It was New Year’s Eve, and once again, Dr. Dani James found herself working in the ER so that other docs who had significant others could enjoy ringing in the New Year with them.
It wasn’t as if Dani didn’t want to date. But ever since her one-night stand with Mitch Walker the previous New Year’s, she had sort of soured on men.
“Maybe you need to try women,” Susie, one of the ER nurses, said.
Dani scowled. “I did go on a date with a woman a few months ago, but when she tried to kiss me, I reacted weirdly and pissed her off.”
Susie shrugged.
“Maybe I’m meant to be alone. Not everyone finds a mate. I mean, look at you; you’re single, too.”
Susie shook her head. “Not on New Year’s Eve, I’m not. I scored a date with a hot guy for when I get off shift. He’s got a friend. You should join us.”
Dani shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe. Where are you going?”
“Just to a house party; nothing fancy. Let me know by 11:30 so I can tell him if I’m bringing a date for his friend.”
“Will do.”
Dani spent the next few hours mainly treating alcohol-related injuries, but fortunately, there were no fatalities. One man had a heart attack while driving, but the bushes he’d had a head-on collision with had been forgiving enough that he’d suffered only a broken arm and a few scratches. The heart attack had been mild, so he’d live to see the New Year.
It was nearly 11:00 when Dani treated a couple who’d slid on the ice and got slightly banged up. The wife hit her head pretty hard and had a concussion. The husband had some minor contusions, but otherwise was in decent shape. Dani watched the man fuss over his wife and felt a pang of jealousy.
Deciding that a hook-up might be just the medicine she needed to treat that green-eyed monster, she poked her head out of the curtain of the treatment bay and said, “Hey, Susie! Tell your date that you’re bringing a friend.”
Susie gave Dani a thumbs-up and a grin.
Dr. Milo Burns showed up early for shift change.
“Hey, Milo, you’re not on for another half hour,” Dani said, surprised to see him. He typically rushed in at the last minute, so she was pleased to see him ready to take over.
“Didn’t feel like sticking around my house. Everyone’s drunk as skunks and acting like fools. Funny how you don’t notice that until you have to stay sober for work.”
Dani patted Milo on the shoulder. “Well, it’s been fairly slow, but it’s probably going to pick up, so be ready.”
Susie finished up with a patient and said, “Hey, Dani; ready to go?”
Dani looked at Milo earnestly.
“Go on, get out of here.”
“Thanks, Milo. I appreciate it.”
She turned to catch up with Susie.
“What’s the game plan? Do we have time to change first?”
“Yes, you’ve got street clothes with you, right? Freshen up and get changed; I’m going to drive us to the party since it’s at the guys’ apartment, and they have already started drinking.”
“Sounds good. Gimme fifteen minutes.”
“Make it ten, Dani. That way, we can be there when the ball drops.”
Dani made a face, but she managed to be ready in eleven minutes and discovered she was excited to attend this party. She’d been a mugwump for far too long, and it was time to put herself back out there.
When they reached their destination, the place was packed. Wall-to-wall people filled the apartment and spilled out into the corridor. Partygoers were drinking, dancing, and having fun. Several couples were making out on the couches. Some of them were doing things that were borderline obscene.
For a fleeting moment, Dani felt like backing out. She could probably call for an Uber driver to take her back to her car at the hospital. But just when she was about to tell Susie her plan, she saw her very excited friend motioning for her to follow her into the kitchen.
“Thanks for coming out tonight, Dani. I really want to get laid tonight, and I would have been too chicken to come to a party where I don’t know anyone without you along.”
“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea, Susie.”
“Don’t be like that. Come on, Dani, it’s New Year’s Eve. Live a little!”
Dani heaved a heavy sigh. “Okay, you’re right. Let’s find these guys and have some fun.”
“Susie?” a ridiculously sexy voice asked.
“Hi there! I hope your buddy is here; I brought my friend, Dani.”
The gorgeous face attached to the voice turned to look at Dani and smiled. “Oh my gosh, Dani? Wow, it’s good to see you again.”
