Kyle & Preston Part 1

"Two boys spend several nights sharing a tiny twin bed."

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Day One

My Bestfriend Preston and I had finally gotten to our dorm room at ten o’clock at night. My dad had helped us move all our stuff in the second half of the day after he got off work. As we got settled into our new home, the little sixteen-foot by twelve-foot room, we noticed something was missing – a second bed.

I went to the front desk and told the girl our dilemma. She apologized and said it was a simple oversight and that the second bed would be delivered to our room in the morning. But that night, since it was so late, we’d just have to deal with it. I volunteered to sleep on the floor the first night but it was impossible.

There was no carpet – only hard flooring, finished with linoleum. Preston had offered to share the small bed with me earlier but I’d declined. I then changed my mind after only a couple of minutes with nothing but a thin blanket between me and the rough floor. I got in bed with my Bestfried, in only underwear and a t-shirt, back to back with him.

After about half an hour of fitfully adjusting, I finally got close to comfortable and was able to fall asleep. I was roused again as Preston began to move around under the covers, removing his own jogging pants and tossing them on the floor. Again I tried to drift off to sleep, awkwardly trying not to touch Preston too much in our underdressed state.

Day Two

We had attended our first day of classes, hung out in the student center, ate lunch and I checked out the gym as Preston went to a nearby shopping center. I was a little bit of a gym rat, nearly obsessed with maintaining my lean, muscular physique. I had always told Preston he had the perfect body type to tone up; short, slender, and taut. All he had to do was work out with me two or three times a week and he’d have a great body. He always declined, being comfortable with how he looked, I guessed.

After I left the gym, I went back to our dorm room and showered. I almost kept my home routine of showering, leaving my towel in the bathroom, and going to bed naked, but I yelped and retreated back into the bathroom when I saw Preston look up at me in half shock sitting on the bed. “My bad, dude,” I yelled from the bathroom as I donned a towel. “Old habit.”

“It’s alright,” he said, dripping sarcasm, “I expected to see your dick as soon as I got home.”

“Your fault for looking at it,” I shot back as I emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel from the waist down. I grabbed my underwear and went back in to put them on.

“It’s just sooo big I can’t help it,” he said jokingly as I came back to our bedroom in my underwear, laughing the whole time. “Takes up the whole room.”

“Whatever, dude,” I chuckled. Being reminded there is still no second bed, I tried to get over the awkwardness of being in my underwear around Preston, seeing as how we’d be sleeping together again. “Hey, are you cool with me sleeping in underwear?”

“Yeah, that’s cool,” he said, dropping the sarcasm, thank God.

I got in the bed as he went to the shower. He came out of the bathroom wearing his jogging pants again, but this time without a shirt. I slightly shuddered, thinking, one step closer to being naked. I don’t know why the thought thrilled me but it did, just a little, so little I could deny it at the time. But enough to acknowledge if ever I wanted to. “You know you can take those off,” I said. “I mean, if you’re going to take them off anyway.”

“Nah, man. I’m okay. I get a little cold sometimes.” Preston sounded a bit nervous. It seemed suspicious that he was cold but opted to go topless, but I dropped the issue. He was probably naked under his pants and didn’t want things to be more awkward than they already were.

That night, as I drifted closer to sleep, I felt Preston remove his joggers once again, tossing them on the floor. We slept back to back that night, and as we made adjustments to our positions on the tiny bed, our feet got entangled. I had to admit to myself, the skin contact felt kind of good, as well as the extra room I was able to occupy, stretching my legs back to entwine with Preston’s.

Sleep came easier that night.

Day Three

I awoke to the soft alarm on Preston’s cell phone. His first class was about 25 minutes earlier than mine. I was lying closest to the wall, facing away from my Bestfriend, who was getting out of bed. As I felt his weight lift off the bed, out of one form of curiosity or the other, I turned over to (hopefully?) catch a glimpse of Preston’s naked body as he got dressed. But what I saw wasn’t the round, brown little boy bottom I had seen once or twice in our high school locker room, but a rump hugged by ruffled white panties with pink lace trim.

I’m not sure why, but I got really nervous as if I was the one in danger of being caught in panties. After a few inexplicably exciting seconds of watching Preston, I closed my eyes again. I heard him moving about the room, opening my eyes again just in time to see the panties disappear below the line of his waistband. My heart sighed to have Preston’s panties taken out of my sight.

At the time, I rationalized away my fascination with what I had seen. I told myself that maybe signals in my brain got crossed due to my own panty fetish, which was partially true. For whatever reason, panties had always excited me. Even just the sight of panties got me going. Hell, just the word ‘panties,’ spoken or even spelled out could cause a twitch in my pants. My mind never did register the context, and that was the reason for my increased heart rate, labored breathing, and semi-erection. Or so I told myself.

“Preston’s wearing panties,” I said softly into the air, smiling, tasting my favorite word on my tongue but in complete denial of any lust for my Bestfriend. I got dressed thinking about it. I kept playing with the little snapshot of Preston’s panties over and over in my head, from the time he rose out of bed revealing the satiny undies to their sudden and disappointing disappearance.

