I never could’ve foreseen bunking with Dinah as long as I did. When the beautiful woman had first invited me to her place, I thought for sure it would end up being a one-night thing, and when she offered to put me up indefinitely, I had instantly shot the kind proposal down because I suddenly became fearful of what would happen to her if I did indeed stay. Being the intelligent person she was, the clever female was quick to point out that I couldn’t continue to live my life in fear the way I had been doing for the last eight years. She convinced me I had to take a stand instead of hiding in the shadows for the rest of my existence…and she also claimed that if anyone could help me do that, she could.
A few days turned into a month, and then a month turned into three more. Before I knew it, the end of autumn was approaching and I was still living with my gracious hostess. I admit that there were a few times when I thought about bailing on her – for her safety, of course – and vanishing from her life when she was working down at the theatre, but just as she had said, nothing untoward had happened to threaten her existence. No one seemed to know that I was staying with her, and she didn’t seem to be in any kind of danger as Cassie had been.
Speaking of Cassie, through Dinah’s connections and her “techno-wizardry” as I liked to call it, she was able to inform me that Cassandra was doing just fine. My old friend and flame was still living in her parents’ grand estate on the outskirts of my hometown…and she was still doing so alone. I knew I had to see her again at some point so I could explain to her why I had unceremoniously up and vanished from her life. I wanted her to know that it had been through no fault of hers, but because I had been trying my best to protect her. It seems like no matter how many times I try to do the right thing, somebody always ends up getting hurt in the end. That was something I sorely wanted to correct.
Still, my fear of the unknown and what had been following me around for all those years didn’t just go away over the course of one night. I’ve always been a somewhat paranoid person, so there were certainly days when I was convinced that something was going to happen to ruin the perfect setup I had achieved with Dinah. I kept telling myself that someone would slide a letter under the door or leave some kind of crude bomb in her mailbox, but she kept reminding me I had to get past that negative line of thinking and take my life back. I couldn’t keep fearing what may or may not have been following me. I needed to live in the now.
During the time I stayed at Dinah’s, I helped her examine the steady influx of paranormal cases that came across her laptop screen. When she would have to go to work at the theatre, I would sometimes tag along and pitch in in any way that I could, but other times I would stay behind in her apartment and go over the constantly arriving documents in order to weed out the false claims from the legit ones. About three months in, I was becoming a true pro at spotting the fakers and knowing which problems needed our full attention.
It was a particularly chilling day at the beginning of winter when Dinah made a sudden suggestion to me as we played a movie in her living quarters while sitting at her dining room table, rifling through papers and information. She didn’t do so right away, but it had been after a little “workout session” we had indulged in. At first, she seemed a little hesitant about how to say things, but then she…
Hold on one second. I’m going to backtrack to the workout session first. I have a feeling that’s a part of the story everyone is dying to hear about, and quite frankly, it’s something I could certainly benefit from sharing and reliving. I think it goes without saying that seeing a fine woman dressed in skin-tight shorts and a sleeveless, white shirt that shows a ton of sideboob and almost the same amount of underboob is one of the hottest things on the face of this planet or any other. Nipping out while almost falling out of said top at the same time only serves as a sexier detail and makes things even better.
So Dinah and I had been spending a weekend going through a bunch of new cases that were coming in so we could forward the information to Sara. In the time I had spent working with Dinah, I found that she acted as something of an intermediary and would gather necessary details that she would in essence relay to her “boss.” We had been at it for hours, and eventually, after having our brains fried from studying so many cases, my voluptuous friend asked if I’d want to take a break and work out for a bit. I nodded and said it sounded like a solid idea.
Dinah smiled in return and then disappeared to her room momentarily. When she came back out to the main living area, she had on the ensemble I previously mentioned. I shouldn’t have to say that I was sporting a boner almost within seconds.
