TransTales – Million Dollar Blow Job

"Some guys will give up anything for a blow job"

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It’s been said that there are no better cocksuckers than men, and when you consider that men should know best how to work their own equipment, the reasoning is quite simple. I was once a professional cocksucker myself, so from my own experience, I know this to be true.

If you met me for the first time, you’d never guess that I was born in a male body. I’ve already written a lengthy series about my transition nearly fifty years ago, so I won’t go into much of that here. I’ll just say that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to men being the better cocksuckers.

I’ll admit that percentage-wise, most of the men I’ve been with were bisexual cocksuckers like me. Then after I transitioned, I attracted heterosexual men looking for the unique sexual experiences that only t-girls can offer, and I was never shy about taking money for sex.

To be fair, most of them were just as respectful of me as the bisexual men I usually had sex with. Some of them, though, were conceited assholes who thought they were in a higher class of their own.

Sexually speaking, their bedroom prowess hardly ever matched their arrogance. I was far more experienced than most of them in that regard, so I easily had them wrapped around my little finger once I gave them a taste of my exquisite t-girl cocksucking skills.

Trans girls, you see, know the male psyche better than the average woman, since we were born with the same equipment. We’re also, in my opinion, better at working the equipment.

To prove my point, I’ll tell you about an experience I had back in the early nineteen-eighties, after I’d been taking hormones for about eight years. It involved a heterosexual man who regularly cheated on his wife because he thought no woman could resist his cock.


For those unfamiliar with my TRANSformation series, let me first explain that before we transitioned, my life-long soul mate Allie and I were already into cross-dressing and fucking guys for money. Our clientele often referred to us as escorts, but we always knew what we were.

We were effeminate male prostitutes, and as we transitioned to female, we morphed into uninhibited, high-class transsexual whores. Trans girls were a rare commodity back in those days, and once we learned to take advantage of what we were, we used our unique sexual attributes to become rich.

We mainly became rich because we were fortunate enough to get into prostitution through a secretive, invitation-only club the members simply called, ‘The Club’. This secret society was made up exclusively of very successful business and professional men who had one thing in common, they were all very bisexual.

Most of them, I should add, were obsessed with anal sex. Back then, ass fucking was considered so degenerate that hardly any woman would give her consent. But Allie and I were really into it, so we were always happy to let them fuck our tight young asses in exchange for their money.

To make a long story short, when Allie and I found out we had a condition now known as gender dysphoria, we were already living full-time as girls. The Club was very supportive of our decision to transition to females, and for the better part of twenty years, we were the Club’s exclusive whores. We made a fortune gang-banging the guys at their meetings twice a month, and we made even more money dating them individually two or three times a week.

Out of all the men I’ve privately dated, Norm was my absolute favorite of all time. He was the first guy I met at the Club, and the first guy who ever paid me for sex. Over the years, he taught me almost everything I know about the business, and being thirty years older than me, I looked up to him like a father.

Norm was one of those guys who loved his oral sex, and his wife was one of those women who despised it. Norm was so addicted to cocksucking that he always had a secret male lover on the side to give him what his wife couldn’t, or wouldn’t.

After we fucked a few times at the Club, I became his secret male lover, and we dated often. He loved having a secret cocksucker who was also a cross-dresser, and when I transitioned to female, it got even better. We were so in tune on a sexual level, we were like husband and wife in bed.

On a much higher intellectual level, he was my mentor, guiding me through my young adult years like a father would guide his daughter. I loved those times when after an hour or so of mutual fellatio, we’d snuggle up and just talk. I’d lay my head on his bare chest, and he’d teach me so many things about getting ahead in life.

The most valuable lesson he taught me was identifying a man’s weakness and exploiting it to my advantage. We became so intellectually close that we could see into each other’s soul, it seemed.


So when I met Norm for a date one night, I immediately knew something was wrong. He’d always greet me in the hotel lobby with a hug and a kiss, then he’d brush his hand across my ass and tell me how anxious he was to fuck it. I’d always giggle back and say something like, “It’s the best ass money can buy.”

