Forty-seven-year-old divorcee Marie Quinn had rented a holiday let in an English village for a week, and she had called into the local village pub on her first evening there.
The pub was not very busy, and Marie was seated at a table on her own.
A happy-looking couple entered the pub, they were probably in their sixties, and they were obviously locals as the bar staff and customers greeted them by their first names. Her name was evidently Lee, and his name was Colin.
The other customers, and obviously the bar staff, had acknowledged Marie, but the new arrivals actually spoke to her.
“Good evening,” smiled the woman, as the man got their drinks.
“Good evening,” responded Marie, with a smile, who strangely thought that she should explain her presence in the village pub.
“I am Marie, and I have rented ‘Rose Cottage’ for the week,” said Marie.
“Oh, how nice, I am Lee and this is Colin,” said Lee, shaking Marie’s hand as Colin came back with the drinks for his wife and himself.
“Darling, this is Marie, she is renting ‘Rose Cottage’,” said Lee to her husband.
“Oh, we are neighbours,” smiled Colin, shaking Marie’s hand.
“Yes, we are at ‘Leecol’ the cottage over the hedge from you,” said Lee.
“Oh, ‘Leecol’, how romantic,” said Marie, seeing the combination of the couple’s names.
“Yes, I wanted it to be ‘Collee’, but she won,” laughed Colin.
“Don’t sit there on your own, come and join us here, Marie,” smiled Lee, inviting Marie to join them at a nearby table.
“Thank you, thank you very much,” said Marie, moving to join her new acquaintances.
“So, Marie, when did you arrive at the cottage, today?” asked Lee.
“Yes, I know the area quite well from years ago so I thought that I would come back,” answered Marie.
“On your own?” said Colin.
“None of your business, sorry about that, Marie,” laughed Lee, giving her husband a teasing thump.
“No, it is fine; yes, on my own, I am divorced,” replied Marie.
“Oh, sorry to hear that, my dear,” said Lee.
“It just didn’t work out; how long have you two been together?” smiled Marie.
“We married at nineteen, but I suppose you could say that we were together for two years before that,” replied Colin.
“Wow!” said Marie.
“Yes, wow,” laughed Lee, snuggling up to her husband.
“Did you meet at school?” asked Marie.
“Sort of, although I was at the all-girls school and Colin at the all-boys one, both in the town up the road,” answered Lee.
Colin sniggered but did not speak.
“What’s funny?” asked Marie, smiling at the couple’s obvious happiness.
“Boys and girls from the two schools had not supposed to mix, but Colin and I mixed,” laughed Lee, her eyes sparkling.
“Oh, I see,” said Marie.
“The trouble was, we got caught mixing,” added Colin.
“Well, fucking rather than mixing,” corrected Lee, surprising Marie a bit with her choice of words.
“Oh, goodness, what happened?” said Marie.
“Well, later that day, Lee was bent over in her headmistress’s study and I was bent over in my headmaster’s study and we each got six strokes of the cane on the bare bottom,” said Colin.
“Oh, yes, the cane would have been in use then,” pointed out Marie.
“It certainly was that day,” chuckled Lee.
“But it did not deter the pair of you?” questioned Marie.
“Not for long, because later that day after we had inspected each other’s caned buttocks, we fucked again,” laughed Lee.
“How fascinating,” said Marie, feeling strangely aroused.
“And we have been together ever since,” said Colin.
“What is the secret of your long relationship?” asked Marie.
“Oh, the cane, without a doubt,” replied Lee.
“How fascinating,” said Lee again, because she did not know quite what else to say.
“Yes, the cane has kept us together all these years,” said Colin.
“Plural perhaps, we have quite a selection of canes,” interjected Lee.
“Really? You mean that you still use them?” asked a surprised Marie.
“None have been used for about two weeks but there is not usually any great length of time going by without at least one of us having cane marks across our buttocks,” said Lee.
“How fascinating,” said Marie, for the third time.
“Sometimes it is just two or three strokes as a livener, and sometimes it could be a twelve or more stroke punishment thrashing,” said Colin.
“Wow!” responded Marie.
“Have you ever been caned, my dear?” Lee asked Marie.
“No, but my mother and my auntie were at school, but I don’t think they enjoyed it, and neither of them has been caned since to the best of my knowledge,” replied Marie.
