So, as it turns out, the cookout where I had met Kaede was just a small precursor to an even bigger celebration that was about to take place. With the official arrival of autumn, the small community had a festival that would span three days and was apparently a jubilant occasion for all involved. I was only made aware of it upon walking outside on the first morning and seeing a bunch of joyous people setting up tables and hauling around trays of food.
“Oh, shoot!” Bridget called out as she stood to my left. “Sara and I completely forgot to tell you about the festivities!”
“Yeah!” Sara agreed as her huge tits bounced from beside me to my right. “I can’t believe we didn’t prepare you for this!”
I shook my head and told them there was no need to apologize since it was a small oversight. I was also quick to inform them that since no one else had told me about it, they had probably all just forgotten since I was a relative newcomer in the nudist colony.
Bridget attached herself to my left arm as Sara did the same with my right. They both started to walk me along one of the trails as we watched the busy villagers begin preparing for the big event. The beautiful brunette at my left educated me, “Every year at the beginning of fall, we spend three days indulging in food, drink, and good company! There are games to play as well as competitions to take part in!”
Sara nodded to confirm her friend’s words as she added, “The bathhouse usually becomes a hot spot for activity, and at night, we usually set off some fireworks!”
The festival sounded like a good time. My two gracious friends continued to tell me more as we strolled along and greeted some of the village’s citizens who were readying stalls and tables for the anticipated happening. I would’ve asked if I could help in any way, but I wanted to hear more about the games and competitions. I had always enjoyed a good card or board game, but in a village like Grassridge Hideaway, I couldn’t see the other menfolk being very competitive. I recalled seeing a couple of men playing cards when I had first arrived, but apart from that one occurrence, I had never witnessed a second game. I saw a few puzzles being put together at one point, but that was about the extent of it. I was about to pester the beautiful women with a few questions, but Bridget beat me to it by asking, “I suppose since you didn’t know about the festival, you probably don’t know about ‘the Covering,’ do you?”
I glanced at the strikingly gorgeous brunette and answered by simply shaking my head. The very name alone sounded like something that wouldn’t be allowed in a place like Grassridge Hideaway due to its strict rules about no one being able to cover up. I certainly wanted to know more.
“I wasn’t chosen for it,” Sara said as she gained the attention of both Bridget and myself. She then grinned in a devious manner and gave my arm a squeeze as she told me, “I don’t mind, though, because I have something better under the roof of my very house each and every night!”
I was smart enough to realize that the big-bosomed beauty was referring to me, but I still needed a better explanation in order to understand what the women were talking about. I decided to turn back to Bridget with the intention of asking her to possibly clarify what the Covering was, but we were suddenly interrupted when both Cassie and Maddie appeared ahead of us.
“Good morning, all!” The shorter of the two energetically called out. She gave the three of us a wave and then reached out and grabbed my pecker. She gave it a shake as she continued to beam while exclaiming, “And good morning to you, too!” I think she liked that it was standing tall and proud of her.
I chuckled and greeted both of the beauties with a hug. My dick smashed against both of them while doing so, and that was just an added bonus for all of us.
“Looks like everyone is getting ready for the festival!” Cassie pointed out as she stared out across the village proper. “I think people get more into it every year!”
“They sure do!” Bridget agreed as she watched a few men haul around some boxes. She then nudged me with her right elbow and suggested, “You should go show ‘em how it’s done…and get all good and sweaty in the process!”
I responded with a hearty chuckle since the dazzling women of the small community were always boosting my ego. If only I had stumbled across the nudist colony years sooner…
“There’s been more talk of the ‘blue beast’ roaming the outskirts of town,” Maddie ominously spoke up and gained my immediate attention. “I don’t know what that thing is, but talk of it gives me the willies.”
“I sure hope someone does something about it soon,” Bridget agreed. “It sure would be a damn shame if it did something to ruin the festival!”
Cassie solemnly nodded even though she didn’t want to discuss such dismal matters.
“Well, I need to get down to the bakery and see if Barbara has my cake ready!” Sara changed the tone of the conversation back to something more cheerful. “I hope she remembered to put the right color of frosting on it!”
“I’ll go with you!” Cassie then offered. “I actually have a few pastries to pick up as well!”
I watched the two blissful women take off down the trail. Watching both sets of buns bounce as the women skipped away was a true joy.
“I need to head over to the mill and grab a few things,” Maddie’s words broke into my thoughts. “On the way there, I was hoping to see Eve so I could ask her about what kind of drinks will be served.”
“Do you mind if I tag along?” Bridget suddenly asked. “I have a few errands to run on that side of the village also.”
“That would be fine!” Maddie kindly responded.
Bridget then glanced in my direction as she told me, “I’d ask if you’d like to join us, but maybe you should walk around and learn what you can about the upcoming festivities! Seeing it all for yourself might give you a better idea of what to expect!”
I nodded my understanding and then watched another couple of astonishing asses disappear down the other side of the trail. I gave myself a tug and smiled before realizing where I was and moving along the way.