The face and voice belonged to none other than Mitch Walker.
“Hi, Mitch. I’m guessing Melissa didn’t make it to the party again this year,” Dani said dryly.
Susie frowned. “You two know each other?”
“We do, yes. Would you be terribly offended if my friend, Lewis, was your date tonight instead of me?” Mitch asked Susie.
She pouted a little until Lewis walked up and introduced himself. He was handsome with a boyish grin and blond hair that fell past his shoulders. Susie had a thing for guys with long hair.
“Sure, why not?”
“Don’t I get a say in this?” Dani asked.
Susie laughed. “Nope. Run along and play nice,” she said before taking Lewis by the hand and leading him into the next room just as the ball dropped.
Dani looked at Mitch and wished to God he didn’t look so fucking hot. “You never answered my question,” she said, trying to ignore the tingling of her traitorous pussy. She wasn’t sure if she was grateful or disappointed that he didn’t try to kiss her as a plethora of noise makers rang in the New Year.
“Melissa and I broke up shortly after I last saw you.”
“Yes, I took some advice from a very wise woman who suggested I shouldn’t settle for less than I wanted.”
Dani smiled and raised her eyebrows. “Sounds like good advice.”
Mitch nodded. “I’ve spent months trying to get up the nerve to drop in and see you at the hospital. I even contemplated a minor self-inflicted injury.”
When she rolled her eyes, he said, “Yeah, I know it was stupid.”
“So, why didn’t you? Come to see me, not hurt yourself on purpose.”
“I guess I didn’t feel like I deserved another chance. I was a real asshole to you. I look back at that night, and there are at least a dozen ways I could have handled it differently that wouldn’t have been as shitty.”
Dani nodded.
“Wanna go somewhere quieter?” he asked.
“I’m not leaving this party to go to your apartment,” Dani replied, shaking her head.
“This is my apartment. I moved in with Lewis after Melissa, and I broke up. But I’m looking for my own place. I love Lewis and all, but Melissa may have had a few fair points about him being immature.”
“Oh, great, and you sent my friend off with him.”
“Better her than you,” he said with half a laugh.
“I suppose.”
“Let me grab you a beer.”
When Dani looked at him suspiciously, he added, “In a bottle, with a cap, so you can drink it without worrying.”
“Fine. One beer.”
Mitch’s face lit up with a giant grin.
Why is he so fucking gorgeous? Do not go to his bedroom with him.
“So, let’s go upstairs to my room so we can actually hear each other. I’ll leave the door open.”
Dani sighed as she took the beer he handed her and said, “Lead the way.”
She followed him up the stairs and into his bedroom, already doubting her resolve not to let him touch her. As promised, he left the door open and offered her a seat at his desk chair. He sat on the side of the bed, opened his beer, then tossed her the bottle opener so she could do the same. She set the opener and the bottle cap on the desk and took a swig, watching him with cautious eyes.
“After months of wishing I could talk to you again, I find myself at a loss for words. Usually, a few beers make me chatty, but I think I’m just still in shock that you’re sitting here in my bedroom.”
“No one is more shocked than I am,” she replied.
He sensed her lack of trust and hoped it wasn’t also a lack of interest. He sipped his beer and tried to think of something witty to say. Then he decided just to be honest.
“When I left the hospital after my follow-up visit, I couldn’t stop thinking about what you asked me. Why was I with Melissa? And honestly, other than anal sex, the comfort of familiarity was all I could come up with. I realized I didn’t enjoy having conversations with her, and that was something I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t met you.”
Dani inhaled sharply.
“So, I asked her where she saw our relationship going, and she told me that we should be thinking about marriage after two years of being together. I felt real panic set in, even thinking about being with her for the rest of my life. So, I told her I didn’t want to marry her, packed up my things, and left.”
“How did she take that?”
“She was pissed at me for wasting her time and told me it was over for good. I think it made her feel better to think she was the one who broke things off. She’s already with someone, and I guess they’re engaged.”