Whenever something was bothering him, he’d always grab my ass instead of just brushing it. On this particular night, he grabbed me so tight I had to remind him we were in a public place before he finally let go.

Later on, when we were having dinner, he was unusually quiet. He’d normally be all bubbly and always cracking jokes, but on that night, hardly a word.

“Anything wrong, baby?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, Jill. I don’t mean to ignore you, it’s just that I have a lot on my mind. I probably should have canceled our date.”

“Want to tell me about it?”

“Naw, it’s my problem, not yours.”

“Problems at home? Or is something going on at work?”

“No, the wife is fine.”

“Then tell me what’s going on at work.”

“You wouldn’t be interested. It’s pretty boring stuff.”

“Try me,” I said with a wink. “Whatever it is, you can tell your girl about it. You know she won’t tell a soul.”

“God dammit, Jill,” he chuckled after I’d prodded him enough, “I’ve taught you too much about exploiting a man’s weakness.”

“Your weakness,” I said as I reached across the table to hold his hand, “is me! You know you’re gonna tell me, so when’s it gonna be? Now…? Or will I have to squeeze it out of you later, when I’m sucking your cock?”

“Damn…! You can be a pushy little bitch at times.”

“Well, didn’t my mentor teach me to assert myself when I know I’m right?”

“Okay… okay,” he finally gave in, “if you must know… one of our subsidiary companies has invented a new technology that could revolutionize the way farmers harvest their soybeans.”

“And that’s a problem?”

“Well, it is and it isn’t. We’ve received a decent offer to sell our interest in the company, but I think we can do a lot better if we buy out the other interest and develop it ourselves.”

“So why don’t you?”

“It’s not that simple. There’s a fucking problem somewhere, and I’m not sure where it is. I think an insider in our company is trying to steal it before we can acquire full ownership of the subsidiary company.”

“How could they just steal something like that? It must be worth a fortune.”

“It could be worth billions, Jill. The problem is, we only control a small majority stake in the company. I think the offer is a hostile buyout attempt, but I don’t know who’s leading it. I have a couple of hunches, but I can’t make a move without tipping them off.”

“That’s all you know right now?” I asked as we finished eating.

“Yeah, unfortunately, I can’t do shit until I know more, and then it might be too late.”

“Well, if you can’t do shit about it right now, why don’t we go up to our room and get comfy. You’ve always told me it’s best to just relax and sleep on it when you don’t know what to do.”


I’d never seen Norm so nervous as we went up to our room. There wasn’t anyone in the hallway when we got off the elevator, so I hung on him like the little whore I was back in those days. If there’s one thing that gets a man’s mind off his problems, it’s knowing he’s about to get a great blow job, and Norm knew I was the best in that department.

“You’re really worried,” I said as we closed the door to our room, “can you forget about it for a few hours and just let me take care of you?”

“Thanks, baby doll,” he said as he lifted my dress and grabbed my shapely ass, “I don’t know how good I’ll be tonight.”

“You don’t have to do a thing,” I said as I unzipped his pants and grasped his soft cock. “You pay me to pleasure you, but I love you so much, I’d gladly do it for free.”

“We’ve kinda been in love for a while,” he acknowledged as we stood by the bed.

“Yes, we have,” I swooned. “You’ve been so good to me, how can I be anything else but in love with you?”

“How long have we been dating now?”

“Almost ten years,” I told him, “and in that time, I’ve gotten to know you inside and out. In some ways, I know you better than your own wife. I know this problem at work is deeply troubling you, and I think it would help if you’d talk to me about it.”

“You shouldn’t be bothered with my problems,” he said as I helped him out of his pants. “I’ve been a CEO for over twenty years, and I’ve handled problems like this before.”

“But I’ve never seen you this worried before,” I said as I knelt on the floor to suck him.