I ended up walking around and helping a few of the villagers out for the remainder of the morning, and into the afternoon hours, many of the festivities were officially underway. I was going to start searching for some of my female friends amongst the gathered crowds, but something to my left caught my attention. I heard a man with a boisterous voice calling out from the northwest corner of the village, and he mentioned that it was time for the annual Covering.
With my curiosity piqued, I started making my way through the nearest throng and did my best to make sure that my wiener wasn’t brushing up against anybody. Since I had such a gathering in front of me, I finally turned to a middle-aged man with a goofy mustache and kindly said, “Sir, I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m kind of new here. Could you possibly tell me what this Covering is all about?”
Recognizing me as the stranger that everyone was always going on about, he smiled and responded, “Each year at the end of summer, five women are randomly selected to participate. A small stage is built and placed in this corner of the village, and on the first day of the festival, the five chosen ones go up on stage and kneel down for all to see. Any man who is feeling capable may then make his way onto the platform and display his ‘fondness’ for one or any of the women.”
Knowing what I did about the nudist colony, I had a pretty good idea of what I was being told, but at the same time, it didn’t seem like many of the men around Grassridge Hideaway were ever ‘fond’ of anything. I decided a better explanation was in order as I pressed, “So how do these men…display their fondness?”
Thinking me crazy for having to ask, the middle-aged simply answered by making a fist down by his waistline and moving it back and forth. He then let his fingers open up as if to display a powerful “bursting.”
Understating loud and clear, I tried not to come off as a jerk since I knew that not many of the men seemed to be sexually active. Instead, I decided to ask something a little different as I inquired, “How are the women chosen for this event?”
“Completely at random. Names are drawn out of a hat.”
“What if they don’t want to participate?”
“Are you nuts?” The middle-aged man incredulously asked. “Most women are clawing and scratching for that position!”
It kind of made sense since most of the women never seemed to be receiving any kind of pleasure. I scratched my chin before querying, “And what men are allowed up onstage?”
“It’s open to everybody.”
My hand went from my chin to my head as I finally asked, “And what’s exactly the point of this?”
“To show the women how much we care!” The man with the goofy mustache tried to make me understand. “The woman with the most seed on her body wins at the end and is deemed the Queen of the Festival! It’s an honor every woman craves, and the only way to earn said title is to be judged the victor by having been covered with the most white!”
Ah. So that’s where the name fit in. It seemed like a very odd competition, but then again, I had to remember where I was. Grassridge Hideaway was anything but normal.
I finally nodded my thanks to the man and made my way through the assembled onlookers. There was a decent turnout on this end of the village for what was apparently about to transpire, and even though other games and events were going on, I could see that there was quite a buzz generated by the Covering.
When I had finally pushed my way to the front of the crowd, I glanced up and saw five women who were the center of attention. The quintet was lined up on their knees, and four of them juggled their jubblies and licked their lips while looking to eagerly anticipate what was about to happen. They were apparently ready to be covered in a heaping mass of jizzy juice, and off to the side of the stage, I could see a line of men who actually looked enthusiastic about going up onstage and hosing the women down. They waited as an old man – the same old man who had arbitrated my Reckoning with Isis – held them back until the proper time arrived for the competition to begin. I was more than a little surprised to see a few of the men stroking themselves to get warmed up. And here I had thought that none of them were capable of sexual arousal.
My eyes suddenly went to the end of the line to the left where I noticed the fifth participant for the first time. Of the five women on stage, she was the only one who looked like she didn’t want to be there. While the other four were playing around with their tits and licking their nips while flopping their breasts about to rile the menfolk up, the woman at the far end of the line had her hands on her thighs and did nothing but frown. I simply stared with wide eyes at the final participant as my body became completely still.
She was an honest-to-goodness angel.
Okay, so she didn’t have wings or a halo over her head, but I have no other way to describe the radiant beauty kneeling at the end of the line. I’ll start by saying that she had long, wavy locks of dazzling blonde hair, and her eyes were a cobalt blue that put the ocean and sky to shame. Her skin was tan like most of the women in the community, and if I had to guess, I would’ve estimated her height to be around that of both Bridget and Eve if she had been standing upright. She was incredibly thin to the point where she almost looked frail, and had she been smiling instead of frowning, I daresay that every man gathered would’ve been drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I felt bad for looking, but I noticed that she had the cutest little puss that she was doing her best to cover, and from where I stood about thirty feet away, I noticed the smallest dab of pubic hair right above her crease. I wondered why she came off as depressed since I had heard that most of the village’s women desired to be in the Covering.
I received my answer rather quickly.
Since such things have never meant a hill of beans to me, I didn’t take into account that while blindingly beautiful, the fifth participant in the Covering had a very petite chest. I’m not exaggerating when I say that her breasts were small to the point where they were almost non-existent. She basically just had two pointy nipples on barely raised bumps. While I personally thought they suited her very well, I appeared to be alone in my thoughts. It became obvious that she didn’t think any of the menfolk would be interested in her.
