After Simon had related the story to his wife about Carol and her new younger lover, it got her thinking that maybe she might like a younger lover of her own. She started perusing the web on nights when her husband was sleeping beside her or when he was out of the house, looking at porn involving couples of different ages and reading articles and stories on the subject. After a few weeks of looking, she decided to mention it to Simon.
For his part, Simon knew she was up to something but he didn’t know what. He figured it was something that aroused her because she was always frisky after disappearing into another room with her iPad or phone. They were in bed one night, not intending to do anything sexual, when she mustered up the courage to begin that conversation.
“Simon, sweetheart,” she said to get his attention away from the book he was reading. He knew that she was up to something, she only used that particular term of endearment when she wanted something. He put his book on the nightstand and gave her his undivided attention. “Can I show you something?”
“Of course, baby, anything,” he replied. Already he was stiffening at the prospect of where this conversation might lead.
She picked up her iPad and tapped it a few times before and then spoke, “You know how we always say that if we were going to try anything different, we’d talk about it?” He nodded for her to continue. “Well, after you told me that story about Carol and her young lover, it got me thinking that maybe you and I should see if we can’t find ourselves a young fit couple to play with.”
“Did it now?” he asked, teasing her. “And what attributes would this young couple have that you might find interesting?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “There’s nobody I have in mind it’s just an idea that I’ve been toying with.”
Simon chuckled, “Toying with, there’s an interesting turn of phrase” She blushed and bowed her head. She had indeed put her favourite toys to use after looking at pictures and videos of younger and more mature people together in various stages of undress and intermingling.
“Let’s see what you have in mind,” he said, and she showed him her iPad. On it was a couple who looked about their age talking to a younger couple on what looked like a cruise ship. She tapped the play icon and fast-forwarded a bit to see the couples had paired off with the other’s partner while dancing. Then the older woman went to her husband and kissed him before whispering something in his ear. He smiled and kissed her again before telling her to have fun. The camera then followed her and the younger man as they left the room. Shortly after, the older man and the younger woman left as well and the camera switched between shots of the first couple going to one cabin and the second to a different one.
Kelly stopped the video and looked at her husband, “What do you think?” He decided to have a little fun.
“Are you asking me if we should go on a cruise?” he asked.
She gave him an annoyed look, “It could be a cruise, or an adults-only resort or whatever but that’s not what I’m asking. What do you think about us finding a younger couple to play with?”
“I think I like the way you’re thinking but I have to ask, what’s brought this on?” he said.
“It’s like I said, you told me about Carol and David and it got me wondering.” She leaned in and kissed him.
“And if I say I’m not interested?” he asked, teasing her again. Of course, he was interested, what red-blooded fifty-five-year-old man wouldn’t want a younger lover if his wife was okay with it?
“Then we don’t do it,” she said simply. “Don’t think I won’t fantasize about it but nothing would actually happen.”
“I see,” he said. “I have an idea. How about I get Carol and David’s contact information, Maybe they’d be up for it.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “With someone we know?”
“We don’t know them,” he replied. “We only met them at the wedding and from what Jessie has told me, Carol has really come out of her shell since she started hooking up with David. What’s the worst that can happen?”
“I can think of plenty of things that can happen!” she said. She thought about it, “What about Jessie and James? I know you want to fuck Jessie, you have ever since you met her and from the sounds of things, they’re pretty willing.” She’d heard the stories about their wedding night and wondered if they were true.
“That’s one possibility,” he conceded. “I guess the first question is, do we try it?”
“I think so,” his wife replied. “Yes, we should!”
“Okay then.” They started kissing and then she stopped him and picked up the iPad.
“Want to see how the movie ends?” she asked. They settled in and started watching but it didn’t take long before they were fucking like teenagers again, fantasizing out loud what it might be like to watch their spouse getting pleasured by another person. All in all, it took them four different sessions over a period of three hours to watch a thirty-five-minute video, each session being interrupted by them having sex before they got to the final scene where all four of them were linked up in a daisy chain of oral delight.
“Too bad the two women didn’t get together without the guys,” Kelly said wistfully.
“Is that something you’d like to try as well?” Simon asked her.
“I’ve thought a lot about that since Jessie started dropping hints,” she answered.
“Those weren’t hints, my darling, those were invitations!” he said, laughing.
“Be that as it may, I think that maybe I’d like to see if what they say is true.”
“And what would that be?” he asked her.
“If women are better kissers than men,” she smiled at him.
