Marooned – Chapter One

"Two strangers start to explore their sexual fantasies after being stranded in a Pacific paradise"

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The girl opened her eyes slowly as she regained consciousness. ‘Where am I?’ she thought. She could feel the scorching sun beating down on her face, and the warm, soft surface beneath her. As she came to, she could hear a gentle repeating pattern close to her – the unmistakable sound of waves lapping upon the sand. It started to become clear. She was lying on a beach, a long, sandy beach. But why? How did she get there?

Gradually it came back to her. She could remember hearing people shouting, and she could remember a boat, with dark oppressive skies above. And big waves – huge waves! That was it! She remembered – the boat had got blown way off course and straight into the heart of a freak tropical storm. It was only meant to be a short trip, but it had turned into a living nightmare, and the girl was now wondering not only how she had survived, but if indeed there were any other survivors at all.

She sat up and looked around her, every intake of breath bringing a new level of understanding. She could see gorgeous white sand, the kind found on postcards, stretching far in both directions. There were palm trees lining the beach like soldiers on the frontline, and a cluster of large rocks at one end. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed something else, something out of place that marred the picturesque scene in front of her. It was large and orange resting on the waterline near the rocks. It was an inflatable life raft, presumably from the same boat that had been wrecked in the storm and washed the girl ashore.

Slowly she stood up on long slender legs that felt a little shaky. She felt weak and achy, and slightly dizzy. But still, things were becoming clearer as she straightened up and looked about her. The sun was hot and full as she started to make her way along the beach toward the life raft. Stumbling a couple of times, she righted herself, fighting against the disorientation, but as she drew nearer, she could see there was somebody in the life raft. It was a man, lying on his side, presumably unconscious.

As the girl moved closer, she could see his face more clearly. Furrowed brows above long thick dark eyelashes that rested on his cheeks. Cheeks that sported more than a 5 o’clock shadow. His chiseled jaw clenched and lips that looked like they could be full if they weren’t drawn tight, as if in pain.  She recognised him as one of the other passengers from the boat the day before. She remembered thinking at the time that he was attractive, and as he lay in front of her with his eyes closed, she had the same thoughts again, although he was now looking a bit worse for wear, his face bruised slightly and his skin scorched from the sun.

She tried to bring him to, gently shaking him. After a few moments he stirred. He attempted to open his eyes, but failed.

“Are you alright?” asked the girl.

“I think so… I don’t know,” replied the man deliriously, “who are you?”

“My name’s Laura, I was on the boat with you,” said the girl.

He tried to focus on her voice, but the world was fading away from him. “I’m Graham…” he said, before passing out once again.

* * *


The next thing he was aware of came several hours later as he was enveloped by the heat of the day, making the skin across his face feel tight and his mouth bone dry.

‘What the fuck?’ he thought, as he raised his hand to press against his pounding forehead.

Slowly he opened his eyes expecting to find himself in his bed, suffering the effects of too much drink from the night before. But as his eyes slowly adjusted to the blinding light of the sun directly above, he realised that something was terribly wrong.

Before him was the most beautiful sight, the same sight that had greeted Laura earlier that day. He saw the soft white sand, the crystal-clear turquoise water crashing gently against the shore, and the palm trees lining the beach.

With each breath he took, mixed with the salty taste of the sea air, he got jumbled flashbacks of what happened. People running, their voices filled with panic and desperation. Rain pelting against him so hard that he couldn’t see. He remembered hearing the loudest roar, it was so loud he covered his ears. It sounded like a beast calling from the depths of the ocean. The terrifying sound wasn’t coming from below though, it seemed to engulf him, he could feel the vibrations of it throughout his body. Flashes of light pierced the darkness…..then nothing.

With his fingers rubbing at his temples trying to dispel the throbbing headache, nausea and memories, he let out a groan that came from deep within his broad muscular chest.

“Finally, you’re awake!” came a much too loud female voice, belted out with an unmistakable Irish accent. The voice bounced inside his head, making him grit his teeth against the sharp pain that followed her words.

He sat there not quite ready to look at her and admit what he knew was the truth – that the boat he was on had been wrecked and now here he was on a beach with some girl who wouldn’t shut up and give his head a break. From her realisation that he was awake, she had done nothing but ramble on about finding him and dragging his body out of the raft into the shade, or how beautiful the beach is, to now wondering what they should do. He wanted a minute to think, but her voice just wouldn’t stop.

“For the love of god, will you just shut the fuck up!” he shouted at her.

Instantly regretting his harsh tone and words, he lifted his eyes to see her for the first time.