When the arbitrator finally announced that it was time for the Covering to begin, three men were allowed on the stage at a time. The uncouth animals rushed up the steps built into the side of the wooden platform and then began viciously beating their meat in front of the woman they found most desirable. For some, the explosion would be almost instantaneous, and for others, it would take them a good few minutes to crank anything out. Regardless, once they were done busting a nut, they would be ushered to the other side of the stage where they would make an exit and allow the next man in line to enter the fray. This went on for quite some time…and never once did anyone go toward the woman at the far end of the stage.
The other four excited ladies continued to tumble their tits about as they laughed and gleefully took loads of cream. Sometimes the semen would fly about wildly, and other times, the men cumming did so with precision so they would fire everything onto the massive jugs in front of them. Hell, I even saw one of the women begin downing one of the guys until the arbitrator told them to knock that off since it wasn’t allowed. That woman ended up having choice words for the old referee.
I glanced over at the beautiful blonde and saw her staring at the wooden floor of the stage before her. While everyone else was having a blast – no pun intended – she was left out at the far end. I could only assume that the men were passing her over because of her breast size, but I absolutely couldn’t understand why. Of the five women up there, she was without a doubt the most alluring for multiple reasons, yet everyone was ignoring her in order to strangle their chickens onto some larger knockers.
I think the Covering lasted for about thirty-five to forty minutes when it was all said and done. I hadn’t kept track of how many men had been involved, but the number wasn’t as high as it should’ve been. Still, it had taken a bit of time since some of the men couldn’t readily get off, and once everyone had been ushered off the stage, it was time for the arbitrator to look the women over and judge who had the most semen drizzling from her chest. As the name implied, the winner would be the one who was covered in the most cream.
“Excuse me!” I shouted while stepping forward.
The attention of everyone in the area landed upon me.
“Yes?” The old man spoke up upon recognizing me. “What is it, stranger?”
“This contest is open to anyone here, right?” I asked. I already knew the answer since the man with the goofy mustache had told me, but I wanted to “play by the rules,” so to speak. “I mean, am I allowed to come up onstage and participate?”
“Of course, stranger,” the aging referee again answered as he stroked his beard and smiled. “Come on up and pick a girl.”
I made my way forward with the eyes of everyone assembled on me. I know how weird that must sound, but I had been in Grassridge Hideaway long enough to not really think much of it. The fact that I would have a good chunk of the village’s citizenry watching me jerk off onto a hot babe as four other cum-covered women also viewed the spectacle seemed like just another normal day in the nudist colony.
I sauntered toward the right side of the stage where the stairs were situated and ascended them. I could actually hear a few of the people in the crowd talking amongst themselves and making bets as to who I would choose to jizz on. I knew I would be blowing a lot of minds since one hundred percent of them were guessing wrong.
I made my way to the far end of the stage and stood before the blue-eyed blonde. When her eyes finally met mine, I squatted down in front of her and kindly whispered a greeting as I gave her my name and told her how I was a newcomer in the village. I also told her that I thought she was by far the most beautiful woman on the stage, and then I asked her for her name.
“Rosalind,” she meekly told me as she realized how hard I was. She tried not to look at my flailing sausage as she told me, “My name’s Rosalind, but everyone just calls me Rosa.”
I wasn’t sure how she would react, but I leaned forward and gently kissed her on the forehead. After telling her she had a beautiful name that suited her perfectly, I gave myself another tug and informed her, “Rosa, if it wouldn’t offend you, I would like to show you just how incredible I think you are in comparison to the competition. Would you mind if I…covered you?”
For the first time since seeing the radiant woman, I saw her smile…and it made my heart skip a beat.
I stood up after the dazzling blonde nodded, and as I began whacking away at my penis, she propped herself up on her knees and pressed her chest forward. She ran her hands through her stunningly blonde locks, and she watched as my manhood swelled and throbbed. I continued to wail away on it while studying every inch of her beauty, and I even placed my left hand on her right shoulder to steady myself.
I finally erupted like a mighty volcano and almost knocked her backwards with the blast of man magma spewing from my tip.
The crowd inched forward and the four ladies to my right tried to stare past one another as I wailed away on my wanker. I jerked and cursed as sweat dripped from my brow, and I don’t think a centimeter of Rosa’s lovely chest was left uncovered. I showered her in a mess of milky delight, and semen splattered in every direction on her end of the stage. I hooted and hollered in ecstasy as I called out the lovely woman’s name and made sure to emphasize that everything coming out of me was due to her radiance. I was making sure that every member of the crowd knew I couldn’t have produced such a massive amount of love custard for just anybody.
“Oh, geez, Rosa,” I wheezed when I was finally empty. I took my hand off her shoulder and apologized for grabbing onto her to begin with. “Sorry about that and all the cursing…I just couldn’t help myself!”
The blue-eyed angel shook her head in glee and then stared down at her chest. It looked like someone had poured a gallon of creamy milk over her and it was running down her chest. Even though she came off as the modest type, I’m pretty sure she was delighted by the fact that I had covered her in so much goo.