“Wow, clearly she’s heartbroken over you,” Dani teased.
Happy to hear the humor in her voice, Mitch smiled at her. Honesty felt good, and it seemed to be helping her relax.
“You want to hear something strange? I felt nothing but anxiety at the thought of being tied down to Melissa. But I’ve had fleeting moments over the past several months of what it would be like if we were married and had a kid or two.”
Dani nearly spat out her beer.
Mitch shook his head. “Don’t worry, I didn’t bring you into my room to propose to you,” he laughed.
“Why did you bring me into your room?” she asked, wanting to know his intentions.
“I wanted to talk about all this without having to shout. Plus, I’m pretty sure that Lewis and Susie went straight to his room to fuck, and that’s just down the hall. I thought it might be handy for us to be close by in case her idea of getting freaky was different from his.”
“Getting freaky?”
“Her message on the app said she was a nurse who just wanted to hook up and get freaky on New Year’s Eve.”
“Ah, gotcha. I’ll bet you’re sorry right about now that you decided to switch with Lewis, huh?”
Mitch stared intently into her eyes, “Not even a little bit. Given a choice, I’d still choose to be here with you, like this, talking. It’s like the universe is giving me another chance, and I don’t want to be an asshole this time around.”
“Look, I’m not sure about the second chance deal. You seem like a decent guy, but I don’t want to be anyone’s rebound.”
“I tried dating after Melissa. No woman seemed even remotely as interesting as you. I even went out with a dude once to see if maybe I stopped liking girls. Halfway through the evening, he told me that I’d looked at every female ass in the room and that it was clear I wasn’t what he was looking for.”
Dani laughed.
Mitch would have been offended, but her laughter was so rich that it stirred his loins.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laughed. It’s just that I did something similar. I tried going out with a woman. We were having a really good time until she tried to kiss me. It was so awkward. She was pissed, and the date ended abruptly.”
It was Mitch’s turn to laugh. “Why did you try going out with a woman?”
“Because no man made me feel like I did when I was with you that night,” Dani blurted out.
She looked mortified, so Mitch decided to lighten up the moment by saying, “Until I came on your tits without asking and never made good on my promise to fuck you.”
Dani shook her head. “You’ve been honest with me tonight; let me return the favor. I tried not to think about you, but I felt so angry that you turned out to be a jerk. I knew it was a hook-up, but those few hours we spent together last New Year’s Eve were fun, and I felt something I can’t come to terms with.”
“Then I fucked it all up,” Mitch said, inhaling sharply.
“And still, I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” Dani said softly.
Just then, there was a fierce banging and the sounds of sex coming from the other side of the wall.
“Oh, God! Fuck me, Lewis! That’s right! Pound my little pussy. I’m gonna milk your cock with my cunt!”
Dani and Mitch looked at each other and burst out laughing.
“I guess my friend, Susie, is a little loud in the bedroom.”
“That’s nothing. I’m used to Lewis and the headboard banging. Just wait for it…”
“Shh, just wait.”
There was a deep growling noise followed by Lewis shouting, “I’m gonna rip yer pussy in two, ya filthy wench. Arrgggh!”
“Oh, my,” Dani said, pursing her lips. “He’s a pirate.”
“He likes to role-play. Sometimes it’s even more awkward, and I have to turn on my white noise machine.”
“More awkward than a pirate fucking his wench?”
“Trust me; you don’t want to know.”
Dani nodded. “So, what were we talking about before Captain Lewis was banging the scurvy lass?”
“Are you sorry I made you trade dates?” he asked instead of answering her question.
“Not even a little bit.”
Mitch looked at her with her pretty blue eyes and long, red hair and longed to take her into his arms and touch her everywhere.
“I want you, Dani. I’m not gonna lie. But not here, and not now. I want to take you on a proper date and get to know you better before I ask you to take your clothes off with me.”
Dani inhaled and blew out her breath slowly. “Can the date be soonish? Because, as much as I hate to admit it, I want you, too.”
“How about seventeen hours from now?” he asked.
