Biel’s Tale: Laia and the Cult

"An urban exploration trip goes badly awry..."

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Biel held on tight as the inflatable raced down the tunnel. He was seated more in it than on it, his ass taking up the hole in the ring. He knew he was too old for this, but his friends in Madrid wouldn’t know he had come to the water park. His tire whizzed round the corner and then he burst out into bright sunshine and into the pool.


He swam over to the side of the pool and got out, sitting on the edge. A few seconds later, he heard a squeal, and his sister, Elia, plunged into the pool from the tunnel. She swam over and sat next to him, her bikini sopping wet and her long, brown hair dripping. She smiled and said,

“Cool ride, eh?”

Instinctively, he found his eyes on her body. From the deepest recesses of his mind, some monstrous force drew his eyes to the curve of his sister’s breast as it hung in the sling of her blue bikini, and he looked down the side of her body, counting three moles on her side and down to her deep, wide navel. He would have kissed every inch of her, right there at the pool, if she’d let him. And just below there, he knew what that mound contained, even if no boy had, as far as he knew, yet…

To his horror, Biel felt his penis swell. He jumped immediately into the water and swam away from Elia. His erection receded at once. What the fuck?                                              

That night, he masturbated to a pornographic video. But, twice, that image of his sister, soaked and so nearly naked as to need no imagination, flashed through his mind as if someone had spliced it into a regular film. He grabbed his dick with his left hand.

“Oh, Elia, yes. Yes, sis. Like that…” He came as he murmured out his dreadful fantasy.

What the hell was wrong with him? It wasn’t even as if he were an ultra-horny teenager. He was twenty-one! Immediately, he wanted to know more. He looked up ‘sexual fantasy about a sibling’ and was relieved to see it was more common than you might imagine to at least think the thought.

One thing was for sure; It would be a long time before he went anywhere with her where they were semi-dressed again.

He decided he would avoid Elia the next day. He’d long planned that at some point he would go urban exploring in Tarragona, and tomorrow would be as good a day as any. To take his mind off sex, he logged in to the urban exploring groups he belonged to and began to search for an exploring buddy, preferably a female one that he might find attractive.   


The sanitorium stood a decent distance away from the nearest houses, so there would be little chance of being seen.

“The sign says there’s a dog but there isn’t. We just have to get over the fence.”

Pablo was a cool guy, and he obviously knew his stuff.

“You’ve been here before?”

“Once, about ten years ago. It used to be a staple for the local explorers, but everyone around here has done it to death. But there is some cool stuff in there if you haven’t been in before. I won’t spoil it.”

There was an iron fence forming a compound, and the main building of the sanitorium was surrounded by a number of smaller buildings. The main building was long and had four stories. Biel had read that the place had been a home for mentally ill and abandoned children during the civil war. It was said that ghastly experiments and treatments had been performed on many of the kids there. God knows what abuse they had suffered.   

The sun was dipping now. It would be dark soon, and they had torches. Biel loved urban exploring at night. It was so much more atmospheric. Pablo led him along a rocky path around the building and, when they were sure no one was looking, the two threw their coats over the fence and pulled themselves up and over. Keeping low and moving quickly, they headed for the ruined sanitorium.

“Let’s hope it hasn’t been sealed up…no, we’re good!” Pablo swung open the old door, rusted on its hinges. Pablo took a last look over his shoulder. The sun was disappearing into the sea. He stepped across the threshold.

The darkness took hold of the building quickly. Biel and Pablo roamed the corridors. There was graffiti everywhere on the wall. One scrawl wrote, “How could you do this to me?”. There were child-sized beds in rows in one room, and newspapers, dated decades apart, on the floor.

They found a former schoolroom on the third floor, and they sat at the desks and tried to imagine what lessons had been taught there. Biel rummaged through some desks and found some old notebooks. One had English exercises in it. Another was a compendium of bible verses. As he was reading the book, Pablo held his hand up.
“Did you hear something?”


“I did. Someone else is here.”

Biel’s heart began to thump harder. Who could be here? Other explorers? Druggies? Metal thieves? They were likely to be unfriendly and unhappy to see him and Pablo, whoever they were.