The old man made his way across the stage and looked the beautiful blonde over. He had an expression on his face that made him appear to be thinking deeply about something for a few seconds, and after glancing back at the other women who had been hosed down my multiple men, he came to the conclusion, “Without a doubt, the woman who was covered the most and will be this year’s queen…well, it’s none other than our little Rosa!”
The victorious woman stood up and was beaming with happiness as the four losers grumbled and cursed how it was unfair that it had taken only one man to cover the new queen so completely in semen. I couldn’t help but chuckle since it wasn’t my fault that the other men had only been capable of getting one or two shots out, and I raised one of Rosa’s hands in triumph as the crowd cheered her on. As we stood there soaking in the adulation, I noticed a couple of girls waving at me and quickly realized they were Maddie and Eve. They were both smiling from ear to ear, and if I had to guess, they were probably delighted that I had stepped up and helped Rosa out.
Thinking that it was probably best to leave the stage so the petite blonde could revel in her moment of glory by becoming the Queen of the Festival, I was about to make my way off the stage when the winner of the Covering suddenly reached out and grabbed my left arm. In one of the most dulcet tones I had ever heard, she spoke my name and asked me not to leave. She apparently wanted to spend the day with me…if I’d let her.
“Rosa, you have no idea how wonderful that sounds!”
After a delightful day of rollicking about with such a gorgeous woman hanging from my arm, the festivities finally started to get the better of us a few hours after the sun had vanished. While there was still plenty of merrymaking to be had in the village as fireworks exploded above us, Rosa mentioned that she was starting to get tired. When I offered to walk her home, she took me up on it instantly.
It obviously didn’t take us long to arrive, and when we did, I took one of her hands and kissed the back of it. I told her it had been an honor to meet her, and I hoped the circumstances of our unlikely introduction hadn’t been too bizarre for her. I also couldn’t help but refer to her as “my queen” since she had won the undisputed title.
Placing a hand over her mouth to try to hide her radiant smile, the blue-eyed angel informed me that she couldn’t remember the last time she had had a better day. She had obviously been the talk of the community after her victory in the Covering, and being acknowledged by so many people had visibly done wonders for her self-esteem.
As much as I didn’t want the night to end, I knew the beautiful blonde was tired. I again thanked her for the lovely day and for showing me around the festival, and after telling her to have a good night, I was about to turn and leave…until I felt a gentle hand grasping my left wrist again. I turned around and could see her sparkling eyes practically glowing in the semidarkness as she asked me if I’d like to come in and have a cup of hot tea. Not only did the beverage sound delightful, but spending more time with Rosalind was something I absolutely couldn’t turn down.
Once inside, I was given a quick tour of the modest home. It wasn’t much: There was a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a very small kitchen that was basically nothing more than a hallway. Still, it was very nice and decorated just as I would’ve expected it to be from a warmhearted person like Rosa. Honestly, it was the kind of place I wouldn’t have minded owning.
After the quick journey through the small dwelling, the two of us ended up in the kitchen where my gracious hostess was going to begin heating the tea for us by candlelight. As she fetched a pot to begin boiling the water, the reticent woman faced me and crossed her arms over her petite chest. She did her best to smile as she again thanked me for the wonderful day. “I…I can’t believe you were able to produce so much…well, I still can’t believe that you alone covered me!”
I laughed since the competition hadn’t been that stiff…and yes, I know what I just said. I couldn’t help but scratch my chin as I pointed out, “I couldn’t have done it without you, Rosa! If I hadn’t had your beauty to work with…”
I could see a look in Rosa’s eyes that became readily apparent. I had seen that look on other occasions during my time in the nudist colony, and Rosa’s sparkling orbs only served to make it all the more obvious.
It was the look of desire.
The beautiful blonde suddenly cleared her throat and pretended like she was in the middle of something important. She then went to her faucet and filled the pot before putting it on the vintage stove. Upon doing so, she procured a match from nearby and struck it in order to place it in the ignition port. She then turned on the gas so she could begin heating the water.
As I leaned back on the opposite counter and watched, I saw Rosa reach up and open one of the cupboards above the stove and to the right. She had the most incredible tookus a guy could behold since she was so thin and it stuck out so profoundly. To view her from the side and to see what looked like a half circle jutting forth…
“Oh, no!”
I abruptly glanced up from the unblemished cheeks and could see that Rosa was gazing toward the top of the cupboard. “What is it?” I asked her in a kind voice.
The beautiful blonde suddenly backed up…and upon doing so, my wiener ended up right between her buns. It was smooshed and pointing downward, but that didn’t make it feel any less exhilarating. My mouth formed an “O” as my head fell back and I momentarily went cross-eyed.
Rosa was trying to get a better view of what was in the cupboards above, but upon feeling my pulsating meat between her cheeks, she couldn’t help but shudder. She let out a few cheeps that I’m sure she was trying to hide, but I could still hear them…and when I finally placed my hands on her hips, I felt her swivel them ever so slightly in order to feel more of my arousal vibrate beneath her.
