“Honey, it’s time!” Jessica, my wife, said with excitement as she shook me awake.
“What…?” I moaned as I opened my eyes, squinting slightly, looking up at her.
“Yeah, we have to go; it’s time; I’m in labor.” Jessica gushed with excitement.
It finally hit me. I bolted out of bed, “Holy Shit… we have to go!”
Out of control, I pulled on my jeans and threw on a polo shirt.
“Oh, Jessica… how long?” I asked as I scurried around, acting crazy, and Jessica just stood watching me.”
“About an hour, but we are only five minutes apart now. Dr. James told us at five minutes, we needed to go to the hospital. I texted her, and she confirmed she would meet us there.”
I grabbed her bag and two water bottles and went out the door. With my valuable cargo onboard, I drove carefully. My excitement was roaring. Soon we were going to be parents of our baby boy. We tried for three years, and finally, nine months ago, we got pregnant.
Today was the day… I couldn’t wait.
Jessica was going through one contraction after another. We got to the hospital in record time; of course, it was only 3:20 am, so, no traffic.
I grabbed an orderly, and we got her a wheelchair. I kissed her, and we shared, ‘I love you!’ that was interrupted by another contraction. They took her away, and I went to park the car.
I returned to the birthing center and the nurse had me wash up and put on PPE before I could enter her labor suite. Jessica was on the birth table sitting up, her legs up in the stirrups, and she was breathing, puffing really, as another contraction overtook her again.
She looked like a mess! She was sweating, and her hair was mussed but was still beautiful in a unique way. Normally she is a statuesque woman, five feet, eight inches tall, with blonde hair, blue-eyed, and almost alabaster skin. She was a true beauty and could be a supermodel. But now she was a sweating, moaning, cussing woman practically ready to be a new mom.
I was just a spectator, told to stay back for a while as they prepared Jessica to bring David Jr. into the world.
I moved away, watching them busy as bees, and suddenly, I had a flashback thru our past and how we got here.
Jessica and I are both twenty-eight years old. We have been married for a little over four years. We met in college and dated off and on for two years as we figured out our relationship and future lives. Like most of your couples, we finally realized our desire for each other was so powerful that we couldn’t imagine not being together forever. We became exclusive in our senior year and were inseparable, though we never lived together.
Once we graduated, we both got jobs, but we were living three hundred miles apart, so a new challenge presented itself. We decided to see what would happen if we tried ‘long distance dating!’ But after three months, we agreed with the stresses of our jobs; it was hard to maintain an exclusive relationship, so we released each other, allowing us to date other people.
We agreed we felt very strongly for each other and that if we were meant to be together, our feelings would be so strong they would bring us back together. We also agreed not to talk about the others we had or were dating when we spoke or saw each other.
As you can imagine, with Jessica’s model looks, she was in high demand and started dating others right away. We continued to date off and on, but as she dated more, our relationship seemed to take a backward slide, and we started to grow further apart.
After a couple of months, my job shifted, and there was more traveling, with me being away for a couple of weeks at a time. That made it hard for us, and we saw each other even less, but we did talk often. The spark was definitely still there. But it was not burning as bright as before.
After a while, I heard that Jessica had started dating one guy in particular and that I was the only other man she dated as infrequently as she had dated me. As we had agreed, she never told me about him, but I could tell there was an excitement in her voice that I had not seen before, so I knew she was serious about this man. That made me sad. I had the feeling our relationship was dissolving away. I still loved her and hoped she loved me, but the separation was wrecking everything.
I dated other women, but my love for Jessica was just too strong, and I could not get emotionally involved with anyone else.
I was invited to a party in our college town where Jessica lived. It was a weekend so we knew a number of old friends would be there. By this time were only talking on the phone every couple of weeks. I planned to go for the weekend and hoped that she might be there and see each other and talk. I found out after I arrived, she was not invited because I was going to be there, and she would have brought Anthony, her man, which would have been very awkward for me.
