Lilith Part Two Of Six

"Down at the brook, Lilith shows Marcus the beauty of nature..."

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When I turned to return my attention to the young woman I had been working with all day, I noticed that she had her back to me as she jogged down to the bank of the creek. Within seconds, she was unbuttoning the straps of her overalls and let them drop to the ground… and she stood naked as the day she was born. Her blue bottom was a true marvel to behold, and I couldn’t help but instantly become aroused upon viewing it. I know it sounds crass, but I don’t think I’ve ever popped a full-on boner quicker than I had when I laid eyes on Lilith’s nude form.

Without looking back, the blue-hued woman charged right into the stream and started flailing her hands in order to splash the water about. She stood in it up to her waist before turning to face me. When she realized I was just standing there staring at her, she began motioning with her hands for me to enter the tranquil waters with her.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and did everything humanly possible to not stare at the beautiful breasts tempting me to join them. I had been with a few women in my time and seen my fair share of dirty magazines in which gorgeous women have a staple in their navels, but nothing could have prepared me for the perfection that my eyes met when I gazed upon Lilith’s immaculate chest. It had been one thing to see her break into a sweat a couple of different times throughout the workday, but upon seeing the cool fluids of the brook trickling down her round breasts, over her pinkish areolas, and onto the peaks of her nipples…

Lilith’s breasts were absolutely perfect for her. They weren’t small, but they weren’t big, either. On a woman of her stature, they looked to be the size of large oranges, and I couldn’t help but notice that her left bosom had an area that looked somewhat concave… almost like someone had poked a finger into it and it had never popped back into place. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was somehow genetic, or if someone had done something to her to cause such asymmetry. My biggest thing was that I hoped it didn’t cause her any kind of pain.

When I think back on it, I truly think Lilith’s intentions were anything but naughty in that moment. It probably sounds ludicrous to most, but when she was wading around in that water and dousing herself in the cool fluids, I actually believed – and still do to this day – that she had just wanted to clean off after a long day’s work. She hadn’t intended to make a blubbering idiot out of me by stripping down to her altogether. She probably thought her body would have no effect on me.

Lilith splashed a few more times before motioning for me to join her once again since it was such a gorgeous day. The invitation was sweeter than any honey the world would ever offer, and I can honestly say that there wasn’t a single thing I had ever wanted more in my entire life. Joining the raven-tressed beauty in that stream would’ve been my own little slice of heaven… so why the hell was I hesitating?

This is going to sound weird for a man to admit, but when I was growing up, I had always been the type of guy who saw myself with one woman and one woman only. I thought for sure I would find my “Miss Right” before the end of my schooling and then marry her shortly afterward so I could make her Missus Right and spend the rest of my life with her in wedded bliss. Hell, even when I met Eve, it took me an entire year before we finally made love for the first time. Sure, I had moved slightly faster with some other women in my past such as a gothic babe named Ashlee, but the circumstances of that relationship were much different. Geez, there was even a woman in college when things went even swifter still. Still, apart from a few extenuating circumstances such as the aforementioned, I’ve always been somewhat of a slow mover when it comes to normal relationships. Snail pace has always suited me just fine… not that I’m opposed to a steadier progression, but a turtle’s speed has just always been my forte.

Imagine my surprise when Lilith grew tired of waiting for me and bolted out of the cool waters toward me… and grabbed the bottom of my shirt and began playfully tugging at it. I “put up a fight” and pretended that I didn’t want to do what the spirited woman was pressuring me into, but as my erection raged within the incarceration of my trousers, I realized there was nothing I had ever wanted more in my entire life. Once she had my shirt off, I could see that she wouldn’t be satisfied until my pants were gone as well… but she didn’t make it that far right away.

I’m no chiseled bodybuilder by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ve done my share of exercising in my time and usually did so on a daily basis back in the day. Maybe the fact that I worked up a sweat earlier in the afternoon had a little bit to do with it as well, but I had a hairy chest with a modest amount of definition…and Lilith had obviously taken note of it. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched the awe form on her face as she tiptoed toward me with a hand raised. When she finally touched my torso, I could see that she didn’t want to hold back…and her other hand quickly appeared so she could run both palms over my chest. I felt her long fingernails dance through my chest hair as she marveled at what stood before her.

It was at that instant that I came to the realization that the blue-hued beauty had never been with a man before. It wasn’t something I would’ve normally picked up on, but her fascination was unmistakable.

There were so many things I wanted to do in that moment. I wanted to pull her in with a big hug so I could feel her nude body pressed against mine, and I also wanted to run my hands through her incredible black tresses and feel her locks in my grasp. I wanted to experience my lips on hers, and I’d certainly be lying if I said the thought didn’t cross my mind to grope her soft bosoms so I could squeeze them to my heart’s content. Of course, I would’ve been careful since I wasn’t sure if the left one was tender or not.

As previously mentioned, I was in pretty decent shape back in these younger days of mine. I had what some women referred to as a “v-cut,” and when Lilith discovered it, she cooed while running her hands over it and wondering where it led. I wanted nothing more than to show her, but I decided I would let her make that decision. I didn’t want to do anything to this beautiful woman that she didn’t desire to have done to her.