When the gorgeous blonde regained her bearings, she finally stepped forward and allowed my cock to once again fly upward so it was pointing directly at her backside. She tried to pretend that nothing untoward had happened as she pointed upward and told me, “I can’t reach the tea bags!”
I took the three steps required to be right behind Rosa so I could reach up and grab what she was looking for. Again, my erection ended up mashed between her cheeks and pointing downward. For the briefest of seconds, my hand paused where it was as I enjoyed the moment…and I could tell that Rosa was doing the same as she let out another squeak and her body trembled.
I snapped out of my momentary stupor and finally fetched the tea bags for the beautiful blonde. After setting them on the counter in front of her, I took a deep breath and inhaled the phenomenal scent that her hair produced before backing away from her. I had wanted to remain there, but I didn’t want to be too overbearing. If Rosalind wanted more, I was sure she would take action. Until that moment occurred, I wanted to give the modest woman the space she required.
Upon backing away, I could visibly see my newest friend quivering. It was plenty warm in her home, so I knew those shivers had been caused by our bodies contacting each other. She had wanted my mass pressed up against her just as much as I wanted her trim figure up against mine. The thought crossed my mind more than once that maybe if I told her how radiant and angelic she truly was just as I had done at the Covering…
“Um, the sugar is up there also.”
I exhaled before once again stepping forward and pressing my dick between those wonderful ass cheeks yet again. I felt both of our bodies quaking in desire as Rosa leaned her head back on my left shoulder. She let out a low moan as I did the same directly into her right ear. My right hand was about halfway up in order to retrieve the sugar she had asked for, but I unexpectedly brought it back down and placed it on her side. My left hand found its way around her body as well, and both of them ended up on her trim tummy.
Unable to stop myself, I nuzzled my head against her neck and worked my way around her light locks so I could begin kissing her. I could hear her breathing accelerate as I did so, and my hands moved up and down her thin torso. I remained in the middle of it…until Rosa’s hands appeared on mine and moved them up to her wonderful breasts.
The second my palms felt those hardening nipples beneath them, my pecker pulsated and palpitated upward between Rosa’s legs. I felt her body react…and it made me vibrate again. The soft chirps escaping her lips were like an audience cheering me on and encouraging me to continue stimulating her, and I believed we were playing off each other quite well since every little thing we did aroused the other.
Enlivened by my gentle kisses on the nape of her neck, Rosa’s hands left mine and traveled up to reach for my head. She ran her fingers through my hair and let out an audible sigh that awakened the animal in me. I began pinching her nipples as my kisses dissipated into nothing more than my open mouth basically drooling on her neck.
The beauteous blonde began gyrating her hips so she could feel my cock move around down below. I think she liked what she felt and wanted to be turned on even more because she removed her hands from my head and again brought them down to mine. Removing them from her inspiring mounds, she slid them down her sleek abs and past her navel. She then put my appendages over her immaculate pussy…and had me start rubbing them back and forth. It didn’t take long for her to get wet as my throbbing dick was practically stabbing her from behind.
As much as I wanted to continue vigorously fondling her unmentionables, I needed to make out with her even more, so I spun her around and pulled her close in order to plant my lips on hers. With our bodies smooshed together, I passionately poured my soul into that kiss as I felt the affection overflowing from her. We were once again playing off each other’s devotion as our zeal had our bodies aching for further passion.
Upon feeling my arousal pressed up against her body, I think Rosa had other ideas of what she wanted to do with it. Reaching down and grabbing my enlarged rod, she pulled on it as she stepped back and seductively told me, “Follow me.” She then led me out of the kitchen and around the corner so we could pass through the small hallway that led into her bedroom.
We didn’t even bother pulling the covers back on her bed; we just collapsed onto it with our arms around one another while still locked in an electrifying kiss. We passionately made out for nearly four or five minutes as our naughty bits mashed against each other. I couldn’t speak for my charming partner, of course, but it was going to take all of my willpower to refrain from getting too excited, too quickly.
Rosa was the first to pull away from our embrace since she was on top. As she beamed down at me in the semidarkness, she placed a hand on my chest and told me, “If it’s okay, I’d like to try something I’ve never done before.”
I nodded my approval since I was totally game. The gorgeous woman’s eyes were so bright that they practically lit the room.
Sliding down between my legs, Rosalind positioned herself right in front of my manhood as I lifted my head so I could watch what she was doing. She took my rigid rod in her right hand and gave it a few tugs…and what happened next was something I will never forget for as long as I live.
Lowering her head just a bit, the beautiful blonde continued to stare directly into my eyes as she seductively opened her mouth and placed the tip of my cock on the left corner of her oral orifice. As slowly as she possibly could, she ran my glans along her lower lip until it reached the right corner, and then she did the same by moving my bulbous tip over her top lip until it was back where it had started. I thought that had been more than enough, but she wasn’t finished…
With her mouth still hanging open, the corners of Rosa’s orifice still managed to form a smile as she suddenly stuck her tongue out and repeated the process she had just done. She rubbed my cock across her face, and if the actions she performed on me weren’t totally sufficient, the fact that her eyes remained fixated on mine while carrying out the whole act had my heart aflutter. Rosalind was so damn sexy and she didn’t even know it.
