A Stranger In Paradise Part Two

"After recovering from his initial ordeal, the stranger is introduced to life in Grassridge Hideaway..."

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I had been in the nudist colony for about two days when I started to learn more about their secluded slice of paradise. Apart from the obvious rule about clothing and the unorthodox law enforcement contests referred to as Reckonings, there was also a custom in which any time a man passed by a woman, he could show that he liked or approved of her by “standing at attention.”

When I was first told of such a thing, I figured it seemed obvious that arousal would happen more often than not, but Bridget and Sara both explained to me that it was a rarity. At first, it made no sense to me since a man should naturally experience at least a little bit of excitement upon seeing a nude woman, but when I thought about it a while longer, I convinced myself that living in such a place for so many years would maybe “deaden” one to the thrill in at least a small way. It didn’t make a lot of sense, but it was the best I could come up with and all I had to go on.

When the girls finally thought I was well enough to take a stroll around the village, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I walked outside. I wondered if there would be other women just as marvelous as the two who had rescued me, and if that happened to be the case, I didn’t understand how any of the other menfolk would have trouble “showing their fondness” for the women of the small community.

I walked outside and was greeted by a beaming sun. It was a moderately warm day, and had I been wearing clothes, I’m sure I would’ve been sweating within seconds. As it was, I had to place a hand over my eyes for a moment since I hadn’t endured such brightness in over forty-eight hours.

What met my eyes when I was finally ready to observe my surroundings was a modest little village of small dwellings constructed mostly of gray stones with thatched rooftops. There were also plenty of gardens with split-rail wooden fences around them. I noticed next to a few buildings that there were tables constructed of walnut wood set up with other wooden stumps for chairs. At one such table, two men were playing a game of cards. I instantly looked away since I didn’t care to see too much.

For such a small place, there were quite a few people out and about. There were some working in the gardens, one pulling a bucket out of a well, and there were others walking up and down the dirt paths in between houses. There were a few men cutting logs on one side of the community, and a few others lugging boxes toward a building on the opposite end. An older woman sat on a chair out on a porch sewing. As expected, everyone went about their daily activities in the nude.

I stepped down from the small steps leading into the humble home belonging to either Sara or Bridget…or maybe even both. It occurred to me that I had never asked who owned the dwelling, but as I looked around the peaceful village, I almost wondered if it truly mattered. The people actually looked like they cared more about helping one another instead of caring about him or herself. It appeared to be a community where everyone watched out for everyone else.

Sara and Bridget stood directly behind me. They both leaned in close as our bare feet contacted the dirt beneath us and whispered to me, “It’s not much, but it’s home.”

I could quite literally see the whole colony from where I stood as long as I turned around. It truly was a tiny settlement, but I couldn’t knock it. The people looked happy…and after the jubilation I had experienced, there didn’t seem to be any reason why anyone should be found wanting. The thought hadn’t dawned on me until that very moment, but I almost wondered if I had maybe stumbled upon some sex cult after what I had done with Bridget and Sara. I quickly nixed the idea when I remembered what they told me about the men: They made them sound like they didn’t exactly enjoy sex.

As if on cue, a bearded man walked by and greeted the three of us in passing. He didn’t seem fazed by the fact that I was a stranger, but I couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t seem to have the slightest bit of “excitement” upon seeing Sara and Bridget. I didn’t understand how such a thing could be possible.

A woman then approached from the opposite direction who caught me completely off guard. I couldn’t be sure, but if I had to guess, I think it would have been safe to say that she could’ve been five to ten years older than me…but that’s certainly not a bad thing in my book. She was tan like Sara and Bridget – which made sense since they were always under the sun without clothes on – and must’ve been only about five feet in height. She shared the same brown hair color with Bridget with the only notable difference being a single streak of gray in it, but her eyes were a stunning blue like Sara’s.

Unlike both the women who had rescued me, this newcomer had some muscle to her: Her arms and thighs had some definition, and her abs were certainly evident…what I could see of them, anyway. I’m not being crass when I say that this new vision of loveliness was stacked. She had two of the largest breasts I had ever seen…even bigger than Sara’s. They took up a good portion of her chest, and her amazing nipples were just as bronzed as the rest of her.