Her body felt like she’d lose her mind if he didn’t touch her soon. But she kept her answer calm. “Yes, that sounds perfect.”
“I’ll pick you up, take you out to dinner, and you can decide whether I drop you back off at home or you invite me in.”
“Okay, then. I’m going to call for an Uber. It sounds like he’s about to make her walk the plank in there, and I’m exhausted from working long hours today.”
“I’d try to convince you to stay longer, but I want you to get some sleep.”
Mitch waited for the driver to show up and opened the door for Dani. “May I kiss you goodnight?”
Her answer was to lean into him for a quick but sensual kiss. “See you tonight.”
Sleep didn’t come easily for either of them.
When Dani’s alarm sounded, she woke up to find an abundance of messages from Susie about being a pirate wench now and how she’d be heading out to sea with Lewis. Then, several more about her head hurting but wanting to ensure Dani was okay.
After sending Susie a text telling her she was fine, Dani made tea and sat on the couch. She wasn’t sure about this date with Mitch, but she knew she’d regret it if she didn’t give him another chance. Admittedly, it sounded like he’d done a lot of growing up in the past year, and it seemed unfair to dismiss him based on his prior dick-ish behavior.
After breakfast, Dani cleaned her apartment and put clean sheets on the bed, just in case she decided to invite Mitch in after what he called a proper date. He texted her in the middle of the afternoon to ask if she preferred Italian or German food, but she was pretty certain he was making sure she wasn’t going to back out on him. She’d said to surprise her, and he said to wear something nice.
So, she wore her go-to little black dress with matching heels, put her red hair up in a twist, and sprayed a little fragrance on her neck and between her breasts. Nodding at the mirror one more time, Dani went out into the living room to wait for Mitch.
The doorbell rang at 6:58 p.m. Dani inhaled sharply as she opened the door.
“You look gorgeous, Dani,” Mitch said as he handed her a small bouquet of flowers.
Dani was dumbfounded at the romantic gesture. “Um, come in so I can put these in water,” she stammered.
His smile lit up the room and made her melt a little.
“So, where are we going for dinner?” she asked as she snipped the ends of the stems and put them in the vase she’d grabbed from the cupboard.
“I went off the board and decided we’d try this little French restaurant,” he said, glad he’d worn a tie. She looked amazing in that dress.
“Oh, that sounds fun. Why there?”
“Because I’ve never taken anyone there, so it will be new for both of us.”
Dani locked eyes with Mitch for a moment and smiled. “Well, that’s as good a reason as any. Thanks again for the flowers; they’re beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful,” Mitch blurted out.
Dani blushed. “You clean up pretty well, too. I’m ready.”
“Ready to go to dinner,” she said as she grabbed her coat.
“Oh, duh, of course. Here, let me help you with that.”
The ride to the restaurant was fairly quiet. Dani and Mitch attempted small talk, but it was undeniably stifled. Once seated at their table, Mitch sensed things weren’t going well. They had to get past this awkwardness if he was going to earn that second chance with Dani.
After they ordered, Mitch decided a familiar approach might be just the thing to break the ice that was forming.
“So, did any sad sack frostbite victims with chilly testicles end up in the ER yesterday?” he asked, humor dancing in his eyes.
Dani grinned. “Sadly, no. And I had so hoped to hold some frozen nuts in my hands. I even got a manicure a few days ago, just in case. Apparently, there weren’t any good Samaritans freezing their baguettes off this year.”
Mitch laughed. “I do try to be a good guy most of the time.”
“I know,” Dani said. “I know you’re not a complete asshole. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here with you.”
“I’m grateful for the chance to show you I can be so much more than that guy who disappointed you.”
Dani sighed. “It would be heartless not to let you try. I’m a bitch at times, but I’m not heartless.”
He was encouraged when he reached for her hand, and she didn’t pull away. Between the excellent food and wine, the conversation flowed easily. By the end of the meal, things felt comfortable and friendly. Still, she’d be worth the wait if dinner was all they shared tonight.
