It was two days later, and Kai was thrilled that his chastity keyholder had accepted his invitation to breakfast. He spent his time getting ready, with a new suit and shirt carefully chosen to complement his sculpted chest, extra toned after two hours in the gym the day before. He attracted women easily and had slept with many girls, yet he had never felt this way about a woman before. She wasn’t his girlfriend or even a short-term sexual fling, yet she held a unique mystique and power over him.
Kate slinked into the café and glided onto her chair. Her dark hair bounced in a ponytail, and she wore a tan jumper paired with the same white jeans from two days before.
“How was your date?” Kai smiled.
“Aha,” Kate replied.
“And thank you for my wake-up call.”
Kate grinned discreetly from behind her menu. She had woken at seven am that morning feeling hungover and in her grumpy mood had sent electric shocks to all four of her chastity slaves. It hadn’t even occurred to her that two of them lived in the US, where it was still the middle of the night.
“And thank you for leaving me handcuffed in the hotel room,” Kai continued.
“What?” Kate looked confused, biting her lip as the cogs whirled in her head. She hitched her hips to the side and dug into her back pocket to find the small handcuff key, “Oh.”
Kai had spent the last two days regretting buying high-security cuffs with a unique key, and he let out a relieved sigh upon seeing that the key was still in Kate’s possession, “Yes, that’s what the maids were looking for,” he smiled, hitching up his shirt sleeves to reveal the cuffs still locked tightly around his wrists. Hotel maintenance had only managed to cut the connecting chain, leaving him with a new pair of permanent matching bracelets.
He sat there trying to decipher Kate’s hypnotic eyes for any signs of pity, embarrassment, or even an apologetic smile. Maybe it wasn’t the latter, though, as he watched her quickly repocket the key.
“Maybe I’ll take that?” he suggested.
Kate didn’t reply, but just propped her chin on her hands, cocked her head to the side and looked at him with mesmerising eyes.
“Do you fantasise about being released from your little steel cell?” she purred alluringly.
“Yes, of course,” Kai replied, his cock twitching.
“How many erections does a man have a day?”
“A few…”
“Do you have an erection when you look at me?”
“Not anymore,” Kai replied, a slight grimace as he touched his crotch.
“Oh, but it’s trying,” Kate giggled.
Kai needed to break her knowing gaze which seemed to penetrate even locked steel, “Do you get turned on spending time with me?” he asked.
“Buy my used panties and you’ll find out…”
Kate watched him as they ate. Her date had been a bore, a man too obsessed with his own importance, who kept talking over her. By contrast, Kai could be controlled by just a look. Leaving him in handcuffs had been accidental, she could be so scatty, but not one she regretted in any way. She grinned at the thought of housekeeping trying to free a naked man from the bed.
“What?” Kai smiled back.
“Did the maids see your cock cage?” she asked.
Kai nodded; the women had been more concerned about that than his handcuffs. They locked eyes, both trying not to giggle as Kate whipped up her bag and pulled out a small plastic bag.
“I brought you a present,” she whispered.
Kai knew he was beaming. Just a wink or smile from his keyholder could make his day and now she was giving him a gift. He looked inside, spied the black silk panties, and quickly closed it again.
“I wore them on my date,” Kate whispered.
Kai knew that the fledgling ‘Mistress Kate’ website was selling used lingerie, but he had yet to partake for fear of being sucked even deeper under her spell.
“You asked how my date went,“ Kate purred, “… now you can tell me.”
She loved the confusion in his gorgeous eyes; his kinky mind wanted to indulge in that fantasy, but he worried about where she was leading him. She squeezed his hand and checked the handcuff that she had locked on far too tightly. After two days, his wrist was red from chafing, but despite the obvious discomfort, he had accepted that she would keep the key. Maybe that wasn’t important for a man locked in chastity.
Should she, shouldn’t she? She adored the power to decide. She pressed his strong hand again, enjoying the touch as she rolled her hips to the side and lifted one cheek from the chair. Gently, she unlocked both cuffs from Kai’s wrists and then placed both of the broken cuffs and the key in her bag. She smiled; the next person to fuck with her may inadvertently receive a beautiful new pair of bangles.
