A Stranger In Paradise Part One

"Lost in an unknown land, an adventurer is saved by two stunning women..."

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I had been traveling for at least three or four days. I hadn’t stopped to sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time, and I was beginning to get extremely hungry since I had run out of food a day and a half earlier. My water supply was depleted on what I believed to be the fourth morning, and if my map was to be believed, I was absolutely nowhere near civilization. Unless fate decided to be kind to me and lead me to a watering hole or something better, I was pretty much doomed to failure…which meant I was doomed in life.

Little did I know, someone up there decided to do exactly that for me…but not quite in the way I would have guessed.

I believe I was in between consciousness and blacking out when I noticed a small grove of trees ahead of me as I trudged through the tall grass that came up to my waist. If I wasn’t mistaken, my eyes fell upon the forms of two women…and unless I was hallucinating, I’m pretty sure they were two naked women. I did my best to fight oblivion, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Weakness overcame me at the most inopportune of times as I fell into the grass. My vision became blurred when I saw two figures suddenly appear above me, and I almost wondered if they were two angels coming to take me to the afterlife. I could vaguely hear them speaking to one another, and before I realized what was going on, blackness overtook me.

When I finally came to, it could’ve been hours or days later. I had no idea where I was or how I was even alive, and when my eyes finally started to focus, I came to the realization that I was inside some kind of crude structure. It wasn’t anything as primitive as a hut or tent, but it was certainly no log cabin…at least not a fancy one. I wasn’t complaining of course…after all, I was still alive.

I sat up and was instantly struck by dizziness. I placed a hand on my head and tried to reorient myself before getting up. It took me a moment, but I was able to comprehend that I was on some kind of bed that must’ve been stuffed with straw. It wasn’t a comfortable mattress like I had back home, but again, who was I to complain?

There was a single bedsheet over me and I threw it back…only to find that I had apparently been stripped naked. I couldn’t understand why whoever had rescued me had taken my clothes off, but at the same time, there was a chance that they had to examine me. If memory served me correctly, I was in pretty rough shape when I collapsed in that field.

When I was convinced that I could make it to my feet without fainting, I placed my legs over the side of the bed and pushed myself to a standing position. My privates bounced about as I stumbled forward a few steps. There was a small end table nearby with a candle on it, and I placed a hand on the flat surface in order to make sure that I could maintain my balance. Once I had my bearings, I walked forward on wobbly legs for a few more steps until a door on the far side of the room opened…and a beautiful woman who I was positive I had seen before appeared. When she saw me struggling across the room, I saw her head turn as she shouted to someone else. A second woman appeared right at her side…and I realized they were the two I had seen coming at me through the trees before I had blacked out in the overgrown meadow.

Oh, and they were both naked as the day they were born.

“You shouldn’t be up!” The first one who had opened the door called out as she bolted up to my side. She grabbed on to my right arm in order to make sure that I didn’t fall.

“Why aren’t you in bed?” The second one added as she also darted to my side. She helped the first one escort me back toward the bed.

I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t. I was too busy trying to figure out if I had died and ended up in an afterlife that was rewarding me with two gorgeous women to take care of me. Honestly, I had never seen two females who were so damn stunning.

The first of the two women was just a shade over five feet tall with long, straight locks of black hair and dazzling blue eyes. She was tan with a marvelous hourglass figure, and her breasts were absolutely huge. I had seen some big boobs before, but these massive jubblies hung low without coming off as unattractive. Some women with big knockers had jugs that were so big that they were unappealing because of the way they sagged, but these tits were fantastic. Her dark nipples were a perfect fit for them, and I wondered how her small frame managed to support those incredible bosoms. I tried to avoid looking, but I couldn’t help but notice the smallest tuft of dark fur down below also.

The second woman was equally beautiful. She was a little bit taller, and instead of black hair, she was a brunette. Her skin was just as tan if not a little more so, and her eyes were more amber than a field in the middle of the harvest season. She had a very trim and fit figure, and while her breasts weren’t as large as though of the first woman, they were still relatively big…although they seemed to be perkier and pointed upward a bit more. Her nips were also dark and suited her quite well, and she had a thick line of brown pubes down below that I tried to look away from…but couldn’t.

Both women seemed very concerned with my well-being as they helped me back onto the bed. “You need your rest,” the first one told me as she fluffed my pillow up and tried to make me comfortable. “Lie down and get a little more rest. You’ve barely had anything to eat or drink.”

I had a million questions but couldn’t find the words to form the queries. I didn’t want to come off as annoying and cause the women any grief, but I kept trying to sit up as they forced me down since I needed at least a few answers as to where I was and how I was alive.