As I went about my day, I frequently thought about Preston’s panties. How long has he been wearing panties? Did he wear them in high school? Does he wear them every day? Does he own any men’s underwear? Why didn’t he tell me? In retrospect, I know I was only conning myself when I began to contemplate convincing Preston to let me in on his little secret. I had told myself that since he was my Bestfriend, he shouldn’t have to keep a secret from me. I even felt disappointed that he trusted me so little he thought he had to hide it from me.

Halfway through the day, my mind was made up that I would talk to Preston about his panties and that I would be so supportive he’d become comfortable being seen by me in his panties.

The rest of the day was filled with recollections of the surprising morning and imaginings of days to come. Preston in sky-blue bikini panties. Preston in red lace. Preston in a grey cotton thong. Preston in frilly black panties. Preston in purple floral panties. Preston in yellow cheekies…

When I finally made it home, I was full of nervous excitement. I told myself I was just nervous for Preston, us being so close and all. He was about to be put on the spot for wearing women’s underwear, and I was just feeling embarrassed for him. But I’d make him comfortable in just a few minutes, and thus make the butterflies in my own tummy fly away.

Preston came home, showered, and came out of the bathroom wearing his joggers again. I was sitting on the bed, nervous to get this talk started, but resolutely determined to free my Bestfriend from his needless shame. “Hey, uh, you know you can take those off now,” I said, hoping I didn’t sound pushy. Or eager.

“No,” Preston chuckled nervously. “I’m okay. I told you, I just get cold.”

“I know, I mean, but, y’know, you, like, take them off every night anyway. I just thought, y’know, you’d be more comfortable…, like, in…, whatever. Whatever you normally sleep in.” However clumsy and awkward it felt coming out my mouth, it sounded twice that going into my own ears.

“No, I-” Preston said, and then froze, staring at me.

“I…, I saw you this morning. Y’know, wearing your… panties.” I clarified though I didn’t need to, putting the word on my lips again, amplifying my jitters. The essence of eroticism the word brought to me was palpable. And my brain did that thing again. Luckily, I was still sitting rather than standing.

“Uh, I, uh-” Preston stammered, speechless.

“It’s okay that you wear panties, Preston. I really don’t care. And I’m not gonna make fun of your panties or anything. I just want you to be able to be your true, genuine self with me. If we’re going to live together, I think you should be able to wear whatever you want to bed. And if you choose to wear panties, it’s okay. They’re just panties.”

I got a jolt every time I said my favorite word. Even though my cock was completely erect from referring to my Bestfriend’s panties, I just told myself I was saying it to make him feel more comfortable – getting the word out in the open so it wouldn’t feel so dirty. The furthest thing for the truth.

Preston looked at me quizzically. I looked at him reassuringly. Moments passed. “Go ahead,” I nudged, as soft as feathers. Preston hooked his thumbs into the waist of his jogging pants, then hesitated. I looked up at his face, nodded almost imperceptibly, then dragged my gaze back to his waistline. Preston pushed his pants down to the floor, revealing pastel blue, gingham print panties with white, frilly trim. They were nearly mesmerizing, and astonishingly cute, especially the way they nestled his soft penis, creating a noticeable bump.

I had to force myself to look up at his face. He was blushing and nibbling his lip, standing with his pants around his ankles and his hands folded just below his panties, awaiting my approval. “Nice,” I said simply, glancing back down at Preston’s pretty panties.

“You don’t think it’s weird?” Preston finally said.

“Not really. I mean, yeah, maybe a little. But there’s nothing wrong with it.”

We talked about it for a few minutes, me assuring Preston it was okay to wear whatever he wanted and promising not to tell a soul. Then we decided to go to sleep. We got in the small bed just as we had before, back to back. After about a minute, our feet became entangled again, comfortably.

“Kyle?” Preston whispered.

“Yeah?” I answered.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Day Four

The night before was a little strange and a little too intimate. It didn’t feel wrong or bad at all to be so close to my Bestfriend, with me in briefs and him in panties, but that was the problem. Boys aren’t meant to feel so comfortable in such positions. In the morning I felt embarrassed, so much so that I forewent a sneak peek at Preston’s panties. I began to suspect that my fascination with my Bestfriend’s panties was just a little tiny bit on the gay side.

After he left for class, I got up and went to the front desk of the dormitory to inquire once again about our second bed. This time, after a brief phone call, the guy at the desk assured me that our bed would most definitely be delivered by the next morning. I sighed a sigh of relief and went on with my day, trying to scrub my mind of images of pantie-clad Preston.

It worked for about an hour, and then I was overwhelmed by visions, letting one slip in, and then another, until the door was flung open and I was smirking to myself as I pondered the cuteness of Preston’s panties. I told myself it was okay, that panties were designed to be cute no matter who wears them, that it was a good thing to think of my Bestfriend as cute, to accept him as he is, and to share some level of intimacy with him.

