My First Taste Of Pussy, Part 1

"My husband wanted to know if I'd enjoy sharing an old female friend of his, but I wasn't sure."

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 Ok, technically speaking, Gina’s was not the first pussy I tasted. That was my own, of course, out of curiosity, by first licking my fingers or toys, and later while sucking my boyfriends’ cocks and then still later, my husband’s, after each had been deep inside of me. But “My First Taste Of Pussy Other Than My Own From Fingers, Toys, Or My Lovers’ Cocks” seemed much too long and involved for a title, so I shortened it.

And to be sure, I think I taste quite nice, but this story is about how I came to be licking Gina’s pussy, our only female friend to ever join us in a threesome… at least so far, although hope springs eternal! So yes, she was my first taste of a woman other than myself, and it was surprisingly, incredibly erotic, and now I wonder why I’d waited so long.

I’m very straight, normally. I like guys a lot, and we’ve had threesomes with a few of our male friends, which I very much enjoy; one man with one cock giving me his undivided attention is wonderful, but two are even better! My husband is strongly bisexual, so he enjoys our MMF threesomes too, but Richie thinks that Gina is gorgeous, has an amazing body, and is very sexy, and while I agree and can appreciate that, I wasn’t truly sexually attracted to her initially. Curious, however, and eventually comfortable enough with her to experiment, which is pretty much how our first FMF threesome came about.

Richie wasn’t one to express a lot of interest in women other than me – and perhaps a few gorgeous stars or athletes, of course. Oh sure, he looked at other women, especially if they were attractive or sexily dressed, but he never seemed interested beyond simply admiring them.

And we’d talked before about an FMF threesome. Given that we engaged semi-regularly in MFM fun, I often wondered if he would be interested in having a second woman join us, but he always shrugged off the idea, perhaps because he assumed I would have no interest, or it would never happen for some other reason. Seeing him so aroused by the idea once we’d stumbled across Gina, a kernel of a plan to see if she was interested began to form in my head.

He thought from the first night we’d run into her that she was interested in me, which, if true, would be huge. She would be a nice gift for him (since I knew he liked her) to say thanks for the fun threesomes we’d already had, and we might satisfy my curiosity at the same time!

Gina had come into our lives – or, more accurately, into my life and back into Richard’s – when we went to a restaurant and saloon we like in Leadville and she’d been tending bar. She recognized him first, probably because he was looking at her boobs or her ass and not at her face while she looked at him, and when she said, “Richie?” he’d finally looked up at her.

“Gina? Gina Romano?”

She smiled. “Yes… well, Gina Thomas now.”

“Oh yeah, of course. I heard you got married.”

She nodded. “And divorced, but I kept the name. Too much hassle to change again, and I like the initials GT. What have you been up to?”

“Oh, you know. The usual stuff, changed jobs a couple of times, working for a defense contractor out of the Springs now although I work from home a lot. We bought a place out in the hills west of Salida and have been there for about a year. Got a dog, doing some fishing and hiking, climbing… rafting, of course.”

Since he hadn’t bothered to introduce me, I said, “He also got married, by the way, and still is.”

She laughed and winked at me as Richard blushed and rushed to introduce us, and I liked her already. We chatted with her between her taking care of other customers and filling drink orders for the wait staff; it wasn’t terribly busy, so we had a chance to break the ice and find out more about each other.

She shared a rental cabin with two friends north of Buena Vista, about halfway between Leadville, where she worked, and Salida, near which we lived, and was currently single. She and Richard had known each other in high school and for a year or so after until their high school crowd had splintered and left for various colleges or just moved around, and neither of them remained in touch with many of the old gang. While they reminisced about old times, I took the opportunity to look at her.

Gina is shorter than me. At my five-foot-eight height, that’s not uncommon for other women, but although she’s maybe five-four, at the most, she comes across as bigger because of her powerful personality and boundless energy. As it got busier, she moved around behind that bar like a woman possessed, mixing drinks, drawing beers or popping tops, pouring shots, taking money and making change, all the while keeping several conversations going with people – mostly men – at the bar, all of whom she seemed to know by name.

She’s a little more extravagantly built as well, definitely bustier and with more voluptuous curves – which also happens a lot because I’m fairly slender and athletic and will never be described as either busty or voluptuous. I like my figure and that I can still stay in good shape and do physical things fairly easily, but I have to admit to a little bit of boob envy as I looked at Gina. Her breasts appeared to be full and firm, and even through her thin bra, her large nipples made their presence known. Probably because of both her body and her personality she received a lot of sexual teasing, innuendo, and a few more direct proposals, some joking others perhaps not so much, all of which she fended off with aplomb, employing humor or an occasional frown or jab where needed.