“Let’s check it out,” said Pablo, and his voice betrayed his nerves. They moved cautiously out of the schoolroom and tiptoed along the corridor. There was a cry, a female cry, and the sound of male voices singing, or maybe chanting.

“What the…?” said Biel, half to himself.

They came to the staircase and made their way down.                                                   

“Let’s get out of here. We’ll go straight to the door,” hissed Pablo.

Biel did not agree with this plan. He wanted to see what was going on. He shook his head.

“I’m going. It’s your dice, man,” Pablo said. Biel nodded.

They reached the bottom of the stairs and Pablo made a beeline for the door.

“Text me to let me know you’re ok, Biel? I can call the police if I don’t hear from you by morning.”

Biel nodded, and when Pablo had gone, he began walking down the dark corridor. At the end, there was a flickering light, as if torches were lit.

 The voices were chanting in unison. There was another female cry of distress. Now, Biel could make out words.

“Let me go, please. My dad has money, he’ll pay…,”

Biel’s heart was in his mouth, but he knew he should intervene if someone was in danger, so he kept on. The door was just a few steps away. He flattened himself against the wall and inched closer.

A piercing scream filled the air. Instinctively, Biel covered his ears. It was horrible. What were they doing to her? He heard the chanting start again. This time he could make out the words.

“Our Great Lord Satan,
Master of the Earth.
We offer up this virgin,
And pray for your rebirth.”

And this chant was repeated seven times. Surely, they weren’t seriously going to commit a human sacrifice? He peered around the door. There was a wooden frame, and a young woman was tied to it, naked. She was about his age, or maybe his younger sister’s. She was a redhead and had cute freckles around her nose and a mole on her chin. She was in some distress, understandably. There were scars and burns and angry red marks across her body.

Three men…at least they seemed to be men by their size and shape…stood in black hooded robes around her. And now, as Biel watched, one of the three men who were there seized a red-hot poker and jabbed it into her flesh below her breasts. The young woman screamed. 

Biel pulled out his phone. He texted Pablo.

“Dude, call the police. Send them here. I can’t believe my eyes. They’re going to kill a girl!”

But when he pressed send, there were no bars of signal and no data on his phone. He cursed, realizing the same provider he used in Madrid may not operate here. He would have to rescue the girl. He looked around the corner again. The girl’s head had lolled onto her chest. Was she dead? No, her chest was rising and falling. She’d passed out.

“She’s unconscious,” said one of the men.

“We’ll have to wait until she revives,” said another, “Satan needs to hear her scream.”

Christ, this was fucked up. Deep down, Biel was clinging to the hope that he had stumbled onto a movie set. But, no, the men were gathering together, and he watched them vanish into the shadows. Their voices receded. Perhaps they had gone into another room. He carefully edged around the corner. The girl was still…no, she opened her eyes, which were puffy and tear-stained.

Biel held his fingers to his lips as if to say, “Don’t scream,”. He hurried over and began trying the binds around her ankles and wrists. But it was no good. They were tight, fast, and did not come away easily.

“Shit,” Biel cursed, looking nervously over his shoulder.

“I can’t get these undone. I need a knife. Is there anything around, that you know of?”

 She shook her head.

“If you can’t untie me, you have to fuck me,” she said.


This was the last thing he’d expected to hear from a woman in the middle of being tortured.

“I mean it. I’m a virgin and they’re offering me as a sacrifice. It’s a parallel of the Virgin Mary, I think. If I wasn’t a virgin, I’d be no good to them!”

Biel thought about this.

“Maybe, but won’t they kill you anyway to silence you? And kill me too?”

“Probably. But maybe not. Maybe it would give us a chance. Now, do it!”

“I could try fighting them off. Hold still, I’ll go look for a weapon…”

“No, please. Don’t leave me. They’ll come back. Please don’t leave me!”

Her voice grew hysterical. Tears of terror were streaming down her face.

“What’s your name?” he asked.


“I’m Biel.”

“Biel, I want you to fuck me. Please. It’s my only hope.”

