TNT Part 8 Reversing Roles

"This threesome continues to make sweet music."

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“Let’s celebrate this weekend!” Tommy said excitedly over the phone.

“Celebrate what?” I asked, smiling and imagining the huge smile he had on his face. I had gotten home from a long day at work and made myself comfortable on the couch I was sleeping on, while trying out a new job two hours away from where I lived. The friend I was staying with had already gone to bed. I was so happy Tommy had called, especially since I had already talked to my boyfriend Terri on my way home from work. Now hearing from our lover, Tommy, was the icing on the cake. I was missing them both, and was very much looking forward to seeing them when I went back home every weekend.

“I got two gigs starting next week!” Tommy said excitedly.

“Two nights?” I asked. He had been playing his guitar and singing places here and there trying to build up a following.

“No two gigs,” he explained, “One weekday gig at a restaurant and one weekend gig at a bar.

“Wow!” I responded, “You’ll be working every night!” I was happy for him, but immediately wondered how Terri and I would see him on the weekends if he was going to be working.

“Yes,” he said, “Even more reason to go out to my parents’ river house this weekend and enjoy some time together before it gets hectic.”

“Yes,” I agreed. The river house was where I had first asked Tommy to join Terri and me in bed.  Since then we had continued our happy threesome.

“But I don’t want to wait until this weekend to cum,” I whined. I was used to more regular sex with them before I had taken this job, and now I was alone during the week.

“Let me make you cum now,” he said.

“How?” I wondered.

“Do what I say,” he said in his gentle commanding tone.

“Um, no,” I protested, “I’m on the couch!”

“Is anyone there?” he asked.

“No,” I said, “Everyone is still asleep.”

“So,” he said, “Keep the blanket over you and put your knees up, babe.”

“Yea?” I asked hesitantly.

“Yes, babe,” he confirmed, “No one will know.

“Ok,” I agreed. Afterall, Terri had made me cum under a blanket on a couch in front of all of our friends at Tommy’s place. No one was even around right now.

“Touch your clit,” he continued, “Is it wet?”

I did as he asked. “No,” I moaned, “It’s not wet.”

“Stick your finger in your pussy and make it wet,” he requested and I obeyed.

“Oh, yes,” I whisper moaned, “Are you hard?”

“Yes,” he breathed and I wondered if he was stroking his cock all the way up and down. I loved watching him do that, and wished I could see him now. Instead I closed my eyes and imagined.

“Are you wet at the tip?” I asked, licking my lips wishing I could taste.

“Yes,” he moaned.

“Oh,” I said, trying to be quiet so this could continue without anyone knowing.

“Put a finger in your pussy,” he said.

Once I did and felt my wetness, I sighed, “I wish it was you.”

“Keep it in there,” he said, “And bend it.”

“Oh!” I moaned. That did feel good!

“Take your other hand and rub your clit,” he said, as his breath increased. I propped the phone up and reached down to stroke my very swollen clit, as my fingers slid in and out of my dripping pussy.

“Oh yes,” I moaned quietly, “I’m going to cum.”

“Yes,” he said, “Cum with me now!” I was breathing hard and listening to his moans. Hearing him so excited, catching his breath, being in the moment with me was all I needed to send me right over the edge. My pussy clenched around my fingers, while I basked in the feeling of my orgasm washing over me. I heard him gasp and knew he was cumming too.  

As our breathing eventually slowed, Tommy said, “Well, it’s not as good as being with you, but I’ll take it.”

“Thanks,” I sighed happily, “That should help me make it through my day, and my week until I see you this weekend.”

Friday finally arrived. When the work day was over, I drove home and picked up Terri at his place, so we could drive out to Tommy’s parents’ river house. When we walked in, Tommy was already playing his guitar, but there were only a handful of people there. I didn’t know any of them.

“Do you know these people?” I asked Terri, as we put our stuff down in the front hall.

“No,” Terri said, “Must be people Tommy knows from around here.”

“Isn’t anyone else coming?” I asked Terri.

“Rob is at Amanda’s this weekend and I know some people said they had to work,” he explained about Tommy’s roommate and some of our shared friends, “What about your roommate?”