It had been a long day and most of the staff had left when Ellie slinked into Kai’s office. Her blonde hair was freshly washed and blow-dried, and a further button was popped on her white blouse, revealing a glimpse of her lacy bra. Her tan skirt was hitched up and her legs were crossed as she slipped her high heel on and off her foot.
“Are you still… contained?” Ellie asked.
“What do you think?” Kai replied.
“She texted me.”
Ellie nodded, “If I want to shock you, I only have to ask.” She walked around his desk and sat down on the edge of the table only inches from her seated boss. “Guess you’ll be going down on me again tonight?”
Kai’s cock was in full-on battle with the deadlocked high tensile steel. There weren’t many times he wanted out of the cage, but his flirty marketing manager standing over him with her legs apart was one of them.
“Can you also ask Kate to unlock me?” Kai tried.
“Why would I ask that?”
Ellie swung her legs up onto his desk, knocking some papers to the side and revealing a small plastic bag. Lifting her knees to hold Kai at bay behind her long curvy legs, she dug inside to find the used panties.
“You know she’s fucking with your mind,” Ellie sighed, leaving Kate’s lingerie in the bag, and sliding her own out from beneath her skirt.
Moaning softly, she slid her white thong down her calves and over her brown leather high heels. Kai, who for so long had been untouchable, was now vulnerable, and Ellie’s daydreams could finally come to life. It felt exciting to be pantyless in the office and she lay down on his desk, her skirt sliding further up her thighs as she kissed him.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” Kai mouthed, his hands tracing up the inside of his marketing manager’s thighs, her breath quivering as he touched her shaved crotch.
“Take me home,” Ellie murmured.
“I can’t,” he moaned, “If Kate sees us together…”
“You’re fucked, I know…” Ellie’s voice was husky from kissing, “… it makes it more exciting.”
“Promise you won’t tell her?”
“Not if you obey me…”
Kai broke off their kiss, rolled his chair back and clutched his crotch. “My cock,” he panted, “Your kisses make me feel like I’ve stuck it in a car crush.”
Ellie swivelled, wrapped her feet around his waist and pulled his chair back towards the desk. Kai willingly slipped between her thighs, letting her cross her ankles and wrap her legs around his waist. “I’ll crush you,” she growled.
Kai stood up, rolling Ellie backwards onto his desk, and leaned in to kiss her. Her legs unlocked and spread to allow his metallic crotch to push deeper.
“Just take me home, now!” she shrieked.
Kai had taken many women back to his apartment and to his bed. He was always in control, leading them, or sometimes carrying them, to his bedroom to make love. With Ellie, though, things were different. Her giggly, flirty nature and the fact that she had stripped off her jacket by the front door and her skirt in the lounge was almost torture, making his cock ache as it dreamed of the impossible. To add to the frustration, she didn’t even have the power to unlock the infuriating lump of steel welded to his cock.
Ellie was aroused as hell by Kai’s predicament and the fact that they were only there for her sexual pleasure. She had always loved his company and losing his cock to a girl seemed to make him ultra-attentive to all females. He seemed obsessed with pleasing her, worshiping her body, enveloping himself in her scent in the hope of compensating for his lack of sexual pleasure. When she moaned in arousal, so did he.
“Please, El, Kate might listen to you,” Kai whispered, his kisses playing with her breasts.
Such a request was never going to happen, and Ellie reacted by looping her leg over his shoulder to ensnare his head. She kicked out, drawing him down between her legs, where he was crushed by her clingy thighs.
With Ellie’s body alight, Kai climbed on top and pinned her to the bed. His cage touched her vagina, his shiny steel pressing against her wet flesh. It felt so natural that they started to thrust against each other, their animated bodies shaking and their lips playing.
“No, it’s impossible,” Kai cried, rolling away, “Fucking cage!”
“You had the chance to get out and you said no…”
“I know,” Kai moaned, burying his head underneath a pillow only for Ellie to jump up and sit on top of it. A play fight erupted, leaving them both breathless and even more aroused.
Ellie propped herself on her arm and played aimlessly with the cage. “What’s it like to be owned?” she asked.
Kai stopped and waited with closed eyes. “Amazing,” he admitted.
Ellie didn’t seem surprised by his answer, instead cupping her hand between her legs as if imitating a sheet of locked steel. “Would your little bitch lock me up?” she murmured.
