Angelina turned to Jasmine and in a hushed voice asked, “What are we going to do? They caught us having sex in prison!! What were we thinking? I told you we should wait until lights-out!”
Jasmine was getting frustrated with her twenty-eight-year-old girlfriend and answered, “Look we got caught. It’s not the end of the world, Gina! It’s a 200 series SHOT (incident report). Our punishment will most likely be five or six days in SHU (Segregated Housing Unit – aka solitary). It won’t affect our current release dates. Well… as long as we don’t get any more 200 SHOTs. It used to be that you had to get three or four 200 SHOTs in a year before it had any effect.”
“What?? It can delay my release date! Oh, Nooo…” cried a distraught Angelina.
“I just told you it probably will have no impact! Gina, how many 200 SHOTs do you have?”
“Ummm let me think…” responded Angelina, “Actually, I think I only have 100 series SHOTs, but five or six of them.”
“Gina, 100 SHOTs aren’t logged, so your record is clean. Will you please relax? You are driving me crazy!”
“But, Jazz, you said it ‘used to be’. You know the new warden is ‘clamping down’. What if they changed the rules? I mean, I’m supposed to get out of here in five months. Everyone is expecting me. What am I going to tell my family?”
Jasmine was getting more frustrated by the minute and finally offered, “Gina, if you are that concerned, you can always attend tonight’s AAP.”
“AAP!? What’s that?”
“AAP stands for Alternate Administrative Punishment. There is a session every night thirty minutes before lights out. You go, sign the forms, take your medicine and the 200 SHOT is erased – never to be added to your record.”
An ecstatic Angelina exclaimed, “Oh thank you, Jazz! I just knew you’d find a solution. That’s what we’ll do then.”
“Now wait a minute, Gina! I don’t want to go to AAP! I’d rather serve my time in SHU.”
“Now wait, if you do that, the SHOT still gets put on your record; doesn’t it?”
“Yeah… it does, but I already told you the probability that it will impact our release dates is low.”
“Low is not good enough! We are going to APP.”
“It’s AAP and I’m NOT going! You can go.”
Now Angelina was the frustrated one. Glaring at her thirty-two-year-old girlfriend she queried, “What do you mean; you’re not going, Jazz? Why not?”
“I’d rather spend my time sitting in SHU catching up on my reading and correspondence. Meanwhile, you’ll be back here working, but not sitting.”
An even more exasperated Angelina sought clarification with, “Jazz, what are you talking about?”
“Gina, I told you that in AAP you’d have to take your medicine. What did you think I meant?”
“Well, I just assumed we’d get a whole bunch of extra work assignments, but awful ones – like cleaning toilets, shoveling snow.”
“Not even close, Gina. You get paddled.”
“Paddled??? You mean like in High School?” asked a stunned Angelina.
“Yep, just like in High School. I’m just guessing here, but I suspect you never experienced a paddling. Right?”
“Actually, everyone got paddled. I got it a dozen or so times and… it hurts like Hell!”
“Really, Gina? A ‘dozen or so’ times! Do you remember any of them?”
“Not really… Except for the four times I wore a skirt. Can you believe the principal made me lift my skirt and he applied the paddle right on my panties? My god that hurt! Ohhh wait… don’t tell me we get paddled on our prison underpants?”
“Well for once, Gina, you are right. You do NOT get paddled on your prison underpants. Gina, your underpants are dropped to your ankles.”
“What!!! That is dreadful! You mean we get paddled on our bare bottoms?! No, No… This can’t be legal,” exclaimed Angelina.
“Again, you are correct. It is not! That’s why it only happens, Gina, when you fill out and sign a BOP form officially requesting an AAP.”