I was already struggling with the erection I was doing my utmost best to keep at bay, but when I was finally presented with a better view and took note of Lilith’s immaculate, pink slit for the first time, I could no longer deny the fact that I was going to have to cum before I left the fantastic brook. She was totally smooth down below… and it was sheer perfection on her. Trying to put my dirty thoughts of her excellent grooming habits aside, I was already biting my lower lip and closing my eyes while trying to imagine anything that would kill my immediate arousal and make me last longer. I thought of rotten eggs and dead puppies, but nothing seemed to work. I was standing at full attention against the constriction of my pants.

Much to my delight, Lilith took notice of the protrusion and decided to explore.

Now, I don’t like interrupting my own stories, but I need to for just a minute since this is vitally important. It should be noted that as much as I wanted Lilith to pull my pants off and have her way with me, I was slightly nervous about something that I kept in the left pocket of my trousers. This is probably going to sound a little weird, but I carried around a pair of flint-colored earrings that were in the shape of elongated water droplets. I know it seems like an odd thing for a guy to carry around, but they were kind of a “good-luck charm” for me. They had once belonged to Eve, and since I didn’t have a photo of her to carry around, the small trinkets were the next best thing.

I watched as the blue-hued beauty squatted down in front of me and started unbuckling my belt. Once she had it unfastened, she started unbuttoning my jeans. While she did so, I fidgeted ever so faintly since I didn’t want to lose the earrings. I knew they wouldn’t fall out of my pocket or anything, but I was protective of them. Losing them would be like misplacing a piece of my heart.

Unaware of my slight apprehension, Lilith continued on with her mission as she carefully pulled my zipper down. After reaching up and placing her fingers beneath my pants and boxers, she whipped everything down at once… and was almost struck in the right eye by what sprung out at her.

Now, I had seen magazines and even a few videotapes – yes, that was a thing at one time – and while I’m no “adult star” or anything of the like, I could hold my own with the best of them when it came to pleasuring a woman. In a way, I thought of it as an art form. I’d be lying if I said I had bedded a lot of women because, in reality, I had ever only gone “all the way” with a number in the single digits. I had messed around with a handful of others and had my share of fun, but I never saw myself as “desirable.” However, when I saw the look in Lilith’s widening eyes, I could tell that she wasn’t just impressed with what she had uncovered, but she also wanted a piece of it.

I continued to watch the raven-tressed stunner as she reached up and stroked my hard penis for the first time. She looked a little hesitant at first, and the way she touched it reminded me a little of myself when I had touched a fuzzy caterpillar for the first time. I had to chuckle when I noticed a bit of fear in her actions.

After the initial touch, Lilith realized she liked what she was seeing and feeling, and after poking at me a few times, she became even bolder as she wrapped her fingers completely around my stiff organ and let instinct take over. She gave me a tug that felt divine. Both she and I could feel the veins bulging beneath her grasp, and when she started to pull on it again, I let out a bit of a groan, which she took note of. She glanced upward and met my eyes as she smiled in that gorgeous way that only she was capable of as she exclaimed, “I like you!”

I laughed upon hearing the sweet voice and wanted to do anything I could to get a little more out of her. I began running one of my hands through her hair as I used my other one to brace myself while she continued to jerk on me. With my pants around my ankles, I was afraid I’d do something stupid like step on the earrings or lose my footing and then trip, so I made sure to keep my feet securely planted while Lilith fondled me. I know it’s not something I should’ve been hoping for, but I silently prayed that she would decide to put me in her mouth, and when I felt her tongue on the underside of my shaft, I thanked everything I held holy for listening.

It started off slow: The blue-hued beauty gripped the base of my cock and ran her tongue up the entire length until pulling it ever so gently off my tip. She repeated this process about three times before I noticed that she was reaching down with her free hand so she could begin fingering herself. I didn’t think it was possible to be any more turned on than I already was until I observed that.

Lilith had me grunting and groaning in gratification, but after a few more seconds of the oral pleasure she was stimulating me with, I heard her moan in between licks as well. Her voice and laugh had sent chills down my spine the first time I heard them, but hearing her sensual squeals of delight while she tasted my manhood made me feel like I was floating through the clouds above. I wish I could give a better explanation, but it’s just not humanly possible to relive such a glorious moment.

When I thought I was at the height of my sexual excitation, Lilith took things one step further and started wrapping her full, red lips around my tip. I took a deep breath as I felt her inhale the first couple of inches of my rigid cock, and when I felt her begin to nibble in just the slightest way, I thought I was going to pass out. As long as I was presented the opportunity to blow my load, I could’ve died a happy man on that very spot with no regrets in life.

Lilith’s hand that had been working her own genitalia suddenly reappeared as she began fondling one of her breasts. She roughly squeezed it and picked up speed while vigorously downing my manhood at the same time. I noticed she was clutching the left one, so I assumed what I had observed earlier didn’t actually hurt her. As I then focused again on what she was doing to me, I saw that she was taking in over half of my dick with each pass she made. I could feel her saliva coating my stiff organ and it was quite easily one of the most wondrous feelings in the world. I’m sure it’s not something a dignified woman would probably want to hear, but my penis felt right at home in her mouth.

