Filthy Lesbian: Blackmailed

"A married woman on a cruise finds pleasure with a woman..."

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Colleen’s fingers clutched the stiff bed sheets as she was pounded from behind. She felt the young, powerful hands of her bartender stud gripping her hips as he entered her. It was heaven to Colleen. Exactly what she needed. Exactly why she went on this ten-day Bahamas cruise with her annoying, unfaithful husband. She needed this release. She needed to…

“Ahh ahhh! Ugh!” The bartender’s fingers squeezed her thick ass cheeks as Colleen felt the young man flex inside her pussy, filling his condom with his cum. Colleen’s fingers released the bed and stared at the headboard of her bed as he slowly removed his limping dick from her and went to work removing the condom and pulling his pants up.

Colleen tried to contain her rage.

What was that, forty-five seconds? Less? He didn’t even try to finish me in other ways.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Colleen turned, so she sat on the bed and looked at the muscle-bound man as he zipped his pants up.

“What?” was all he said.

“Two days of talking up your game like a sex god on this boat and that’s all you got?” Colleen was in disbelief. She had visited this same bartender in the casino of the cruise ship for two days until they had this opportunity. And he turned out to be an even bigger let down than her husband. Both in size and time.

“Don’t worry, baby, it’s a long cruise. I’ll be back here later for some more for ya,” the bartender tried to remain cool.

“The fuck you will!” Colleen snapped, jumping to her feet. Her bleach blond hair bounced on her tan shoulders as she poked and shoved the young man towards the door. He bucked and protested the whole way. She opened the door to her cabin suite and shoved him down the hall. “Fucking minute boy!”

The bartender, whom she still could not remember his name (it was something stupid like Chad) half ran down the hallway carrying his shirt and shoes clutched against his muscle-bound chest. “Great. Now I’m going to have to see him for the next eight days of this god forsaken cruise!” Colleen yelled at herself. It wasn’t until she felt someone’s presence behind her that Colleen turned and saw a maid standing in front of a cart and watched the maid’s eyes bounce from Colleen’s naked ass to her naked, perfectly plump and round tits, and finally to her face.

Colleen’s heart leapt. She rolled her eyes, realizing she was naked. “For heaven’s sake,” Colleen mumbled to herself as she stormed back inside and closed the door.

Throwing on the white robe that hung on the bathroom door, she loosely synched it closed. On the floor in front of the bathroom, Colleen saw the man’s used condom lying there. Another flare of anger and annoyance. The only reason she even agreed to accompany her husband on this couple’s cruise for his work was her opportunity to show off her new tits. But as it turns out, a forty-five-year-old woman with a brand new boob job still only attracted jock idiots who were terrible in bed.

Colleen considered just going to the bed and masturbating, but she was too annoyed to get off, she decided. Even the room smelled like him and his stupid body spray. Colleen picked up the used condom carefully and was about to toss it in the trash, but then realized her husband was going to be done with his “business dinner” in a few hours and would be back. Despite both of their wildly known infidelity in their loveless marriage, if he found the condom, he would have the proof he needed.

Colleen poked her head outside her door and looked both ways. She only saw the maid’s cart two doors down in front of a propped open door. Colleen walked over to the cart and looked around it. On the back bottom side, there was a tall trash bin that she tossed the condom in. She tried to scurry back to her room unnoticed but heard a voice call after her from the room with the open door.

Synching her robe tighter around her chest, Colleen peered into the room to see the maid straighten the already straight covers of the bed. She was a young woman, maybe early twenties, with black hair pulled back into a ponytail and she wore a mostly black uniform.

“Did you say something?” Colleen said with her chin held high.

“I can change your sheets for you, again, if you like,” the maid said evenly.

Colleen glared at the young girl. She measured this girl’s words for judgment, but when the maid finally did look Colleen’s way, her face showed a calm evenness to it. Then Colleen recalled the stench of the man that still lingered in the room. She smiled, seeing an ally in this young woman.