The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) was as mindless as any government bureaucracy. It was chock full of ‘stupid rules’ enforced by ‘stupid people’. Take drug offenses for example. If an inmate was high, nobody cared. After all, 95% of the inmates were in prison because of drugs (either selling or addicted or both). But if an inmate was caught in the act of taking drugs, that was punished by a 200 series SHOT. Much, much worse was if an inmate was caught smuggling drugs in – that meant a 400 series SHOT and usually years added to their sentence in addition to a lengthy term is SHU.
In short, BOP had created an environment where drugs were of extremely high demand and only seriously punished the ‘satisfiers’ of this demand, while those consuming the drugs were lightly punished… if at all.
Even the AAP was entangled in a bureaucratic mess. BOP knew AAP was far, far more effective than SHU (solitary confinement) in female prisons, yet it was only available in the minimum-security Female Prison Camps. Disciplinary problems in these “camps” were for the most part minor compared to medium and maximum security prisons where discipline problems often spiraled out of control.
BOP’s attitude was: “Why bother? Nothing can reform the ‘hard core’ convicts.” So, they just locked them away in SHU for increasingly longer periods and the inmates exited SHU even crazier than they went in.
It is just a total shame, because BOP knew that the corporal punishment in AAP worked on female inmates. Female prisoners were far worse behaved than their male counterparts. Thus, they built bigger and bigger facilities to house the misbehaving female inmates in single-cell segregated units, with nothing to show for it. That is, NO net improvement in behavior; if anything, behavior deteriorated.
Female inmates didn’t like SHU, because it was difficult having no one to talk to for several days. In comparison by BOP’s own research, female inmates greatly feared paddlings and would do anything (even complying with rules) to avoid them.
“Oh, well then that’s what we’ll do. We’ll fill out that form and as you said, ‘take our medicine’. This way our records will be clean, and our release dates will not be delayed.”
“Gina, I don’t want a paddling. Like you said, ‘It hurts like hell’, and yes… I can say that from experience. I’ve gone the AAP route before.”
Angelina then changed tactics and started pleading, “Please, please, Jazz, you’ve got to go with me. I’d be lost without you. Jazz, you can’t let me go to AAP alone.”
“Yes, I can let you go alone, but once again, Gina, I’ll do as you ask; even though… I’ll pay for it in the end. ‘in the end‘ – get it?”
“Yeah, funny, ha ha. So what do we do?”
“First thing we do is go to the admin desk and request a set of AAP forms. We then fill out all three pages answering all of the questions. We date the last form, but do not sign. One of the medical team, usually a nurse, will witness our signatures.”
“Medical?? What do they have to do with this?” asked Angelina.
“Medical has the authority to reject AAP requests. We return the filled-out forms to the admin desk and then an hour before lights out we go to the Medical Clinic. Medical verifies the info we provided is correct. That is, we’ve had no heart problems or medical emergencies within the last three months. We then pee in a cup, and they check the pupils of our eyes. Once the sample results show negative for drugs or pregnancy, Medical then performs a visual inspection of our bare bottoms. Based upon this inspection and they check one of the three boxes on the last page:
OK for paddle or strap
OK for strap ONLY
This is the page we sign, they witness, and we take with us to the AAP room.”
“Wow, seems like they go through a lot of trouble,” observed a surprised Angelina.
“Yeah, well BOP doesn’t like lawsuits, so they make sure we are ‘fit for the paddle’. They also know that inmates in the past have tried to cheat by taking alcohol or drugs. Ergo, Gina, in their sincere concern for our well-being, they want to ensure we get the full benefit from our spankings.”
“Wow, how thoughtful of them! Perish the thought we might not get the full benefit from our spankings. I feel much better about this entire process now. But what was this strap-only option? You said we’d get a paddling?” questioned Angelina.
“Well, if you been recently paddled and your backside is blistered and black and blue, Medical can restrict you to the prison strap. Apparently, it doesn’t bruise as much. Like I said before, Gina, BOP doesn’t like lawsuits.”
“Once again, this is very considerate of them! So, if your rump is already very sore, you get off easy. Right, Jazz?”