“Well, I have no personal experience on the matter but I have this good friend that does and she tells me in no uncertain terms that women are better kissers than men.” He kissed her again, “Apparently, they’re better at eating pussy too! I guess you’ll just have to find out for yourself!”
“You so want to fuck Jessie!” she teased him.
“Of course I do!” he replied. “And I’d like you to watch us do it!” They started kissing again and Simon slid his hand between her thighs. “And then I’d like to watch you fuck each other!”
“Not necessarily in that order!” she giggled. She felt his fingers massage her clit, “Again?” she asked. He nodded and they did it again, ending their evening with a two-person version of oral delight.
They didn’t discuss it for a couple of days, Kelly continued doing her research and masturbating while she did it and Simon reached out to Jessie for Carol’s contact info.
“Why do you want to get in touch with her?” she asked, immediately suspicious.
“I met her at the wedding, she seems lovely but very sad. I thought maybe she’d like to meet Kelly and maybe they could be friends,” he said innocently.
“Uh-huh!” Jessie said. “You just want to get into her pants!”
“You have a one-track mind young lady!” he admonished her. “And that track is in the gutter!”
“You know it!” she replied. “Speaking of getting into someone’s pants, has your wife agreed to let you get into mine yet?”
“Not yet,” he replied, leaving out that part of the discussion they’d had. “Maybe you can convince her.”
“I’d just as soon get into her pants as yours!” she said lustily. “Kelly is one hot MILF!” They both laughed.
“Have you written the story about your wedding night yet?” he asked her.
“Not yet,” she replied, moving to him and planting a wet kiss on his cheek. “Maybe some night you and Kelly could invite me over and I could dictate it to you!” Simon went to wipe off the lipstick smear but Jessie stopped him, “Leave that alone, that’s for Kelly!” She planted one on the other side, “That one is for you!” She hugged him, “You tell your delicious-looking wife that whenever she’s ready, I will gladly rock her world!”
“I’ll pass that along,” he said. He picked up the slip of paper and pocketed it before leaving. Jessie laughed as he walked away, limping a little because of the hard-on she had given him. “Oh yes,” she thought, “I will have her!”
When Simon got home, Kelly immediately noticed the two lip prints on his cheeks. “What the fuck? She asked as she started giggling.
“I talked to Jessie about getting Carol’s contact information and she was teasing me. She said one of these was for me and the other was for you!”
Kelly laughed, “I suppose she offered to have sex with you again, too!” she said.
“Not exactly,” he replied. “She asked me to tell you, and I quote, ‘You tell your delicious-looking wife that whenever she’s ready, I will gladly rock her world!’”
“No fucking way! She did not say that!” Kelly’s hand covered her mouth. “What did you tell her? Did you tell her about us talking about, you know?”
“Not a word, baby, I promise!” he protested.
“Then how did she know?”
“Beats me!” he said. He took the slip of paper out of his pocket, “So should I call Carol?”
“Yeah, about that,” Kelly said. “I’m not sure that I want to do something like that with anyone we know, not at first anyway. What if it goes wrong?”
“I hear you, babe,” he replied. “So, what’s your solution? Or are you going to give up on the idea?”
“I’m not giving up,” she replied. “I’ve been doing some research and I think we should take a vacation to an adults-only resort. Whatever happens, happens!”
“Okay, I like it!” he said. “When did you have in mind?”
“Well, the weather’s getting cooler, how about the end of next month?” she asked him.
“Can you wait that long?” he asked.
“I think so,” she said with a smile. “And in the meantime, we can share some sexy fantasies about it!” She started kissing him and then lead him to the bedroom where over the course of the next hour she rode him hard and put him away wet.
As they lay together, winded but satisfied, he rolled over and hugged her, “I think I might get in touch with Carol after all. You didn’t meet her but she seemed really nice. You heard about her husband and daughter, didn’t you?”
“Oh my God, that was awful!” she said. “You know what, I think you should. Maybe she could use a friend and if she’s as nice as you say I’m sure we could find some things we have in common.”
“Okay, I’ll call her later,” he said.
After supper, Kelly disappeared into the bedroom with her iPad again so Simon decided to reach out to Carol by text.
“Hi Carol, I’m Simon, we met at Jessie and James’s wedding. Jessie gave me your number and suggested I get in touch. I enjoyed talking to you that evening and my wife, Kelly, and I were wondering if maybe you’d like to get together for a drink or something and see if we have anything in common. Text or call me at your convenience.”