The brunette grabbed the bedsheets and pulled them up over my body so she could place the top of it over my collarbone. “A shame to cover that marvelous body up,” she sighed with a smile on her face. “Looking at you for more than a minute is enough to make me wet for the rest of the day!”

“Bridget!” The first woman scolded her friend while gently swatting her left arm. “Mind your manners with the stranger!”

I felt my lower parts shudder down below not just because of the words that had been spoken by the stunning brunette named Bridget, but also due to the way the black-haired woman’s chest jiggled as she hit her friend.

“Just being honest, Sara! You can’t get mad at me for that, can you?”

The woman named Sara leaned close to me after rolling her eyes at her friend and warmly smiled in my direction. “As you could’ve guessed, my name is Sara and my foul-mouthed friend is Bridget. Do you have a name, stranger?”

I answered the gorgeous woman as I ran a hand through my hair. It took every ounce of willpower I had to avoid looking at things I shouldn’t have been looking at.

“I’m so glad you seem to be recovering so quickly!” Bridget exclaimed as she bounced a bit. “I can’t wait to hear more about you when you’re all better!”

“I’m looking forward to it as well,” Sara sincerely said as she continued to smile in my direction. “But for now, you should get some rest. When we found you, you were near death. We’ve done everything we could to help you, and while you seem to be recovering quite nicely, I’d like to make sure that you’re a hundred percent before getting back on your feet.”

“Yeah,” Bridget chimed in with a devious smile on her face. “We want you back on your feet…so we can take you off them again!”

Once again, Sara playfully swatted her friend.

“What?” She asked in her frolicsome voice. “You know you’d like to do the same!”

The expression on Sara’s face showed that she agreed with her nude companion’s statement.

“We’ll let you rest,” Bridget finally said in a tone that hinted she didn’t want to leave the room. “We’ll be back to check on you in a little while. Until then, don’t you dare sneak away from us, okay?”

I agreed to their terms and conditions while admiring their smiles. I wanted to admire a little more than that, but I didn’t want to be rude. I wondered why the hell they were naked, but at the same time, I thanked my lucky stars that they were. I certainly couldn’t complain about it.

“We’ll come back in a few hours,” Sara informed me as she grabbed the left arm of her friend and started tugging on her. “When next you’re awake, we’ll see if we can get some more food in you.”

“Okay,” I said as I watched the two women turn and walk toward the doorway. The way their buns moved as they walked made my bedsheet start to rise down below. “Thank you for all of your help. It’s much appreciated.”

“You bet’cha!” Bridget energetically said. After they were both gone, the door clicked shut behind them.

My head sunk into the pillow beneath me as a smile crept across my face from ear to ear. I had no idea where I was or why, but I had no complaints whatsoever.


When I came to, a few hours later, I remained on the bed as I glanced around the room and tried to make out anything other than the end table and myself. The dim candlelight wasn’t much help and there were no windows for me to see what time it roughly was. I thought about getting up and finding my two gracious hostesses, but I decided to stay put as they had asked. For the briefest of moments, I almost wondered if they were mind readers because I hadn’t been awake for more than a minute and a half when the door suddenly creaked open and the two angels appeared.

Bridget held the door open for her friend as Sara walked in with a tray of food. They made their way across the room as they both smiled at me with those pearly whites that were radiantly dazzling. When they were closer, I could see the tray for the first time and saw that they had brought me a bowl of chicken broth and a plate with applesauce and potatoes with gravy. There was also a glass of water.

“Have you been awake long?” Sara asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

I shook my head. “I literally just got up.”

“I’ll say,” Bridget said in a sly tone and placed a hand up by her mouth as she admired something.

It took me a moment, but I glanced down and realized there was a bulge in my bedsheets again. It dawned on me at that moment that while I had been sleeping, I had dreamt about my two lovely rescuers…and my body was obviously still excited by the very thought of that marvelous vision. I mumbled a curse under my breath as I reached down to force my blatant erection.

Bridget’s feminine laugh was highly erotic, but she stifled it when Sara told her to stop giving me a rough time. The raven-tressed woman then informed me, “I’m sorry about the selection of food, but we wanted to make sure you started off with foodstuffs like this before making you a nice, juicy steak!”

The very mention of the tender meat had my mouth watering. Still, I couldn’t deny that what they had brought me looked extremely good also. When I had run out of provisions on my trek, the last thing I had eaten was a few berries and roots I had found on the trail…and neither of them had been filling or tasty.

Sara then made her way across the room and grabbed something I hadn’t noticed. When she brought it back toward my bed, she set it down right before me and had a seat upon it. I could see that it was a wooden stool, and I thought it was one of the luckiest things in the whole world to have her wondrous cheeks pressed down upon it. “Would you like some help with your supper? I have no problem spoon-feeding you.”