“Guys are so uptight about their precious, fragile masculinity sometimes,” I remembered my older sister said when I questioned her about sitting on a girlfriend’s lap. I said it was weird and that I would never do that with another guy. I started to think maybe there was truth to what she had said. Maybe it’s okay for guys to do the things girls do together. They always seem so comfortable with each other’s bodies. They compliment each other’s boobs and butts all the time without shame. It would be nice if guys were like that – if we were like that.

I did my best to convince myself this had nothing to do with anything sexual. That we would just be strengthening the bond of friendship between us.

When I got back to our room, there was still no bed. I hid a smirk from myself as my heart fluttered nervously. How far will we go today? The question whispered to me by my subconscious sent a shiver up my spine. In one sense, I ignored the question, putting the sexual connotation aside while, in another sense, answered the question by remaining naked after my shower and getting in bed just before Preston showed up. If he can be comfortable, why can’t I? I rationalized, nervously awaiting my Bestfriend’s arrival.

When I heard the door open, I felt a nervous, excited energy, though I had been dozing off due to the comfort of being naked in bed alone. But when Preston came in, I woke right up. We made small talk as Preston got ready for sleep, me lying there naked but for the blanket, him removing shoes, socks, and shirt. He paused and stared at me before he got to his pants and then smiled, loosening his belt and taking them off, revealing the cute gingham print panties. And I could swear the bulge in his panties was just a little bigger.

He had been wearing them all day and hadn’t showered, stating that he was exhausted as I held open the covers to him, inviting him into bed with me. He got in smiling wide, sighing, and turning his back to me. I had to adjust at the last second so my rigid cock wouldn’t bump him, positioning it just underneath his bottom instead of poking it through his panties – a thought that thrilled, delighted, and scared me all at once.

“Oh, and, you don’t mind if I go nude, do you?” I asked, probably too late since we were already in bed.

“Oh, uh, no. You let me wear my panties so I owe it to you. Thanks again by the way. You’re a true friend.”

I smiled. “Thank you.”

As we made our little adjustments, my left arm ended up folded underneath Preston’s head, and my right arm kind of automatically draped around his small, smooth waist. His back to my chest and our legs tangled, we comforted one another and drifted off to sleep.

Day Five

Preston got up a bit earlier than usual and had a shower. This time, I watched his cute butt as it bounced into the bathroom, then watched again as he came back into the room wearing another pair of cute panties – orange cheekies, ruched in the back like bikini bottoms. Oh, they made his boy rump look so plump and appealing, almost like a girl’s. He turned toward the bed and I saw the swell of his manhood imprinting the thin, soft material.

“You like ’em?” Preston said, snapping me out of my stupor.

“Huh? Uh, what?” I said, blinking and shaking my head as if I was daydreaming, and then looked up to his gleeful, smiling face. He has such a pretty smile.

“My panties,” he chuckled. “Do you like my new panties?”

Oh, God, that word again…

“Uh, yeah. They’re pretty dope.” It was the most straight and masculine thing I could say about my Bestfriend’s cute panties and still be supportive.

“Yeah, they feel good too,” he said, pulling the panties up tighter against his waist, then letting the waistband pop against his hips. I watched him with a smile on my face as he slowly dressed himself, one item at a time. He sat on the dresser to put socks on his noticeably neat and petite feet, then he covered his peanut butter thighs with a pair of skinny jeans and finally donned a tight polo shirt, taking the sight of his modestly muscled chest and flat tummy away from my yearning eyes.

We were talking as he dressed, to cut down on the awkwardness of watching and being watched, but I can’t even remember what the conversation was about.

I had showered the night before, so I didn’t need to do so this morning, but I did need to wipe the precum from the tip of my penis after peeing. I blamed my heightened arousal on natural morning wood and my brain’s infatuation with the word panties and my eyes’ obsession with the substance.

Again I talked to the person at the front desk, the girl from the first night. I told her it had been almost a week and there still was no second bed. She apologized profusely and, after getting off the phone, guaranteed that there would be another bed in my room by the next morning. I felt relieved that this awkwardness with Preston would finally be put to bed.

In a window of time between leaving the dorm and the first class, I felt like what we were doing was too close, too intimate, and a bit gay. In that window, I sought ways to end this curious closeness, or at least to stop while we were ahead. If we drew the line at lying in bed with Preston in panties and me naked, that might be okay. But I knew things would escalate if we kept growing more intimate, as seemed the trend.

But by the middle of my first class, fresh rationalizations grew in me like moss on a tree. I told myself we were okay. We’re just really close friends. There’s nothing wrong with this. Girls do this type of thing all the time. It’s okay, even if we get closer.

That night, Preston and I got in our little twin bed together again, me naked and him wearing his cute, orange panties. His adjustments caused my straining cock to press against his ass, right between his butt cheeks. I tensed up, unable to escape since my back was against the wall. I held my breath, half expecting Preston to jump out of bed and opt to sleep on the floor. But it didn’t happen. In fact, I was unsure then, but it seemed like Preston very subtly arched his back into me, pressing his ass into my engorged manhood.