“Sure, that’d be great, hun,” Colleen said.

Colleen went to her room as the maid locked up the other room and wheeled the cart to her door. The maid didn’t knock before letting herself into Colleen’s room, which she thought was odd but went with it. Sitting down on the couch across from the bed, Colleen watched the maid get to work on stripping the bed. The woman looked so familiar, but she couldn’t place where from. Many of the employees on this cruise were Caribbean, but this maid had cream-colored skin and sounded perhaps South African.

“What’s your name, dear?” Colleen asked, crossing her soft thighs under her robe.

“Maya, and yours?” Maya looked over as she stretched a sheet over the bare mattress.


“You shouldn’t worry about Brad, Colleen. He does his racket on almost every cruise,” Maya said.

“Racket, what do you mean?”

“He works his flirting and flexed muscles at the casino bar to swindle married women into bed with him. Regardless of how short-lived it is. Trust me, his minuteman status is widely known.”

Colleen half glared at Maya as she finished sliding the bed spread into place. Colleen didn’t like something about this stranger. Her forwardness didn’t sit well with her. She felt exposed. As naked as she had been when she stood in the hallway. And this stranger who stood here knew more about her and Brad than she even knew.

“My, my aren’t you a forward young lady,” Colleen said with an edge to her voice. “Have you worked here as a maid for a long?”

“This is just filling in for a friend,” Maya said. “I normally tend bar here. I’ve been doing it for two years.”

That’s where I know her from.

The girl’s face clicked into place as she shot another look at Colleen’s bare calves as they dangled from her robe. There was a fog of alcohol and haze that clouded her mind from last night in the casino—before her husband was kicked out for the day for cursing out a dealer. Most of Colleen’s attention had been consumed with the two girls she met, Misty and something else… but Colleen definitely remembered the bartender that worked alongside Brad all night. Maya. She had stolen inquisitive looks Colleen’s way all night until she finally left with her husband.

“Hm, so it’d be a shame to lose this job if- I don’t know, some mature, wealthy, well-established customer complained…” Colleen hinted. Her eyes narrowed in on Maya as she smoothed the bedspread over the top.

“Wealthy?” Maya nodded as she sat down on the edge of the bed, facing Colleen. “I’m sure it would be troublesome for some people, but not for me.”

“Why’s that?”

“I put in my two weeks before this voyage set sail,” Maya smiled deviously. “This is my last cruise after two years. Can you believe it? If by some chance, though, this condom finds its way back in your husband’s bathroom trash, or if he finds out about your room guest by accident…”

Colleen’s eyes narrowed. All is starting to come together now. Colleen was now half wondering if Brad or whatever his name was was in on this blackmail scheme.

Colleen sighed and shook her head. “How much are you trying to get, girl?”

Maya coyly leaned back on her hands on the freshly made bed and crossed her legs at the knee. Her foot in the air danced about as she took her time to answer. “How much do you got to give… mature, wealthy, well-established customer?”

Colleen glared, regretting having ever said that. Truth be told, she didn’t really care that much about the money. She and her husband were easily millionaires, and she didn’t care how much money she had to take from her husband’s account to keep this young bitch quiet. Cheating and infidelity weren’t the problem in the marriage, evidence of infidelity was the problem. A prenup was essentially what kept their marriage together. Any evidence of infidelity and the fortune they both hold could sway to the other person. Colleen had come too far in her life to leave this marriage poor. She wouldn’t get sloppy now. “How much can the casino ATM give out per day?”

“Five hundred dollars,” Maya said.

“So, eight days left on the cruise- I’ll give you four thousand dollars to be quiet. But I never want to see your bitch face over here again, okay?” Colleen said.

Maya smiled and nodded her head as she stood. “Four grand, huh?” Maya walked over to Colleen until she stood directly over her. She reached for Colleen’s knee and uncrossed her thighs. When Maya leaned over uncomfortably close to Colleen, Colleen froze when she felt Maya’s thin palm slide between her warm thighs.

