The New Neighbors – A Score To Settle (Adventures With Sam)

"I was well-prepared for our rematch. Here's how it went down."

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In the days following my loss to Dave, I was sore – sore from having my arms ensnared in the ropes and my legs tied spread eagle, and sore at myself for losing. I was sure I could’ve beaten Dave if we’d wrestled on a wrestling mat instead of a boxing ring. I’d never fought in a ring before. I’d seen pro wrestlers do it on TV, but I never gave much thought to how it works. Even if I had, I thought it was more for show than functionality. It wasn’t.

After the fight, I told Dave I could’ve beaten him had it not been for that. He arrogantly replied, “Any time you feel lucky, you could try again for the same stakes – the winner gets Jackie and Sam and has his way with the loser.”

Dave’s way was for me to suck his cock to climax after he’d fucked both women – one of them, my girlfriend (Sam – Samantha) twice.

I had work to do if I were to wrestle Dave again. I’d get into better shape, study the game, and learn some tricks related to fighting in a ring. This would take some time. I wouldn’t wrestle Dave again for at least six months.

On the few occasions we got together with Jackie and Dave post-fight, Dave occasionally dropped sarcastic comments about the match. I like Dave and Sam and I still have a lot of fun with the two of them, but I can’t deny, his remarks stuck in my craw.

Jackie’s take was different. She commented a couple of times about what a turn-on it was to see me tied up in the ropes while fully erect. She said she likes seeing a man naked, helpless, and aroused by circumstances beyond his control. It was especially arousing for me when Jackie gave me an exquisite handjob while Dave came in my mouth.

I joined a gym with a boxing ring. I worked out. I learned the nuances of wrestling in a ring as opposed to wrestling on a mat. With the help of a great coaching staff including former college wrestlers and Jiu-Jitsu experts; I got the training needed to ensure victory over Dave in our next match.

For those of you who don’t know, Jiu-Jitsu is a form of wrestling or grappling based on submission holds. It includes applying pressure on joints, forcing them in directions they’re not supposed to go. Jiu-Jitsu also includes a variety of chokeholds.

I lifted weights, ran on a treadmill, rode bike, did stretching exercises, and got tips about wrestling moves I hadn’t learned in high school. I even learned some Jiu-Jitsu. I sparred with guys who kicked the shit out of me, but I worked hard and learned a lot.

Dave asked me a couple of times where I was in the evenings. I didn’t want him to know I was preparing for our rematch. I told him I was swamped at work and often had to stay late.

Six months went by quickly. I lost the 20 lb. edge I had on Dave but I had become quicker, stronger, and fitter overall. I liked looking at myself in the mirror again. I was in the best shape I’d been in since high school. At age thirty-six, I was proud of my newfound fitness and how I learned to handle myself in a ring. Dave wouldn’t be able to trap me the way he did in the first match. I was a much-improved wrestler, ready for anything Dave could bring.

Sam and I had only gotten together with Jackie and Dave a handful of times during the six months I was training. I told Sam, next time we get together with them; I just might challenge Dave to the rematch.

Sam was impressed. She knew how hard I’d been working at the gym, but I’m not sure she cared about who would win. She loved seeing two naked men wrestling with the outcome being one man sexually dominating the other. She also wanted to fuck Dave’s huge cock again. Of course, I would have to lose for that to happen.

About six and a half months after our match, we invited Jackie and Dave over for dinner. Dave and I were talking about MMA fights we’d seen on TV. With a cocky attitude, he laughed and said, “Yeah, but their winnings pale in comparison to mine. You remember…when I tied you up in the ropes, right?”

He was still laughing, but not to be outdone, I replied, “Or my winnings when I humiliate your ass in our rematch.”

Over the past six months, I hadn’t said much in response to Dave’s comments so Dave seemed surprised by my response. He smiled and asked, “Are you challenging me to a rematch?”

I said, “I have a score to settle.”

“Game on!” he said, and immediately went out to the patio to tell the girls.

Sam knew I had become a very different physical specimen. She never let on to Dave or Jackie that I was likely to win this time.

When I joined them outside, the first thing Jackie said was, “I can’t wait.” With lust written all over her face, she said, “I loved seeing you two naked and aroused boys fighting for the right to fuck me.”