I didn’t think I needed the help, but I didn’t turn her down since I wanted the two enchantresses to remain in the room with me. I immediately thanked her for the aid and noticed she appeared to be happy that I wanted her support.

Bridget stood near her friend with one hand on a hip as she observed what was going on. I was glad that she had decided to stay even though it wouldn’t have been necessary.

After the first few bites went down, I finally worked up the courage to inquire, “I hope you lovely ladies don’t find me rude, but do you mind if I ask why you’re…” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

“Why we’re what?” Sara kindly retorted.

Bridget knew what I was asking and cut right to the point by saying, “Why we’re butt-ass naked?”

I scratched the back of my head while sitting up. “Um…yeah.”

“We’re not offending you in any way, are we?” Sara asked with a slight frown upon her otherwise gorgeous face.

“Not at all!” I quickly responded. “When I woke up and realized my clothes were gone, I assumed it was because you had been looking me over after my ordeal, but when the two of you showed up looking – well, please don’t mind my cursing, but – fucking amazing, well, I couldn’t figure out what was going on! I thought maybe I had died and ended up in paradise!”

Bridget laughed at my excitement as Sara remained informative of the two and explained, “I’m not sure where you came from or how you found us, but this is Grassridge Hideaway.”

I wasn’t familiar with the name.

“It’s a nudist colony,” Bridget expelled my confusion.

Understanding overtook me as Sara went on, “We follow a very strict set of rules here, so even though you were injured, we had to strip you down in order to bring you into the village.”

I wondered if there were other women as beautiful as my rescuers in the little colony, but I erased the thought from my mind as Sara gave me another spoonful of soup. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to be back in perfect health so I could see if Bridget was just joking around about everything she had said or if she was serious.

“Grassridge Hideaway will only allow naked people to pass through our fences,” the brunette reiterated what her friend had already told me. “We also have a few ground rules that if they’re broken, other villagers can call the culprit out and challenge him or her.”

The quizzical expression on my face must’ve told the two women everything they needed to know.

“If anyone is accused of bending or breaking any of our rules,” Sara took over the explanation, “Said person can be challenged to ‘a Reckoning.’”

Since the bewildered look never left my countenance, it was Bridget’s turn to clarify, “Think of it as a wrestling match. For example, if you wronged me in some way and I called you out on it, you could accept my challenge and the two of us would have ourselves a little tussle in the middle of the village. Another citizen would act as referee, and at the end, a winner would be decided after one of us submitted. If I won, you would have to admit to your wrongdoing and would also have to do a favor of my choosing.”

“So, what if the accused wins?” I asked since both women had grown silent.

“If the accused wins,” Sara went on, “The charges are dropped and that person gets to have a favor granted for him or her.”

I thought about the strange justice system and pointed out, “I’m guessing there are quite a few of these little ‘wrestling contests’ here, huh?”

The two beauties didn’t seem to catch on to what I was saying and exchanged glances before turning their attention back to me.

I wasn’t sure if I was overstepping my boundaries by saying it, but I cracked a smile while telling them, “If I wasn’t in such piss-poor shape from my recent ordeal, I would accuse both of you of something right at this very moment!”

“Why would you do that?” Bridget asked with a hint of hurt in her voice. “We’ve done nothing but help you!”

Seeing that I had offended my two rescuers, I quickly recovered by telling them, “I think the bigger question is ‘why’ wouldn’t I? I mean, if I would get to roll around with either of you while completely naked…”

Sara caught on to what I was saying and nodded as she also smiled. A couple of seconds later, it appeared that Bridget also understood what I was getting at.

“Sorry,” I told them both when I realized how immature my proclamation had been. “It’s just that seeing two beauties such as yourselves…”

“No, we’re sorry we didn’t understand you right away!” Sara cut me off as she reached forward and grasped my right wrist. “You have to remember that we’ve lived here all our lives and being naked is completely normal to us…so hearing that an attractive man wants to roll around with us…”

“Yeah,” Bridget chimed in. “The Reckoning is not something we use a lot around here, but when thinking about rolling around in the dirt and grass with someone like you…well, I’m starting to see where you’re going with this! I just might accuse you of encroaching on my property with immoral intentions!”

I chuckled since I was glad the tension had been diffused.

Sara laughed along with her friend before telling her that she thought they needed to give me a little more time to sleep after I finished eating. She then pointed out that she thought I was still recovering quite nicely, and after a good night’s rest, they could possibly take me for a walk through the village so I could get up and stretch my legs a bit. I won’t deny that at that moment, I once again wondered if there would be other women as beautiful as them out philandering in the buff.