Colleen gasped, and Maya’s fingers stopped just shy of brushing along her sex. The smooth sensitive skin of her inner thigh was stroked and massaged while her hand lingered there. Maya’s mouth was but inches from Colleen’s ear when she whispered in a low seductive voice, “what else can you offer me?”

Colleen felt Maya’s lips wrap around her earlobe and she began to suck on it and kiss down her neckline. The feeling was so foreign, so unexpected, that Colleen and all her usual bravado were left speechless. Frozen in place and wondering what to do next, Colleen was so stunned that when Maya pushed her thighs open, she spread her legs even wider.

Maya must’ve taken this small movement as encouragement because she hummed a note of approval as she dipped her middle finger between her pussy lips. Colleen gasped as she felt warm shivers spread up and down her spine from where Maya kissed her neck. By the time Maya pushed her finger inside of Colleen’s pussy, Maya was nearly as surprised as Colleen was at how wet her pussy was already.

“Oooo, look how wet you are, you dirty lady,” Maya hummed. The flutter in Colleen’s chest confused her as warmth filled her cheeks.

What is going on? Is this just because I’m horny from the tease of the last guy? Am I actually getting wet from this woman?

Colleen was a mature, experienced woman in the ways of straight sex. Over the last twenty years, Colleen has had many sexual partners of all shapes and sizes, but all have been men. Sure, she could look at certain women and find parts of them attractive. But she had never been touched by a woman like that. She had never come to think of a woman like that.

Suddenly, things she hadn’t noticed before came into focus. The top half of Maya’s shirt was unbuttoned and her black bra, that was filled with her curvy breasts, was visible. She saw other things as well. The curve of Maya’s ass as it stuck out her short tight skirt of her uniform. The black leggings that cupped her long legs.

Colleen was panting before she realized what was happening to her. When she felt the teasing subside and Maya’s finger pushed inside her pussy again, there was no choice but for Colleen to cry out. Colleen’s hand snatched Maya’s upper arm but didn’t try to pull it away. Instead, she kept it in place, buried between her thighs.

Maya seemed startled by the grab, but only for a moment. Quickly, she dove two fingers deep inside of Colleen’s moist lips. Colleen felt the fingers fill her up as they slid in and out of her pussy. The feeling sucked the breath from her as Maya angled a look down on Colleen from above as she finger fucked her. Colleen’s eyes closed as she curled to the side, trying to hide her pleasured face from her blackmailer. But it was useless. The feeling was there; it was too powerful. Maya’s now slicked fingers pistoned in and out of her like an engine. A wet sloshing sound filled the air.

“Ooohhhh my god!” Colleen finally released her long guttural moan as her thick, tan thighs clapped together around Maya’s skinny arm. “Ugghhh!”

The orgasm had come so suddenly and swiftly that Colleen didn’t know what to do or how to react. Her head swam in the puddle of juices that her pussy made on Maya’s hand as she continued to slowly finger Colleen’s pussy. “Ohhhh goddd… ohhh god…”

“That’s it… that’s it… good girl…” Maya said in her colorful South African accent.

The orgasm wouldn’t relent. It lingered and tortured Colleen to the very end as Maya made messy swipes with her thumb across her clitoris and cum covered fingers slid in and out of Colleen’s pussy like a teasing lick. Colleen’s body made jerking twists from side to side as the teasing edge was nearer again and again before finally Maya relented and pulled her hand away.

There was a sigh of relief that overcame Colleen as her body relaxed and she allowed her head to roll back and forth on the back of the couch where she sat. Her eyes still closed, she slowly began to gain control of her breathing and remember where she was. She remembered it was a woman who just made her cum like an old whore and that thought turned her stomach but at the same time excited her. It was so new and unexpected she didn’t know her own place in all this.

