Jasmine Dominates Susannah

"Jasmine dominates her much older, submissive girlfriend"

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Susannah was standing in the bedroom, naked, rubbing her stinging bare bottom having just been soundly spanked by her fabulously dominant girlfriend. The spanking, or rather thrashing, happened just before bedtime. Although clearly a discipline spanking, Susannah knew afterwards there would be the most wonderful lovemaking, which was always enhanced when her bottom stung.

Susannah was fifty-six, with a lovely figure albeit slightly on the heavy side although very comfortable with that. She had shoulder-length hair which she regularly coloured to reinstate its dark brown colour.

Jasmine, Miss Jasmine to Susannah, was twenty-one and was definitely in charge of their relationship, making all of the decisions and expecting Susannah to ask permission for everything that she did including meeting friends or going shopping. In fact, when they were out together, it wasn’t too obvious to others but before Susannah did anything she would have had to ask Miss Jasmine’s permission. That included asking if she could buy a particular piece of clothing or even a cup of coffee. At a restaurant, she knew that Miss Jasmine chose her meal and she had to wait for Miss Jasmine to start eating before she could start to eat. Her bank account was controlled by Miss Jasmine, who gave her a weekly allowance depending upon her behaviour. In fact, Miss Jasmine simply controlled everything about Susannah, even down to the time that she would have to go to bed.

Susannah always thought of Miss Jasmine as her boss lady and whilst very firm with her, she knew she also loved her and saw disciplining her as essential for Susannah’s own good, like a loving mother even though their ages were the opposite of that.

This evening’s spanking was because Susannah got home ten minutes late from an evening out with her friends. She was enjoying herself and had forgotten the time, but that was no excuse so far as Miss Jasmine was concerned, and Susannah knew rightly so.

As soon as Susannah walked into the hallway and closed the door behind her, she heard the instruction, “Go into the dining room and get undressed and stand by the chair that I have already turned into the room.”

Susannah knew not to bring any friends back to the house with her, at least as soon as she knew that she was going to be late and so would get another spanking because she hadn’t yet been punished in front of any of her own friends. She knew that she would have to come because she had already been spanked several times in front of friends of Miss Jasmine.

Susannah did as she was told immediately because she knew not to question any of Miss Jasmine’s instructions just as she immediately followed every instruction given by Miss Jasmine. There was never an, ‘In a moment,’ or any look questioning the instruction, as anything like that would rightly earn a much harder and longer spanking.

Susannah quickly got undressed, pulling the skimpy vest top over her head, folding it and putting it on the dining table. She put her arms behind her back, unclipped her bra, slipped it down her arms, caught it, folded it, and put that on top of her vest top. She then undid her very short skirt, pushed it down towards the floor, catching her thong knickers on the way, stepping out of them, folding them both, and put them with her other clothes. She then knew to stand to the side of the chair with her hands on her head and wait for Miss Jasmine to come and deal with her.

Jasmine never rushed herself when she was going to punish Susannah. She knew that the wait caused her added tension, although invariably she would see that Susannah’s pussy lips were glistening because of the excitement of the forthcoming punishment. Jasmine knew that whilst Susannah got aroused by being spanked, or worse, she also found the thrashing very hard to cope with. However, because the pain-filled thrashing was followed by love-making, the wait for the spanking got Susannah aroused.

Once she did come into the dining room, Jasmine didn’t say a word to Susannah as she sat down, and only then ordered, “Get across my lap.”

Susannah never caught Miss Jasmine’s eye when she was about to be punished because that would suggest a level of equality. Whenever Susannah was a good girl that didn’t apply because they were loving girlfriends. The need to discipline changed that, at least until the punishment was over.

Whilst Susannah couldn’t look directly at Miss Jasmine, her peripheral vision did let her savour the sight of her very sexy and beautiful-looking girlfriend. She knew that she was lucky to have such a dominant girlfriend, who, whilst so much younger than herself, was the driving force behind their relationship. Susannah also knew that Miss Jasmine could give such a really hard spanking to correct her mistakes.

Susannah had spotted the wooden-backed hairbrush that Miss Jasmine had brought with her, which always made the spanking a hard one. She knew she was therefore in for a really hard-to-cope-with thrashing which would make her cry buckets and stain her make-up so that it dribbled down her face with her tears. That happened when she was spanked in front of Miss Jasmine’s friends, and the comments they made were so humiliating, but they were right to make them because it reinforced the reason for that particular spanking.

