Dean Houghton was a twenty-eight-year-old single man, and he was just getting up to get ready for work.
Daylight was just starting to appear, although it was still quite dark, and he happened to see what appeared to be a young man leaving the house opposite, via the front door.
Dean thought it strange because the couple that lived there must be aged in their fifties, and they had no offspring, none living at home anyway.
Dean first thought of the male being a burglar, but there were lights on in the house upstairs and downstairs, and he assumed that burglars did not normally leave lights on.
Dean did not know the couple very well, and he only normally spoke to them for a ‘Morning’ or ‘Evening’ if he saw them outside, but he did know that the man of the house was a lorry driver, and often away overnight.
He knew the couple as Tony and Roslyn but was not sure of their surname. It was the sort of neighbourhood where everyone kept themselves to themselves except when they had a close friendship with a nearby neighbour.
Now Dean was thinking that if the male leaving the house was not a relative and not a burglar, then what did that leave?
Had Roslyn got herself a toyboy for when Tony was away overnight, as Dean believed that he was now?
Dean did not have a girlfriend as such, but he sometimes got lucky with the busty mature barmaid from the pub down the road, she was also married, and he had fucked her in his house a few times.
Roslyn, Dean thought her surname was Mills or Miller, was actually quite a fuckable looking woman, she was curvy and had a big arse, just like Dean liked them. If she did have a lover, Dean suddenly felt jealous.
Dean thought about the lady over the road a lot during his working day. He knew that what she got up to when her husband was away, if she was up to anything and if he was away, was none of his business, but he thought that he might be able to use what he had seen, to his advantage.
By the time Dean got home from work, he had decided to pay the lady over the road a visit.
He put on some aftershave and had the top three buttons on his shirt undone in what he saw as his ‘sexy hunk’ look, he was not sure if all women saw him as that though.
He rang the doorbell, and Roslyn came to the door.
“Hello Mrs Mills, is your husband in?” smiled Dean, fuck this woman looked hot close-up.
“It is Miller, and no he is not, he is away all week driving on the continent,” replied Roslyn, not yet seeing Dean as a sexy hunk.
“Sorry, Miller, I knew that it was something like that; yeah, I thought that your husband was probably away,” said Dean, his mind working on quite how to play this.
“So what did you want him for?” said Roslyn, feeling slightly impatient.
“You don’t have a young son, do you, Mrs Miller?” asked Dean, with a smile.
“Not young, no, I have a son who is aged thirty-one, why?” replied Roslyn.
“It is just that I saw a young man leaving your house at about six this morning,” said Dean, still smiling. That hit home with Roslyn.
“No, no, you couldn’t have, you must be mistaken,” said a now flustered Roslyn.
“I don’t think that I am; I thought that he might be a burglar at first, but your lights were on; I wonder why he was leaving your house at that time, or indeed why he had been in your house,” said Dean, watching Roslyn’s face as her mind churned.
“Um, please, um, please can you not tell my husband,” Roslyn almost begged.
“Oh, so the young man was, um, visiting you, and your husband does not know?” said Dean.
“Look, Dean, can you keep it a secret? I am begging you,” pleaded Roslyn.
“Well, you really don’t want your husband to know, do you, what would he do if he did know?” asked Dean.
“Don’t tell him, he would belt me,” said Roslyn, close to tears.
“Belt you literally, as in whipping your bottom?” smiled Dean.
“Yes, he caught me a few years ago with a youth, I could not sit down for ages afterward,” replied Roslyn.
“Oh, so you have been naughty before then, are you often naughty when your husband is away?” asked Dean.
All this discussion so far had been on the doorstep, but there did not appear to be anyone else close by at the moment.
“Look, if you promise not to tell my husband about this, maybe we could, um…,” said Roslyn, starting to think that the younger man from over the road was quite good-looking.
“Are you offering me sexual favours for not telling your husband that you are getting fucked by a young man, Mrs Miller?” smiled Dean, triumphantly.
“Yes, yes, if you promise not to tell,” said Roslyn.
