A Birthday Surprise For My Neighbor

"When I was invited to a birthday party at my new apartment, I didn't think it was me that would be getting a messy present."

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I figured it was worth the risk. I fashioned my hoodie into a workable dress, then headed down to the hot tub. I spied Rick next to a grill, jamming to some music I couldn’t quite hear.

“Rick,” I waved.

“Tara, right?” he asked, pointing with his tongs.

“Stephanie,” I corrected.

“Right, right,” he said, “Tara is the blonde.”

“No,” said a woman at Rick’s side, “Tara is the redhead. Hi, I am Penny, Rick’s wife. You moved in just down the hall, yeah?”

“Yup,” I said, “nice to meet you.”

A guy a little younger than me hopped out of the tub, dripping as he stood by Rick’s side. He had a shy smile and a cute little pudge to his stomach. He stood next to Rick as if waiting to be introduced.

“Stephanie, this is Cal,” Rick said, tapping his shoulder, “the birthday boy.”

“Happy birthday,” I said.

“Thanks,” he replied.

“Well,” Rick continued, “you going to invite the girl into the hot tub? Or are you just going to keep standing there, dripping on the grill?”

Cal blushed as bright as a turnip and looked down.

“I’d love that,” I said enthusiastically. “Let me just put my stuff down.”

Cal watched me with doughy eyes as I undressed. He is a shy one. I realized I had forgotten to take off my nipple rings, so I looked a bit perky as I dropped into the water next to Cal. There were about a dozen of us in there, crammed like sardines in a can, everyone in the middle of their own conversations.

I accidentally grazed his thigh as I settled. “Oops, sorry. So, Cal, tell me about yourself.”

“I’m not that interesting,” he said.

“Everyone is interesting in one way or another,” I protested. I could tell that he was shy, so I did my best to lead the conversation. “You’re in—college?”

“High school senior,” Cal said, almost ashamed, “but basically in college.”

“Oh nice,” I said. So, just a—a few years younger than me, I guess. Sort of.

“You in college?” Cal asked.

“Graduate,” I said. “I am a massage therapist. Actually, started my new job just last week.”

“Congrats!” Cal beamed. His eyes fell to my chest and lingered for more than a moment. I sunk a little deeper into the tub.

I chatted with Cal for a bit. He did his best to tell me all the basics of formal introductions. Where he went to school, what he did for fun, what he liked to do on the weekend, and the like. He was shy but sweet.

Rick announced the hot dogs were ready, and we got out of the hot tub. After more mingling with my new neighbors, and we were all full, the crowd started to disperse. I gathered my things and was about to go when Rick stopped me.

“Hey, thanks for being so nice to Cal,” he said quietly.

“We were just chatting, it’s the nice thing to do. Why? Should I not be nice to him?” I joked.

“Look, between you and me, he doesn’t have quite the experience talking with girls,” Rick whispered. “Nice guy, but shy as a freckle on your ass.”

I laughed. “Never heard that one before! I think you might worry too much; he is plenty a charmer.”

“You’re probably right,” Rick said as Penny walked over.

“Do you want to join us for cake?” she asked. “We have way more than we could ever eat.”

“I should probably get to unpacking,” I said.

“And beer,” Rick noted. “More beer than we can drink as well.” Penny nudged his arm with a smile.

“Alright, you convinced me,” I said.

I spent a good portion of the evening in their apartment, eating a slice of cake, playing games, and drinking one too many beers than I should have. Cal hovered at my side most of the night. He was really flirty when he relaxed. Simple things, like touching my arm at a joke, or making sure I had everything I needed. And it didn’t help that I have a naturally flirtatious personality.

“I should get going,” I said. “But thank you for the food, and inviting me over, that was really nice.”

“Here, take this,” Penny said, handing me an oversized plate of food. “Leftovers for later.”

After I struggled to hold it all, Cal rushed over. “I’ll help!”

“Oh, you don’t need to do that, I am just down the hall,” I said. Rick waved subtly from across the room in a way that I took to mean let him help, it’s his birthday. “Actually, that would be great, thanks, Cal.”

Cal held open the door for me as I opened the door to my apartment, following me in and putting the piles of food next to my fridge. I thanked him, then stood at the door.

“That was fun, thanks for inviting me,” I said.

“Of course,” Cal said. He cleared his throat. “Can—can I kiss you on the cheek?”

I blushed. “Aw. That is sweet of you. Yes, you can.” I held out my cheek, and he nervously pecked. He fidgeted some more with a smile.

“Can I ask you something?” I said, curious.

“Yeah, anything,” he said.

“Have you ever kissed a girl? Like, make out?” I asked.

“Nope,” he said softly.

“Do you want to? Come on, I’ll teach you.”

I led Cal to a pile of blankets, patting for him to sit next to me. Just a little kiss, I thought. Something to make the birthday special and memorable.

“Alright,” I whispered and grabbed his hands. “Put one hand here, just below my ear and around my neck. Perfect. Now pull me in when you’re ready.”