Kate, one of Jessica’s best friends in college, told me that Jessica was going pretty strongly with this guy, so I could see our end coming soon. In my mind, I decided to finally release her, let her go, and be happy with her new man.
I never told her that it was a mental adjustment for me, and I focused all my focus on my job and spending time with my guy friends. I dated often, mostly just to get laid, having as much sex as I could, with no emotional commitments. I was having fun, but Jessica was never out of my mind. This went on for months, and I was struggling with it; I missed having Jessica in my life.
My career was moving along, and I was made the lead auditor on my team. It was a nice promotion, but not as good as it would have been if I had been able to celebrate with Jessica, but she was out of touch now. I never even told her I was promoted.
Months later, I realized that we had almost stopped talking. One Saturday, I spontaneously called her. Her cell went to voice mail, and I left her a message:
“Hi, it’s me. It’s been a long time between talks; I hope you are happy with Anthony. I do miss us and wish we were still talking often, at least. But I understand your feelings are elsewhere now. So, you take care, love always.”
I felt sick to my stomach that I had let Jessica get away. I was like a loving, sick puppy with no future with her at all.
I didn’t hear anything from Jessica, so I knew we were over and had to move on.
Fast forward months ahead…
I was immersed in my work. That was what I had to cling to, so I did my best job and became friends with my team members.
My team was tapped to do a big independent government audit in Hawaii. It was a major audit project, and we were going to be gone for over four weeks, which was very unusual. Going to Hawaii was awesome for all of us, but the work was intense. The company rented a large AIRBNB house with a house cleaner and chef services, so we were as comfortable as possible for an extended stay there. We enjoyed our off time laying out by our private pool and doing touristy things to keep our sanity, but we worked ridiculously long hours to try to make sure we met the scheduled deadline.
We moved rapidly through the audit, and I forecasted we would finish a few days early. I called my boss one day, giving him the good news. He was so happy we had quit before, and the client was incredibly happy as well. He told me we had earned a great reward for doing an excellent job and having to be away for so long.
The company gave us all a five-day reward vacation in Maui. We were moving to the Four Seasons Resort. As an additional surprise, they were letting the team bring our spouses or significant others out for R&R with us. All my coworkers and partners were coming except for Julie, whose husband couldn’t come, and me since I didn’t have a significant other then.
We all agreed that this was not a business, related time and that anything that happened was not repeatable and was forgotten as soon as our plane left on Thursday. “What happens in Maui stayed in Maui,’ as the saying goes.
Julie and I had always liked each other, and when we were thrown together, in a way, we decided to be a couple for these five days, like we were married. We arranged to get adjoining rooms for convenience and to keep the company HR issues out of the way.
The rest of the team said it was a great idea for us to spend time together. We also made it clear that everyone was on their own, and if we wanted to get together, it was each couple’s decision, and once again, what we did on these five days was private. I ensured that the five other rooms were randomly scattered around the resort so we might not see each other for five days.
We all settled into the resort, and Julie and I met in my room. I offered her a drink, and we sat on the balcony, getting used to being around each other in a social setting. We were trying to work out how she would cheat on her husband so we could fuck each other for five days?
Julie explained that she and Ray had an open marriage as we talked and drank more. Since they both traveled so much in their work that they eliminated the issue of cheating and opened up their marriage.
I didn’t understand how they could do that, but they did, and it seemed to work. They don’t wear wedding rings when they travel but wear ‘commitment rings’ on their right hands. Once they are together again, they tell each other everything, and it has made their relationship stronger, with no fear that they will leave each other for another.
Julie explained that their sex lives are amazing. They experience other people’s techniques and quirks and live out their fantasies. When they bring all their experience back to each other, their sex life expands. The sex is incredible, more fulfilling than any of the sex that they have with other people.