“Ahhh, not so fast, Princess. While that strap hurts less than the paddle, you get more swats. From what I’ve seen there is little difference, except bruising and the fact that they will frequently apply the strap to your thighs.”
“Oh now, that is really nice. If your bottom is already black and blue, they can paint your thighs some nice shades of blue, black and red. How very thoughtful of them!”
“Yes, indeed BOP has this process down pat. We should be thankful that we are in such good hands.”
“Jazz, can I assume the paddle will be applied only to our bottoms?”
“Yes, that’s my understanding.”
“So how many swats will we get?”
“Depends upon the level of the SHOT and how many SHOTs. It’s six swats for a 100 series, twelve swats for a 200 series, eighteen for a 300 and twenty-four for a 400 series. It’s rare to have more than one SHOT, but I’ve seen cases where people earned more than a single SHOT. Now instead of the set of six paddle swats, you can opt for ten strokes with the strap. They’ll explain all of this once we are in the AAP room, although I’m not sure in what language. Nobody understands their explanations.”
“Jazz, did you say we can opt for the strap? I thought Medical decided for us.”
“Yes, and yes, Gina. Medical can restrict us to the strap, but we all have the option to be punished with the strap. It’s kinda weird, but the Latino girls almost always prefer the strap. I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing or just that they are more familiar with being spanked with a strap. Anyhow, yes, you can choose to be punished with the strap. In fact, in our case, we can choose both! Since we are due twelve swats, we could choose the paddle for the first six and then ten swats with the strap in lieu of the remaining six paddle swats.”
“How would that work, Jazz? We holler ‘time out’ and request a change in implements?”
“I don’t think I mentioned, Gina, but we get six swats at a time. Typically, you get six swats then return to the back of the line, so time elapses between each set of six swats. It’s kind of convoluted, but it depends on how many people show up at AAP. COs understand the rules and it’s rumored they even have to pass a written test before they can participate in an AAP.”
“OK, I think I understand. At each set of six, we can request a strapping in lieu of a paddling?”
“Basically, that’s it. Now that you know what’s involved, Gina, are you sure you want to go through with this?”
“Absolutely, Jazz! I do NOT want to go to SHU. Even more importantly, I don’t want my record to reflect a SHOT which may delay my release date. We are going! Besides, getting paddled isn’t the end of the world.”
“OK, then let’s go get those damn forms…”
With that, they both headed to the admin desk.
An hour before lights out, Angelina and Jasmine reported to Medical. They were processed exactly as Jasmine described and both were OK’d for the paddle. They were then sent to the AAP room, a medium-sized room with several tables along the short wall opposite the doorway. Then in the middle of this room, there was an apparatus to hold the inmates during their punishment. Its main feature was an adjustable padded inclined ramp approximately a foot wide that the inmates leaned over. Its height was adjusted by the COs with a foot lever. Once in position, the inmate would be “leaned over” with their bottoms in perfect position for a paddling. While the “ramp” was strong, it was NOT intended to support the inmates. Two other features were some bungee cords to lift the inmates’ upper garments clear of their bottoms and two weight-loaded handles that the inmates had to reach out and grab.
Soon the door was closed and in the room, there were six inmates, three COs (correction officers) and a nurse. The Lead CO started off with, “Welcome to our optional Alternate Administrative Punishment Session. I cannot stress enough that this is optional. If at any time you decide to ‘opt out‘, just head out the door and return to your dorm.” He then read the rules for AAP and as Jasmine predicted, no one understood the overly complicated rules. Clearly, this statement was drafted by one of BOP’s legal eagles.