The two women left the tray for me and told me that one of them would be by in the middle of the night to check on me and make sure everything was okay. I was getting to the point where I felt like I would be totally fine if I happened to get up and start walking around at that very moment, but I decided to let them continue coddling me for the time being. How often did a guy have not one, but two beautiful women watching over him so fervently…and two naked women, at that? I would just go with the flow and let them nurse me to their hearts’ content.

After Bridget and Sara left me, I placed my hands behind my head and stared at the ceiling of my room. There was hardly enough light to see it, but I didn’t actually care to actually look at it since my mind’s eye was too busy sprinkling visions of Sara and Bridget’s bottoms through my head. I nodded off rather quickly and had quite a few pleasant dreams.


With no window in my room or any clock that I could see, I had no idea what time it was when I heard the door to my room creak open. I figured it had to be either Bridget or Sara coming to check on me as they had said they would, be it seemed unnaturally quiet. It took me a moment to realize that I could hardly see anything because the candle that had been burning by my bedside had whittled down to practically nothing. I could barely see more than two feet in front of me.

I was about to say “hello” when I realized that there was something or someone gripping the side of my bed. I have to admit that my heart skipped a beat since I had no idea what I was dealing with, but I didn’t want to blindly lash out if it wasn’t an attack. Still, the intruder hadn’t identified him or herself, so I was a little on edge. Had it been Sara or Bridget, I’m fairly certain whichever one it was would’ve spoken up.

Unaware of what was happening, I waited in the darkness for nearly a full minute until I felt a sudden movement…and realized something was trying to work its way under my bedsheet. I remained as still as a statue until I felt fingers scuttling across my right thigh. A few seconds later, they clasped around my penis and gave it a squeeze.

I had no idea what to say, and even though I was a grown man, I think my voice must’ve cracked when I finally queried, “What’s going on?”

The fingers released their hold on me and a figure finally came into the light. I was amazed to find that it was the stunning Sara! She immediately apologized, “I’m so sorry! I thought you were asleep! I didn’t mean any harm or to offend you in any way! I…”

Listening to her stammer and trying to come up with excuses, I came to the conclusion that the beautiful woman wasn’t trying to hurt me…but had instead intended to touch me…down there! She actually wanted to play with my pecker, and she had snuck into my room hoping I was still asleep so she could do so! Had she meant to hurt me, she would’ve brought a weapon, but I could clearly see that she was unarmed.

Sara stood straight up…and as she did so, her bosoms jiggled. “I…I really didn’t mean to do anything bad! Well, not bad in the conventional sense, I guess, but I really…”

“It’s all right, Sara,” I tried to calm the radiant woman down with a chuckle. “It’s not like I don’t trust you or anything. I mean, after all, you did save my life! Had it not been for you and Bridget…”

“Bridget cannot know about this!” Sara suddenly cut me off. “If she knew that I had tried to ‘touch’ you without her…”

I had to admit that I was feeling pretty damn good about myself. Hearing the dark-haired woman’s words and knowing that both she and her beautiful friend wanted to handle me in obscene ways…

In what little light we had, I saw Sara hug her arms under her breasts as she glanced off to the side. She clearly felt awkward.

I reached out and placed a hand on the blue-eyed beauty’s left arm. “You haven’t done anything wrong, Sara. Please don’t feel embarrassed or anything.”

The stunning woman smiled for my benefit. She then asked if she could sit down on the bed with me. Only an idiot would’ve turned her away, so I sat up and made room for her. When she was next to me, she started to admit, “I hope you don’t think less of us, but after Bridget and I found you, we made bets with each other on who would get to ‘be with you’ first. I hope you don’t hate me for saying this, but we didn’t take into account your feelings on the matter and if you’d even be attracted to us in that way. We just had never seen anyone as ruggedly good-looking as you before, and we both wanted you more than you can possibly know!”

A huge smile overtook my face. “How could I possibly be upset by such a thing?” I asked the raven-haired beauty. “You and Bridget are two of the most alluring and kindhearted women I’ve ever met! To think that you would even consider doing…well, you know!”

Sara gave me that heartwarming smile of hers as she leaned against me. Her eyes then worked their way down, and before I knew it, she was moving my bedsheet out of the way in order to see the “goods” below. When she noticed my penis beginning to grow erect, she reached for it with her left hand.

I let out a low moan and leaned back against the wall directly behind me. I placed my hands flat on the bed and let her go to work as she began jerking on me. Her touch was gentle, but I could tell that she truly wanted to put her all into it. I found myself wondering if this kind of thing occurred on a daily basis in Grassridge Hideaway.

As Sara tugged at my pud, her free hand suddenly went to her right bosom so she could roll it about while letting out moans of her own. Her jaw dropped open as she focused on what she was doing to me, and as my manhood grew and pulsated in her grasp, I could tell that she was getting more and more turned on. Her chest was starting to heave as she picked up the pace while yanking away at me.