I felt droplets of sweat forming on my brow and running down the sides of my face as Lilith continued to devour each and every inch of me. “This is quite the… fun time!” I huffed while the astonishing woman went to town on me. My left hand was still on her head as she went back and forth, and I was more than a little surprised by my stamina since I hadn’t been in a similar situation in quite some time. I thought back on some of the previous blowjobs I had received and the memory of a marvelous woman by the name of Kaede hit me like a ton of bricks. As impressive as my old friend had been, Lilith was certainly giving her a run for her money… and I knew I wouldn’t last much longer.

“I’m… gonna cum!” I suddenly huffed my warning to the blue-skinned beauty pleasuring me in ways I had never been pleasured before. I could only hold my load in for another few seconds and I could clearly see that Lilith had no idea what I was talking about.

Being careful to not trip myself, I waddled backward in an effort to pull my length out of the young woman’s mouth. Upon doing so, I could see that she looked a little hurt and confused as to why I would do so, but when I took my solid penis in my right hand and began tugging with everything I had, I once again announced my orgasm as I shouted, “I’m gonna cum, Lilith!”

From her position on her knees, the raven-tressed stunner watched in absolute awe as my cock rapidly erupted in a messy explosion of thick cream. I tried to watch what I was doing since I didn’t want to take the chance of scaring Lilith in any way, but I also couldn’t help the fact that my hormones were on overdrive. I whacked away like a persistent lumberjack chopping down a tree as I ejaculated any and everywhere all at once. Had I been indoors, I would’ve painted the walls white with my semen.

In my passionate exultation, I shouted a few curse words that were edged with the jubilation I felt in my heart from what Lilith had achieved for me. I hoped and prayed that my obscenities wouldn’t offend her, but in between bouts of beating my dick like it owed me money for the last ten years, I noticed that the bewildered female looked almost as elated as I was while remaining on her knees and letting my sperm shower down upon her. She held her head up and stuck her tongue out as she tried to catch wads of my goo on the tip of it. It goes without saying that I had never seen something as wickedly erotic in my life.

When I was convinced that I had finally squeezed every last drop out, I was ready to collapse onto the ground behind me… but Lilith apparently had other thoughts. I watched as she skittered forward on her knees and quickly latched onto me once more so she could begin sucking anything out of me that she could possibly get. My breathing accelerated as she did so, and once she was also convinced that I was empty, she let go so I could drop down next to her. She wrapped her arms around me and tackled me to the dirt and grass as I laughed.

“That… was… INCREDIBLE!” I wheezed as she nuzzled up against me. “Holy crap, Lilith! I’ve never felt something so amazing in all my life!”

“I like you!” she told me while I hugged her close and kissed her neck. If it was possible for life to get any better than this, I was hard-pressed to understand how that could possibly be.


After we had cleaned Lilith off and put our clothes back on, the two of us made our way back toward the elderly woman’s house. It occurred to me that I didn’t even know the old bat’s name, but quite frankly, I didn’t really care to. It may sound a little crazy, but what I wanted more than anything in that moment was to get my pickup fixed so I could take Lilith as far away from that place as possible. I wanted to give her the life someone of her divine stature deserved, and I wanted nothing more than to make her happy.

When we had returned to the house, Lilith’s mood went from ecstatic to dismal in a heartbeat. It was easy to understand why because when we approached the front door, the old woman appeared with a caustic expression on her face. “Where have you been? Supper’s been ready for half an hour!”

Lilith simply shook her head and brushed past the old bat to get through the door. She kept her head down the entire time.

When the elderly homeowner glanced in my direction, she could see that I was just standing there. “Well?” she asked. “Are you going to come in and eat, or what?”

To be honest, I hadn’t even planned on her invite, so I was actually a little surprised by her “hospitality.” I was even more shocked by the fact that after we finished the home-cooked meal of boneless chops and potatoes, she offered me her guest room upstairs to stay in. There was no way I could turn that down since I had nowhere else to go.

Besides, I wasn’t about to let Lilith out of my sight.


I didn’t ask for a tour of the house, nor did I receive one. After dinner, I was taken upstairs and shown to the room I would be staying in. I was then told that the bathroom was right across the hallway, and I was given a towel so I could shower and “wash the stink off myself.” The old woman had a way with words, and even after dinner, I still hadn’t bothered to get her name.

The house reminded me a lot of how I pictured my grandparents’ grandparents’ house to look. That’s a mouthful, I know, but everywhere I looked was something antique. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I was shocked to find that the place had running water and electricity. I wouldn’t have been the least bit surprised if I had been told there was no television in the dwelling.

The room I had been allowed to stay in was on the second floor overlooking the property. A single window was on the far side of the room, and the bed I was allowed to use for the night sat on the opposite end with its headboard against the wall and between two nightstands. The wallpaper in the bedchamber was that old-timey kind with barely discernible patterns that one could only see if he or she stood really close, and it was an awful dark-yellowish color that bordered on brown. If I had to guess, I’d say it was a flaxen color that actually succeeded in turning my stomach. That probably sounds weird hearing such a description from a guy who had been sleeping in his truck, but it really was that bad.

