Pleasure Island, Chapters 28-30

"After Chelsea and Christian declare their love...they return to Pleasure Island for an Orgy"

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Chapter 28

Christian: This is My Confession

The only thing better than nights with Chelsea were mornings. We were in the middle of my king-sized bed. I sat up with her in my lap. It was something about how the sun shined in through the window and kissed her skin. At that moment, I realized I didn’t want her to return to Tampa at the end of the week. I struggled with it.

My hands caressed her back as she moved her hips. Our rhythms matched. Her lips pressed onto mine. Seconds went by and then minutes. Our hearts raced. She gasped and threw her head back, “Fuck babe, I’m cumming.”

She didn’t have to tell me. I could feel her walls pulsating on my shaft. It felt wonderful. It was my sign to take over. I flipped and ended up on top, one leg over my shoulder as I looked down at my queen. I worked her middle until she squealed and climaxed again. I smiled. As much as I loved being on the island with Chelsea, having her to myself felt like a dream come true.

I didn’t have to wait. She was all mine. We made love twice a day. My brother said it was like that in the beginning. Couples often couldn’t get enough of each other. But I had been in relationships before. I genuinely loved being with her.

She was funny. She had dreams She was successful. She was business minded. She was financially responsible. She loved kids and wanted them.

As I continued to stroke her precious middle, I had to contend with the idea that she had to go back to Tampa and there would be some fallout behind what I had done. That fucking e-mail. I moved her leg off my shoulder and pressed my chest to hers. I looked into her eyes, “Babe, just know I love you.”

Her face lit up, “I know, babe.”

I kissed her lips and filled her with my cum. I longed for the day that act would create a life but in the interim, I was happy she was there with me.


As Chelsea showered, I headed downstairs to get breakfast started. My house started to feel like a home. My father told me that when you find a good woman, give her a house and she’d make it a home. A place you wanted to be.

My living room had furniture. A gray sectional sofa with a chaise lounge on one end, with a bunch of throw pillows, two blankets for our movie nights in front of the large screen tv she had mounted to the wall, all this beautiful African and Latin inspired artwork on the walls, a coffee table, a recliner, a rug.

I made my way to the kitchen and prepared to cook. My cellphone rang. It was Asif, “Hermano!” I said excitedly.

“How are things? We miss you two on the island.”

“We miss you guys too. Things are great.”

“Good to hear. Naomi is having her birthday party next month. We were hoping you two could come back for a week.”

“I’ll ask Chelsea. I’m sure she’s fine with it. And how are you and your girl?”

“Not bad actually. She’s coming to the party.”

“Wow, that’s great Asif. I’m glad to hear you two or working on things.”

“Yeah. And what about you?”


“Yes. Have you told Chelsea about the email thing?”

“Uh, why’d you bring that up?”

“Bro, just be honest. You don’t want him to be able to use it against you. Tell her.”

I nodded, “Yeah, you’re right. Today. Alright man, let me make my queen some breakfast.”

“Take care man. Send Chelsea my love.”

“Will do.”

I sighed. That was a reality that I had to deal with. I was lost in thought when I felt her soft hand on my shoulder, “You okay, babe?”

“Yeah,” I pulled the eggs out of the refrigerator, “Say, babe.” I looked over and saw her sitting at the table by the three windows. She looked angelic.

“Yes, babe?”

“I have something to confess.”

Her eyebrows furrowed, “Oh my god, what?”

I walked over to where she sat and reached for her hand. She stood. I looked down into her brown eyes. I blew out a puff of air, “Um, just remember that I love you and I want the best for you. For us.”

“Christian. Just say what it is.”

“Okay. Okay. Um, back when we were on the island. You know your guy, your ex, or whatever.”

She eyed me suspiciously, “Ashton. What about him?”

“He sent you an email.”

She made a face, “No. I didn’t get an email from him.”

“I know because I kind of accidentally deleted it.”

It was quiet. She stared at me. My stomach was in a knot, “babe, say something.”

She shook her head, “So this is what we do? We don’t trust each other?”

“No, babe, it’s not. I do trust you. I was just. I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking. I just—”

“If we’re going to be together, I need you to trust me. Don’t do stuff like that. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

“Right. I apologize from the depths of my soul. Te lo juro.”