“But the fact remains that you have been a very naughty girl, haven’t you, Roslyn?” said Dean, using the woman’s first name for the first time.
“Yes, but I could be naughty with you too,” replied Roslyn, hopefully.
“But what you did merited an arse belting before, does it not merit an arse belting now?” asked Dean, his cock stiff in his trousers.
“Don’t tell him, please,” begged Roslyn.
“Maybe I should belt your arse,” said Dean. This was going even better than he hoped, he thought that he might get a fuck out of it but now, if he played his cards right, he might get to belt Roslyn’s arse too.
“Are you serious?” responded Roslyn.
“It is up to you, you can either have your arse belted by me or by your husband, which is it to be?” beamed Dean.
“But, but Tony might see the marks,” responded Roslyn.
“How many nights is he away for?” asked Dean.
“Six more, including tonight,” replied Roslyn.
“Well, if I give you your belting this evening, the marks will probably have gone by the time he gets home,” said Dean.
“This evening?” said Roslyn, her mind working overtime.
“Yes, was your lover boy coming back?” smiled Dean.
“Um, yes,” answered Roslyn.
“Your decision, Roslyn, you can have your lover boy fuck you and your husband gets to hear about it, or you can tell your young man that you will be busy for a few nights,” said Dean.
“A few nights, you mean with you?” answered Roslyn.
“Yes, I am not that bad, you might even like it,” said Dean.
Roslyn did not answer, but her mind was working.
“Who is going to belt your arse, Roslyn?” asked Dean.
“You are,” answered Roslyn, knowing that Tony would give her a real leathering, and Dean was looking more and more attractive.
“My house, or yours?” asked Dean.
“Um, yours, I will come to you,” replied Roslyn.
“See you later, Roslyn, don’t forget to phone your young man,” said Dean, before walking away.
The lengthy discussion had all taken place on Roslyn’s doorstep, but nobody appeared to have noticed.
Roslyn went indoors and slumped in a chair, she did not expect to be sitting down later. She phoned her young lover, and he was, not surprisingly, disappointed. Roslyn could not tell him why she had to postpone their sex sessions, but she said that she hoped that they could get together in the future.
Roslyn went upstairs to get ready, they had not fixed a specific time but she wanted to get the belting done. In a strange way, she was looking forward to it.
She looked at her large bare arse in her wardrobe mirror, she knew that it would soon be sore and glowing. She expected Dean to give her a good belting but one from Tony would be much worse. Dean might be right, she might like being with him, and he might be a good fuck almost literally on the doorstep, for some future times that Tony is away.
Roslyn put on her knickers and a pair of jeans, although she did not expect that they would be on for long once she got to Dean’s house. She looked at the clock and wondered if it was too soon to go, but decided to go anyway.
She felt both apprehensive and excited as she crossed the road’ It was dark but there were street lights, she rang Dean’s doorbell.
“Hello, am I too early?” asked Roslyn when Dean opened the door, her voice betraying her nervousness.
“No, it is fine, come in,” said Dean, stepping aside.
“Thank you,” said Roslyn, smiling weakly.
“Would you like to sit down? We can chat a little bit,” said Dean, showing Roslyn into his living room.
“Thank you,” said Roslyn again, sitting in an armchair, and very conscious of her buttocks.
“Would you like a coffee, or something stronger?” asked Dean, he was being quite charming.
“Um, no thank you,” replied Roslyn.
Dean sat on the sofa, opposite Roslyn.
“Okay, well, before we do anything, you are here under your own free will, aren’t you?” asked Dean.
“Well, you haven’t kidnapped me, have you?” responded Roslyn.
“No, I haven’t, and I have been thinking, if you want, you can go home now and we will say no more about it,” said Dean, who did not want Roslyn to be there under duress.
“Are you saying that you are not going to belt me, or tell Tony?” replied Roslyn.
“I am saying that I will belt you if you are happy to accept it, I am not forcing you to take it,” said Dean.
“That is very generous of you, Dean,” said Roslyn.