“Yes, me… maybe I should be owned by the same person as you.”
“No, not Kate,” Kai replied, “I really may never get out of this.”
“Isn’t that the fun part?” Ellie’s murmured, her naked body pressing down on him again, grinding her hips against his cage.
“Maybe someone else?” Kai proposed.
“Do you really think Kate will ever let you go?” Ellie teased, her strong thighs working their way toward his mouth, the only way he was going to penetrate her today. “You can’t fuck a woman like that and leave… you may belong to her for life.”
There were things Kai hadn’t appreciated about his marketing manager. Despite her dominant professional persona, she loved to be controlled. She was bisexual, often acting more subserviently to her female friends, to whom she could submit in safety. Before she was married, she and a girlfriend had experimented with a cheap chastity belt received as a novelty gift, a game that had paradoxically increased her libido.
Now with the fantasy revisited, and a potential keyholder on hand, Ellie had ordered a custom-made chastity belt, designed to fit her curves. It was a beautiful piece of art, perfectly designed to trap the female body within a tight clinching waist that could never escape over a woman’s hips. The broad front plate fitted like a snug pair of jeans, providing a constant, erotic, and teasing touch.
The belt’s remote-control lock was currently controlled by Ellie’s own phone, but she was eager for that to change. With her glamorous blonde hair shining as if in an advert and wearing a tight tan top and loose-fitting white cotton trousers, she nervously followed Kai into the café.
“What is she doing here?” Kate scowled, disapproving, “You know what I’ll do to you.”
“Let her explain,” Kai replied, his cock twitching despite being on the edge of a life sentence.
He kissed his volatile keyholder on the cheek while discreetly admiring her outfit. Kate’s wardrobe had become increasingly expensive as her subs’ money rolled on. Today she was wearing a designer knitted white top and flowing floral-patterned cotton shorts. Her legs stayed firmly crossed as Kai and Ellie joined her at the table.
Ellie leaned closer to whisper, “Kate, I have a belt.”
Kate’s big brown eyes widened but she said nothing.
“I want you to deny me… for a few days,” Ellie continued.
From their first encounter, Kate disliked Ellie intensely, but to Kate, that certainly didn’t mean she shouldn’t accept the request of the kinky blonde.
“If you give me control, you’ll only be unlocked when I want you unlocked.”
Now Ellie was quiet.
Kate’s dark eyes stared dominatingly. Kai was ‘her’ chastity slave and that brought with it a sense of ownership, which in turn made Ellie a rival. “It’s your choice, Eleanor,” Kate spoke slowly, “But don’t be surprised if I’ll deadlock you for a hundred years before the coffee arrives.”
“Katie,” Kai breathed, trying to break the glare between the two women.
Ellie ignored him as she studied Kate’s slowly blinking eyes, searching for some mutual attraction. Would Kate really lock her forever? Would she demand intimate body worship in return for release? Ellie desperately hoped so. She reached for her phone to send the fateful request.
“Think about it, El,” Kai warned.
Kate shot him a look and uncrossed her legs, slowly exhaling as she ran her fingers along the inside of her thighs in a sign of sexual dominance over him. All her chastity slaves had shown complete obedience and she was almost longing for one of them to step out of line so she could inflict her punishment.
“I’m sorry, Kate,” he breathed with lustful eyes.
Kate had just crossed her legs and refocused on Ellie when her phone beeped. Without breaking her gaze, she pulled her phone from her handbag and then danced her fingers across the screen before throwing it back into her bag.
Ellie jumped as a succession of clicks echoed from her belt. “What was that?”
“Possibly the end of your sex life,” Kate replied like a brat, her lips curling into a smile.
A flash of panicky excitement shot through Ellie’s trembling body as she realised that Kate had just changed her belt’s settings from single to deadlock. Suddenly, everything depended on this beautiful, but moody twenty-five-year-old woman.
“Thank you, it feels nice,” Ellie trembled, desperate for the woman’s approval.
Kate couldn’t help but smile as Ellie flirted with her, playfully flicking her hair. To Kate, chastity slaves were like little dolls, sexless beings for her enjoyment. Ellie’s attempts to please her were pathetic, but cute and after a hard day at work, could look even cuter between her legs.
“I’ll call you,” Kate smiled as she kissed Ellie on the lips and left.
