A Deserved Belting – Part 2

"Dean visits the older married woman over the road, Roslyn, for an evening and night of sex."

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Twenty-eight-year-old Dean Houghton was a happy man. He had spent the previous evening and night with a fifty-six-year-old married woman that lived in a house opposite.

The woman’s name was Roslyn Miller and her husband Tony was a long-distance lorry driver, who was currently away driving in Europe, as he would be for the next five days and nights.

Until the previous evening, Dean had had little to do with Mr and Mrs Miller, he had even been unsure about their surname, but he now knew Roslyn Miller intimately.

Dean and Roslyn had fucked twice the previous evening and night, the first fucking coming after Dean had thrashed Roslyn’s bare arse with a leather belt. Roslyn had given Dean an amazing handjob before she left his house before daybreak this morning.

All this had come from Dean seeing a young man leaving Roslyn’s house the previous morning, and with Dean knowing that no young men were living in that house, he deduced that the youth had spent the night fucking Roslyn.

Dean went to see Roslyn after he had finished his day’s work and they had an enlightening conversation during which Roslyn had begged Dean not to tell her husband. It transpired that Tony had caught Roslyn with a youth a few years before, and he had given her a very severe arse belting.

During the conversation, Roslyn offered Dean sex to keep her secret, but Dean also pursued the arse-belting angle and originally gave Roslyn the choice of a belting from him or from her husband, Roslyn chose Dean.

When Roslyn came to Dean’s house for her belting and more, Dean said that she did not have to go through with it and that she could return home with no more said if she wanted, but she declined his offer.

Dean gave Roslyn a very thorough belting with her bent over the back of his sofa, and very soon after, she was in the same position for the first of their fucks. The second fuck was in bed later.

Roslyn spent the night, leaving before six in the morning, after tossing Dean off. They agreed to fuck again that evening and night, this time in Roslyn’s house.

To enable Roslyn to spend time with Dean, she had had to phone her young lover, who was aged nineteen, and tell him that their intended six more nights of fucking were postponed. She did tell the disappointed youth that she hoped to see him again in the future. She did not say why she had had to postpone.

So Dean Houghton went to work a happy man, knowing that his quite impressive penis would be in Roslyn Miller’s cunt this coming night and very likely the four nights that followed.

Roslyn examined her bare buttocks in her wardrobe mirror a couple of times, she hoped and expected that the evidence of her belting would have disappeared before her husband got home. She also admired her naked tits and cunt in the mirror, she was pleased that males of various ages found her to be desirable. She was looking forward to the man from over the road visiting her later, he had given her a couple of good fucks.

That evening, Roslyn smiled to herself when she saw Dean arrive home from work, he looked in the direction of her house and saw her standing at her front room window, he waved.

Roslyn blew him a kiss and waved back. Dean’s cock stiffened, and Roslyn started to feel a bit damp. They had not fixed a time for Dean to come over, but it would be after dark, which itself was not too far off.

Dean had a light snack, he had had a more substantial meal at lunchtime, had a shower and got dressed to go and see his new lover. It was after sunset now, but Dean waited for it to get a bit darker before he left his house. Curtains in neighbouring houses were closed, so he was confident that nobody saw him go to Roslyn’s door and ring the bell.

Roslyn had had the sense to not have a light on in her hallway as she opened the door and allowed Dean in.

“Give us a kiss,” laughed Roslyn, who was wearing a quite short black skirt and a white top, plus a lot of makeup. Dean would find out what underwear she had on, if any, very shortly.

They had a long kiss, and hands explored the other’s bodies.

“You have not brought that belt, have you?” said Roslyn.

“No, but I might give you a spanking,” replied Dean.

“Oh, do I deserve a spanking?” pouted Roslyn.

“Very likely,” laughed Dean.

“Are you staying the night?” asked Roslyn, their hands idly caressing the other person.

“Well, I haven’t brought my pyjamas,” chuckled Dean.

“I don’t think that matters much, do you?” said Roslyn, now massaging the bulge in Dean’s trousers.

“I will have to get up in time to get ready for work,” said Dean, this day was a Thursday.

“Well, I do have an alarm clock,” replied Roslyn.

“Yeah, if you had set it a bit earlier two nights ago, I might not have seen your young lover, and I would not be here now,” said Dean.