Susannah had noticed that Miss Jasmine was wearing very tight shorts so that she would be lying across her bare thighs and have the perfect view of Miss Jasmine’s bare upside-down legs and painted toenails. That was a sight to behold, Susannah reminded herself.

As Jasmine rubbed Susannah’s bottom in circles, knowing it was hardly the tightest of bottoms, but she enjoyed the fleshy feel to her bottom cheeks, she scolded Susannah, “I’ve told you before not to be even a minute late. Expect the hardest of spankings because of that, you very naughty woman.”

That told Susannah that once again this would be a hard thrashing and straight after the scolding that spanking started, as usual with spanks on alternate bottom cheeks.

Even though she was able to cope with those first few minutes of spanking, and she kept telling herself how naughty she had been to forget the time, the pain then took over as her bottom stung more and more. She did enjoy the sight of Miss Jasmine’s upside-down legs and painted toenails but also knew that well before the spanking even started properly, her sight would be blurred, and she would no longer have the joy of that view.

Although Jasmine was just twenty-one, she was already very experienced at giving a hard spanking. As she had explained to Susannah, she had watched videos online of dominant women thrashing their submissive partners. She explained how that had built up her technique, which she used to full effect now that Susannah was her submissive girlfriend.

Jasmine knew to change after a while from spanking alternate bottom cheeks to spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row. She also knew to spank the same spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then do the same to another spot on the other bottom cheek as that again increased the pain for her very naughty sub.

Jasmine knew that not only was the punishment needed because of Susannah’s disobedience, but for both of them, it was seen as foreplay to lovemaking because they were both turned on, Miss Jasmine by giving the spanking, and Susannah by receiving it.

Once Jasmine was happy with the very red colour she had turned both of Susannah’s ample bottom cheeks, she then changed her focus to the backs of Susannah’s legs. Of course, because she insisted that Susannah only wore very short skirts or shorts, it would be clear to so many people when Susannah was outside that she had been spanked, at least they would wonder if she had given her age, but it did make for some very embarrassing comments that Susannah would hear when out.

That was another reason Susannah dreaded being spanked, although happily for her the humiliation she felt also turned her on.

After turning the backs of both of Susannah’s legs as red as her bottom cheeks, and she knew that tears were already dribbling down Susannah’s face, Jasmine turned and picked up the wooden-backed hairbrush, turned back, tapped each bottom cheek with the hairbrush twice to notify Susannah what was about to happen, and then started to spank her really hard once again on her fleshy bottom cheeks.

Jasmine knew that spanking her sub with the hairbrush had two main effects.

First, the bruising it would cause would mean Susannah would find it very difficult to sit on anything other than a thick cushion for at least a day. Secondly, the tears flooded down her face leaving her make-up smeared. She knew that Susannah deserved every result of the spanking and so never ever went lightly, and Susannah knew that but never objected as she saw the very hard thrashing as confirmation of Miss Jasmine’s love for her.

In fact, Susannah always felt loved and safe when across Miss Jasmine’s lap being spanked and both she and Miss Jasmine knew that sexual arousal when being spanked was helpful as it ensured that a hard spanking was given for the right reasons.

As Susannah still stood in the bedroom clutching her stinging bottom cheeks, she once again remembered that time she and Miss Jasmine met and how her life changed so much for the better after she moved into her boss lady’s house.

Susannah was a loner and often went out alone for the evening to a bar to see if she could meet a woman as she was only into women. She had no close friends but if she met a woman she liked she was happy to go back to theirs and make out. However, she knew she could never hold onto a girlfriend because she was so irresponsible in so many ways. She hankered after a woman who would be able to change those ways, but no luck so far.

She got to the club and sat at the bar with a straight vodka. Although fifty-six and on the fleshy side, she was naturally drawn to much younger women, particularly those who had a dominant nature. In fact, she hankered after a young woman who could organise her life, in a way that she was never able to herself because she couldn’t focus on anything long enough. On the other hand, she always imagined that if she was subject to the disciplinary authority and control of a much younger woman, her life could be turned around albeit with the use of punishments that she would be unable to easily cope with.

As she sat there, sipping her vodka, she heard a very distinctive authoritative voice behind her. She turned and saw this rather scrumptious young lady ordering a waitress around and the waitress did as she was told, immediately. Susannah wished that had been her.