Seeing the effect she had on me, the sultry cougar laughed before tossing me something. When I caught it and finally unfolded it, I realized it was a tight pair of black shorts similar to what she had on. With a confused expression on my face, I couldn’t help but chortle, “What am I supposed to do with these?”
“Go put them on so we can work out! I’m going to put you through the wringer today!”
Dinah and I had worked out together a few other times since I had started staying with her. We would usually put a movie on for some background noise and then lay a mat out on her living room floor after moving the coffee table out of the way so we could do sit-ups and other styles of crunches. I would tend to impress her with how many push-ups I could do, but she never attempted any. I’m sure I don’t have to explain why they never worked out too well for her.
With her hair in a ponytail, Dinah laid the mat out as I went into the bathroom and disrobed so I could attempt to put the skimpy shorts on. Leaving my other clothes in a folded pile on the countertop near the sink, I pulled the tight skivvies on and glanced down at myself before taking a look in the mirror. I couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous I looked. I wondered when Dinah had purchased the meager drawers and if she had done so with me in mind or if they were actually something she had planned on wearing herself. Regardless, my dick was about to slither out of them on one side since they left very little to the imagination, and if she made me the least bit hard during our exercise session, there was a very real possibility that something would snap in half if it didn’t end up wriggling down my leg seeking freedom.
I made my way out of the bathroom and had to walk carefully since my testicles didn’t have a whole lot of breathing room. I stood just behind the wall so I could peer around the corner and view Dinah as she lay on her right side lifting her left leg into the air in order to touch her outstretched corresponding arm. She was already working up a sweat without me and looked absolutely fascinating while doing so.
When I finally entered the room, the busty brunette rolled onto her back and glanced up at me with a huge grin on her face. Her white teeth sparkled and her breasts were so close to sliding out of the bottom of her top that I could see the dark edges of her areolas. She started to laugh since I’m sure I looked thoroughly ludicrous in those tight torture devices she had me wearing. “Marcus! Holy smokes! I can see the outline of your cock!”
“If you couldn’t, I’d be pretty damn ashamed of myself!” I responded in jest. “There’s hardly any room to put anything in these shorts!”
The blue-eyed beauty laughed and remained in a supine position on the mat. Since she was flattened out, she started to raise her pelvis into the air while steadily breathing. Her lips pursed as she expelled her short breaths and turned her focus to the ceiling.
I knew exactly what the voluptuous vixen was doing: She was taunting me. Every time her pelvis went in the air, she gave me a view of her reclining chest…and her nipples were just barely holding that top on her body every time it fell back. I could see right down her shirt, and the complete undersides of both breasts were clearly visible to me as she pretended to not be doing anything mischievous.
I watched her for a few seconds and thought about whipping my dick out right then and there so I could begin pleasuring it. I was glad I decided to wait, though, because she abruptly rolled over and started doing what was known as a “cobra stretch.” Again, the woman was simply toying with me and attempting to get a rise out of me…and succeeding, of course. I continued to watch as she started to change it up yet again and fall back so she could raise her ass in the air…
“Hey, Marcus,” Dinah broke into my thoughts as she fell back in a seated position. She then pointed at something close to the wall nearest to me and asked, “Would you be a dear and hand me that jump rope?”
I did as I was asked and knew what was coming. Apart from an engorged erection, I felt beads of sweat forming on my forehead as the busty brunette started to skip rope while her tits bounced out of her top. Those nipples were flashing into view with her jumps and looked absolutely glorious while doing so.
Placing a hand over my groin, I watched that fantastic female hop up and down for a good two minutes before coming to a stop and making yet another request of me. When I did my best to keep my eyes above her neck, I heard her ask if I’d be willing to fetch her water bottle from the kitchen. She had apparently forgotten about it and really needed a drink.
Again, I followed the orders to a T and retrieved the receptacle for her. I was about to hand it to her so she could take a sip, but she instead let her head fall back as her mouth opened wide. She apparently wanted me to pour the soothing liquid down her gullet for her. I did just that…at first, anyway.