“No, she’s on boyfriend duty,” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. When Tommy saw us, he put down his guitar and waved us into the living room. 

“Hey guys!” he said to us. Then he turned to everyone there and introduced us to them as his friends.

Terri walked over to talk to Tommy’s friends, and I waved Tommy to come with me into the kitchen. I pretended I needed help with something, but I just wanted to ask Tommy if anyone else was coming.

“Is this it?” I asked, “No one from home is here?”

“Nah,” he said, “It was kinda last minute, so I only mentioned it to a few people and they were all busy.”

“Really?” I said with a huge smile.

“What?” Tommy asked, smiling but not catching on yet.

“So none of these people know that Terri and I are together?” I asked.

“Nope,” Tommy said, still not getting what I was hinting at. He was usually quicker than this.

“Then I can be your girlfriend tonight, right?” I said and Tommy’s eyes lit up.

“Yes,” he said, “I think so…” He thought for a few seconds more. “Hey Terri, come here for a sec.”

Terri came over and almost draped his arm around me, just out of habit. He was always touching me and I loved it. But before his arm touched me, Tommy grabbed him and pulled him over to the refrigerator.

“Help me with these drinks,” he said louder than necessary. I looked over to the couch. No one was even looking our way.

I heard Tommy whispering to Terri as I tried to look busy. Terri looked at me and I smiled. I saw Terri’s mouth say ok. They shook hands. Like I was part of some kind of business deal. Was it wrong that it kinda turned me on to be their plaything to share? They walked past me, carrying some drinks to the living room. Terri came back into the kitchen without Tommy.

“This is what you want tonight?” Terri asked me. It was sweet of him to check again with me.

“This is what Tommy needs,” I explained, “He deserves to have one night where he doesn’t have to hide how he feels.”

“It’s not going to be easy for me to pretend you’re not mine,” Terri admitted, “But I agree. I’ll do my best to keep my hands off of you until they leave. I mean do you have to look so fucking hot tonight?”

“Shh,” I said and almost touched him, “You’re right, this will be harder than I thought. We’ve been together for a long time, and I’m just used to you being mine.”

“I like being yours,” he said looking into my eyes. I could feel the sexual tension building already. Maybe this was how to get Terri worked into a frenzy so he’d take more control like Tommy. I was definitely excited to see how this role reversal would play out.

“Come over here guys I want to play you my new song,” Tommy called to us. As we walked over, Terri sat on the other couch that no one was sitting on. Tommy held out his hand to me. I took his hand as he stood at the microphone. 

“I wrote this song for you, babe,” he said into the microphone and kissed me. I got choked up and tears sprang to my eyes. I guess I never thought I’d ever hear him say that in front of anyone else. All I could do was smile; too filled with emotion to speak.

“Sit, babe,” Tommy said and I sat on the floor at his feet looking up at him. Everyone watched Tommy sing to me. He called his song Complicated Love. The lyrics were just vague enough that most people probably wouldn’t know what it was about, but I clearly saw that he had perfectly summed up our situation. I was so happy, I cried. I let the tears flow. I couldn’t have stopped them if I tried.

Wow! Tommy wrote that song just for us. And Lindsey helped him. I had not been particularly kind to her and she had been nothing but kind to us. She was actually the only one who knew about the three of us. Part of me wondered if she had ever been in a threesome situation herself. I was determined to talk more to her next time I saw her. If she’d be willing to talk to me. After the way I had treated her I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t want to, but now I felt like I needed to get to know her better. 

When Tommy finished playing, I stood up and kissed him. Tongue and all. “I love you, babe,” I said over and over between kisses. He caressed my cheek with one hand, as he still held the guitar with his other hand.

“I love you too, babe,” he said, and I saw he also had a tear in his eye. He had told me before that he wished I had chosen him first, and the truth was I knew him before I met Terri. Tommy could have chosen me first and this is what we could have had. But he didn’t and I didn’t, so now we would only know this feeling for one night. I was going to savor it.

Tommy took a break from playing and said, “Let’s get some fresh air.” Tommy took my hand and led me past Terri out to the dock on the river. There was a full moon lighting up the dock and river.

“It’s so beautiful here,” I said once we reached the end of the dock.

“Yes it is,” he said looking into my eyes, “When you are here.”