“The choice is yours, Roslyn, I am going to go upstairs and get my leather belt, if you are still here when I come back down, I will assume that you will take the belting,” said Dean, getting off the sofa.
Roslyn sat thinking, she believed him when he said that she could go home and no more would be said, but she felt compelled to accept the belting, almost welcoming it. She remained seated.
Dean returned with a thick leather belt, Roslyn smiled at him.
“Whatever happens after the belting, will be because you want it too, okay?” said Dean, folding the belt double.
“Okay,” said Roslyn.
“Right, please remove your jeans and knickers and bend over the back of the sofa,” said Dean, his cock stiff in his trousers, as Roslyn noticed.
Roslyn stood up and removed her jeans and chucked them on the armchair, she put her hands at the top of her knickers and looked at Dean.
“How old are you, Dean?” asked Roslyn, still with her knickers on.
“Twenty-eight, why?” replied Dean.
“Ha, exactly half my age, and you are going to belt my arse,” said Roslyn.
“Is my age relevant?” asked Dean.
“Not really, you are nine years older than my lover, but he has not belted my arse,” replied Roslyn, now removing her knickers. Dean got a glimpse of her hairy cunt.
Roslyn felt amazingly cool and in control, as she walked behind the sofa and bent over the back of it. Dean moved behind her.
“You have a gorgeous arse, Roslyn,” said Dean, caressing Roslyn’s buttocks.
“Thank you, most men that have seen it have said that,” responded Roslyn.
“I am going to give you the belting that you deserve,” said Dean.
“Yes, it is a deserved belting,” said Roslyn, bracing herself for the first lash.
The belt lashed Roslyn’s buttocks, and she sort of grunted.
Leather met bare skin again, and Roslyn swayed her arse as the sting from the first two lashes sunk in.
Dean did not have a number of lashes in mind, but the belt kept travelling through the air and impacting on Roslyn’s arse cheeks. Her buttocks were now red and she had tears in her eyes, but she was feeling incredibly turned on.
Still, the belt lashed her backside, there must have been at least eighteen lashes by now, and Roslyn’s buttocks were on fire. Dean gave her a few more, the tops of the backs of her thighs were now red where they had taken some lashes.
Dean was breathing heavily, and starting to sweat.
“Have you learnt your lesson?” said Dean.
“A few more,” responded a sobbing Roslyn, and she immediately wondered what made her say that.
Belt met buttocks eight more times, Roslyn’s arse cheeks were crimson and Dean found himself hoping that the evidence of the belting would have disappeared before Roslyn’s husband saw her arse.
“Stand up,” said Dean, softly.
Roslyn slowly pushed herself up, she clenched and unclenched her fists before slowly putting her hands on her arse cheeks.
“Thank you,” said Roslyn, sobbing.
“You deserved it,” said Dean, trying to justify his turning the woman’s buttocks that colour.
“Yes, I did,” said Roslyn, slowly turning to face Dean. Her face was very flushed and tear-streaked, but she also looked sexually aroused, which she was.
“You can go home now if you want,” said Dean, although he certainly did not want her to.
“I don’t want to go home until morning,” replied Roslyn, still with her hands on her buttocks.
“Ha, better not let a neighbour see you leaving, or you might get your arse belted,” chuckled Dean.
Roslyn put her arms around Dean’s neck and they kissed. Normally in these circumstances, Dean’s hands would go to the woman’s arse but he managed to stop himself from doing that and settled on putting his hands on her lower back.
“Mmmm, feels good,” said Roslyn, grinding herself against the bulge in Dean’s trousers.
“Let’s go to my bedroom,” said Dean
Roslyn did not say anything, but instead, undid Dean’s trousers and lowered them, and his boxers, and started wanking his impressive erection.
“Why don’t you bend over the back of that sofa again?” suggested Dean, thinking that getting to his bedroom would take too long.
Roslyn turned and bent over the back of the sofa once again, Dean hurriedly got out of his trousers and boxers and got behind her, this time without a leather belt in his hand. Dean fingered Roslyn’s cunt to see if she was wet enough, she was saturated.