The ride back to her apartment was filled with laughter and innuendos. Mitch walked her to her door and brushed her lips gently with a kiss. He decided not to push his luck but waited for Dani to invite him inside. If she didn’t, he’d simply ask her out again.
The kiss was so subtle and sweet it made Dani’s heart flutter. The agreement was that if they hit it off at dinner, she would let him come in. But here he was, being a gentleman and not pressing the issue. A war was waging in her head; should she let him in or wait until date number two? Would there be another date if she didn’t invite him in?
Sensing her consternation, Mitch smiled and tucked a hand under her chin, kissing her again with more substance. “Hey, I had a great time and want to see you again. We could have something special between us, and I don’t want to say or do anything to spoil that. You call the shots here, Dani. Just know I want you, but I’ll wait until you’re ready to ask me into your bed.”
Dani hesitated for a moment, then she grabbed a fistful of Mitch’s dark hair and kissed him deeply and passionately. “I’m ready.”
As they entered her apartment, Mitch followed her lead, letting her set the pace. He was both surprised and pleased when she bypassed the living room and brought him straight into the bedroom with her. Not a word was spoken as they undressed each other, kissing like impatient lovers as they did. Pulling back the covers, Dani climbed into bed and patted the spot next to her.
“Don’t get me wrong; I want foreplay. But I’ve been waiting a year to feel your cock inside me. So, here’s your second chance Mitch. Don’t blow it.”
Mitch grinned. His fingers found her drenched, pink folds as his mouth latched onto an erect nipple. He teased her, bringing her to the brink of orgasm several times before reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing a condom.
“Wanna do the honors?” he asked seductively.
Dani grinned wickedly and made putting a condom on his dick one of the most erotic experiences he ever had. She lay back and spread her legs. “You should know that I’ve imagined this so many times.”
As he entered her slowly, he locked eyes with her and said, “I promise the real thing will be even better.”
He moved in slow, deliberate strokes, enjoying the expressions on her face as he made love to her. Her soft moans and whimpers were an aphrodisiac, making him want this coupling to last forever. He’d give her what she wanted and then spend the rest of his life giving her so much more.
The rest of his life? Yeah, he couldn’t imagine himself with anyone else besides her.
Her body responded to his as if she were made to be his mate, hips rocking, back arching, and pussy gripping his cock. He reached between them and found her clit with his thumb. She bucked hard as her climax shuddered through her entire body. Grabbing her hips, he drove into her hard and fast until his balls tightened and let go. This time the condom caught his seed, but he envisioned a time when he’d fill her womb and plant a baby there.
Rolling beside her, Mitch drew Dani into his arms. She looked content, but he felt compelled to ask anyway. “Did I pass the test?”
She curled into him and snuggled. “With flying colors.”
“Dani, is it too soon to ask you to be exclusive with me?” he blurted out.
She propped herself up on her elbow. “I don’t sleep with more than one person at a time. If we are going to do this again, I need to know I have your full attention.”
“I’ve spent the last year regretting the fact that I let you slip through my fingers. I don’t want anyone but you.”
“You’re a smooth talker, Mitch Walker. I hope you mean it.”
“I promise never to lie to you, Dani James. And you should know, I was prepared to wait as long as it took to be invited here into your bed.”
“I couldn’t wait. I’m a total slut.”
“Not even a little bit.”
“Well, I do have some self-control. You’ll need to earn your way into my back door.”
“Your apartment has a back door?”
Dani rolled her eyes. “My ass, Mitch. I’m a big fan of anal sex, but I should probably make you wait for something.”
“Oh!” Mitch felt his cock twitch. “I waited an entire year for your pussy; I think I can wait a little longer for your ass.”
“Good, then another year won’t kill you.”
Mitch’s face fell. But it wasn’t a deal breaker, even though now he’d be craving her tight butt.
Dani looked at his expression and laughed. “I’m just kidding; let me suck you hard again, so you can lube up my rear and show me how into me you really are.”
“Pun intended?”