After giving Dinah enough to drink, I moved the bottle just a bit so the water continued to pour out…but now it was running down her chest and saturating her skimpy shirt. When she had stopped skipping rope, one of her nipples managed to return to concealment, but the other was still visible. I made sure to get it wet…and I could clearly see the other one through the white fabric. The sultry cougar looked so incredibly hot.
“How dare you!” she playfully called out while pretending to be mad. She animatedly slapped the bottle away. “I can’t believe you’d do something like that!”
“Sorry!” I also jested even though I really wasn’t. I had been around Dinah long enough to know when the mature woman was getting riled up, and it was easy to see that she was ten steps past her normal level of horniness. I can’t say it enough that when it comes to being with an older female, it’s such a turn-on to know when I’m making them randy.
“Now my mat’s all wet!” The blue-eyed beauty imitated being upset. She then dropped to the mat and placed herself over the wet spots with her back on them as she put her hands behind her head in order to prepare for some sit-ups. “Now I’ll have to dry it off with my body! Thanks a lot!”
“I’m so sorry,” I apologized in a fake tone as I set the water bottle down on the coffee table we had moved. “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
Studying my pecks and abs, the mischievous woman flashed me a wry smile and finally ordered, “Come over here.”
I did as I was told and loomed over her right side. “Yes?”
“Squat down over my tummy while I do some sit-ups.”
I raised an eyebrow while asking, “What exactly is that supposed to do?”
“I want some incentive to actually do these damn crunches!” The sultry cougar chuckled since she thought her answer sounded obvious.
“And how is my squatting over you going to be an incentive?”
“Well, first of all, you’re going to take those little shorts off! Then, you’re going to let that glorious cock of yours act as the bait I’m working towards!”
I smiled since I clearly understood what Dinah was requesting of me. I was more than happy to free my dick from the compact nightmare it had been trapped in, and once it flopped out and brought a smile to the mature woman’s face, I placed one of my feet over her so I could straddle her tummy. I then carefully lowered myself to my knees and crossed my arms as I smiled down at the brown-haired beauty. My rigid penis was pointing directly at her face, and I watched as she completed her first sit-up…and raised herself far enough to wrap her luscious lips around the crown of my cock.
“Mmm,” the mature woman moaned, and then dropped back a few inches before instantly moving forward again. She repeated the process at least ten times, and every time she locked her lips to my dick, she made sure to swirl her tongue around it while also giving me a good suck.
I smiled when I could plainly tell that lust was beginning to overtake my older companion. At one point, she overexerted herself and continued to push forward so she could take in more of my length. With her hands still behind her head to create the allusion that she was still working out under normal conditions, Dinah glanced up at me and looked so damn sexy while doing so. She tried to smile with a mouthful of dick, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do next.
Before the busty brunette could inhale all of me, I withdrew my piece from her mouth and slid back just a few inches. I then angled myself downward and set my slab of meat on her defined abs. As she watched on in glee, I pushed my aroused member forward until it was under her shirt and between her massive breasts. I then started titty-fucking her while placing my hands on the jugs so I could push them together and crush my pecker in between. I let out a sensual sigh since my prick felt right at home between her moistened melons.
Dinah began moaning beneath me as I continued to work my way back and forth. After about a minute of indulging in those amorous breasts, I started to slowly get up…but I did so with my dick still beneath her skimpy top so it would pull part of it up with me. When my manhood failed to cooperate and reveal as much as I wanted to see, I simply reached down and lifted the shirt enough to bring both tits completely out of hiding.
“Naughty!” Dinah called out as she playfully swatted at me. Of course, she made no effort whatsoever to cover her chest back up.
I laughed as I stood erect – no pun intended – before bending down to offer her my hands. I then asked, “Want to try something new?”
“Like what?” The sultry cougar asked with intrigue in her voice as she let me help her up. I had certainly piqued her curiosity since our experience with bagpiping had been new to both of us.
“Want to attempt some push-ups?”