There were black and white portraits on the wall behind the bed in those old, convex, oval-shaped frames, and the lantern next to my bed was an oil lamp. On the end of the room facing the west, the wall went up about four feet before slanting until it met the ceiling. Not to sound ungrateful, but I was half expecting dust to fly into the air the moment I plopped down on the bed.

I was told that breakfast would be served promptly at six in the AM, and after eating, it would be appreciated if I helped Lilith with the chores once again. I had no problem with that since I wanted to be around the blue-skinned beauty as much as possible. I did ask if any effort had been made in order to reach out about fixing my pickup, but I was promptly reminded that the phone was out of order. It made me wonder how long the owner of the home was going to allow me to crash in her house…

I lay in bed reading a book I had thrown in one of my bags until about ten o’clock, and then I rubbed my eyes and doused the lamp. Some starlight from outside crept into the room, and as I placed my hands behind my head and gazed at the ceiling I could barely see, my thoughts circled back to the dinner I had shared with the two women. Recalling the way they had interacted, I remembered how awkward it had been since they seemingly wanted nothing to do with one another. The old bat had caught Lilith smiling at me a few times, and when the young woman had noticed the heated glares, she instantly looked away from me. What did the owner of the house have on my lovely Lilith…?

For the next few minutes, my mind went back to some of the women from my past. I thought about the lovely Freya I had been so close to during my school days and how she had been the first woman to do anything remotely sexual to me. From there, I thought about the delightful duo of Rosalind and Cassandra, and then my thoughts journeyed to a few of the other pivotal females throughout my life. Eve was certainly heavy on my mind, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get this newest bombshell out of my head.

I glanced over at the nightstand to my left and could hardly make out the flint-colored earrings I had removed from my pocket due to the darkness. Seeing them always seemed to put me at ease, and I inwardly prayed that wherever my ex was, she was currently safe.

I don’t know how long it took me to nod off, but when I finally did so, I had the most incredible dream about Lilith. I rarely have sex-related dreams, but this one was absolutely fantastic. It was the kind of fantasy that upsets you when you wake up because you didn’t want it to come to an end, but on this particular occasion, I opened my eyes and felt like I was still in the dream world.

Staring at the ceiling as I had done a few hours earlier, I found myself wondering if I was even awake since I still felt pleasure down below. I let out an audible sigh as I recollected what had occurred in the dream, but then I suddenly realized that I heard something from within the room that hadn’t come from me. I didn’t bother to sit up as I shifted ever so slightly and turned my eyes in the direction of the window…

With some help from the dim moonlight filtering in through the glass, I noticed a small bump under the sheets on my bed down my midsection. It looked to be bouncing up and down, and I could hear slurping sounds as it did so. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I realized I wasn’t alone. I hastily reached down and grabbed the sheets I had draped over my naked body and hurled them aside only to reveal that Lilith was balled up by my crotch! She was using one hand to firmly grip the base of my penis as her other hand held her long, dark locks out of her face so she could somewhat see what she was doing while sucking the life out of me.

“Lilith!” I practically called out and instantly lowered my voice since I didn’t want to chance waking the old bat at the other end of the hallway. Thankfully, a room separated mine from hers, and I hoped that she slept like a log in her advanced age.

The young woman I had grown to so fervently adore in such a short span of time stopped what she was doing long enough to smile up at me. Even in the semidarkness, I could see her eyes beaming. I could also see the want in them.

“I have to admit that this is a pleasant surprise!” I told the blue-hued beauty as she suddenly climbed forward on all fours and plopped down on my chest. She placed herself directly on top of me and managed to sandwich her breasts and my aroused penis between the two of us. I felt one of her hands on my face and could smell the sweet scent of her sugary breath as she did her best to make herself comfortable on top of me.

I stopped her from getting too cozy so I could retrieve the blanket I had thrown off to the side. I then snuggled back up with her and wrapped an arm around her after covering both of us with the blanket. I have no idea how long we stared and smiled at each other while in that position.

After a lengthy silence of just studying one another, I reached up and playfully tapped her nose with an index finger. “You’re so beautiful, Lilith.” I paused briefly before inquiring, “Where do you come from?”

“Come from?” she asked in befuddlement.

“Yeah,” I spoke in a low voice. “Just where does someone as stunning as you come from?”

“Gonna cum!” The young woman playfully squeaked as she remembered what I had called out from earlier in the day. Her body quaked in excitement.

I did my best to calm her down without coming off as forceful. I held a finger up to my lips to hush her as I said, “We don’t want to wake up that old grouch at the end of the hall! I don’t think she’d appreciate finding the two of us like this!”

Lilith frowned upon hearing mention of the old bat, but she nodded her understanding.

I could tell that the raven-tressed doll wanted to partake in activities similar to what we had done earlier in the day, and to say that I didn’t want the same would be the most blatant lie I’d ever told. I not only wanted that radiant young woman more than all the fame and fortune the world had to offer, but I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that what I wanted more than anything was to please said woman. I wanted to take Lilith to sensual places she had never dreamed imaginable because in the short time I had known her, she had already done so for me.

As we lay in the semi-darkness – me on my back and Lilith stretched out atop me – I had one of my hands behind my head and the other on the small of her back. She was running one of her hands through my chest hair again as I felt her steady breathing begin to increase. I’m sure she could feel my penis beating like a drum between our bodies, and eventually, I needed to feel more of her. My hands went to her hair as I pulled her in close so I could kiss her, and the nectar I received in return contained the most luscious taste a guy could ever ask for.