“Are you enjoying me being your girl in front of your friends?” I asked, already seeing the answer in his overjoyed eyes.

“You have no idea,” he said, caressing my cheek and kissing me. He pressed his body against mine and pulled me to him tighter, with his hand comfortably on my lower back.

“I loved your song,” I said, “It’s perfect.”

“It’s you,” he said, “Having you in my life has brought things out of me that I didn’t even know were in here.”

“You have lots of special gifts,” I said, wrapping my fingers in his curls at the base of his neck, “You need to have more confidence in yourself.”

“I do now,” he said, “You have given me that.”

“Well…” I laughed, “I don’t know about that, but I have given you lots of great sex…”

He laughed and kissed me for a long time before he said, “You know this is more than just sex, right?”

“Yes, babe,” I said looking him in the eyes, “It’s so complicated though, like you said in your song. Doesn’t that scare you?”

“Every day,” he admitted, “I don’t know where this is going. I can’t even think about tomorrow or I’d go insane. I love you, and I know that I’m grateful to have you in my life today. I won’t put expectations on all of us for tomorrow. It could ruin what we have. I don’t want to be responsible for that.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“For what?” Tommy asked.

“I can’t possibly list everything,” I said, “But mostly thank you for being honest-“ I got a bit choked up again.

“You deserve that much,” he said, kissing me.

“It’s just that no other guy has before Terri and you. I felt so broken before,” I explained, trying not to cry, “I hate feeling weak, so I got tough, put up walls and tried not to let anyone in. Not even Terri at first. And even when I brought you in, it was out of my desperate need to connect in the wrong way. And now…” I stopped.

“Now?” he coaxed.

“You’ve turned this into the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” I admitted, “Yet even as I say it, I’m scared it’s not sustainable.”

“You’re definitely the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he said with another kiss, “But let’s just stay present in today. All we can focus on is today. Ok?”

“Ok,” I said, kissing him back, “I’m enjoying today.”

“Me too,” he said, with one more kiss and took my hand as we walked back to the house. Tommy played more songs while we all listened and enjoyed ourselves.

Terri and I sat on a couch together, but about two feet apart. It felt weird not to be curled up on top of him like I usually would be. Since Tommy had joined us, Terri had become much more affectionate, but tonight he couldn’t be.

“You like this don’t you?” Terri said, leaning a little closer so I could hear him over the music. He was so close, I could feel his breath on my ear, but we were still sitting apart. It wasn’t inappropriate, but I realized how much I missed being able to touch him and how desperately I wanted him to touch me.

“Yes,” I said, moving closer to his ear, “Does that upset you?” I asked.

“No,” he said, “I guess I just never realized how complicated this was until I had to be on the other side.” True, it was easier for me. I never had to feel completely left out. It was complicated, but I hoped we’d find a way to make it work. Lately though, I started thinking this couldn’t last forever. How could it? That didn’t deter me, it only made me more determined to hang on for as long as I could.

“It’s worth it though,” I said, “Isn’t it?” I desperately hoped he’d think so.

“Yes,” he said, close to my ear again, “And it’s driving me fucking wild.” I pulled away and smiled at him. Yes, I was hoping to see a new side of him tonight.

As Tommy’s friends left, I tried to act more like the lady of the house; Tommy’s woman. I cleaned up after them and walked them to the door with Tommy. I thanked them for coming, and said I hoped to see them again soon. It felt so strange and comfortable all wrapped into one. Tommy closed the door as the last of his friends left and kissed me for a long time. A soft, slow kiss that made me go weak.

Finally he said, “I can’t thank you enough for tonight.” His eyes were actually smiling. I had never seen him this happy. Ever. In all the time I had known him.

“I loved being your girlfriend tonight,” I said, and I started to get choked up again. It was only for one night. I was never going to be what he wanted me to be. What he deserved after giving me so much love. This could never be enough for him; I just knew it even if none of us verbalized it. 

“Hey,” he said, “Don’t be upset. Not when I’m so happy. You have helped me fulfill my dreams. This is exactly what I need right now.”

