This is about our first experience sharing me. It predated our very settled life of work, children, and taking care of parents.
About four years after we graduated from university, Jason, Alan’s roommate before we married, stopped by for a visit on his way back from a conference. We had pretty much not seen any of our college group since graduation. Most moved away and into their own lives. Alan had completed law school and was a working attorney and I was a second-grade teacher in the public school system
Alan and Jason had kept in touch a bit even though Jason had moved several states away for a job. We had not seen him in the interval. He had had a brief marriage, quickly ending in a divorce, but still friends thing.
Alan got an email that Jason was coming back from a conference and would be routed through our airport. It was only a layover of a couple of hours, but Alan suggested that he stay over with us and leave the next day for home. He could break up his trip and we could catch up a bit.
If you have read my first story, you know that I had dated Jason, before Alan, and had enjoyed giving him head several times. It seems that he would report to Alan after each date with a progress report!!!!
Jason and I had never been anything more than friends with limited benefits, so when he started dating one of my suitemates and I started seeing Alan on a very regular basis it was fine with both of us.
Alan quickly became more than a friend and we enjoyed full benefits. I knew Jason would enjoy full benefits from my suitemate. She was just a bit more liberated than I was at the time.
Alan has told me that when he suggested to Jason that he wanted to date me, Jason had told him that he hoped Alan had better luck with me than he had had. He did.
I think both Alan and I had, in the back of our minds, thought that Jason’s visit might turn into more than just dinner and somewhere to sleep. We had a pretty great fantasy sex life at the time and after Jason’s email, Alan kept bringing up how turned on he was when Jason told him about the blowjobs I had given Jason. We named one of our dildos Jason, and our sex usually became threesomes with Jason, the dildo included.
Jason (the human one) did not arrive for several weeks, so we developed the fantasy pretty thoroughly and we both just came to the understanding that we would pretty much let our reunion take its own direction. It might include me fucking Jason for the first time. Honestly, I thought I would probably suck Jason again. This time with Alan watching. I had not been fucked by anyone other than Alan since the high school unpleasantness mentioned in the first story.
Alan and I had a great session the night before Jason was to arrive, we were both very primed for our first threesome. We had not mentioned our aspirations to Jason at all. We had no idea what he might have had in mind for our reunion, except that he told Alan that he had made a reservation for dinner at a very nice restaurant on the way from the airport to our house!
Alan got home a bit late the day we were to pick up Jason and I was already in the shower, he jumped in and he was already hard. I had been playing a bit since I got home, so I was in the mood for a quickie before we left for the airport. I leaned over and held the grab rail. Alan slipped into me with no trouble. In about five strokes he pulled out and shot a huge load on my back. He kissed my neck and said that he wanted me to be nice and fresh for whatever happened later in the evening. That was my first real impression that he thought Jason might fuck me. From that moment it became impossible for me to concentrate. I was glad Alan would drive to the airport! I was getting really nervous.
I was in my undies when Alan got out of the bath and started dressing. I had thought about no undies at all but knew that we would be at least three hours before getting back home, including the airport and dinner. I wore a pair of sensible bikini briefs with a “light days” liner. When I am horny like I was then, I tend to lubricate a lot. Over that, I wore a fashionably short skirt. My legs were nicely tanned and very smoothly shaven, as was everywhere else save a small triage showing the way, above my vulva. It was really too warm for any sort of jacket to cover me in the bright lights of the airport, so I opted for a maroon, silk, button-front blouse that had some texture in it. A very light, but slightly visible bra was underneath. I have very obvious nipples, so the high beams were not obscured, but rather dimmed.
Since we actually enjoyed the hustle and bustle of our international airport terminal, we decided to get there a little early and wait for Jason in the terminal. We parked in the short-term lot and walked the short distance to the terminal. Inside, we checked Jason’s flight and it was only fifteen minutes late, meaning we still had an hour to see and be seen. There were a lot of younger business types traveling, and we both enjoyed the looks I got.
