All I was wearing was fuck-me heels, and I was clearly visible to anyone who looked in my front window. My nipples were hard and tight, and my pussy was already leaking honey down my left thigh.
Running two fingers between my pussy lips made me shiver, but I collected some honey, then brought it to my mouth and painted my lips, below my nose, and around my nostrils. I wanted to be able to smell my fragrance when I was out in public. It’s possible the people around me would smell me as well. I shivered as a jolt of fear – and anticipation – ran down my spine and made my ass clench.
I sucked my fingers clean, watching myself in the mirror by the front door, feet spread wide apart.
I don’t know why I get these impulses to do dangerous and humiliating things. Yet when they hit, I’m helpless to resist doing them, even though it often scares me silly.
Taking a deep breath and picking up the scissors, I snip the two final buttons off my old, red raincoat, then shake it out. I would have to hold it closed the entire time I was out in public. I shivered again, then pulled it on, shoving my arms into the sleeves and pocketing only the one-way bus fare. My heart was racing in fear, but my clit was throbbing with excitement. And my clit ruled, as it always did, leaving me short of breath and helpless to do anything else.
I’ve never known why I do these things– whether it’s a stage of my cycle, the phase of the moon, something I’ve read, or something buried deep in my subconscious. I’ve worked hard to channel it when it hits me, but sometimes, something inside me demands more.
Like today.
Grabbing the two halves of the coat just below my breasts, I open the door, step through, and pull it firmly shut behind me, hearing the lock click. I stood for a moment, breathing hard, then reluctantly let go of the door handle, and walked quickly towards the bus stop.
The 47 bus did a circuit to the downtown core and out again. In theory, you weren’t supposed to stay on for the entire circuit, but the drivers usually abandoned the bus as soon as it arrived at the central station. If you chose to stay on, then the next driver would assume you had already paid your fare.
Standing at the stop, I hoped I wouldn’t have to wait long. The day was warm, but breezier than it had been earlier, and the wind was threatening to blow the coat flaps open. Since there were no fastenings at all, I could hold the coat closed up high and keep my tits covered, or hold it closed lower down to avoid having my pussy revealed. Holding both would gain me much more attention. It was bad enough that I was wearing a raincoat on a warm, sunny day.
I tried to compromise, holding it just above my waist, but at times I’m sure anyone watching would realize that I wasn’t wearing a blouse or bra. Plus they might wonder how high my dress or skirt was above my knee!
Fortunately, the only people in a position to notice were on the other side of the street, looking straight ahead as they walked.
When the bus finally did arrive, a gust of wind almost blew the coat out of my grasp, and the driver looked at me strangely as I hastened to pull the two flaps together. I wanted to turn and run home.
Instead, I felt myself stepping up onto the bus, realizing that I was holding my coat closed with the same hand I needed to retrieve the bus fare from my pocket! I was going to have to change hands – and just as I was doing that, the driver stepped on the accelerator, and I almost fell backward into the passenger area. I had to let go of the coat and grab onto a handhold, my coat flying open. Fortunately, I was facing the side of the bus where people stored luggage or bikes, so there was no one sitting there.
Gathering the coat carefully closed with my left hand, I groped in my right pocket, found the bus fare, pulled it out, and checked it to make sure I had the right amount. I moved carefully forward, walking clumsily on my high heels as I wasn’t holding onto anything. I dumped the coins in the fare box and noticed that the driver was watching me, frowning, in the rearview mirror.
I quickly turned away, clutching my coat closed with my left hand, hoping I wasn’t showing too much, and felt a trickle of honey start at my pussy and slowly start to work its way down my right thigh. Part of me was embarrassed and blushing, but another part found this thrilling.
Using my right hand, I grasped handholds and worked my way back down the length of the bus, stopping just in front of the rear doors. There was a seat between two men, both fairly burly, but I couldn’t imagine trying to wedge myself between them, so stood.
I felt a touch on my shoulder, and heard someone behind me say, “Ma’am would you like to sit down?”