Kate slipped into a seat at the back of the bus and allowed herself a smile. It all seemed so surreal and almost too good to be true. Her phone had just beeped with a message from a fifth man who wanted her to be his remote keyholder. With just a touch of her finger, the money was transferred and a man somewhere in the world was locked out of his cock.
Kate balanced her phone on her bare knees and retied her ponytail. She gazed out of the window with an amused smile, imagining the man’s excitement, or maybe panic. Panic, she hoped. This game was bringing out her dormant sadist streak with endorphins now pumping through her body. She could be dangerous in this mood and within seconds she had time-locked her new man for forty-eight hours. Two days of his time on earth now spent as a sexless being because of her. She waited for the panic to set in before sending a close-up shot of her smiling lips.
Ellie had spent the rest of the day outwardly trying to make love to her chastity belt, thrusting and grinding herself against it, moaning as if it was a secret lover. She cried out in delight when she received a text from Kate, who was now programmed in her phone as ‘Mistress’.
Ellie dressed in her shortest black cocktail dress and followed Kate’s instructions and arrived exactly on time at the hotel suite. Kate opened the door wearing only a pink camisole and matching shorts, visibly naked underneath. Dressed in what was no more than pyjamas, Kate looked even younger and more innocent, and nothing like a dominatrix with a growing dungeon of chastity slaves.
“It’s been fun wearing the belt,” Ellie smiled, touching her hips nervously.
“Undress,” Kate mouthed.
Ellie grinned. Being asked to undress by a man on a first date would have been terrifying, but with her keyholding mistress it felt exhilarating to be naked. “Take off the belt as well?” she joked.
“If you like…”
Kate’s breathing slowed and her eyes dilated as she watched Ellie trying to escape from her locked belt. Ellie’s breasts were heaving, and her hair tousled as Kate’s hands explored her new female toy. She indulged her fascination for female breasts, sucking her nipples and exploring the warm steel that clamped tightly around Ellie’s waist. Kate then sat down on the large ornate wooden box at the foot of the king-size bed and spread her legs.
Ellie shrieked with delight; she hadn’t been down on a woman since her crazy twenties. She knelt in front of her mistress but stopped as she surveyed the unfamiliar legs and unknown scent of a woman she barely knew.
“It’s okay, you can touch me,” Kate whispered, beckoning the forty-year-old woman forward.
Kate thrust gently as the woman, who only a few weeks ago had thrown her out of her apartment in disgust, was now on her knees desperately seeking a way into her pyjama shorts. She gripped handfuls of Ellie’s silky blonde hair to pull her closer and lock her in place. Ellie’s touch was gentle, and her arousal built slowly, bringing her tenderly to a gorgeous orgasm.
“I have a surprise for you,” Kate purred.
She banged on the lid of the trunk that she was sitting on and listened for Kai’s indecipherable moans.
“Kai’s in the box?” Ellie exclaimed.
Kai had arrived an hour earlier with flowers and champagne. He had kissed Kate on the lips and strode across to the minibar to collect the champagne flutes. A romantic gesture, but one that was lost on a woman who needed to be in control.
Within minutes he was naked, handcuffed and ball-gagged and forced to contort his masculine, toned body down inside the heavy, ornate trunk. Kate had threatened to time-lock him for a week should he open the lid. Not that the threat really mattered, as she had soon decided that the trunk was a much more comfortable seat than any of the room’s plush couches.
The women opened the trunk to find Kai panting deeply in the oxygen-depleted air. Kate helped him to climb out and laid him down on the bed.
“Lie next to him,” Kate ordered Ellie, “I want to see you make love.”
This thought had been playing on Kate’s mind for days, intrigued to know how they would react. With Kai and Ellie lying facing each other on the bed, she used a chain and padlock to lock Kai’s cage to the front of Ellie’s belt. She then handcuffed Ellie behind her back and gently pushed a ball gag into her mouth.
Kate tiptoed onto the bed and sat leaning against the headrest. She placed her feet on either side of Ellie and Kai’s heads and opened her legs to smile at her chained-up subs.
“You have my permission to kiss,” Kate whispered. Both were too shocked to move.
Kate dropped her knees to the side, scooping their heads between her thighs. She then crossed her ankles and straightened her legs, her strong adductor muscles tensing to squeeze her subs’ heads together until their ball gags touched.