“You sure you want to do this?” Sam asked.

I stood tall, looked Dave straight in the eye, and said, “He doesn’t stand a chance.”

We all agreed on a day and time. If the gym was available, we’d be set for the rematch.

I was prepared. I was confident. Game on is right! I knew this time would result in a very different outcome.

The night arrived. This time I drove. I wore my jockstrap under my clothes as did Dave. Sam wore a tiny green, string bikini and Jackie wore a white monokini with straps barely covering her nipples. The girls were jaw-droppingly gorgeous.

Once we’d stripped down to bare essentials, Dave looked at me and said, “You’ve lost weight. Have you been working out?”

My response was confident silence. I sensed a feeling of uneasiness from Dave. When I didn’t say anything, he barely nodded and said, “Alrighty then,” and headed toward the ring.

Jackie said, “Dave’s right. You do look good.”

We already knew the rules. We entered the ring, went to our respective corners, and waited for Jackie to say, “Fight.”

There was no stare-down, no trash talk. This was serious and I would put my hard work to good use. My gratification would come in the form of avenging my loss and having Sam and Jackie as my reward.

“Fight!” was the call from Jackie.

I wasn’t about to give him a chance. We casually walked to the center of the ring, touched hands in a friendly handshake, and I immediately went for a takedown, catching Dave off guard. I wrapped my arms around his legs and drove into him as hard as I could, knocking him on his ass with me landing on top.

His legs were wrapped around my sides with his ankles crossed behind my back. I applied pressure under his neck and chin with the top of my head to make him uncomfortable. He was grunting as he strained to flip me off of him, but I maintained top position. He tried to spin out from under me like he did in our first match, but I anticipated it and defended against it. His efforts were futile.

The girls watched intently. Jackie wasn’t used to seeing someone dominate her husband like that but she must have liked it. Her eyes were glued to us while she rubbed her crotch.

Sam watched in awe, stunned by how quickly I took command of the fight. We all sensed this match would have a very different outcome.

I slid farther up to get one arm under Dave’s shoulder and the other around his neck. Figuring he’d be unfamiliar with Jiu-Jitsu, I clasped my hands behind his neck and tightened my grip. I was out to end this fight as quickly as possible. I held nothing back.

He turned his head into my shoulder to avoid getting choked. When he uncrossed his legs, I hopped out from between them so I was perpendicular to him with my hands clasped and my bicep tight against his throat. It was my full intent to choke him out.

He was straining with all his might, trying to push my arm away from his neck to pop his head out of my grasp.

I tried numerous times to find that sweet spot that would put him out cold or force him to tap. I tightened my grip. It wasn’t in the right spot. I loosened it slightly, shifted it a little, and tightened it again. I tried over and over to get my bicep against his carotid artery which would cut off the blood flow to his brain, but in my straining attempts, my arms began to tire and burn.

Finally, I had it locked up. I held my grip as tightly as I could for close to a minute, although it felt more like ten. He continued to struggle and somehow, he avoided passing out. I applied this technique numerous times when sparring at the gym but I couldn’t get the right position to finish Dave. My arms were burning. I used a lot of energy trying to secure an early victory but nothing I tried worked. I had to remain committed to the choke. If Dave got loose, he would easily gain top position.

My arm was slipping. He continued to push until his head was out and he emerged on top.

I rolled onto my back to defend myself. He straddled me on his knees and held my wrists to the mat over my head. I tried raising my arms, flailing them in all directions to free them from his grip, but he held on.

I know how to defend against such a simple hold, but I flailed my arms in a panic, like a kid in the schoolyard pinned down by a bully.

I raised my legs and got my ankles around his head, but before I could throw him backward, he let go of my wrists, grabbed my ankles, and pulled them over my head. I was bent in half with his weight on my chest. He slid forward to plant his cock filled pouch onto my face. I felt stiffness in his cock as he jammed it against my mouth.

My legs were spread over my head with my asshole fully exposed.

Jackie cheered, “Oh yeah baby, spread his ass and make him eat your cock.”

I turned one way, then the other, and back again to avoid his dick but he held me there while grinding his pouch into my face.

