Tales From a Wedding at the Atlantic Coast Resort

"A Voyeristic View into the Sexual Activities of Four Couples"

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It was the last weekend of spring, and the weather was perfect on Cape Cod. The deep blue cloudless June sky blended into the ocean. The beachfront Atlantic Coastal Resort in Chatham was ready for a busy two days. Lauren DiMaria, the Resort’s last June bride for the season, arrived with her wedding party and close family members in tow.

The ladies enjoyed an afternoon of spa and hair treatments. Because Lauren was so certain that her decision to wed Philip was the right one, she emanated a contagious calmness. This was true even in the face of a cast of (sometimes) annoying bridesmaids, not to mention her mom and sister. Of course, at age twenty-seven years Lauren had lots of experience in handling these people.

By all accounts, Lauren was beautiful. Friends and family joked that she was the spitting image of her mom. The bride-to-be’s black hair, dark brown eyes, and high cheekbones reflected the very best of her Southern Italian heritage. Her sensuous nature and lust for life could be seen in her love of good food, vacations, and laughter. These same qualities drove her to work hard, exercise at the gym daily, and express love when possible. Phillip, her groom-to-be, was very similar in all these respects. The tall, blonde, muscular Phillip also thirsted for life and longed to experience everything.

As with any group of friends and family, the differences were stark. Apart from also having large, brown eyes, Lauren’s sister Jenny was her opposite (we’ll see more of Jenny later). Her friends came from very different backgrounds and had different priorities in life. But today was Lauren’s day, at least until the end of the reception.

Chapter One: The Newly Weds

The bride and her maids made their way to the beach at exactly seven pm on Friday. Tears welled up in Phillip’s eyes as he watched his bride walk down the aisle and toward a large “O” made of flowers symbolizing the eternal bond of marriage. He was pleasantly surprised when she lifted her veil. As Phillip, as well as all their guests expected, Lauren was radiant. Her makeup artist accentuated her natural beauty. Phillip rightly believed himself a blessed man. The ceremony was quick, and the newly wedded couple couldn’t wait to begin their life together. Guests were invited to assemble in the reception hall while the wedding party posed for pictures.

Phillip waited patiently for the reception to end. All day he’d been anxiously waiting for alone time with Lauren. At long last, it was time for the couple to depart. They thanked their guests and made their way to the Resort’s honeymoon suite.

“May I carry you over the threshold, Mrs. Johnson?” asked an eager Phillip. “I would expect no less,” replied Lauren with a wide grin. Phillip carried his wife to the king-sized bed, laid her down, and started kissing her wildly. Although she was having fun, Lauren told him he’d have to wait. She wanted to wash up. Disappointed, Phillip let out a playful whine. Lauren gently placed her index finger over his lip and promised, “I’ll be worth the wait.” She blew him a kiss as she entered the bathroom.

Phillip could hear the shower running. As he lay there in anticipation, he thought about the path that brought him and his bride to this moment. They were introduced by a mutual friend shortly after Phillip passed the bar exam. Lauren was in the last year of her master’s degree program in biology. Both felt like lightning struck when they first met. Because their feelings were so strong, they decided to take things slowly.

Although they provided each other with digital and oral pleasure, they didn’t consummate the relationship until three months of dating had passed. But when they finally had sex, it was like lightning struck a second time.

They came from very different backgrounds. Phillip was raised on the seacoast of Maine. His parents had little, but they made sure Phillip and his sister were well taken care of. Lauren’s mom Jan was amazing. She raised Lauren and Jenny singlehanded. Lauren’s dad Pat was an absolute jerk. When the girls were in their tweens, he decided that he wanted to start anew with his young, energetic admin. From then on, he wasn’t physically present in his daughters’ lives. However, his high salary did allow his ex-family to live quite well in an upper-class suburb of Boston.  

Phillip heard the water stop running. He laid back. The anticipation was almost too much to bear. After what seemed an eternity, Lauren materialized from her preparation. She was right, seeing her in her all-white lace teddy was well worth the wait. Being overcome with emotion, the couple were silent as they began kissing.

Lauren knew that Phillip excelled at foreplay. It was a rare love-making session when he couldn’t bring her to orgasm. This time was no different. After gently rubbing her clit and labia, Phillip whispered, “I want to go down on you,” into Lauren’s ear. She giggled. Phillip lightly pressed his face against her vagina. His tongue felt silky and warm as he worked her clit and vaginal walls. She tried to hold in her orgasm, but it was too powerful. A flood of cum leaked out of her. Phillip happily accepted her wet deposit into his mouth.

He angled his body so that they were once again face to face. He stroked her lovely black hair. The slew of emotions was more than they could comprehend. All they could do was laugh.

Having been very patient, Phillip needed to cum. He rolled on top of Lauren and inserted his manhood into her. Phillip’s sizeable cock felt somehow different. It rubbed against an area of her vaginal wall that had been previously unexplored, and the feeling was tremendous. Lauren had never orgasmed from intercourse. But today it was like a divine wedding gift had been bestowed Upon her. She screamed as her vagina expelled a large volume of cum.

Feeling the sensation of Lauren’s cum all over his cock also caused Phillip to moan in delight. He could no longer hold it in, he needed to cum. Working his cock faster and faster creates even more pleasure for Lauren. For the third time since they started their post-wedding lovemaking, she came. At the same time, cum arose from Phillip’s testicles and shot out of his cock and into Lauren. Lauren enjoyed the feeling of his large volume of semen hitting her most sensitive spots.

As Phillip rolled off of her, Lauren tried to articulate her thoughts. Overtaken with emotion, all she could do was cry from the beauty of the day. Her tears of joy touched Phillip, who held her tightly and kissed her gently.

The couple lay together in silence. There was a mystic quality to their first sex as man and wife. The couple had no idea what was in store for them. They would stay married and faithful to each other for their very long lives. They would be blessed with three wonderful children. Of course, their relationship would undergo tough times. They’d be plagued with arguments, temptation, and jealousy. But the good times would greatly outweigh the bad, and their union would be a happy one.

Published 2 years ago

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