Of the three COs, there were two females, and their leader was a male. (This was pretty consistent with the make-up of the prison CO population.) After reading the prepared statement, the Lead CO continued, “Yeah, I know that was awful, so let me try to explain our expectations in simple terms. In short, you must participate and cooperate with your punishment. Failure to do so and your SHOT will not be erased. You do that by quickly obeying all commands and once in position, you do not let go of the handles until instructed to do so. Hanging from the padded ramp you’ll see we two punishment implements, a paddle and the prison strap.” He then turned towards the ramp and pointed. He paused and then exclaimed, “Oh Hell! The paddle is missing! Now we have to call the whole thing off. SHIT!!”
One of the female COs asked, “You mean we don’t have another paddle? How is that possible?”
“Of course, we have more, but they are down in the warehouse. But think about the time to get warehouse keys, transportation, find the paddles in the warehouse and get back here. We’d be here most of the night.”
“Excuse me, Sir,” injected Jasmine (pointing to one of the tables), “but isn’t that the paddle on the far table over there.” She was pointing to a dark wood paddle lying on its side supported by the table and the wall. On it was a faded inscription that could just barely be made out:
Property of PHS
The other female CO ran to the table and grabbed the paddle, “Yup, here it is.” She then hung it on its hook, but this time the opposite side was facing out and you could clearly read the inscription in bold white letters:
The Lead CO then continued, “A big thank you to Jasmine. Again, we have those two implements. It’s your choice, but the default is the paddle. Further, at any time Nurse Radcliff, based upon her assessment of your backside, can require that we switch to the strap or even suspend all further punishment. Our nurse’s decision is final and not up for debate.”
“So, let’s get going. You don’t want to be here; we don’t want to be here, so the faster we proceed, the sooner we all get out. OK, let’s line up! To my left, I want all 100 series SHOTs, to the right of them 200 series and to their right 300 series. Once in groups, you may talk, but… quietly! OK so of the 100 series, who’s first?”
There were two slim Latino inmates in the 100 series group and one of them stepped forward and handed her form to the Lead CO. Turning to the other COs, the Lead CO whispered, “So who wants Sanchez?” There was more whispering, but all that could be heard was the Lead CO saying, “I don’t care as long as I get Jasmine.”
Finally, one of the female COs stepped forward and commanded, “Drop them!”
At which Sanchez dropped both trousers and underpants (aka granny bags) to her ankles. She then leaned over the padded ramp and reached out saying, “Strap, por favor!”
The CO put a handle in each of the inmate’s hands and next used the bungees to pull her upper garments clear of her now bare bottom. She then took the prison strap off the hook and asked, “Ready, Sanchez?”
While the preparations were ongoing, Angelina turned to Jasmine and mumbled, “Boy, that paddle looks just… awful!”
Jasmine whispered, “It’s the boys’ paddle from Peterbog High School. It was designed to administer punishing swats to sturdy male backsides that were protected by one or more layers of clothing. Just imagine, Gina, how it’s going to feel on your soft, bare bottom. Only good news is that prison strap on your bare thighs is actually worse! Ready to ‘chicken out’, yet?”
“No! We are here to the bitter end. And… my bottom is not soft; yours is soft! What I don’t understand is why these girls with the 100 series SHOTs are here. I mean, 100 series isn’t added to your record, and you won’t get sent to SHU.”
Jasmine is a quiet voice answered, “Yeah, it’s weird. It’s only the Latinos that come with 100 series SHOTs. Usually, you just get extra work assignments, but… in the worst jobs! This time of year, that means a week or two of shoveling snow. I guess the Latin girls prefer a spanking to shoveling snow.”
As Jasmine finished an overwhelming CCRRACKK was heard. This was the first of ten swats delivered and the female CO wound up and gave her all.
Sanchez took the first four swats silently, but on the fifth, she shouted out, “Ahhh, Dios mío!” From then on, she howled and begged with each swat while her bottom wiggled about. Fortunately, the padded ramp kept her bottom in perfect spanking position, so no foul was called.”
Our female CO believed in the AAP system so laid the strap on with vigor hoping to encourage the inmate to improve her behavior. Then on the tenth and last swat, the CO laid a very hard stroke on the inmate’s slim bare thighs just below her wiggling bottom.
