“I’m so borrred,” my sister, Liz, whined with an attached groan as she tossed the TV remote aside.
After a silent thirty seconds, I didn’t even take my eyes off the screen as I responded with, “Are you expecting some kind of response?”
She leaned forward and grabbed her beer bottle from the coffee table set in front of the two long couches positioned in an “L” shape in the attic, which was fully carpeted and furnished as a comfortable second living room area. She downed the remains of the bottle and sighed, adding the empty bottle next to the series of others.
“Bad enough my date got cancelled and nothing else is going on to subject me to drinking while watching bad movies on a Friday night,” she complained.
“Don’t forget who got you those beers,” I coyly reminded her. I was twenty-one, attending college locally and living at home, and my legal age had privileged me with a sense of power over those who couldn’t buy it, like my sister, who was only eighteen and finishing her senior year of high school. I truly didn’t mind, since I wasn’t much of a drinker myself. “And who was this date? That Greg guy you brought over last week?”
“So?” she muttered.
“Half-brain guy like that is doing you a favor by standing you up. Can’t string three words together.”
“As opposed to your date missing in action tonight? That Kelly chick you’ve been seeing?” Liz said, raising an eyebrow. “Talk about a skanky slut-ass hoe-bag.”
“That skanky slut-ass hoe-bag was my ticket to getting laid,” I joked. “She’s working late.”
“Yeah, working late,” she sarcastically mimicked, tonguing the inside of her cheek as she balled her fist to knock it against her other, signaling a blowjob.
I rolled my eyes, trying not to let her get a rise out of me. “Anyway, you’ve got all week now that the house is all to ourselves with mom and dad on their trip,” I reminded her.
“Yeah, but we still have school, dummy. Just a shit way to start this weekend off is all,” she murmured in a depressed manner. “Anyway, try to broaden your horizons a little, big brother, and make it more of a challenge than that easy, sleazy, beautiful blubber girl.”
“She’s not fat. She’s just got a well-rounded ass,” I corrected. “And my horniness knows no boundaries. So I’ll take it easy any night. Plus, you’re one to talk.”
“I’m a girl. I’m entitled every now and then to throwing hard-to-get out the window when I just need a good, simple old-fashioned dicking.”
“Sounds like mom and dad’s little princess has grown up with a mouth that can let stuff like that come out. And let other stuff come in,” I vocally jabbed.
“Is that a disparage of my blowjob skills? Because Greg never complains. I can suck one better than Kelly any night. Well, that is, when she can find it,” she jostled, giving me a sneer and a wink.
“I’ll have you know I’m very well-equipped,” I assured her. “I know it’s been a while since you’ve accidentally gazed upon the glory of my magnificent piece of machinery, but just for the record that there have been some amazing growth advances.”
“Okay, Mr. Modesty. Whatever helps you sleep at night,” she snickered.
There was silence for a good minute or two as the idiotic movie she chose played. She tapped the remote against her leg as if pondering something, before finally speaking out with it, “You ever wonder why people freak out when someone accidentally sees them naked?”
“Because it’s embarrassing?” I answered as if it were obvious.
“Well, yeah, the surprise value, sure,” she agreed. “But I mean, if you’re someone who is comfortable with your naked body, then why should you be embarrassed about what the other person saw or thought afterward?”
“You bringing that up because of that time years back when I accidentally walked in on you changing out of your bathing suit?” I smirked, narrowing my eyes toward her.
She tried to hide an embarrassed smile. “Now THAT was embarrassing, only because back then I WASN’T so equipped. But that’s what I mean. If that were to happen tonight, I don’t think I’d be so embarrassed, because we’re both mature adults.”
“That’s debatable,” I noted.
“Okay, good point. But I mean it wouldn’t be traumatizing or anything, because we’ve both seen our share of the naked opposite sex.”
“I still think you would freak out,” I smiled. “I think you’re all talk and no walk.”
“I honestly would not be embarrassed if you accidentally saw me naked now,” she calmly stated. “And I wouldn’t be embarrassed seeing you, either.”
I gave a short, confused laugh. “Why?”
She shrugged. “Because I’ve seen a dick before, and I’ve seen YOUR dick before. And despite your claims of present-day Paul Bunyan caliber, a minor difference of having hairy balls now as opposed to then is not enough to warrant a horror scream queen reaction. I just think people blow it all out of proportion.”
“I just think you’re a little drunk and thinking of weird drunken things.”
“Touché,” she gallantly agreed, toasting another beer bottle toward me. “But it’s the guys who can’t handle it.”
“You’re saying I couldn’t handle seeing you naked now? All because your chest balloons have inflated since the last time I suffered accidental witness?”
“Well, my handles are too hot to handle, anyway,” she figured with a roll of her shoulders, drinking more. “But yes. I’m saying YOU would be the one to freak out because chicks just handle this stuff better.”
“I wouldn’t faint like some little bitch overseeing my sister’s steaming hot titties, you narcissistic psycho,” I grumbled.
Liz leaned forward and set the bottle down on the table, slapping her hands on her knees. “All right, then. Let’s do it.”
“Do… what?”