I wasn’t sure how Sara would react, but I couldn’t help myself: I suddenly reached out and grabbed onto her shoulders with both hands as I planted my lips on hers. I poured my soul into the kiss I gave her, and she let go of my dick long enough to wrap her arms around me while returning the sign of affection. I could feel her tongue creeping into my mouth and I wasn’t about to stop it.

Sara climbed to her knees in an effort to push herself closer to me. I could feel her enormous breasts smashing against my chest as we passionately kissed, and then I noticed her placing her right leg over me so she could sit on my lap. I wondered for a moment if she was going to mount my hard cock as things became hot and heavy, but as she planted her buns on my thighs, I could see that she was sitting back just far enough that I wouldn’t be able to enter her…yet. My rigid dick stood up as she scooted in closer, and eventually, the underside of my shaft was pressed right up against her labia and that dark, little patch of hair.

My hands went down to the small of Sara’s back as I pulled her in as close as she could possibly be to me. Her tits and my dick were sandwiched between us as we made out, and I found myself wondering what would happen if Bridget happened to walk in. The raven-tressed beauty had made it sound like the brunette wouldn’t be pleased, but the hornball in me wanted to believe that she would instead join in. I had never been part of a threesome before, but the very thought of it with two women as incredible as Sara and Bridget…

I was caught off guard when Sara suddenly placed her hands on my shoulders and lifted herself ever so slightly off my lap. She then reached down between us with her right hand and grabbed my pole…and then as her breasts brushed against my face, I heard her let out a few moans and sighs as she moved it around directly below her…until finding her hole and puncturing herself with my manhood as she slid onto me.

My jaw dropped and my eyes opened wide as I felt my cock pulsate within the raven-haired beauty’s pink. Her softness closed in around me as my dick pulsated in pleasure. Things felt even more phenomenal when she started moving up and down. I wasn’t sure how Sara felt about cursing during the act, but I couldn’t stop myself from groaning, “Oh, fuck…”

I think she may have liked it because she started bouncing up and down faster on my rod as she hugged her arms around my head and practically smothered me between those massive knockers she possessed. I felt her kissing my forehead as she picked up speed, and both of us started to perspire as our bodies became slick against each other. The wetness we caused down below began to become visible in a puddle on the bed.

At that point, I figured Sara was probably good with just about anything, so without pulling myself out of her, I utilized my strength to lift her up a bit so I could get to my knees. I then laid her back on the bed so her head would be on the pillow. Keeping her legs spread apart, I continued pumping her in the missionary position while leaning forward so I could cover her face in kisses.

“Oh!” She wheezed as I picked up speed with each thrust I gave her. “Oh!” She started to repeat my name over and over again as I pounded her pussy.

I pushed myself as deeply as I could with each pass I made. I’m pretty sure I succeeded in hitting just the right spot because, at one point, she lifted her legs in such a way to show that she had reached her peak…and she curled her toes while her feet shook as if she was undergoing some kind of spasm. I think she was enjoying our little romp.

Sara repeated my name over and over again with a few other dirty words scattered in between as she started climaxing. I continued to wail away before telling her I was about to cum as well, and when I asked where she wanted it, she answered by wrapping her legs around me and telling me to unload my spunk within her. I wasn’t sure that that was the best idea, but I wasn’t about to argue with someone who had saved my life. More than anything, I wanted the blue-eyed beauty to enjoy every last second of what we did.

I let out a loud grunt and braced myself as I began ejaculating within the raven-haired stunner. I felt each and every palpitation of my cock as I began unloading my creamy contents within her. I couldn’t believe it myself when I kept going and going. I could actually see the shock on Sara’s face – mixed with her pleasure, of course – as I continued to discharge my seed into her. When I was finally finished, I withdrew myself from her and fell back on the bed to catch my breath… as my dripping penis exited her ravaged hole, a wad of semen came oozing out and drizzled down her taint before pooling up on the bed. It was a sticky, sloppy mess of goo.

“Fucking amazing!” Sara shouted as she lay on the bed with her legs still spread apart. “Fucking incredible!”

I wished the lighting in the room had been better so I could’ve fully observed what I had caused, but the feelings coursing through my body should’ve told me all I needed to know. I hadn’t been intimate with a woman in quite some time, and I couldn’t even remember the last time I had jerked off. It felt so good to finally release everything I had been saving up for so long, and I’m glad I didn’t blast Sara through a wall in the process.

Once I had my breathing back to normal, I pushed myself up and plopped down on the bed directly next to the raven-haired goddess. She made more room for me as I looked directly into her lovely eyes in the dying candlelight, and we wrapped our arms around each other before falling asleep in the comforting darkness.


“Well, I guess I should’ve expected this.”