Looking up into his eyes as I licked his flaccid cock, I saw a worrisome look I’d never seen before in this normally confident man. I softly moaned the way he always liked me to as I kissed the head and took him into my mouth. He’d usually be leaking pre-cum at that point, but I wasn’t tasting it that night.

“Your cock isn’t even starting to get hard, baby,” I stood up to confront him. “I’ll be so disappointed if I can’t swallow your load.”

“I’m sorry, Jill,” he said with a dejected look, “I told you I probably wouldn’t be good for sex tonight.”

“Then how about a back rub?” I asked as we hugged. “Maybe you’d like me to feed you my cock after I massage you?”

“Mmmmm… yeah, baby. I like that idea!”

Luckily, I had a bottle of massage oil handy in my purse. An escort never knows when she’ll need things like oils, lubes, and condoms on a date, so I always made sure I was well-supplied. Norm pulled the covers to the foot of the bed as I got the things I needed from my purse.

I did a sexy strip-tease for him as he lay naked on the bed, but I couldn’t get a rise out of him. His limp dick told me I wouldn’t be getting fucked, so I joined him on the bed and gave him a massage. Like I said before, some of our best times together were when we just talked.

Over the next hour, we talked about a lot of things. I was straddled over his shoulders, teasing my cock across his face, when I finally got him to open up about the problem he was facing at work. Apparently, he suspected the person behind this potential hostile takeover was a young executive named Jason, who joined the company about a year before.

Norm lapped at my balls as he described Jason, an arrogant opportunist who made it known that he wanted to climb the corporate ladder all the way to the top. In other words, he wanted Norm’s job. He was licking the velvety-soft skin of my hard feminine shaft when he told me that rumors were circulating around the company that Jason thought he was God’s gift to women, and he cheated on his wife at every opportunity.

That got the wheels turning inside my head as I began fucking his mouth. I swear, that man gave the best blow jobs of any man who’s ever sucked me, and almost at the very moment he made me cum, I came up with what I thought was a brilliant plan.

“Hey, baby,” I suggested, “Why don’t you have a dinner meeting to discuss this new technology with all the company big shots? If you take me along, I can put on my best bimbo act and sniff this Jason guy out.”

Norm gulped at the idea. “You’d do that for me?”

“Yes, darling…” I whispered as my tongue dipped into his cummy-tasting mouth, “I’d do anything for you. If he thinks he’s a ladies’ man, I can probably seduce him and see what I can squeeze out of him. If women are his weakness, I know how to exploit it.”

“I’m not sure it’ll work,” Norm expressed some doubt, “but at this point, I’m not sure what else to do. It’s at least worth a try.”


About a week later, Norm picked me up at our house to take me as his date to the company dinner. He’d taken me to a few before, so I’m sure everyone knew the nature of our relationship. I took extra time with my makeup for that date, because if I was going undercover, so to speak, I needed to put on my best look.

I wore a skimpy, spaghetti-strap mini dress that barely covered the tops of my nylon stockings. I never did like wearing high heels, but on this night, I wore my four-inch platforms. I hated corsets even more than heels, but for Norm, I wore one to make my waist appear thinner than it already was.

I’ve been skinny all my life, so my body filled out real nice when I transitioned. The hormone treatments really set me free and gave me a great female figure. My breasts also developed so well that I never got implants like most t-girls do. My tits might be on the small side, but they’re all-natural, and I think they fit my petite body just right. I wore a special strapless push-up bra that night to make them appear larger than they were, so all in all, I looked pretty hot.

“Damn, Jill,” Norm said when he saw me, “you’re dressed to kill!”

“If I’m going to sniff out a rat,” I laughed, “I need to look my seductive best.”

“You look so seductive, doll, I’m tempted to take you to a cheap motel and fuck your tight ass before we even get there.”

“You could if you wanted to,” I said with a kiss, “but we’d probably be late. You’ll have more fun fucking me after I’ve slain this asshole for you.”

“I sure hope this works,” he nervously said. “I’m not even sure he’s the one we’re after.”

“I’ll find out,” I said with confidence, “you’ve taught me well… daddy!”

