My husband and I have a trip to the Caribbean planned for our twentieth anniversary and he told me he googled ‘topless beaches’ during the trip planning. At first, I didn’t like the idea and thought he was joking. When he detected that I wasn’t protesting the idea he told me he also googled ‘nude beaches’. The more I thought about it the more I became friends with it. Heck, we’d be on vacation. No one we knew would be there.
I’m in good shape for forty-three. I work out a lot and I still get friendly glances (maybe a little ogling) when I’m out or volunteering at our church. Even a couple of my son’s friends like to flirt a little. Both Jason and Taylor are away at college so we’re empty nesters. Marty says he is proud of how I look when we have a date night.
Our trip was planned for early October and the summer was almost over and his landscaping business was slowing down. He loves to putter around in the yard when he has downtime but his riding mower was broken so I teased him about being bored and fidgety and thus starting the Google searches.
I knew I needed to try to get at least a good start on a tan for the trip and the idea of not having tan lines appealed to me. It was obvious Marty was excited about that idea so I decided to begin laying out in the backyard by the pool naked. Our privacy fence is pretty high and there’s not a house really close so I knew I could get away with it. If I heard a helicopter flying near the house I would just cover up.
So I headed out of the house with my sunblock and wrapped in my beach towel. On the way, I flashed Marty with a giggle and he said he would be back after picking up the riding mower from the place where he got it repaired and maybe we’d have some fun when he returned. When he saw I was naked under the towel I got a cat whistle and an exaggerated ‘hubba hubba!’ as I went into the backyard. I was kind of hoping he’d get the mower later and stick around for some fun right then but I heard him leave.
I positioned the lounge toward the sun and lay down by the pool…a little self-conscious but excited for the trip. I had my headphones on and listened to some classical station on the radio and was very relaxed. With two cucumber slices on my eyes, I started to think about what might be in store for us in the Dominican Republic. Marty always says vacation sex is the best. I was also open to the possibility of a bonus romp in the hay when he returned home that day. I guess I was getting a little supercharged and began thinking about the business end of that cucumber in case he changed his mind. This caused me to squeeze my thighs together a few times. I was getting a little drowsy and must have dozed off when I heard the riding mower in the front so I knew he was home. I fell back asleep for a while and when I woke up he had already cut the back lawn too.
Early the next morning, Marty left for the landscaping shop to work on payroll. After cleaning up the breakfast dishes I showered and got dressed to go to the church hall to help the pastor stuff envelopes for a fundraiser. When I got to my Range Rover, I saw an envelope stuck in the wiper. I opened it and my jaw almost dropped to the driveway. Inside were three scans of photographs of me lying naked on my lounge! They were from different angles and fairly close up. I figured it was Marty’s overture for sex later, but I was furious at the whole idea. What if someone would have seen the note or it had blown off the car and a neighbor, or the mailman picked it up? I decided to have a talk with him when we got home for sure!
After the initial shock I saw there was a letter in the envelope too. I opened it. In very neat block letters it said;
“There’s a tackle box under the shrub to the right of the door. In it is a blindfold and two pair of handcuffs. Tomorrow at 10:30 sharp, when your husband is at work, put on the blindfold and put your wrists in the cuffs and clamp the other end to your bedpost. I have the keys. Leave the front door unlocked. Oh yeah, make sure you’re nude. When I’m through with you and unlock the cuffs I want you to start to count to one hundred OUT LOUD before you take off the blindfold. What you won’t know is whether or not I have left the house or if I’m standing in the hall listening to see if you disobeyed me.
“If you open the bedroom door before you finish counting and I’m standing there I’ll press ‘send’ on my cell and the nudes will be winging their way to your pastor. Seeing my face won’t matter at that point because you don’t want Pastor Whatshisname to see your sexy body. Or your neighbors seeing these. Or maybe your kids. I’m not fooling. Do it! See you tomorrow. If you don’t do as instructed or if the front door is locked the originals of these pictures will be shown to your pastor. It’ll happen regardless of whether at that point you know who I am or not. These pictures of your sweet tits and pussy will be in his possession one way or the other.”
OH MY GOD! The pictures are from different angles and fairly close up. On one of them, my legs were parted and my bald vagina was in full view! I guess Marty forgot to lock the gate when he brought the mower into the back. Someone must have gotten in while I was asleep. I started to practically hyperventilate but then something hit me. It was Marty!
I decided to not say anything. There was a time before the kids were born when he used to occasionally tie my wrists and ankles to the corners of our old four-poster bed with his neckties. That was always fun. We both feigned disappointment when we handed that bed down to our daughter when she was a pre-teen and we had bought a new bedroom set for our room. Now the kids were gone out of town to college, and he wanted to rekindle some spark before our trip so he could parade me around topless on a beach. Or maybe even naked! He can be such a stud when he wants to be.
So the next day I gave him a sly wink and a longer kiss than usual when he left for work. I could hardly contain myself as I fished the tackle box out from under the bed. I still had several hours and my mind again drifted to that cucumber in the fridge. I congratulated myself for my admirable restraint as I fidgeted around cleaning the house. It seemed the morning crawled by until 10:20 when I splashed some perfume on and put on my makeup. I checked myself in the mirror and felt good about how I looked for a middle-aged housewife.
Feeling a little naughty, I used my lipstick to paint an arrow down from my belly button to the top of my mound. I clamped the cuffs to the bedpost. As I did, I hoped that whatever scraping back and forth that might happen wouldn’t leave scratches on it. I put the blindfold tightly over my eyes with a double knot so it wouldn’t slip off. I then fumbled around blindly to secure the business end of the cuffs to my wrist. I heard the front door open.
