Pussy By Night

"thief in the night has a rival"

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Long Island, 1889.

Selina Steele was a cat burglar extraordinaire. Beautiful, strong-willed, and with a lifelong love of everything feline and sparkling.

A master of tracking and stealth she was the most accomplished jewel thief east of the Missouri River.

Lithe, well-formed, and as agile as a leopard, the stunning woman was determined and proud.

She stepped out of the steam-powered Hansom cab and looked up at the opulent brownstone mansion in front of her. Montague Manor.

Located in the Hamptons, part of the East End of Long Island, the Estate sat in old Southampton. A popular place where the wealthy and influential chose to keep a second home away from New York City.

“Well, here we are again.”

It was an unseasonably warm night for the time of the year as she strolled up to the enormous front doors and entered a great hall.

The occasion was the annual Thanksgiving gathering and Theodore Montague, a self-styled playboy, and multi-millionaire had been planning the dinner and dance for months.

Selina, an on-again-off-again acquaintance of the eligible bachelor had considered the residence ripe for a break-in for the same period and had decided that it was worth cracking after all.

“There he is.”

When she entered the ballroom all heads turned in her direction. Just as she intended.

The proud woman seemed to glide across the floor as she headed straight toward the host without a glance at anyone else.

“Good evening, Ted. It appears that I am the last to arrive.”

Just as she had planned, he thought.

“Selina. That is quite the most outrageous gown I have ever seen.”

“Does that mean you like it or not?”

The formal floor-length evening dress, if you could call it was a sexy sheer number with floral sequins and long bell sleeves. In the light of the overhead chandelier and gas lamps, the hunter-green dress looked to be almost transparent to the eye.

“It catches the eye,” he answered as he drank in her figure with big eyes.

Her silver-heeled shoes gave her five feet ten form a couple of extra inches, although the bulky Montague, at over six feet tall still towered over her.

He looked into her mesmerising green eyes until she averted her gaze nonchalantly and studied the other guests.

Conversation twittered in the background as ladies mingled with the gentlemen.

The United States was in the midst of a Gilded Age, and for most Americans, daily life had changed greatly.

Transformations in technology had ushered in a modern society. Homes had electricity, for the most part, running water, and citizens rode in horseless carriages powered by steam.

The young woman normally shunned these high society bore fests but this evening she had an ulterior motive.

Her pale neck showed as he looked at her profile and he delighted at her flowing raven hair that wound around her shoulder.

She looked pallid, with almost translucent skin as she turned back and looked at him from head to toe.

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

He nodded in gratitude and ran a hand through his wavy dark hair. Elegant and refined in his black coat and cloth trousers the only thing white was his crisp shirt and small necktie. On his hands were the most expensive gloves that money could buy.


A passing valet offered a glass of champagne from a silver tray and Selina took one. Dancers tripped past them as they stood and watched. One man, in particular, caught her eye.

‘Who is that gentleman dancing with Miss Trotter?”

Montague looked across the gas-lit room and spotted his newest friend from England.

Thomas J. Rafferty was in a single-breasted dress coat with black kerseymere trousers and a ruffled white shirt as he twirled and spun to the music.

He stopped dancing when Theodore beckoned to him and he and Maggie Trotter came over laughing and merry.

“Maggie, are you enjoying yourself?”

The twenty-year-old daughter of the Chairman of the Bank of North America nodded breathlessly. She had her best gown on, the taffeta one with the fitted bodice and open neckline. The single woman loved to dance and her toned figure was the happy result.

“It is the best Thanksgiving I ever had. Thank you for inviting me.”

“Anytime. Selina, allow me to introduce Mister Rafferty from London. Apart from being a seasoned traveler he is an exceptional sportsman and plays cricket for England. Thomas, please meet Miss Steele, a dear friend of mine.”

She shot a look at Montague and then spoke to the handsome Englishman.


“It is a gentlemen’s game with bat and ball between two teams of eleven, played on a green field in the summertime. And may I say that you look absolutely stunning tonight.”

Rafferty smiled, took Selina by the hand, and kissed the back of it lightly.