On the way there, we talked about how he might introduce me to Jason, and how he’d arranged the seating so that Jason would be sitting at our table next to me, along with several members of the board. I’m telling you, the more Norm told me about him, the more excited I was getting. My tightly-tucked cock was starting to get hard at the thought of seducing this arrogant asshole and taking him out!


Always the perfect gentleman, Norm came around to open the car door for me when we arrived at the ritzy hotel. He had his arm around my waist as we walked into the lobby, then held my hand as we entered the banquet room where the dinner meeting was being held.

We arrived an hour before dinner was to be served, and probably twenty people out of the thirty-five expected were already there. I always found it entertaining during cocktail hour at these corporate events to listen in on various conversations going on around the room.

The talk ranged from common office gossip, to people trying to impress the others about how much ‘insider information’ they were privy to. This was corporate life, and everyone was kissing ass to promote their standing in the company. Seeing the rut most of them were in always made me feel good about being a whore, because I wasn’t stuck in that rat race.

There were always a few single secretaries at these events so the big executives would have some targets to hit on, and that’s how I met Jason. Norm pointed him out to me across the room shortly after we walked in.

On first impression, he was indeed very handsome, and seemed very confident as he talked with two attractive secretaries. They looked like they were impressed with whatever he was saying, or maybe they were too naive to realize they were only there as potential pieces of ass.

Because Norm was the CEO, everyone wanted to kiss his ass to gain favor, so a crowd flocked around us as soon as we walked in. At that point, I was just ornamental eye candy myself, and I was anxious to start feeling out Jason.

I nudged Norm to say I was thirsty and going over to the bar to get a drink. We gave each other a wink, knowing that the unsuspecting Jason was near the bar area, and this sting operation was getting underway.


Jason was still putting on his playboy act when I left Norm. One of the two young secretaries he was with had moved on, and he was standing closer to the one still there. I immediately caught his eye as I walked towards them, and when I smiled at him, he got a bit flustered. It was like he had a sudden impulse to move on me, but didn’t want to blow his chances of getting a piece of ass off the young secretary.

She seemed a bit annoyed when his eyes shifted towards me as I approached, so just to piss her off, I wiggled my ass as I pranced by them. She was quite attractive, and it gave me a thrill to capture his attention, even though he was still with her.

I hung around the bar for a while, running my fingers through my long, black hair to keep his attention as I sipped on my tequila sunrise. I could tell by the way the young secretary was getting more annoyed every time he glanced at me, his time with her was growing short.

It wasn’t long before another executive joined them, and Jason backed out to come towards the bar. I didn’t want to appear too easy, so I turned away as he approached me. I did arch my back so my ass stuck out, but other than that, I waited for him to make the next move.

I could feel his eyes checking me out from behind, but I played shy, still not wanting to appear too easy. I waited a while for him to make a move, but not getting the response I expected, I quickly turned around to catch him staring at me.

“Hi,” I said as our eyes met.

“Well, hell-oooo,” he responded favorably with an arrogant smile. “Why haven’t seen you before? Were you recently hired?”

“I’m not an employee, I’m here with a date.”

“And who, may I ask, is the lucky gent attached to such a beautiful woman?”

“I’m not that beautiful, compared to all the young ones around here. I’m here with Norm. He’s the CEO.”

“Yes, Norm,” he sneered. “The big C-E-O. How did he snag a hottie like you?”

“He didn’t ‘snag’ me. We’ve known each other for years. I’ve been to a few of these before, but I don’t remember seeing you. I’m Jill, by the way,” I offered my hand, “Jill Cox.”

“It’s a pleasure, Jill… umm… Cox.” He didn’t just shake my hand, he kissed it, “I’m Jason, the company Controller. I joined the company a year ago.”

“Controller is pretty high up for only being here a year, isn’t it?”

“Not for me it isn’t. They’re lucky to even have me. I had several offers before I moved here from St. Louis.”

“So why did you decide to work in Des Moines?”