Her lips curled and she punched me in the belly jokingly, “Make my breakfast. I’m hungry.”

“Are we good?”

“Sure. But I will have to put you on punishment for a few days.”

“What?!” Chelsea quit playing.” I pulled her in and kissed those full lips, “You can’t make me go that long.”

“You’re right. I can’t.” Her fingers played with my hair. We kissed for a while. It was done. My confession was out there. I felt better. It felt better. We could move forward without any secrets.


Thursday night, I took Chelsea out to dinner. As we sat having a good conversation, my cell phone rang. It was my cousin, Armando. As I sat listening to him, my neck got hot. He told me that that fucking asshole ex-boyfriend of Chelsea had shown up at the barber shop demanding information about getting in touch with me.

Then they had to ban him from going to the barber shop after how badly he acted. After I told Chelsea, she was upset. She called her friend in Tampa. Her friend said that Ashton was acting wild, that he lost his job, had to move in with his mom, lost one of his best friends, and was still fucking up by the numbers.

Her friend said it wasn’t a good idea for her to return to Tampa until Ashton was in a better place. I agreed with her friend. So, Chelsea stayed in Orlando with me.


Chapter 29

Chelsea: I Love You Too

Three weeks. I was in Orlando living with my bae. My mother thought it was sudden and she was right. However, I couldn’t fight what was happening. There was a difference in how I felt with Christian. I felt like I mattered. I felt like he saw me.

One day I was showing him the decoration in the foyer. I had his mother send me pictures of him, his siblings, and other family members. After he took one look he said, “Where are you?”

I was shocked. He kissed my forehead, “Show me again when you get some pictures of us together on these walls.”

That day, I did. I added some pictures of us from the island. He was happy. He said it felt complete.

With Christian, I didn’t have to guess what I was to him. He made it clear. I was his woman and he made sure people understood and respected that.


It was the middle of May. The prom season was in full effect. I was busy. We were at his parent’s house. I had faces to beat. His sister and several of her friends. High glam was the look. It had to coincide with the dresses.

Four pretty girls preparing for a night to remember. These would be stories they’d tell for years to come. I wanted the night to be special and I had to go the fuck off on those faces.

After I beat their faces to the makeup gods, they were dressed and ready to head out with their dates. Of course, pictures were taken. I added some to my Instagram Account.

Before Lili left, she found me, “I’m happy that you and my brother are together.”

“Awe shucks,” I said as I hugged her. I had spent a lot of time with her and April. We went shopping, out to eat, went to Universal Studios, and a couple of local concerts.

“I always wanted a big sister,” she confessed with a smile.

“You have you, Leslie,” I mentioned referring to her oldest brother’s soon-to-be wife.

She sucked her teeth, “Come on sis, you know what I’m talking about. Someone that I can relate to.”

I nodded, “Yeah.” I touched her chin, “You look amazing, and don’t do anything rash and if you do…please, please, please use protection.”

She chuckled, “How old were you?”

“I waited until I was twenty.”

“Damn, you waited that long.”

“I did. It wasn’t hard. I was just focused on finishing school and building my career. But then I met a person whom I thought was the one. It turned out he wasn’t”

“Do you regret it?”

“Not really. I’ve learned to take each experience as a lesson. It’s not about feeling sorry for yourself it’s about moving past the pain and finding a better way.”

“You have that with my brother. I can’t wait until y’all make me some lil nieces and nephews.”

We shared a laugh, “Okay, go and have fun, chica.”


After a night of listening to teen-aged girls squeal and chatter, it was time to relax in the garden tub with bae and several glasses of wine. The music played as we sat submerged in bubbles, and scented candles glowed.

“So, what are you thinking?” he asked. He referred to the proposition of me moving in with him. Staying in Orlando. He had found a nice office space where I could set up shop. I could do facials, makeup, eyelashes, and eyebrows. I could do me how I wanted to.

“I’m thinking I should say, yes.”

“Then say yes.”

“People will think we’re crazy. This is happening fast.”

“Yeah. It is. But everything about this feels right. I want you here.”

I turned to him and smiled, “Okay. Yes.”

