From Sheltered To Slut: Self-image

"Lisa can’t wait to relive last night, but first she has to work."

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Lisa woke up from the streak of light making its way through the almost closed curtains. Her still foggy mind soon remembered that she must have forgotten to properly close them last night, which was understandable given how exhausted she had been. Coming more to her senses, Lisa realized she was still tightly hugging her pillow, inhaling through her nostrils. Lisa could still pick up on the faint musky smell of her juices, which had soaked into it since last night.

It was a pleasant scent. The same smell had engulfed the entirety of Lisa’s bedroom yesterday. That is how she remembers it, at least. Lisa inhaled a second time, wanting to treasure the scent she had now come to associate with pure pleasure and joy. After taking it all in one last time, Lisa got up.

Even though she would rather have explored herself in bed all day, Lisa knew she could not do that. A thankfully short shift at a local fast-food restaurant awaited her. Putting on her uniform, Lisa rushed out the door. She did not bother showering. She would do that after work since she would always come home smelling of grease.

Lisa had trouble concentrating during her short drive to work. She felt that familiar sensation in her pants every time she drove past one of the many billboards with slightly sexualized advertisements. Lisa had never cared about them before, but that had forever changed. Lisa had changed. She no longer thought of herself as the innocent girl her parents wanted her to be. When Lisa woke up this morning, she woke up as a sexual being.

When this realization hit her again, just like it had done last night, Lisa felt aroused and liberated simultaneously. Getting used to being who she wanted to be would no doubt take a lot of time, but Lisa vowed to enjoy herself every step of the way.

Lisa parked her car in the restaurant’s parking lot, leaving behind a large wet spot on the driver seat which revealed itself when she climbed out of her car. Lisa turned around to grab her purse from the passenger seat, noticed the mark she had left on her property, and smiled.

The shift consisted of three uneventful hours flipping burgers, but to Lisa, each minute was agony. All she could think about was the amazingly pleasurable things she wanted to do to herself as soon as she got home. After her shift, Lisa left the restaurant jumping with joy at the prospect of pleasuring herself for the remainder of the day. She hopped in the still-damp driver seat and drove home, her excitement palpable.

When Lisa arrived home and closed the door behind her, she immediately started to undress. Walking to her bedroom, Lisa removed clothes piece by piece, leaving them wherever they fell. In the doorway of her bedroom, Lisa stood still. Her eyes darting back and forth between her bed and the nearby bathroom door, Lisa was trying to decide whether to masturbate or shower first.

Having eventually decided that taking a shower first would be preferable, Lisa walked through her bedroom to the adjacent bathroom. In doing so, Lisa walked past her closet and saw something that made her pause. Her reflection stared back at her from the full-length mirror on the closet door. Of course, Lisa had seen herself naked before, but never had she looked at her body from a sexual perspective. She wanted to see whether there were parts of her body that she found sexually attractive or even stimulating.

Curious, Lisa stepped closer to the mirror and looked at herself from head to toe, searching for things that stood out. The first thing was her long maroon hair. While turned around, she admired how it reached down until just above her butt crack. With her eyes, Lisa followed her hair down, stopping and taking a good look at her bulbous ass. Lisa loved it. She thought her ass would be big enough to attract attention, yet not so big it looked unnatural. Lisa smiled and slapped one of her cheeks, watching it jiggle, after which she turned back around.

Now looking at herself from the front again, Lisa’s eyes fell on her boobs, and she instinctively used her hands to cup them. This caused her nipples to respond as they quickly got erect and pressed against Lisa’s palms. Lisa moaned from sheer arousal because her eyes had found their way to her pussy, which by now was dripping juices down her leg and onto the floor.

This served as a clear sign for Lisa, to not dawdle around any longer. The faster she got her shower over with, the faster she could do what her body was so obviously craving. Lisa quickly grabbed a towel and walked to the bathroom. As she walked, she did so with her legs pressed together. Lisa had noticed earlier that day that when she did so, her inner thighs would rub up against her clit slightly.