Does that make me a lesbian? Am I bi? No, I only did it because she’s blackmailing me. I never would’ve let her do that if she wasn’t threatening me, Colleen lied to herself.

Slowly, Colleen’s eyes crept open beneath her eyelids as she saw the freshly made bed before her with Maya on it. Maya’s bottom was off. She still wore her black and white maid top even though it was unbuttoned and her ample cleavage was exposed. But Maya’s skirt and panties, if she wore any, were tossed to the side of the bed, leaving just her sleek black leggings that reached just above her knees that were hung open to the side.

“Come here,” Maya directed her between Maya’s thighs with a beckoning finger. When Colleen’s eyes fell to the familiar yet foreign bald pussy between Maya’s perfect, slender and smooth thighs, she hesitated. “Colleeen…” Maya repeated in a warning tone.

Colleen swallowed as she stood. Her body didn’t feel like hers anymore. It was like she was running on autopilot. She neared Maya’s spread thighs and Maya told her to lose the robe, and Colleen complied. Her plump, round, tan breasts hung for Maya to smile at and admire.

She swallowed again before continuing on her hands and knees on to the bed. Colleen felt the warmth irradiating from Maya’s thighs and sex as she neared. On her tummy, her lips hovered inches above this young lady’s shaved pussy lips.

I’ve never tasted a woman’s vagina before. I’ve never licked a pussy before. What if I’m bad?

“I’ve, um… I’ve never done this before,” Colleen giggled nervously, despite herself. The strong, confident yet devious smile she got in return from Maya excited Colleen.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you,” Maya said, with her fingers sliding down to either side of her own pussy. Parting her lips slightly so Colleen could see the pink, moist inside, Maya ordered, “Lick here.”

Colleen felt compelled to keep moving forward, but at the same time, she wanted to do it. It was like her outstretched tongue pushed towards a trap she had wanted to spring her whole life. When her warm tongue sliced into Maya’s hot pussy lips, the full of juices, heat, and taste covered her tongue. The taste was electrifying and curious. It was like nothing she had ever tasted before.

Another long lap from the base of the clean pussy to the top and she heard her maid purr a high-pitched coo. Without needing further prompting, Colleen made another longer lap that dove deeper between her lips. She looked up and could see Maya’s ecstatic smile through her cleavage as she bit her thumb in excitement. Maya’s chest raised and fell quickly as Colleen licked again and again.

Colleen found her hands placed on the tender inner thighs of this young woman, who was forcing her to eat her pussy. Spreading her legs wider, she continued her laps along the warm center.

“Mmmm, push your tongue inside me,” Maya said.

Colleen hesitated for a moment as she processed this command. Slowly, she pierced Maya’s pussy lips with her tongue but it wasn’t until maya grabbed the back of Colleen’s head and pulled her lips and tongue into her pussy that Colleen felt the full taste and experience of eating a woman’s pussy. She struggled at first, pulling her head back, but then with Maya’s guidance, her tongue began to explore the inside walls of her pussy. Maya’s juices dripped down Colleen’s chin and smeared her lipstick, but she didn’t care. Maya was going wild.

“Oh, fuck. Fuck!” Maya screamed, flinging her head back as her hand found her neck and closed around her throat. Watching this beautiful girl choke herself and writhe on Colleen’s tongue made her shove deeper inside. “Oh, shiiit!”

Maya arched her back as Colleen’s tongue lapped the roof of her pussy over and over before pushing back in deeper. Her hips bucked and Colleen felt her moisture on her cheek as she squeezed her thighs. Maya has pulled her breasts free from the top of her bra. She cupped them, pinching her nipple as she looked down through squinted eyes. Colleen looked up over this young girl’s beautifully sculpted breasts.

Without thinking, Colleen’s thumb moved to Maya’s clit and began to quickly rub the nub up and down repeatedly. Immediately, Maya bucked her body. Twisting and gripping the once flattened sheets. “Aahhh… oh, fuck yes, yes, yes!!” Maya screamed through gritted teeth. “Oh fuuuck!”