We lay there, our bodies intertwined around one another and tangled in the blankets while passionately probing each other’s mouths with our tongues. I gently stroked her face with my hands until moving them down her sleek body so I could begin groping her buns. While doing so, I could hear her purring like a kitten between our kisses. In the dim moonlight, I could see the perspiration glistening on her body and it turned me on even more.

The volume of our huffing and puffing increased as both pairs of our hands became “grabbier.” We began feeling each other up and down as much as humanly possible while keeping our lips interlocked and our tongues down one another’s throats. My heart raced in my chest as I felt the fingers of one of Lilith’s hands creep across my pelvis before clasping my solid prick. I let out a moan of satisfaction directly into her right ear that made her grin in gratification.

I have no idea how long I lay there, staring upward as Lilith jerked away on me. It was almost like I was in and out of consciousness as I tried to take in all the emotions welling up inside of me at once. This woman was truly one of the most amazing females I had ever encountered, and I felt like she was being held prisoner in a house that time had somehow managed to forget. I wanted nothing more than to repair my pickup and take my angel as far away from the hellish existence she was being forced to live.

I suddenly realized that I was no longer receiving the “handy” that had sent me into my momentary sexual stupor. It was a struggle, but I was eventually able to lift my head off my pillow long enough to glance downward, and with a little help from the moonlight pouring in through the window, I was able to see through the semi-darkness enough to tell that Lilith had positioned herself in such a way that she was squatting over my pelvic regions. She had my erect member in her right hand and was doing her best to guide it toward her wet slit.

I mentioned before that I’m usually a slow mover when it comes to relationships, so now I’ll probably come off as something of a man-whore because when I saw what that chartreuse-eyed cutie was up to, I didn’t stop her. I didn’t pause to question her actions because I wanted to be inside of her. She could’ve fucked me until my dick fell completely off and I would’ve been okay with that.

With a smile from ear to ear, I just continued to lie there and watched as Lilith rubbed the tip of my pulsating cock against her moist pussy lips. I remember letting out a few audible grunts upon feeling the head of my dick brush up against her soft labia, and I also recall the way she giggled when she heard the noises emanating from my throat. The blue-skinned cutie returned my mirth as she looked up at me from where she was positioned.

Thankfully, the moon and stars continued to be in my favor and decided to filter their light into the room in such a manner that it was almost like a spotlight had appeared on what Lilith was doing. I watched the show play out before me, and I wondered how much longer my raven-tressed angel would continue to tease me before shoving me inside of her. I could see strings of our combined stickiness between her fingers as she played with my piece, and all I could think about was what it would be like to puncture her perfect hole.

When the time came, I was obviously not disappointed.

Out of nowhere, Lilith suddenly lowered herself onto me with lightning-like swiftness. As she impaled herself on me, I saw her mouth drop open and her eyes tightly close. I must’ve done the same shortly after because I once again fell into what I could only describe as a trancelike state as my hands instinctively reached forward to grab onto the lovely woman’s hips.

When I finally opened my eyes again, I could see Lilith’s magnificent form rocking back and forth on me as she began fumbling about for something on the bed. At first, I wasn’t quite sure what she was up to, but when I saw her suddenly grab onto one of our sheets so she could begin balling it up, I finally understood what she was doing when she shoved part of it into her mouth. In a way, I felt like beaming with pride since she enjoyed riding me so much that she found it necessary to gag herself. She didn’t want to awaken the old bat down the hallway with her shrieks of ecstasy.

The slow grinding that Lilith started grew in intensity as she started to pick up the pace. Once she had a rhythm down, she began bouncing a little higher, and eventually, she was riding me like I was a bucking bronco. I honestly considered taking the other end of the blanket and shoving it down my gullet. I have no idea how I wasn’t shouting random profanities due to the nature of our carnal amusement. I think it may have had a lot to do with the fact that I was just too shocked to have such a dazzling woman atop me. She had pretty much rendered me mute.

How I was able to hold back from blowing as long as I did shocked me. I really did have it in the back of my mind that I wanted to pleasure this woman in ways no man had achieved in pleasuring a woman before, so I think my willpower had a lot to do with it. I was even more impressed by my durability when about three minutes into our rabid fuck-fest, Lilith placed her hands on my breadbasket and pushed herself up on her tippy-toes so I would pop out of her. Still in her squatted position, I could see her knees begin to tremble as her body convulsed. And then some of her female fluids began running down the insides of her legs. This continued until a more prominent blast fired out of her immaculate vagina and onto my chest. After that, she dribbled a bit more until lowering herself back onto me.

I’ll probably repeat this very line quite a few times throughout my tale, but I can honestly say that I had never been so turned on in my entire life. I’ve always thought that seeing the fairer sex squirt was one of the most erotic events in the world, and the way Lilith leaked over me in that moment blew my mind. I wanted nothing more than to make it happen again, so when my blue-hued angel repositioned herself on me, I reached up and gained her attention by placing a hand on her face.