“Oh, Marcus! You know I can’t successfully do any of those!” She then motioned toward her massive chest as she reminded me, “My breasts always manage to get in the way!”
“What if I gave you an incentive like I did with the sit-ups?” I queried.
Dinah raised an eyebrow and was even more immersed in my idea than before. “Go on…”
I dropped down to the floor and placed myself in a supine position. Once I was flat, my dick stood straight up. I motioned toward it with my head and told my brown-haired compeer, “Why don’t you assume the position for some push-ups with your head right above me and see what happens!”
The blue-eyed beauty caught wind of what I was doing right away and seemed to be game. She dropped down by my pelvis and placed her hands flat on the mat by my side. She then smiled up at me before gazing longingly at my cock and opening wide. Descending ever so slowly, she inhaled a good portion of my staff before giving it her all and pushing herself back up so she had nothing but my glans in her mouth. She then repeated the process and did about five push-ups before falling back and energetically calling out, “I did it!”
“You sure did!” I cheered her on since she felt victorious. Her form may not have been the best, but the fit woman had always struggled with proper push-ups due to her chest size. After some proper “motivation” and offering my stiffened penis as a prize, though, she had been able to pull off the impossible.
Sitting on her posterior directly next to me, the voluptuous vixen’s eyes seemed to light up as she clapped her hands together and announced, “I have a great idea!”
“What is it?” I asked since I loved seeing Dinah happy.
The busty brunette dropped onto her back and assumed a supine position just as I had while informing me, “I want you to do some push-ups now with me as the incentive!”
I liked where my stacked friend was going with her thought process as her gigantic breasts drooped to her sides, but I wasn’t sure where she wanted me. “But how do you propose I go about…”
I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I saw Dinah open her mouth wide while staring directly at me.
It goes without saying that I quickly positioned myself over her so my hard-on was aimed directly at her oral orifice. I had to spread my legs instead of keeping them straight, but I almost felt that doing so made the push-ups easier. Without hesitation, I began lowering myself and did a ton of them as I felt supreme pleasure down below. Every successful push-up I completed resulted in my dick traveling down Dinah’s gullet, and I wasn’t about to let up unless she needed me to stop.
I’m not sure how many I actually did, but I know that a few times, I pushed myself up too high and exited her mouth completely. When I had gone back down on those occasions, my tip would jab her in the cheek. Each time that happened, I hastily apologized. Thinking nothing of it, the gracious brunette would just guide my prick right back toward her mouth and allow me to continue.
Eventually, we both tired of the games and decided it was time to just tear one off. It didn’t take me long to have Dinah’s shorts ripped off, and even though her flimsy top was still on her, it was perched above her breasts and allowed me full access to them as I pinched her nipples while she jerked on my rod. We were both sweating profusely as she dropped to her knees and placed my meat staff between her king-sized knockers.
I let out another low sigh as I reached down and placed my hands on hers. She had been squeezing her breasts together in order to suffocate my wiener between them, and I wanted to aid her in doing so. After a few seconds, she ultimately let me take over squeezing duty so she could rip her top off. We were both wearing nothing but socks as she also pulled the hair tie out of her brown locks.
I ran a hand through the dark tresses as Dinah once again took over and compressed my cock. I couldn’t help but chuckle as I told her, “There’s only one bad thing about titty-banging you, Dinah!”
“What’s that?” she asked, pretending to look offended as she glanced up at me while continuing to pleasure me.
“Your boobs are so big that they make my dick look minuscule!” I chortled.
“I don’t think you have anything to worry about, Marcus!” The sultry cougar responded in a deeply feminine voice. I could tell that she was even more horny than she had been when we originally started our little workout session just from the tone her voice had taken. She then eased up on what she was doing so she could grab my dick and begin rubbing it against one of her nipples. She pressed the tip right up against her left nub, and then she stood up and gave me a kiss. Her breathing had accelerated in such a way that I knew she was ready to take things to the next level.