A few minutes later and Susannah realised that the young woman, who she later discovered was called Jasmine, was about to sit on the stall next to her, only because as she sat down, she ordered a drink in that same haughty voice. The drink came together with a serviette, the young woman said a curt, “Thank you,” but afterwards whispered, “About time.”

Susannah was nervous to turn and look towards the woman, but then a few moments later she saw out of the corner of her eye that the woman had dropped her serviette onto the floor. She heard the woman say, “Drat,” and Susannah then turned towards her and immediately said, “I’ll pick it up for you.”

The next moment, Susannah got off her stool, knelt down, and scooped up the serviette. She handed it to the young woman and said with a smile, “My pleasure to serve you, Miss.”

Jasmine took it as pleasantly sarcastic, and asked, “That is very respectful. Are you someone’s maid?”

Susannah replied with a smile, “There’s nothing wrong with being a maid. I’ve often thought that. After all, you don’t have to think about anything but just do exactly as you’re told.”

Susannah knew that that was exactly why she chose being a maid as her job. She had always hated having to make her own decisions, which in any case were quite often wrong. She certainly preferred that someone else made the decisions for her and all she had to do was follow them.

During her early working days, Susannah started off as a secretary, which quite often involved doing as she was told by her boss. She soon hated it as she was expected to think so much and couldn’t cope and decided that being a cleaner made more sense because all she had to do was follow instructions. She found a job as a cleaner on cruise ships and so lived on various ships and found it much more relaxing than when being a secretary.

The reason she found being a maid was better for her was because she was left alone to clean the bedrooms, and actually found those times when her manager came to inspect her work somehow exciting even when fault was found. In fact, she soon discovered that when a fault was found, she enjoyed being told off and told to improve.

It was whilst she was then cleaning the next room, and focusing on what her manager had said, that she started to think that an even better incentive for improving her work standard would be if her manager were to punish her. She then matched those thoughts with the desire she had had for quite some time that she thought being spanked would help with her innermost feelings of submission. As she was on a bus or walking along the street, she would look at women that she passed and imagine herself being disciplined by them and knowing that her knickers were getting damp at the thought.

The one thing she was never able to do was actually raise the possibility with her manager, for fear of losing her job.

Her other long-term thought was to meet someone who could look after her financially, and in return, she knew that she would be very happy being subservient to that woman, putting her totally in charge, serving her one hundred per cent, and suffering painful punishments whenever she failed to do so.

All of that seemed to come together when she saw this young woman, who she could tell from the way she spoke down to the waitress was certainly of a dominant nature, and even though clearly much younger than herself, fitted her idea of a dominant partner.

Jasmine eyed Susannah and said, “So when you say it is a pleasure to serve, my own persona is always to be the one to be served. I know what I want and how I want it and can guide others to do that.”

Susannah blushed as she replied, “That would make us very suitable to be together.”

Jasmine replied, “I can see why you would think that, but I would always be the one giving the orders. Are you going to obey someone my age?”

Susannah was getting excited with the conversation and wondered if she would make out with the young woman tonight, and replied, “Actually, I don’t think age comes into it. Maids can be any age, just as their boss ladies can be any age. In fact, I can see plenty of reasons why women my age would want a boss lady your age. There is something quite sexy about being dominated by a woman so much younger than yourself, you are close to being only a third of my age.”

The young woman replied, “Well, actually I am looking for a maid to look after my house. I have thought that a live-in maid would be good. More particularly a girlfriend, but one who obeyed me without question and who I looked after. She must be someone who will know her place, and be totally obedient at all times, but wanting to be obedient out of love. She would have to be respectful at all times, both to me and to all of my friends.”

Susannah smiled as she replied, albeit blushing, “I could be that submissive girlfriend.”

Jasmine did feel attracted to Susannah, and pressed her by asking, “What job do you have?”

Susannah replied, “Actually, I haven’t at the moment. I was a maid on a cruise ship, and that was where I lived, at least on whichever ship I was on. The job ended, but as I am useless with money and don’t have any, I am living in a hostel, and looking for somewhere more permanent to live. So, if you are serious and are looking for a maid, and can give me somewhere to live, this could just be a chance meeting that could go somewhere. After all, I do know how to clean bedrooms and bathrooms and the like and tidy up after people who have better things to do with their time.”