This time besides howling out in pure agony, the inmate let go of the handles which clanked loudly (as they were so designed) and grabbed her sore thighs.
Seeing this, the Lead CO shouted out, “Inmate, you never let go of the handles until instructed to do so! I should make you start over from the beginning. Listen up, inmates! You must participate and show you appreciate your punishment. You do this by firmly holding the handles. If even for a second you loosen your grip, the weighted handles will fall out of your reach and come clanging down like they just did. This shows you are not accepting your punishment and when that happens, we stop and send you back in line to repeat the six or ten swat set. Again, no set counts unless you remain in position for all of the swats and hold onto the handles firmly.”
A crying Sanchez begged, “Oh, por favor, Mister CO, don’t strap me more. It hurts bad! Por favor! Por favor!”
“Well, it’s supposed to hurt!” replied the Lead CO. He then signed her form and said, “Get the hell out of here, Sanchez! SHOT erased!”
The next inmate’s punishment was very similar. Like Sanchez, she chose the strap and again, the last stroke was placed across her bare thighs provoking a loud scream and steady wailing. This inmate, however, waited until ordered to stand before she released the handles. Once her form was signed, she was directed back to her dorm.
Both of the Latino inmates were fairly slim with small bottoms. Angelina could see by their antics and cries that the strap really, really hurt. She could only imagine how it would much worse it would have been if instead of the strap, that solid, boy’s paddle was applied to their rather small bottoms.
Then it was time for the final grouping – the four inmates with 200 series SHOTs. In this group, there was a black girl, a skinny blonde girl, Angelina and Jasmine. Lead CO took charge with, “OK, line up! Who is first?”
The black inmate handed her from to the CO and approached the padded ramp. She quickly dropped both trousers and underpants and reached out for the handles. Clearly, this was not her first time under the paddle as it was obvious, she knew the routine quite well.
This time it was the male, Lead CO who grabbed the paddle and got into position. When Angelina saw this, she turned to Jasmine and whispered, “Are the male COs allowed to spank us? Surely that isn’t allowed.”
“They most certainly are and it’s not a bad thing. In my experience, the female Screws spank a lot harder,” answered Jasmine.
“Are you serious? You’re kidding right?”
“Gina, we are here to be punished. The female Screws seem to take this whole AAP thing far more seriously than their male counterparts. And frankly… I have no idea why that is.”
After the Lead CO handed the black inmate the handles and lifted all garments clear of her backside, he tapped the paddle against her bare, black cheeks and asked if she was ready. (This inmate’s bottom cheeks were far more substantial than the two inmates just punished. She regularly ran laps on the track and was often seen playing basketball. Her hips were narrow, but her cheeks were well-muscled and jutted out as a result of all the jumping and running.)
As the paddled tapped the dark cheeks patiently awaiting their punishment, the inmate answered, “Yes, Sir… and please, Sir, no delays! Lay them on non-stop.”
She got exactly as she’d requested.
A loud CCRACKK was heard as the CO slammed the paddle into her waiting behind and she responded with a similarly loud: “OOWWW!” Five more swats quickly followed with only a second or so between. Each swat was answered with a progressively louder vocal response and on the sixth and last swat she answered with a very loud: “YEEEOOUCH!!”
Angelina was anxiously watching this paddling for two reasons. First off, while she had seen and experienced first-hand many school paddlings, this was the first time she witnessed an actual prison paddling. Next, shortly it would be her turn and she’d have to decide on whether to go ahead with the paddle or instead, opt for that prison strap. Her impression so far was that the paddling was significantly harder than anything she got in high school plus it was on a totally unprotected bottom.
“OK, Fellows, get back in line.”
Upon hearing this, the inmate released the handles (which clanged) and she rushed both hands to her inflamed and terribly sore hind cheeks. She threw her head back and gazed straight up while both hissing and breathing hard.