“Si, mamita?”

“Si, papi.”

I stood and left the tub. He followed me. Right there while our bodies were drenched, I went to the floor and took all of him into my mouth. He got to enjoy my lips on his shaft until he damn near popped. His knees buckled, “Fuck, mami.”

He helped me to my feet, “I want to taste you.”

We went to the bedroom. There, I sat on his face and rode his tongue until honey dripped on his lips. I eased down and looked into his beautiful eyes, “I love you.”

His face lit up, “That’s beautiful. I love you too.”

I was on his stiff cock riding him nice and slow as he held my ass. We cussed and panted until we climaxed simultaneously.


Chapter 30

Christian: Back To Pleasure Island; Naomi’s Birthday Smash!

It was May 21st. Chelsea and I were on the ferry and headed back to the place we first met. We sat close holding hands. The boat made it to the docks. We were greeted by our friends who eagerly awaited our arrival.

Naomi pushed me to the side to hug Chelsea, “My beautiful, you’re back.”

“Damn, do I get a hug?” I asked.

“Of course,” she said as she pulled me in.

Asif was there. We shook hands and hugged. He was there with Soroya Nahid. I had not seen her in months. She looked amazing with her dark skin, bone-straight hair, full lips, and soft brown eyes, “Soroya, hello,” I spoke and I hugged her and then introduced her to my woman, “This is my girlfriend, Chelsea.”

“She’s very pretty, Christian,” she said to me smiling. She looked at Chelsea, “he has a thing for women with dark skin.”

Chelsea smiled, “It seems he does. Your name is beautiful where are you from?” asked Chelsea.

“I’m from Iran but we live in the state of Georgia for the most part when we aren’t traveling.”

Naomi grabbed the hands of the women. I knew this was her dream. As much as she loved a stiff rod, she loved tasting women even more. She was on track to have the best birthday of her life.


A nice breeze swept across the air as we sat outside by the pool eating. It was Naomi’s 27th birthday. We had crazy amounts of food and drinks. I knew the night would get wild as it usually did on the island. I sat and watched Naomi taste my woman as my woman tasted Soroya. Girl-on-Girl-on-Girl. It had all of us stiff. But that’s what Naomi wanted. She wanted us to watch before we got to play.

Naomi looked back at me, “Come fill my pussy, Christian.” I hurried over and pushed my way inside. The guys got to watch me fuck Naomi from behind. The rules were, you only got to join if she called your name.

I slapped her ass and watched it turn red. Naomi liked a serious hard fuck. She liked her hair pulled, and she liked to be talked dirty to. I gave her all of the above. Once I felt her walls collapse on my dick, I pulled out. She turned and kissed my mouth. I tasted my woman on her tongue. So sweet. I sucked her lips.

She whispered in my ear, “Fuck Soroya.” I nodded. I touched Soroya’s hair. She knew what time it was. She opened her mouth and in I went. I loved to watch a set of pretty full lips pressing along my shaft as I stroked slowly. I did that for a while. I pulled out and lay next to Chelsea. She looked over and saw Soroya mount me.

Andre was summoned. He pressed his way inside Chelsea. I heard her moans grow louder with each stroke. It’s hard to watch Andre fuck your woman. I turned away and focused on Soroya’s pretty face. Soon, I was joined by Justin who had been intrigued with Soroya from the first time she visited the island but only I got to partake in her sweet center.

She looked behind and smiled. He lubed his cock and pressed his way into her tight hole. She grunted and clawed my arms as he pushed his length into her. Her bottom lip dropped and then she bit it with her eyes closed grunting.

“That’s it, that’s it,” I assured her it wasn’t so bad. But I had no idea because no one had ever been in my ass.

Andre and Chelsea had switched positions. She was on his shaft riding him sweetly as she did to me often. He rubbed her full breasts. I saw it when Stefano joined and took her from behind. She reached back and touched his face with a smile. It didn’t bother me. I knew they had a friendship but she was mine.

On the other side, Naomi rode Charles and Asif took her from behind. Three women. Six men. Three threesomes happening at once. It was the birthday Naomi wanted and we were happy to provide it for her.

Published 2 years ago

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