I knew he meant it. Musicians loved the torture. It sparked creativity. He had always seemed tortured and lonely. Now everyone still thought he was lonely, except for tonight. But he wasn’t lonely, he was in love. Secret love. With me. It fueled him in a way nothing else had, and I did know he meant it when he said he needed it. However, I knew that, eventually, it wouldn’t fit into his life. I could see our future wasn’t together, even if he couldn’t or wouldn’t. But for now, I’d have to live just in the present, and let things play out as they were meant to be.

Terri walked up to us. “Is everyone finally gone?” he asked. I could see he was already getting hard.

“Yes,” Tommy said, still holding me in his arms.

“Can we-“ Terri started but Tommy interrupted.

“Thank you for tonight Terri,” he said looking at him. “I just have one more request.” I couldn’t wait to hear.

“Remember last time we were here and I saw you guys on the futon?” Tommy asked.

Terri and I both said, “Yes.” That was exactly what had given me the idea for us to become a threesome.

“This time let me have her while you wait outside the room,” Tommy requested.

“Sure,” Terri said without hesitation, “As long as I can join you.”

“Yes,” Tommy said, “When I tell you.” Fuck, I loved the way Tommy orchestrated our trysts. Did he just lay around all day and think about ways to make our time together more exciting? Maybe.

Tommy led me by the hand off to his room. I turned around and blew Terri a kiss, just as I had to Tommy that night. I felt a little bad, but Terri kept telling me not to. I had to trust they were both being honest with me. If either of them wanted to leave, they could. Or if they weren’t happy, they could just say so. Tommy left the bedroom door open and lay down on his bed. It was a nice king-sized bed. Not that horrible futon on the floor Terri and I shared last time.

“What do you want?” Tommy asked.

“I think this is your fantasy,” I said, “Tell me how you want to see it play out.”

“Suck me like you sucked him,” Tommy requested.

“Yes,” I said, licking my lips and walking towards him. I climbed on the bed and crawled over to him. I unbuttoned his jeans and saw his cock already hard. No underwear. Damn I loved that! I smiled as I seductively slipped his jeans off.

“Take your shirt off,” I instructed. He obeyed. I put my hand around the base of his cock, and slid my mouth over the tip, swirling my tongue slowly around the head.

“Ohhhh,” Tommy moaned long and deep. I looked towards the door. Did Terri hear that? I didn’t see him. I went back to licking, sucking, and stroking Tommy’s cock. I was always self-conscious about giving him head. He was too big for me to take him all the way in my mouth, and I just felt like I couldn’t completely please him this way. After only a few minutes, Tommy pulled me up to kiss him.

“I’m sorry, babe-“ I started.

“No,” he said, cutting me off, “I love when you do that. I just want to make love to you. Please let me show you how much I love you.”

“Yes,” I agreed. Was Terri watching yet I wondered, but I didn’t want Tommy to see me look for him. Tommy kissed me and took my clothes off. He laid me on my back and lifted himself over me. He hovered over me for a second, letting his eyes wander up and down my body.

“You know I love this,” he said, sliding his hand from my thigh, up my side, and over my breasts. “I love all of this.” He reached down to hold his cock and slid it up and down my wet slit.

“Oh, babe!” I screamed louder than necessary, as I had with Terri that night, “I love when you do that.”

Tommy smiled and whispered, “I know what you’re doing,” he continued without giving me a chance to answer, “He’s listening. Trust me.” I knew he was too. I just kinda wished I could see him.

Tommy slid his now wet cock up to my clit and circled it. “Yes! Oh yes!” I screamed, “Fuck me, babe!”

“No,” Tommy whispered again, “I’m going to make love to you. Slowly.” He slid his cock inside me and kissed me.

“Yes!” I moaned, kissing him. “Oh, babe, yes.” He looked into my eyes and slowly pulled his cock all the way out and slid all the way back in, being sure to grind down on my clit. He could tell when he hit my clit just right because my eyes closed, and I sucked in my breath. My moans were for show, but Tommy could read me after all we had shared.

“You like this?” he said, grinding and watching my reaction between kisses.

“Yes,” I panted, “I. Love. It.”

“Good,” he said, “I love you.” He continued his thrusts, hitting just the right spot.