“No, dawdling! Get back in line!” shouted the CO.
Angelina’s opinion of the male CO was that while he applied the paddle to the black inmate’s backside soundly, he did not use every ounce of his strength as the two female Screws did.
Next the very slim, tall blonde girl handed in her form and got into position. You could tell by the yellowed bruises on her thighs that this was not her first time in AAP. Even more troubling to the nurse was the lack from her perspective of adequate fat on the inmate’s backside. (This was not due to genetics. It was caused by her strong addiction to crystal meth.)
As a female CO approached paddle in hand, Nurse Radcliff said, “Wait!! Miller, have you considered the strap in place of our heavy prison paddle?”
“Yes, ma’am, I have!” answered the meth-head. “It’s ten swats with the strap; six with the paddle. Six is better than ten! So, it’s the paddle for me!”
Nurse Radcliff just shook her head and waved her hands in the air. This was the signal for the punishment to begin and the female CO just slammed the paddle into the bare, white cheeks with as much force as she could muster. Clearly, this first stroke hurt a lot as the meth-head screamed out a loud wail. Three more paddle swats followed, and our meth-head was screaming and crying.
Realizing the danger here, Nurse Radcliff interrupted before the fourth swat with, “STOP!! Switch to the strap! Place the remaining three on her thighs.”
A now angry female CO replaced the paddle and grabbed the strap. She applied three vicious swats to the meth-head’s thighs that left her screaming and bucking back and forth. Despite the sheer agony, our meth-head never let go of the handles and kept her backside in perfect punishment position. Eventually, she was ordered to stand and to return to the end of the line. Sobbing hard, she pulled up her pants and while still crying, shuffled to the back of the 200 series line.
Now it was Angelina’s turn and based upon what she had seen of the strap, it was an easy decision to go with the paddle. Her bottom, she figured, was similar to the black inmate’s. Well… her hips were wider and her cheeks bulged out not due to high muscle content, but realistically a rather high fat content. Nevertheless, both she and the black inmate had far, far more cushioning tissue than the meth-head. Angelina reasoned that the prison paddle applied to a well-padded bottom was far better than that prison strap applied to tender thighs.
Angelina stepped up to the ramp and reluctantly dropped both prison trousers and underpants. She leaned over while reaching for the handles; at the same time, the female COs worked together to quickly get her into punishment position. The other female CO grabbed the paddle and with it tapped Angelina’s bare white cheeks. As required, she asked, “Ready for punishment, inmate?”
Angelina replied, “Yes, ma’am. Please not too hard. It’s my first time.”
Naturally, this was exactly the wrong thing to say. From the perspective of the CO, who would rather be home, the harder the paddling of a first-time visitor to AAP the better the chance of ensuring that inmate NEVER returns. Thus, the CO took the paddle all the way back and just slammed it into Angelina’s bare bottom. A loud CCRRACCKK was heard as the paddle bit deep into the patiently waiting pale, bottom cheeks.
Angelina was overwhelmed with pain and shouted out: “OOOWWW!!”
All Jasmine could think was: ‘Lord, why can’t Gina just keep her mouth SHUT?’ Next, she wondered about Gina’s story of a ‘dozen or so’ school paddlings. It certainly didn’t look like she had all that experience.
Meanwhile, the paddling progressed rather quickly with Angelina answering each swat with an increasingly louder yell. When the six swats were over, Angelina was ordered to stand and return. She immediately grabbed her sore hind cheeks and moaned, “OOOHHH, OOHHH, that really hurts!” After being yelled at to get moving, she slowly raised her pants and shuffled back behind the meth-head.
It was now Jasmine’s turn, and she wasted no time in approaching the ramp. She quickly dropped her pants and got into position.
Once again, it was the turn of the male Lead CO and as he adjusted the ramp height, he whispered to Jasmine, “Put on a good show. Don’t make me look bad.”