My eyes started to flit as I awakened for the day. My limbs were entangled with those of Sara, and I could see that she was also starting to come to. When we were both awake enough to realize what was going on, we gazed in the direction the voice had come from…and saw Bridget towering over us with her hands on her hips.

“Looks like the two of you had quite a bit of fun,” she matter-of-factly stated as she examined the ravaged bed. “Wish someone would’ve let me know so I could’ve joined in.”

“Sorry, Bridget,” Sara apologized after letting out a yawn and pushing herself up a bit. “That was my fault. I snuck in here with every intention of giving our mutual friend here a blowjob while he slept, but he woke up and, well…”

I didn’t know if I should be smiling or not, so I just hid behind Sara’s massive left mammary.

“Geezus, it looks like the two of you fucked all through the night!” Bridget exclaimed in disgust. I think she was only really upset because she hadn’t been a part of the fun.

I wasn’t sure if it was the right time or even the right thing to do, but I reached down and gave myself a few strokes in order to stiffen up a bit. I didn’t really need to since just being in the presence of the two gorgeous women was enough to give me a hard-on. I then told the charming brunette, “If you’d like to have a little fun, Bridget, I would be more than willing to go another round or two with the both of you.”

Bridget’s beautiful eyes lit up upon seeing my hardening cock. “Holy shit! Look at that guy grow right before my very eyes!”

Sara smiled slyly as she told her friend, “If you think it looks amazing, you should feel what it’s like to have it inside of you!”

Apparently, the brunette didn’t want to wait and threw herself onto the small bed with us. She pretended like Sara wasn’t even there as she leaned over her so she could lower her face over my privates. With her mouth wide open, she inhaled my cock and started moving her head up and down on the stiff organ.

“Oh, my…” I started, and my hands went down to hold the brunette’s noggin as she went absolutely wild while giving me head. I’m sure I looked like a real schmo as I sat there with my mouth hanging open while feeling satisfaction course through my veins. It actually took me a minute to realize that Sara was running her hands up and down my chiseled chest as her friend pleasured me. When I glanced in the raven-haired beauty’s direction, she leaned forward and started kissing me.

I tasted Sara’s sweet nectar as Bridget sucked my juices out of me. I was beginning to truly believe that I had indeed died out on that field and that some wonderful god out there believed me to be worthy of such a fantastic afterlife. How else could some borderline average guy like myself end up with two naked goddesses who were willing to fulfill my heart’s every dirty desire…?

It became apparent that after a few minutes of blowing me, Bridget also wanted to know what it was like to “get up on that horse.” It was almost like she and Sara were able to communicate without words because, with one simple look, the raven-tressed stunner climbed out of the way and allowed the brunette beauty to take charge.

Bridget reached for my legs and gave them a tug as if to signify that she wanted me to align myself on the bed right in the middle. Once I was where she wanted me, the stacked dazzler straddled me and licked her right hand before running it over her genitalia…and then lowered herself onto me in much the same way her friend had only hours earlier.

I let out another sigh of passion mixed with animalistic lust. My auspicious penis must’ve done something right in order to get so lucky in such a short period of time.

Bridget placed her hands on my rigid abdomen to balance herself as she gritted her teeth and began grinding on my dick. My hands ended up on her hips as she rocked back and forth, and when our eyes met, I knew that she was preparing to give me so much more…

Sara watched on as her friend took her hands off my abs and placed them on her own. She then slowly raised her appendages as her fingers ran up the length of her body before ending up in her hair. She let out a screech as she started bouncing unrestrainedly on my aroused organ. Before long, she was jumping up and down on me with wild abandon.

As we both began to sweat, my hands started sliding up and down her body with every leap she made. My eyes journeyed down so I could watch her charming pussy continue to pierce itself on my meat staff over and over again. I let out grunts of delight as Sara sat off to the side fingering herself and licking her lips. I think she was actually watching closely in order to make sure that her friend didn’t go overboard since I was still technically “recovering.” I don’t know why, but the raven-tressed beauty seemed like the more mature of the pair…and I don’t mean that in a bad way.

Bridget became louder as her jumps became higher. There wasn’t a whole lot of light in the room, but what little we had made her skin gleam. The thin layer of sweat that had formed caused her to glisten in ways that only served to make me harder as her soft pink continued to arouse me. The more I examined the marvelous woman riding me, the more I realized she was far too beautiful for the likes of me…and yet, she was having the time of her life as she yelped in glee and gave me the thrill of a lifetime.

Sara sat up a bit and looked to be ready to tell me something that I’m sure would’ve been on the likes of “be careful” as I slowed Bridget down enough to hug my arms around the small of her back. Both women looked confused by what I was doing, but I simply smiled in return as I held the brunette close and inched my way off the bed. Remaining inside of her the whole time, I planted my feet on the floor and grasped her tightly while standing up. Once I was vertical, I started lifting the beautiful woman up and down on my cock until she realized that she was free to take charge once more.