I remembered a period where I’d put on about ten or twelve pounds, seemingly all in my ass, and the way Richie couldn’t get enough of the new plusher and hippier me. He was all over my ass, which means I spent a lot of time on my hands and knees with either his face or his cock buried in my pussy; he wanted to have my more luxurious (his word) butt up close and personal where he could admire, touch, kiss and fuck it, enjoying the wave action as he slammed into me from behind. Still, I’d eventually decided to lose it because most of my clothes didn’t fit and I’d gotten tired of lugging the extra weight around. He’d been mildly disappointed, but it did explain the way he looked at Gina, admiring her curves.

I liked that she made it a point to include me in their conversation, asking me questions about myself, what I do, how Richie and I had met, and so on, making the point that she was not chasing my husband and trying to exclude me – that would not have gone far, had she tried. As it was, we decided to order our meals there at the bar so we could continue our conversation rather than taking a table, and she continued to give us a lot of attention.

By the end of the evening, after we’d stayed for an after-dinner drink, it felt like we’d known each other forever and we promised to get together sometime when she wasn’t working. I’d seen that she and Richie got along well and were, at least at one time, more than mere acquaintances, and on the way back south toward home I asked him about it… trying to be subtle, of course.

“So, Gina seems nice.”

He nodded, his eyes on the road. “She is, and fun too. Personality plus, that girl.”

“Pretty hot too, right?”

He glanced at me. “I suppose, if you like smart, gorgeous, dark-haired women with a beautiful smile, big boobs, and an hourglass figure.”

That made me laugh, as intended. “And you don’t, huh?”

He grinned. “I don’t know what you’re worried about; she seemed far more interested in you than she was in me.”

“Huh?” He’d surprised me, something he doesn’t pull off very often.

“C’mon, babe, she was all over you, touching you, looking into your eyes, asking lots of questions. A lot of guys there at the bar were hitting on her, which I’m sure she’s used to, but she only had eyes for you.”

I was astonished, but thinking about it, I realized he was right. She’d constantly touched my arms and hands as we sat there and leaned over the bar to be close to me as we talked, which I first thought odd but soon accepted as just her way. She’d also run a hand slowly up and across my back at one point after she’d delivered drinks to a table. On another excursion from behind the bar, she’d rested a hand on my shoulder and leaned in to talk to me, close enough that I could feel her warm, cherry-scented breath on my face.

“Richie, fuck. I hadn’t thought about it, but you’re right! Is she gay… you know, lesbian?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know, not unless something has changed dramatically since high school. I mean, she wasn’t the class slut or anything, but she liked guys just fine back then.”

“Well then…”

“Babe, she could have seen the light, realized she’s bi. That’s what happened to me.”

That was true, and I told Richard’s story in my tale about our first threesome, which had been with Seth, Richie’s college roomie, with whom he’d first acknowledged and explored his bisexuality. I’d come to grips with it, accepting who he is and enjoying his pleasure vicariously… although it didn’t hurt that Richie now enjoyed his bisexuality in the form of threesomes with me and one of our male friends, which meant I had two nude, sexy, horny men to play with sometimes!

“So, do you think she’s bi?”

He grinned. “Hon’ I have no way of knowing. Bisexual people don’t have a sixth sense about it, a secret handshake or password or anything. All I know is she always loved cock, but she was all over you like a lion on a gazelle. All those guys hitting on her, but if anyone was dampening her panties, it was you.”


“How do you feel about that?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I’m not bi, so I guess I’m flattered but…”

“Did you think she was beautiful?”

“Oh, of course she is, and very sexy. Those dark, beautiful eyes and her long, shiny brown hair, I mean yeah, she’s a knockout, but still.”

He laughed. “See, now I asked if you thought she was beautiful, and you came back with sexy. Something you’re trying to tell me?”

“Oh, stop, ok? It’s just a word.”

“Words have meaning. Maybe Gina wasn’t the only one that was moistening her panties?” He reached over and ran his fingers up my thigh, and, being a horny creature of habit, I spread my legs for him. He lightly stroked my inner thighs up past my skirt hem, almost to my pussy, but didn’t touch me where I most wanted him to, teasing and knowing he was driving me mad.

“Richard, stop teasing!” He didn’t, not right away, instead touching and stimulating the sensitive spots on my inner thighs, aware of my erogenous zones, arousing me and inspiring some very naughty thoughts – and yes, Gina featured in some of them, but we had just been talking about her.