“An update. A naked update. It’s been all these years, right? All these changes and developments? How about we exchange glances at the new model hardware?”
I flatly stared at her. “You’re out of your skull. And drunk, if I didn’t mention it before.”
“You’ve never been the least bit curious? What each other looks like now? Come on, it’ll be fun! I need to see a dick tonight, damn it!”
“And I need to see some boobs, but that doesn’t mean my sister’s. Go on the internet like a normal person, perv.”
“Prove to me you wouldn’t freak out!” she insisted.
“I don’t need to prove shit,” I sanely assured her. “But I promise, the next time I accidentally see you naked, I won’t be losing my shit over it.”
“We go downstairs, we undress, put towels on, come back up, do a mutual reveal, and then move on with our lives. It’ll be like a fast naked reunion.”
“You are sooo out of your mind drunk,” I said in shaking laughter, tipping my head back against the rear of my couch.
“And you’re lame,” she blurted. “And no fun. No wonder you’re with Kelly.” She bounced up from her seat and flopped her arms to her sides. “I’m going to get my booty naked and I’ll be back up for you to see, whether you want to or not. So you might as well do it, too.”
I took a deep breath. She usually had a playful disposition, but this was certainly more odd than usual. I just kept telling myself that she was drunk, and maybe she would forget about it and pass out after a few more beers.
But knowing her, once she got this idea in her head she wouldn’t let it go and hound me all night about it. So I stood up as well, tossing my hands in the air. “Fine,” I huffed. “If it will shut you up.”
We both retreated to our rooms downstairs and after a couple of short minutes, I was the first to return to the confines of the attic, more naked under the towel wrapped around my waist than I could ever be.
I thought of keeping my boxer briefs on, or putting a swimsuit on, since I figured it was a good possibility she would do the same. Maybe she was fucking with me. She was drunk, after all. No way she was serious about this.
But Liz returned right after, a towel wrapped around her front to reveal her bare shoulders as we stood apart facing each other, each waiting on the other to say something or make a move.
“This is a bat-shit crazy. And stupid. And you’re drunk,” I finally broke the silence with, “But isn’t it giving you a buzz of excitement? Seeing each other naked after all this time?”
She wasn’t wrong. Maybe I was the crazy one. Even in my sobriety, I could have put my foot down and told her “no”, or retreated to my room and locked myself in until she slept it off and realized the foolishness of her actions the next morning at breakfast.
But maybe I was so sadly desperate and disappointed in my horniness that it actually sounded like a fun, taboo game where our parents would walk in at any moment and scold us for acting so immature, even though there was no chance of that.
“I’ve got an idea to make things more… interesting,” she then upgraded her little charade. “How about we do an updated review?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Like instead of just seeing each other naked after all this time, we critique the best of what’s changed. Any three body parts or areas. They don’t even have to be the naughty ones. We pick three, then the winner out of those three.”
I shrugged. “Whatever. This whole thing is messed up, anyway. Are we seriously gonna do this? Like, for real?” I asked.
“If you want to change your mind, then now is the point of no return,” she briskly said.
“Well, then don’t YOU be chickening out as soon as I drop my towel. Just because you have a pussy doesn’t mean you have to BE one.”
“And just because you have a dick doesn’t mean you have to be one.”
“I’m the one saying to go.”
“Fine, fine, just, whatever. Fine. Let’s do this,” she blurted, slightly churning her shoulders in a manner as if she was ready to take off on a sprint. “I’m actually glad I’m kind of drunk right now.”
“Okay. Count of three; we drop the towels after three,” I announced.
I could see her right leg slightly jittering in place. She was actually nervous now; her facial shape and body language seemingly doing a sharp one-eighty from the spunky, drunk, featherweight attitude she was boasting up until this point.
It appeared I had taken the reins of this wild horse ride. Maybe it was finally sinking in that what she had proposed was real.
“One… two… three.”
I was actually surprised. I really did figure she would wimp out and stand there like a frozen statue, leaving me to be the only dumbass following through with our little game, or, correction, HER game.
I knew her too well as the last-second chicken shit that would leave this whole crazy idea one-sided with my towel as the only one that hit the floor while she gawked and laughed through her backed-out trickery at my embarrassment.
But she totally went through with it.
Both our towels elegantly slid off our bodies and heaped to our feet. She closed her eyes and immediately covered her face with her hands; a bashful smirk hiding underneath her palms as I just stood there waiting.
Slowly, her fingers spread further apart with her eyes peeking through the cracks, until she finally mustered the bravery to carefully pull her guarded hands away.
“Well… here we are,” was all I managed to think of saying. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous myself, but I was definitely the more nonchalant one between us.
Liz bit her lower lip but kept her jaw sharply stiff as her eyes slowly worked down my front frame. I inspected her over, too, meticulously working my scan up and down through the awkward silence that followed.
“Yeah… here we are,” she repeatedly agreed, giving a soft, slow nod with a grin. “Been a while.”
I nodded, hardening my mouth while trying to hide a smile. It had actually happened. We had both gone through with it. My sister and I were standing purely stark naked across from each other. There was a static charge of forbidden excitement in the air.