After Jason’s flight landed, it took about twenty minutes for the passengers to deplane, and then, I saw Jason – same guy alright, just about fifteen pounds more of him! Still not bad. He was very trim the last time I had seen him. Alan had gone for the car when the flight was announced to be on the ground. Jason and I hugged somewhat reservedly as we met. His single piece of stowed baggage was among the first on the carousel, so we were off quickly. Alan was just pulling up to the terminal when we got outside. Jason opened the rear door and threw in his bag and briefcase, and hopped in. Well, that filled the back seat. I got in the front. It was probably just as well since it was almost time for our dinner reservation.
By the time we arrived at the restaurant, it had become obvious that Jason had no idea that he had been the object of sexual fantasy for Alan and me. Alan parked the car near the entrance and we put Jason’s bags in the trunk. As we walked to the door, Jason and Alan were in front of me chatting, and I felt like a third wheel. Not at all what I expected! I was almost embarrassed by what my thoughts had been shortly before.
The restaurant was a pleasant change from the airport terminal. There was a pianist playing very softly in the main room and we were seated in a back booth. The lights were low enough that the table candles provided most of the illumination for the booth. Even though the room was quite large, it had a feeling of intimacy.
When the waiter came he asked for drink orders, Jason nodded toward me. I decided on a rum concoction that the waiter suggested. Alan ordered water with lemon. He did not, and does not drink and drive. He has explained many times how damaging it would be for an, at the time, up-and-coming attorney to get a DWI. Jason ordered his new favorite, single malt scotch, neat.
After the drinks were ordered, I excused myself to the lady’s room. While my ardor had been substantially reduced, I still had hope. I did my business and perhaps lingered a bit longer on my clitoris than necessary. Then I thought, what the hell. It is pretty dark at the table. Neither I, nor Alan was likely to be recognized, and none of our social circle was likely to be at this restaurant. I took off my blouse and bra, put the bra in my bag, and the blouse back on, and tucked it in a bit more tightly.
Exiting the stall, I washed my hands and, for a moment before leaving, I admired my nipples in their slightly elevated state of arousal.
Back at the table, the drinks had arrived. Jason was half through his. I started sipping mine as we caught up a bit and surveyed the menu. The guys had ordered an appetizer selection. It arrived shortly after Jason and I finished our drinks. Jason ordered another round for us both. We both nursed our second round through our menu selection. I had not finished half of my second round by then. Jason was ready for a third scotch. I started thinking he was going to get drunk and go straight to bed when we got home. Then I noticed that while most of the conversation was between Jason and Alan, most of the eye contact was between Jason and my breasts. It was also nice that the waiter was very attentive to our table. I have always loved having nice breasts!
Dinner continued in a very nice, civilized manner in pretty much the same mode. I loved it. Jason had visited the restroom near the end and had apparently taken care of the bill. He motioned to the waiter and shortly thereafter, the receipt arrived. While Jason was away from the table, Alan suggested that it might be nice if I rode home in the back seat with Jason. So, my husband was still hopeful.
With the bill handled, Alan excused himself and left me alone with Jason. Who, thankfully, was not drunk, but he was rather under the influence of something. He was openly looking at my nipples. I lightly brushed one with my fingertips and asked, “You still like these, don’t you?”. He actually blushed. Alan rescued him by returning.
Back at the car, we were getting back on script. Alan and Jason were on the driver’s side of the car and Alan unlocked the doors. Jason slid into the back on that side and I entered from the right. Jason had gained a few pounds since college, but no more smoothness of manner. It was an awkward moment. He did not expect me to join him in the back.
Alan enjoyed his old friend’s awkwardness for a bit, then glancing in the mirror said, “Jason, do you remember giving the blow-by-blow details of when you and Cynthia dated?” (Yes, he meant the pun.) Again, Jason was speechless. He just nodded and then said, “oh, I do”. Alan replied, “happily, I hope.” Another nod and then silence. Then, I moved my hand to Jason’s crotch. He was not quite hard, but he was getting there. Alan glanced back again and said that he thought it was a good night to take the secondary roads home. At the next exit, he pulled off the interstate.