“I was stuck in my old job, and this company looked like the easiest to advance. A few years from now, I’ll be in line for the top job.”

“Oh, really…? Norm isn’t retiring anytime soon, so how are you going to do that?”

“Let’s just say… I have connections.”

“Hey…” he quickly changed the subject, “I couldn’t help but notice that tattoo on your arm. I’ve never seen one like that, especially on a girl.”

“Well, there used to be a burn scar covering my arm from a terrible accident that happened when I was a baby. I had my arm tattooed to cover up the scar. Do you like it?”

“It’s hard to believe there’s a scar under all that gorgeous artwork. And on such a gorgeous lady, I have to say.”

“Thank you,” I pretended to blush, “but if you look close, you can see the ridges of the scar.”

“Do you mind if I touch it?”

“No, go ahead,” I took his hand, “right here is where it was the ugliest. Feel the ridges?”

“I’d like to feel something else on you,” he started getting bold with me.

“Oh you would, would you?” I knew I’d eventually catch him off guard. “And what would you like to touch?”

“I’m sorry,” he said, red-faced, “I shouldn’t have said that. We just met.”

“So do you always flirt with the pretty girls? I saw you talking to that sweet young thing when I walked by.”

“Oh, her? That was Angie. She’s just a secretary. She wanted me more than I wanted her.”

“And you know this… how?”

“When you’re good in bed, word gets around.”

“So you’ve bedded a few of these secretaries?”

“I won’t brag, but I get my share.”

“But aren’t you married?”

“My wife is, but I’m not, if you get my drift.”

“I do indeed. You talk like you’re quite good, but can you back it up?”

“Well…” he kinda stammered, “I could show you, but I’d be arrested for indecent exposure if I pulled it out in here.”

“Oh…,” I giggled with my hand over my mouth, “You’ve got a big one?”

“I’ve never had a complaint.”

“Sounds interesting,” I giggled a little harder, acting like a dumb bimbo.

“Tell me, Jill Cox, why are you with Norm, when you’re so beautiful you could take your pick of any man here?”

“Power, Jason, power turns me on. Norm has a lot of power, and he always will.”

“That old fart isn’t going to be around much longer. You should be looking for a younger man, like me.”

“Shit…” I laughed, “You don’t have near the power that Norm has.”

“Maybe not now, but that’s gonna change.”

“What’s gonna change?”

“I can’t say right now, and besides, we just met.”

“True. But if you can’t say, it might also be true that you’re just bullshitting me.”

“Why would I bullshit you?”

“Are you kidding?” I laughed. “You don’t think I’ve been bullshitted before by men trying to get into my panties?”

“Are your panties open to exploration?” he was quick to respond, the response I was waiting for.

“Depends on how powerful the man is. I told you, I’m attracted to power. I don’t care how old he is, as long as he has power. I doubt you have enough power to get me in bed.”

I teased him like that for another ten minutes or so. This guy was definitely full of himself, but if he was behind the hostile takeover, he was smart enough not to reveal it to me, Norm’s girlfriend. If I was going to get anything out of him, I knew I had to first gain his trust. I stopped prodding him about how he planned to get the power he seemed so confident about, and shifted the conversation towards playful sexy talk.

He was quick to pick up on my sexual innuendos, and it didn’t take me long to make him think that I was fair game. As our conversation became more sexual, I made up a story about how Norm shares me with CEOs from other corporations when he takes me on business trips sometimes.

I noticed a bulge growing in his pants as I told him a few salacious details about how Norm uses me to fuck powerful executives when he’s negotiating business deals with them. I was lying my ass off, but it was working. Our talk kept turning more sexual until I got him to trust me enough to where he pointed out a couple secretaries in the room he said he’d taken to bed.

“She’s pretty cute,” I complimented as he pointed out a girl he claimed to have fucked last week.

“She’s even cuter without the dress.”

“I’ll bet. I did it with a girl once.”

“Oh, fuck. I bet that was hot!”