I was surprised at what she told me, but none of that mattered as soon as she moved over, crawling on the lounger with me. She laid her head on my chest. There was no aggression, just a feeling of peace and serenity that I had not felt since Jessica.
We lay there long, and I finally wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight. I kissed the top of her head. She sighed, “This is so nice; we will have fun together, David. No strings or emotion, just fun, lust, and serious fucking, OK?”
I rubbed her back, then lifted her head, kissing her softly. I pushed her off me and stood, reaching out my hand. We smiled together, knowing what was coming next.
We stopped at the foot of the bed.
“David, for the next five days, I am your sex slave. You can do anything with me, live out all your sexual fantasies that no woman would normally let you do. I only have two rules, 1) You devote 100% attention to me. Derive all the pleasure you can from me. Dave, it is about me serving you however you desire; please do not hold back. 2) No marks on my body that will not be gone by the time we leave. I wouldn’t say I like taking home reminders. There is a number 3 as well. Once these five days are over, we will never do this again, and our business relationship will remain just as it was yesterday! If you agree, David, strip me now and give me a good fucking to get us started!”
I looked at her. Our arrangement was very businesslike, but I was game for whatever happened. I smiled and leaned down, kissing her hard with all the passion I could muster. I broke the kiss with a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. “It will be my pleasure to be your lover and master for the next five days. I agree with everything.”
Julie smiled, reached out, and gripped my cock through my shorts. “Oh my, I will enjoy this nice cock over the next five days. Can I take him out?”
“Not yet; I need you to do a little strip for me so I can see what I have lusted after for the past six months,”
“OK, baby!” Julie cooed as her clothes started to flutter off, slipping to the floor.
Suddenly before me, was a beautiful naked woman. 5’3″, 110 lbs., with beautiful 36B breasts, slim waist, and nice, flared hips.
“Turn around!”
Julie spun around. I saw a tramp stamp tattoo on her lower back, a full eagle wing spread. Just below it was her magnificent ass which I had seen encased in slacks or under her dress many times. It was firm like a bubble but suitable for kissing, spanking, licking, and fucking, all of which I will do over the next five days.
“On the bed on your knees, face down, ass high,” I stated firmly, getting her used to my control.
Julie silently crawled on the king bed, settling in the middle. She never looked back. She just arched her back, lowered her face to the bed covering, and lay on her left cheek.
I stripped my shorts and shirt off. I was commando, so I moved naked onto the bed. I leaned forward so I was close behind Julie but not touching her. “Spread your knees open more than reach back and spread your cheeks!”
As Julie spread her knees, her cheeks opened a little, giving me a peak at her treasures. Her tight crinkled asshole was a brownish-pink color. Below it was her smooth hairless taint like a sliding board down to her beautiful waxed wet pussy, glistening in the sunlight coming into the room.
I leaned in…
“Mr. Evans… Mr. Evans, you with us?” I heard the nurse say, jolting me back to reality.
“Sorry, yes, what…what…?” I almost panicked.
“It is almost time, so you need to be helping your wife breathe and offering your support.” The nurse said.,
I moved to Jessica’s side, took her hand, and helped her breathe.
It was taking longer than they thought, so they let her rest, and I stepped away as they soothed her, rubbing her belly down to her pussy. I know that felt good to her because I did that each day, in the morning and at night, and sometimes I could make her cum just doing that.
I watched them working on Jessica. I held her hand and kissed her, but her contractions were strong, and I helped her breathe and kept her as calm as possible.
The head nurse asked me to let her in, so I moved back as I watched her repositioning on the bed and got her ready for the last effort to deliver our son.
As I waited, I stepped back and drifted back off to Julie and me in Hawaii.
I leaned down and lay my tongue on her bare pussy. Excruciatingly slow, I let my tongue dance between her cheeks, slithering over her tight little asshole, rimming it, then pushing my hard tongue against her brown star teasing her.
A low moan rolled out from deep inside Julie. “Oh God, yes… eat my asshole Davy, I love that; eat it good!”