He took my arm that was draped loosely over his body and hugged it to his chest. I then held him tighter, lightly caressing his plain pecs with my palm. His skin was so soft, but still kind of firm underneath, and so warm and so soothing. He sighed contentedly, relaxing. I almost moaned. I didn’t know what the feeling was blooming in my heart, but I did know I loved it. And I loved Preston. But in what way?

I denied all my own accusations as I drifted off to sleep with my Bestfriend squeezed tight in my arms, his panty-clad booty pressed into my lap.

Day Six

I woke up Saturday morning, glad to finally have a day to sleep in. When I opened my eyes, I saw Preston and smiled, watching him sleep serenely. He had tossed a little in his sleep and was now lying mostly on his back. He had distorted the covers and his chest was out in the open with its smooth, buttery skin and fine hairs. I lifted myself up on one elbow as I lay on my side and peered down my Bestfriend’s body, his flat tummy, ebbing and swelling with the rhythm of his breathing, then I glanced lower, down to his midsection.

His penis had gotten fully erect in his sleep and had outgrown the confines of his panties. It poked up out of the waistband, the pretty pink tip moist with precum and peeking from inside its halo of foreflesh. I licked my lips as my heart jumped in my chest. Preston’s cock was rather impressive, grown to be about the same length as mine, only a bit thinner.

I repressed my urge to touch it and decided to have a shower to rinse away all my undeniably gay thoughts. I tossed the covers off my body and tried to get out of bed without waking Preston, climbing over him. He awoke just as my knees were on either side of his body.

“Where you going?” Preston asked lazily, yawning. He stretched like a kitten beneath me as I momentarily straddled him, my balls hanging above his tummy and my rigid rod hovering over his small chest, pointing to his chin.

He seemed to be unbothered by the lewd predicament that we accidentally found ourselves in. “Just to the bathroom,” I said, assuring him I wasn’t going anywhere.

“Okay,” he said softly and rubbed my left knee, looking up at me. I smiled and completed my climb over Preston’s little body, standing beside the bed naked and staring at him as he watched me, smiling. He didn’t seem to care I was naked…, and hard.

“Your cock is poking out your panties,” I said, with no other excuse to be staring as I was.

“Oopsie,” he said with a voice softened and made hoarse by sleep, and tucked his penis away inside his panties. The imprint looked obscene…, and damned appetizing.

I pushed all my weird thoughts away and entered the bathroom. I cleaned off my precum, then waited until my erection subsided before peeing. I returned to bed with my Bestfriend, who watched me the whole way back toward him and embraced me as I settled in behind him.

After about an hour of cuddling, he sighed and stirred, then got out of bed. “Where are you going,” I asked mockingly.

“Class,” he said. I watched his bottom as he collected things for his shower. His panties had gotten lodged tight between his butt cheeks and made it look ever more enticing.

“Saturday classes?” I asked.

“Yeah. Just one.”

Preston went to the bathroom and showered, emerging naked and acting nonchalant about it. “Hey, uh, about last night and…, all the other nights. I…, hope you know, I’m not…, like, gay or anything. It’s just that I’m super, like, clingy and just crazy vulnerable when I’m sleepy, especially in my panties. I hope I didn’t like…, lead you on or anything.”

“Lead me on? No no no, of course not! I’m not gay either, dude. No, you didn’t lead me on.” I laughed. “We’re just making the best of having one bed. I think it’s cool that we’re not weirded out by each other’s bodies. Y’know, it’s kind of like how girls are. They get to be all touchy-feely with each other and nobody questions it. So…, I guess we’re like that. And that’s all.”

Naked Preston stood there and smiled. “We’re like girls,” he mused aloud. “Cool.” And then he proceeded to get dressed, first donning a pair of white thong panties, then socks, then pants, and then a shirt. I simply watched in silence. It wasn’t gay. We had established that in words. It was like an ironclad contract. I wasn’t gay. He wasn’t gay. We were just more intimate with each other than most boys. And it was okay to feel good about that.

After Preston left, I decided to have a shower. When I stepped into the bathroom, I spotted his discarded orange panties on the floor, all soggy and sad, and sexy. It brought back memories of finding my mom’s or sister’s panties on wet bathroom floors and being tempted to play with them, to put them to my face and inhale their bodily scent, which I did on several occasions.

I picked up the flimsy scrap of nylon, telling myself I was going to toss them in with Preston’s dirty clothes. I felt the soft material in my hands, rubbing my fingers across, and appreciating the silky texture. I knew what I was going to do next was crossing a boundary, but I didn’t care – I couldn’t care while holding a sexy little pair of dirty panties, something I never thought I’d get to enjoy for a long time.

I balled up Preston’s damp panties, buried my face in them, and deeply inhaled. “Mmmmmm,” I groaned, and took another deep whiff. Oh, God. I was lost in those panties. His musky scent was faint and arousing. My cock jutted straight out before I noticed and I gripped the length in one hand as I held my Bestfriend’s panties to my mouth and nose, inhaling deeply.