* * *


He knew her instantly. He’d seen her on the boat, just as she had also beheld him. They’d never actually exchanged glances, but he felt sure of her eyes looking towards him on more than one occasion, and he couldn’t deny that he’d done the same to her, slightly puzzled by the fact she appeared to be alone. What was an attractive young woman like her doing on her own? Did she have a boyfriend? Was she married? These were the sort of thoughts that flashed through his mind as he saw her basking in the sun atop the boat, and his question was now answered as he noticed the rings on her wedding finger.

But now, seemingly alone on the beach with her, without the distractions of other people around them, he was able to really take her in for the first time. Having been through the living hell of the storm and subsequent wreck that had now stranded them ashore, she was obviously not looking at her best, but he was instantly reminded of why he kept looking at her previously.

She had a fine, slim build that was toned to perfection in all the right places. Her beautiful long legs were accentuated by the highly cropped shorts that clung around her hips, and a thin vest top revealed more of her smooth, bronzed skin – her slender arms slightly bruised from her ordeal. She had long dark hair that draped over her breasts and fell down almost to her waist, and as he began to take in more of her pretty face, Graham was dazzled by her gorgeous piercing eyes, which were of the most striking blueish grey.

Even though his head was banging to high heaven, and he was still in no fit state to really think clearly about anything, Graham felt his cock begin to stir and start to thicken.

“Where the hell are we?” he asked, making an exaggerated point of looking around to distract himself, and Laura, from the growing hard-on trying to pitch a tent in his shorts.

“I don’t know,” Laura replied, “you’ve been unconscious for hours. I tried to take a little look around but I didn’t want to wander off too far and leave you.”

“Is there anyone else here?” Graham asked.

“No, I don’t think so, I haven’t seen anybody since I got here – well, apart from you,” Laura said, slightly anxiously.

Graham tried to stand up, but struggled, still very weak and in much pain. As Laura moved to help him, he assured her that he was fine, but clearly wasn’t, taking several stubborn attempts unassisted, before he was finally able to just about stand up by himself.

“Fuck, my head is killing me,” he groaned.

“You should rest a bit longer, I think you took quite a blow to the head,” Laura tried to insist.

“I said I’m fine!” Graham snapped, then instantly felt bad, seeing the genuine concern in her face, mixed with fear, presumably from the situation they had been thrown into.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m just very confused by all this.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked straight into her eyes for the first time. “It’s going to be OK. We’re going to be OK.”

Laura raised her eyes from where his hands rested against her naked skin up until they reached his face. She took some sense of comfort from his reassuring words, and the look in his beautiful dark chocolate-coloured eyes, but the feeling of comfort clashed with a rather unexpected sensation.

The touch of his large firm hands on her naked shoulders was having an effect on her body. Laura could feel her breathing getting more laboured, making her breasts push against her top with every shuddering shallow breath. The slight friction of her cotton top caused her nipples to harden and unashamedly seek further attention. Heat seemed to travel from where Graham’s hands rested, down throughout her body, pooling and pulsing between her legs. She could feel the slickness of desire start to dampen her underwear.

She watched as a trickle of sweat ran down from his forehead onto his cheek, fighting the urge to stand on her tiptoes and press her lips to his cheek, capturing the bead of sweat and tasting its salty moisture on her tongue. The overwhelming feeling of disappointment surfaced when he removed his hands from her to wipe his brow and check himself over. That feeling was then quickly replaced by guilt for thinking what she had. It was the first time he’d taken his eyes off her for about thirty seconds, and there had been more sensuality, almost erotic sensuality, in that half a minute with this stranger on the other side of the world, than she’d experienced with her own husband in all their years of marriage.

‘What the hell?’ Laura thought, nervously twisting the wedding ring on her finger. The almost instant attraction she felt when Graham touched her was making her feel very confused. She shook her head, as if to clear her mind of the not-so-unwelcomed thoughts, telling herself it was due to their current circumstances, and she was only feeling this attraction because he was her sole hope of getting out of that place. She quickly snapped out of her vulnerable mood, and looked at Graham with concern once again about their situation, and also his own physical state.

“Are you alright?” she asked, noticing the huge bruises on his arms. Her hand automatically reached forward, but before she could discover how the hair on his forearm felt under her fingertips, she snatched her hand back quickly. Ignoring the compulsion to feel his skin beneath her hand, Laura tried to focus on what Graham was saying.

“Yeah, I will be,” he replied, wincing slightly at the pain. “But we should really try and figure out where we are.” They started to walk along the beach together in order to further establish their surroundings. Neither said very much for a few minutes. Laura’s initial frenzied state of panic had become much more subdued now that Graham was conscious. She’d almost worn herself out trying to bring him around, and her mouth was now so dry from not having any fresh water for hours on end.