I turned and saw a schoolboy – well, a young man who must have been nearly eighteen – wearing the grey flannel uniform of one of the local grammar schools. He stood up, towering over me, smiling, and gestured to his seat.
Then it struck me. If I sat down, it would be even harder to keep my coat closed. I smiled at him. “Thank you, but I think I’d prefer to stand.”
Just then an older woman bustled forward, saying, “I’ll take that seat if she doesn’t want it, boy,” and brushed past him so she could sit down.
The young man looked at me, and we both giggled. He had been polite and had focused on my eyes, but now his eyes dropped, noticing the hand clutching my coat – and he was close enough to look down inside it. His eyes widened when he couldn’t see any sign of a blouse or bra, so he leaned back and let his eyes travel down to my legs.
I had one hand up high to hold a strap with the other holding my coat closed – about even with my nipples – so the bottom of my coat was slightly open, and he could clearly see a great deal of leg, probably almost up to my pussy, all of it naked. His gaze snapped back to my middle and chest, and his mouth dropped open in an unconscious “O”.
An electric shock ran up my spine. I felt my bum and pussy clench – and a small trickle of honey dripped down onto my thigh.
“Are you…” he blurted, then stopped abruptly.
Changing the grip on my left hand, I worked it down and leaned forward slightly so he could see my naked right tit, all screwed up and poking outwards. He licked his lips – and I found myself watching his tongue! Smiling, I pulled my coat out just enough that he could see all the way down – that I was completely naked under the coat.
He licked his lips again and cleared his throat as I gathered my coat closed again, pressing my hand to my chest. His face split in a big grin – and mine matched.
I didn’t feel threatened. I felt sexy. Here I was, effectively naked in public, with a well-mannered and hunky-looking young man-boy staring at me, lusting after a woman of thirty!
I was enjoying this. I just wasn’t sure where it could go from here.
“Um, do you…um, take this bus often?” he said, gamely trying to chat me up without giving away my situation to the busload of people around us.
I smiled up at him and gave him a quick once-over. He was tall, towering over me at what must have been six feet plus, broad-shouldered with an athlete’s body, and a mop of tousled, blonde hair.
And a nice smile.
“Yes, I do, but today I decided I wanted a bit more of an…adventure.” I smiled up at him and rearranged the grip on my coat.
His smile widened when I didn’t shut him down. He must have liked his chances, talking to a nearly naked lady in public. Or maybe not a lady.
“Do you, uh, enjoy your adventures?”
I nodded. “Oh, yes. Very much. They add so much spice to life – don’t you agree?”
He was grinning at me now. “Absolutely. May I ask what kind of adventure you were hoping for today?”
I shrugged. “Oh, nothing too exotic. You know – just a ride to the city center, then home again. I just wanted a little fresh air, and some…exposure.”
I rearranged my grip again, to emphasize the word exposure.
His eyes dropped below my waist, hoping to get another eyeful. “Would you…would you like some help with your…exposure?”
I dropped my gaze to check, and – yup! He had an erection tenting the front his trousers. I looked up at him through my lashes, “Mayy-be. What did you have in mind?”
Just then, the conductor called out the next stop. My young adventurer looked around, “Oh, shit! This is my stop! I, uh…could I, perhaps join you somewhere in about thirty minutes?”
I thought fast. It would take me about that long to get to city center, and get back here. It would be easy to brush him off, but…
“I’m going to stay on the bus and go back home after this. If you were to get on over there…” I nodded at the stop across the street, “…you might catch me on the way, um, home.”
He hung there for a beat, then swallowed, and said, “Okay, I’ll…I’ll see what I can do. I mean, I’ll be there!”
The bus ground to a halt. He grabbed up his things, pushed through the back doors, and as they started to close, he called, “My name’s Charlie, by the way.”
I smiled back at him. “ ’Bye Charlie!” I called back.
The doors closed, and the bus started to move. I watched him standing there, mouth open, stunned. I enjoyed the mixed look of uncertainty that he’d blown a hot chance, and eagerness to try to catch up with me on the way back.