After sharing a passionate kiss, I lowered my head so I could begin sucking on her right breast as she shoved it in my face. While doing so, I reached down between her legs and felt her hairy cooch with my right hand. I rubbed it and felt a mixture of sweat with her womanly wetness, and I know some guys out there would purposely pass over what I did next, but I took my brown-haired partner down so I could bury my face in her saturated puss.
I’ve said before that boob perspiration could be bottled and used as a perfume. When the right woman works up a decent sheen of sweat on her body, nothing’s sexier than pressing up against her and sharing in that sleekness. It may be an unpopular decision with some since I have friends who despise going down on women, but I’ve always cherished it…especially when it’s the right woman and she’s worked up a sweat.
“Oh, Marcus!” Dinah called out as my tongue started lashing her furry gash. “I’m so sweaty down there! Are you sure you want to…oooh…oooh…OOOH!”
I smiled in between licks since I had quite literally taken the words out of Dinah’s mouth. Personally, I thought she tasted great, and I could sustain myself on the lusty fruit found between her legs from now until the supposed end times actually overtook us. Besides, I was just getting her warmed up for the main event…
After devouring Dinah’s nectarous pussy for a minute or two, I sat up on my knees and licked my right hand before running it up and down my aroused length a couple of times. I then leaned forward and thumped my penis against my partner’s fuzzy gash before telling her, “I can’t wait to be inside you, Dinah.”
The older woman’s body quaked upon hearing my words. She had heard them before, but every time I said them, they seemed to excite her all the more.
“You look so damn hot in this position,” I told her as I ran my glans over her labia. “I hope you’re as ready for this as I…”
“MORE!” Dinah shouted as she eagerly anticipated having me inside her. “I’m ready for this more than you could believe, Marcus!”
Since I had permission, I shoved my cock into the wet crevasse before me and was greeted with a warming welcome of desire. I could feel every iota of Dinah’s insides blaze around me as her soft pink closed around me and implored my manhood to never withdraw. Her very womanhood surged and swelled around me as it tickled the nerve sensations running rampant throughout my length. My thrusting grew in intensity and I started to pick up speed as I told her all the dirty things I wanted to do with and to her. I went as far as to tell her where I wanted to blow my load when we were nearing the finish since I had discovered in my time with her that she loved teasing me about where to shoot my cum when she was on the precipice of her climax.
Our bodies were both saturated with sweat as our privates were dripping with juices. We were receiving more of a workout now than actually doing push-ups or sit-ups, and I was more than positive that we’d both be sore for a week by the time we were finished. I couldn’t speak for the lovely brunette directly beneath me, but I wanted to quite literally spend the rest of the afternoon in the position we were currently in…granted, I’d probably want to switch it up here and there. We did just that almost as soon as I thought about it.
Dinah motioned with her hands that she wanted me to pull out of her, and the second I did so, she rolled over and ended up on all fours. She shook that incredible butt of hers while glancing over a shoulder and jokingly barking. She obviously wanted me to plow her in a doggy-style position, and I had no problem with that.
As I inched forward and took her by the hips, I was quick to point out, “As much as this appeals to me, I don’t think you should make such sounds even in jest.”
Still staring at me over her right shoulder, the bewildered brunette asked, “Whatever do you mean?”
“Even though you’re only joking, I would never want you to compare yourself to a dog. You’re one of the hottest women I’ve ever seen, and even to josh around about it…”
Dinah let out a throaty laugh and responded, “Oh, Marcus! You’re too much! I was only doing what you said: Joking! But you’re such a gentleman that you have to pause the action to point out how you feel and make me feel better about myself in the process! You’re simply one of a kind!”