I didn’t have to see Bridget to know how riled up and ecstatic she was. With her arms hugged around my neck and her legs wrapped around my midsection, she started moving up and down as the sweat flew from our bodies. With her head near my right ear, I could hear her speaking in Sara’s direction as she whispered, “This guy is fucking amazing!” The words made me smile from ear to ear as I held the brunette up by tightly clasping her ass cheeks.

I’m sure Sara was still watching us go wild as Bridget laid her head against my right shoulder and continued her vertical ascent and descent on me as we stood there. I subtly helped her by lifting her now and then as the wetness between our legs became sloppier. I could hear the sound of my dick sloshing around down below as she slid up and down. It was one of the hottest sounds I had ever had the pleasure of hearing.

Sara eventually climbed off the bed and made her way closer to the two of us so she could have a front-row seat watching. She dropped down to her knees and continued to finger herself while witnessing the fuck fest playing out before her. In between Bridget’s squeals, I could actually hear the raven-tressed beauty breathing heavily as she enjoyed every second of what she was doing.

I was still having a hard time believing anything transpiring was real. When I had first awakened and met the two stunners, I was positive that I had been dreaming, but when the action started between all of us, I knew that couldn’t be the case because a dream could never feel so damn good. I was then convinced – as I’ve already stated multiple times – that I had died and stumbled upon paradise, but again, I felt so alive that I didn’t think that could be the case either. How could anything this great be happening to me…?

I decided it was best to not question it. Why would I want to? Why chance making everything around me disappear just because I became a bit too inquisitive? I didn’t want to tempt fate and make the two goddesses disappear. That probably sounds superstitious on my part, but I guarantee that anyone else in my current position would’ve felt the same way.

“My turn!” Sara suddenly called out as she climbed back to her feet. I thought the desperation in her voice was actually somewhat humorous since she appeared to be the more “adult” of the two women. She appeared to be anything but mature at that moment since she looked like she was about to start arguing with her friend if she didn’t get her way.

Bridget let out a sigh and reluctantly unraveled herself from around my body. She was careful as she pulled herself off my firm penis, and once her feet were on the floor, she took a step back from me while muttering a curse under her breath. I think even though she wanted to continue being railed, she may have been a little tired and was probably a little thankful for the reprieve. I couldn’t help but notice how sopping wet her pussy was as she rubbed at it while backing away.

Sara licked her lips again while stepping up to me and running a hand over my chest before reaching down and giving my cock a tug. I noticed she did so with a little more force, and I have to admit that it felt damn good. She lifted a finger to her mouth and started to press her lower lip down in a sexy manner while studying the veins pumping blood to my lower regions. She gave me another tug before looking into my eyes and telling me to lie down.

Since I wanted nothing more than to pleasure the radiant woman, I did as I was told. There was a ruffled rug near the bed, so I laid down on it and put my legs partially under the bed. I did so so Sara could have a seat upon me and use the piece of furniture behind her for balance. I think she appreciated my line of thinking because she squatted down and slid onto my erection while supporting herself with the mattress behind her. Within seconds, she was bouncing up and down on me thanks in part to the wetness Bridget and I had created as her tits flailed about the air.

The current “inactive” member of our trio walked over and watched with a huge smile on her face as she placed a hand on her friend’s left shoulder. Sara glanced up at her with happiness permanently etched on her face as the two of them started having a full-blown discussion about how incredible I was while the raven-tressed beauty fucked my brains out. It didn’t take long for Sara to also work up a sweat.

It was again broken record time as I let my head fall back on the floor while I closed my eyes and again wondered how such a wonderful fate had befallen me. I was a little afraid that I would open my eyes and find that the women were gone, but I kept telling myself that this was reality and I was currently the luckiest guy in the world. I had to live in the moment as nothing short of absolute pleasure coursed through my entire body.

I couldn’t pinpoint exactly how long Sara rode my throbbing dick. She continued to bound up and down, and I was convinced on more than one occasion that one of her enormous tits would fly up and smack her in the face with the amount of force she was exerting. While we went at it, Bridget had taken a seat on the bed and watched for a few minutes before lying back on her side so she could begin fingering herself while viewing the stout fornication.

The expression on Sara’s face showed that her soul was filled with lust for me. She had that “I want more but I can barely take what you’re giving me” look smeared across her visage. Her feet were firmly planted on the floor as her knees and calves did most of the work. At one point, her head fell back against the bed and her mouth dropped open in order to let out a loud moan. Within seconds, her body began to tremble and quake, and then she suddenly pushed herself up enough so that my cock would spring out of her…and from where she remained squatted over me, her pussy erupted in an explosion of clear fluid that started out by sailing clear over my head before a few more spurts landed on me. It was the fucking hottest thing I had ever been a part of.