“It surely was,” I grabbed his wrist, “and her boyfriend was with us when we did it. Then he did both of us!”

“Oh, god-damn!” he shrieked. “That’s always been my dream!”

“You’ve never been with two girls?”

“Not at the same time.”

“And just when I thought you were a ladies’ man.”

“Well, I… I’d love to prove it if there’s a chance that maybe, umm… me and you could maybe…”

“Go out?” I finished the sentence for him to make him think I might be interested.

Just then, Norm got on the microphone and told everyone to find their tables and be seated for dinner.

“There might be a chance,” I said to get his hopes up. “Where are you sitting?”

“Where am I sitting…?” he sounded as if I’d caught him off guard, “I didn’t check my seating card. Okay, here it is… I’m at table… fourteen, seat F.”

“Where am I?” I acted dumb as I pulled my seating card from my purse. “Oh my God,” I grabbed his wrist tightly, “I’m table fourteen too! Seat E! Next to you! You’re sitting with me and Norm. What a coincidence!”

“You don’t suppose…” he grinned mischievously, “this could be an omen?”

“An omen for what?”

“Of things to come! Maybe we were meant to sit next to each other.”

“Hmmmm…” I chuckled, “Maybe we were, maybe we were.”


Norm was waiting for us at our table, and introduced me to the three board members we’d be dining with. There were two older gentlemen, whose names I forgot right after Norm introduced us, but the third board member was a very business-looking woman named Phyllis. I guessed her age at around fifty, and I found it rather odd when she moved her name card, so she could sit next to Jason.

The wine was flowing freely as the caterers served us dinner. I pretended to be bored as they discussed the possibilities of the new technology, but really, I was watching how Phyllis was interacting with Jason. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but something was going on between them, that much I was sure of.

I continued watching them from the corner of my eye as we ate dinner and consumed more wine. I’ve never had much of a taste for wine, so I sipped on my one glass as Jason rapidly drank three. He was slurring his words when dessert came, and he was also getting bolder with me.

A few times, he nonchalantly pressed his leg into mine under the table, watching me closely to judge my reaction. I knew how to play this game, and pretended not to notice as he played right into my hand. When I didn’t react negatively, he held his leg there for longer periods of time as we got through dessert.

After dinner, Norm got up to address the meeting. He had a slide presentation about the new technology, so the lights were dimmed and everyone was focused on the screen and intently listening to Norm.

Jason took advantage of the dark room by placing his hand on my thigh while pressing his leg more firmly than before, and it was time to make my move. Under the table, I put my hand over his as I leaned over to whisper in his ear.

“Norm is so smart,” I whispered. “This is why I’m so attracted to him. I’m not smart enough to know anything about this new technology, but Norm always has all the bases covered.”

“Not hardly,” Jason sneered.

He then took her hand and moved it over to his leg.

“What do you mean?” I asked as I ran my hand up and down his thigh.

“I can’t tell you right here, too many people around.”

“Are you hinting that you want to get me alone?” I teased.

“Maybe you’re the one hinting,” he replied. “You know you’re attracted to me.”

“Maybe I am,” I lead him on by moving my hand closer to his cock.

That move got really got him going, and he couldn’t resist taking my hand and placing it over his cock.

“You’re attracted to this,” he grinned. “No woman can resist it.”

I lightly squeezed it as I told him, “It’s nice and hard, and feels pretty good, but I can definitely resist it. What I can’t resist… is power!”

I quickly glanced around the room and gave him a wink. “Excuse me,” I giggled, “I need to find the ladies’ room. I guess I’ll have to use the one in the lobby.”

“No,” he said as he pressed my hand into his cock, “there’s a separate bathroom for the banquet room through that doorway.”

Since Norm had brought me here before, I already know where it was, but I played dumb.

“Where…? It’s hard to see in this dark room.”

“Want me to show you?”

“Will you promise to be a good boy?”

“I’m always good,” he bragged as we got out of our chairs.