I gave Jason a couple of strokes and then went to work liberating his cock and balls. I could not see them clearly, but they were pretty much as I remembered. Jason’s cock was only about five inches but it was notable for the girth, not the length. He had a remarkable mushroom head even with such a thick shaft. His balls were pulled up tight when I released them from his pants. Perfect…. I unbuttoned my blouse and squeezed my nipples in the dimness of the back seat. Then I leaned over and took the head of Jason’s cock in my mouth.
It really brought back very specific memories. The taste of his pre-cum, the large amount of it, and how my lips fit over the head and around its rim took me back in time. The head filled my mouth. I held him in my mouth and stroked the short shaft as I pulled his balls. Then, suddenly, as I remembered so well, the violent spasms and a huge load of cum filling my mouth almost without warning. I held him in my mouth till I felt him start to soften. Most of his cum went down my throat, but I held a bit in my mouth and felt and tasted it for a moment. Then, I did something Jason had apparently not encountered before. I kissed him with the taste of his cum fresh in my mouth. Then he shocked me, he grabbed my head and nearly sucked my tongue out.
When Alan announced that we were near our neighborhood, Jason gave himself one more squeeze and tucked everything back in, and zipped up. I think we had all enjoyed the ride home.
Alan pulled into the garage, turned off the car, and closed the garage door. We all got out in the light of the garage. Both guys’ focus was on me. I had not re-buttoned my blouse and my breasts were happily swaying as I walked around the car. Did I mention that I love having nice breasts?
Inside, we pointed out the closest bathroom to Jason. Alan and I went to the ones we normally used upstairs. At the top of the stairs, Alan turned to me and leaned down. He gave me one of his best kisses as he fondled a nude breast. The night was young. We went to our respective bathrooms. I took the opportunity to clean myself thoroughly, and to grab a few strokes with a dildo I keep in a special place there. My gosh, I was wet. The light-days pad had been a great addition. I removed my panties and the pad and put on a fresh pair of panties.
When we regrouped, Alan suggested we go down to the recreation room on the lower level. We had a bar with a nice selection of spirits, wine, and beer there. Also, a pool table and two sectional sofas facing a big TV. A half-bath finishes off the space.
Jason moved over behind the bar and noted that we had some very nice single malt scotches. Alan, of course, was already getting out glasses for us.
We had a large backyard with a six-foot privacy fence surrounding it fully. Opening onto the yard were two french doors equipped with one-way glass. Alan poured Jason and himself scotch. I made myself a yellow bird. With drinks taken care of, Alan walked over to the wall by the doors and turned on the outdoor lights. It gave the sense that we were outside. He also lowered the interior lights to a level that made that feeling even more real.
We were all sitting on the sofas with Alan on one facing Jason and me on the other. Jason was well into his fourth drink of the evening, me, on my third, and Alan nearly finish with his first. We were all in a very sexual mood. I had not re-buttoned my blouse since we got home. That had kept Jason’s attention. After one of those awkward pauses in the conversation, Alan asked Jason if he still thought I gave the best head in the world. Jason blushed again and shook his head yes with vigor.
Alan started a story about how once when Jason had brought me back to their apartment, he had been asleep in his room. The door was open, but the lights were out. He said the noise of us entering woke him up, but by the time he realized what was happening and came to the door I was already topless and was straddling Jason and humping him. He said that then, I went down below the back of the couch and he could not see me. He said that, so now, he had heard me sucking Jason off twice, but that he had never actually seen it.
I was close enough to Jason to once again reach over and fondle his cock in his pants. He was already quite hard. Jason leaned over and reached for my breast, he squeezed it and pulled the nipple, I could feel my crotch start to push up, then Jason pulled my hand away from his cock and rolled toward me reaching for my crotch as he did. He was on the sofa now sucking my nipple and I felt his hand on my upper thigh, just beside my vulva, He very deftly started his thumb under my panties and over my clit. As he started slowly rolling my clit with his thumb I felt the sensation building and within moments I let out the whimper of a foreplay orgasm. We were off to a great start. Jason plunged his thumb into me and was rewarded by another whimper. He just held it there for a bit and I worked myself down a bit. I did not want to interrupt him.