“Sara!” Bridget called out in astonishment and placed her hands on her friend’s shoulders. “Holy shit!”

The raven-tressed beauty let out a lower moan as her pelvis twitched again and one more small rush exited through her gash. A stream of clear fluid splashed against my chest as I ran a hand over my wet face and tried to comprehend what I had just witnessed. As previously stated, it was the hottest fucking thing ever.

I reached down and grabbed my soggy dick as I began vigorously jerking on it. Seeing Sara have such a spectacular orgasm made me want to do the same…but things were quite literally taken out of my hands before I could so much as stroke myself twice.

Bridget dropped down onto the floor and wrestled my cock from my grasp so she could begin wailing away on it. She grabbed it by the base and engulfed the top half of it while tugging and sucking it at the same time. The whole time she went to town on me, Sara remained in her position just above the action. On one occasion, she even pushed her pussy forward and rubbed it against the side of Bridget’s face just to remind her friend that she was there.

After giving me some of the most stimulating head in the history of mankind, the bountiful brunette eased up and pulled her head away from my crotch. She watched on as the second she did so, Sara reached down and grabbed my prick so she could guide it right back into her dripping hole. The ravishing woman became uninhibited and took things to the extreme as Bridget played with her own tits while watching from her position on her knees.

I ran my hands over my face again and could no longer distinguish my sweat from the pussy juice I had been doused in. I had never been a part of something so intense in my entire life, and I was surprised I had made it as long as I had without blowing a load of my own. Sara had gone right back to working my stiff pole with her magic, and it’s safe to say that I was caught completely off guard when she once more propped herself up and let out another squeal of delight as yet another stream of liquid goodness began shooting from her marvelous crease. This time, however, things were a little different…

Seeing what was about to happen a second before it did, Bridget shoved her face down into Sara’s and my naughty areas with her mouth open and her tongue out. She closed her eyes as most of the spray connected with her left cheek, and once the blue-eyed beauty was finally done squirting, the dripping brunette lowered her head and started sucking me off again. I could no longer contain myself and announced that I was going to cum.

Bridget took her head off my dick and continued to jerk away as Sara quickly got up and repositioned herself on the other side of me so she could join in. She placed her head by my lower regions and opened her mouth while watching her friend jack me off. My cock began erupting like a geyser as strands of semen shot directly into the air before raining back down on the women below. I did my best to keep my attention on everything going on down below, but my grunts of euphoria were getting the best of me and causing me to close my eyes when I didn’t want to. When I did manage to catch some of the naughtiness going on over my pelvic area, I saw the strings of stickiness that Bridget was jerking out of me landing in the hair and on the faces of both women as they went wild. I felt my hard cock pumping away within her grasp as it throbbed and vibrated. I couldn’t believe that I had two of the most drop-dead gorgeous women I had ever seen milking me for all I was worth.

I think I must have been utilizing a little magic of my own at that moment because I don’t think I had ever been capable of unloading so much cream at once. I blasted countless wads into the air, and by the time I was finally done, the two women laughing in delight down by my rigid manhood were completely covered in gunk. There were wads of sperm in their hair along with white lines of ooze drizzling down their marvelous faces. They were a couple of hot messes.

“Holy shit!” Bridget exclaimed yet again. “How much cum do you have in that thing? Wow-zers!”

I let my head fall back on the floor as I wheezed with an open-mouthed smile on my face. The fact that I had enjoyed such an intense orgasm had been one thing, but seeing that the two women who had caused it were both so exuberant only served to add to my excitement. I didn’t think things could get much hotter until Bridget looked up and noticed that a glob of semen was about to drip into her friend’s right eye…so, she reached over and took it off her face with a finger so she could then put it in her mouth.

“Mmm!” The beautiful brunette enjoyed the taste of my gravy. She then used her tongue to lick what she could from around her lips.

While Bridget delighted in eating my milky goodness, Sara shoved my still-rigid dick in her mouth and sucked what remained out of me. I reached down and ran my hands over both women since I had the sudden urge to touch them, and when my hands ended up on a titty from each of them, I gave them a squeeze as Bridget laughed and Sara continued to inhale me. I could see that she was doing her best to smile while having a mouthful of my manhood.

“This is amazing, you two,” I moaned as my breathing finally returned to normal. “I still have no idea how I even ended up here, but I can honestly say that it’s the best thing that ever happened to me!”

The two lovely women appeared to approve of my response as we continued to indulge in our time together.



Published 2 years ago

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