“Lilith, sweetheart,” I said in a whisper as she opened her eyes and came to a halt. “Would it be okay if I tried something?”

She nodded her consent. She looked both subservient and in control at the same time.

With my right hand, I tapped her left thigh a couple of times before querying, “Would you be able to get up just a little bit? I’d like you to remain squatted over me, but give me a little room to work with.” I didn’t think my instructions were very clear, so I was already revising what to say but Lilith had caught on right away. I didn’t have to explain myself again as she positioned herself exactly as I wanted her.

I took a deep breath as I viewed the vision of loveliness before me. Her feet were firmly planted at my sides on the mattress, and her knees were bent so she was still hovering above me. There was probably about two inches of space between the head of my aroused cock and her enticing pussy lips. She was precisely how I wanted her.

Sitting up with a bit of a grunt, I positioned myself on my elbows just right and then began thrusting upward. I gave it my all and repeatedly pummeled that wet hole as the alluring, blue woman shoved her makeshift gag back into her mouth. Her eyes closed as I continued to go to work, and at one point, I could see tears forming in the corners of her spheres. The moment I saw the saltwater secretions, I came to a complete stop and reached up to touch her face.

“Are you all right, Lilith? I didn’t hurt you, did I? I’m sorry if I…”

The raven-tressed woman opened her eyes and placed both of her hands on my face. She forced me back down onto the bed and opened her mouth wide in order to place it over mine. My hands ended up on her back as she lowered herself onto my body and affectionately tongue-kissed me. It took her only seconds to reach down and guide my pole back into her hole.

As we lay on that bed that was older than the both of us combined, I did my best to convince myself that what I witnessed had been tears of joy. If I had truly hurt my female companion in any way, I knew she would’ve let me know. I honestly felt that she was just as caught up in the moment as I had been… and that she was just as glad that she had found me as I was that I had discovered her.

It didn’t take me long after that point to make my announcement once again. I tried to keep the volume of my voice to a minimum as I warned my lover, “I’m gonna cum, Lilith!”

The blue-skinned beauty sat up on me with unbridled glee emanating from her marvelous face. “Gonna cum?” she asked in delight. She obviously remembered how I had made the same statement hours earlier down by the creek. She also knew what that meant, and I could tell from the joyous expression on her face that she was ready for it.

I can’t explain why since I’ve never been able to read women very well, but I was still under the impression that Lilith had never been with another man before. There was just something about her actions and the way she handled me that made me believe she had never fooled around with a male’s genitals before, and she seemed to have a carefree and reckless attitude toward life in general. I’m sure that sounds ironic in a plethora of ways due to the fact that she seemed to know exactly what she was doing, but the way she carried herself made me wonder if she truly realized the consequences of what we were doing.

I know I could be viewed in a myriad of different ways for my views on what was about to happen next, but I have always been a guy who feels that during the art of love-making, cumming inside of a girl is quite a bit more romantic than pulling out and busting a nut on her but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m infatuated with seeing my carnal creams running down my companion’s skin. I think it’s incredibly hot to blow a huge load all over a sumptuous woman’s torso and watch the spunk ooze down her flesh. Some people may think I’m a pig for saying that, but come on, women are absolutely gorgeous, and the older I get, the more appreciative I am of seeing my jism plastered on their bodies. We all have our weaknesses.

Lilith had let me hose her down earlier in the day by the creek because I think she hadn’t been expecting what was about to happen. When my wanker had suddenly started blasting away, she took things in stride in that moment and looked damn fine while doing so. This time, she knew what was about to happen, and as much as I wanted to see my bitter fluids on her lithe form once again, I also wanted something else… something more.

Lilith suddenly sat up on me and pushed her chest forward while placing both of her hands in her hair. Her eyes rolled back in her skull before she let her head drop back as well, and I couldn’t help but reach up and latch onto the two perfect tits being offered up to me. I squeezed the glorious bosom and felt my dick shudder within the confines of her constricting pink. Even had I wanted to pull out, I don’t think the blue-skinned beauty would’ve let me.

“I’m… cumming!” I did my utmost best to keep my voice down as Lilith let out a squeal of delight as well. Her mouth hung open as she felt my manhood unloading its gooey contents within her womanhood. I buried my face between her breasts and tried to catch my breath as I continued to throb and pump. Our outdoor action had been the first time I had gotten off in quite some time, so I had ended up showering the dazzling woman in a mess of semen but I firmly believe she was getting even more out of me this time around. I felt like I wasn’t stopping, and I was okay with that. I was living in the moment.

Lilith wrapped her arms around my cranium and kept me tucked in close to her chest as I continued to discharge my seed into her. She eventually lowered her head to mine and I could feel her moist tongue on my forehead. I could hear her lightly yipping during the culmination of our mutual pleasure.

It took me a moment to realize since I was so caught up in my own orgasm that my raven-tressed partner was delighting in much of the same. Her legs were flexing and her hips were rigidly locking as she tightened around me. Her body had started to quake as she leaned in close to me and vivaciously repeated, “Gonna cum! Gonna cum! Gonna cum!” And she did just that as I felt her juices flood us down below.