About ten minutes later he received a reply, “Hi Simon, I remember you. I enjoyed talking to you too! I’d love to get together with you and Kelly. Do you know the pub over on 17th St, the Gryphon? How about Friday evening say around 7?”
“I know it well, we’ll be there!” he texted back.
He went to the bedroom and tapped on the door just in case his wife was in the middle of something. He heard the bed covers rustle and he knew that she was fantasizing again. He peeked in and she had the covers pulled up to her chin, her jeans were on the floor along with her panties and the drawer to her nightstand where she kept her toy box was open. There was a bottle of lube laying on its side on top of the covers.
“Having fun, Sweetie?” he teased.
“Ummm, kinda,” she replied as her face turned red.
“Can I see what you are looking at?” he asked.
“Oh, fuck why not?” she said exasperated. “No point in hiding it, is there?” She handed him the iPad and he saw that the video she had been watching had just ended. He smiled as he saw it then tapped the rewind icon a few times to send it back a half-minute or so.
“Were you close?” he asked as he watched a young man who looked to be about twenty absolutely fucking railing this mature woman of around fifty. Her whole body was shaking and she was screaming all the expletives as he repeatedly pounded into her from behind.
“Pretty close,” she said. “Really close.” She cast her eyes downward.
He passed her back the iPad, “Well, you might as well finish what you started,” he teased her.
“You don’t want to help me?” she asked.
He shook his head, “Nah, I’ll just watch!” He sat down on the chair at her dressing table and looked at her. She shrugged her shoulders and then he saw her look back at the iPad and restart the video. Then her free hand went under the covers and he put his hand up. “I don’t think so!” he said. “I want to watch the whole show!”
She glared at him and pushed the covers away from her, exposing her naked lower half. She had pushed her shirt and bra up over her breasts and he knew she was likely pinching her nipples as she played with herself. Then she opened her legs to show him what she had buried inside her pussy.
“That’s new,” he commented. About three or four inches were protruding from her freshly shaved lips which were slick and shiny with her juices and the lube.
“I bought it online last week, it just came today,” she said as she placed her finger on the end and pushed it a little further inside her.
He teased her some more, “It came so you thought you would come too! Nice one!” She blushed at the joke and he laughed and then went over and kissed her. “It’s okay, baby, everyone does it.”
“I’ve never seen you do it,” she said.
“You never asked to see me do it.”
“Would you?” she asked.
“After you’re finished here, ask me and find out,” he growled. As he went back to the chair, she smiled and reclined back on the bed, forgoing the iPad and closing her eyes as she renewed her grip on the long thick cock. Her other hand went to her clit.
“Tell me how you want to watch me fuck a young virile cock that never goes soft,” she purred. “Tell me how you want me to beg for it!” He recited the words back to her and added a few of his own.
“And what would I be doing while this virile young cock that never goes soft is fucking you into next week?” he asked. “Would I just be watching? Or would I have my cock in your mouth, or maybe in your ass? Or maybe I would be fucking an equally hot young lady, a shapely young thing with a round ass and big tits who could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!”
“I wouldn’t fucking care what you were doing Sweetheart, I wouldn’t be able to think because I’d be getting my brains fucked out! Oh, GOD! HERE I COME!” Her hand was a blur as she pounded the toy into herself, her finger and thumb strumming her clit like a bluegrass mandolin player. There was a lot of noise coming from her but none of it was words, just sounds, guttural, obscene sounds that were timed with the bucking of her hips and the gushing of her cunt.
He watched as she bucked and writhed, wanting very badly to take off his pants and jack himself on the spot but he refrained. He wanted Kelly’s full attention as he did that. As she started to come down, the writhing eased, the noises faded into whimpers, her hand slowed to a long slow stroke and her fingers drew tiny circles around her clit. He had never seen her do that before but he promised himself he would do exactly that the next time he eased her down off that precipice of pure pleasure.
He went to the bed and kissed her softly, “I hope that’ll keep you for a while,” he said gently. “That looked like it was a lot of fun!”
“It was fun!” she whispered. “I liked that you watched me. I liked that you talked dirty to me!”
He kissed her again, “Well maybe I’ll talk dirty to you some more.” He kissed her again, “Show it to me.” She looked at him quizzically, “I said, take it out and show it to me, slut!” She let out a moan as he said the word, she was shocked at how much it affected her, and at how much she liked it.
“Say it again,” she pleaded in a whisper. “Call me that name again, please.”