“So?” she wondered, veering her eyes upward toward the ceiling with an eyebrow perked as if impatiently waiting for some kind of reaction. “Should we do model runway poses or what?”
I chuckled and tossed my arms with a shrug. “Uh… how ‘bout a nice turnaround?”
She smirked and put her hands on her hips, slowly turning her backside to me. She then slightly bucked her hips side to side, jutting her rear end at hiked-up angles like she was playfully over-exaggerating some kind of elegant cabaret poses as she mouthed out in low-toned song, “Da, da, da, da-lahhhh.”
“Bow-chicka-wow-wowww,” I emphasized with a funny voice.
She erupted in a quick, uncontrollable laughing snort that brought her hands back up to her mouth as she stumbled a step or two forward off balance. After turning back to face me, she gestured with her hands, seeming a bit looser now. “Your turn, big boy.”
I sighed. “Okay, grab some sunglasses. You might be blinded by the awesomeness of my ass.” I turned in place, not bothering to embellish in any kind of grand showcasing of my own.
She smoothly nodded her head, eyes dropped down. “Okay, okay,” she said with an impressed tone, “you got some decent buttage goin’ on.”
I turned back to face her. “That your first critique? How long are we supposed to soak in this nudity examination before giving a report?”
She chuckled and shrugged. “I don’t know. Whenever you’re ready, I guess.”
“You go first. Roll with it.”
She licked her lips and looked back at me, studying for a dragged moment. “All right… three best features…” she mulled over my form. “Chest, ass, and… penis.”
I lifted my eyebrows. “All right, all right, good set of picks. Color me intrigued.”
She crossed her arms over her breasts. “Chest… in good shape. Not rockin’ a six-pack or anything, but lookin’ strong. Ass… like I said, good buttage, a good decent eight on the butt-o-meter of cuteness. Not overly rounded, good shape, not too much hair to make you look like Sasquatch.”
Her eyes narrowed and dropped. “And your dick… a good size. And not a good size as in just saying that to be polite when it’s not, but truly a good size. Looking like some good girth there; you got some really good hangtime going, like good swing action. The type where you can hear it hitting your leg.”
She craned her neck, thinking. “Head is big but not awkwardly big, and while you could do some trimming I think your bushy landscape actually works in your favor to complete the appearance of the package.”
I bobbed my head, smiling. “Very fair assessments, thank you.”
She gave a curtsy and a bow.
Her eyes froze on my lower region as if in meticulous thought. She then gave a single, solidly firm nod of confirmation. “Penis. Not by much over the others, though.”
I smiled, almost confidently, and gave an exaggerated stretch of my arms. “Yeah, I figured that was the gold trophy.”
Liz scoffed and rolled her eyes. “All right. Fair is fair. Do me now. I mean… not… don’t “do” me now. I mean “review” me now.”
I smirked and rubbed my chin in thought. “Okay. I’m gonna end up being predictable, here. The holy trinity of a girl. Ass, boobs, pussy.”
“Typical,” she muttered, giving yet another tumble of her eyes.
“Ass… very nice. Like, spankable, but only a couple of spanks.”
“Could we maybe skip the kinky angles of these descriptions?”
“Says the girl describing the potential patting sound of my swinging penis against my bare legs as I walk.”
“Continue, please.”
“So, ass… more meant to be viewed than interacted with, per se. Good shape to compliment the bottom of a nice bareback. Boobs… you’re working with a nice set of tit-tays.”
“Tit-tays?” she repeated with a grin and a drop of her eyes down to her mounds beneath.
“They’re a perfect cup size. Not huge, not small, no sag, no future potential to drop down as you get older. I can see them holding their buoyancy. Nipples a good size and in a good place.”
“Because we really don’t want to see my nipples somewhere else like on my stomach.”
“And your cooch… another good size in proportion to your body shape. Like not huge, not small, no weird camel toe flaps bending all over outside it, and going shaven bare works better because while I can see a light graze of hair or landing strip still working, I don’t think a bush would sit right.”
She nodded. “Well, what astute observations. The winner-winner-chicken-dinner?”
“Boobs. Definitely your boobs.”
“I can totally see you as a boob man,” she stated.
I took a breath and we stood there for another silent moment, the awkwardness threatening to creep back in until I disrupted it by saying, “So… thoughts? I mean, about this. How are you feeling? Being naked in front of each other after all these years.
It’s not really so bad. I thought it’d be a lot weirder, but I’m sort of, like, not that bothered by it.”
“Yeah. I know what you mean. It’s like these minutes have felt like hours, but with each that passes, I’m kind of more cool and comfortable with it. It’s just nudity, I mean, right? No big deal. I almost feel like I’m facing a fear or something. Like after getting naked in front of my brother, I can do anything now.”
“Totally,” I nodded.
“You gonna… get dressed now?” she curiously wondered.
“Are you?”
“I mean… I dunno… whatever…” she replied, almost sounding indecisive.
“Should we start an attic nudist colony?” I joked.
“Oh, yeah. Completely. Let’s just stay like this for the next week until mom and dad come home and shit themselves seeing us. Now THAT would be truly embarrassing to me.”
I laughed, waving it off. “Ah, we’ll just play innocent like the times they found us when…