I suspected he had been hoping for a name or address. I smiled at myself. Que sera, sera, I said to myself.
I continued my nearly naked ride and felt more honey beginning to trickle further down my leg. I found myself breathing harder, almost panting. I moved my legs so my pussy lips rubbed together, enjoying their slickness as they slid over each other, massaging my pearl, but not quite enough. The bus swayed, and a couple of times I almost had to let go with my right hand to grab something, but only just held onto the strap above and kept my balance.
As we got further into the center of the city, more and more people got off, until one of the single seats opened up in the middle of the bus. I moved over, and carefully sat down sideways, pulling my coat closed with both hands, then swung my legs forward, tightly clasped together.
My right hand was near the window, and holding my coat low down. I released the grip and slid that hand in under the coat, folding it to cover.
I slowly started to tease myself by stroking the side of my finger along my inner thigh. I couldn’t quite reach up to my pussy without being obvious about it, but this was perfect for my purposes. I was going to bring myself as close to the edge as possible and keep myself glimmeringly close to cumming throughout the ride.
I knew from previous adventures that once I got home and finished bringing myself off, it would allow me to erupt in a massive set of orgasms. The delay was more than worth it. Maybe that was what forced me to do stupid, humiliating things like this.
Besides, it made me feel like a dirty slut and I loved that!
I was having a hard time not panting outright by now, and tried to keep my breathing quiet, if not smooth and even. As expected, when we got to the city center, the driver jumped up, grabbed his lunchbox and coat, and leaped off the bus, probably heading for the loo and a break.
All the other passengers eagerly exited, and the bus, which was not due to leave for another fifteen minutes or so, was temporarily still.
I knew, from previous experience, that it wouldn’t stay empty for long, that early passengers could get on at any moment, so I decided.
I had been simmering right at the edge of cumming for at least twenty minutes, barely suppressing it, and found I could no longer hold off. I was going to push myself over the edge – and cum in public, here on the empty bus, whether I wanted to or not.
It might mean that I gushed over my coat – which would just add to my embarrassment and excitement – and I would certainly add to the honey that was already soaking through the back lining. My bum felt squishy where I sat on my coat, so I know the coat was being soaked.
My index and middle fingers found the entrance to my pussy, and I pushed them in, squelching. My mouth opened without my permission, and I leaned on the window, closing my eyes. Oh, my sweet fuck! My tits ached, my pearl was stiff, hard, and standing up tall, my tummy tingled, my hips arched, my legs opened wider, and my cunt began to spasm. I was cumming!
And then I heard a bunch of teenagers clatter up onto the bus, yelling back and forth – followed by a steady stream of other people. I clamped my legs together, muttering “Fuck!” under my breath as I felt my climax tamp down, disappointingly, leaving me aching, hollow, and unfulfilled.
Taking a deep breath, I sat up and gazed out the window at the crowd of school kids of both sexes milling around the bus depot, chattering, waving, laughing, and tearing around, disturbing the more stolid adult shoppers. I shivered and gathered my coat more tightly around me. Suddenly, my adventure seemed more terrifying than exciting. I swallowed hard again, scared once again of being found out. And yet, my pearl was still throbbing, and I had already felt that my cunt was wide open and dripping. My body didn’t care that I was trembling. It wanted to be put on display, cum, and embarrass me.
Eventually, a new bus driver jumped up, settled herself, adjusted the seat and mirrors, then closed the door and we moved smoothly out of the terminal, the bus rocking as we swung wide around the bus island.
Pulling myself together, I told myself we would reach my stop before too long, and decided I would walk home, I would have a massive orgasm, and that would be that.
I was so wrong.
Waiting eagerly at the stop opposite where he’d gotten off, Charlie, the horny young athlete peered through the window, saw me, waved, and ran up the front steps. After flashing his school bus pass, he quickly worked his way back until he was standing by my seat, even though there were open seats available. He was wearing a school rugby shirt, white athletic shorts, striped white socks, and trainers.