“SLUT!” he growled at her. “You are a cock-addicted SLUT!”
“Unghhh,” was the noise that came from her. “Oh, fuck, baby, I just came again!” she panted.
“So, take it out,” he commanded her. “Take it out and lick it clean. Put it in your mouth as far as it will go. Show me how much my slut loves cock!”
She smiled widely and removed the toy from herself very slowly. He was amazed at its length and thickness and that she had taken all that inside her.
“How long is it?” he asked.
“Twelve inches,” she replied. She let it linger at her entrance and reached down with two fingers to scoop up some of her cum and licked them clean. Then she repeated the move and offered them to him.
He shook his head, “No, you do it. Lick it clean.” She obeyed him, just as she promised she would when she took her wedding vows. “Now suck it!”
She opened her mouth and sucked it in, pushing it as far as it would comfortably go, making a great show of lathering her tongue around it as she slid it in and out of her mouth. “That’s it you cock sucking slut! You love it, don’t you, you love a long thick cock in your mouth almost as you love it in your wet cunt!” She buckled and moaned again as another intense orgasm ripped through her.
He left her be, astounded at the change in her. Never in his wildest imagination did he think this other alter-ego was inside his trim, pretty wife of twenty-two years. This was the mother of his children, soon to be a grandmother they had recently learned from their son. And she had turned into a wanton whore before his eyes.
And he loved it!
She invited him to lay down beside her as she cast the toy aside and reached for him. “We need to do that again sometime!” she purred. “That was amazing!”
“It was,” he agreed. “But I have to ask you, where has that other person been all your life?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “I don’t know if she’s always been there or if she just appeared. I’ve never thought such things before, never felt like that. I normally hate those words you used but tonight, they excited me.” She took a deep breath, “I literally had an orgasm just from you saying them to me.”
“I saw,” he chuckled. “I don’t know where she’s been either but I have to say, I like her. It’s like being married to two different women at once.” He kissed her softly, “This warm, kind sweet wife and mother, my equal in every way and this wanton, brazen thing that lives only for pure lust.”
“Promise me something,” she said.
“Anything,” he replied.
“Promise me you will only call me those things when we’re alone, only when we’re doing this. Promise me, no matter what we do and who we do it with, no matter how many cocks I suck or pussies I lick, you will only ever call me those things when it’s just us.”
“I promise, baby,” he said earnestly. They kissed as lovers do, not to arouse each other but to convey a depth of emotion that cannot be shared any other way. Then he thought for a moment.
“Kelly, you know how we sometimes play that game we made up, the one where you wear that white lingerie that you wore on our wedding night?” She nodded her head. “Maybe we can make up another game for this?”
“I think that is a wonderful idea,” she said. After another long kiss, she continued, “Tell you what, I made up the other game and control when we play it, it’s your turn. You figure it out.”
“Deal,” he said. “Now wasn’t there something you wanted to ask me?”
“Oh, that’s right, there was! I almost forgot!” she squealed. “Sweetheart, would you mind playing with yourself while I watch?”
“I thought you’d never ask!” he said. He took her by the hand and urged her to stand up. He pulled her shirt over her head so she was completely naked then he guided her to the wingback chair in the corner of the room. Then he stripped off and, taking the iPad in one hand and picking the bottle of lube up from the floor where it fell when she tossed off the covers, he got up onto the bed and rearranged the pillows.
“Why the iPad?” Kelly asked him as she slid her hand down and slipped two fingers inside her pussy. “Is this not erotic enough for you?”
He smiled and set the iPad aside, he could show her his wank videos another time. He drizzled some lube along the length of his shaft and spread it around. He adjusted himself and then started slowly stroking his cock as he watched his wife masturbate in front of him.
While his eyes were locked on her pussy, hers were locked on his eyes. She didn’t need to see him jack off, she wanted to watch his face as he pleasured himself. She fought the temptation to finger fuck herself, instead carefully and slowly drawing small circles around her clit while occasionally tracing the edge of her opening. Every half-minute or so she would dip two fingers inside and then bring them to her lips to lick clean.
She watched his eyes follow her fingers, he hardly blinked as he increased his stroke rate and his breath became ragged. “Another minute,” she figured, “and I’ll go over and let him come on my face.”
She was wrong. After just a few more seconds she saw his eyes close and heard him grunt, just as he always did just as he was about to come. She scampered over and knelt in front of him, “Paint me face baby, give me that warm stuff!” A few more strokes and he did just that, spurt after spurt landing on her face, her chest, in her hair and on the bedsheet beside and behind her.