When he did finally touch me, my thong was wet, and he laughed. “I knew you’d be wet. Gina got to you, huh?”

“No, you did that with all your touching and teasing!”

“You’re sure you weren’t wet before from talking about Gina and her wanting you?”

“Well… maybe a little; you know me. But I don’t know if I’d like it or not, or if I’d freak out… it’s not something I ever had any great urge to try.”

“Give me your panties.”


“You heard me, give me your panties.”

I did, lifting my butt and sliding them down as I asked, “Why?”

He took them from me and held them to his face. “Because I wanted them.”

“Weird. Why do guys do that?”

“Because the scent of a horny female works way better than any fucking hardon pill.” He breathed through them again before dangling them from his rearview mirror.

I laughed and reached over to squeeze him. He wasn’t lying, he was very hard. “It seems that just talking about sex works too. I thought guys were all about visuals…” I unzipped him and carefully worked his erect cock out into the open, leaving it sticking up from his lap, then went back in after his balls. Once I had the full package exposed, I leaned back against my door and put one foot on the dash, the other on the back of his seat, spreading myself for him.

He glanced over, said, “Fuuccckk,” and turned on the map light on my side. He took a longer look, then suddenly swerved back into our lane.

I turned the light off. “Touch, but keep your eyes on the road!” Highway 24 down the Arkansas River Valley isn’t typically busy, especially at night, and isn’t super-twisty, but it is bendy and wildlife is plentiful. I scooted toward him a little and he reached over and ran his fingers over my pussy, teasing my hard clit and gently sliding one finger into me.

“You’re dripping wet, babe.”

“I’m horny.”

“And the sun rises in the east.”

“Smart ass. You act like I’m the only one, you sitting there with your big, hard cock sticking up.”

He glanced down at it. “Uh-huh, and the sun sets in the west.”

I laughed. “Profound. Maybe I should make this a DIY project so you can focus on your driving.” I slid back away from his hand and began to slowly masturbate, intentionally teasing him with low moans and the wet sounds of my play. He turned the radio off. I’d started just to tease him, but the truth was that it was not going to take me very long to come.

As I got more into it, pushing myself closer to climax, my sounds intensified and my hips eagerly joined the game, thrusting and humping. I was sopping now, making squelchy, wet noises, my fingers soaked and a trickle of my juices dribbling down my ass crack. In the light from the instrument panel, I could see that he was stroking his cock. “Stop it!”

“I’m fucking horny too, you know.”

“I can see that, but you’ll just make a mess. I want to feel you cum in my mouth, taste your creamy load.”

“Oh.” He paused stroking. “Well, that’s different then. You better plan on doing that soon.”

I laughed. “Just stop playing with it. If you behave, I might even share with you.”

He groaned melodramatically. “Fuck, babe… you’re gonna make me cum if you keep that up.”

“Don’t cum. But please do keep it up while I finish what I started.”

I concentrated on myself then and soon was riding the crest of an orgasm, my body rigid, ass off the seat and thrusting against my hand as I rubbed hard circles on my clit. When I collapsed back onto the seat and opened my eyes, he was trying desperately to watch me, his eyes flicking between my pussy and the road.

He breathed a soft, “Fuck, babe… Feel good?”

“You couldn’t tell?” His cock was massively hard, a large droplet of precum at its tip glistening in the light from the dashboard, more trickling down his length. I reached across to bring my pussy-slick fingers to his mouth, and he tried to lick them. “No, close your mouth; let me.” He complied, and I rubbed my juices all over his lips and chin before pressing between his lips, allowing him to open his mouth and suck on my fingers. “Now can you tell how good it felt?”

“Mmm-hmmm.” He sucked on them for another moment before I slipped them free. “You are not only hot and sexy, you’re also delicious.”

“Thank you – and I’m not nearly as horny as I was a few minutes ago, but you appear to be very much so.” I ran a finger down his rigid cock and then licked his precum from it.

He said, “So, are you curious?”

“About how horny you are? No, that’s pretty obvious.”

“No, c’mon; about Gina. About what it would be like to lick her pussy and make her come, or to have her do you. Women must know some good pussy licking tricks that guys don’t, huh?”

“I wouldn’t know – and besides, I think you know them all. I can’t imagine anyone could make me come harder than you do.”

“Thanks, but I can spot dodging the question from a mile away. Like you said, I know you too well.”

“Inside and out.”