I moved down a little, sliding across her taint, teasing it as well, making her shiver and moan again. As I came to her bare pussy my tongue slithered down between her lips across her hole to her hard clit. It was just peeking out from its hiding place, so I flicked it seven times, making it pop out more. Julie groaned loudly, and she pushed back on my tongue. I maxed out my assault and saw her wet lips start to flower open for me, begging for more. I quickly pulled away and popped her on her right ass cheek, making her yelp.
“Oh God, No, No, please don’t stop! Julie chirped, and I popped her hard on her left cheek, then her right one, leaving my red handprint on each cheek. They would go away overnight!
Then I licked back up through her wet lips, teasing her hole, back on across her taint to her little pulsing asshole, pressing my hard tongue against her star, forcing it to open for me.
“Oh My God, baby, please eat my ass?” Jessica whined as she pushed her ass against my mouth.
I was happy to make her happy, so I slowly rimmed her ass, running the tip of my tongue around her crinkled muscle, watching her little hole pulsing open and closed. I focused my tongue on the middle of her star. My fingers got busy elsewhere, reaching under her and pinching both her nipples hard and playing with her hard clit.
“Oh shhiiiitt… you do it,” Julie hissed.
It became clear to me at that moment that Julie was submissive. She loved being dominated, rough play, and being told what to do even more than she had said. I knew I could do things to her in the next few days, something I could never do to Jessica or 95% of the other women I would ever meet.
My cock grew extremely hard at the thought of making Julie do things for me or anyone I wanted her to do something with. I was in a powerful position and would take complete advantage of her, demanding and extracting things from her she may never have done before.
I decided it was time to fuck, so I moved up, licking my way up her spine, kissing each vertebra as I went. I pulled her up on her hands and kissed her along her shoulders, neck, and ear. I teased the soft area behind her ear, and she moaned, “Oh my, you are fucking amazing Davy; please finish me; I need it so bad!”
“In time, my sweet, in time…” I whispered as I nibbled her earlobe, making her shudder and wiggle her ass.
I moved up close behind her and…
“Mr. Evans, you need to get back in there; it’s time to help your wife bring this little boy into the world!”
I shook my head and came back to the moment. Things were starting to move, so I moved back to Jessica’s side and coached her with her breathing as things became more frantic. Dr. James was barking out orders, Jessy, PUSH, PUSH. I could see the head; PUSH, he’s almost here.”
I was looking at the TV monitor seeing the top of his head as he started to breach the pussy, I had fucked her to make him, but he was coming from the inside out! It was incredible to see our baby born, something we had created. It was beautiful.
Just that quick, Jessica pushed again, and little David Jr popped right out. It was chaos, then the nurse took him, massaged him, and we heard that sharp cry. We knew he was with us and breathing. All the fear was gone, and joy set in.
Jessica was totally whipped and crying with happiness. She looked at me and pulled me to her. We kissed, “Our baby boy is here!” Jessica sighed, so full of joy.
I gushed with pride, and I stepped back. I noticed the nurses looking at us and whispering. I looked at Jessica and back at her nurses.
“Is there something wrong?” I asked,
The nurses looked at each other, and Dr. James looked at them, getting up and looking at little Davy. “Mr. Evans, could I ask you to leave the room? There is a slight emergency. Everything is OK, but I think you should leave now! I will be out to talk with you in a few minutes once I finish here.” Dr. James said with urgency in her voice,
I was confused and shocked, but I did as the Doctor suggested and was led out of the room to a special waiting area down the hall.
In the room…
Jessica was panicking, “What is wrong? Is my baby, OK? Why did you send Dave out of the room?” She started to cry.
Dr. James brought the baby to her. “Jessica, the baby is fine. He is a healthy, eight lb. boy, but I need to ask you a serious question, is Dave the real father?”
“What, of course, he is the father; why would you ask me that?” Jessica asked, totally confused.