Dean held his cock against Roslyn’s cunt lips and eased in.
“Fuck, yes, yes,” said Roslyn, as Dean’s cock slid deeper.
Dean gripped Roslyn’s hips and started thrusting hard and fast, Roslyn was soon cumming.
“Shit, oh, oh, fuck,” shouted Roslyn, as Dean continued shafting
Roslyn came for a second time and was cumming for a third when she felt Dean ejaculating inside her.
Dean eventually withdrew, and Roslyn pushed herself up.
“Ha, Tony did not fuck me for more than a week after he had belted my arse, a fucking with a red hot arse is amazing,” said Roslyn, kissing Dean again.
“Now shall we go to my bedroom?” smiled Dean, they were both naked from the waist down.
“Yeah, oh better take this,” said Roslyn, taking her mobile from her jeans pocket.
“Expecting a call?” asked Dean.
“Yeah, Tony phones me at some point every evening when he is away,” replied Roslyn, who was finding walking with a sore arse to be difficult.
“That could be inconvenient,” said Dean.
“Certainly could be, I was getting fucked when he rang last night,” confessed Roslyn, as she followed Dean upstairs.
“Wow, do you think that he could tell?” asked Dean.
“Well, I was between orgasms, so I think I sounded cool enough,” responded Roslyn.
“I need to set the alarm, for my work,” said Dean, setting his clock.
“And my going home,” chuckled Roslyn. She felt so turned on having just been fucked, and with her buttocks burning.
They both removed their upper clothing and then lay on the bed, Roslyn on her front.
Dean spent a lot of time gently stroking and kissing Roslyn’s flogged arse cheeks, adding to her sexual arousal.
Roslyn’s mobile rang, and with Dean still kissing her backside, she talked to her husband.
Tony asked her what she was giggling about when Dean’s finger sliding up and down her arse crack made her react, but she seemed to convince him that she had the television on mute, and it was something on there that made her laugh.
When Roslyn and Tony had finished talking on the phone, Roslyn and Dean had a long snog.
“I hope that you are going to give me another fucking tonight to make it worth my while staying,” smiled Roslyn.
“I am going to give you a fucking tonight and every night that your husband is away if you would like me to,” replied Dean.
“Promises, promises, yes, I think that I would like that,” said Roslyn.
After time spent kissing, caressing, and chatting, they got into a sixty-nine, with Roslyn on top.
They got each other very hot orally, and then Roslyn was on her back and Dean mounted her.
This fuck was not as fast or urgent as the downstairs one, but it was just as pleasurable.
“Give it to me, fuck me, make me scream,” encouraged Roslyn, as Dean’s penis slid in and out.
“Scream, you bitch, fucking scream,” replied Dean, thrusting harder.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” yelled Roslyn as she came, almost screaming.
Dean was unsure whether to slow down or to keep thrusting hard, he chose to keep thrusting hard.
He managed to make Roslyn cum twice more before he creamed.
They got some sleep and were awoken by the alarm, which was set for just after five in the morning.
Dean thought about another fuck, but Roslyn gave him no choice, and gave him a fantastic hand job, she squealed with laughter as Dean’s spunk shot in the air.
Dean had a shower, Roslyn would shower at home, and they had another kiss and got dressed, although not until Roslyn’s buttocks had been examined.
They did not put lights on, so putting their lower clothing on downstairs was done by light from phones, and then they had to part.
“See you this evening,” said Roslyn, after they had another kiss.
“Your house or mine?” said Dean.
“You come to me, but don’t bring that bloody belt,” laughed Roslyn.
“Okay, but if you continue to be naughty, you might have to be punished sometimes,” said Dean.
“I will continue to be naughty,” giggled Roslyn, and then she was gone into the darkness.
Dean watched until he saw her downstairs light go on.
Considering that this time the previous day Dean Houghton hardly knew the mature couple that lived over the road, he now knew the wife of the couple, rather well.