“Well, good morning, stranger,” she said as she was about to walk by. She actually came to a halt when she glanced down and then back up to my eyes as she smiled and told me, “I like you, too.” Her voice was deeply feminine in that typical cougar way.

Words became lodged in my throat before I realized that I had a raging boner and that’s what she had been referring to. I was about to apologize for coming off as no better than a randy teenager, but then I recalled what Sara and Bridget had told me about men showing their appreciation for the women in the village by becoming aroused. From the smile upon this woman’s face, she seemed to appreciate me as well. It was also in that moment when I realized that she had quite the bushel of brown pubes down below. I approved wholeheartedly.

Sara stepped forward and greeted the woman by saying, “Good morning, Dinah. How are you today?”

The muscled brunette reciprocated the acknowledgement and also said hello to Bridget. She never took her eyes off me as she asked the other women, “Who is this hunk of man-meat and where have you been hiding him?”

Was she truly calling me the man-meat? I couldn’t think of the last time I had been so highly praised…well, apart from the way Sara and Bridget had treated me, of course.

The two women who had pleasured me in ways beyond the imaginings of normal men told Dinah everything they could about me as I just stood there dumbfounded. I saw the muscled female glancing at me and my package throughout the explanation, and I hoped she didn’t find me weird for remaining silent. She was a handsome woman who I wouldn’t have minded bunking with, and I think the fact that her tits were so massive was what had rendered me mute. I had seen big boobs before…but not like Dinah’s.

I should point out that when it comes to breasts, I love all of them. I like little boobs just as much as big boobs. I adore everything from flat chests to puffy nipples. I like round peaches just as much as torpedo-tip tits. I like drooping papayas and perky teats that can put an eye out. I like my jubblies however I can get them, and I certainly wasn’t picky.

But something about Dinah’s jugs caught me completely off guard.

“Does he talk?” the stunning woman finally asked with a smile still on her face since I hadn’t said a word.

Snapping out of my stupor, I reached up and scratched the back of my head before finally placing a hand out for the splendid female to shake. “Sorry, miss. I didn’t mean to come off so boorish. I’m just not used to being in the presence of such incredible women like the three of you.”

Dinah took my hand in hers…and was more than a little surprised when I lifted her appendage toward my mouth and kissed the back of it. She placed her other hand above her ample breasts and looked to both Bridget and Sara as she gasped, “Oh, my! A man who shows respect and is a gentleman! This is a rarity!”

I wasn’t sure I believed her words…but both Sara and Bridget had said as much earlier. How could the men in this village not be interested in all the incredible babes walking about in their altogether? Again, I understood that it was the norm around here, but with women as spectacular as the three I had met…

I was so deep in thought that I didn’t realize that Dinah had been asking me a question. When I finally came to, Sara had a hand on my right shoulder and was asking me if I had heard anything Dinah had just said. I apologized and admitted that my mind had been elsewhere.

“Dinah was just asking if you could stop by her place and look under her sink for her!” Bridget brought me up to speed. “Her running water doesn’t seem to be working very well, so she was wondering if you could check her plumbing!”

“Oh, absolutely,” I responded as I turned toward the big-breasted woman. When I saw her light up with a smile, I went on, “I’m not the best handyman, but I can certainly give it a look.”

Dinah nodded her thanks and then queried, “Would it be possible for you to come over right now? I was actually just on my way home.”

I looked to both Bridget and Sara as if looking for an answer. I was totally fine with it…as long as they were.

“Go check it out for her,” Sara responded in a sly tone. “When you’re done, we can give you a better tour of the village and explain a few of the other customs we have here.”

I nodded before turning my attention back to Dinah. I returned her warm smile as I told her to lead the way.


Dinah’s living quarters were small but inviting. Her home was decorated with many flowers and a few paintings, and the furniture in her main room looked quite comfortable. She led me through the living room and into the kitchen. Before showing me what the problem was, she asked if I wanted anything to eat or drink.