“And my arse might not have got a belting yesterday,” said Roslyn.

“How is your arse?” asked Dean, giving it a feel.

“I would think that you will be seeing for yourself very soon, don’t you?” responded Roslyn, and then they kissed again.

They were still in semi-darkness just inside Roslyn’s door, although there was light coming from her front room to the right.

“Has your husband phoned you today yet?” asked Dean, when the kissing ended.

“Not yet, so my mobile will go where we go,” replied Roslyn.

“I hope that he does not phone when you are in the middle of a cum,” said Dean.

“If he does, I will ring him back after I have stopped cumming,” answered Roslyn.

“Has that happened before when you had company?” asked Dean.

“A couple of times, I just said that I had been in the bathroom,” replied Roslyn.

“Do you have someone fucking you every night that your husband is away?” chuckled Dean.

“No, sometimes I fuck myself,” laughed Roslyn.

“Fuck, you are a horny bitch, aren’t you?” said Dean.

“Always,” replied Roslyn, undoing Dean’s trousers.

Roslyn dropped to her knees and pulled Dean’s trousers and boxers down, his erection almost hit her in the face, before she took it into her mouth.

“Fucking hell, Roslyn, fucking hell,” mumbled Dean, as the woman twice his age sucked his cock.

Roslyn licked and sucked Dean’s rigid pole, he was loving it and assumed that Roslyn would stop if and when she wanted to.

Dean gently stroked Roslyn’s head as it bobbed as she sucked.

Dean’s body was shaking or trembling, he knew that if Roslyn did what she was doing for much longer, she would get a mouthful of spunk.

Roslyn could tell that Dean was not far from ejaculation, so she decided to complete the job.

Roslyn’s lips and tongue were sending Dean crazy, his spunk was rising.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” said Dean, just before Roslyn took the full blast of his ejaculation in her mouth.

Roslyn swallowed all she could, but some semen dribbled out of her mouth. When Dean had stopped cumming, she took her mouth off his cock, licked the sides and then looked up at him, triumphantly.

“You are an amazing woman, a wank this morning and a blowjob this evening,” said Dean.

“That is what neighbours are for,” laughed Roslyn.

“You know that I will not be able to fuck you for a while,” said Dean.

“I know, I am sure that you will be able to pleasure me some other way,” responded Roslyn.

“I want to examine your arse,” said Dean.

“Thought you would never ask,” laughed Roslyn, standing up.

Roslyn started to climb the stairs, smiling back over her shoulder, Dean tried to follow but nearly fell over as his trousers and boxers were at his ankles. Dean took off his shoes, trousers and boxers and started to follow Roslyn. He did not know if he was supposed to leave his clothes there, so he picked them up.

Roslyn was waiting for him in her bedroom, Dean felt a bit stupid standing there with his trousers and boxers in his arms, so he put them on a chair. Roslyn smirked at him.

“Sit on the bed, I will give you my arse to examine,” said Roslyn.

Dean sat on the bed, and Roslyn stood close to him with her back to him. She undid her skirt and had it drop to the floor. She looked over her shoulder at Dean as she slowly lowered her knickers, baring her big backside. Her arse cheeks still displayed the marks from the belting that she had received about twenty-four hours previously.

Roslyn bent right over as she took her knickers all the way down and off, she held the pose, wondering what Dean would do.

As Roslyn remained bent over, Dean caressed and then kissed Roslyn’s buttocks.

“I love your arse,” Dean said, admiringly.

“Mmmm, I like what you are doing to it,” said Roslyn, as Dean continued kissing and caressing her arse cheeks.

“Do you like this?” asked Dean, putting his fingers between Roslyn’s legs and playing with her cunt.

“Fuck yes, oh yes,” said Roslyn, having trouble holding her position.

Dean fingered Roslyn’s vagina for a while, she was shaking and very close to cumming. Dean took her the rest of the way.

“Oh fuck, yes, fuck, yes,” panted Roslyn, her whole body shaking as she orgasmed.

“Now I am going to lick you, get on your back,” said Dean.

Roslyn staggered as she stood upright, and got on her back on the bed as Dean stood up.

Dean took off his T-shirt and looked at the inviting cunt that he was about to feast on, he still had his socks on, so he was not totally naked.