He moved up on me and kissed me. He had learned a lot. He moved into a position between my legs and reached under and got what felt like three fingers into me with his thumb pressing on my clit. I was involuntarily rotating my pelvis in pleasure. He gave me a good vaginal squeeze and started moving down my neck with kisses and licks. This was a lot better than the last time we had been together!
As he moved down to my breasts, I could see over him. Alan had removed his pants and was stroking his lovely cock as he watched his wife being devoured by his old friend.
Jason alternated between my breasts, sucking one nipple as he pinched and pulled the other. He was pressing his belly against my crotch and I was humping the heck out of him. At what seemed like just the right moment, he started moving down again, kissing a licking as he went.
I looked at Alan again, I don’t think I have ever seen him look as lustful. He had stopped stroking his cock and was just gently squeezing his balls as he watched. I could clearly see the stream of pre-cum forming a little puddle at the top of his hand.
I felt Jason move his hands under my bottom and gently pull my skirt and panties down in one movement as he found my clit with his tongue. He rolled my clit with his tongue just like he had done my tongue before. He was doing a great job stabilizing my pelvic rotations enough to keep pressure on my clit. Suddenly, he started sucking my clit and the upper part of my pussy. I lost it. I felt myself spasm over and over and Jason stopped milking my clit with his mouth and just held steady pressure on me. He waited until the spasms stopped.
He stood up and I dropped to my knees in front of him. Darn, he still had his pants on. I fumbled with the buckle and zipper and finally got them down. I took his cock into my mouth and started sucking him. He pulled away and sat on the sofa to remove his pants from his ankles.
I quickly moved between his legs and gave his cock a lick from his balls to the head and engulfed it. Then I realized that I was moving too fast. I wanted this to last. I eased off and started gently rubbing his belly and kissing his thighs near his cock.
My gosh, he was hard and I was hot, but we both wanted this to last! After a few moments, I felt Alan’s hand run up my inner thigh and then tickle and flick my clit. He slid two fingers into me easily. I caught my breath and shuttered as he started slowly finger fucking me. I had forgotten he was in the room!
Jason and I were doing a great job of edging each other. He was moaning and slowly humping toward my mouth and I was moaning and gently licking and sucking his cock and balls.
I felt Alan move up on me and I could feel the head of his cock pressing on my vulva. My gosh, I was hot. Alan liked to tease me with the head of his cock before entering me. He was having grand sport this night. I was trying to keep Jason going, but not too far, and was at the edge of orgasm for myself. Thank you, Alan, for not slamming in! I wanted to keep this going for a while.
Alan pushed the length of his cock flat against my pussy, and leaned over my shoulder and spoke softly in my ear: “Cyn, babe, do you want to fuck Jason?” I did! I stopped sucking Jason and leaned back and kissed Alan. He pulled me to my feet and fondled my breasts as he maneuvered me to straddle Jason and start to lower myself on his cock. Alan steadied me and then took Jason’s cock in his hand and guided it into me.
My gosh…. I was on the edge already. I could not hold back. When I felt Jason’s fat cock in my pussy, I just slammed down on it and felt my vagina spasm in orgasm. Jason humped me really hard several times and then went rigid. I don’t know if I could actually feel his cum shoot into me, but it surely seemed like it. We just froze there for several moments. Slowly, my orgasm subsided, but Jason did not go limp, he was not as hard as before, but I started slowly humping him again. I positioned my breasts so he could fondle them and play with my nipples a bit. I actually felt him start to harden again. He managed to get one of my nipples into his mouth. He began to suck it and actually nip it a bit with his lips.
Who knows how these things work, but suddenly, I wanted to taste Jason in my mouth. I eased back and moved off him. I could tell he had put a large load into me when he came out. I could feel some of it running down my thigh. I moved back between his legs on my knees and took his very wet, and once again, very hard cock in my mouth. I think he was pretty much fully hard again and he started to hump my mouth.
Suddenly, I was shocked into some other state. Alan was behind me and had sharply slapped my ass. I felt him move in close behind me and reach around me and start pinching both nipples.