My breathing was a little ragged as I heard footsteps coming up the hall. I could feel his presence in the room and I heard an audible sigh which caused me to smile. I rolled a little toward him so he could see the arrow. I heard his zipper come down and what sounded like his pants hitting the floor. I rolled unto my back and spread my legs open a little.
He climbed on the bed and used his usual opening move to go straight for my tits. After some aggressive fondling, I felt his mouth assault one of my nipples. I pinned my shoulders back to make my 34b chest look bigger and more inviting. He must have been horny because he was nibbling the tip a little more than usual which was fine by me. As he swung his naked body over my left leg, I spread wider for him.
He traced a finger slowly down from my belly button to the top of my mound. I realized he was taking the path of the arrow and then he let his finger form a vee for the arrowhead an inch from his prize. I giggled as I squirmed. His breath was audible as he wiggled further down the bed and I felt his face and hot sighs on my waiting pussy. I could tell I was getting wet with anticipation. His hard tongue circled around my inner lips slowly. I tried hard not to rotate my hips too much because his stubble was scratching my upper thighs as he began kissing my love button. I hate it when he does that and hasn’t shaved yet.
I could tell he was really turned on by this kinky love-making idea because the kissing soon turned into a full-out attack as he sucked my clit into his mouth and started licking it aggressively with his hot tongue. I know he usually tried to prolong our lovemaking because he almost always spends a few minutes poking his tongue into my wet slit. However, I wasn’t interested in that. Not today.
“Jesus, Marty! Just fuck me!”
He raised up on his knees and positioned himself between my open legs. I wrapped my legs around his and held him in position like a vice. He planted the palms of his hands on each side of my chest to hover above me as his cock entered my pussy. I moaned and shook my head in approval.
“That a boy! Come get what Momma’s got for you!”
The cuffs rattled against the bedpost in the same rhythm as the vigorous pounding of his cock banging all the way into my body. I decided not to worry about any scratches on the bedpost. This was definitely worth it.
“Yeah that’s it, stud. Fuck me good, Marty!”
My tits jiggled and moved to the side and I could feel my side boobs rubbing against his lower arms. I knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out very long. We would have to do this blindfold/tie-up shit more often. I made a note to tell him to bring this paraphernalia with us to the Caribbean. But while he was burying his cock in my wet hole my mind drifted to how embarrassed I’d be if he was picked by TSA in the Dominican for a random luggage search and the agents saw the cuffs!
I could tell he was getting close and I was a little disappointed this wasn’t going to last as long as usual. But it was obvious how turned on he was and before too long he froze his movements and I felt his hot jizz explode in me.
I cried out, “Oh yessss! So good! Was so good, baby!”
He climbed off of me but I left my legs wide open just to give him a good look at my puffy lips and how pink I was in there. He was getting dressed as my breathing returned to normal. Then I heard the sound of a key chain and he grabbed my wrists and unlocked me and released the cuffs from the bedpost. I pulled my hands down to my belly and started to rub my wrists. When I was in the throes of this wild sex I didn’t realize how my wrists were a little sore. As I heard the bedroom door close I started to raise my hand to pull off my blindfold when I remembered the instructions that I had decided to willingly accept. I quickly threw my hands down next to my thighs and smiled.
“One hundred… ninety-nine… ninety-eight…”
When I got to sixty-nine (what a coincidence, eh?), I thought I heard a car door slam out in the street. It didn’t matter to me because I didn’t want to jeopardize these little sessions we had just resurrected by possibly catching him in the doorway with his hands on his hips and a frown on his face if I stopped counting and took off the blindfold. So while I counted all the way down to ‘one’, my mind was recalling how fabulous the sex had been that morning and how I was anxiously looking forward to this vacation.
When I was done counting I took the blindfold off and put it and the cuffs in the tackle box and slid it back under the bed. But not after I got a wad of tissue to soak up the cum stain that was forming on the sheets and the little bit that was oozing out of me. I was planning on washing sheets today anyway.
After a shower, I felt so much like a different woman I spent the next couple of hours doing the laundry in the nude. While the washer was in the spin cycle I retrieved that cucumber out of the fridge and used it to bring myself to my second orgasm of the morning. I’m not the type to run around the house with no clothes on, but it was as if I was someone else. Someone suddenly sexier. No, make that naughtier. I decided to dress in my sexiest workout clothes when I headed to the gym. I left the sports bra on the dresser. I got some approving glances from the males there. A few were guys who work out at the same time I do and you could tell they saw a different me.
The next morning was the first sunny day since our little episode in the bedroom so before Marty left for work after breakfast I quickly striped and wrapped myself in my beach towel. As I headed out the patio door, I turned to him with a sexy smile and opened my towel.
“I haven’t gotten to lay on my back yet. You wanna put some sunscreen on me before you leave?”
He smiled up at me as he picked up his keys to leave. He quickly put them down on the counter.
“Sure. It’s the least I can do.”
We both headed out to the pool arm in arm and I lay on my belly on the lounge and handed him the lotion. As he was applying the sunscreen he took his time to liberally apply it to my ass.
Rather nonchalantly he said, “When I came home the other day with the mower, Chad from down the street approached me. He asked if he could do any odd jobs around the house so he could earn some dough for a school field trip. I sort of felt sorry for him so I gave him forty bucks for a couple of errands. He did a nice job cutting the lawn, didn’t he?”
It was a good thing I was on my stomach because my eyes almost bulged out of my head!