Grocery Store Grave Shift

"Friends, sex, and finding purpose on a grocery store night shift."

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November 16th 8:02 p.m.

My interview was at nine in the evening. I didn’t care to find it odd as I pulled on my best pair of faded blue jeans in preparation. The position was for night shift anyway and the hour wasn’t an inconvenience. Nothing awaited me but unfinished artwork and unenthusiastic masturbation. Winding my hair into my usual uncaring style, I brushed my teeth and called it good, refusing to offer any more effort than they did with their lax scheduling. 

Trading the warmth of my apartment for the outside frost triggered daydreams of beaches; cool ocean foam running over hot sand, the glare of an eager sun and a line of azure sea. Anything to detract from the sensory overload that was public transit in winter: The cheap tires on underfunded pavement felt like riding a tin can, scars of constant use measured in scuffs and stains, the strangers’ eyeglass.

I plugged headphones into my ears, broadcasting my choice to opt-out of societal jargon. Five stops later, I skipped through the retracted doors and onto the sidewalk. The seventies era Foodway was ill-lit on the already dark street, a few fluorescent letters flickering over the snow-seasoned parking lot. 

I thought the old place had character. That said, a lot of odd things triggered my curiosity.

Inside was pleasantly warm. I drifted toward the dull beep-beep of scanning barcodes, standing to the side until the woman behind the counter bade a customer farewell and turned to me.

“Hi, I’m Ada,” I introduced myself. “I have an interview with a Mr. Roth.”

She gave me a sympathetic smile. “Hi sweetie, I’m Mary. His office is down that way on the left.”

I almost asked right there, but decided to humor her reaction, locating the door with a plaque labeled Manager and knocking. I entered when he called.

“Well, hello.” His intake of my appearance was greedy and obvious. “You must be Ada.”

You must be kidding.

“Mr. Roth?” I guessed, understanding Mary’s earlier disdain.

“Please, call me Harrison.” He was eager for a handshake.

When seated on opposite sides of his disorganized desk, he began with a question; “So, why did you apply here?” which quickly devolved into a monologue; “You know, I’ve been managing this place for eight years. I got my first job when I was around seventeen…”

He detailed lifeguard duty as an athletic young man, the trials and tribulations every privileged male encounters when they don’t finish college, ending with his superior position as a grocery store manager. I didn’t miss the way Harrison tried to look past my winter gear to the shape of my body, or the small picture of a half-naked model that hung by his computer.

The idea of getting up and walking out played in my head as he mansplained taking inventory and the universal technique of rotating stock. “… That’s how we do it here, and it works just fine: I’ve been doing this for a long time. As such, I’m also an excellent judge of character.”

He finally stopped talking as he reached into a desk drawer. “Do you want the job, Ada?” Harrison concluded, extending me a navy-green apron.

Hired on the spot. I’d have felt proud if it wasn’t this guy offering a red flag on a silver platter. I had nothing to lose if I declined—in fact, perhaps a few things gained—but after a flash of internal debate, I found myself reaching for the uniform.

“If you have time, I can give you the tour now.”

With his offer, the store abruptly felt a lot different. Employees Only meant Enter Here, everything previously off-limits now in my realm of responsibility. My presence felt as vital as the role of a triangle player in a symphony.

I followed Harrison through a break room with fixtures as vintage as the rest of the place before he led me further into the back-end of the store. “This is the receiving room. Everyone is cross-trained and has the same responsibilities–with the exception of Simon who handles deliveries and maintenance.”

He led me past a pair of identical teenagers wielding box cutters. “Oscar, Hector, this is Ada.” I only had time to wave a greeting as Harrison continued his stride. The young twins gave me the same sympathetic smile Mary did.

Through crates and boxes, we stopped near a loading dock.


The man Harrison called out to was pulling shut a large roll-up door. He secured the lock, then turned to us, his baby blue eyes contrasting his pitch black beard.

“This is Ada. Starting tomorrow Mary will be training her on the front, then you’ll show her everything in the back.” Harrison spoke, then quickly dismissed him, imploring I follow with a turn of his heel.

Simon shook his head then looked at me. “Nice to meet you, Ada.”