Jasmine was thinking that she did have a spare bedroom, albeit a box room, and she had always liked the idea of having a much older woman follow all of her instructions. So, actually thinking about it, she asked, “I can offer you lots of what you have just said you need. I can give you your own bedroom, feed you and the like, and in return, you can clean for me, shop for me, wash my clothes and iron them, and generally do my bidding. That is if you are serious.”

Susannah couldn’t believe her luck. This was exactly what she was looking for. A cleaning job that also gave her a home. She replied, “Yes, I am up for it, Miss.” She loved being respectful and so addressing this young woman as her boss lady came naturally.

Jasmine said, “Okay then, why don’t we go back to my place. You can stay the night, and first thing tomorrow go and pick your things up and bring them back to mine and be my full-time maid.”

Susannah replied, “Yes please, Miss. I am up for that. What shall I call you?”

She replied, “My name is Jasmine.”

Susannah replied, “Then from now on so far as I am concerned you are Miss Jasmine, my mistress, my boss lady.” She added, “My name is Susannah, but you can call me any demeaning name that you want to.”

Jasmine said, “Whilst I am totally in charge, I do get the feeling that we are suited to each other. I am totally dominant, and I can see you are happy to be totally submissive. Girlfriends can be like that, which means we will make love whenever I say so. Are you up for that, Susannah?”

Susannah felt quivers flying around her vulva as she knew she had hugely submissive feelings and wanted an ultra-dominant girlfriend she would obey and have total control over her, for her own well-being, and so replied, “That is a perfect relationship for me, Miss Jasmine.”

Jasmine then asked, “How do I know you will obey me without question every time?”

Susannah replied, “Well, Miss Jasmine, I am in fact old-fashioned. I believe that boss ladies should have the right to discipline their maids whenever they disobey them, or their standards fall below the standard of perfection that they should achieve every single moment.”

Jasmine certainly liked that reply, and asked, “What kind of discipline should that involve?”

Susannah replied, “Well, Miss Jasmine, I am a great believer in corporal punishment. There should be a lot more of it. So, I believe that as my boss lady, you should have the right to decide I needed to be spanked, perhaps also with a leather belt or wooden-backed hairbrush, or a tawse or even a cane.”

Jasmine asked, “So when was the last time you were disciplined?”

Susannah replied, “Well, Miss Jasmine, about a year ago I was cleaning a cabin and stained a rather expensive dress. Just then the lady whose cabin it was came back and saw it. She was furious and threatened to complain. I asked what I would have to do to stop the complaint, and she said I would need to strip completely, first of all for a long hard spanking, and then take fifty lashes with her leather belt.”

Jasmine asked, thinking she knew the answer, “What did you do?”

Susannah replied, “I did everything that she said, Miss Jasmine. She really thrashed me very hard, but I kept telling myself I deserved it because I shouldn’t have stained her dress. After thrashing me she made me press my nose against the wall of the cabin and stay there for half an hour. That helped me calm down, and as it was the last room on my shift it made sense to stay there as well. It’s funny because meeting you has so many similarities, don’t you think, Miss Jasmine?”

Jasmine did think so, and to test Susannah she took her coat ticket from her purse, handed it to her, and said, “Get my coat.”

Susannah immediately took the ticket and, intentionally to show her subservience, she said, “Straight away, Miss Jasmine.”

Susannah then immediately went to the cloakroom and collected both their coats, went back to her new boss lady, put her own coat on her stall, and then held Miss Jasmine’s coat open for her to put on. Only then did she put her own coat on.

Jasmine admitted to liking the way Susannah was already acting as her maid, and smiled as she said, “Thank you.”

Susannah looked towards the floor submissively and said, “There is no need to say thank you to me, Miss Jasmine. I am your maid, and it is my job and even as your girlfriend I would be doing it willingly.”

Jasmine then corrected Susannah by saying, “Whilst your position in our relationship will be as the submissive, and I will be making all the decisions which you will need to obey, in other respects we will be girlfriends and lovers. Whilst we make love we will be equals, but at all other times I will be the one solely in charge of you.”

Susannah replied, “Yes, Miss Jasmine, that is a far better way to put it, of course.”