After the crown of my cock passed under nose, Rosa finally shoved it in her mouth and began giving me one of the most graceful blowjobs I have ever or will ever receive. If I’m being completely honest, I wouldn’t have expected such an action from her so soon. Not only did she have my dick in her mouth, but she was pulling off one of the best BJs I had ever been blessed with in my entire life. The woman was truly astonishing.
The sucking sensation continued as my head collapsed back onto the bed and I began moaning nonsensical mumblings. My eyes closed as I felt exhilaration course through my body, and I told myself that if I had met someone as immaculate as Rosa in another time and another place, maybe my life would’ve turned out a little different. If I had met her when I had been in my early twenties instead of now in my early…
My eyes abruptly opened and I stared toward the ceiling as my fantastic partner continued to orally pleasure me down below. My mind started to wander as I became somewhat frightened by the fact that I suddenly couldn’t recall if I was in my early thirties or early forties…or possibly even my fifties. I was terrified since something that should’ve been quite easy to remember seemed to rapidly escape me, and when I suddenly shot forward in a sitting position, Rosa pulled her head out of my lap and lovingly gazed up at me as she asked, “Are you all right?”
I certainly didn’t want to answer by saying “no” since such a statement could be misconstrued by my beauteous partner in such a way to make her think that I wasn’t okay due to her actions, so I hastily found the right words to tell a small fib. “I’m…I’m fine, Rosa. I just had a sudden…cramp.” It sounded stupid, but I ran with it as I told her, “My left leg was starting to cramp up a bit.”
“I’m sorry,” the benevolent woman apologized since she thought the fault had been hers. “I didn’t think I was leaning on it, but maybe I was…”
“Oh, it wasn’t you, Rosa!” I assured the kindhearted female. “I think my body was just so overcome with what we’re doing here…”
I’m not sure if Rosalind was buying into my white lie, but she nonetheless smiled at me while reaching forward and running a hand along my chest. I believed that honesty was the best policy, so I’m sure she knew that something was amiss since I wasn’t used to lying.
I decided to also reach forward so I could run a hand through the stunningly light locks of the gorgeous woman sitting in front of me. I couldn’t get over how angelic she looked, and I came to the realization that of all the women I had been with in Grassridge Hideaway, the skinny beauty I had a hand on was probably the sweetest.
In a way, it seems somewhat unfair to make such a statement since in reality, all of the stunners I had been with had been quite darling. I couldn’t even begin to compare the dazzlers who had given themselves to me in the nudist colony with any other women from across the world because there was no comparison: The women of the secluded paradise I had somehow stumbled upon were in a class of their own. They were like goddesses among men, and it went without saying that they were far and away the greatest women I had ever had the pleasure of meeting. They were like celestial maidens on an entirely different level…
When I suddenly heard Rosa saying my name, I snapped back to reality and realized that she had a hand on my left cheek. She was again smiling at me with those pearly whites she possessed as we sat on her bed in the semidarkness. “Is everything all right? It looked like you blanked out for a second there…”
I placed my left hand on the appendage Rosa had on my face. I smiled at her in return as I responded, “I’m sorry, Rosa. We’re trying to share a moment of passion, and my mind seems to be a thousand miles away. I’m sorry about that.”
The radiant smile on the angel’s face sadly turned to a frown. “Are you not in the mood to be affectionate right now? If not, I won’t be offended. I’ll leave you alone…”
My hands abruptly shot forward as I placed them on the wondrous woman’s gentle face. I looked her right in the eyes as I lovingly told her, “Absolutely not, Rosa! I’ve never wanted a moment like this more in my entire life!” I then lowered both my hands and my eyes as I sighed, “As you were taking me to new levels of ecstasy a few seconds ago, my mind was trying to compare it to some of my happiest moments from my past…and I guess I got a little scared when I suddenly realized that I couldn’t exactly remember anything from that past!”
Rosa’s face showed her concern for me as she placed a hand on one of my shoulders. “Are you losing your memory?”
I wasn’t sure how to answer. This wasn’t the first time I had been struck by such an occurrence. A similar incident had taken place when I had been with Kaede, but for some reason, it seemed more profound now. “I remember everything since arriving here in Grassridge Hideaway perfectly. I could tell you the name of every villager I’ve met while reciting certain details about all of them in the process.” I scratched the back of my head and looked away from the beauteous blonde as I went on, “I know you probably wouldn’t be crazy about hearing me say this, but I could tell you in great detail about every moment I’ve shared with the other wonderful women of this community much like yourself who have been ‘taking care’ of me since I arrived. You’ve all been so good to me, and I’ll never forget any of that…but up until Sara and Bridget discovered me on the outskirts of your village, I’ve been realizing more and more that I can’t remember a single thing from my past!”