“Mmmm,” I hummed as I stroked myself, unable to pry myself out of my lustful state. Panties always brought out a different side of me. I unfolded the panties to sample the smell of different portions of Preston’s body, as I used to do my mother’s and sister’s. I sniffed the front, where his sparse pubic hair produced a healthy, sweaty smell. I turned them inside out to taste the gusset, the part that sat underneath his taint all day, and I smelled the faint smell of his precum, fresh and clean smelling.

And finally, turning them around, I sniffed the back, the ruched part that sat in between his cheeks. “Ohh, God,” I sighed, stroking my cock faster. He smelled so deliciously nasty! That ambrosial, balmy smell that no one else should ever smell – it was mine to enjoy! I inhaled deeply and moaned as earnestly as I dared, stroking myself off as I worshipped Preston’s dirty panties.

When I was close, I wrapped the panties around my cock and began to masturbate with them. I closed my eyes, and immediately images of Preston’s naked body filled my mind. His cute behind, his cock, which was little when soft but big when aroused. I imagined touching him as I would imagine touching my sister, eliciting a very similar, familiar-but-forbidden desire. I saw and felt myself squeezing Preston’s ass as we hugged naked, and then slipping a wet finger into his moist butt hole. That’s when I came.

Milky semen began to spurt from my cock and splatter on the floor, but then I let Preston’s panties catch most of it. I stroked and stroked into Preston’s pretty panties until I was sated. Momentarily, the shame of what I had done overshadowed me. I put the sullied panties in my own laundry bag so Preston would never find them in that state.

I couldn’t deny that what I did was pretty gay. It wasn’t the sniffing panties part that did it. It was my imagination. Envisioning my finger going into my Bestrfiend couldn’t be explained away, especially since it made me cum. But I assured myself it was just a slip, a lapse in judgment and self-control. A little gay blip. Every guy must’ve had one at some point. I’m no different than any other straight guy. If thinking one gay thought made a man gay, then there would be no straight men. I couldn’t deny, so I minimized.

Even still, there was no way I could ever give up the newfound intimacy Preston and I shared. We slept together again that night. He wore his panties. I remained nude. He snuggled back against me, purring in deep comfort. I held him tight, a hand gliding over his soft skin. We even played a lazy and extremely soothing game of footsies, our legs tangled and our feet caressing softly. There was no way my cock wouldn’t be hard, and no way Preston didn’t feel it between his bottom since he was wearing a thong. We didn’t care. It felt too damned good.

Day Seven

“Good morning,” I whispered sleepily as I roused, reaching and pulling Preston close to me.

“Mmm,” he hummed and pressed himself back against me. “This feels nice.”

We lay still for a few minutes, awake and cuddling, my mind slowly gaining all its functions. “Hey,” I said softly. “Do you think this is…, like…, gay?”

“No, no, Kyle, don’t do that!” His voice was quiet but the objection was strong and sure. “The second you start to question this you’ll ruin it. Just, please don’t think of it like that. Let’s just enjoy it. We’re like girls, remember? We’re just like girls.” His voice softened with the last statement. It melted my heart a little.

“Okay, we’re girls,” I said, smiling. It felt nice not to have to define things. We were cuddling. It felt good. And that was it.

I began to caress Preston’s body, all over his chest, then up near his neck, causing him to giggle when I felt above his clavicle bone. “I’m ticklish,” he explained with a giggly sigh. “Don’t stop.”

I descended his body again, smoothing over his flat tummy, a finger gently circling the rim of his little belly button. As I slid around to his right hip, I just barely grazed the wet tip of his erect penis which apparently had fallen out of his panties again. I felt him twitch slightly and relax again. Neither of us felt the need to address it.

Down Preston’s side my hand went, until I met the waistband of his panties. My heart leapt. I wanted to feel Preston’s panties so badly but was afraid to cross a line. Considering we were lying in bed, that I was naked and caressing his body, and that I had just touched his penis (though mistakenly), I surmised that that line had been crossed a long time ago, and we were both comfortable. We’re girlfriends, I thought as I began to trace the waistband of Preston’s panties.

I hooked an underhanded finger underneath Preston’s waistband and slid around to the back. I really had no intentions other than to feel his silky panties, no direction in mind at all. I was led by what seemed natural. With a finger hooked inside my Bestfriend’s panties, I followed the line around back to the soft cotton, where I continued to drag my finger until I was essentially pulling the thong part out from between his cheeks.

It was warm and damp with sweat from his rear cleft. On the back of my finger, I could feel the soft, smoothness of his butt cheeks and the hot, sweaty crease in between. I followed the thong down to his taint, causing him to shudder, then released the string, letting it fall back into place between his booty. He giggled and hummed lightly.

I then proceeded to caress Preston’s ass. He clearly liked it when I played with his panties, and I knew that girls really like to have their booties rubbed, so I figured a guy who likes to wear panties would appreciate it. “Mmmmm, this feels soooo good,” Preston cooed contentedly. “Never stop touching me.”

I smiled at his plea, thinking, I have no intention to stop.