When he was finished, she took the hand that had just been on his cock and moved it to her face, using his forefinger to trace through the cum on her cheeks and forehead before sucking it into her mouth.
“Let me clean you up,” he whispered as he took her hands and placed them in her lap. She smiled at the thought of him placing himself in that subservient position, knowing that it wasn’t by her command that he did so but by his own choice.
“I wonder if I could really cuckold him?” she thought to herself. “I wonder if he would clean another man’s cum from my face?” She knew for certain that, given the chance she would readily clean his cum from another woman’s pussy, it was at that moment that she decided that, if he agreed, they would take another lover into their marriage bed.
They shared cummy kisses and then got up to shower together before returning to the bed to replace the soaked sheets. Kelly went to the kitchen to get drinks and some snacks and then they cuddled into bed and flipped on the TV.
Neither of them was watching it, they were both thinking the same thoughts about if they should broach the subject of a threesome or a foursome with their partner. Then Kelly broke the ice.
Kelly: “Did you mean what you said?”
Simon: “Mean what I said about what?”
Kelly: “About watching me fuck and suck a virile young cock?”
Simon: “Yes my darling, I did.”
Kelly: “So that wasn’t just dirty play talk?”
Simon: “It wasn’t. If you want to do that, I want you to do it as well.”
Kelly: “No quid pro quo?”
Simon: “No.”
Kelly: “Oh, okay.”
They sat silently for a moment before she continued. Deciding to go for broke, she picked up the iPad and called up a favourite video she’d watched a few times lately. “Can I show you something?” He nodded and she tapped the play icon, he saw a beautiful young woman and a handsome young man kissing and pawing at each other while another man sat across from them. The camera angle was looking over his shoulder. She fast-forwarded to near the end where, unlike so many dirty movies, the young guy didn’t pull out and spray his cum all over her body, rather he held himself inside her as the camera zoomed in and focused on his cock inside her pussy with his balls twitching with each orgasmic spasm.
The young man pulled out of the woman’s pussy and they switched positions so he moved up her body and fed his cock into her mouth. That was when the other man got out of the chair and went to the woman ad began eating the man’s cum out of her pussy. When they were both sufficiently clean, she pushed the first man off her and pulled the other man’s face to hers.
Kelly had the sound turned down but she turned it up for the last part of the movie. “Oh fuck, baby, that was fucking hot! You are such a good husband to eat my lover’s cum from my pussy!” The camera zoomed in on her wedding rings covered in cum as she moved them to his mouth and he licked them clean. Kelly stopped the video and looked at her husband.
She was so nervous to ask the next question she was shaking. “Would you do that for me?” she asked. “Would you lick another man’s cum from my pussy? Would you watch his cum cover the rings you gave me and lick them clean?”
He kissed her deeply and rubbed his fingers along her slit.
“All you would have to do is ask,” he said. She gave a little whimper as he slipped two fingers inside her.
“Oh my God!” she breathed, “You really would?”
“If it pleased you, dear, then I would not hesitate,” he said.
“Oh, fuck I love you!” she panted before mashing her lips against his and driving her tongue into his throat. After a few moments, she came up for air, “And before you ask, yes I would lick your cum out of another woman’s cunt!” There was that word again, the one that she claimed she hated that spilled out of her mouth like it was nothing. She attacked him again for a few more minutes and then released him. She picked up the iPad and said, “Let’s book a vacation!”
Thirty minutes later it was booked and paid for, seven days and nights at a Sandals resort in the Caribbean. Seven minutes after that, he was shooting another load of cum into her mouth as he sucked her clit to another crushing orgasm.
Thankfully this time, they managed to contain their fluids so that they didn’t have to change the sheets again, a towel served the purpose. Usually, they wore night clothes of some sort when they slept but more and more of late, they slept nude, enjoying the feel of warm skin on warm skin the way they used to when they were first married.
“I messaged Carol tonight while you were up here fucking yourself,” he said.
“Oh?” she replied. “What did she say?”
“She’d like to get together on Friday night at the Griffin Pub, over on 17th St. around seven PM.”
“Oh, okay. They say the food there is pretty good. Sounds like fun,” she said and she rolled onto her side. “This was a fun night,” she whispered, “I love you, Simon.”
“I love you too, Kelly,” he answered, “my cock-loving slut wife!”