He got his head to Roslyn’s wet gash, and he licked the fresh cum off the insides of her thighs before concentrating on her vagina.

Dean used his tongue on the mature woman’s cunt, and Roslyn squirmed and moaned. Dean teased her clit for a while, and Roslyn squirmed some more.

“Mmmm, fuck, oh fuck,” Roslyn said softly.

Dean then gave her cunt a full licking, and Roslyn’s arse bounced as she came.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh,” shouted the woman in orgasm.

“Did that please you?” asked Dean, when Roslyn stopped cumming.

“You just saw and heard that it fucking did,” laughed Roslyn.

“Good,” said Dean, and then they kissed.

“Might as well take these off,” said Roslyn, sitting up to take off her top and her bra.

“I might as well take these off,” chuckled Dean, taking off his socks.

They lay quietly for a while, both knowing that there was more to come.

Roslyn’s mobile rang, and when she twisted to answer it, Dean took the opportunity to play with her displayed arse.

For the second successive night, Roslyn talked to her husband on the phone whilst Dean played with her backside.

Her voice changed slightly on the phone when Dean gently played her arse crack with a finger, but Tony, on the other end of the call, did not seem to notice.

Roslyn was so turned on by the end of the call, and she remained with her arse towards Dean, inviting him to continue the arse play. He accepted the invitation.

Dean kissed, caressed, licked and fingered Roslyn’s arse, turning her on more and more. Dean’s cock was stiff by now too, having recovered from the earlier blowjob.

Roslyn was now completely on her front, letting Dean do anything that he wanted to her bottom, as she got closer and closer to another cum.

Dean had discovered that having her arse crack fingered seemed to particularly get Roslyn going, so he did that, and it worked.

“Mmmm, oh god, oh, oh,” said Roslyn, getting agitated as she came with Dean’s fingers in between her buttocks.

Dean could very happily fuck her right now, but he had something else in mind first.

Dean suddenly gave Roslyn a hard slap on her left buttock.

“Oh!” said the just climaxed woman, in surprise.

Dean continued spanking hard and fast from cheek to cheek, and Roslyn was content to let him.

It was not a full-blown spanking, but it was certainly an arse-warming.

Now was the time to fuck, and Dean stopped slapping Roslyn’s arse and moved so that his now erect penis touched her backside.

Roslyn spread her legs and shifted position slightly, offering her willing cunt to Dean’s cock.

Another slight position adjustment and Dean’s penis entered Roslyn’s vagina again.

Roslyn was loving having Dean’s cock in her, she liked having most cocks in her, as the man from over the road started shafting her.

Dean thrusted at varying speeds, as his penis slid in and out of Roslyn’s vagina.

“Going to cum, oh fuck,” Roslyn suddenly announced, as the fucking continued.

There was an adjusting of positions and Roslyn was on her knees with her upper body on the bed and her arse in the air.

Dean was determined to make this a long-lasting fuck, as his penis continued to give Roslyn pleasure. The arse slapping had made her buttocks tingle, and that was adding to her excitement.

The fucking continued, Dean had succeeded in his aim of making it long-lasting, and Roslyn responded accordingly.

It reached the point where Dean could hold off no more, and he ejaculated, once again jetting his semen into Roslyn.

They slumped on the bed, both of them satisfied.

“Same again tomorrow night?” asked Dean.

“Yeah, with some variations,” chuckled Roslyn.

“Your house or mine?” asked Dean.

“Um, I will come to you,” replied Roslyn.

After some kissing and cuddling they fell asleep, Roslyn had set the alarm to give them time for Dean to be out of the house before daybreak. It was Dean seeing Roslyn’s young lover leaving her house as it started to get to daylight that had led to this.

The alarm woke them at five in the morning.

Once they had gathered their senses, Dean mounted Roslyn for a morning fuck.

It did not last long, but they both came.

Dean then had to get up to go home.

This was a Friday, so the weekend had almost arrived, but whether they would get any extra time together was debatable, because what they were doing needed to be nocturnal, if the risk of discovery was to be reduced.

Dean got dressed, and they kissed again. He quietly let himself out of Roslyn’s house and went home. Roslyn went back to sleep.

Their next encounter was scheduled to be in Dean’s house.

Published 2 years ago

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