I had avoided his eyes until now, but now turned towards him – and found my gaze caught by the hard cock straining at the fabric of the white athletic shorts above blonde, muscular legs dusted with curls of blonde hair.
Noticing my gaze, the cheeky bugger shuffled closer, and pushed down on his hard-on through his shorts pocket, causing its eye to peek at me out of his loose, left leg hole. I could see a drop of precum glistening on the tip. Worse, I could smell his straining, eager cock and the sweaty excitement on his body.
Moaning as quietly as I could, I turned away, trying to focus out the window.
“I heard that,” he said softly, leaning forward over me. “Would you like it?”
I tried to ignore him but found my hand rubbing up and down along my thigh, and quickly moved it away, up to my collar, gathering the fabric closed.
He leaned further towards me, holding the grab handle on the back of my seat, and said, quietly but forcefully, “You’d this up your cunt, wouldn’t you?”
I glanced up at him, then away again, bit my top lip, then, still not looking at him, nodded.
I heard his voice whispering in my ear, “And in your mouth – right?”
Without looking at him, I nodded quickly once.
He straightened up. “I thought so.”
He looked around, then ahead, “Which is your stop?” His voice held a tone of command that hadn’t been there before, and I found my legs starting to spread – but stopped them. Later, they’d be spread wide enough, I was quite sure. I could feel the honey trickle turn into an almost steady flow.
“Be…Berkshire Street,” I mumbled.
“Um, about five more stops.” I looked up at his eyes. They were smiling – and full of expectation. How was it possible that someone so young could be so commanding, I wondered?
But his lean, athletic body and the happy, knowing grin on his face told me that he was no virgin – and probably had had his pick of eager, adoring girlies. I was about to become yet another notch on his undoubtedly ragged belt. I swallowed again.
Part of me was furious. Why should this young snot get to use my body for his pleasure?
But the rest of me overwhelmingly wanted to be used – and hard. My back arched and I squirmed in my seat – and saw his smile widen at my response.
“Tell me,” he leaned forward again and whispered, “Do you want it up the ass, too?”
I looked away, then felt a finger on my chin, moving my head back and up to look at him. “Answer me.”
My mouth dry, I nodded.
“No, I mean say it. Tell me you want it up the ass.”
My eyes flicked around the bus, looking to see if anyone was watching us. Some of them were. “Here?”
He stood up, thrusting his cock towards me – or more particularly, my mouth. “Say it.”
Swallowing again, “I…I want it up my ass, too.”
I looked up, “But my mouth first, okay?”
He smiled smugly, straightening up, “We’ll see.”
We rode in silence after that, but he kept his cock near my face – and I couldn’t look away. It was almost as if my eyes were tied to the cockhead peering out at me, now leaking precum down his thigh between the golden hairs. It was all I could do not to lean forward and lick it.
I was sure I would be given the chance to do that later.
Finally, the bus reached Berkshire Street. He pulled the call cord for the stop, then held out his hand for me. I timorously laid my hand in his and a shock went through my body. He pulled me up, almost causing me to lose the grip on my coat – which, I could see in his dancing eyes and grin, had been intentional.
He let go, turned, and walked down the back steps, then held out his hand to help me. Gingerly stepping down, I landed with somewhat of a thud, tottering on my heels, embarrassed, and stared down at the sidewalk.
He held out his hand and cocked an eye at me. Reluctantly, I put my hand inside his and let him guide me.
“It’s okay,” he said, “It’ll be fun! Which way?” he asked.
I pointed left, towards my house, wondering if this was a good idea. No, actually, I knew it wasn’t – but I couldn’t help myself, thinking of that cock peeking out at me, and hungering for it between my thighs, forcing its way into my pussy.
He squeezed the hand inside the crook of his elbow. “Put your other hand in your pocket,” he smiled in a conversational tone of voice.
I looked at him, shocked. “What…?”
“You can push the flaps together from inside your pocket if you want, but do it!”