“Kiss… or you’ll be like this for hours.”
Kai locked eyes with Ellie; the same eyes that he had watched through many a long meeting were now so close and so aroused. He pressed his ball gag against hers, tilting his head in the hope of touching her lips. Ellie already looked close to climaxing. The chain that linked them rattled as Ellie thrust her chastity belt against his cage. They couldn’t touch, kiss or fuck, yet sexual hormones were pulsing through their bodies as they communicated through moans and sensual glances.
Kai tried to move only for Kate’s thighs to tense again, crushing his head against Ellie’s. Kai looked up at the woman, feeling every bit like her doll. In frustration, he tried again to kiss Ellie’s lips, but again their ball gags bounced.
Kate was now dancing around the room as she waited for her bath to run. A few minutes later and their young keyholder had slipped into the water, leaving Ellie gazing at Kai, her eyes betraying lust as her hips pulsed faster and faster against his metal stub.
Kai shuffled closer, desperately banging his steel cage into the warmth between Ellie’s legs. Every time he thrust, there was a metallic clang as he knocked helplessly on Ellie’s vagina’s prison door.
Ellie and Kai froze as they heard a ripple of bath water and watched Kate tiptoe back, her hair in a bun and dripping with water with a fluffy white towel around her. She clambered onto the bed, straddling her captives as she stretched for her phone on the opposite bedside table. Both Kai and Ellie were consumed inside her steamy towel, gazing up at her free and naked crotch, enduring drips of hot bubbly water as she clambered over them.
“Eeees?” Kai moaned into his gag.
“Oh, you want to talk?” Kate exclaimed, “Mmm… I wonder what you’ll say.”
With a flick of her fingers, Kate unhooked the buckle from each of their ball gags and then slinked back to her hot bath.
“Oh Kai, I’m so close,” Ellie gasped between passionate kisses, “I want you!”
“Oh, yeah!” Kai cried, trying to force his body onto hers so he could somehow slip his cage beneath Ellie’s crotch plate, “Can you get out of your cuffs?” he panted.
“No, they’re so fucking tight!”
“Have you seen the key?”
“It’s hanging around ‘her’ neck,” Ellie moaned, “Dangling between her pert little modest breasts.”
“I like your,” Kai growled, reaching in to suck his colleague’s nipples.
“Oh don’t, or I’ll cum in this fucking belt!”
Ellie thrust her hips again, her belt clattering against Kai’s cage. “I’ll smash it off!” she panted as she tried to break out of the high tensile steel that sealed off their genitals.
“Maybe I can pull your belt down,” Kai breathed, the connecting chain tugging against the crotch of Ellie’s belt as he edged toward the foot of the bed.
“This tiny belt over my hips? No way! Slip your cock out!”
“I’m pierced. Half my cock will stay in the cage!”
They were running out of ideas. “Kate!” Ellie cried.
“No!” Kai gasped, “Never ask Kate for release, she’ll time-lock us for a week out of spite.”
They could hear music coming from the bathroom accompanied by Kate’s surprisingly tuneful voice. The image of their carefree keyholder surrounded by bubbles filled their minds. “The padlock she used to lock us together is Bluetooth-controlled,” Kai breathed, “If she drops her phone in the bath, we’re fucked.”
Ellie was moaning incoherently, “Oh Kai, I’ve never been this horny! I have to fuck you!”
Kai struggled closer, fighting against his maddening cuffs to thrust his tongue deeper as they kissed. Their manacled bodies made out as far as Kate’s cruelly locked restraints would allow, with Kate’s sexless bunnies exhausted by the time their mistress returned.
Growing up, Kate’s family had never had money and just being in the hotel suite made her tingle. She had never lived in a house with a bath and the chance to lie in hot bubbly water, exploring how her touch felt underwater, far outweighed any concerns she may have had about her chained slaves.
With the water now tepid, she climbed out, wrapped yet another fresh towel around her and dripped back to the bedroom. Just seeing Kai and Ellie’s doting eyes gazing up was like foreplay, arousing her body and making her pant. She untucked the towel, which fell to expose her naked body. She climbed onto the bed, her flexible hips stretching until she held both of their heads in a double schoolgirl pin.