“Oh, the cane certainly hurts and it is not always the actual caning that gets enjoyed, it is often the feeling afterwards,” said Colin.
“How fasc…” Marie started to say, and then stopped and giggled.
“I take it that you are finding this conversation fascinating,” smiled Lee.
“Yes, yes, I suppose I am,” laughed Marie.
“I should explain, although it is obvious, that not every boy and girl that got caned at school went on to get pleasure connected with the cane in their future life,” said Colin.
“And conversely, just because someone was never caned at school it does not mean that they cannot enjoy the cane in some way in their later life,” added Lee.
“How fascinating,” said Marie, laughing at herself, and both Lee and Colin laughed.
They continued to talk but the talk drifted away from the cane and caning for a while, but all three of them knew that the subject would be returned to.
The pub had gotten busier, but the area where Lee, Colin and Marie were was still quite secluded.
“Um, I must ask you, do the people in the village know about you two and the, um…” said Marie.
“The cane? Oh yes, it is a very open secret in this village,” laughed Lee.
“In fact, many of the men and women of the village have either felt the cane, or witnessed a caning, or both,” said Colin.
“Amazing!” said Marie.
“Not fascinating then?” teased Lee.
“That as well,” laughed Marie, who felt so comfortable talking to this couple who must be close to twenty years older than her.
“And those that have never been involved in any way are happy for us to do what we do within our property,” said Colin, completing what he had been saying about the other villagers.
“I don’t mean to be impertinent, but apart from caning, do you two, um, do anything else together?” asked Marie.
“You mean do we fuck? Oh yes, we fuck quite well for two sixty-six-year-olds, don’t we, darling?” chuckled Lee.
“Indeed we do, my dear,” confirmed Colin, with a lecherous grin.
“Tell us, Marie, do you get a lot of fucking?” asked Lee, her eyes flashing.
“Not a lot recently, I was fucking a married man, but his wife found out,” replied Marie, feeling able to say anything to Lee and Colin.
“You naughty girl,” scolded Colin.
“She should be caned,” said Lee, with a stern face.
“No, I am not sure…” Marie started to protest.
“Relax Marie, we never cane anyone that does not want to be caned,” reassured Colin.
“Apart from each other occasionally,” corrected Lee.
“Oh yes, apart from then,” agreed Colin.
“Would you like to continue this chat in our cottage, Marie? No commitment to anything” asked Lee.
“Um, well, I am not sure, um, it is nice talking to you both, but, um…” responded a now uncertain Marie.
“My dear, we are not going to hang you from the ceiling and thrash you to within an inch of your life,” said Colin.
“Nor tie you to the bed with your bare arse in the air…” started Lee.
“Not so hasty my darling, we might do that,” interrupted Colin.
“Oh yes, we might,” smiled Lee.
Marie laughed nervously, she knew that they were teasing her, weren’t they?
“You have my word that nothing happens without your full agreement, we will just talk and perhaps clarify some things,” said Lee, smiling. Marie believed her.
“Just to talk?” checked Marie.
“We will talk, you can ask questions, as you have been, and if you want, there will be a demonstration of caning,” said Colin.
“Demonstration of caning?” queried Marie.
“Yes, on my bottom or Colin’s bottom, not on yours,” said Lee.
“Unless you want it to be,” added Colin.
Marie knew that she did not have to go with these people, but she trusted them, and their marriage and how they kept it together did intrigue her.
“Okay, are we going now?” said Marie.
“Yes, we can have a drink at our house and you certainly will not have far to go home,” replied Colin.
The three of them got up.
“Bye Lee, bye Colin, bye young lady,” said the fifty-something barmaid, as they left, and the three of them said their byes to her and others in the pub.
“I know you are dying to ask,” said Lee to Marie when they got out of the pub.
“Ask what?” said Marie, although she had a good idea what Lee was talking about.
“Yes she has, several times,” said Colin, spoiling Lee’s fun and stopping Marie’s question.
“What was I going to ask?” chuckled Marie.
“If the barmaid has been caned, and Colin has just answered it,” responded Lee.
“Does she like it?” asked Marie.
“Well, she bares her backside very eagerly,” said Colin.
“Her large backside,” said Lee, who knew that Colin liked the barmaid and her large arse.
“How long have you two lived in the cottage?” asked Marie, as they walked.
“Thirty-five years, about three-quarters of our married life,” replied Lee.
“Just about settled in now then,” laughed Marie.
