Open-minded Roommates: Sarah Gets Home Early

"Two weeks after introducing the new house rule, Sarah gets a surprise upon getting home early."

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Sarah walked home with a spring in her step, relieved that her last class for the week got canceled. Her phone buzzed in her pocket right as Sarah unlocked the door of her home, which she shared with Kim, her roommate. Sarah halted to check her messages; as expected, the text came from Kim and read Masturbating, which was their agreed-upon way of notifying each other that they could encounter their roommate masturbating around the house.

Walking into the living room, Sarah had expected to see her roommate spread eagle on the couch with a wet spot forming underneath her. Contrary to expectation, Kim was nowhere to be seen. Sarah shrugged and sat down on the couch. That is when she saw it; a realistic-looking seven-inch dildo affixed to the wall opposite her with a suction cup.

Sarah immediately recognized the dildo as one belonging to her roommate. On closer inspection, she could tell it was recently used as the fresh vaginal juices coating the silicone still sparkled in the sunlight that shone into the room. As Sarah realized this, Kim entered the room, buck naked and ready to continue where she had left off before nature called.

“Hey, Kim.”

Kim jumped, then looked in the direction of her roommate’s voice.

“I did not expect you home yet,” Kim said, surprised.

“My last class was canceled,” Sarah said.

Kim nodded in acknowledgment.

“Well, I will be taking this somewhere else then,” Kim said, tilting her head toward the dildo.

“You do not have to. Don’t you remember the rule? We gave up on privacy while masturbating,” Sarah said.

Kim nodded again. She did remember the rule, and since its introduction catching each other in the act became a much less awkward experience because they knew when someone was masturbating and that they did not care if their roommate walked in on them doing so; However, after walking in on someone, they usually still decided to give them some space out of courtesy. What made Kim reluctant was that Sarah suggested she could continue masturbating in her presence.

Kim felt conflicted. On the one hand, she was very aroused, but she had never masturbated in front of someone else before, except for her previous romantic partners.

“You really don’t mind?” asked Kim.

“Why would I mind? Since we introduced this rule, we have been walking in on each other getting off more times than I care to count,” Sarah said very matter-of-factually.

“That is true, like last week,” Kim said with a sly smile and accompanying wink.

“Yes, like that,” Sarah replied.

“You have never actually told me what happened that day; I only know about the part I have seen,” Kim said.

“Well, then I’ll tell you exactly what happened.”

Sarah knew all too well which situation Kim was referring to, so she sat down opposite Kim and started telling her side of the story.

She told in detail how she had come home, so aroused that she could not think straight; the sex-filled dream of the previous night played in a constant loop before her mind’s eye. She sent Kim the agreed-upon text and went to her room upstairs. She grabbed her wand vibrator and intended to do what Kim had done a few days prior, masturbate in front of the living room TV.

As she walked back down the stairs, a sudden wave of arousal washed over her. It was just as sudden as it was insurmountable. She had to masturbate; she had to do it now. In a split second, she gave up on making it to the living room; instead, she unbuttoned her pants, kicking them down the stairs after they slid down her legs.

After she watched her pants tumble down, her eyes were drawn to the wall directly opposite the foot of the stairs. On this wall hung a large mirror, which Kim and her often used to check their hair and makeup before heading out the door. She noticed she could see partway up the stairs through its reflection and positioned herself so that it showed her body from the waist down.

When she inspected her reflection, she realized that her panties were so wet that they looked dark red, not the bright red they had been when she put them on early that morning. She put a hand on top of the drenched fabric and felt the unmistakable heat of her throbbing clit radiating through it like a white-hot flame.

She took her panties off and sent them tumbling down the stairs, just like the pants before them. Naked from the waist down, she turned to face the handrail and grabbed it tightly with one hand. She planted one foot securely on the step on which she stood and her other foot two steps higher, spreading her legs apart.

Turning her head to face the mirror, she watched as her reflection effortlessly slid the wand between her legs and turned it on. After a few minutes, as she moaned and growled from unadulterated pleasure, she felt her legs slowly give way. She had to rely more and more on pure arm strength rather than her legs to hold herself upright.

Soon she was going to reach an explosive climax. She knew it. She gripped the handrail so tight that her knuckles turned white. Through gritted teeth, with her knees bent so far she nearly lost her balance, she tried to push herself over the orgasmic cliff.