He looked around. The men still weren’t there. Perhaps…He went across the room and found an open door, through which the men had disappeared. Yes, it had a lock. He closed it and bolted it. That would buy him some time. There was no lock on the door through which he had entered the room though. He reached for his cock and began jerking it. It was hardly the most arousing circumstance, even if Laia was naked. He went across to her and touched her body with his right hand. Laia closed her eyes. He was getting harder now. He lowered his trousers and felt Laia’s eyes on his cock.

“Laia, you’re sure you want this?”

“Yes. For fucks sake, please, just do it quickly!”

Biel stood up on the platform, so he was level with her. He could smell her now, and she was ripe. She had not bathed lately.

“How long have you been here?”

“I don’t know. At least three days. Please, hurry!”

Biel moved his penis up to her vagina, but she wasn’t aroused at all, and it was dry and difficult to enter. He reached into her vagina with his fingers and diddled a bit. Then he moved in and kissed her on the lips.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to turn you on. It’s easier to penetrate if you’re wet.”

“There’s no time. Just get it into me. Please!”

He had to jerk his cock a little to restore it to hardness, then pressed it to her vagina. It resisted, but with a hard push, he got it in.

“Ow!” Laia squealed in pain.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok. Fuck me hard, now!”

Biel pressed firmly into her, although the angle was uncomfortable and the circumstances even more so. He did feel her start to moisten, though.

“Faster!” she cried.  

There was blood on his cock now, he saw. He massaged her breast with his hand. Her vagina was wetting, no question. It was easier and softer now. He looked up and into her eyes. She had beautiful eyes, Laia. She looked back and there was a little warmth in her eyes this time. Some of the fear had gone. He was comforting her.

“How on earth did you get caught by these guys?”

“They kidnapped me. I went to confession and one of them is my priest. He’d arranged it…all!”

Laia squealed, and this time it was with pleasure.

Suddenly, there were footsteps outside the door.

“Come! Come! You have to come!” Laia hissed.

“I’ll try.”

Biel drilled harder. He thrust into Laia’s cunt as hard and fast as he could, and she moaned and soon he felt an orgasm approach.

“What the fuck!” A male voice boomed out. Biel looked over his shoulder, but as he did so he did not stop drilling Laia, and his orgasm burst forth…

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” and he emptied his semen into this girl who he had known for just ten minutes in the strangest circumstances imaginable, and it was the last thing he remembered as a severe blow to the head knocked him out cold.


Biel awoke. He was naked and tied to the wall about three meters from the frame. Laia, he was glad to see, was still alive and tied to the frame as before. Her thighs were bloody.

“He’s awake,” said a male voice.

A man walked over to him.

“That was a very foolish thing you did, Biel. You have denied our Lord the sacrifice he deserves.”

“How do you know my name?”

“Your wallet was in your trousers. And now, thanks to social media, we know all sorts about you. For example, you have two sisters. Elia and Jordina, I believe?”

Biel said nothing, but stared back at the man, full of hatred and contempt.

“Since you have denied us our virgin sacrifice, one of them will take her place. Are they virgins, to the best of your knowledge?”

“No, they both have boyfriends.”

This was a lie. He didn’t know for certain if they were or not. If pressed, he’d have guessed that Elia was not a virgin, but he was afraid Jordina might be. She was much shyer and more reticent in social company than the confident, outgoing Elia.

 “Even now, my operatives are out looking for them. They’ll be here soon. Then, you can watch as your sister meets her maker.”

“If I get free, I will kill you,” Biel snarled and then he spat in the man’s face. The man kicked him hard in the groin, and blinding pain flashed through Biel’s body.

There was a scuffling sound and footsteps were heard. Three men dragged in a woman with a hood over her head. She was making noise, but it sounded like she had been gagged.

When Biel had recovered enough to look up, he saw the hood being pulled off. Yes. To his horror, he saw that it was, indeed, his sister Jordina.

“Jordina!” he cried.

She looked over at him, her eyes wide with fear. She was gagged, but she attempted to say his name. He was suddenly self-conscious about being naked in front of his sister.

“Shut up, you two. Get the first girl off the frame. She’s no use to us now.”