I caressed his little round boy rump, and then his thighs. Eventually, we fell asleep again in each other’s arms, overdosed on Sunday ease and comfort. When we awoke, we didn’t get out of bed. He gave me the same treatment I had given him, caressing my soft skin and hard muscle all over. Once, he grazed my erect shaft with his hand as he was caressing my thigh. A few times actually. I didn’t mind. All I needed in life, it seemed, was his feathery hands all over me.

Eventually, though, we had to get up. Preston sat up in bed after our second nap and slipped off his panties, leaving them right by me on the bed as he went to the shower.

I didn’t hesitate. I took his panties from near my feet and sniffed at them, tentatively at first, and then hungrily, balling them up and pressing them into my face. It was so freeing to not think of things in terms of gay or straight, just to be who I was and do what I desired. I wanted to sniff my Bestfriend’s discarded panties, and so I did. I huffed Preston’s panties and turned myself on even more, but restrained from masturbating.

After Preston left the bathroom, I went in, remembering that I had left the panties by the head of the bed rather than the foot where he had left them. I shrugged. I didn’t care if he knew I sniffed his panties. In that moment, that morning, I felt like he’d accept me no matter what. And I would accept him no matter what. Mutual unconditionality. I loved that feeling. I loved him.

After our therapeutic Sunday morning, I ran some errands, then met up with Preston for lunch. I convinced him to join me at the gym. He mostly just watched me, never breaking a sweat. He still decided to have a shower in the locker room though. We conversed as we showered in the empty shower room, watching each other’s naked, male forms; his body sandy, smooth, and petite, mine, ivory, hard, and hale. We were both a little turned on as we got dressed but said nothing of it.

Before long, Preston and I found ourselves back at our building. The girl at the front desk stopped us and told us that the maintenance guys had called, saying they’re sorry for the delay and that they’d be installing the second bed the next day, sometime in the afternoon. We thanked her and headed up to our room.

I sat at the small desk by the one bed and finished up some homework. Preston did the same, but first stripped to his panties and sat on the bed Indian style. I stole glances, of course. Preston’s panties were very cute, white with black polka dots and frilly edges. His boyish body didn’t look out of place in panties, I noticed. It kind of makes sense, I thought. Panties suit his body better than men’s underwear does. Even the way his penis bulges a little, it seems right, like how women’s bras are supposed to emphasize their breasts.

“What?” Preston chuckled. I looked up at him, face burning. I had been daydreaming while staring directly at my Bestfriend’s panties.

“Nothing,” I shrugged. “Just, getting tired I guess.”

I finished up my homework rather hastily and waited for Preston to finish his, chatting lightly and keeping his cute panties in my sight. He was taking a while to get his work done and I decided to get undressed and climb in bed beside him, slipping underneath the covers as he sat atop them. Lying on my side, propped up on my elbow, I simply watched Preston study. After a minute, I placed my free hand gently on Preston’s knee. Without any objection stopping me, I began to caress him, up and down his thigh, and around to his bare back, going wherever my heart guided my hand.

Naturally, I sought out the filly edge of Preston’s panties, and then just below the soft cotton covering his butt. As I was rubbing the top quarter of his ass, Preston decided to get more comfortable by lying on his stomach instead, propping himself up on his elbows to read, and giving me full access to his plump boy booty. I caressed his neat little rump just like he wanted. It was so smooth, so soft, so warm.

Preston’s small, round butt in cute little panties was such a gift to my senses. To watch it conform to my soft squeezing, and to feel the silky texture and the pliability of the skin underneath. My cock was throbbing by the time Preston finished studying. He closed his books and set them on his desk, switched off the lights, then joined me underneath the covers, this time lying face-to-face with me. I didn’t hesitate to embrace him, engulfing him in my arms as he snuggled against my chest.

We wriggled to find the most comfy position, writhing against each other. I draped his left knee up over my right hip and pulled him closer, essentially squashing our crotches together so that my hard, naked cock lay snug against his stiff, panty-clad one. Nothing had ever felt so natural and safe and cozy.

Preston caressed my skin all over, causing delectable tingles to soothe my skin. I kept my right palm against his bottom, squeezing him into me sporadically and making him moan softly, subtly, and a bit feminine.

“Mmm good night, Preston,” I sighed softly as we lay face to face, my lips a mere inch from his.

“Sweet dreams, Kyle,” he replied. “I love you.”

The moment was so sweet. It was a new level of intimacy I had never enjoyed before. My heart was glowing, and it acted out. Before I could think about what I was doing and stop myself, I pressed my lips to Preston’s and kissed him. Just once. Quick. Innocent. And he did not object. “I love you too, Preston,” I whispered.

And then we slept.

Day Eight

When I awoke, Preston had been staring at me, a simple smile on his face, a glint in his large, brown eyes. “Good morning,” I smiled back.

“Morning,” he replied, and then stared at me for a few moments, glancing from my eyes to my lips and back.

“What?” I chuckled curiously as I pulled him on top of me, crushing his boyish body to mine.

“Nothing,” he whispered bashfully,

I already knew what he wanted, he was just afraid to ask. So I took his chin between my thumb and forefinger, lifting his lips to mine. And I kissed him. Knowing his cuddly emotional state and being a good friend, I thought it would be ok if I secretly kissed my Bestfriend if he really wanted it. And it didn’t feel wrong or bad or gay, not in the sense that something abnormal was happening. It was simply comfortable. It felt right.