Dr. James laid little Davy on Jessica’s chest, and Jessica instantly screamed and began to sob. The baby lying on her belly was beautiful. It was her baby, and she was overwhelmed by seeing him. Both joy and bewilderment gripped her at the same time.
Davy was a big baby with a lot of hair and puggy cheeks. Those were all good things, but there were bad things, his skin had an olive complexion, and his hair was jet black. His facial features didn’t look like either Jessica or Dave. Jessica was mortified as she suddenly recognized Davy resembled his best boyfriend, Anthony.
Jessica crumbled, “Oh God, please take him; Dave can’t see him yet, make up something, PLEASE GOD, NO!”
The nurse took him and put him under the blue bili light, hoping he might have little jaundice, and the light would correct his skin color a little.
Jessica was wheeled out a side door to her room, and little Davy was taken to the NICU and put under the bili light. They put him toward the back, so he was not easily seen.
Dr. James came out to talk to me.
Anxiously I asked, “Is everything OK, doctor?”
“Yes, yes, we were a little scared with your wife, she was bleeding a little more than normal, but we took care of that, and the baby has jaundice, so we have him in the NICU under a bili light for the next twenty-four hours. It’s all going to be OK. Jaundice is a common thing; it happens all the time, and he will be perfectly normal after a day under the light.
“Thank you, Doctor. Can I see them?” I asked, wanting to see both Jessica and the baby.
“You can see the baby tomorrow when he is with his mom nursing. I recommend you see your wife, then peek at him through the window, and then go home and get some sleep. Then come back tonight at dinnertime and visit with your wife. That way, Jessica will be rested, and you will too. How does that sound?” Dr. James asked.
Dr. James knew the problem; this was not the first time. Thank God he was not a black baby with no possible explanation. Even though this one was going to be tough, with both parents being beautiful blonde people, one with blue eyes and one with green eyes, it is genetically impossible to produce an olive-skinned boy with black hair and brown eyes! There was going to be a big problem when Dave figured that out.
Dave was not the father, and Jessica knew it. She also did know who the real father was.
Jessica was sobbing when I came into the room. I didn’t understand why, but I consoled her and tried to turn this back into the joyful day it should be.
“What is the matter, baby? The Doctor said the baby will be OK tomorrow.” I said, hoping that would cheer her up.
She wouldn’t look at me and covered her face with her hands, sobbing uncontrollably.
I didn’t understand. I had heard of postpartum depression, but that doesn’t happen the day the baby is born.
I left her crying and went to the nurse’s station for help.
“I am Mr. Evans, and my wife is in there sobbing, and I don’t understand why. Is there anything you can do for her?” I asked.
They all looked at each other, and the head nurse said, “Come with me, Mr. Evans. I want to take you to see if your baby is OK. Meanwhile, we will see what we can do to calm your wife, won’t we, girls!”
“Yeah, sure,” I agreed.
We walked away and briefly chatted before we got to the NICU. I hoped to see him up close, but it was a sterile room, and I couldn’t go inside. I could see the little fellow across the room in a plastic baby bed with a blue light shining on his little body. He looked helpless there, and I felt so much love for him.
“Is he going to be, OK?” I asked.
Bonnie, the Head Nurse, looked at me, “Oh yes, the baby is going to be fine; it’s the parents I am worried about.”
I looked at her; she had a serious look on her face. “What does that mean?”
“Oh, nothing; your wife seems to be struggling a bit, that’s all. It will probably work itself out, but I recommend you be kind and gentle with her at first; having a baby is hard mentally on some people.”
I looked at Davy once again. I saw black hair, so I asked, “He looks like he has black hair. Is that normal with both blonde parents?
“Well, newborn hair can be all assorted colors, so it can change as they age. I would talk to your pediatrician about that.” Bonnie avoided the answer of ‘NO, it’s impossible!’