His piercing blue eyes bored through hers as she studied his curly dark hair and clean-shaven appearance. He had a strong, unscrupulous mouth and white teeth which captivated the slim woman.

“I’ll leave you two to get acquainted. Come, Maggie, let us dance.”

Montague took the glowering young woman by the elbow and steered her to the dance floor.

“Ted. Did you see what she’s wearing? She’s practically naked!”

“Maggie Trotter. Do I sense some jealousy?”

“Jealous? Not I. Why she must be all of thirty!”

Maggie huffed as she was whisked up into the arms of the congenial host.

He had been the fortunate only son of Henry Montague, one of the founders of Montague Investments, probably the biggest stock brokerage firm in the US. And he lived life to the full. Entertaining some of the most eligible bachelorettes in the country and enjoying his wealth.

Selina and Thomas sat by the grand piano and exchanged pleasantries as they watched the guests dance to the orchestra.

“So, Mister Rafferty. What brings you to America?”

“Oh, I’ve always wanted to see the country. The English Cricket season is over until Spring, and I got a good deal on a first-class cabin on an ocean liner airship. BOAC.”


“British Overseas Airship Corporation. Do keep up, my dear thing.”

“You don’t appear so needy that you should want to save money?”

He flashed a look at her expensive dress, diamond-studded cat choker, and diamond ring.

You seem pretty well off, yourself, he thought. He lit a cigarette which he produced from a silver case and mused for a moment.

“Oh, I get by somehow, “he said as he flashed his engaging smile at her again.

If she only knew that he rivaled her as a gentleman thief, capable of carrying out ingenious burglaries.

Always after that big haul that would mean he could settle down permanently he stole at night and played by day.

He was cynical about Victorian England believing that the distribution of wealth left a lot to be desired and chose to steal from those upper-class citizens who could afford some losses.

Now in America, he had plundered several wealthy Americans’ homes and had relieved them of their jewelry.

He had learned that Montague kept a substantial amount of gems in his safe.

Selina saw his glance at her and read his mind.

“Believe me, Mister Rafferty. I have known poverty. I was brought up in a New York slum before I was kidnapped and raised by others. I feel for the weak and oppressed, although I myself adore fine clothes and food.”

“I can see a lot of you in me, my dear Miss Steele.”


A young man asked her to dance but she shrugged him off as she waited on the next words of Rafferty.

“Yes, indeed. Do you think that because a fellow has fine clothes, plays a sport, attends extravagant parties, and socialises in a wealthy company, he must have a balance in the bank? I exist on my wits, as, I think do you.”

Selina was speechless. He DID see something of her in him. Her bosom rose and fell as she digested his words and his eye imperceptibly lowered to look at her enviable cleavage.

“Shall we dance?”

Rafferty and she stood and he took her by the waist and they waltzed around the room. Selina was an independent creature to be sure, but at the same time was a woman through and through.

The English gentleman had a firm hold and was light on his feet too. She closed her eyes and surrendered totally to the music and his arms.

Then the music stopped and their faces came within inches of each other and time seemed to stand still.

“Thank you, Mister Rafferty. If you would excuse me I suddenly have a blinding headache.”

The elegant woman relinquished her hold on his back and glided across the room and was gone.


Selina prowled along the corridor like a big cat stalking its prey. The beautiful thief had waited until the hour of two in the morning until she changed into her professional outfit.

She appeared from her room and glanced from left to right. Only when she was certain no one else was abroad did she close her door behind her and venture out.

It was absolutely quiet, with no sign of life now that any overnight guests had retired for the night and Montague himself had taken off with young Trotter in tow. Only the security and household servants remained.

As she passed a window in the hall on the first floor the moon shone its pale, almost ethereal light onto the athletic figure in black.

Each silent foot tread was as if she were walking on paper as she made her way to the private study of Ted Montague.

Her jet-black hair was loose about her shoulders and she kept the fine locks out of her face with a pair of night vision goggles that hid her features.

“Curse the moon.”

Her sleek figure was encased in a tight cinched whale-boned bodice that stopped at the waist and enhanced her cleavage. Elbow-length black gloves ended in special cat claws, perfect for detailed work and defence. With the waist-high tight leather leggings and knee-high black boots, she gave a sexy cat-like silhouette.