And so after I lightheartedly teased him about being so shy, I did it again. Our lips met for the third kiss and with purpose, the first two lacked. Those were innocent. This one was an unspeakable message between us, one that expressed a bond that was unlike anything I had ever shared with any other friend, guy or girl. A door was opened.

I kissed Preston. Again, longer. He kissed me back, confident but yielding, allowing me to lead. I liked that too.

He giggled like a girl when I finished smooching on his soft, warm lips. “People would think we were so weird if they knew about this,” he grinned.

I snickered, “For all we know, every guy we ever met snuggles with their naked Bestfriend wearing panties.”

“And they kiss?” Preston scoffed.

“Hell, they might even bone. We would never know.”

Preston laughed. “Well, that’d be a little too far,” he said.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

The next few moments ballooned with awkward silence. I thought about my stupid joke. They might even bone… Why did I say that? But eventually, my mind drifted to the act as we snuggled up. I secretly played out a sexual scenario in my mind as I held Preston in my arms. My alarm snapped me out of my salacious daydream.

“Gotta get in the shower or I’ll be late,” I whispered to a half-asleep Preston.

“What? What time is it?” he asked sharply, angling to reach for his phone. “Eight-thirty!?” He quickly got up and beat me to the bathroom to brush his teeth as I started the shower. I got in under the hot water, and Preston followed a half minute later.

“Sorry,” Preston said as he slipped past the shower curtain and squeezed in front of me in the tiny stall. His naked booty more than grazed my erection. I hesitated to take a step back. “Gotta hurry, I’m already missing class,” he apologized as he quickly soaped up the front of his body. “Do my back,” he snapped as the water rinsed his upper body.

I remained silent as I soaped his back, working a lather in seconds before Preston bent slightly to wash his thighs. Without second guessing at all, I started soaping up his rear end, running my soapy hands over the smooth bow of flesh that was my Bestfriend’s bottom. And for a few brief, decadent seconds, I worked a lather of foam between his rear crease.

“Thanks,” Preston said as he spun around to face me and let the running water rinse his backside. We stood face to face for all of about two seconds, gazing at one another before he exited the small prism of steaming water and hard cocks. My imagination had been running wild. Given anything more than the eighty seconds, I might have found my hands (or lips, or even my cock!) in interesting places. I couldn’t deny the exhilaration I had been feeling now that I was alone again. It was like he left a vacuum that I now stood lonely in, analyzing a sick feeling of regret in my stomach.

Either I had missed my chance to render my imagination reality, or I regretted having such lewd and inappropriate thoughts in the first place. For the next minute, as I listened to Preston rush out the door, I essentially hid in the shower – hid from Preston and hid from my own homo-erotic feelings. He was just so sexy! It was hard to think of anything else.

For the rest of the day. I tried to focus on anything but sexual contact with my decidedly sexy Bestfriend. First, I had to walk past his wet panties, resisting the urge to inhale and indulge in them. On the way out, the girl at the front desk promised that when I returned there would be a second bed in our room. The panic the news brought on had me worried.

Deep down, I didn’t want to give up the newfound level of intimacy I never knew two boys could share. Even deeper, I was worried that two beds meant we would never explore each other’s bodies as I had begun to fantasize about. Throughout the day, I tried to push the whole ordeal out of my mind as I focused on my classes.

But sultry thoughts kept creeping past my defensive wall. My mind drifted back to our first shared shower. ‘Our first,‘ I thought as if I had assumed there would be more. I imagined going further than soaping up Preston’s round, brown bottom. I’d slip a soapy finger in the slippery and surely tight buttonhole. He’d moan softly and… No! He’s not gay! I’m not gay! Again and again, I pushed away increasingly lewd thoughts of my boy Bestfriend.

Even my own resistance made me incredibly horny. By the time classes were over and I arrived at our dorm to see him, I was ready to give in. But is he? I mean, we already kissed and showered together. Maybe he’ll like it. I had butterflies in my stomach. I stole shy glances as we prepared for bed, especially when he undressed, unabashedly showing off his pink and incredibly cute Barbie panties.

My heart pitter-pattered as we got into bed together, his panty-clad body cuddled in close with my nudity. Preston sighed and stretched in a cutesy, cat-like manner. “Mmm kiss me goodnight?” he asked chastely. I obliged, pressing my lips to his and giving him a long, warm kiss. “I love that we can be like this without it being weird, y’know.” Preston’s voice was quiet and sleepy. He was already drifting off and his sincere emotions were raw.

“Yeah,” I sighed, lightly stroking his head. All the while, my mind was somewhat elsewhere – inside my Bestfriend’s panties where I nervously dared myself to put my hands. In the next minute or so, heart booming loudly in my ears, I let my hand slip down Preston’s slumbering body until I met his bottom. I played very lightly with his soft rump, nervous to press my luck. But eventually, I slid my hand around to his hip where I passed a finger underneath the band of his little Barbie panties.