I waited, but he was too nervous, so I kissed him first. It was clear that this was his first time kissing, sloppy and a bit off sync. But he was quick to learn. He bit at my lower lip, and I moaned accidentally.

“Sorry,” I said, “it is—it is just really turning me on.”

“Really?” Cal asked.

“Yeah, we should probably stop, or I don’t know if I will be able to.”

“Me too,” he said, “just a little longer?” My instinct told me no, but my lips didn’t listen. As we kept kissing, I took off my hoodie. Then I grabbed his hand and put it beneath my swimsuit top. He squeezed gently at my boob, prodding with his fingertips.

I reached and pulled the knot, letting my top drop free. Cal cupped me with both hands.

“Mmm,” I hummed, “you’re so gentle. I love it.” I bit down hard on my lip in thought. I shouldn’t do it, I shouldn’t ask. “Do you want me to give you a handjob?” I whispered.

Cal’s eyes went wider than they already were as he nodded.

“Okay. Here, lay back a little.”

“I don’t know what to do, exactly,” he said.

“Just relax,” I whispered. I felt his cock all but bursting from his swim trunks, then slowly yanked at the string. I pulled the trunks down just enough to free his cock. He was warm and thick in my hand.

I tugged gently at his shaft as I sat next to him. He tried to kiss me but was distracted by the handjob. I grabbed his balls, working his tip with the tips of my fingers. Precum spilled onto my hand. I held it between two fingers, then licked it from my finger.

“That feels really good,” Cal whispered.

I reached into my swim bottoms and started to stroke myself.

“Lay back all the way,” I said, guiding him to the ground and scrunching the blanket to prop up his head. I got on my knees, then pulled his swim trunks fully off. I slid between his legs on my stomach, lifting my feet into the air and resting my chin on his thigh.

I kept stroking him, watching his expressions change with newfound pleasure. I kissed his thigh, then again, a little higher, then again, working toward his cock. I held his cock back, then ran my tongue across his balls.

Cal moaned as I licked up his shaft like it was a popsicle. I kept my eyes on him as I pushed the tip into my mouth. I swirled my tongue, sucking up the precum. He pushed against the floor with his palms. Keeping the tip in my mouth, I grabbed his hands and put them on the back of my head.

I took my time as I started to suck, gradually leading him in and out of my mouth. Then I pushed down hard, shoving his cock down the back of my throat. He grabbed the hair on the back of my head and held me down.

I gasped, letting the spittle drip from my lips over his cock as I continued to stroke him. “You have a really nice cock,” I whispered. I put my arms underneath his legs and held at his hips, gently guiding him to thrust.

Cal started to thrust, jamming his cock down my throat. I choked, but I loved it. I pushed off his cock and got on my knees. “Do you want to cum?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Cal said.

“In my mouth or my ass?” I asked.

Cal looked down at my swim bottoms and I queued in. I pulled at the strings along my hips, then tossed them aside. Cal was staring at my transcock as I straddled him. I bent over and we kissed as I grabbed his cock and teased it across my asshole.

He pushed the tip in. It was tight, but he was wet. Once I got the tip in, I braced against his chest with my arm, then worked his cock inside me. I was breathing heavily. His cock felt good inside me—stretching my ass.

I let him push in and pull out a few times until he had loosened me enough, and then I started to ride him. I sat back and he held my hips as I bounced up and down on his cock. I couldn’t help but moan as he moved his hands from my hips to my ankles, then my feet.

Cal started to stretch beneath me, and his head tilted back. I pushed his cock as deep as it could go into my ass, then felt him throbbing inside of me. The cum was warm as it shot inside of me. Cal gasped with the last squirt and rested his arms at his sides.

As his even slicker cock slid further into me, it hit just the right spot. My toes curled and my body tensed as I cummed on his stomach.

I braced against his chest and slowly worked the cum in my ass with his cock. It spilled out of my gaping asshole and dripped onto his stomach with the rest. I bent down and slurped it into my mouth, collecting every drop that I could.

I gargled and made a throat bubble, then swallowed.

“I think—I think I love you,” he said.

I laughed. “No, you’re just smitten. Which is totally reasonable, given that you just filled me with cum.”

A knock came at the door, and I jumped up. Cal panicked and struggled to find his shorts. I wrapped a blanket around me, then cracked open the door.

“Stephanie,” Rick said. “Sorry to bother you. Have you seen my brother? He didn’t come back after walking you—” Rick peered into the dark room where Cal nearly tripped over his swim trunks. Then he looked at me, and the blanket loosely draped around my body. “Oh!”

“He is still here,” I said. Rick grinned and shook his head.

“Come on, brother, wish the girl a goodnight, and let’s go.”

“Goodnight,” he said, then kissed my cheek.

“Happy Birthday, Cal,” I said. Rick winked at me, then grabbed Cal by the shoulders.

“You animal,” I heard Rick say excitedly as I closed the door, “tell me what happened. Wait, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know. Don’t tell Penny!”

Suddenly exhausted, I curled up on the pile of blankets. My gaping ass dripped with a bead of cum. I let it fall across my legs as I closed my eyes, and promptly fell asleep.

Published 2 years ago

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