She paused in the shadows and inspected the door. Having produced a skeleton key, newly twisted and filed, she opened the lock and turned the doorknob of the study in her left glove which gave way easily and she opened it a crack.

As fortune would have it made no sound and she slipped inside cautiously and closed the door again silently.

The room was dark apart from one moonbeam that shone through the large paned window.

A mix of desks and armchairs was the only furniture in the room, and the air had a smell of old books from the many shelves.

In the dim gas light, she made for the big portrait of Montague’s father where she expected to find a potted plant to the left of it.

Behind this was the wealthy socialite’s not-too-clever hiding place for his safe where he kept untold amounts of valuables.


It had been old Finnegan, a sixty-year-old lawbreaker and jailbird from Brooklyn, who took her under his wing when she had been a desperate teen and taught her the finer things of burglary.

She soon discovered she had a natural talent for housebreaking and she spent hour upon hour toning up her skinny body and building her strength.

Although she relished the capture of the pretty prize on this night, she had actually been employed by a secret patron who desired something within the safe altogether different.

Montague had been offered a financial footing in the invention of the first steam-powered ‘difference engine’ or computer.

The machine was modeled after a similar engine devised by Charles Babbage and would be an automatic mechanical calculator designed to tabulate polynomial functions.

Funded by wealthy supporters such as Montague, the blueprint had been finished and hidden away in this very safe. And would be worth a handsome sum of monies.

As her eyes grew accustomed to the low light Selina bent to the tall plant which was exactly where she expected it to be and as slowly as possible moved it to one side.

From a back pouch, she produced her safe cracker gizmo. A palm-sized mechanical gadget of brass and copper which had a flat magnetic base.

She attached the clever device to the safe next to the handle. With a flip of a finger, she triggered it and the intricate gears inside began to twitch.

Two-minute wings sprang up and twittered rapidly as each number of the unknown combination was revealed. A soft click alerted her to the fact that the safe had been unlocked.

She turned the handle and opened the heavy door of the safe. She peered inside only to find that the contents had vanished!

“What the…”

Suddenly she was caught in the light of one gas lamp and she quickly rose to her feet in surprise.

There, standing as calm as ever was Rafferty, resplendent in a dark brown frock coat that featured long tails in the back, as well as wide lapels.

It had a double-breasted front with gold buttons sitting atop black strips down the length. Around his neck, he wore a white jabot tie and beneath the coat a gold paisley patterned brocade waistcoat.

He combined his somber attire with a pair of black slacks and black shoes with black spats. On his head, he had a top hat and a pair of round goggles.

“I suppose it’s the challenge as well as the monetary gain that I steal to make a living. I also rather enjoy giving the police the run around as well. They are such a clumsy lot, don’t you agree?”

“I confess that I agree. So, you had a purpose for attending the dance. To purloin Montague’s jewels.”

Selina stole a glance at the burlap bag Rafferty held in his left hand, still open as he had stuffed it with the loot.

In the bag were diamonds, pearls, rings, and, a substantial amount of ready cash. A small fortune in a convenient sack. AND the computer blueprint.

“Absolutely. As did you by all accounts. Pray to tell, do you always carry out your robberies in your underwear, Miss Steele?”

“These are my professional clothes and are most suited to the task. YOU look as if you are about to visit a costume party!”

“Well my dear, what are we to do?”

“Let us return to my room where we shall discuss the matter. By all rights, I think I merit a cut of the loot. And anything else of value or interest.”

“Very well, lead on and I shall follow.”


As expected of Montague Manor the bedroom was lavish with large windows that looked out onto the freshly mown green lawns.

The trees had lost their leaves and as night came so did the cold, crisp air. Selina turned up two of the gas lamps and took a seat in a big chair, removed her goggles, and crossed her slender pins.

The leggings looked as if they had been painted onto her skin and they creaked as she moved.

Rafferty took off his top hat and goggles and sat opposite her. He leaned back in his chair and casually lit a cigarette.