Reluctantly, I let go of my coat, quickly putting my hand in my pocket and trying to guide the flaps together, with only mixed success. With every step I took the flaps flashed open, leaving my tits on full display while I barely managed to keep my cunt from view. I gulped – and panted. My clit was throbbing harder than ever, aching because it was so tight.
It didn’t take long to get to my street as his steps were much longer than mine and he was hurrying me, pulling me along by the hand. He was clearly eager to get me alone and fuck me raw. My thighs began to quiver, even as I hurried, being almost dragged beside him.
Down Berkshire, right onto my street, then seven houses in – and we were there. I stopped at the sidewalk in front of the house, and realized I’d left the house without my key!
He looked at me quizzically. “Problem?”
I glanced up at him, “Uh, I forgot my key.”
He looked non-plussed for a moment, then relaxed, “Do you have a spare?”
I didn’t want to show him, but found myself helpless. I nodded.
He looked at the house. “Under the flower pot, right?”
I looked up at him, shocked. “How…how did you know?”
He chuckled, “It’s the obvious place. Come on.”
Taking my hand, he dragged me up the front path, let go, then tilted the flower pot up, and retrieved the key. Straightening up, he put the key in the lock, then stopped.
Turning to me, he grinned and said, “Take off the coat.”
I gaped at him, “What?”
“I said, if you want my cock shoved into your undoubtedly dripping snatch, take off the coat – or else I’ll take the key and leave you here.”
An electric shock ran through my body again. I glanced around but didn’t see anyone except in the far distance. I really didn’t want to be completely naked in public, especially where my neighbors might see me, but part of me was thrilled with the idea – the same part that forced me out the door wearing nothing but a raincoat without any buttons.
Impulsively, I opened the coat and dumped it on the ground, then stood there, naked and quivering, one across my chest, the other covering my pussy – all while my pussy was dripping furiously…
He smiled, stood there a moment, hand on the key in the lock, and savored my nakedness – then turned the lock and pushed open the door.
Waving a hand he said, “After you, fair lady.”
I quickly clattered into the house, stepping away from the open door.
He bent down, retrieved the coat, and stepped inside, folded it, placed it on the chair just inside the door, then pushed the door closed.
I was hugging my arms across my chest, suddenly frightened. What was he going to do to me, this man-boy, this strange amalgam of gentleman and rogue?
“Hands down at your sides, please, so I can see what kind of a slut I’m going to fuck.” His voice sounded happy as if this were some sort of a game – which, honestly, I guess it was. For both of us.
Nervously, I lowered my hands jerkily to my side, my breath coming quickly, in pants. Part of me wanted to slap him when his grin broadened – yet the other part wanted him to take me now and fuck me hard.
“Not bad,” he smirked. “Now – bedroom?”
I turned with a jerk and walked abruptly towards my bedroom, thinking that it was a good thing I’d made the bed that morning – then realizing how bizarre that thought was. I really was quite shocked and not thinking clearly, my thoughts random and scattered. Something inside me seemed to have taken over, and I had no idea what it was going to make me do. And yet, my pussy knew what it wanted, and I could feel honey trickling down my leg in a steady flow now.
I stopped suddenly at the door to my bedroom, thinking that Miguel – my stuffed donkey – shouldn’t see this. I raced over, picked him up, and shoved him under the bed.
Turning back to the door, everything suddenly became more real when I saw him pulling his rugby shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor.
“Come here,” he commanded, grinning, “on your knees.”
I stood frozen, looking at his beautiful chest, dusted with blonde curly hair over washboard abs and a tight, sculpted waist.
I dropped to my knees, fortunate that there was thick carpeting there, and started to crawl forward on my hands and knees.
When I reached him, I knelt up, hands clasped over my mouth.
He stood there a moment, relishing the situation.
I paused, as if undecided, then – and I really don’t know why – said, “Tie my hands.”
He looked shocked. “What?”
I swallowed hard, “Tie my hands together behind me – please.”
His grin widened, “All right!” as if he’d just scored a goal – which, in a sense, he had.