“Just about,” said Colin.
The walk was not far from the pub to where the cottages were situated, and soon they were there.
“Do you want to drop anything off in your cottage before you come to ours?” asked Colin.
“Or collect anything?” asked Lee.
“Collect anything? Like a cushion for my bottom?” laughed Marie.
“I was thinking more of clean knickers, in case those that you are wearing get sticky,” replied Lee.
“Very practical of you, my dear,” complimented Colin.
“Oh, um, perhaps I should,” said Marie, not entirely sure that Lee was being serious. She went into the cottage and got a spare pair of knickers, just in case.
The three of them went into ‘Leecol’ and Colin organised drinks.
Lee and Colin sat together on the settee and were very loving, holding hands and sometimes kissing.
“I hope that we are not embarrassing you, this is how we are,” explained Lee to Marie.
“Not at all, you are obviously very much in love; maybe I will leave if you start taking each other’s clothes off,” laughed Marie.
“We might, but you do not have to leave,” said Colin.
“What Colin means is that sometimes guests watch or join in, but this is too much for you to take in, we were going to discuss the cane, weren’t we?” said Lee, seeing Marie’s surprise and confusion over Colin’s statement.
“Um, yes, the cane, yes,” said a flustered Marie.
“We will show you our collection, follow us,” said Colin enthusiastically, getting off the settee with Lee following.
The mature couple led Marie to a room off to the side. The first thing Marie noticed was a desk very much like one seen in a headmistress’s study, and in fact, Colin and Lee had purchased it from the girls’ school that Lee had attended when the school ceased to exist several years before.
“Here they are,” said Lee opening a sort of wardrobe.
“Wow!” said Marie, when her eyes fell on at least a dozen crook-handled canes.
“All in working order,” laughed Colin.
“Yes, every one of those has been across both of our bottoms many times,” said Lee.
“In fact, it is about time one or more of them were put to use, isn’t it my dear?” said Colin.
“Would you like to witness a caning, Marie? Or two?” asked Lee, with a smile that was so sexy.
“Um, well, I…,” responded an indecisive Marie.
“We can wait until later, but my wife and I are both going to feel the cane tonight,” said Colin.
“Yes, and looking forward to it, aren’t we darling?” said Lee, her hand going to her husband’s crotch, taking Marie’s eyes with it.
Colin had a very obvious hard-on in his trousers.
“Very much so,” replied Colin, feeling his wife’s arse over her trousers.
Marie had a decision to make. She was being invited to watch Lee and Colin cane each other, and she was quite possibly being invited to watch them fuck too, maybe even get involved herself.
“Look, can I get this straight, so that there is no confusion?” said Marie.
“Certainly Marie, ask whatever you want,” replied Lee, still with Colin’s hand on her backside.
“Well, as I understand it, you are inviting me to watch you cane each other,” said Marie.
“If you want to,” nodded Colin.
“And it seems obvious that after the caning, you two are going to, um, make love,” continued Marie, feeling dampness forming in her knickers.
“More likely fuck, but yes,” smiled Lee.
“And you are inviting me to watch that too?” asked an almost incredulous Marie.
“If you wish, my dear, watch or join in,” said Colin.
“Wow,” said Marie, softly.
“Not how fascinating?” smiled Lee.
“No, definitely wow,” said Marie, gaining in confidence.
“Of course, if you want, you could have your bottom caned too,” said Colin.
“Right; I feel weird, but I think that I do want to watch you two cane each other and watch you fuck,” said Marie, shocking herself. She was no prude and had been in a room where a couple were fucking before, but this was somehow different.
“Splendid,” said Colin, squeezing Lee’s arse.
“Those clean knickers might prove handy,” said Lee.
“I think so, these are already getting wet,” confessed Marie.
“Right Mrs Purvis, whose first over the desk, you or me?” said Colin to his wife. It was the first time that Marie had heard Lee and Colin’s surname.
“Let Marie choose, whose bare arse do you want to see caned first, my dear?” Lee asked Marie, with a twinkling smile. The thought of getting an imminent caning obviously excited Lee.
“It makes no difference who goes first, we are both adept at giving the other a good caning even if our own bottom is already cane marked,” said Colin, trying to help Marie choose.
“Lee, Lee bend over first,” said Marie, recognising the sexual excitement in the older woman’s eyes.