Rosa continued to frown while massaging my shoulder that she was gripping. “Can you tell me where you’re from?”
I tried extremely hard to dredge up the memory. After a few seconds of deep thought, I shook my head and exhaled, “No.”
“What about your age? Do you know how old you are?”
Again, I found that the harder I tried to recall anything that should’ve been common knowledge, I couldn’t come up with any answers. I glumly responded, “No.”
“What about your parents? Did you have any siblings?”
After Rosa’s next couple of questions, I felt like I could almost envision a few people. Through a haze in my mind’s eye, I thought I could make out the faces of my folks…and I’m fairly certain I had a sister as well. For whatever reason, though, I couldn’t entirely remember them. I let out a sigh since it should’ve been easy.
With worry still on her pretty face, Rosa rubbed my right arm since she was still concerned about me. “Do you remember being struck on the head or receiving some other blow that would’ve jolted your skull?”
Just trying to do as she asked was causing my noggin to feel like it was on fire. Attempting to dredge up memories from before Sara and Bridget’s arrival was causing me some severe pain.
Seeing my discomfort, Rosa began running one of her hands soothingly along my back and told me that if I needed to, I could lie down on her bed. She then recalled how she had water boiling, so she told me she would go mix our tea and bring me a cup.
I thanked the angel and allowed my body to drop down across her mattress the second she walked out of the room. She truly was a harbinger from the heavens and one of the sweetest women I had ever had the honor of meeting. I was fortunate beyond all meaning of the word to have met her earlier in the day…
I propped myself up on my elbows and once again tried to think back beyond the last few weeks. My head was in a fog, but something in the back of my cranium was trying to tell me that I had met Rosa before. I felt like I had known her for years…but how in the world could such a thing be possible? The first time I had ever seen her was at the Covering.
I heard my gracious hostess suddenly call my name. When I gazed through the semidarkness toward the small hallway that led to the kitchen, I responded by saying that I was okay. Upon hearing my words, the angelic blonde asked if I wanted some sugar. She informed me that it might help with my head a bit.
“That sounds good,” I said, and rubbed my forehead with my right hand. Rosa was one of the most kindhearted people I had the honor of knowing. She had a way of taking care of me when I needed it most…
Again, my head told me that I knew more about this wonderful woman than what was possible. I decided that for the time being, I needed to just lie down and close my eyes for a bit.
When I opened my eyes, it was still dark in Rosa’s place. I could hardly see anything, but thanks to a little moonlight slipping in through the window, I could see that she had placed my cup of tea on a nightstand beside her bed…and when I glanced to my other side, I saw that she was curled up next to me and fast asleep.
My eyes went down and I saw that the beautiful blonde had her right hand pressed against my hairy chest and her head tucked under my neck. She was lying on her side and had her right leg draped over both of mine. I could hear her steady breathing and it put me at ease. When I was with her, I felt peaceful.
If you want peace, prepare for war.
I sat up when the words abruptly passed through my skull. I wondered why such a cryptic line would traverse my clouded thoughts. Before I could ponder it for long, I heard some moaning beneath me, followed by my name. When I looked down, I saw Rosa stretching out like a sexy kitten and letting out a yawn. I couldn’t help but smile as I greeted her by saying, “Hey there, beautiful. How are you?” I reached down and ran my fingers through her gorgeous locks.
After another yawn, the blue-eyed beauty blinked a few times before finally responding, “I’m fine. How are you? When I brought your tea, you were fast asleep. I didn’t have the heart to wake you.”
I thanked the kind woman and then turned to reach for the drink. It was ice cold upon taking a sip, so I knew we must’ve been out for at least a while. When I heard the angelic woman again speak my name and then place a hand on my right arm, I turned to face her so I could query, “What is it, Rosa?”
Looking rather sheepish as I gazed upon her beauty, the petite blonde seemed to scrunch her body up a bit as she asked, “Do you really think I’m…beautiful?”
I just had to chuckle in response as I placed my mug back down before facing her and replying, “What do you think, Rosa?”
The insecure female looked unsure as she brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them close. She couldn’t meet my eyes.
I placed my arms around the wonderful woman and pulled her in close so I could gently kiss her forehead. I did my best to move her legs back down so I could pull her in even closer, and then I tugged her nearer to me so I could feel her perfect chest against mine. When her arms wrapped around me, our faces came together in a passionate kiss as we slowly started to fall back on the bed again. Our bodies mashed together as my penis began to grow erect and throb against my adoring partner.
Rosa drew back from me and glanced down through what little light we had in an attempt to see my arousal. She was in shock that I had again grown so hard in her presence and even looked to be on the verge of tears once more. “You…you really do find me attractive, don’t you?”
I thought about answering with something like “You can’t fake that!” but I knew Rosa was a woman who would appreciate a more forthright response coming straight from the heart. “I think you’re more beautiful than an unhampered sunrise on a perfect, spring morning. I think you’re brighter, warmer, and more endearing than said sunrise, and I would gladly give up seeing one ever again if it meant being able to gaze at your marvelous face for just five more minutes.”