From where I sat on my knees with my dick less than inch away from two of Dinah’s holes and my left hand on her corresponding hip, I scratched the back of my head with my free hand. I’m sure my face was growing flush since I probably sounded a tad foolish to my brunette partner even though I was saying something nice. I had obviously known that Dinah didn’t mean anything derogatory towards herself by making the barking sounds, but I wanted her to know that to me, she wasn’t an object for my satisfaction. The women I shared my life with weren’t trophies to be bragged about, but beautiful souls who needed to be cherished for everything they did for me and made me feel. They were my source of illumination in a world of darkness, and I was quite serious about having all of them know that.
Dinah finally glanced back at me again and shook her amazing toosh one more time. “Hey, are you going to put it back in me, or what? You’re killing me here, Marcus! May I remind you that I’m not getting any younger!”
“And thank goodness for that!” I replied as I gripped my dick and guided it toward her furry hole. “A woman like you just gets better with age!” I then forced my cock back into her and let out a sigh of relief upon doing so.
Dinah’s toned body tensed up within my grasp as she felt my masculinity enter her again. She let out low moans as I firmly held her and went to work. Her body shuddered with my each and every thrust as we continued to revel in one another.
I think we had probably been going at it for about three minutes straight when Dinah glanced back over her right shoulder again and commanded me to “come here.” At first, I didn’t exactly know what she meant or what she wanted, but after I pulled out of her, she ordered me to step forward by straddling her back. I did just that and stood directly above her with my legs open. The buxom brunette then told me to squat down a bit when I was closer to her head, and when I did so, she wrapped her luscious lips around my dangling manhood. She sucked on me from that position for a good minute before finally pulling her head away and nonchalantly saying, “Okay! You can go back to pounding me now!”
I just had to chuckle since my mature friend had an excellent sense of humor. I backed away from her head and returned to where her spectacular holes were located as my penis wobbled to and fro. I then did as she instructed and went right back to drilling away.
After a few more minutes of doggy-style action, Dinah decided she wanted to continue our afternoon romp in her bedroom. I had offered her my hands and pulled her back to her feet, and then she hopped on my back and demanded a piggyback ride to her bedchamber. I had no problem obliging her as those massive tits plopped down on my back and that fuzzy cooch tickled my lower spine. She then wrapped her limbs around me and acted like an excited schoolgirl while waiting to be taken away. Her joy brought jubilation to my very heart as well.
Before leaving the living quarters, I glanced down and noticed all the wet spots on the mat from where we had been going at it. Just seeing the moist, sticky smears kept me hard as a rock, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dinah benefited just as much as I did from our sexual escapades. I still found it extraordinary that I could please such a fascinating female on so many different levels.
Once we were in her room, Dinah climbed off me and jogged over to her bed. It was awesome to watch everything on her body jiggle as she did so, and when she whipped the comforter back, her breasts bounced again. The woman was truly unreal.
Dinah lunged onto the bed with the energy of a twenty-year-old and then seductively sprawled herself out. It looked like she wanted me on the bed with her, but she wasn’t going to get that just yet.
Instead of joining the blue-eyed beauty, I walked up to the side of the bed and reached for her ankles. She let out a yelp as I yanked her to the edge and lifted her legs in the air before pulling them to my chest. Her feet hung over my shoulders as I inserted myself in her hairy pussy while hugging her limbs close. She let her head fall back and emitted squeals of delight as I began pumping.
I was so thankful for the fact that I had been blessed with an abundance of stamina when it came to pleasuring the women I had loved. Sure, I had to work on it throughout the years and had even “stumbled” a few times while undergoing certain embarrassments, but as I grew older and learned from past mistakes, I became pretty formidable in the sack. I’m not saying that to toot my own horn or anything, either. I had been told by multiple women that I was something else, and while there was always the possibility that they could be stretching the truth a little bit to make me feel good, I tend to believe that my ladies were all incredibly trustworthy. They knew they could tell me if I was doing something incorrectly and that I’d listen.
That’s why I was so happy that I had a mature woman like Dinah hooting and hollering for more as I laid some pipe.