I intertwined my fingers behind me, and my clasped fists rested just above my ass. I shivered.
Looking around, he spied my toweling robe hanging on my closet door. Stepping over, he pulled the terry cloth belt free of the loops, then walked behind me, grasped my wrists, and quickly bound them together, then knotted it firmly but not uncomfortably tight.
“Like that?”
All I could do was nod.
“Great, now, undo my shorts with that pretty mouth that is soon going to be stuffed full of cock. I’ll start by undoing the button,” matching action to words. The two halves of his white shorts sprung apart above his zipper, “now you pull the zip down with your teeth – understand?”
He cupped my face with his hands, forcing me to look up at him. He was beautiful and he knew it. His face was flushed with excitement, and his eyes sparkled. I nodded slightly, working my head up and down within the palm of his hand.
He released my head, and placed his hand on the back of my head, pulling me forward slightly in his eagerness. “Zip,” was all he added.
Leaning in, some things became evident very quickly. First, he wasn’t wearing any undershorts. He may not have bathed recently because there was a strong male aroma that made my heart skip, overlaid with the smell of precum. And he was big. I swallowed, and wondered how my throat and jaw – and my ass! – were going to feel later on.
Opening my mouth slightly, I tried to grasp the tang of the zip with my lips, but it kept slipping out. I couldn’t get a purchase. Deciding I had to grasp it in my teeth, I tilted slightly sideways and tried to fit the point of my lower canine into the hole in the tang, but as I couldn’t see, it was hit-or-miss. I finally managed to lodge the canine in the hole in the tang, clamped my teeth shut, and tried to pull down.
And got nowhere. The zip catch was still caught in the teeth of the zip, and wouldn’t budge. Frustrated, I took a deep breath and shook my head. “I can’t.”
He leaned sideways and looked me in the face, his eyes dancing. “Oh yes you can – and you will if you want this bad boy pushed down your throat,” he patted his erection, “You’re looking forward to that, aren’t you?”
He waited, listening to me pant, then reached forward and grasped my right nipple between thumb and finger and squeezed lightly.
“I said aren’t you looking forward to having your mouth stuffed full, slut?” And pinched briefly.
“Yes!” I almost shouted.
“Yes, what, slut?”
“Yes, I’m looking forward to having my mouth stuffed full,” I said in a rush.
“With what, slut?”
I swallowed hard, “With your cock.”
He released my tit, and straightened up, “Then try again.”
Inhaling sharply, I leaned forward again, managed to find the hole in the tang with my canine, then clamped my teeth closed around it, lifted the tang up – and the zip sprang free, sliding down a few notches, and dislodging from my teeth. I inhaled through a thatch of curly gold-blonde hair at the top of his pubis and shivered again.
Shuffling my knees slightly closer, I grasped the tang in my teeth again, and painfully twisted my head and dragged the zip down further – until his cock sprang free, smacking me on the cheek as it bounced.
Leaning back, I attempted to capture it in my mouth, until I felt his hand grip a handful of my hair, controlling my head. He took his cock between two fingers, started to smack it lightly back and forth across my cheeks, rubbed the precum along my top lip, then painted my lips with it as if it were a giant lipstick.
If I felt degraded and slutty before, I felt it in spades now. He was using me as a plaything, a fucktoy, and regarded this as a delightful game.
Then he held his cock out towards me.
“Beg,” he said, smiling broadly, “Beg to be allowed to suck my cock, slut. Tell me how you want me to shove my cock deep into your mouth and make you gag. Tell me, cunt, or I’ll zip up my fly and leave you here, naked, on your knees, dripping cunt honey on your carpet, desperate to be fucked by a big, hard cock – and not getting any.”
Part of me wanted to yell at him to get the fuck out of my house. Part of me.
But I can’t help myself. The same demands my body made that caused me to walk out of my house naked under a raincoat, and the throbbing clit that was egging me on now, made me want his cock, anyway he would give it to me.
I licked my lips and breathed, “Please…”
To be continued.