The bag of swag was close to his shoes and his right heel made physical contact with his prize as a conscious safeguard.

“The way I see,” he said calmly, “is that we have two choices. I have the swag and I do not plan on relinquishing them any time soon. Unless you take them from me by force, which is your prerogative. That leaves the second option.”

Selina fluffed up her raven locks and locked eyes with the man’s hypnotic gaze.

His eyes were the bluest of the blue she had ever seen, apart from her pet Siamese cat.

She drew her gloves down her arms and tossed them aside without a glance.

“Which is?”

Her curiosity piqued, Selina leaned forward in her seat which caused her tight bodice to thrust her ample cleavage upwards.

Rafferty let his eyes linger for a long moment on her desirable breasts and laced his fingers together.

He had an air of superiority that rankled Selina something awful, yet she felt drawn to him, rather like the first time with Ted. Plus she loved his adorable British accent.

“Poor Miss Steele. Do you not know how exceptionally attractive you are? I would gladly give you half of this rich haul just to see you naked.”

Selina stared at him in astonishment.

“I adore beautiful women and have dozens of them throwing themselves at my feet back in England. For the most part, they are pretty but dull, rich but tasteless. But there is a daring audacity and sexual magnetism about you that I find simply irresistible. I should very much like to make love to you.”

He stood then and shrugged off his coat and placed it on the arm of his chair.

With a determined air, he crossed the room briskly and approached Selina, and drew her up from the seat.

Although not as bulky as Montague the man cut a fine form indeed, over six feet tall with a broad chest and narrow waist.

He took her chin in his right hand and tipped her head up and peered into two clear green eyes.

“Kiss me,” he said as he pressed his lips against hers with surprising insistence.

Her senses reeled as he expertly nibbled her lower lip with hard teeth before he opened his mouth and plunged his tongue into her welcoming mouth.

The Englishman pulled her up and embraced her in surprisingly powerful arms and the raven-haired beauty melted against his warm frame.

“Mister Rafferty. Understand that I am not a prostitute. I do not sleep with men for money.”

“I should hope not. And, let it be clear, that I DO sleep with women for money.”

Selina suppressed a chuckle as his hands awoke and explored her back and flanks as hers tangled in his thick hair.

A familiar warmth pooled in her loins and radiated through her belly as he peppered her neck and rosy face with wet pecks.

“You really are an exquisite creature. Take off that ridiculous bodice and leggings.”

Selina stepped back and reached behind her to unstrap her corset and her bountiful breasts bounce free.

She rolled her black leggings down to the top of her boots and then stumbled backward onto the bed.

She held up both legs and looked at Rafferty who had already stripped down to his birthday suit.

“If you would be so kind as to remove my boots, sir.”

“The pleasure is all mine.”

He roughly tugged on her right boot and threw it across the room, quickly followed by the left.

Then he peeled the leggings to her feet and stripped them away with a flourish. Once naked Selina looked up and got her first proper look at the stiff cock of Rafferty.

He raised his brows with a certain smugness as his eight-inch member swayed and bobbed at a jaunty angle in her direction.

He was well-hung and proud of it. His shaft was straight and smooth and his flared crown could be glimpsed as his foreskin began to recede.

“There must simply be dozens of happy women in England that you have serviced.”

“You can safely say that, my dear. I do have somewhat of a reputation for impropriety back in the old country. Care to partake?”

He joined her on the bed and they embraced like starving animals, their legs and arms entwining and devouring each other’s mouths with a lustful hunger.

The feel of skin on bare skin was sensual and overwhelming as they rolled and writhed in a tight clinch. Lips and tongues explored, tasted, and probed as their hearts raced and the twin bed creaked under the erotic love play.

“Oh, my.”

Selina sighed when he cupped her buttocks and pulled her lower body against his rampant erection.

The rock-hard organ bumped her loins and the anticipation of being impaled on his flagpole of a cock ensured that her quim seeped juices.

His fingers moved and found the silky curve of her inner thighs and her back arched as he inched into that apex of her thighs where her dampness lay hidden.

Selina complied and her legs opened for him, allowing him access to her pussy.