He snorted. “True, but stop it and answer me; are you curious what it would be like? I can see the three of us all naked and rolling around together, her licking your clit while I fuck you, or you licking her, maybe you and me sharing a creampie… You could suck each other’s nipples, I know you’d like that.”

“Well, you entertain those thoughts while I entertain this.” I switched around in my seat and leaned across the console, taking his cock into my mouth. He was slippery with precum, tasty and slightly salty, and I bobbed my head, working on his glans with full knowledge of how it drives him wild.

He groaned and pushed into my mouth as he said, “You’re dodging the question again.”

I paused. “Want me to stop?”

“Fuck no!”

So I didn’t. He was extremely hard and aroused, so I didn’t think it would take him long to come, and probably less than two minutes later he proved me right. I felt his cock swell and strain suddenly, so I was ready for that first blast of cum – and that was a good thing because it was huge! His first and second spurts are usually the biggest (yes, I know my husband’s cum pattern) but this one was big even for him, and by the fourth or fifth spurt I had to let some dribble out of my mouth before it started shooting out of my nose – something that always makes my eyes water.

By the time he was done squirting and I was sucking on him and swirling his cum around the head of his cock just because I love the way it feels, he had cum on his pants, on his balls, my hand was covered, and I’d even managed to get a good bit in my hair. I released him, my mouth full of cum, and left his softening cock to droop and drip on his pants. After a quick look to check for traffic or other hazards nearby I stretched over to kiss him, pushing my tongue into his mouth and following it with a good amount of his semen.

I swallowed the remainder, as he did with what I’d shared, and then I said, “You almost drowned me! That was a huge load, even for you – you came like Ernie usually does.”

He grinned. “Except not as fast.”

“Almost as fast. You did come awful quick, which I attribute to you being horny over Gina.”

“That’s not fair. Your little one-woman show was at least as much responsible, you know, and we hadn’t fucked for a couple of days. That makes a difference.”

“I know, and I came very quickly too, so I’m not being critical. Just making an observation, that being that you think she’s hot and you made a huge mess.”

“You helped.” He looked down at himself. “You going to tuck me away?”

I shrugged. “No need, just don’t speed and get pulled over. I like to look at it.”

He chuckled. “I love that my wife is such a horny slut, but I do wish she’d answer my question.”

“What question?”

“Jeez, babe… Are you curious? You know, about Gina and what it would be like to have sex with her or a threesome for all of us.”

“Before I do, tell me about you and Gina. Did you ever fuck her?”

“Rayney, hon’, I thought we agreed not to ask about prior partners.” That was true, although I think we’d told each other almost everything in the years since. I’d learned about his bisexuality only when Seth had let something slip, and we’d had threesomes with him, as well as with Ernie, my first sexual partner; others had come up over time, but he’d never mentioned Gina, and now he seemed very reluctant to share any past experiences between the two of them.

“If you don’t want to discuss it we don’t have to, but you don’t have to be self-conscious about it. It was years before you and I met, right?”

“Yeah. It’s not that, it’s just that I’m not very proud of what happened. She was my best friend’s girl. You’ve never met Brandon because this pretty much ended the friendship, but I’ve mentioned him. We were seniors.”

“Oh. Well yeah, that’s bad. I can’t believe you did that.”

“Like I said, I’m not proud of it. We were just horny high school kids, but it was still a betrayal. We were all three friends, but he was working at a restaurant and couldn’t get the night off to take her to a concert, so I took her, and, well…”

“Who was playing?”

He looked at me. “Really? That’s what you want to know?”

I laughed. “Yeah, silly question – still, some groups would get me more hot and horny than others.”

“Toby Keith, mainly. Rascal Flatts was the warm-up band; they were still new and had just had their first hits.”

“Oh yeah, that might have had my juices flowing.”

He laughed. “Honey, a kid on a kazoo…”

“Stop it! I’m not that bad.”

“No, you’re that good. Anyway, we ended up parked out at the local make-out spot, one thing led to another, and we fucked.”

“Wow. Just the one time?”

“No, we did it whenever we could get together without him, which usually meant when he was working.”

“That is pretty awful. Why didn’t she just break up with him if she wanted to be with you?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I think she loved him, but having the two of us after her… well, she liked it. And she loved to fuck.”

“Smart girl, if a little thoughtless, but yeah, live and learn. Was she any good?”

“Hon’, c’mon.” When I didn’t withdraw the question, he said, “I thought she was amazing at the time, ok? But bear in mind, I had very little basis for comparison.”

I laughed. “A warm, wet place to stick your dick, huh?”

