January is normally a fine time to visit St. Kitts. The temperature hovers in the mid-eighties (Fahrenheit), and hurricane season is in the rear-view mirror. In fact, it’s estimated that only two percent of hurricanes that hit the island occur outside of September through November. That’s at least what Bill and Nichole McSherry thought when they booked their trip to the island.
The McSherrys had been married for twenty-five years. They became friends in high school but didn’t date until Bill was in college. Despite the longevity of their relationship, associates chuckled about how the couple was a walking contrast. Bill was quiet, almost shy, and appeared the straightest of arrows. Nichole, however, had a reputation for having been wild in her youth. Bill knew very well about his wife’s many “romances” in high school and beyond but didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he found her past arousing.
Bill was a senior accountant at a well-known firm. His salary afforded Nichole the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom while their kids grew up. Although they were financially secure, the couple lived frugally. Their two children were now both in college, and Bill cautioned against spending their family tuition commitment on frivolities. However, when a work colleague described his vacation at Atlantic Resort in St. Kitts, Bill knew it would be the perfect Christmas gift for his beloved wife. Shortly after their kids returned to school from winter break, the couple left frigid Providence, Rhode Island for the warmth of the West Indies.
On the same day the McSherry’s departed home, Gabe and Melissa Miller boarded a plane in Atlanta, Georgia destined to arrive at St. Kitts. Like the McSherrys, the Millers were in their forties and had two children. Their daughter attended a local college, and their son was in his final year of high school.
Gabe, an architect, was deeply in love with Melissa. Like the McSherrys, Gabe and Melissa met in high school but broke up after prom. In college, Gabe loved to chase women, especially those who were known to engage in free love. Meanwhile, Melissa had but one boyfriend throughout college. After graduating, Gabe and Melissa rekindled their relationship and married soon after.
The flight from Providence arrived at ten AM local time. The McSherry’s took a van chartered by the Resort, checked in, and went to lunch. After a quick swim, they went to their room and made love until dinner time.
Gabe and Melissa’s flight was late. They arrived at the resort around seven PM. After dinner, they went to their room for a night of slow, satisfying sex.
The next morning featured beautiful crystal blue skies. Both couples awoke, had breakfast, and headed out for the day. The Resort’s swim-up bar served exotic drinks and snacks, some with names so suggestive that made the chaste Melissa blush. Gabe admired his wife’s shapely body as she splashed around in the pool. His voyeurism was interrupted by the sound of Resort staff ordering guests into the conference center.
As the hours rolled on, dark, black clouds rolled in, overtaking the sun. Bill noticed the waves. They began rising higher and crashing harder. Suddenly, Resort staff asked guests into the conference center. Once the guests had assembled, the Resort’s manager apologized for the interruption but wanted the guests to be aware of an impending storm. He explained that the storm had been classified as a hurricane, but, in a reassuring voice, he also let the guests know that the storm was forecast to pass quickly without causing much damage. He then invited guests to a buffet lunch in the formal dining room.
Guests filled their plates with elegant and tasty foods before trying to find a table. Seating was tight, as the room wasn’t intended to accommodate so many guests at one time. Gabe scanned the room for two seats at a table with a single, curvy redhead. Although Nichole, the redhead in question, wasn’t beautiful in the traditional sense, there was something incredibly desirable about her. Her light skin and glasses made her appear bookish. She was slightly chubby, with large breasts. There was something sensuous, almost naughty, about her. Gabe and Melissa walked over to Nichole’s table.
Bill also arrived and sat down. The couples introduced themselves. During the meal they spoke about jobs, children, their homes, and their hobbies. Gabe and Nichole had much in common. They liked the same indie bands and had even attended a few of the same concerts. Bill and Melissa also shared many interests, including reading habits.
Shortly after finishing dessert, the lights went out. Guests collectively groaned. The obsequious Resort manager came out to issue another apology before asking guests to return to their rooms. Gabe saw an opportunity. “Would you both like to join us? We’re having such a fun time, and we’ve got plenty of drinks in our room.”
Nichole was all too happy to say, “Yes.”
The couples continued their conversations over a few rounds of strong drinks. The conversation died down. Nichole ended the silence. “Have any of you ever played ‘never have I ever’? I haven’t played since before my kids were born, but it could be a fun way to pass the time.” Everyone, especially Gabe, agreed. He announced he’d go first.
“Never have I ever visited this resort.” No one took a drink.
Melissa, who was tipsy at this point, went next: “Never have I ever skinny dipped.” Everyone else had a drink.
It was Bill’s turn. “Never have I ever gotten high at a concert.” Gabe and Nichole took drinks.
“Never have I ever engaged in a partner swap.” No one took a drink.
“Have you ever wanted to?” asked Gabe, who positioned himself closer to Nichole. Nichole chuckled. At first embarrassed, Bill quickly saw an opportunity. Melissa was quite attractive. Tall with long, dark hair, she had a trim figure. Her brown eyes twinkled in the light. To Bill, Melissa looked like the incarnation of Aphrodite.