I eventually did make my way onto the bed and joined my voluptuous partner up close and personal. We sat in front of each other as closely as we could and performed the spider position. For anyone unfamiliar, it’s a position where the lovers sit directly in front of each other as I just mentioned while leaning back with their arms and legs spread out…hence the name “spider” since there are eight limbs sticking out. It can be a little difficult to properly master, but it makes for a damn good view in my opinion.
I took tremendous joy in watching Dinah’s chest heave a few feet away from me as we both sat back and reveled in the moment. We could both feel my hyperactive penis pulsating within her, and sweat glistened on our bodies as we eccentrically studied one another. I watched every move the brunette’s body made since I found her to be so damn gorgeous and fascinating. Her tan, fit frame looked to be sculpted out of bronze.
Dinah had basically taken over and was doing most of the work. She was jolting forward with monumental force and was basically fucking me at that point. Her soft and spongy insides were embracing my cock like an old friend and absorbing my thrusts as she spoke in a mesmerized voice, “Fuuuck, Marcus…”
Unable to hold myself back any longer, I reached forward and began groping the massive titties in front of me. I knew my brown-haired partner wouldn’t mind, so I played with those mighty mammaries as they spilled out of my hands due to their epic size. Since I was pretty much right up against the magnificent female, I decided to just bury my face in her abundant jugs so I could motorboat the crap out of them.
We ended up throwing our arms around one another and making out in such a passionate, sloppy manner that we rolled off to the side and practically fell off the bed. I did everything in my power to prevent that from happening since I didn’t want any harm to befall my ravishing companion, and when Dinah herself realized how close we had come to tumbling to the floor, she couldn’t help but let out one of the sexiest laughs I had ever heard.
Once our little snafu was taken care of, we made our way to the security of the middle of the bed where the blue-eyed beauty mounted me in a cowgirl position. As she began working her magic, I reached up and began vivaciously clutching her bouncing bosoms again. As idiotic as it probably sounds, they felt like balloons full of pudding within my grasp. They were so damn fun to play with.
Dinah had started on her knees, but she pushed herself up to her feet and squatted over me while working my pole to perfection. Since her knees were bent, she placed her hands on her thighs and rocked my world while letting out random wails that could’ve awakened the dead. She cut loose for a good two or three minutes before letting out a piercing scream that signaled her crescendo had indeed reached its climax. She was experiencing an orgasm so invigorating that she had me on the verge of cumming with her. I did my best to hold the urge in since I wanted to last a little longer.
When she was done, Dinah collapsed back on the mattress and closed her eyes while smiling from ear to ear. Her arms were sprawled out above her head as she placed her legs together and looked like she was relaxing in a peaceful field full of flowers on the nicest day of the year. She not only looked serene, but also like she had reached the pinnacle of happiness.
I sat on my knees above the beautiful brunette with my pecker grasped tightly in my right hand. I tugged at it while admiring the mature woman I had just had the honor of pleasuring yet again. For the last four months I had been living with her, we enjoyed a regular sex life in which we indulged in one another no less than four times a week. We would sometimes go at it as often as nine or ten times a week like a couple of randy teenagers, but we were truly into each other in ways that went beyond my ken. Sometimes a guy is unsure of how a girl really feels about him, but I can honestly say that Dinah wasn’t the kind of woman to play games. Her feelings for me were legitimate, and as she lay there soaking in the moment, she blew my mind when she finally opened her eyes and gazed directly at me so she could tell me something important.
“Marcus…I absolutely love you.”
I’m sure that many might think she only spoke those words because of the heat of the moment, but I knew that her sentence had come from the heart. I could not only see it on her face, but I could feel it in my bones. She meant every word of her proclamation, and due to how incredibly gracious she had been to me over the last few months, it went without saying that I felt the same way about her. I was about to tell her that too…until I came to the realization that her warmhearted words had struck me deeper than I originally thought. My face began to contort and I squeezed my erection as I announced, “Dinah, I’m going to cum!”