I backward somersaulted out from under him, forcing him forward so I could emerge behind and reverse the position. I slipped out behind him as planned, but Dave anticipated my attempt, spun around, and climbed back on top before I could get back to my feet. Despite my efforts to escape, I found myself in the same chokehold I just had on him. He tightened his grip.

If I were unable to escape, he would choke me out. I was short of breath as his bicep tightened under my chin. Legal or not, I grabbed him by the balls.

He immediately let go and doubled over. I turned quickly to scramble to my feet, but he still had the presence of mind to follow my moves and grab my legs, preventing me from getting up.

Sam and Jackie were cheering for Dave. Sam wanted to fuck Dave’s big cock again and she let us know it. I loved their excitement, but I had bigger concerns at the moment, but the sight of Sam and Jackie watching settled into the back of my mind and my cock began to grow.

I was able to prevent him from advancing his position. Fighting to get free, I bent one leg, then the other as fast as I could while pushing his head down with all my might. I pulled my legs free and got back to my feet.

I was breathing heavily. I was weak, but I was not to be denied.

I was desperate. Twice, I avoided close calls, but my exhaustion was destroying my fighter’s mindset and focus. The way I saw it, the time was now to throw caution to the wind and attack with all my might. I might not get another chance.

I lunged at him in hopes of catching him off guard again. It worked before, but I lacked the speed, the timing, and the presence of mind I had in the beginning. He saw it coming and easily stepped aside making me miss. I ended up falling face down on the mat.

He jumped on top of me. With him riding on my back, I struggled to get to my hands and knees. He wrapped one arm around my throat and clasped his hands. He rolled onto his back dragging me with him. He wrapped his legs around my sides with his feet in my crotch. I was sure he would try to choke me out again. His grip was tight. He seemed to have gotten a second wind.

I pushed on his arm to avoid the choke, but I no longer had the strength. Still gasping for air, I sat up and rolled from one side to the other in multiple attempts to escape. He followed my every move, keeping his arm wrapped around my throat and his hands clasped. He yanked me back down but to my surprise, he wasn’t trying to choke me. He easily could have choked me out if he wanted but he just held onto me, making it difficult for me to maneuver. Though I sensed no imminent danger, I still fought to escape. I had to get free if I were to stand any chance of winning.

Every move I made was more labored than the last. He was in control. I was doing all the work and expending what little energy I had left.

Finally, I gave one last-ditch effort to sit up. I succeeded but Dave still hung on. I was exhausted and he knew it. The fucker started showing off, preventing my escape using only one arm and waving his other arm in the air.

Dave said, “What’s the matter, buddy? Are you stuck?”

I couldn’t talk.

Dave reached down with his free hand to fondle my cock. With the girls watching intently, I became aroused.

I had no choice but to accept my loss. There was only one thing left to do. I spread my legs to allow him better access and give the girls a better view. My fate was sealed.

Dave chuckled and asked, “Is this how you planned on humiliating me?”

My attempts to escape sapped the last bit of energy I had. I should have felt embarrassed, but I found myself flowing into the moment. Sam and Jackie were aroused by the sight of Dave dominating me. They were smiling and clapping. They knew I couldn’t fight anymore.

As I lay in Dave’s grasp still gasping for air, I was second-guessing my efforts. Maybe I should have trained harder. Maybe I should have waited a year instead of only six months before fighting Dave again. Maybe I should have paced myself better. I don’t know what I could’ve done differently, but there I was, caught and unable to escape Dave’s grasp. Sam and Jackie entered the ring.

Jackie said, “Looks like you got him again, baby.” She and Sam were giddy with excitement when they knelt next to us.

My cock was fully erect and ready to pop out of the pouch. Despite another humiliating defeat, or because of it, I was excited to watch Sam and Jackie enjoying the sight of Dave toying with me.

Jackie said, “Show me his cock, baby. I wanna see this loser’s cock again.”

I squirmed, mostly for a show I suppose. I wanted to appear resistant to Dave’s advances, but I wanted Dave to show them my cock. Even if I escaped, I wouldn’t have been able to fight off another attack. Dave won. I was done fighting.

Dave pulled the pouch of my jockstrap aside and my cock popped out in full view. He said, “Looks like I won.” I had such mixed feelings when Dave began stroking me. It was humiliating being molested by another man, yet the girls liked watching so much, it became irresistibly obscene.