“Okay, trousers and knickers off, Mrs Purvis,” said Colin, selecting a cane.
Lee happily removed her trousers and knickers, giving Marie a view of her wet and hairy cunt and then her large and rounded arse. Colin bent the cane and then slashed it through the air a few times. Marie flinched, and despite her vast experience, so did Lee.
“Bend over the desk,” said Colin strictly, pointing at the desk with the cane.
Lee put herself over the desk and gripped the far edge with both hands. She had a magnificent bottom, as Colin knew and Marie had just discovered. Marie had never been particularly into women, but this woman was so alluring.
Marie looked at Colin’s crotch as he bent the cane and admired his wife’s rear. The size of the bulge in the man’s trousers suggested that he had a large penis, one that Marie would likely be seeing very soon.
“How many?” said the woman bent over the desk.
“Six, six of the very best,” replied Colin, slashing the cane through the air once more.
Lee’s buttocks clenched, and so did Marie’s.
Despite having received almost countless cane strokes over the last almost fifty years, Lee’s bottom always nervously anticipated the first stroke of a new caning. There was no doubt that it would sting terribly.
“Ready?” said Colin, raising the cane high.
“Yes,” replied Lee, bracing herself.
There was a very brief interlude before the cane whistled through the air and impacted Lee’s buttocks with a loud CRACK.
Marie gasped, Lee did not react verbally, but her buttocks swayed and a red line started to form.
Colin raised the cane again, waited, and then slashed it down. There was another CRACK and more swaying of Lee’s hips, and a second red line.
Marie was amazed that Lee could take this without crying out, she was sure if she had just received two cane strokes like that, she would be screaming.
At just about regular intervals, Colin administered the other four strokes, and there were six distinct red lines across Lee’s arse.
“Stand up,” said a flushed and breathless Colin. The bulge in his trousers had got bigger if anything.
Lee slowly pushed herself up and put her hands on her arse cheeks. Her face was flushed and her eyes sparkling a bit with tears, they were also sparkling with sexual arousal, as was her cunt.
Lee looked at Marie and smiled, a weak smile but a smile never-the-less.
Marie smiled back, she was feeling all sorts of things but sexual arousal was at the top.
“Feel them, feel the stripes,” Lee said softly to Marie.
Marie tentatively reached out and put her fingers on the older woman’s bottom, tracing her fingers along one of the red lines.
“Mmmm,” your fingers touch so good,” said Lee, who was not averse to female sexual company.
Although Lee and Colin had not yet told Marie, Lee often had sex with males or females that had been caned or watched a caning. Colin only had sex with the females. Both of them were happy with that arrangement, and nothing was ever done without the other being aware of it.
At that moment, Lee would have happily taken Marie to bed, but a second caning had to be administered.
“Trousers and underpants off, Mr Purvis,” said Lee, smiling again at Marie.
Colin never felt bashful about removing his trousers and underpants in the presence of females, he was less eager to do it if a male was present, at least if the male was the only other person there other than himself and his wife.
When Colin’s underpants came down, his erect penis was every bit as big as Marie had suspected it to be. She had seen a few in her time, but this was as big as any, probably bigger.
Marie was close to cumming in her knickers because of a combination of seeing Lee’s arse, seeing it caned, touching it, and now seeing Colin’s erection. There was still Colin’s caning to come, and the invitation to watch Lee and Colin fuck, and anything that followed that.
“He likes to display his cock to women, tell him that you are impressed and he will be happy,” said Lee, as she selected a different cane.
“Oh, I am impressed,” said Marie, and she was.
“Over the desk,” said Lee to Colin, as she bent the cane that she had selected.
Colin bent over. Marie noticed his heavy balls swinging between his legs.
Lee’s arse was tingling, as it always did shortly after a caning. She was wanting a fucking and she knew that her husband fucked very well if his arse was tingling too. He fucked pretty well when it wasn’t, as well.
Lee put all the power that she could into the six strokes that she gave Colin, and seeing a mature woman cane a mature man had Marie pushing her thighs together as she came in her knickers.
“Stand up,” said Lee, the caning over.
Colin stood, six lines across his buttocks, his penis was still fully erect.
Lee looked at Marie, and the look on Marie’s face told Lee that their guest had cum.
“Need new knickers I take it,” smiled Lee.
“Yeah, these are soaked, that was amazing,” replied Marie.