Was this really happening!!! Jason was now holding my head and literally fucking my mouth while my husband was behind me pulling and twisting my nipples. I grabbed Jason’s balls with one hand and the base of his cock with the other. Just as I regained control of my mouth, I felt Alan slam, full length into my cunt. Wow, I lost it. I pulled Jason’s balls hard and took his full length and girth into my throat. As much head as I had given before, this was the first time that I had been split-roasted. I felt Jason start to spasm sperm into my throat. I resisted the urge to gage, mostly. On Alan’s third or fourth stroke he went stiff and dumped into me. I came in waves. I don’t think I breathed at all. Jason was fully in my air passage and I was pressing him deeper.
Finally, I succumbed. I violently gagged and pulled off. I simply collapsed onto Jason. Alan pulled out of me about the same time and collapsed on my back. We all three just lay there for a minute or more. Alan was the first to stir, then I could feel Jason just rubbing my head. Suddenly, he and Alan started laughing and Alan stood up and started lifting me over Jason into a sitting position on the sofa.
I was totally spent. Alan went behind the bar and got some towels. There was cum all over the sofa and the floor. It was still leaking out of my vagina and onto the sofa where I sat.
Alan raised me a bit and put a towel under me and he and Jason wiped up the cum with two more towels. I excused myself and holding the towel between my legs went up to my bathroom to urinate and clean up a bit. I urinated and sat on the potty for a few extra minutes to more completely drain the guy’s cum from me.
After cleaning up, I put on some “sensible” pajamas and went downstairs to rejoin the guys. They had both gone to separate bathrooms and gotten themselves in a bit of order. They were both in swing frees, so they had gotten dressed for bed, and all of the clothes, including mine, that had cluttered the room were gone. The guys were calmly sipping beer and watching a group of deer grazing in our backyard. I reminded them that even though it was not terribly late, we all had to be up the next morning to get Jason to the airport.
The next morning I woke up to find Alan lying beside me nursing his lovely hard cock. Without saying a word I rolled to my side and took over for him. He moved his hand down to his balls and started squeezing them as I stroked the shaft. He said, “My love did you enjoy last night? You know you are officially a “hotwife” now.” I had not thought about it, but somehow hearing my husband say it turned me on a bit more. I moved down on him and took his cock into my mouth and gave him several long, deep strokes, rolling my tongue around the head with each one.
I would have loved to continue, but I knew we had to get Jason to the airport, so after a few minutes of this, I rolled over on my back and took my bottoms off and then positioned myself over Alan’s shaft and guided that gorgeous cock into my vagina and plunged down on it. It only took a few strokes and I felt him tense and let go again. He grabbed my hips and held me down on his cock until I felt him relax.
He pulled me down and said, “I hear Jason’s shower going. We have a few extra minutes, why don’t you go help him get ready. I will make us some breakfast.”
I got up and Alan’s cock slipped out in a gooey mess. The bed was wet under us. I leaned over and took him in my mouth for one final stroke.
I walked through Jason’s bedroom and into the bath. He was in the shower and I could see through the glass that he was stroking his cock. I said, “Hey, want some help with that thing?”, and opened the door. He looked a little surprised, but it quickly turned to a smile. I stepped in, took hold of the grab bar, and leaned over. Jason rubbed his cock’s head over my vagina lips a few times and went in fully. I was already very wet from Alan’s efforts and his cum. True to his form, after maybe 6 full strokes, I felt Jason tense and explode. I had been awake less than an hour and had taken a big load from two different guys. Nice!!
I kissed Jason and told him that Alan was in the kitchen making breakfast. He got out and got dressed and finished packing. I stayed in the shower and just enjoyed the warmth and the water mixed with cum running down my legs. By the time I got down to join the guys, breakfast was ready and we ate. I told Alan that they needed to get going and that I would clean up and see Alan back home later.
They left and after cleaning, I went back upstairs to dress. I had put on panties and an undershirt after I got out of the shower. Back in our bedroom, I rubbed my crotch and felt my panties. They were soaked with leaked cum. I was glad I didn’t have to go to work that day!