“I’m good,” I told her as I realized that the kitchen had a faint smell of coconut. As I stood there looking around, I came to the realization that I was still sporting a huge boner. I was so glad that the people of Grassridge Hideaway considered such a thing a compliment and not offensive. It would’ve been next to impossible to explain myself otherwise.

Dinah then walked over to the sink and bent over to open the cupboard beneath it. I’m not sure if she purposely put her gorgeous ass in the air for me to ogle as she did so, but I felt my erection pulse upon seeing the marvelous cheeks. I still wasn’t convinced that I hadn’t inadvertently discovered paradise in my travels.

“It’s down here,” the mature brunette told me from where she was bent over. “I think there’s a pipe leaking or something.”

She finally came out of the opening beneath the sink and turned to face me again. When she did so, she could clearly see that I had been checking her out, and when she realized just how stiff my pecker actually was, she once again beamed with graciousness as she told me, “You truly are too kind! To know that we met ten minutes ago and you’re still showing your unrestrained admiration for me…!”

I scratched the back of my head again before nodding and finally offering to have a look below the sink. Dinah thanked me and stepped out of the way as I dropped down and had a look. I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary at first, so I decided to position myself differently so I could see things from another angle. I did my best to get comfortable and lay down so I could look up at the pipes above. Half of my body was in the cabinet space with the rest out across the kitchen floor.

“Do you see anything down there?” I heard Dinah’s muffled voice ask. It should’ve been clearer, but I really had myself wedged beneath her sink.

“Um, I don’t see anything yet. It’s a little dark in here, but I…” I cut myself short when I felt some water drip onto my face. I had inadvertently discovered the leak. “Aha. I think I’ve pinpointed our problem. You don’t happen to have a wrench, do you? I think this locknut just needs to be tightened.”

I didn’t hear any kind of response from Dinah. It was silent for at least ten seconds, and right before I could repeat my question, I suddenly felt something…down below. I nearly hit my head on the pipes above me before I was able to gaze downward…and noticed that the busty brunette had dropped to her knees off to my right side and was curled practically into a ball beside me so she could grip my shaft while lowering her head over it. Her free arm held her sagging breasts closer to her body as she started giving me a superb blowjob.

“Oh…geez!” I let out as I nearly hit my head on the pipes a second time. I could feel her saliva coating my cock as her tongue flickered across the backside of my length. It’s safe to say that I no longer had any interest in the pipes above my head as I lay in that cabinet with my mouth hanging open. I basked in the glory of having that wonderfully large-breasted goddess give me head for at least two minutes until I felt her pull away from my dick. I was a little disappointed until I brought my head up just enough to glance down and notice what was about to happen next…

My view was obscured by some of the pipes, but I saw an astonishing pair of legs as one stepped over me before the body they were attached to turned to face my direction. I then laid eyes on that hairy cooch that looked marvelous on so many different levels, and then I felt my heart begin to race as it lowered itself over me. The unbelievable set of abs came into view, followed by two massive titties. I then saw her place her hands on her thighs as she braced herself…before teasing my tip by letting it rub up against her lower parts. I’m sure she felt me twitch as I vibrated and grew even harder beneath her. I hoped and prayed that what I wanted to have happen next would in fact occur.

I thought about pretending like nothing was out of the ordinary and saying that the leak under the sink had suddenly stopped of its own volition, but I found that I could do nothing when I suddenly felt my prick in one of Dinah’s hands…and when I glanced in her direction again, I saw her doing her best to shove my rod between her legs. I could feel the prickly pubes covering her spectacular vagina against my tip as she did so, and I think I let out a sigh of relief in unison with her when we felt my spear pierce her shields. Once I was partially inside her confines, she lowered herself onto me…and when she was sitting on me with my entire length within her, the top of the cupboard I was under obscured most of her face from me. I could, however, see her mouth…and it was hanging wide open in awe as she felt me growing within her.

Since there wasn’t a whole lot of room in the small cupboard where the upper half of my body was, I placed my hands against its wooden sides and braced myself as Dinah began moving up and down on me. I wanted to push against them with all my might as the muscled woman thrashed about, but I felt that if I exerted too much pressure, my hands would shoot right through them and break the thin wood. I didn’t want to damage Dinah’s property…especially since she was going out of her way to give me something so wonderful.