She had made this discovery at work, purely accidentally while walking around. Now, however, Lisa very much did it on purpose. She felt like she needed every bit of stimulation she could get as arousal clouded Lisa’s thinking, and primal desires began to take hold of her. Lisa hung the towel on the hook attached to the back of the door with a suction cup and hurriedly stepped into the shower.

As Lisa lathered herself with soap, she subconsciously changed her stance. Whereas before, Lisa stood with her legs close together, now she spread them apart. Thereby allowing the incoming breeze from the slightly ajar bathroom window to grace her clit. As Lisa moaned softly, she slowly became aware of the stimulation the gentle rush of air provided. She closed her eyes to enjoy it as she turned the water on.

Hot water droplets fell and danced over Lisa’s bare skin, seemingly leaving no part untouched. Streams of water were trying to find their way into every crack and crevice of her body. Opening her eyes, Lisa got greeted by a view as fogged as her mind. Breathing in, she felt the hot, humid air. This was what Lisa needed.

As Lisa relaxed, her still restless and aroused mind got a hold of her again. The recently awoken, sex-obsessed part of her brain forced her to think back to what she had seen in the mirror moments ago, her self-image. A sexually desperate, highly aroused woman was looking her in the eye. That was what Lisa had become.

While thinking about her time in front of the mirror, her juices mixed with the water. Lisa did not want, nor could she wait even a second longer. She had to masturbate, and she had to do it now. Her hand excitedly shot down toward her clit. As her hand found what it was looking for, the rubbing started.

While Lisa lost herself in the moment, wildly rocking her hips back and forth, by pure chance, a stream of water hit Lisa’s clit directly. Lisa, at first confused why it felt so good, looked up at the shower head. Suddenly everything made sense. Lisa had always wondered why her extremely religious mother always told her to leave the shower head attached to the wall. If Lisa had explored her body with it, she likely would have discovered sooner that a showerhead had masturbatory use.

Feeling a sense of defiance toward her mother and toward what Lisa now referred to as her old self, she grabbed the showerhead. She put it into massage jet mode and directed it toward her clit, careful not to aim it so that water would spray in her pussy.

Lisa got caught off guard. When the jet hit its intended target, it sent her head spinning. She could not decide between turning the water off because of how intense it felt or orgasming like this. Either way, she had to choose quickly because she would not last much longer.

With a scream reverberating off the tiled bathroom walls, it became apparent that Lisa chose to cum. Heavily panting and with legs feeling like jelly, Lisa sat down in the shower. She turned the water off and waited for it to no longer feel like her heart would beat out of her chest before she got up.

Lisa got up and dried herself off with her towel, after which she made a beeline for her bed. Lisa was determined to cum again, her most recent orgasm only serving to make her more curious and horny than she already was. Lisa mounted her pillow. It felt as though the pillow had laid here, patiently waiting to serve its purpose. At least, that is how it felt to Lisa.

Lisa grabbed her phone and googled “showerhead masturbation,” slowly rocking back and forth on her pillow as she looked at the results. She found out it was a common technique, some women even jokingly referred to the showerhead as their first love, and now, Lisa knew why. She humped her pillow faster and harder the more of these showerhead stories she read. Showerhead masturbation was defiantly part of her morning ritual from now on, as it was for many women, so Lisa learned.

As Lisa got closer to climax, she looked over to her left to lay her phone down on the nightstand again, but the nightstand was not the only thing Lisa saw. Pushed against the far wall stood Lisa’s closet. As Lisa saw herself humping a pillow in her closet mirror, she loved it. This was the nail in the coffin, the last proof she needed. Her old self was dead, she had died at that exact moment, and with that realization, she came.

Feeling exhausted, Lisa realized it was already twilight again. Lisa closed the curtains, and like the night before, she hugged her pillow. She would fall asleep naked, slightly sweaty but satisfied. Lisa was as excited as ever for what tomorrow would bring. That was her last thought before her eyes fell shut.

Published 2 years ago

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