The blue-eyed beauty chuckled as she opened her legs back up and presented me with multiple targets. “Hose me down then, big boy! Give me that cum!”
I viciously beat my meat as my first shot ejected with a powerful blast that sailed all the way up to my partner’s face. It left a line of sperm across her body that was something truly impressive, and my next three discharges were also pretty significant. I gritted my teeth and tried to hold back in order to place some more power beyond my fifth blast, and I think I succeeded when I launched a creamy salvo that splattered across the base of the brunette’s left tit. My next few shots gave her one hell of a sexy cummy tummy, and watching my semen ooze down her toned abs and into her bellybutton gave me the inspiration I needed to fire off a final shot that nearly hit her chin. The entire time I jerked my rod, my supportive partner cheered me on and told me to cover her in cream. I think I succeeded in doing just that.
When I was finally running on empty, I leaned directly over Dinah’s open legs and flicked my dick in order to get the last of my seed out. A bit of goo dribbled onto her bushy pubes, and I absolutely loved seeing my jism on her prickly petals. Like I usually did when I finished up with the incredible brunette, I thumped by dick against her vagina a few times in order to completely drain it. Once I knew I was dry, I collapsed down next to the blue-eyed beauty and deeply stared into her orbs.
Dinah reached out and playfully touched my nose before running her hands over the gooey mess I had unloaded on her. “I think you just keep getting better and better every time we have sex, Marcus! I wouldn’t have thought such a thing could be possible after that first night we spent together, but holy hell, you find new ways to impress me every time we go at it!”
“You’re not too bad yourself!” I replied in a joshing manner even though I was quite serious. I then glanced at the ceiling while catching my breath and solemnly said, “You’ve really changed my life, Dinah.”
“Of course I have!” The sultry cougar shot back in a seductive purr. “How many younger guys get a chance to say they’ve tamed an uncontrollable tigress such as myself?”
My head turned so I could gaze at the beautiful woman again as I said, “There’s that too, but what I meant was the fact that you took in a guy who was running scared from a horrible past and turned him back into a man. You’ve helped me get through why I was afraid of my own shadow to begin with, and because of you, I’ve seen that I can have a somewhat normal life again…well, if a guy can say that banging a hot cougar almost any time he wants qualifies as normal!”
Dinah laughed along with me before taking her eyes off me and playing with a few strands of my jism that still clung to her breasts. Even though she enjoyed being covered in cum, something appeared to be troubling her. She suddenly looked like she had something important to say but had become uncharacteristically hesitant to do so.
I glanced at my mature friend and inquired, “What is it, Dinah?”
The buxom babe couldn’t bring her eyes to mine. She continued to keep herself occupied with my wads of cum while pretending I was no longer there. The room was silent other than our heavy breathing for quite some time. When she finally spoke again, she reluctantly said, “Marcus, I think maybe it’s time that you actually met some of the Rangers.”
I stared in awe at the beautiful woman beside me as I tried to process what she had just said. “You…want me to meet with these people?”
“Why not?” The blue-eyed beauty asked as she sat up and pushed herself off the bed. She made her way over to one of her dressers and pulled a drawer open in order to retrieve a shirt. She used it to wipe her face off a bit before putting it on and tugging it down over her breasts. The shirt wasn’t long enough for her and left her bellybutton exposed. She apparently didn’t care to put on any panties.
“I thought their main ‘headquarters’ or whatever you want to call it was out east?” I queried as I sat up.
“Their main one is,” the busty brunette answered as she returned to the bed and had a seat on the edge. She avoided eye contact with me as she went on, “They actually have a small chapter here as well.”
I was a little surprised by the information. The city Dinah lived in was one of the largest on the continent. I knew there were plenty of places a small group of people versed in hunting down the supernatural could hide, but it felt like a punch to the gut that they had been here the whole time. A new question suddenly hit me as I asked, “What would meeting them actually do for me?”
Dinah smiled deviously as she answered, “I think they could answer that a lot better than I could…”