At that moment, Kim came home from classes, and unbeknownst to Sarah, she had entered the hallway. Kim heard moaning and thought it was coming from within Sarah’s bedroom. She made a mental note to avoid that room for a while. She wanted to change into an outfit that was a little more comfortable, so she turned the corner to walk up the stairs, and in doing so, she got confronted by the true origin of the noise.

Sarah, now seconds away from what could only be called an orgasmic eruption, has not even noticed that Kim was standing at the foot of the stairs. Mere moments later, Sarah’s long-awaited climax was finally there. Her legs spasmed before she dropped the wand, and with a growl befitting a lioness, she squirted; a powerful stream of vaginal juices followed the wand on its way down.

“And that’s what happened,” Sarah said while trying to hide how wet this retelling had made her.

While Sarah told her story, Kim sat down in the chair opposite her, and because Kim was naked, it was impossible to hide her arousal. Sarah saw a huge wet spot the moment Kim stood up.

“That’s hot.”

“You clearly liked it,” said Sarah, making air quotes at “liked.”

“I did.”

“If you had not told me, the chair you sat in would have,” Sarah smiled.

Kim looked behind her and could not disagree with her roommate. The wet spot was large enough that she would have thought someone had spilled something on it if she did not know better. Hearing the story and seeing a physical representation of her arousal turned Kim on so much that she could not help looking at the dildo stuck to the wall.

In the time it took her to walk toward it, Kim decided she needed to use it, with or without Sarah in the room with her.

“Fuck it,” she said as she turned around, lined up her dripping pussy with the dildo’s still-glistening tip, and moved her hips back and forth.

Sarah looked at Kim, both surprised and impressed with what her roommate was doing. She had playfully turned Kim on and halfheartedly dared her to masturbate in front of her, but not once did Sarah expect that her roommate would actually do it. Yet there Kim stood, with hips rocking and a bare ass rhythmically slamming against the textured wallpaper of their living room.

Every other time Sarah had walked in on Kim masturbating, her eyes were closed. This time, however, Kim intently looked at her roommate; as if to say, “Come on then, join me; you know you want to.”

Sarah obeyed Kim’s unmistakable silent command and promptly undressed from the waist down. Immediately Kim saw that she would not be the only one who was wet enough to leave a spot on the upholstery of the chair she sat on; they both were. Before Sarah could touch herself, juice droplets appeared from between her pussy lips and ran down her inner thigh, to then land on the upholstery.

“Sarah, you are a little wet,” said Kim, smiling between her moans.

“You don’t say,” Sarah jokingly said.

Sarah slid two fingers into her pussy and massaged her G-spot as vigorously as Kim was fucking the dildo. Occasionally Kim commented on how wet Sarah’s fingers were as she pulled them out to taste her juices. Kim felt her swollen clit scream for attention. She spread her legs wider and slid a hand between them, moaning louder as soon as a fingertip grazed her eager button. Sarah followed her roommate’s example and repeatedly flicked her clit using her thumb while that hand’s index- and middle finger still dutifully stimulated her from inside.

The once gentle moaning had long since morphed into screams of ecstasy, almost loud enough to completely drown out the repeated thumping of Kim’s ass against the wall.

“I…I’m close!” Kim shouted as the words trailed off, morphing into a wordless growl of pure pleasure.

“Yes, yes… me too!” hollered Sarah back, her voice frantic as she tried desperately to delay the inevitable for a few seconds.

Kim was the first to cum. With a loud, low-pitched, rumbling grown, she coated the dildo in a thick layer of her juices. She turned and steadied herself against the wall the dildo was stuck to. As she did this, Sarah saw that the repeated slamming against the textured wallpaper had imparted fiery red imprints on Kim’s ass, the wallpaper pattern vaguely visible, resembling an artsy temporary tattoo.

The sight of her roommate’s abused ass was all Sarah needed to climax. Sarah moaned and squirted. The stream of juices formed an arc that splashed on the floor between her feet. A few minutes later, both women’s heart rate and breathing returned to normal. Kim turned and walked toward Sarah and sat down in the same chair as before, unable to discern whether she felt the “old” wet spot underneath her or whether her pussy was hard at work creating a new one.

“That was great,” Kim said.

“Yes, it was.”

“We should do this together more often.”


Since that day, they no longer leave after walking in on someone. Sometimes they still do, but other times they either join their roommate or end up doing coursework while their roommate’s moaning fills the room. Privacy is overrated.

Published 2 years ago

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