“Thank you,” Kate smiled shyly, “This is such a fantasy of mine.”
Kai and Ellie were taken aback by their moody keyholder’s openness and even vulnerability.
“It’s wonderful for us too,” Ellie replied.
Kate turned her attention to Ellie, lifting her leg across so that just Ellie’s head was framed between her naked thighs. “Do you want to earn your way out of those cuffs?” Kate smiled salaciously, edging closer, offering up her shaved crotch to Ellie’s lips.
Ellie kissed her mistress’s clit passionately, running her tongue across her vagina. Ellie’s sexual pleasure was now one with Kate’s, her libido existing vicariously through the sultry brunette, desperate to lock eyes from beneath Kate’s hot thighs. Ellie’s cries were loud and aroused as Kate danced on her face. Kate’s open body soaked up every sensation as her buttocks pummelled the helpless woman beneath her. She orgasmed and rolled onto the bed to hug her manacled lover.
Ellie’s face was flushed and panting, as was Kate’s, who was grinning deliriously through jumbled hair.
“I felt that through my belt,” Ellie breathed, eying the glinting steel.
“Wow, I can penetrate steel,” Kate mouthed, “… pity your fingers never will!”
Kate redressed in her pink camisole and short shorts and stood watching Ellie and Kai writhe on the bed, grinding their locked-up genitals against each other.
“Oh, so close!” Kate teased, “I wonder how housekeeping will get you out of this little pickle.”
“No, please!” Kai cried.
Kate just giggled as she fetched the handcuff key and freed Ellie’s wrists. She then collected her phone, which was balancing precariously on the rim of the still-full bath and entered her unique ten-digit code to release the padlock that held Kai and Ellie together.
“Unlock my cock?” Kai asked hopefully, prioritising his penis over his wrists.
Kate knelt on the bed next to him with her legs clinched together and her top straightened to cover at least part of her breasts, their promiscuous keyholder looking unusually demure.
“Sorry, Kai,” she whispered, “you’re just a pawn in my fantasy.”
Kai watched longingly, hoping that she would come closer and reveal her erogenous zones. Chastity had started as being all about him. A tease, a power play to appeal to his kinky nature, but Kate had turned that on its head. His incarceration in the cage was now all about Kate and her amusement.
Kate kissed his cheek and winked, “Keep being cute and one day you may come out to play.”
Kai struggled to move close enough to kiss her knee, but Kate didn’t react. He looked up, desperate to understand what crazy thought might be running through her mind. It was finally dawning on him that he would need to unlock her twisted daydreams if he was ever to have another erection.
His cock was throbbing from the evening with the girls. Every time he caught Kate’s eyes and shared a moment, his cock flickered expectantly into life, only for the glimmer of hope to be extinguished by a nonchalant flick of the brunette’s hair as she looked away.
Kate’s fingers and perfectly manicured nails encircled her phone. She flicked to the keyholding app and showed Kai a screen with an ‘unlock’ button.
“Oh fuck, thank you,” he panted, his crushed cock oozing pre-cum as his eyes floated up the inside of Kate’s PJ shorts and her bare body beneath.
Kate touched the screen and seconds later Ellie squealed with delight. She lifted her cocktail dress as the locking pins in her belt clicked open. Her skintight steel panties literally fell away in her hands, leaving her naked beneath.
“Oh, thank you, Katie!” Ellie cried.
“You deserve a little time with your genitals,” Kate purred.
“And mine?” Kai mouthed.
“Yours stay in my possession… under my lock and key.”
Kate caught a glimpse of herself in the full-length mirror and flicked back her brunette locks and plumped up her breasts.
“What key?” Kai asked.
“What? Oh yeah, my unique fifteen-digit code with lockout after five attempts.”
A pang of electricity shot through Kai’s cock.
“Fuck!” he cried.
Kate laughed, sending ripples through her long dark hair, and shocked him again. Kai thrust his hips madly, trapped on the very edge of orgasm. She edged forward and opened her legs to let Kai’s trembling lips press against her inner thigh. He had never felt so alive and aroused; his mind was orgasming repeatedly even if his cock couldn’t. His swollen balls bulged beneath his cage as she leaned down to kiss him.
“We will make love,” Kate whispered.
“Just not tonight…”