I thought about the day’s events and how it went normally until it didn’t, then replayed the comments and saw Davy with black hair. Something wasn’t right; I could feel it.
I went to see Jessica to see how she was doing, then I went home again and let today be over.
Tomorrow was another day, and whatever had Jessica so stirred up would become known soon enough.
As we returned to the ward, I saw Dr. James coming out of Jessica’s room. She looked up and saw me. She waited for me and took me to another room.
“Mr. Evan’s, I need you to listen to me. Jessica’s mental condition is not in a good place right now. I think it would be best if you did not go in to see her right now. Please go home and give her another day to get herself together; hopefully, she will be able to handle all of this.” She told me.
I was confused; what was all this? What is wrong with Jessica? She was fine through labor and delivery. Then after the birth, things suddenly got very weird. I was quickly ushered out of the room, and the nurses looked at me strangely. Something is happening, and I am not told what it is!
I stopped dead… “OK, Stop right here. I know something is going on; what is it? Damnit! I have a right to know!” I demanded.
At that moment, another doctor came into the room. “Mr. Evan’s, I am Dr. Wilson: I am a Mental Health Specialist, a psychiatrist, actually. I have just seen your wife and am concerned about her mental well-being. For some reason, during the birth, Jessica went through some mental trauma, and it has put her in a bad place mentally. I do not know what it was, but we will figure it out. I have given her a sedative to keep her calm, and we are moving her to the mental ward to keep an eye on her. I promise she is in the best hands available, and we will take excellent care of her.” He stated.
“Dr. James suggested that you go home and rest and get yourself ready to bring your baby home without his mother. I know that is a shock to you, but Jessica will be with us a few more days at a minimum, and your baby will need all your attention.” He said,
Hearing all this about Jessica’s mental collapse, I was in total shock. I didn’t get it and doubted some of what they were saying, or they were hiding something from me. I had no choice but to do what they suggested.
“Can I go see Jessica,” I asked.
The doctors looked at each other. “She is sleeping, so if you want to look in on her, you can. Don’t expect anything from her. I also will tell you she has scratched her face severely, so there are bandages on her cheeks, and her wrists are strapped to the bed.” He told me.
“What…? You are telling me she tried to hurt herself?” I questioned.
“Yes, Mr. Evans, I am afraid so. For what reason, I do not know!” Dr. Wilson said.
I ran out of the room into Jessica’s room. Two orderlies were preparing to move her.
“Wait, STOP… Let me see Jessica first!”
The Doctor nodded, and the orderlies stepped away.
Jessica looked so sad lying there. I wanted to cry. What could have possibly happened to put her in such a state? What a mystery; I would have to find out the cause myself!
I leaned over and kissed Jessica, “I love you, baby, get well; I’ll take care of our little boy until you can.” I told her, not knowing if she could hear me!
I turned and saw the doctors, two nurses, and the two orderlies all looking at me. I looked at them and saw several looks that confused me. The nurses seemed to be anticipating something was going to happen. The doctors had eyes of concern, and the orderlies just wanted me out of the way so they could do their jobs. It was all very strange.
I thanked everyone for their help and attention to Jessica. I looked back at her as the orderlies moved her on a gurney. She seemed so helpless, which was so unlike her. I was worried and could not figure out how she had completely lost her mental stability in a matter of seconds. I knew something wasn’t right.
I left but went to the NICU on my way out to get another look at Davy. The lead nurse asked if I wanted a better look. I nodded, and she rolled the bed over to the window. Poor Davy has a tube and an oxygen mask on. His body looked almost light green, and his hair was jet black. I thought that was strange.
I thanked her, and she moved him back to his spot. I looked at him with love in my heart. That was my son! There was real concern developing over all of this. My brain was a little scrambled, so I needed to relax and sleep.