When everything was finally over, I let my head fall back as I balanced myself on my hands. I was still gasping for air, and I couldn’t help but chuckle when I saw Lilith finally fall back in the same position on the opposite end of the bed. She was giggling in glee at the way my pecker swayed back and forth, and she even reached forward with two fingers to feel how slick it had become since it was doused in a combination of our juices. I like to think that she had as much fun and was just as pleased with what we had done as I was.

Within seconds, the curious young woman climbed to her knees and dropped forward. She apparently wasn’t done with me yet because she decided to start lapping up all the fluids around my crotch like some kind of sexy kitten. While she did so, I didn’t have the best view, but I’m pretty sure a clump or two of the sperm I had ejaculated into her fell onto the bed from between her legs.

I reached down and ran a hand through the raven tresses I simply adored. “Lilith,” I whispered in the most heartwarming voice I could manage, “What we just did was the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me! I wish we could’ve cut loose with a few shouts, but under the circumstances, I know that would’ve awakened the old battle-axe… and I hate to think what she would do if she found us in here together like this!”

Lilith sat up once more and frowned since she didn’t like hearing mention of the elderly homeowner.

I also sat up in order to get closer to my angel so I could run a hand through her hair yet again. The appendage ended up on one of the radiant woman’s cheeks, and then both of her hands reached up to hold it as she did her best to smile. I did the same while telling her, “I… I love you, Lilith. I’m going to take you away from here.”

The blue-hued stunner smiled at me in such a way that would’ve made an entire army forget its reason for attacking its enemy and discard every last ounce of malice it may have possessed. The “spawn of the underworld” my ass. Lilith was an angel from the heavens.

I ran a thumb across the young woman’s cheek and my heart nearly skipped a beat when she softly chirped, “I love you too!”

I was in disbelief. I was completely in shock. I was totally flabbergasted for a combination of reasons, really. It wasn’t just because she had spoken the words with such sincerity in her voice, but also because she wasn’t simply repeating a phrase I had already spoken back to me. She had added the word “too.” It may not have seemed like much, but it clearly meant that she was capable of doing more than just echoing my sentiments. She knew what she was saying!

I leaned forward and poured my affection into a passionate kiss. Lilith returned my devotion and tenderness by emptying her soul into mine, and we eventually ended up tangled in the sheets again as we made out for countless minutes. Our sleek bodies slid all over the place until my angel finally pulled away with a look of dismay on her face.

“What’s wrong, Lilith?” I queried since it broke my heart to see her disappointed. “Is something the matter?”

The blue-hued beauty motioned with her head toward an old clock on the wall. I glanced back at it and could see that the time was quickly approaching four in the morning. The old woman had told us that breakfast would be served at six, so I assumed she would be waking up shortly to begin her day. I certainly kept different hours than farm folk.

I turned back to Lilith and nodded my understanding to her. I knew that she thought it would be best to return to her room before the two of us got caught fucking around… literally. As much as I hated to see my angel go, I knew it was only for the time being. I gave her one last kiss and hug and then watched her walk toward the door. Before she reached it, I told her I would see her shortly and looked forward to spending the day working with her since I hated to see her go. She smiled back at me before disappearing from my room.

As I let my head drop back onto the pillow below me, I realized I had told a small fib since I did actually enjoy seeing her go, but it was only because I adored the way those blue buns of that adorable ass bounced when she walked.


“How’d you sleep?” A blunt voice nonchalantly asked while setting a plate of sizzling bacon and fluffy, scrambled eggs in front of me.

“Quite well,” I responded to the old woman as I did my best to not make eye contact with Lilith across the table from me. I knew that if I did so, we’d both be smiling like a couple of randy teenagers while remembering what we had done just a few hours earlier. I cleared my throat and tried to sound sincere as I told the owner of the house, “I appreciate you letting me crash here.”

“And I appreciate you helping Lilith with the chores,” the old woman said as she returned to her stove so she could scoop some of what she had made onto another plate. She walked over and set the food down in front of the young woman in overalls as she stared down at her and chided, “Damn girl could probably learn a thing or two from having a man around the house for a change.” She then turned and returned to the stove.

I didn’t want to sound disrespectful since the old bat had allowed me to stay in her home and was currently feeding me a home-cooked meal, but there was no way I was going to let her disrespect my blue-hued angel. I grabbed my fork and started cutting into my bacon while trying to alleviate some of the tension with a bit of levity by saying, “Lilith actually taught me quite a bit yesterday. Hell, without her help, I wouldn’t have been able to start the mower by myself!” I chuckled and glanced over at the radiant young woman. I could see her smiling in thanks as she stared at her food and began to cut into it as well.

“I don’t appreciate cursing in my house,” the grouchy old crone ironically retorted. She then lowered her voice a bit as she dished up her breakfast and said, “And I’m sure you’re just saying that to make Lilith look good, but you don’t have to do that. She knows she needs to be more diligent in her work. She needs to…” The old harpy’s voice trailed off as she suddenly cursed, “Damn it! We’re completely out of orange juice! How could I have overlooked that?” She suddenly stormed out of the room as I exchanged glances with Lilith.

“Is she always this touchy?” I whispered to the dazzling woman I adored.

She answered by rolling her eyes and nodding her head. It truly made me wonder how Lilith had put up with the old battle-axe for as long as she apparently had.