As the physically fit brunette went up and down on me, I could feel her pubes against my shaft with each pass she made. I absolutely adored the look of her vagina, and while I know that most men prefer a bald pussy, I could take mine like I took my breasts: In any way, shape, or form imaginable. Hairy or bald…I love them both. Innie or outie lips…either configuration is good to me. Camel-toe…absolutely. As long as I care about the woman I was with, I could rub my dick on anything before putting it in.

I lay under that sink feeling like I was on a cloud as Dinah continued to move up and down on me. I could feel her moistness as things became damper down below, and the stickiness we were creating became audible. The muscled woman continued to dominate me for at least three more minutes until my hands exited the cupboard in an attempt to touch her. When I finally found my voice, I asked, “Dinah, would it be okay if I came out from under here?”

“Absolutely,” she answered in that highly attractive voice she possessed. She used the countertop above for support as she pulled herself off me and stood up. She then stepped aside to allow me room to wiggle my way free of where I was.

When I was out from under the sink, I pushed my posterior off the kitchen floor and joined Dinah next to the countertop. She leaned back against it as her giant bosoms heaved, and she couldn’t stop smiling in my direction. “I hope you didn’t mind me having a seat on you while you worked. I mean, you were inviting me to do so with that solid erection you were sporting, after all…”

“I don’t mind at all,” I told the lovely brunette as I shook my head to dispel any misgivings she may have had. “In fact, I hope you don’t mind if…” My voice trailed off as I stepped forward and reached out with both hands. I grabbed her abundant breasts and felt them overflow from my grasp as I squeezed them. I heard a moan escape Dinah’s lips as the look on her face told me that she wanted more. I then lowered my head and placed my mouth over her succulent left tit so I could begin sucking on the glorious nipple.

I could feel Dinah’s hands on the back of my head as she held me close. I even felt her kiss my forehead a few times after I switched over and began sucking on her other nub. My hands worked their way down her body and I grasped her hips while feeding on her. After a few minutes of doing so, I took things in a different direction and turned her body so she was facing the sink.

“Whatever are you doing?” she asked me in that sexy voice of hers. She knew I was up to something mischievous, and I knew she was going to approve of it, also.

I positioned myself behind the physically fit woman and placed my hands on her hips. After she instinctively leaned forward, I reached down and grabbed my prick. I gave it a few tugs before guiding it toward one of the holes in front of me. Dinah obviously knew what was coming and spread her legs further apart while glancing back over her right shoulder.

Feeling those prickly pubes against the tip of my dick was one of the most marvelous sensations of my entire life. I shoved my cock between the fit cougar’s moist pussy lips and heard a squeak of delight escape the lips on her face. I then firmly gripped her hips as I braced myself on my heels and began thrusting in and out. At first, I went slow and only shoved about half of my manhood within her. As the action grew hot and heavy, I picked up the pace and gave her more and more. Within minutes, I was pulverizing that hole as her breasts flopped all about. She eventually leaned forward while taking the pummeling and let her tits drop into the sink. The moans resonating from her told me that she was enjoying every second of our carnal outing, and for the briefest of seconds, I thought about making a comment on the lines of “laying pipe,” but quickly refrained from speaking the juvenile remark. Dinah was much too classy for such a silly statement.

“Oh, fuck!” Dinah called out as I apparently hit the spot. “Yes! Right there! Yes!” She begged for more as I continued to ravage the gash between her legs.

I let go of her left hip and placed that hand over with my right. I angled myself slightly differently and continued to drive myself as far into her as I could. I didn’t let up on the momentum as the sweat began to ooze from our pores. Our bodies became slick as the passionate onslaught continued until Dinah started slapping a hand in submission against the countertop. I immediately eased up since I didn’t want to cause her pain. I stepped back as my doused dick flopped out of her wet snatch.

“Oh my…GOD!” the incredible brunette called out as she tried to catch her breath. I saw her tremble before finally turning around to face me. She leaned back against the counter as her chest elevated and her abs glistened. She was smiling from ear to ear as she declared, “I have never felt this level of ecstasy in my life! I’m sorry for the cursing, but holy shit!”