“Yes,” I said to let him know I was getting close, “Yes!” I repeated, getting louder. I was on my way to going over the edge. Every time he slid in and ground my clit, I moaned louder. Every time he slid back out he kissed me. “Yes!” Kiss. “Yes!” Kiss.

“This is…I’m going to…” Tommy tried to articulate between kisses.

I simply replied, “Please, babe,” between kisses. Then I felt him thrust in harder and stay in. His cock throbbed with his first explosion, which sent me over the edge.

“Yes! Babe! Yes! Oh! Yes!” I screamed as the waves of my orgasm washed over me. His throbbing cock and my contracting pussy, draining every last bit out of our orgasms. Tommy slowed his thrusting and lay gently on top of me. Our breathing gradually returned to normal. I looked towards the door. No Terri. Maybe he decided he didn’t like this role reversal.

I pulled Tommy’s face to mine and kissed him. “I love you,” I said.

“I love you too,” he said.

“Call Terri in please,” I requested.

“You,” he said.

“He won’t come for me,” I reminded him, “You told him he had to wait for you to tell him to come in. Tell him now.” Tommy’s cock was still in me but getting soft.

“Terri,” Tommy said in his normal voice. Terri immediately appeared at the door. He must have been standing literally right outside the door. He was naked and hard. Tommy laughed and said, “All worked up dude?”

Terri smiled replying, “Just patiently waiting my turn.” He was obeying, but I hoped he was all worked up.

“Come here,” I said gently, pushing Tommy to my side so I could roll towards Terri. He was standing beside the bed and I reached out to run my finger along his cock.

“Did you cum yet?” I asked licking my lips.

“No,” he said, “I wanted to, but I need you. I need your pussy, babe. Now.” Yes! Could I get him to take control tonight?

“I’m all yours,” I said, sliding closer to him but taking my finger off his cock.

“Yes,” he said, but still didn’t move.

“You have to take me,” I told him, “Or tell me what to do. Just let go. Take control.” 

“Suck me,” Terri said, smiling and holding out his cock to me. I got up on all fours and engulfed him. I could take him all in without using my hand. “Mmmm,” he moaned.

I felt Tommy slip a finger into my cum drenched pussy. “Oh,” I moaned, with my lips vibrating against Terri’s cock.

“No,” Terri said, looking up and seeing what Tommy was doing. “I want her pussy.” Terri swung me around so I was still on all fours, except now he could slide his cock into my dripping pussy instead of my mouth.

“Yes, babe!” I screamed, as he impatiently slid all the way into me. His cock always felt bigger when we fucked doggy style.

“Yes, that feels so…” Terri moaned.

“Oh, yes,” I murmured as Tommy kissed me. Terri heard my muffled plea.

“No,” he said more firmly, “Just me this time.” He was taking control. He pulled me upright so my back was against his chest. Then he pulled me closer so my feet were on the floor and I was standing with him. His cock was still inside me. He lifted my one leg so my foot was on the bed and my legs were spread for him to start pumping again. He had one hand on my hip, one hand on my breast and his lips on my neck.

“Yes!” I screamed, throwing my head back onto his shoulder. “Yes, take me, babe! Make me cum.” He slid his fingers from my nipple to my clit. “Oh yes! Like that!” He pressed his finger down on my soaked clit.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard,” Terri said frantically pumping.

“Yes, babe, yes,” I cried out, engulfed in his urgency. I looked at Tommy to see he was now stroking his growing cock. Terri must have seen me look. He stopped kissing my neck. He kept his lips right at my ear, grazing against it when he spoke.

“Oh, you see his cock?” he said, “You like seeing him excited for you, huh? But my cock is fucking you right now. My cock is going to make you cum. I’m the one who’s going to fill you up this time.” He was definitely taking control. His fingers worked my clit faster and my climax exploded before I even realized it would.

“Yes, babe, yes, I’m cumming!” I yelled, “Cum with me. Please.” My whole body jerked back against him, as the waves of my climax washed over me. “Cum,” I pleaded again, and I felt Terri’s cock burst inside me.

“Fuck yes,” he said between thrusts, “Feel it, babe?”

“Yesssss,” I hissed, reaching back to grab Terri’s ass.