When the elderly homeowner returned, she had a light coat on and a purse slung over her left shoulder. “I’m going to drive into the village and grab a few things,” she declared as she started fumbling through a drawer for some keys. “You two finish eating and then start the day’s work. I’ll be back shortly.” And with that, she walked over to the door and left. We both watched through the window behind me as she walked over to the automobile I had seen parked in the cul-de-sac the day before and fired it up. She then peeled out and took off.

Before I even had a chance to turn around, I was caught completely by surprise when Lilith flew off her chair and nearly knocked it to the floor in her haste. She whipped around to my side of the table and instantly began yanking at my shirt. I didn’t exactly fight back as she tugged it off over my head while I asked, “Lilith, what are you doing?”

“Gonna cum!” she exclaimed as she unbuckled her overalls and let them drop to the floor. She stepped out of them so she could stand completely naked in front of me. After kicking them out of the way, she dropped down to her knees and began fumbling with my pants.

I was shocked that the raven-tressed beauty wanted to start her day out by playing around with me, but I certainly wasn’t disappointed. If she preferred her meat to be cylindrical with a tip like a mushroom, I was willing to oblige. I quickly stood up and helped her as I worked my way out of my pants and boxers.

Once Lilith had me completely naked with the exception of my socks, she placed a hand on the table and took a single swipe at our plates and silverware and knocked everything to the floor. I couldn’t believe the measures the horny female was willing to take to get a piece of me. Again, I couldn’t say that it wasn’t turning me on.

I watched with bated breath as the young woman suddenly walked up to the ledge of the table and leaned down upon it. She then spread her legs apart and presented herself to me: She obviously wanted me to take her right then and there. I was harder than a collection of rare stones in a museum, so it wouldn’t be difficult to give it to her.

That’s when we heard screeching tires and a car pulling up outside. Both of our heads flew to the window as we realized the old crone was parking the car already.

“Shit!” I called out as I collected my clothes and watched Lilith do the same. It dawned on me almost instantly as I told my blue-skinned companion, “I forgot that my pickup broke down on the gravel road and is blocking the path! She wouldn’t be able to get by it because of the trees and the ditches on both sides! I can’t believe I was stupid enough to forget about that!”

We continued to quickly dress as I did my best to come up with an excuse for why the dishes and food were scattered all over the floor. If we hurried, we would have most of it picked up before the elderly woman made her way back in, but even with the distance she still had to cover, it seemed like a long shot to get it all. Not for lack of trying, we hurried about the small kitchen in great haste as we collected everything we could.

Lilith was moving faster than I was, and she somehow managed to gather most of the dispersed foodstuffs as the old bat waddled across the dirt cul-de-sac. I was truly amazed by what we accomplished in such a short span of time, and when the flimsy door finally swung open and the main portal shot forward, we were seated at the table and pretending to enjoy what sat in front of us. I was a little surprised when my dark-haired compeer actually took a bite of her eggs in order to support the illusion that nothing untoward had occurred.

“That damn truck of yours is blocking the way!” The cross woman hollered as she reentered her home. “How do you expect me to get out of here if that vile contraption’s in the way?”

I wasn’t thrilled to consume food that had just been on the floor, but like Lilith, I decided to act as if nothing had happened as I did my best to find a chunk of eggs that didn’t look to have any dust or hair attached to it. I remained calm and collected as I took a bite and answered, “I told you I was having vehicle trouble and needed to get ahold of a mechanic. I would gladly fix it if I knew how, but I…”

“Aren’t you a man?” The upset woman ranted as she threw her purse down on the counter near the stove. “Don’t you have cars in your blood?”

“Sorry, ma’am,” I answered as I noticed Lilith across from me trying to keep a straight face. “I was more into reading and writing when I was growing up. I never paid much attention during oil changes and other routine checks.”

The old bat didn’t care much for my answer, but she knew there was no arguing the point. The truck wasn’t going to fix itself… nor was anyone in the house. She gave up on giving me the third degree… when she noticed a piece of bacon on the floor that we had missed. “What the hell is this?”

I could see the look of fear on Lilith’s face, but I took the reins right away and spoke up, “Oh, crap! I’m sorry about that! I thought I had dropped something when I was getting seconds! That’s my fault!”

“Are you always such an animal in other people’s homes when they’re showing their hospitality?” The old crone inquired. She was about to bend down to pick the piece of bacon up, but I quickly beat her to it.

“I guess it was just so good that I was pigging out!” I tried to keep things light as I picked the strip of food up. As I waved it for her to see, I added, “No pun intended!” In order to keep the masquerade going, I took a bite out of the bacon and did my utmost best to look pleased as I chewed and swallowed. “See? So damn good that I’d eat it off the floor!”

“Ugh!” The old woman let out a disgusted sigh and stomped out of the room.

I turned to make eye contact with Lilith and could see that she had been stifling her laughter the entire time I had been playacting. When we knew the perturbed owner of the house was out of earshot, she finally let out a giggle that put the angels to shame.

Quickly finding the location of the refuse bin, I took the piece of “floor bacon” to it and promptly discarded it. Once it was disposed of, I met Lilith’s lovely eyes again as I asked, “Should we start our day of work?”



Published 2 years ago

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