The air was filled with the scent of Sam and Jackie’s excitement.

Jackie reached out and lightly stroked my cock. Dave moved his hand down to fondle my balls. I twitched from her touch and instinctively pumped my hips. My cock was as hard as it could be.

Dave laughed and rhetorically asked, “Give up?”

My focus was on what they were doing to me and the aroma that told me Jackie and Sam were eager for more. I nodded and said, “Yes, yes, you win.”

Dave said, “Good.” Then he and Jackie let me go. “Go sit in the corner and watch.”

My cock was so hard it hurt. I desperately wanted Dave and Jackie to continue. Not only was I no longer the center of attention, but I wouldn’t be allowed to participate.

I leaned forward onto my hands and knees to crawl away. As I crawled past Jackie, she reached between my legs from behind to feel my balls. I nearly collapsed from the surprise. When I reached the corner, I turned around and sat with my legs spread and my cock pointing straight in the air.

Jackie looked at my cock and said, “Nice.”

I was still trying to catch my breath but I loved that she took notice.

Dave was sitting on the mat propped up on his arms with his hands behind him. His legs were spread when Sam moved in on her hands and knees. She fondled his semi-hard cock still crammed inside his jock, then slowly pulled the pouch aside so we could get a good look at his massive tool.

As Sam’s hands explored his cock and balls, Dave watched and became fully erect.

Jackie stroked herself, watching her husband grow to full size under Sam’s control. It was hot seeing Sam take control of Dave’s huge cock. I stroked myself.

Sam stared into Dave’s eyes with a longing look on her face. Slowly, she began pushing him onto his back so she could mount him, but Jackie grabbed Sam’s arm and said, “Not so fast.” Jackie had a stern look on her face when she said, “I’m going first.”

Sam laughed and said, “Not a chance.”

Jackie snidely retorted, “I’m going to fuck him first, but you can sit by your loser boyfriend and watch if you like.”

Sam firmly stated, “I’m here now. I’m ready, and I’m going for it!”

She started to push Dave onto his back again.

Sam seemed out of place with her demand. Dave is Jackie’s husband after all, but judging by their expressions, this was no time to inject my two cents. Certainly, Dave was fine either way.

Jackie pulled Sam’s arm back hard and said, “You’ll wait your turn.”

With that, Sam turned quickly and pushed Jackie onto her back.

Jackie laughed and said, “What…are we going to fight now?”

Sam said firmly, “I’m here now! I’m not going to simply get out of your way when I’m already right here!”

Dave and I sat in amazement. Neither of us expected anything like this would develop. We couldn’t wait to see what happens. I hoped to see them ripping at those tiny bikinis.

Sam is pretty fit and she looks incredible. She isn’t what I’d call “ripped” but she is toned. Jackie, on the other hand, looks somewhat skinny compared to Sam. She spends a lot of time in the gym, yet Sam has better muscle definition. Jackie is a couple of inches taller than Sam but they can’t be within more than ten pounds of each other.

Jackie stood up quickly. She was furious. Sam followed. Jackie chest-bumped Sam a couple of times, egging her on to make a move. Sam was hesitant to respond but kept her arms up in defense. Suddenly, Jackie shoved both hands into Sam’s shoulders and knocked Sam three or four steps backward nearly causing her to fall. The straps on Jackie’s monokini slid around her chest, fully exposing her fine breasts.

Jackie was working herself into a fit of anger. “You want some of this bitch?” she asked. “I’ll give you some! Maybe you’ve forgotten…he’s my fucking husband! You have no right to anything where he’s concerned!”

Sam was intimidated by Jackie’s tone. Maybe she was beginning to realize why she was out of line. In a whiny tone, Sam asked, “Why are you being so unreasonable? You get to fuck him all the time.”

Jackie said assertively, “You’re right, I’m being fucking unreasonable, but I’m going to kick your ass anyway. Why? ‘Cause I don’t like your attitude. You don’t fuck with me, bitch. He’s my fucking husband. I’m going to teach you a lesson. You’re going to eat fucking humble pie while the boys watch.”

I’ve never known Sam to take such a firm stand on anything. She’s not a fighter, yet she seemed to feel justified in challenging Jackie. I don’t think Sam had any idea things might escalate to this level. Despite her slim frame, Jackie was likely stronger and more experienced than Sam, but Sam stood her ground.