“I guess.”

“Some things never change.”

“Oh, come on, that’s not fair!”

“I was kidding. What stopped it? You get caught?”

“Sorta, but not exactly. We had a pregnancy scare, and she had no idea which one of us might be the father.”

“Oh, shit!”

“Pretty much, yeah. Anyway, she told him all about it, he and I had a huge fight, and they sort of patched things up. Turned out to be a false alarm, thank God, but it was never the same for them and they split up a few months later. Probably wouldn’t have lasted past high school anyway, but it was a tough time.”

I looked around, recognizing where we were. It’s over seventy miles from Leadville back to where we live, but we were well over halfway there. “Well, she seemed happy to see you.”

“We always got along well… and we both loved sex.”

“That’s a huge club you belong to, there. Would you want to fuck her again?”

“Like I said, I think she’s more interested in you.”

“We’re a package deal, Richie, always. Or not at all.”

“I’m glad. How would you feel about that?”

“You screwing her? I’d be jealous as fuck. Now answer me.”

“Well, I don’t want to do it if it makes you jealous, but what I meant was would you be interested in having sex with her? I mean, I know you’re not bi, but…”

I thought about it and had to admit that my curiosity was sparking some serious thoughts and fantasies as well as giving me some internal butterflies.  My wet pussy was staying quite well-lubricated by the possibilities. “I think maybe, yeah. I am curious, and I love most sexual things.”

“The idea of having you and her at the same time is amazing, ok? But it doesn’t matter, not if it’s going to make you jealous.”

“You told me you’re jealous when I’m fucking Seth or Ernie, and I know it really killed you to see the monster orgasms I had with Jason and his ridiculously huge cock. That’s part of any three-way, right, the jealousy? If you can deal, I guess I can.”

“I’d be jealous of you and Gina together too, anytime I wasn’t a part of it, but I’d enjoy watching. I don’t mind it too much because I know how much you love me. Just keep that in mind, that I love you more than life itself. Gina is hot and sexy, and fun to be around because she’s so bright, but she doesn’t hold a candle to you.”

Now he was going to make me get all weepy! “Thank you, Richard. And I love you too, more than I can say.” I laughed. “We’re talking like this is a done deal and we’re not sure if she’s even interested.”

“I’m pretty sure she is, but yeah, we need to make it a point to get together, build a relationship, and make sure we can trust her not to blab it all over.”

“So it’s decided? We’re going to do it if everything works out?”

He shrugged. “I’m in.”

I laughed again. “Me too! Fuck, now I’ll be getting all horny just thinking about it.”

“That’s part of the fun, for sure.”

We turned back to mundane matters as we came into Poncha Springs, the closest town to home. “Hey, stop at the Shell station, we need bread.”

It’s a small gas station-convenience store, and the only thing around still open. He said, “I can’t go in. First, my cock is hanging out, but also I have cum all over my pants.”

“And I have a short skirt and no panties on.”

“See? You’re dressed for shopping.”

I stuck my tongue out at him, but when he pulled up in front of the store, I grabbed five bucks, slid out, and went in, flipping up the back of my skirt and flashing him my bare ass when I passed in front of his Jeep and noticed my panties still hanging on the mirror.

Mark, an older man that had been there a while, was at the register, and I greeted him as I passed. They’d had a young girl that worked nights for a time but had decided that was too dangerous at the crossroads of two highways in a fairly isolated spot and had hired Mark for the late shift. Why it was any less dangerous for him I was unsure, but he seemed unconcerned, which led me to believe he was probably well-armed or had a club under the counter or something.

Mark is always very nice and friendly, but I could feel his eyes on me as I went down the aisle to the bread rack. I toyed with the idea of examining a loaf from the bottom shelf (our brand was up higher) and giving him a peek, but I lost my nerve. That thought did remind me that there were security cameras out front, however, so he was probably going to get a look at my ass either way. I paid and we exchanged pleasantries, and when I got back in the car, Richie pointed out that I had cum in my hair. Fantastic…

We talked more about Gina for the remaining twelve miles or so home, and by the time we got there Richie’s cock was sticking out of his pants instead of hanging out, and I told him to hold that thought while I took Hobo out for a few minutes.

He did, and when I came back in he was sitting on the sofa naked, waiting for me, slowly stroking his cock, which was right there waiting for a hot, wet pussy to slide onto it. So I did, stripping off my top but still in my skirt and straddling him, the strategy of him taking and keeping my panties suddenly clear to me.

Published 2 years ago

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