They untied Laia and brought her off the frame, then they bound her hands together and threw her on the floor. Laia moaned softly to herself.

“Get her undressed. We need to do the virginity test,”

Jordina’s clothes were roughly pulled off. Biel strained at his bindings, trying to break free to rescue her. Soon, his sister was naked and tied to the frame.

“No, please! Please, let me go. Don’t, please!”

Biel watched as one of the hooded men reached for his sister’s privates. He slipped a finger in, then knelt and looked closely…

“She’s a virgin!”

“Excellent! Prepare the pokers and we’ll begin!”

There was an agonizing ten minutes as the pokers were heated on the fire. Biel watched the men as they began to chant, as they had before. He had never felt so helpless.

Laia was wriggling about on the floor and Biel now saw that she was having some success in loosening the bindings around her wrists. In fact, she was almost free. He nodded encouragingly at her. The chanting men stood with their backs to them. Laia jiggled her wrists hard, and at last, the ropes were loose enough to get free.

Behind the backs of the chanting men, Laia crawled across to the furnace and quickly stood and seized a red-hot poker.

The men backed away from her. Biel and Jordina watched as Laia held out her glowing weapon, fiery orange like a lightsaber. The men stepped back and then, one of them made the mistake of not looking behind him. He backed straight into Biel, and for a second he was cornered.  Laia thrust the flaming poker and drove it hard into his face. There was a vile hiss as the man’s eye was burned out of his socket. For the rest of his life, Biel never forgot the scream that that man gave or the smell of burning flesh. Laia had driven that poker through the man’s very skull. He dropped lifeless to the floor, and his brain melted.

The other two men turned tail and fled. But they could be back with weapons. Laia picked up a second hot poker. She walked over to Biel.

“Hold still.”

She used the poker to burn through the ropes and free him. Then, together, they went over to free Jordina.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a door being kicked in. Flashlights appeared.

“Police! Open up! Drop all weapons! Surrender or we’ll shoot!”

Biel later learned that the text message had, belatedly, reached Pablo.


“This is to say thank you for saving my life,” said Laia quietly. Biel was in her bedroom. The sheets were soft under his naked body. Laia knelt above him and dipped, placing his penis gently into her mouth. She sucked it well, and he rubbed the top of her head as she blew him.

Biel had been invited by her parents for dinner, to thank him for his role in her rescue. They had not been told the whole story. After dinner, Laia told her parents,

“We’re just going to hang out upstairs, ok? Listen to some music.”

“I need to be home by eight,” Biel said, anxious to reassure them that he was not planning to stay the night.

As soon as they were in the bedroom, she told him to undress and lie back.

He closed his eyes. It was blissful, having his penis sucked and in safety, when he had been sure he would not make it out of there alive. Her tongue ran across his glans, and then she wrapped his now ever moister cock in her mouth and sucked it hard. She had been a virgin, but this was clearly not the first blowjob she had given. She looked up from her work and smiled at him, then she pulled off her t-shirt. 

It was striking what a difference the atmosphere made to their perceptions of their naked bodies. In the grim sanatorium, under the stress of fear and tension, he had not found her arousing at all, or she him. But in the safety and privacy of Laia’s bedroom, both looked upon the other’s naked bodies and felt their bodies tingle with sexual desire.

“I saw you naked before, but I never realized how beautiful you are,” he murmured.

And it was true. In the soft light and warm feminine atmosphere of her bedroom, Laia was a beautiful young woman. She blew him more gently for a while, then fondled his balls.

“Hey, are you doing anything tomorrow? We could hang out at the beach?”

“I’d like that.”

He was getting close now. His cock was trembling as it was sucked, and this time it was Jordina who flashed into his brain before his closed eyes, and in his mind’s eye, he pulled his virgin sister’s bra off. He gently caressed her breasts and, as he was preparing to ravish her, he pictured her kneeling, smiling gratefully up at him and enveloping his penis with her tongue…

The trips to the police station and the court dates would make this a longer tale. So, we’ll end with Biel’s orgasm in Laia’s mouth and vowing that, if his urban exploring days were behind him, perhaps his time with Laia was not.

Published 2 years ago

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