“Oh!” I heard Tommy grunt and saw the cum shooting out of his cock. He stroked the cum up and down, coating his cock until he was done. He had also enjoyed having Terri take me.

“See, babe,” Terri said with his mouth still at my ear, “You’re so fucking hot, we can’t control ourselves around you.” He let his softening cock slip out of me, and I turned around to kiss him.

“I love you, babe,” I said. Then I turned around to crawl on the bed over to Tommy and I kissed him. “I love you, babe,” I said. I rolled over so Tommy could spoon me, and I motioned for Terri to come lay down facing me. As Terri scooted closer, he high-fived Tommy. It always made me smile knowing they still saw each other as part of a team and not rivals. We were a team, and Tommy and I had finally taught Terri to take a little more control. 

I woke up early the next morning. The hazard of waking up early all week is that it was tough to sleep in on the weekends. I was still at Tommy’s river house in his big bed, sandwiched between him and Terri.

I quietly grabbed a long tank top and tiptoed out of the bedroom. I walked through the house and looked out to the river. I wanted to go sit out on the dock, but I wasn’t dressed yet. I decided it was early enough, so no one would be awake to see me.

When I got to the end of the dock, I was surprised there really were no other houses around. Also, the river was so wide, I could barely see the other side. Good, no one would see me. Although a bathing suit might have been a wiser choice than a tank top, I didn’t want to go back inside and wake my men. I enjoyed the peace and quiet. It gave me time to think.

I loved our setup, even if I knew it couldn’t last forever. I hated my job, but I was happy it paid the bills. The problem was it took me away from my loves too much. At that moment, I decided to quit. I had to take control and do what was best for my happiness.

Eventually, Terri and Tommy both came out to join me on the dock. They had both put shorts on at least. They sat on either side of me and we talked.

“Thanks again for coming here guys,” Tommy said to both Terri and me.

“I love it here,” I said, listening to the calm sounds of the water lapping at the shore, and the birds happily flitting around us.

“It’s great to relax a little before things get crazy busy for us,” Terri agreed. They both would be working a lot now. Tommy had his new gigs, and Terri had finally landed a job that could lead to more modeling.

“I decided something,” I said after a long pause.

“What?” they both said.

“I’m quitting my job,” I said, even more sure my decision was right now that I had said it out loud.

“No,” Tommy said, “It’s good money.” That was true.

“But I hate doing it, and I hate being away from you both,” I said. “It’s just not right for me right now.”

“So what will you do?” Terri asked.

“I could be a groupie for Tommy,” I said laughing. “No, I’ll just go back to my part-time jobs and keep looking.”

“It will happen for you, babe,” Tommy said, slipping his arm around my shoulders.

“Totally,” Terri said, “You’ve helped both of us fuck ups get on track!”

“We’ll help you find your way,” Tommy said, putting his finger on my chin and bringing my lips to his.

“We will,” Terri agreed, patting my leg. He slid his hand up a little. “Hey, are you commando?” I didn’t answer and spread my legs. “Shit, babe! You make me too hot!” He jumped into the water. “Here, catch!” he said, whipping his wet shorts at me. I caught them, but then I was soaked. 

Tommy laughed and said, “You could make some money entering a wet T-shirt contest.” He flicked my hard nipple through my tank top, and I yelped.

“Stop it!” I said, not meaning it at all. Tommy slid his arm down my back, and then pulled my tank top right up over my head taking it off of me.

“Tommy!” I yelled now completely naked sitting on the dock.

“You better jump in, babe!” Terri called to me from the water.

“No!” I said, but knew I would.

“Yes,” Tommy said with a smile and gently pushed me forward. When I hit the water it felt so good.

“Your turn now!” I called back up to Tommy. He slipped his shorts off and jumped in. He made a big splash all over me.

“Ah!” I screamed as he surfaced next to me.

“Aww, poor baby, did I splash your face?” he said, wiping my cheeks with his hand and kissing me. He held me with his other arm.

“I’m fine,” I said, rolling my eyes and laughing.

“Yes you are,” Terri said, swimming up next to me. I turned to kiss him, as Tommy kept hold of me.

I couldn’t reach the bottom though, so I said, “Is it all this deep?”