I chuckled as I simply took in the unbelievable view. “I didn’t hurt you or anything, did I?” There was obvious concern in my voice as I asked my question. I wanted to be sure that I hadn’t done anything to make the bronzed cougar uncomfortable.

“Are you kidding me?” Dinah asked as she lifted a finger and motioned for me to step forward. “I just needed a second to catch my breath! This is the best workout I’ve ever had…and I’m not about to let you out of my sight!”

Obeying her command, I stepped forward while grabbing myself down below with my thumb facing toward my body. I pulled on myself a few times as I saw Dinah spread herself once again. When I was close enough, I let my tip brush up against her left thigh as it moved ever so slowly toward glory. We both watched as it ended up over her patch of fur, and no longer wanting to be teased, the buxom beauty reached down and grabbed on to it so she could shove it in her cooch. I couldn’t help but laugh at her eagerness.

Once I was back inside Dinah, she lifted one of her legs so I could grab on to it. She then did the same with the other, and I was practically holding her like a wheelbarrow as I plugged away at her love-hole. I’ll admit to being surprised that I was able to hold off as long as I had considering I should have blown my load with a woman the caliber of the busty brunette much sooner. She wasn’t just a perfect ten…she was an immaculate eleven.

Speaking of busty, my words can do no justice to the way Dinah’s tits bounced as we went at it. They were like violent waves on the ocean as they fluttered about. My heart palpitated just as her breasts did. The more I watched them, the more mesmerized I became by them. I could’ve gladly spent an entire afternoon watching those jubblies freely bounce about.

Dinah moaned in the most tantalizing manner as I pulverized her perfect pussy. Everything about the woman was truly unbelievable, and the fact that my manhood was living it up within her pink was enough to make me cum. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I realized my time was quickly approaching…

“I’m going to cum, Dinah!” I announced as I gave her one final thrust. I then gently set her legs back down so she didn’t fall after withdrawing myself from her crease. At first, I wasn’t exactly sure of what to do with my load, but the busty beauty in front of me took that worry out of my hands.

Like a pro, Dinah backed me into the corner where the cabinets met so I could place my hands on the smooth surfaces just above my midsection and brace myself. She then dropped to her knees in front of me, and while hugging her left arm under her massive breasts in order to prop them up a bit more for me, the mature woman grabbed on to my throbbing dick with her right hand and stroked it a few times before inhaling the whole thing. Her head went back and forth for a few seconds until my initial blast went off in her mouth.

“Oh…FUCK!” I called out as she pulled my spurting prick out of her mouth and aimed it downward at her chest. Sperm ejected from my piece like an unpaying tenant after failing to uphold his end of the rent after four months. It was splattering across the enormous chest and covering her huge titties. I have to say that I was pretty proud of myself since she had a lot to cover.

I watched on as I noticed the shot that had erupted into her mouth drizzling out of her oral orifice and dangling down from her bottom lip. Had I not already been cumming, I would’ve surely done so upon seeing a string of my semen dribbling down her chin before falling onto her chest below and trickling down between her gigantic boobs. It was truly a sight to behold.

“Oh my god,” I heard Dinah say as my penis continued to shoot streams of man-milk at her prominent bosoms. “Oh, my g…oh my god!” She couldn’t believe that I was still going…and quite frankly, neither could I. My cock was apparently full to bursting, and now all of its frothy fluid was raining down over her two humongous jugs. “OH MY GOD!”

When I was finally running on empty, I took a deep breath and watched Dinah as she enjoyed her cream-covered titties. She was rubbing my fluid into them like it was some kind of salve, and she even lifted one of the massive boobs to her mouth so she could taste it. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her obvious pleasure of being doused in my spunk. I also delighted in viewing it as it oozed down her body. Some of it dripped to the floor from her oversized breasts as other clumps ran down her pronounced abs. In that moment, I visualized how fun it would have been covering her pubes in my goop and making the hair down there look like a snow-covered forest…or even blowing my payload all over those round, plentiful cheeks of her backside. The possibilities with the mature woman were truly endless.

Aw, well. Maybe next time.



Published 2 years ago

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