Dave and I were not about to intervene. We both wanted to watch them fight. We leaned back in the corners of the ring and stroked our dicks as we were about to witness something special.

Jackie charged at Sam, grabbed Sam by the hair, and started dragging her around the ring. Sam screamed in pain, helpless to defend herself. Jackie looked magnificent, her monokini straps now serving only to hold the tiny patch in place covering her pussy. Her exposed tits swayed, bounced, and jiggled with every move she made.

Sam got a hold of Jackie’s wrists and pulled Jackie’s hands from her hair. When Sam got free, Jackie was holding a clump of Sam’s hair in each hand.

Sam’s top had slid off of one of her breasts while being yanked around the ring but that didn’t seem to matter. Staying covered was the last thing on Sam’s mind. She was pissed.

Sam charged and slammed her shoulder into Jackie’s gut like a linebacker hitting a quarterback, driving her into the ropes. Jackie let out a loud grunt, doubled over, and dropped to the mat. Sam was on her immediately. She rolled Jackie onto her back and knelt on Jackie’s shoulders, holding her down in a schoolboy pin.

Sam reached back and grabbed Jackie by the pussy and yelled, “You think you’re gonna dominate me, bitch? I don’t think so you selfish cunt!”

Sam turned back around and grabbed Jackie by the hair. She said, “You want fucking hair pulling? I’ll give you hair-pulling!”

Sam was livid. I’ve never seen her so angry. She started slamming Jackie’s head on the mat and I thought she might knock her out. Dave and I told Sam to stop. Jackie must have seen stars from a couple of those head slams, but she got her wind back.

Once Jackie regained her breath, she scrambled to get free. Jackie forced Sam’s knees off of her shoulders and Sam was having difficulty keeping up with Jackie’s maneuvers. Jackie turned, grabbed Sam’s leg, and began pulling, throwing Sam off balance. When Sam went to respond, Jackie had already turned and was pulling on Sam’s other leg. Still, on her back with Sam on top, Jackie raised her legs and wrapped them around Sam’s shoulders with her feet in Sam’s face. She straightened her legs, raised her hips, and forced Sam over backward. Jackie quickly emerged on top holding Sam down with the same schoolboy pin she was just in. Sam brought her legs up to grab Jackie’s head but Jackie ducked to thwart Sam’s attempts.

Jackie drew her fist back like she was about to punch Sam in the face.

Dave and I both yelled “No!” in hopes Jackie would stop.

No one wanted to see bloodshed here. Fortunately, Jackie held back. Instead, Jackie just held Sam in place. Sam was bucking her hips in hopes of throwing Jackie off of her, but Jackie easily stayed on top preventing Sam’s escape.

Having no fighting experience, Sam didn’t know where to begin to try and escape. As Sam feebly tried to free herself, Jackie quickly reached behind Sam’s neck and untied the top strings of Sam’s bikini.

Jackie slid back off Sam’s shoulders, reached under Sam’s back, and grabbed Sam’s wrist, pulling Sam’s arm behind her back.

Sam’s top slid off her perfect tits. Her back was arched with her arm trapped underneath. Her tits looked even more magnificent as she struggled to free herself.

What’s good for the gander is good for the goose, I guess. Dave and I called for more.

It was such a turn-on seeing Sam stripped by another woman. I could feel Sam’s humiliation. It excited me. I know what she was feeling, being dominated and stripped in front of Dave and me.

Jackie slid off to one side on Sam’s other arm, preventing her from escaping. With her free hand, Jackie began fondling Sam’s tits. In a soft, but sly, commanding tone, Jackie said, “You might as well accept the inevitable, but I’ve decided…I’ve decided not to take Dave first. I’m going to take you first. This dispute is over.”

Jackie grabbed Sam’s panties and pulled on them hard. The side string tore enough so they became loose. Dave and I got glimpses of Sam’s pussy as she struggled.

Sam’s expression seemed fearful as she looked back and forth at Dave and me watching. I don’t know if it was fear or arousal that showed on Sam’s face but despite the look of anxiety, she was becoming aroused. She had no choice but to relinquish herself to Jackie.

