love honey. My semen coated the wonderful women before me with the consistency of oatmeal.

With her eyes closed and jism running down her face, Maddie called out, “I bet I look like a fucking cupcake covered in testicular frosting!”

Dinah laughed at the foul-mouthed minx and reached back to remove some of the cum from her countenance. The sultry cougar then licked it off her fingers before rubbing some on her massive tits.

Since I was pretty much empty, I leaned back and gave Sara a kiss on the left cheek as she shook my meat about in order to milk the last few drops from it. Pellets of goo soared through the air and landed haphazardly on the ladies still gathered before me.

“FUCK!” Maddie called out since the five of us were absolutely drenched. “That was the fucking BEST!”

“I wholeheartedly concur!” Isis agreed, and then slapped Dinah on the bum to signify that she wanted to be let up. After the toned brunette crawled off her, the ebony goddess climbed to her feet and gave herself one final rub. She then smiled before jumping into the small pool of water next to us.

“That’s not a bad idea!” Sara pointed out, and decided to join the erotic woman in the clear liquid.

“Are you kidding?” Maddie shot back as we all looked at her. The little minx then rubbed the cum from her eyelids so she could open her orbs without getting any cream in them. When she saw the rest of us staring at her, she licked her lips before exclaiming, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m running home and jumping in bed so I can enjoy a nap covered in stickiness!”

“That doesn’t surprise me in the least!” Dinah chuckled in her mature tone. She then turned back to me and gave my dick a playful slap while motioning toward Sara and Isis with her head. With a devious smile on her face, the sultry cougar said, “While those two clean off and Maddie naps, maybe you should come back home with me. My pipes have actually been acting up again and I wouldn’t mind having you look at them…”



Published 2 years ago

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