Colleen felt a flood of moisture fill her tongue and mouth, a reward for her efforts. Shaking and trembling, Maya shoved Colleen’s mouth free from her pussy so she could recover from her shakes while Colleen wipes her mouth clean.

It happened like a whirlwind. One moment Colleen was almost standing up and wiping the juices from her naked body and the next she was being shoved on her back on the bed and her legs pulled to the edge of the bed like a man would before he fucked her for thirty seconds before finishing. Maya’s almost naked body had moved to the base of the bed as she redid her black hair in a bun as long strands had come out of her ponytail.

Colleen’s thighs inverted as she was feeling exposed and lost. Usually the talkative one who was always in control, now here she was being dragged around a bed naked by a girl half her junior.

Who are you, Colleen???

Maya shoved Colleen’s thighs apart as if she didn’t even notice them together. One hand slid up Colleen’s center and cupped her breast while the other cupped her pussy. Without thinking, Colleen protested, but she was not sure what or why.

“No… I can’t… I… oh, mmm…” Colleen’s words were cut short when Maya sucked on her two fingers before piercing them inside Colleen’s already wet pussy.

“Mmmm, your lips say ‘no’ but your body says ‘yes,’” Maya giggled as her fingers slid inside her effortlessly. “You want me to stop? You want me to have a talk with your husband?”

Colleen didn’t respond. She couldn’t. Her mind was fogged by the fingers that worked her pussy so well. The tips finding her g-spot with every thrust as Maya’s other hand cupped Colleen’s mature tits. Pinching the nipple, twisting it, and mashing it into her chest. Her pants quickened as Maya grinned down at Colleen’s limp body and lolling head.

“Oh god, oh-” Colleen started then stopped in fear she may cry out. “Ahh mmm… oh my god…”

Colleen tried to focus but couldn’t. The waves of pleasure were building on her thoughts too high and too quickly for her to deal with them. When Maya went down to her knees between her legs, the fingers sped up, fucking her, and worse yet, Colleen felt her warm wet tongue make long licks on her exposed clitoris. This was too far. She couldn’t stop herself. She couldn’t stop Maya, even if she wanted to. At that moment, Colleen would do whatever Maya asked of her. She was hers.

“Jesus Christ! Ahh, you’re gonna- I’m gonna- ahhhh!” Colleen’s thighs quivered as the muscles inside twitched. She felt her pussy contracting on the fingers of Maya as they continued to fuck her. Her tongue flicking on Colleen’s clit. Colleen’s hands grabbed her own full tits, squeezing and mashing them together as the powerful orgasm struck her body like lightning.

“Ohgodohgod- ahh!” Every muscle tightened and strained. She tried not to clamp her thighs on Maya’s face, but she didn’t know if she succeeded or not. The pleasure was too strong, her body too out of control. Colleen’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as her body turned to static everywhere.

When Colleen finally gasped for air and felt life come back into her body, she had no idea that she had been holding her breath. Colleen pushed away from Maya and Maya didn’t protest from what Colleen could feel. Her eyes stayed closed as she rolled around in the bed. The pulsing pleasure from the remaining moments of the orgasm lingering. Her heart still racing but everything else settled, Colleen clasped her hand to her chest as she giggled to herself.

Opening her eyes, she saw Maya at the foot of the bed with her skirt on and shirt buttoned up. Nothing out of the ordinary came to the eye as she brushed off her uniform. She could have just finished cleaning a room from the looks of her, if Colleen didn’t know just how well Maya had just fucked her.

Stopping at the door, Maya turned to Colleen, who laid in a hot mess, twisted in her bedspread. “You can leave tomorrow’s five hundred dollars under the pillow when you leave for dinner,” Maya said with a parting grin before leaving.

Published 2 years ago

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