I adjusted my body subtly, positioning my straining member against the flaccid cock sleeping inside Preston’s panties. He barely stirred. I took a deep breath and held it… Then I slid my hand around to the front of Preston’s panties with my finger still inside the waistband. I slowly slipped my Bestfriend’s panties down in font. Just enough to expose his penis underneath the covers. And my penis pressed against his naked, sparsely-haired pelvis.

I started playing with Preston underneath the covers, right outside his panties. He started to grow stiff in my hand, giving me a surprisingly proud feeling and bringing a sneaky smile to my lips. Only after he was fully erect did Preston stir and speak.

“Kyle?” he whispered weakly. “What are y-“

“Shh,” I hushed him. “Just let me.”

He moaned as I squeezed his hard member in my hand. “Okay,” he whispered, his voice hoarse and submissive. I started to slowly work my hand back and forth over the length of his shaft, nervously teasing at first. His cock was hot to the touch, radiating heat like a steak fresh from the grill. I relished the feel – hard flesh coated in soft skin and tipped with a sensitive, pink mushroom cocooned inside a flimsy sheath of skin which I pushed back.

I tended his secret pink, sliding my thumb all around the pre-cum coated bulb, slick and sensitive. Preston shuddered and groaned. “This is so gay,” Preston whispered breathlessly.

“No, it’s not,” I objected with no supporting arguments. I just didn’t want him to stop me. I only continued my tender teasing. He stiffened even more in my hand as I cared for him but after a while, the tension in the rest of his body began to subside.

“Can I touch you?” he asked, thankfully surrendering to his true desire. My answer was to take his hand and place it on my own member.

I caressed his cock as he stroked mine, pulling my rod into himself as he jacked me off, my glans nuzzled into the side of his ball sack over the front rim of his panties “Oh, God that feels good,” I sighed and began to jerk my Bestfriend more thoroughly. All the nerves and pretense were gone.

Preston whined like a pouting girl before his soft, wet lips attached to my neck. I lifted my chin to oblige his sweet kisses as our hands danced beneath the covers. He descended a little to get his mouth to my pecs, and began suckling one of my nipples. It made me titter a little and Preston looked up into my eyes and smiled. “Sensitive?” he said and licked my right nipple with a long lash while looking into my eyes. It was the single sexiest thing a person had ever done to me. I couldn’t believe a boy had given me the sexiest act! He put me in a mood.

“Oh my God, you like it don’t you?” I taunted naughtily, stroking his cock steadily while looking in his large, beautiful eyes.

Preston groaned and started jacking me off more quickly. “Yeahhh,” he whined, “Are you gonna cum?” He began to work his hips as he stroked my shaft, my tip snuggled in a perfectly sexy triangle made of my Bestfriend’s sweaty inner thigh, his cock’s base, and his heavenly pink Barbie panties. “Cum in my panties, Kyle.”

That was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard.

“Uh-huh,” I sighed, feeling a bit silly and embarrassed by the femininity in my own voice. But it felt so good I had to indulge! “Kiss me while I cum in your panties,” I whispered desperately and more feminine than I dared before, jolting myself with taboo pleasure. And then Preston’s mouth was on mine. I enjoyed his lips for a moment before parting them with my slick tongue and invading his lovely, dirty-talking mouth. He tasted like love and lust and naughtiness.

Our two boy tongues twisted and twined and twirled together as if they were meant to. Preston’s slick texture, hot and humid against my slithering tongue. His skin, naked but for a flimsy strip of pink cotton, smoothly sailed against mine as we embraced and writhed against one another. I stroked the juncture of his thigh, root, and panties like it was a pussy, working my hips back and forth as he did the same.

Then I felt it. Preston’s cock twitched in my hand as I stroked him. “Oh, that’s right baby boy, cum for me,” I said in between kisses. “You’re so sweet,” I encouraged, and kissed him more as cool liquid oozed out of my shuddering, moaning Bestfriend. “Such a good girl.” I kissed and praised and kissed and stroked and kissed and humped until our pelvises were slick with his copious semen.

Preston’s cock exhausted itself in my hand, shrinking back to its soft, cute state. I then joined in with Preston to stroke my own cock, which was only seconds from cumming too. I groaned as my climax arrived, stroking Preston’s thigh crevice to soak his taint in my seed and then pulling myself out, spurting cum directly onto his subdued penis as I pulled the rim of his panties downward.

We kissed as our fingers danced lazily in our mingled fluids. And finally, I pulled Preston’s panties back up to cover his cock which was coated with our cum. I smiled at him. “That was awesome.”

“Yeah,” Preston sighed. “I need to go wash off.”

“No. Let’s just lie here.” I grabbed him and pressed him to me.

“Okay,” he whispered and burrowed into me. God, he felt so warm and nice on me! We lay silently and I began to drift off. And then he spoke again. “Kyle? Does this mean we’re…, gay?”

“Shhh,” I hushed him and kissed his nice lips one last time. “Sleep.”

And so, we slept.

Published 2 years ago

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