“No,” Tommy answered. He led us off to the side a little closer to shore until we could stand. The water was still up to my shoulders.

“Is this better?” Tommy asked as he turned around so I could wrap my arms around him, now that I didn’t need to use them to stay afloat.

“Yes,” I said, kissing his wet lips and brushing my fingers through the wet curls on his head. Terri came up and pressed his body against my back. He kissed my neck.

“Oh, babe,” I said, reaching one arm back to grab the back of his neck so he wouldn’t stop. Tommy continued kissing my lips.

I felt a finger sliding into my pussy. “Who?” I asked, already lost in both of them.

“Both of us, babe,” Terri said, “We’ll take turns.” He continued kissing my neck.

“Yes,” I said leaning my head back on Terri’s shoulder. Tommy moved to kiss my nipples, which were just popping out of the water as I arched back more.

I felt Tommy’s cock in me first. Terri put his arms around my waist, so I could lean back against his chest and lift my legs easily in the water to wrap around Tommy’s waist as he pumped faster. I kept my arm around Terri’s neck, feeling his wet lips continue to kiss my neck.

“Oh yes, babe,” I moaned. Tommy looked in my eyes. “Cum now,” I requested. He obeyed.

“Oh!” Tommy grunted and his cock exploded inside me.

“Yesssss,” I hissed, as I felt each pulse of his cock. I pulled up and out of Terri’s arms to bring my upper body to Tommy and wrap my arms around his shoulders, keeping my legs around him too. I kissed him, as he slowed his thrusting. His softening cock slipped out of me. Tommy hugged me and I felt his head nod. Then I felt Terri’s hands on my hips and his lips on my neck again. I realized Tommy’s nod just tagged Terri in. Damn, they were so good at taking turns with me.

Terri’s lips left my neck as he pulled my legs up backwards, and spread them around his waist. He slipped his cock into my pussy from behind. I kept my arms around Tommy’s neck, so I had something to keep myself up.

“Mmmm,” I said as Terri started pumping. “Make me cum,” I requested.

“Who?” Tommy asked.

“Whoever,” I said, not caring. Tommy looked at Terri. Then I felt Terri’s fingers slide around to my clit.

“Yessss, like that,” I moaned. Tommy held my sides, so I didn’t have to hang on tightly to his neck. It allowed me to bring my lips to his. Terri’s pumping pushed me into Tommy’s kiss. His fingers moved up and down my clit in sync to his pumping.

Tommy looked me in the eyes and mouthed the word ‘cum.’ I loved when he did that.

“Yes, babe!” I cried, closing my eyes hoping Terri was going to cum with me. “I’m going to cum…” and my whole body jerked as my first wave of orgasm erupted. I felt Terri stiffen and hold his cock still inside me for a few seconds, as it pulsed with his orgasm.

“Yes,” I moaned while Terri stroked my back and ass as he finished his pumping. We rode out our orgasms before finally becoming still.

I swam away from both of them and floated on my back for a few minutes. The feeling of being naked in the water after such amazing sex was pretty surreal. I couldn’t remember a time when I was ever happier. As I floated, I realized I would do anything to hold onto this.

“Hey, babe,” Terri said, leaning down to kiss me as I glided by him.

“Hey,” I said, smiling at him.

“Are you trying to be so hot?” he asked.

“Nope,” I said, continuing to float.

“You are though,” Tommy said, watching me float.

“Good thing we can cool off in this river then,” I said with a playful wink.

We spent the day in and out of the water. I had never sunbathed naked, but I totally liked it. As the sun was setting Tommy said, “Let’s take a walk along the river, it’s beautiful at dusk.”

“Ok,” I agreed and we all grabbed some shorts, shirts and sneakers. I was surprised there were no people on the trail. The trees enveloped us, except the occasional clearing by the river. We totally could have taken the walk naked. That might have been weird though. Even if we were clothed, it was nice to have privacy on the walk. I could touch and kiss Terri or Tommy at any point without having to think first. We were even able to walk with all of us holding hands. Why was this not just totally normal? It felt so good. So right.

“We’d better turn back now,” Tommy said, “The sun has set and it’s only getting darker.”

“Ok,” I agreed. Tommy turned and took me in his arms to kiss me.