Jasmine continued, “Don’t underestimate it because there will be lots of rules, and most important for you to know, no second chances if you don’t follow those rules. I will be putting to you a whole set of those rules. We can discuss any that you don’t like, but, once you have agreed to each rule, that will be it and it will stand forever. There won’t be anything particularly unusual because they will simply put me in charge of you, making all the decisions, and the like. I will also set out the punishments which, again, once you have agreed to them, you will not be able to object to nor me deciding to give you any of them, and it will be for me to solely decide the severity.”

Susannah could see that she would be very happy with that setup. After all, if she was given the chance to disagree with any rule or any punishment before it was agreed, that meant she knew exactly what she was getting into. Equally, it would also satisfy her long-held view that it would be helpful to her if she had to suffer a punishment such as a spanking to incentivise her to make her standards far higher. Of course, it was likely Miss Jasmine was going to set the standards required of her well above what she would currently achieve, so she expected several punishments, and maybe even on a permanent basis.

When they got back to Jasmine’s house, Susannah was shown around, first of all downstairs, and then upstairs firstly to Jasmine’s ensuite bedroom, then the family bathroom, and finally the third bedroom which was literally no more than a box room.

Jasmine pointed out, “This is where you will sleep when you are not in my bed. Mind you, most of the time you will be in my bed with me.”

Susannah was happy with everything that she saw and asked, “What about tonight, Miss Jasmine?”

Jasmine smiled and said, “Of course, tonight, you will be in my bed. First of all, get undressed and leave all of your clothes in your bedroom. Then follow me to mine.”

Susannah knew to start as she meant to carry on and didn’t even question why she was going to be undressed whilst her boss lady remained dressed. Of course, as she did get undressed, it all made sense. The one in charge was the one who stayed dressed and the one who had to obey was the one to be undressed. It was even erotic.

Susannah then followed her boss lady into the ensuite bedroom and watched as she sat on the bed, took her knickers off and threw them on the bed beside her, and ordered, “We will start with you licking me to an orgasm. Once you have, we will then go to bed and give each other more orgasms. Kneel down between my legs and do it.”

Susannah was excited as she watched Miss Jasmine slip her knickers off and yank her short skirt up above her waist. She sat there with her legs apart showing off her already glistening hair mound and Susannah was already excited herself as she knelt between her boss lady’s legs and started to kiss the insides of her thighs, working her way up towards those damp pussy lips.

Whilst making Susannah look after her orgasm first, which she knew put her in charge, Jasmine could see how it was clear that Susannah wanted to be submissive and knew that certainly boded well because whilst she fancied women of all ages, she did rather like the idea that Susannah was old enough to be her mum, with her creased face, turkey neck, bat wings, and fleshy bottom and thighs. As well as finding her attractive for those reasons, she loved the fact that she was being so submissive as well, doing as she was told when she was told, and had made it clear that was the kind of relationship she wanted. A Dom couldn’t insist on more from a submissive girlfriend, she reckoned.

As Susannah’s lips reached the bouquet aroma of the wet and stretched pussy lips, she licked her tongue up and down along those lips, and heard Miss Jasmine’s erotic gasps, she loved the fact that her boss lady put her hands on the back of her head and kept her in position as she pressed her lips down firmer and firmer on Miss Jasmine’s pussy lips, edging her tongue inside, and at the same time flicking her taut clit with her finger and hearing the even louder erotic gasps.

Susannah knew that she would have preferred it if at the same time Miss Jasmine had been kissing and licking her own pussy lips, but she wanted Miss Jasmine to be the boss lady and tell her what to do and reckoned that was the reason she was already turned on herself.

In fact, once Jasmine had come with loud erotic gasps, after holding Susannah’s head firmly in place for a few more moments she then let go and ordered, “Now get on the bed. As you are a good girl again, we can give each other good girl sex.”

Susannah still remembered how that night was so special, and the fact that she was doing as she was told every time. From that day, Miss Jasmine told her what to do each time they made love, to kiss her breasts, suck her nipples, accept her tongue in her mouth for long sensual kisses, flick her taut clit with her fingers, and the like, which made her own experience far more sensual and satisfying than ever before. She also accepted willingly that Miss Jasmine didn’t tell her first what she was doing but just did it, and that added to Susannah’s excitement.

It was a night to remember, and there had been so many days and nights after that with Susannah the obedient submissive and Miss Jasmine the commanding and demanding boss lady.