Not satisfied, Jackie reached inside Sam’s bottoms and slowly pushed them down. Sam gasped when Jackie exposed her soaking wet pussy in front of us. Sam became submissive when Jackie began stroking her clit.

Sam twitched and moaned with lustful delight while watching Dave and me stroking ourselves. She no longer wanted to fight. She wanted to fuck. Her demeanor changed 180 degrees, from wanting to beat the shit out of Jackie, to giving herself up as a submissive slave.

Jackie said, “I should blow your whole night and force you to cum right now in front of the boys. You shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near my husband.”

Moaning and gyrating against Jackie’s hand, I think Sam would have gladly accepted it.

“That’s what I thought,” said Jackie.

Jackie stood up, removed her monokini, revealing her beautiful hairless pussy, and got back on top of Sam again. She held Sam in that same schoolboy pin only this time, Jackie planted her pussy onto Sam’s mouth and said, “Lick it.”

Sam accepted her loss. She eagerly obliged and instinctively pumped her hips as she licked. Laurel was the only woman Sam had engaged in any kind of sex act with, but this was the first time she’d tasted pussy. Sam’s soaking wet pussy was fully exposed as Jackie humped forward and back across Sam’s tongue. Jackie’s expression changed from anger to lustful self-indulgence and Sam had become Jackie’s willing slave.

Jackie called me over and said, “Eat her.”

I happily obliged. I continued stroking my cock with one hand and pulled Sam’s panties down a little farther so I could access her clit.

“Hey baby, come here in front of me,” Jackie said in a sultry tone. Dave walked over and straddled Sam’s head, stroking his dick in front of Jackie’s face. Jackie pulled his jock to the mat and began stroking him.

I paused for a moment to pull Sam’s bikini bottoms off. I peeked around Jackie to get another look at the size of Dave’s cock. It was about eight inches long – impressive enough, but it was the thickness that made his cock unique. Even in porn movies, I’ve never seen a cock that fat.

I went back to licking that delicious pussy I was so familiar with but I couldn’t stop thinking about the massive size of Dave’s cock. I’d seen Dave’s cock in our first fight, which was the first sex fight I’d had with a man. I don’t think I truly realized how big it is. Even though I had it in my mouth, even though he spewed his load into my throat, my mind was so focused on everything else at the time that all I remembered was that it was big. After getting a better look, the incredible size of Dave’s cock was indelibly etched in my mind.

Jackie reached around Dave’s hips and fondled his balls from behind as she began sucking his cock. Dave couldn’t help moaning as he watched all the activity from above.

Sam had the perfect view of Dave’s cock gliding in and out of Jackie’s mouth as she ravaged Jackie’s clit.

Dave started to tense up like he was going to cum, but Jackie stopped sucking and told Dave to lie on his back. She climbed off of Sam’s face and onto Dave, held his cock in place, and lowered herself onto it.

“Come here and suck my tits,” Jackie said to Sam.

Jackie looked at me and said, “Lick Dave’s balls.”

I’d been here before. Sucking another man’s privates wasn’t natural for me, but I put myself into this situation. Both girls love watching one man pleasure another, and they loved making me do it. That made sucking Dave’s cock not just tolerable, but humiliatingly arousing. I lost this wrestling match. I was compelled to do as I was told.

Jackie took control, directing how everything would play out. With Sam licking and fondling Jackie’s tits, Jackie’s rhythm increased and her moans became louder. She grabbed Sam by the hair and drew Sam’s face to her chest.

Sam did her best to enhance every possible sensation for Jackie. She wrapped her arm around Jackie’s back, reached under Jackie’s arm, and fondled one of Jackie’s breasts while sucking on the other. She continued stroking Jackie’s clit with her other hand. Jackie had a hand, a mouth, and a cock servicing every obvious erogenous zone at the same time. It drove her crazy.

As Jackie’s rhythm increased on Dave’s cock, she became wilder. It didn’t take long and she was bending over. She grit her teeth. She bore down and strained for all she was worth. She tensed up, even drooled with increased guttural groans while holding Sam’s face to her chest. Jackie began shuddering and twitching uncontrollably through an intense, screaming orgasm. She looked magnificent.

“Yes! Yes! Watch me cum!” she yelled.