Jasmine had no idea what was going on. She’d seen the male CO on countless occasions, but had no relationship with him… of any kind. Jasmine was troubled why he’d want her to “put on a good show”.
On the very first swat, Jasmine deduced exactly what was going on. While the CO took a huge wind-up and appeared to deliver a devastating swat. In reality, he pulled his punch and delivered only a moderate swat. Experienced as she was in AAP, Jasmine realized immediately he was not spanking full strength, but she made out as if he just murdering her. She screamed on each swat and convincingly begged him not to hit so hard.
Soon Jasmine retuned to the line behind the still crying Angelina. In spite of the CO pulling his punches, Jasmine still got a good spanking and sought to soothe her sore bottom globes by vigorously rubbing with her hands inside her pants.
This brought the black inmate back to the ramp and again the male CO had the paddle. Once in position, the CO ordered, “Up on your tip toes, Fellows. It’s for your own good. Your under curve provides fresh real estate so I don’t spank already paddled flesh.”
Fellows obeyed and remained on her tiptoes for all six swats. Although as the CO stated he was not paddling previously punished flesh, the under curve is more sensitive causing the black inmate to scream out at each and every swat. When it was over, she was crying hard. Meanwhile, the CO signed her form and exclaimed, “SHOT erased! Fellows, get back to your dorm and please behave.”
Upon the meth-head retuning to the ramp, the female CO picked up the strap and turned to the nurse, “I just assume you want us to steer clear of the paddle?”
“Correct,” answered Nurse Radcliff, “and further I want you to alternate swats – bottom thighs, bottom thighs…”
“Understood!” and with that she launched a devastating swat across the meth-head’s bottom. Already sore from the paddle, the meth-head just screamed out with each lash and was pumping her bottom back and forth, the cheeks opening and closing as she did so.
Angelina turned to Jasmine and remarked, “Wow! Jazz, she is really getting a whipping?!”
“Yeah, I warned you about those female Screws.”
“OK, but why take this? She doesn’t even have a release date, so what’s a few days in SHU? Jazz… SHU can’t be that bad.”
Jasmine rather cryptically answered, “Well it is to her!”
“I don’t understand, Jazz. What are you saying?”
“Gina, it’s really simple – in SHU there is no crystal meth!”
“Ohhh! Ohh!” replied Angelina.
Meanwhile, the whipping continued with the inmate just screaming and crying. After the sixth lash, Nurse Radcliff held up her hand and said, “That’s it! We’re done here!”
“The hell we are!” countered the female CO, “She still has four swats to go!”
Nurse Radcliff said nothing, but folded her arms and glared at the CO. (Nurse Radcliff was referred to by the inmates as Nurse Rat-Shit, a truly unfortunate label. While it’s true she was strict, she was also very fair. More often than not, on close calls she would side with the inmate. Of all the prison staff, she was one of the very few who truly cared for the well-being of the inmates.)
“OK, Fine! We’re done, but she doesn’t get her SHOT erased!” shouted the angry CO.
This left the decision to the male Lead CO who was in the crosshairs of both the nurse and the angry female CO. He took one look at the blonde meth-head, who was just wailing while her bottom and thighs were twitching uncontrollably. He looked down, signed the form and exclaimed, “SHOT erased! Miller, get the hell out of here and NEVER, EVER come back to AAP!”
Angelina was then back in the saddle, and she howled with each of her remaining six swats. Again, as a self-identified ‘first-timer’, the female CO really laid into her with each and every paddle swat.
Jasmine’s was the final punishment dispensed that night and again both the male CO and Jasmine put on a good show. “Good show” that is until the very last swat. Feeling a little guilty about letting Jazz off so easy, he really slammed the paddle into her backside on the final swat. This time Jasmine was not acting; instead, she howled her head off.
With the final punishment over the staff closed up and locked the AAP room. As they headed out, one of the female COs turned to the male CO and asked, “Joe, what have you got against Jasmine? You really spanked the snot out of her?”