I left and drove home in a fog most of the way. As I walked into the house, and suddenly was overcome with emotion. I slumped in my recliner, mentally whipped and physically drained. I cried, not knowing what I would do, knowing now that little Davy was not my biological son. What had happened? Who was the father? I racked my brain; who would Jessica have cheated with? Did she even know Davy was not my son? Is that being she went crazy? My brain was scrambling.
I just sat there, my head spinning, when my stomach started growling. I realized that I had not eaten all day amongst all the excitement. I was hungry but too tired to eat. After sitting there bewildered, I pulled out my phone and ordered some Chinese food.
I took a shower, trying to clear my head. I needed a diversion, and the best way I knew was to slide back to the story in my head about Julie. The shower water rained down on me, and as the image of Julie filled my head, my cock got hard as I rejoined my memory.
I slipped behind Julie and popped each ass cheek again, extracting a low moan. I gripped her firm hips and pushed my hard cock into her hot wet pussy. Julie was moaning, “Oh Fuck, Davy,” as I slid deep into her until my balls pressed against her pussy, touching her hard clit. She felt me push against her cervix and gasped, “Jesus, Davy, you are so fucking deep, baby, now fuck the shit out of me.”
For the next hour, I fucked Julie, and she fucked me. It was a great start to five days and nights of almost nonstop sex. I took her ass that first night then she gave me a true rimming, eating my asshole. We showered and fucked against the wall. We dried off, and I had her sit on my face, and I ate my cum from her pussy. I never did that before. It made my cock so hard that I had to fuck her again.
We finally had had enough and cuddled and fell asleep, sleeping soundly until I felt Julie’s hot mouth taking my cock deep in her throat at 3:30 am. I rolled her on her back and fucked her until I came hard, pulling out and shooting creamy cum all over her naked body. Then I rolled her over and ate her ass; then, when I was hard again, I fucked her ass again. I fell over to the side, cuddling with her. We were exhausted and quickly fell asleep again, waking just before noon.
For three days, we had almost nonstop fucking, taking breaks to eat, shower, and sleep a little. On the fourth day, we took a break and rented a car. We went out and did some sightseeing. We visited the nude beach at McKenna. We couldn’t resist fucking in the dunes and the ocean.
Later we went to a luau at the hotel, then walked along the beach, finding a nice, secluded place, and Julie gave me a superior blow job. Another couple caught us, and we let them come close and watch. After I had cum in her mouth Julie stood up and walked the couple, kissing them both and sharing my cum. The entire day was incredible.
We ended up in their bungalow naked, and we all fucked, sucked, and ate each other, We fucked all night, and I even tasted my first and only cock. It was in the heat of the moment, and it only lasted a couple of minutes with no cum involved. I was shocked at myself, but Todd did finish me. It was not his first time.
The next day we went on a snorkeling cruise and a moonlight dinner cruise later. In between, we fucked three times and went to the spa for a couples massage, but we had to make our Happy Ending.
We were leaving the next day, so we arranged for everyone to meet at the breakfast buffet for a special announcement I had for everyone.
Last night Julie was insatiable. She wouldn’t let me sleep until she had been fucked five times, three times in her pussy and twice in her ass. Julie told me as we cuddled at 5:30 am she must have cum thirty times. We finally slept for several hours, then she blew me again, and we fucked in the shower up against the wall one last time.
We packed and had the bellman get our bags. We separated and arrived at breakfast by ourselves. I had arranged for a shuttle to pick us all up at the airport just before noon.
We all greeted each other and shared stories about our wonderful five days. I am sure everyone knew Julie and I had hooked up, but no one said anything. We ate a delicious buffet brunch then I made the happy announcement.
“You guys are a talented team, and the company wants to keep us together, so they are giving each of us a $5,000 bonus and a 10% pay increase. But there is a little catch, though. We will be the lead large project audit team, so we will have to travel for longer on many projects. But if we get this kind of treatment, who cares?” I suggested.
I handed out the envelopes with the bonus and raise info in them. Everyone was happy, and we all agreed that we would stay together and be the special travel team.