I sat up to watch Jackie give it up for us. Sam was very turned on, moaning while stroking Jackie’s clit. Watching Sam forcing Jackie to orgasm was one of the steamiest images I’ve ever seen. Jackie let everything go for our benefit.

I went back to licking Dave’s balls after getting my visual treat, occasionally taking one ball into my mouth and playing with it with my tongue. His hips thrust up and down as he breathed heavier and his moans became louder. Jackie continued to gyrate on top of him. I thought he’d have to cum, but he never let up. His stamina and lasting power were impressive.

As Jackie passed the peak of her orgasm, she was trying to slow down but Dave continued pounding. When Jackie could take no more, she grabbed Sam’s hand, pulled it away from her clit, and rolled off of Dave onto the mat.

Jackie said to Sam, “Now…you may fuck him.” Jackie lay on the mat with her hands in her crotch, quaking and huffing out her final moans.

Sam didn’t hesitate. She climbed on top of Dave and slowly worked his cock into her.

I no sooner looked up to get a better view when Jackie told me to keep licking Dave’s balls and stroking myself. I did as I was told.

Sam leaned back toward me. “I love seeing you jerking yourself with your face in Dave’s crotch,” she said. Knowing she was turned on by watching me pleasure Dave excited me. I licked and sucked enthusiastically.

Sam was on a mission. Her ass was bouncing up and down right in front of my face. I could smell her excitement mixed with Dave’s sweat.

While Dave fondled Sam’s tits and drilled her hard, Jackie knelt next to me and pushed my hand away from my cock. She ran her hand up and down my cock, feeling every inch from the sensitive tip to my asshole. She said, “Just keep doing what you’re doing to Dave. I’ll take care of you.”

On my hands and knees between Dave’s spread legs, my chin was nearly on the floor while licking his balls. My legs were spread and my ass was high in the air. Jackie was taking full advantage of my open position, stroking my cock and feeling every inch of my ass, my taint, and my balls.

Sam reached back and grabbed my hair forcing my face tighter into Dave’s balls. I was a slave to her and Jackie. I was so caught up in lust and degradation, I would’ve done anything for them. I licked every inch of Dave’s balls and his taint.

Sam’s pussy must’ve felt incredibly tight for Dave. He thrust his hips with abandon.

Sam pulled me forward, jamming my nose squarely into her ass. She moaned from the friction of Dave’s massive cock pumping inside her and my nose probing her ass with every downward thrust of her torso. Her breathing became more rapid as she braced herself with her hands on Dave’s shoulders. He had easy access to fondle her breasts and took full advantage. She rode him…and rode him some more, immersed in the sensations.

Crazy orgasms one moment, and calmly cooing the next, then repeating the process multiple times, Sam was wild in her response. Nothing stopped her from acting on every impulse. Dave could satisfy her in a way I never will and I love seeing her so aroused from sensations she’s not used to.

I think Sam was overwhelmed. She raised her hips off of his cock and turned around to plant her pussy on Dave’s face in a reverse cowgirl position. Maybe she was becoming sore, but Dave began licking her and she picked up moaning where she left off. Now, she and I were face to face.

Sam’s excitement increased with the view of me licking Dave’s balls. She was panting loudly as Dave stroked her with his tongue, but Sam had another reason for turning around.

She grabbed my hair again only this time, she pulled my head up to position my mouth over Dave’s cock. She said, “Oh how I want to watch this. Impress me, sweetie. Impress me.” Then she held his cock up and said, “Let me see that fat cock in your mouth.”

I knew the visual turned her on. I could smell Sam all over him making my impending task more palatable. She pushed my head down and Dave’s cock entered my mouth. Sam said, “Taste me. Taste all of us.”

I took it in as far as I could and began bobbing my head.

I imagined the sensations I enjoy from getting a blow job and how I could achieve that for Dave. I sucked with every upstroke of my head as I tightened my tongue against the underside of his cock – especially the sensitive ring near the tip. The best way to impress Sam was to drive Dave nuts. I made him squirm.

I couldn’t help moaning as Jackie stroked and fondled me. Still holding my hair, Sam forced my head up and down. I could taste Sam and his cock became irresistible.

Jackie exclaimed, “God, I love watching you guys!”