“It’s been a nice walk,” he said, as Terri stepped closer.

“I know what would make it nicer,” Terri said, turning my face towards his, to kiss me while I was still in Tommy’s arms.

“What?” I asked innocently.

Terri turned me so my back was up against Tommy’s chest, and his arms still around my waist. Terri took my shirt off over my head and draped it over a tree branch nearby. He caressed my breasts. I hadn’t bothered to put on a bra.

“This,” Terri said, “This is nice.” He leaned down to suck each nipple.

“Yes,” I moaned, leaning my head back on Tommy’s shoulder.

“This is nicer,” Terri said, slipping my shorts down. I also hadn’t bothered to put on underwear. “Step out,” Terri said. I loved that he was starting to take control again. He put my shorts where he had put my shirt.

“Babe,” I started to protest, “I’m naked…what if someone sees?”

“No one is out here,” he said, “I’ll get naked too.” And he did. Terri kissed my lips while Tommy kissed my neck.

“Oh boys,” I said teasingly, “You are too much.”

“Not yet,” Tommy said, taking off his clothes. Now all three of us were naked. Tommy went back to kissing my neck as Terri kissed my lips. Their hands wandered all over my body. Then I felt Tommy pull my thigh up with one hand and put his other hand on Terri’s waist. It was the first time I saw him purposely touch him during sex. I liked it.

“Fuck her,” Tommy said to Terri.

“Yes,” I moaned with approval. Terri obeyed, and held his cock so he could slide it back and forth through my wet pussy lips.

“Oh babe,” I said, “Yessss.” He slid his cock into me and pumped in and out. Tommy held me close from behind, giving me the resistance I needed to stay steady against Terri’s pumping. Terri grabbed Tommy’s shoulder to pull me even closer to him. Tommy’s hand slid down on Terri’s ass to meet with mine. We were both pulling Terri into me harder.

“You like that, babe?” Tommy asked. I loved when he talked about what was happening.

“Yes,” I managed.

“Are you ready to cum?” Tommy asked, licking my ear and looking at Terri.

“I….wait…not…” I started but before I could explain I needed more stimulation Terri stiffened.

“Oh! Yes! Babe!” Terri screamed, and pushed his cock into my pussy and stayed. Just stayed. He was cumming because Tommy just asked me to cum. Or maybe he asked him to cum?

“Oh yes!” I screamed, “Babe!” I kissed his lips against his moans. He rode out his orgasm thrusting until he became still.

“Oh,” Terri said, “Yes…you..babe…” I loved when he lost the ability to speak because of me.

“Yes?” I teased, “You liked that?” I smiled.

“A little,” Terri said, smiling as his cock slipped out of me.

“Your turn babe?” Tommy asked me, moving his hand off of Terri and letting go of my leg. Then he lifted my other leg, tipping my ass up a little.

“Yes please,” I requested, as Tommy slid his cock back and forth in my cum soaked pussy. Then I felt Tommy’s finger sliding back and forth over my clit.

“You too,” Tommy said as Terri’s finger joined his on my clit. Now both of their fingers were moving slowly back and forth. Terri put his arm around Tommy’s shoulder to pull me in closer. To help us rock together. Having them touching each other around me was so sexy!

“You like that, babe?” Terri asked.

“Yes,” I moaned, as Tommy pumped his cock into my pussy and their fingers brought me so close to orgasm.

“Cum, babe?” Tommy panted in my ear, “Are you? Can you?” I loved the urgency in his voice. That pushed me over the edge.

“Yes, babe,” I answered Tommy as I kissed Terri.

“Yes,” Terri said, “Cum, babe. Squeeze his cock.” I obeyed.

As soon as my first spasm hit, Tommy screamed, “Yes!” and stiffened inside me.

“Yes, yes,” I hissed, as we rode our orgasms out against Terri. Our breathing finally calmed and our bodies became still.

“Thank you,” I said, first kissing Terri and then turning to Tommy as his cock slipped out of me.

“Thank you,” Tommy said, kissing me.

“Thank you!” I giggled as we all reached for our clothes. We dressed and walked back to the house. 

This amazing weekend was coming to an end, and we needed to brace ourselves for the changes to come.

Published 2 years ago

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