I pretended to be lost as we walked through the maze of tables. Once we were in the hallway leading to the restrooms, Jason put his hand on the small of my back as if he now owned me. I played along until we reached the door to the bathroom.

“Thanks,” I said as I opened the door to go in.

“Did I tell you how good you look in that dress?” he started to move on me.

“No, you didn’t, but I could tell you liked it by the way you’ve been staring at me all night.”

“I admire a woman who knows how to dress.”

“It does help,” I said with one foot in the doorway.

I knew the bathroom was a single toilet, so I stood there in a seductive stance, waiting for him to say something to give me an excuse to pull him in. It only took him a second to come up with a pick-up line.

“Tell me again,” he got real close, “why you’re with Norm? He can’t be that good in the sack. You need a real man to show you a good time.”

“”I told you, Jason, I’m attracted to power. It’s like an aphrodisiac for me.”

I licked my lips, bright red with a heavy application of lipstick, and bit my bottom lip as I looked into his eyes. “A man with power really gets me hot. Norm is the most powerful man in the company, and that’s all it takes for me.”

“Well, if you love power, then you should latch on to me. I’ll be calling the shots around here pretty soon.”

He didn’t realize how badly he just fucked up by giving me the opening I’d been waiting for. I grabbed his belt and dragged him into the bathroom. Quickly locking the door, I put my hand down the front of his pants.

“Oh my God,” he said in a surprising shock, “you really are a dirty bitch, aren’t you?”

“You’re talking about getting power got me really hot. I can’t resist it. Norm really is boring in bed, and he can be such a prick sometimes!”

I pulled his zipper down and took his cock. It was a nice cock, for sure, but nothing to make it stand out from the hundreds of other cocks I’ve sucked as a tranny whore. His eyes rolled back as I gently stroked him, making him groan for more.

“Tell me how you’re going to call the shots around here,” I said as I cupped his balls.

“I can’t tell anyone yet.”

I immediately took my hand off his cock, leaving it twitching in the cool air.

“I knew it! You’re bullshitting me! When Norm acquires this company, he’ll have more power than you’ve ever dreamed about, you bastard!”

“Please,” he begged, “jack me off. You can’t stop now!”

“I’m not in the mood now. I think you’re a bullshitter.”

“Okay, I’ll tell you, but only if you suck me. Please,” he then begged pitifully, “I need a release.”

“Then start talking, asshole!” I said as I bent down and took only the tip into my mouth.

“Norm doesn’t know about the patent,” he started spilling the beans.

This was really getting me off, controlling a prick-of-man like this. I would have liked to leave him there with his hard cock, but I was just getting started, and I needed more information. I licked his underside from his balls to his head, and then stopped.

“What patent?” I demanded.

“The patent for the technology.”

“Bullshitter! When Norm gets the company, he’ll have the fucking patent!”

“No, he won’t. There’s a glitch.”

I already had him wrapped around my little finger, but to put him further under my control, I wrapped my lips tightly around his shaft and swallowed him whole, all the way to his balls.

“Oh fuuuuuck,” he trembled as I sucked back up to his head.

“What about the glitch?”

“Keep sucking, bitch, if you want to know.”

He pissed me off when he said that, so I squeezed his balls hard for it, just to let him know I was in control.

“Keep talking, and I’ll keep sucking. Did you make the buyout offer?”

“No, Phyllis did through a third party. She has access to the financing. It’s a distraction, so Norm won’t check for the glitch.”

I went back to working my cocksucking magic on him until I felt him tensing up. He was close to cumming, and I knew he’d tell me everything now. Oh God, how I loved making this asshole squirm.

“You’ll tell me about the glitch before I let you cum!”

He was panting in broken breaths, holding my head as I bobbed up and down on him. He was still resistant to telling me the big thing I needed to know, so I sweetened it up a bit.

“Tell me about the glitch, and I’ll go out with you and let you fuck me.”

“Oh fuuuuck!” he whimpered, “I can’t, I just can’t.”