I liked the sound of my name in his baritone.


“Have you come this far to be polite, or are you really considering working here?”

I held his gaze, walking backward as I shrugged my shoulders. “Do you have any advice?”

“Yeah: Don’t.”

I grinned, turning to catch up with Harrison.

November 17th 11:56 p.m.

“Holy fuck.” His groan was reverent thunder as I swallowed his cock.

I worried we’d be caught in the nook where we hid, though I didn’t relent. He didn’t seem worried, the back of the store acting void as Simon ‘trained’ me.

He held the messy bun atop my head and watched me intently; on my knees, salivating over what hung heavy between his thighs. I met his every glance, never missing an opportunity to glimpse his soul as I performed a flawless, wide-eyed deep throat.

Simon’s fluttering eyelids paired with his “God fucking damn,” boosted the high I received from fellating him.

His rough hand was surprisingly gentle as he stroked my cheek, brushing over my open jaw to graze the bulge in my neck; feeling where the head of his cock was wedged. I hummed, the vibration causing him to thrust which caused me to gag. He pulled away instantly.

My lungs relished fresh air as I held his hips, resetting my equilibrium before wrapping a hand around his wet shaft, guiding him over my taste buds and back to my throat.

“Fuck, Ada. Sure you’ve done this before?”

I managed to smile around him. He warned me to stay away, only to be a driving factor in my return. It was only our second day being acquainted, but I wanted to impress him, letting him rock into my face as I savored his throbbing compliment.

Pulling off, I pumped him once, a surprising amount of precum suddenly leaking from his slit. Holding his rapt attention, I mopped up his excitement with my tongue, tasting him with sincerity, my pussy growing distractingly slick.

His rugged height tensed as I wrapped my lips around him, then drove his length abruptly down my throat once more.

“Good fucking hell, Ada,” he moaned, then warned; “You’ll make me come.”

Shutting my eyes for the first time, I focused on the pressure of his crown deep inside me, letting it fill my mind just as completely, ready for his load.

Sans caveat, Simon withdrew from my benevolent orifice. My disappointment was instant. In another unexpected gesture, he pulled me off the floor and kissed me. I was shocked. Our lips had not touched before I was on my knees, hastily liberating his arousal. I anticipated release, not romance, longed for his physical satisfaction. It was the only way I could truly have my own… 

Simon unfastened my jeans and turned me to face the makeshift wall of merchandise. Cool air on my bare ass, the bulb of his cock-head began pushing against my blushing labia—this action of urgency one I understood.

Thumbs in the dimples of my back, Simon sunk, long and slow, into my pussy. I held my breath to trap the scream welling in my esophagus. Using his weight to drive deep, he filled me entirely, pelvis pushing me up the plastic-wrapped pallets. Attentions enmeshed, I relished the nuance of his throbbing.

Sensation dominated control, my whimpers unyielding before he reached up and cupped a hand over my mouth. I whined into his touch.

Just when he slid out, then thrust deep into my soaked pussy, Oscar called for Simon, though at the time, I couldn’t tell the twins apart. All I recognized was panic.

“Shit,” Simon sighed, removing his hand from my mouth as he pulled out and left me entirely too empty.

He stretched his briefs up over his hard, wet dick, fastened his pants, and tugged his coat down to hide his raging erection. He grinned at me, touching my face as he passed to step out from our corner.

“Yeah,” he called as I quickly made myself decent.

“Did you want us to bust into the new order?” our intruder inquired.

“Has the front been done yet?” Simon’s tone was admirably controlled, almost bored.

“We’re just about through.”

“Go ahead and start once you’re finished.”

“Alright. Where’s that new girl? Did she quit already?” It was the second time I’d heard a similar joke, and I was only three hours into my first shift.

“She went to take a phone call,” Simon lied flawlessly.

“Ah so she’s calling someone to pick her up then,” Oscar jested as their footsteps receded.

I caught Simon’s low laugh. “Twenty bucks says she makes it through the night.”

“Twenty says she doesn’t make it to Saturday,” Oscar countered. “Gotta give Harrison time to really get to her.”

“You’re on, kid,” Simon replied, knowing I could hear every word.

Published 3 years ago

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