Julie and I slipped off and fucked one last time before leaving. We were not sure then about the agreement we had made at the beginning of the week we could keep since we would be traveling together more often, but we decided we would deal with that when the next trip came up.
I had been stroking my cock the whole time I showered. I finished myself at the end, blasting cum all over the shower wall. I slumped back as reality hit me again. What the hell had happened to my beautiful life?
I stepped out of the shower, dried off, and slipped on a pair of shorts and a T. I was very hungry now, so I waited for the Chinese and watched TV. The food came, and I ate it all while watching Judge Judy.
I cleaned up the food and went to bed. I fell asleep quickly.
BZZZZ… my alarm shocked me out of my strange dream. It was 6:45 am. I rolled out of bed and washed up, put on my gym clothes, and headed to the gym. I took my street clothes to change at the gym and go to the hospital.
I worked out for an hour, thinking about yesterday’s odd things. I kept coming back to Davy’s black hair. I couldn’t figure it out. Then what the hell happened to Jessica? Both of these things were very strange.
I finished my workout, showered, and dressed. As I left the gym, I saw an internet café next door. I ducked in for a coffee and did a little Google search. I sat down and typed in, ‘Genetic match of offspring, two blonde parents?’ I hit enter.
Instantly, thousands of replies. WebMD was first up.
I read conflicting information. Genetically it could happen, but it is unlikely. The hair will likely fall out and become blonde in a year or so. If one of us had a black, haired ancestor no further back than three generations, that could be the reason.
So confusing. Then the obvious question was raised: Am I the father?
The thought that I’m not made me sick. I can’t believe that Jessica cheated on me and got pregnant doing it. Could that have happened?
I left the question alone and saw my new baby and his mother.
When I got to the hospital, I went to the nursery first. I looked through the window, but Davy Jr. was not in the nursery. He must be with his mom. I went to the maternity floor and asked about Janice. They told me she had been moved to a regular room this morning and gave me the room number.
I caught the elevator to her floor and walked to the room. The door was cracked open, and I heard a voice I did not know talking.
“Yes, it is possible for two blonde parents to have a dark, haired child, but it is rare. A dark, haired ancestor must be on one or both sides within three generations. Do you have that in your or Roger’s family?” I heard Dr. James says.
“I don’t know. I never thought about it. I will have to look back and see Roger too.” Janice said.
“Janice, I don’t want to ask this question, but I must. Is there any chance that Roger is not the father, and a dark-haired man is?” Dr. James asked.
There was silence then I heard soft sobbing. I didn’t want to listen to the answer, so I entered the room as if I had just arrived.
“Good morning, good morning, there is my beautiful wife and mother of our beautiful baby boy.” I chimed as I entered.
That broke the tension in the room, and Dr James stood, “Morning, Roger. Your lady is doing much better, and your little one is eating well. I think you can take them home this afternoon.”
“Well, that is good news,” I said as I walked to Janice, looking down and seeing her eyes fill with tears. I leaned down and kissed her, whispering, “It’s OK; we will work through this, OK? I love you!”
Janice held me tight to her, kissed me hard, and whispered, “I love you so much, Roger!”
Janice held me tight to her, kissed me hard and whispered, “I love you so much Roger!”
I stood and looked on the bed next to Janice at Little Davy, laying quietly sleeping. He looked so cute, pudgy and his coal black hair was combed to the side. My heart was full, even with all the questions swirling around.
I kept it upbeat even though I knew in my heart that Little Davy was not mine. But who was the father? Janice had cheated on me at least once, resulting in this baby! When and how did it happen?
Now the tough time will begin for Jessica, how this happened and who the father is. I looked at both of them, I was not sure what the future held for us. I have some hope we can work this out, but there are so many questions and I have no answers. Janice has a lot of explaining to do.
I looked at Dr. James, “So when can I take my family home?
Part 2 Coming Soon
Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn
All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.
This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.
All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old.