Melissa asked to speak with her husband in the next room. “I know you’re bored. You haven’t been yourself in a long time. Would doing this satisfy you? Bring you back to me?” Gabe promised that would be the case. He also promised that he wouldn’t hold it against her if she slept with Bill. After all, he said, that would give her the opportunity to explore the depths of her sexuality. Meanwhile, Bill and Nichole gave each other permission to cheat this one time.
Nichole kissed her husband before walking over to Gabe and grabbing his hand. Melissa and Bill looked at each other before embracing. “Want to go to my room?” whispered Bill. Melissa enthusiastically agreed to the proposal.
Nichole called out, “Love you, Baby. See you in the morning,” as her husband left to fuck another woman.
Gabe wasted no time. He escorted Nichole to the sofa and began kissing her passionately. He took her shirt off and kissed her while feeling her up. They began rolling around when he caught a glimpse of her backside in the mirror. “You got a tramp stamp of ‘The Possie”? They’re the best!”
Nichole smiled. “I went with a few friends to see them when they played at Gillette stadium. We got backstage passes. I didn’t want to fuck the lead guitarist, so I blew him instead. He was VERY happy.” Bill gently guided Nichole’s head toward his cock. She took off her glasses and engulfed his entire member in her mouth. Gabe was beyond excited to have his dick in the same mouth that gave pleasure to his favorite guitarist.
Nichole raised her head and kissed Gabe. He carried her over to the bed and laid her down. He looked into her green eyes as he touched her body. His fingering was a bit quick and a bit clumsy, but Nichole came anyway. This was an exciting, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fuck another man. She could see Gabe wasn’t circumcised. All her many lovers had been cut; this would be a new experience. She closed her eyes as he entered her. His dick rubbed against the most sensitive area of her vaginal walls. She moaned at first, then cried out. Gabe moved quickly, and passionately. He came hard. The lovers cuddled before fucking like animals for a second time.
Meanwhile, Bill and Melissa found their way back to his room. He looked her in the eyes, and said, “I want to take this slowly. I want you to REALLY want this.” Melissa nodded. Bill escorted her to the sofa before excusing himself. He retrieved strawberries and whipped cream from the refrigerator. He returned to Melissa. They kissed deeply. He then dipped a strawberry into the whipped cream, and gently fed it to her. Thunder rattled outside, and the room was briefly illuminated by the flashes of lightning. The sensations overwhelmed Melissa, and she let out a sigh.
For a brief second, Melissa was overtaken with guilt. She thought about her kids. What kind of role model was she being? Could she and Gabe keep this a secret? But as Bill kissed her neck, Melissa’s mind cleared. This felt right.
Bill’s hands caressed Melissa’s thighs. She got up, playfully grabbed him by the lapel, and led him over to the bed. She pulled him down on top of her. Bill kissed her before touching her breasts. She orgasmed from the intense touching. Bill’s fingers found their way to her clit. He gently rubbed, making small circular movements. He then inserted his digits into her, making a ‘come hither’ motion that touched her g-spot just right. She came on his hand. He then went down on her.
Feeling his warm tongue licking her vagina created a sensation beyond pleasure. She screamed as she came into his mouth. Bill laughed from the excitement and lay down next to her. They continued to caress, kiss, and touch until Melissa cried out, “Fuck me!” She was shocked at her own utterance, but desired to feel Bill’s cock inside of her.
Bill rolled on top of her and inserted his penis into her. Melissa cried out and his dick entered. Normally she didn’t cum from intercourse, but now she did. Bill continued going deeper, and deeper. The two kissed as he ejaculated inside of her. Neither could remember feeling this satisfied. Hours of light kissing and cuddling passed before engaging in another round of sex.
Bill and Melissa made love again the next morning before going back to her room to collect their spouses. They knocked on the door. A semi-naked Nichole answered. She gave her husband a deep kiss as Melissa made her way over to Gabe. The couples affectionately welcomed back their spouses before going to breakfast.
A generator temporarily restored power. The storm had passed, and planes were no longer grounded. The manager announced all guests would have to depart as it was unclear when power would be restored. The Resort would assist with booking return flights.
The couples packed, met in the van, and rode together to the airport. They exchanged email addresses before embracing. The wives hugged, and the husbands shook hands. The lovers left, promising to see each other again.
In Providence, everything went back to normal quickly. Bill certainly had questions about Nichole’s night with Gabe that were designed to satisfy his curiosity and were, in no way, born of jealousy.
Upon arriving home in Atlanta, the Millers’ relationship changed. At first, Melissa was racked with guilt, but pined for another night with Bill. Gabe was jealous, but also got lost in the memory of making love to Nichole.
Gabe received an email from the Atlantic Resort containing a refund and a voucher for a free stay. He hit forward, addressed the email to the McSherrys, and started typing, “Would you consider meeting us in March?”