Dave kept licking Sam. He moaned and strained from the friction of my tongue against the most sensitive parts of his cock. Sam’s tension was increasing. She let go of my hair and rose to her hands straddling Dave’s sides. I was tensing up too, getting closer to climax when I felt Dave’s cock expanding and getting ready to blow.

Jackie’s breathing increased. She said, “Give it up for me. I want you to get off while you’re sucking Dave.” She probed my ass with her finger and said, “Suck that cock for me and I’ll make you cum.”

Sam had lavished on Dave’s tongue until she could hold back no longer. She strained, holding her breath until she erupted into one more screaming orgasm. She humped Dave’s face, focused on the sensations she was experiencing from the feeling of Dave’s tongue, and the visual of me sucking his cock.

The sight and sound of Sam’s climax was overwhelming for Dave and me and we came along with her. Dave continued licking Sam as he growled out his orgasm into the back of my throat.

Jackie said, “Swallow.”

I swallowed as much as I could but some dripped out between his cock and my lips.

Sam was quivering throughout as she watched Jackie stroke a cum shot out of me that splattered all over the mat and Dave’s ass with a couple of splats hitting me in the face.

Probing my ass and fondling my balls with extended fingers, Jackie had the perfect light touch. Between my vulnerability from Jackie’s finger in my ass and my degradation with Dave’s cock in my mouth, Jackie forced one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had out of me. The strain lasted through numerous pumps before I could release my breath. Gasping and straining over and over and again took everything I had.

Giving myself up for Sam and Jackie was extreme. I had the mother of all orgasms while trying to swallow every drop of Dave’s cum.

After I peaked, Jackie gradually slowed her strokes, allowing me to come to my senses slowly. She said, “Wow, you certainly enjoyed that. I loved making you cum so hard when Dave came in your mouth. The visual was extraordinary. You must’ve liked that.”

I still had Dave’s wilting cock in my mouth. It’s true…I did enjoy sucking Dave’s cock – not because I love sucking cock, but because the girls loved watching me suck cock and because I loved watching them get off in the process.

I loved how Sam fucked Dave with reckless abandon. Sam and I love making love to each other but Dave gives her pleasures I can’t. I get crazy turned on when Sam takes pleasure however she wants. I love that she’s free. I love her.

Sam was still sitting on Dave’s face as he licked her gently. I finally let his shrinking cock flop out of my mouth. He reached down and very slowly, stroked himself to the final quake.

After all was said and done, Sam rolled off of Dave and lay next to him. I slid out from between Dave’s legs and lay on my back below Dave’s feet while Jackie played with my spent cock. Funny, she has in Dave what most guys only wish they could give her, yet she likes playing with my comparatively small dick.

We gradually collected ourselves enough to start cleaning up. I wonder if the owner of the gym had any clue how his boxing ring was being used. We got it squeaky clean.

Sam stood in front of me and looked at me for a few seconds with a sweet, loving smile. She hugged me and chuckled. “That was incredible,” she said. “It was just an incredible sight to watch. I love you.”

I said, “I love you too.”

On the way home I said, “How ’bout next time we skip the wrestling.”

They all agreed though Jackie was reluctant at first. She said to Dave, “But I like playing with your slave.”

Dave said, “No, my dear, he wasn’t my slave. He just gave me a blow job. He was your slave.”

She said, “But you won him for me.”

Dave responded, “Then you should fuck him next time.”

I was flattered by her comments. I was happy to be her slave. I glanced in the rearview mirror to see her smiling back at me. I wanted to turn around and go back to the gym to have another go at it…but the night was done.

Recalling the sequence of events, I lost the first match. I worked extremely hard in preparation for the rematch. I lost again, yet I enjoyed the outcome of both fights. Dave may have beaten me twice, but I was extremely turned on by the role I played in both matches. I wondered if subconsciously, I may have wanted to lose. Regardless, my ultimate submission fantasy had been fulfilled, and it was incredibly hot.

Though I am a straight man, leaving everything out there for two magnificent women to witness was over the top. Clearly, Dave won. Even though I got the upper hand early, I’m convinced my chances of beating him are slim. We all got off. It’s all good.

Where this relationship goes from here is anyone’s guess, but hopefully, we will spend more nights together with more crazy twists.

Published 2 years ago

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