“My husband and I are going to our bed to conclude this business, you are welcome to watch, or join in,” said Lee.
“Thank you,” said Marie, as she followed the mature couple who were both naked from the waist down and both had cane-marked bottoms, up the stairs.
Marie’s knickers were so sticky and uncomfortable that she put her hands under her skirt and took them off, she now had the problem of what to do with them.
Lee and Colin were already busy snogging, with Lee wanking Colin’s cock and Colin fingering her cunt, so Marie hung her cum-soaked knickers on the bannister at the top of the stairs.
Lee and Colin became naked up top and Lee had amazing large tits with very little droop considering her age.
Marie had been in the same room as a couple having sex before, but this was the first time that she had been the only other person there. She did not know if she should stand or sit, but right now she was standing with her hand drifting under her skirt as Lee and Colin got onto the bed.
Lee groaned as Colin’s weapon slid into her, Marie’s fingers started teasing her cunt.
Lee raised her legs and Colin thrust his hips. The mature couple were fucking, and they were fucking hard. Marie’s fingers worked rapidly in her vagina.
“Yes, yes, yes, oh darling, yes,” shouted Lee, and the expression on her face left no doubt that she was having an orgasm. Marie was close to cumming.
The couple on the bed changed position and Marie briefly had a glimpse of Lee’s caned arse as the woman got onto her hands and knees before her husband slid into her from behind and re-started the fucking.
“Oh, oh, fuck, yes,” Lee yelled, as she came again.
Marie’s thighs clamped on her hand as she soaked her thighs with cum.
Marie had hardly stopped cumming when Colin roared and his body stiffened as he emptied his balls into his wife’s cunt.
Colin and Lee collapsed side by side on the bed.
“Would you like to join us,” said the well-fucked Lee, holding out her arms.
“It has been a wonderful evening, but I won’t if you don’t mind, but would it be possible for me to come back tomorrow?” replied Marie.
“To watch, or to join in?” asked Colin.
“I wonder what a cane feels like,” giggled Marie.
“You can find out tomorrow, or would you like to go back to your cottage tonight with a caned bottom?” asked Lee.
“Um, perhaps just two or three strokes,” replied Marie.
“Certainly, let’s go downstairs,” said Colin, and he and Lee got off the bed.
Marie picked up her wet knickers on the way to her appointment with the cane, she was excited and nervous.
“Shall we give you one stroke each with more tomorrow if you want them,” suggested Lee.
The mature couple were totally naked and Marie was fully clothed apart from being sans knickers.
“Okay,” said Marie.
“Please raise your skirt and bend over the desk, we know that you are not wearing knickers,” said Colin.
Marie did so, and she felt very schoolgirlish exposing her quite large bare bottom to two people almost twenty years older than her.
“Who do you want the first stroke from?” asked Lee, admiring Marie’s backside.
“Um, I don’t know, um, Colin,” said Marie, reasoning that it might be best to get potentially the hardest stroke out of the way first.
A cane was selected, and Colin tapped it against Marie’s arse. Colin’s penis was stiffening a bit.
“Ready, my dear?” asked Colin.
“Y-y-y-yes,” responded Marie nervously.
There was no delay SWISH CRACK followed by “Argh” as Marie leapt up clutching her buttocks.
Colin handed the cane to his wife, as they watched Marie furiously rubbing her stinging buttocks.
“Bend over please,” said Lee, softly.
Marie knew that she could refuse, but she bent over and Lee raised Marie’s skirt to expose her bottom with a red line across it.
Lee did not delay either. SWISH CRACK again followed by Marie jumping up, screaming and putting her hands to her rear.
They let Marie calm before offering Marie the chance to stay, maybe to partake in some sexual activity.
“We can all go back upstairs and you can stay the night if you wish,” said Lee.
Marie knew what that would probably entail and she was very tempted.
“No thank you, but it is very tempting, maybe tomorrow night,” replied Marie, still with her hands on her bottom and a pained expression on her face.
“That would be splendid,” said Colin, who rather fancied their guest, as did Lee.
Marie did not put her clean knickers on but took her wet ones when she went back next door.
A little later, Marie Quinn was masturbating in ‘Rose Cottage’ and Lee and Colin Purvis were making love in ‘Leecol’.
What would be happening the next night was still to be decided.
Marie had had a fascinating discussion and a fascinating evening with the mature couple that she had met in the village pub.