Joe, of course, denied treating her any differently than he had the black inmate. The actual truth here was that he was far, far EASIER on Jasmine. The reason for this was he sincerely appreciated her finding that missing paddle. She saved him one ton of paperwork filling out reports explaining why he canceled AAP. These reports would be submitted to the warden, who Joe referred to as “The Bitch in Chief” or sometimes “The Chief Bitch”. In short, she saved him from a confrontation he’d rather not have.
“Wow! That was my first and I hope last prison paddling. That really hurt! It was far worse than any school paddling. I was so busy crying and tending to my sore bottom that I missed your paddling. How did you fare, Jazz?”
“Damn, Gina, that really, really hurt! My hind cheeks are just throbbing with pain. Since I went with you to AAP, as you begged me, now you are going to give me some serious relief.”
“What!! Are you crazy? If we get caught again, we’ll be back in AAP for some more swats! No fucking way!”
“Yes fucking way! Gina, when an inmate attends AAP the other inmates know she got paddled, so they have figured out a way to compensate for her discomfort. Gina, they’ll provide us lookouts in a “safe zone” so we can be assured we won’t be caught or interrupted. It’s just another of those ‘time honored prison traditions’. Now let’s get moving or I’ll start spanking you…”
And with that they headed to an inmate designated “safe zone”.
Another AAP session successfully concludes – successfully because all six inmates had their SHOTs erased. Being a data-driven organization, BOP also sees this particular AAP as a success – indeed a resounding success. Their analysis is based on the fact that not one of the six inmates returned to AAP in the following six months. So did behaviors actually change? To answer that we must look a lot further – at each of the six inmates individually.
To begin, the black inmate got caught smoking and you are probably thinking that terrific paddling she got, reformed her and… it did! From that point on, she joined with other smokers, and they found safe places to smoke and assigned rotating lookouts. These lookouts warned smokers that COs were approaching, and they caused confusion with the COs by raising trivial issues, so the smokers had time to get rid of any evidence and scatter. So while she may not have gotten any SHOTs for smoking, the black inmate was now smoking far more than before.
After her punishment, our blonde meth-head started behaving much better. That is, she acted far more respectfully towards the COs, prison staff, and the other inmates. This “improvement” was attributed to the AAP program, but the truth was that drugs were now flowing more freely in the prison, and she was no longer suffering from the agony of withdrawal. When drugs got scarce again about a year later, she became just as belligerent and disrespectful to other inmates as she was to the COs. That explains her numerous, black eyes, bloody noses and fat lips.
As for Angelina and Jasmine, they actually ramped up their sexual activity until Angelina was released five months later. They did not get caught, however, as their paddlings impressed upon them the need to be discreet. After Angelina was released, Jasmine, without a partner, was celibate until her release seven months later.
That leaves the two Latino girls. They really, really did not like their spankings and stopped doing that silly, stupid stuff that got them those 100 series SHOTs.
So was AAP really a success?
So impressed was BOP, that they introduced AAP into all medium and maximum security prisons within the year. Two years after that, some bright bureaucrat decided it would be a good idea for the COs dispensing paddlings to know the specific infractions committed by those they were punishing, theidea here being to reinforce necessary improvement of very specific behaviors in order to avoid future visits to AAP.
Simply remarkable, isn’t it?!
Finally, what about the people entrusted with dispensing the paddlings, the COs? Well, they were pretty much split along gender lines. Male COs felt SHU and AAP were equally effective in improving behavior. Thus, they treated AAP as just another of their rather tedious prison duties. Female COs, on the other hand, felt that AAP was far, far superior to SHU in curbing bad behavior. They believed the inmates really hated and feared those spankings. (It has been suggested that these female COs were simply remembering their own experience with paddlings in High School.) Thus, the female COs continued to apply the paddle and strap to inmate behinds with as much force as they could generate.