Apparently, my words struck a chord with the blue-eyed angel since she threw herself at me. Her passionate kiss wasn’t vulgar or dirty, but loving and tender. Her frail frame practically melted into mine as our bodies entwined together and we became one. It was one of the most heavenly moments of my life, and I never wanted it to end.
“Rosa,” I spoke up in an impassioned tone after pulling away from her delectable lips for only a second, “Would it be okay…if we made love?”
The blue-eyed angel answered with a nod before planting her lips back on mine. Our kiss picked up where it had left off as our limbs continued to hold each other close. We probably made her room steamier than the showers down at the bathhouse, and when I finally reached between our bodies in order to grab my penis…
Rosa’s mouth suddenly opened wide against mine as I probed around down below and blindly scouted for her articulate aperture. When my glans passed over her labia, I felt her shudder beneath my grasp, and when I finally managed to pop my manhood in, her body tensed up and her breathing accelerated.
I gently rolled on top of the blue-eyed beauty and began gingerly pumping her. Her hands clasped my shoulders and her legs were spread wide as her mouth remained agape while we became acquainted with one another. Unlike the other women in Grassridge Hideaway, I saw Rosalind as a delicate, antique doll. Sure, I treated the other females I had been with respectfully, but something about my current partner made me see her as fragile. I wanted to be careful with the thin and petite woman.
The moans resounding in my ears from the fabulous female encouraged me to continue thrusting until I heard something below me that had me in a state of shock. I had probably pumped my lovely partner no more than twelve or thirteen times…and she was already reveling in an extraordinary orgasm. Her body quivered and her squeals grew in intensity. Her legs wrapped around me as her arms hugged me close. We shared a passionate kiss in between her wheezes.
I could’ve easily gone another forty-five minutes to an hour. I’m not trying to sound arrogant when I say that, but after being with so many beautiful women and working on my endurance with every outing I had with them, I was able to hang a lot longer. I knew that I could’ve held my manly urges in, but instead of doing so, I became just as lost in the moment as Rosalind had. “Rosa,” I let out her name with a grunt, “I’m going to cum!”
The beautiful blonde nodded and prepared herself for the gooey onslaught. After hearing my announcement, she tried to get the proper words out as I continued to gingerly thrust in and out of her. Her request came out sort of garbled, but I received the gist of it as she demanded, “Cum…cum in me!”
“Oooh!” I let out a low moan while gripping her smooth legs and unloading an astronomical amount of thick cream in that small body. While I did so, Rosa huffed and panted below me, and when she was finally able to, she reached up and placed her hands on my cheeks so she could pull me in close for a kiss. As I felt her tongue slide into my mouth, I felt my penis probe her vagina deeper. I continued to ejaculate as my mighty rod went back and forth, and some of my seed tried to seep out between the cylindrical shape of my staff and the walls of Rosalind’s immaculate womanhood. Cream began to ooze from our lovemaking, but we continued to go at it while also sharing in one of the most inspiring kisses I had ever been a part of.
“How are you?” I asked when we both took an opportunity to come up for air. My penis was still sliding back and forth – quite easily with help from the semen acting as a lubricant – as I gazed into the blue eyes of the radiant angel. “Do you need me to give you a rest?”
“I’m…fine,” Rosa responded in a meager voice as she glanced down at my potent prick piercing her. When her eyes returned to mine, she flashed me her pearly whites and cooed, “So…good!”
I could hear my sloppy thrusts since my cock was covered in my own cum. Strands of semen were connected to my pelvis as well as Rosa’s lower regions, and every pass I made only served to make a bigger, stickier mess. In that moment, I felt that what I had achieved with the blonde beauty was truly unique. When she suddenly asked if the coitus had been pleasurable, my honest reply was, “I wouldn’t have been nearly as excited or nearly as focused on the moment if I had been with anyone other than you, Rosalind. What we just had together, Rosa, was something spectacular.”
The blue-eyed angel pulled me down for another kiss as my penis finally popped out of her. Since my tip dangled right in front of her sweet hole, I could actually feel it when some of my jism came oozing out of her vagina and onto my glans down below.
After releasing me from her affectionate kiss, Rosa asked if I would be willing to stay with her and hold her close for the rest of the night. I responded by telling her that I wouldn’t have left that room if every person in the nudist colony had marched in and tried to drag me out. I wasn’t budging from my spot.
Rosa and I lay on her bed in comfort as we cuddled and talked throughout the remainder of the night. It was quite honestly one of the best spans of time I’ve ever had the honor of enjoying, and as I basked in every second I shared with her, I knew that when she eventually nodded back off, I would join her in peaceful oblivion shortly after.
Imagine my surprise when I awakened a couple hours later to my reserved friend mounting me and preparing for the second round…and then try to understand why I found that to be so curious since I had the oddest sensation that I had experienced such a moment like that with her before…