I took my mouth off his cock and stood up to face him. “I understand if you can’t,” I kissed him on the neck, “company secrets and all. Look, sweetie, I don’t care about the secret itself, but if we start fucking a lot, there’ll have to be some trust between us, you know? That’s all I care about.”

I kissed his neck again, making sure my heavy lipstick left an imprint. Just to make sure, I rubbed my lips over his collar where his wife was sure to notice when she did his laundry.

“Do you mean that? You’d go to bed with me?”

“In a heartbeat,” I said as I got back on my knees and licked his shaft. “But you’ll have to trust me. Can you trust me with that secret?”

“I don’t know,” he moaned as I stopped sucking.

“Then I don’t know if I can fuck you.”

“Okay,” I finally broke him, “just keep sucking!”

“You talk… I suck… got it?”

“Oh fuuuck… that prick Norm… aaagh … doesn’t know… oh God… no girl has ever sucked me like that…”

“That’s cuz you’ve never had a cocksucker like me. If I let you in my panties, I’ll blow your fucking mind! Now… what doesn’t Norm know?”

“The… the guy that invented the technology… the company didn’t… it didn’t…”

“It didn’t what…?” I prodded harder with a tug on his balls.

“They… they didn’t get the guy to sign the… the contract that gives the company rights to… oh my… I’m gonna cum… his invention…. Oh God, Jill, suck me, suck me, pleeeeeze…! I’m almost there!”

“So what about the contract?”

“Me and Phyllis are going to buy it… and… and… sell it to a competitor I know… ohhhhhh….fuuuuuuuuck…! Open that throat, you bitch! Daddy’s treat is on the waaaaaaay!”

I felt him pulsing in my mouth like so many men before him. It was a big deal to him that I swallow his load, but at that point in my life, I’d swallowed so many loads it didn’t mean shit to me. His cum did taste kinda sweet as I gulped it down, but only because of the fun I had getting it out of him.

He asked me for a date as he stuffed his cock back in his pants, so I wrote down a phone number that wasn’t mine and told him to call me when his deal worked out. He insisted that we go back to our seats separately, so as not to garner any suspicions from Norm. I agreed and went in first.

Having finished his presentation, Norm was in his chair and the lights were back on. I gave him a mischievous smile as I sat back down and grabbed his leg under the table.

“You were gone a while,” he whispered.

“Your assassin has slain her prey,” I whispered back.

We gave each other a wink as Jason joined us a minute after I sat down. Norm was quick to notice how I marked his neck and collar with lipstick and quietly remarked, “The assassin is very thorough.”

I couldn’t say a word without giggling, so I kicked his foot under the table instead.

For the rest of the evening, Jason kept quiet, fidgeting every time Phyllis said anything to him. Thinking we would now become lovers, he squeezed my leg a few times under the table, but I didn’t respond like I did before.

In a way, I kinda felt sorry for him. He thought he was so cool, but he was so easy to manipulate. His egotistical obsession to be a big stud had just cost him millions. And all for a quick blow job.

I’d gotten what I came for, and I couldn’t wait to get out of there and have sex with Norm, my mentor and hero.


After we left, Norm took me to a cheap motel like we’d talked about, and literally fucked my brains loose.

He was livid when I told him what I’d learned from Jason. What shocked him the most was Phyllis being one of the instigators.

When he informed the board about her betrayal, she was forced to resign her position. Not long after that, they found a replacement for Jason and fired him. It was a fitting end for both of them, considering what they tried to do. It was pure greed for Phyllis, but for Jason, it was a combination of greed and stupid male ego.

I felt a little guilty about marking his neck and shirt collar with lipstick so his wife would see it, but only a little while. Jason was like the assholes who bullied me in school when I was a wimpy male growing up. Throughout my life, I’ve dealt with many men like Jason, and every time, in one way or another, I always got a little piece of revenge.

Call me petty, but I don’t care. Trans girls are the best cocksuckers, and Jason got what he deserved, a Million Dollar Blow Job!

Published 2 years ago

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