Susannah had collected her things the following day, but most of her clothes were quickly disposed of because they were for women her age. Miss Jasmine chose all of Susannah’s new clothes and wanted her to dress in skimpy clothes that more suited a tart, with bare arms, bare midriff, and bare legs. Tight vest-tops showing off her midriff, very short skirts or very tight shorts, sleeveless low-cut dresses with a hem just below her bottom cheeks, were the slutty clothes Miss Jasmine chose for her. The bare legs in particular meant that they were available at all times to be smacked for even the slightest mistake, which Miss Jasmine regularly found the need to do, and Susannah knew she deserved, even in front of Miss Jasmine’s friends.

Even during the winter, Susannah’s clothes had to be short and sleeveless, with bare legs, but she would be able to wear a cardigan until she got back indoors, either at home or with any of her friends, and then she was back to bare arms, bare midriff, and bare legs. Susannah happily always wore the skimpy, tarty clothes whilst Miss Jasmine dressed smartly. They both loved the comments they heard passers-by make about them when out together with each dressed as they were.

At least once a week, Jasmine insisted that Susannah wore no knickers when they went out and would often ease her hand under Susannah’s short skirt and run her finger along her pussy lips. Susannah loved the attention even though often it would result in Miss Jasmine smacking her pussy lips as a show of her complete control. Susannah had to make sure she didn’t gasp and alert those around her that she had just been very effectively disciplined by her boss lady.

Susannah rarely went out by herself. When they went shopping Susannah had to ask permission to buy anything, and if the answer was no, then no happened. On those few and far-between occasions that Miss Jasmine did say yes, Susannah was elated. The same applied on the rare occasions Susannah went clothes shopping by herself. If she saw something she liked she would have to telephone Miss Jasmine and ask if she could buy it, and the answer was normally no, which Susannah accepted as that was far better than previously when she would buy something she didn’t really need and spent every penny she had. If the answer was, yes, then Susannah had to show the receipt to Miss Jasmine as soon as she got home.

At home, it was Susannah who did all of the cleaning, washing, ironing, and putting away. She would be constantly watching Miss Jasmine, and offering to get anything for her, just to make sure that she was not interrupted in her thoughts or in whatever she was doing. She got Miss Jasmine’s clothes out each morning having been told what to get out the night before. It was always Susannah’s job to do the running about and it just needed a word from Miss Jasmine and Susannah would have to stop immediately whatever she was doing and do her boss lady’s bidding.

Jasmine also exerted her control by insisting Susannah always carry out her cleaning duties naked. That was why Jasmine also insisted that Susannah shave her legs, pubic hair, and armpits at least every three days which Susannah happily did to please her boss lady. Jasmine would check how well Susannah had shaved herself and failure to do so saw her relegated to the box room with a stinging bottom and legs after another very hard spanking as it was rightly seen as intended disobedience that had to be corrected by Miss Jasmine. Susannah knew Miss Jasmine didn’t want to feel a single prickly hair stub as she gave her finger or tongue sex and being sent to her box room bedroom by her boss lady she saw as being absolutely right.

After all, whenever Miss Jasmine smacked Susannah’s pussy lips, she rubbed first and so she must be clear of all pubes for whenever she does that.

In her desire for a submissive life, Susannah craved structure. She liked that Miss Jasmine required things done in a certain way or at a specific time. It gave her a sense of predictability, security and expectation that nothing else gave her in full measure. She wants to ask permission to be sure she is doing things correctly and needs rules for structure. Her obedience and submission to Miss Jasmine shows her love for her.

It was also important for Susannah that she knew that she would be ‘put in her place’ through severe punishments including spanking and naughty spot time. It was essential that there were no second chances given to her and so whenever she broke a rule she got punished every time by her boss lady, who only showed strength of character and never weakness. Above all, Susannah trusted her truly dominant boss lady girlfriend to determine proper rewards and consequences as necessary for everything she did or didn’t do.

For Jasmine the desire to have a submissive girlfriend who does as she is told, but wants to be a sub, allows her to do the important things in their relationship without having to waste time explaining things. What she says happens, or else, and Susannah has shown she totally accepts her control, relishes it, and understands why it is best for both of them.

Susannah loved and relished it all, just as Miss Jasmine loved the complete control she exerted over her submissive girlfriend. It made them both feel so alive and needed.

Miss Jasmine and Susannah knew that such a relationship was not for everybody, but this was exactly what both of them wanted and they were so pleased they had bumped into each other and immediately made the connection which had led to such a change for the better in both of their lives.

Published 2 years ago

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