Nevertheless, her strength and stamina were still currently greater than his, and he felt himself lagging behind as they walked. But he took that opportunity to observe her even further, admiring her figure from the rear view. She had a truly spectacular body, with perfect lines – a waist that nipped in very neatly, then curved out slightly at the hips. Her perfectly formed behind was packed very tightly into her shorts, and he couldn’t help but look at it, fixing his gaze for a few seconds. It was the sort of arse that would have caught his attention anywhere, and indeed she was exactly the sort of girl that would have caught his eye in any place, as she had done on the boat.

Even in the desperately worrying situation in which they now found themselves, his mind began to wander briefly onto thoughts of what he might like to do to this girl if he got his hands on her properly. He would certainly enjoy that body of hers, the feeling of her soft skin beneath his fingers, exploring her, familiarising himself with her. He imagined the warm wetness building between her legs as he slipped his hand between them. He thought about the weight and feel of her breasts in his hands as his thumbs rolled over her tight, taut nipples. He wondered how her lips would feel beneath his own and how her moans would taste against his tongue as he devoured her mouth. Instantly he felt the now familiar stirring in his nether regions at that thought.

But he was also not going to let himself give in to desire with a girl he’d only just met. This was not the time or the place for it – certainly not the time at least. They got to the end of the beach and found themselves up against an unscalable wall of rock that seemed to stretch around a corner, ruling out the possibility of being able to go any further along the coast.

Turning inland amongst the trees, they started to push their way through the wild foliage. Graham seemed to be gaining more strength as they went on, and was determined not to give up until they at least had a slightly clearer perspective of where they were.

They managed to find a stream of clear water from which they gratefully drank, both subtly watching the other. Laura stood seemingly transfixed by the swipe of Graham’s tongue across his lips, collecting the remaining water. The brief action made her conjure up images of his tongue against her nipples, or gliding through her wet folds before flicking against that little nub of nerves. She splashed her face with the cool water in an attempt to wash away the very explicit thoughts before taking a long drink, quenching a different kind of thirst.

Graham couldn’t help but watch as Laura brought her cupped hands full of water to her lips. Her head tipped back as she thirstily drank. The movement of her swallowing made Graham imagine how it would feel as he thrust his cock down her tight throat. His eyes were drawn lower to where water had escaped her hands and mouth, soaking her vest top and making it almost transparent. Her breasts, with her hard rosy-tipped nipples, pushed against her top seemingly trying to break free and begging to be touched. Graham’s mind was full of thoughts of him closing his lips on one of those nipples and feeling the crisp cold moisture from the damp top as he sucked the nipple deep into his mouth.

‘Snap out of it Graham, for fuck’s sake,’ he suddenly thought, straightening himself up. “We should continue,” he said, his voice thick with desire.

They began to make their way uphill, climbing higher and higher between rocks and plants, helping each other as they went. They both slipped and stumbled at various points, but fortunately the other one was always there to offer a hand. Very little was said between them the whole time, except for the odd exchange about where they should try and aim for next.

After some while, the shrubs thinned out as they appeared to reach some kind of summit. They hadn’t exactly climbed a mountain, but a very big hill, and from the top of it they had a much better picture of their landscape. They were on an island, probably about ten square miles in size, with no other visible pieces of land nearby. The island was covered in thick green vegetation, with a taller peak slightly further on from where they stood. Down below they could see the beach they’d been washed up onto, and bits of floating debris near some rocks along the bay. But there was no sign of other human life anywhere.

“Well, I guess this is it then, it’s just you and me,” Graham said.

“Yeah…it looks like it,” Laura agreed, with an air of defeat. They both stood in silence for a few moments as they looked around them and tried to take it in, before making the decision to head back down again.

By the time they made it back to the beach, the sun was getting quite low, but Laura could think of nothing but escaping back to normality. “So, what do we do?” she asked pensively.

“There’s nothing we can do for now, we’ve got no means of getting off this island,” came the reply.

“What, that’s it? We’ve got to try and do something.”

“Well, what would you suggest? That we try and magic up a boat out of nowhere?”

Laura’s temper was getting short, fuelled by tiredness, stress, and hunger – not to mention the state of arousal she had been in for the majority of the day. “So that’s it…? You aren’t even going to try and think of something, for fuck’s sake?” she snapped.

“Like what, Laura? Because I’ve sure as hell never been in this situation before,” Graham said sarcastically.

“Well, we can’t stay here, we need to get off this island,” she said, her voice rising.

“Don’t be a brat, I’m not any happier about this than you are,” he replied.

“Fuck you,” Laura said, turning away.

Graham was really losing patience with her now. “Well, there’s a million other places I’d rather be right now than stuck here with you!” But for the second time that day, he instantly regretted his words.

Laura huffed and shook her head. Without saying another word, she turned round and marched away towards the trees.

Graham felt uneasy about being stranded in that remote place with this girl. But he never took his eyes off her the whole time till she was out of sight.

Published 2 years ago

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