“How wet you are.”

She purred as his middle digit stroked the moist outer labia and then shuddered when he slipped it inside her slit.

Teasingly Selina rolled on top of the bemused man and his hand lost contact with her vulva.

Instead, the headstrong female burglar drew her pussy mound to and fro on his stiff length and smeared her wetness along his cushioned shaft.

“I can see you like to dominate.”

Selina flushed pink as she raked her long talons across his chest hair.

Her lustrous dark tresses fanned out over him as his hands moved up to paw at the delightful swell of her boobs. As she dry-humped him he groaned with desire as he kneaded her nipples between her forefinger and thumbs.

“Your breasts are superb.”

“Thank you.”

His groans grew more urgent as he felt her pert and firm ass rub on his scrotum and the base of his aching prick.

She scoured his handsome features and lifted his arms to the headboard above his head.

One long nail traced a line up from his elbow to his wrist and without warning Selina gripped him firmly and a police handcuff snapped shut on his left wrist.

Before he could respond his other wrist was similarly snared and his arms were now found to be cuffed to the headboard.

“Selina my dear, what game are we playing?”

“It’s called winner takes all, my poor fellow. Do you really think to outsmart me? No man dominates Selina Steele, be they American or English.”

Rafferty listened as he struggled with his restraints, but the iron headboard did nothing but ring as he tugged and pulled.

Helplessness came over him like a wave as he realised he had been duped by a woman.

“But I am a woman who has certain…needs.”

She cupped his balls and squeezed tightly. Rafferty moaned in pain and pleasure as his cock was grabbed and then stroked at a tortuously languid rate.

He gasped as she bent her head and her breath blew on his hot tool.

Warm saliva bathed his swollen glans as her tongue painted it with wet flicks.

His ass clenched and his knob quivered as her tongue snaked down the exposed underside of his cock until she reached his balls.

“Oh, hell!”

The Englishman’s body poured with sweat as Selina returned her attention to his bell end and sucked him in with a glorious humming that sent shockwaves and vibrations along his entire length.

Her mouth widened and his knob was gobbled up and tight lips puckered and pursed as he was engulfed. She did not bob her head so much as draw his organ into her mouth as much as she could handle and then let him out.

“It’s too exquisite!”

Back in she sucked, her teeth nibbling on the whole length of his rippling skin as her cheeks hollowed with the effort. When she drew back her tongue lavishly washed his shaft until his cock head popped out.

“I have never experienced such perfect fellatio in my life,” admitted Rafferty as he fought the urge to ejaculate down her throat.

With his bell end barely against her ruby lips, she blew spit on the tip and then she opened her mouth wide and his cock slid on in until he bumped the back of her throat.

He looked on in awe as her lips reached down to his pubes and Selina looked into his piercing eyes with pride. Her mouth drooled as she maintained her grip on his hose until finally, she gave him up with a fit of coughing.

“Time to fuck. Would you like that?”

“Oh, yes please.”


“YES, I want you!”

Selina knelt over his glistening body and positioned her pussy directly over his pole. With her right hand, she placed the smooth and tapered head to her opening and let it pop inside her cunt. As she dropped down his generous shaft followed on and she sank down to his balls.

“What a scrumptious cock you have, it’s perfect!”

He surrendered and thrust his hips up to meet her downward strokes as they began to fuck.

Selina rotated her hips back and forth and from side to side as she rode up and down, her honey-like juices coating his manhood.

“I love fucking a man like this, it’s categorically splendid. Don’t you agree, darling?”

Rafferty uttered a throaty moan in reply as his biceps flexed and bulged and his legs tensed.

She slowed up her ministrations and looked him in the eye as she raised her rump high, almost losing his cock, before slowly coming down again, sensuously driving her slick tunnel onto his hot cock.

He longed to hold her bottom and guide her up and down on him but he was frustratingly tied. He looked at her black pubes as they meshed with his when she swallowed him up inside her.

“Oh, so divine, lucky, lucky English bitches.”

Selina moaned softly as her lower body moved faster and faster with her slim thighs clamped tightly against his muscular legs. The tempo increased as her moist cunt thrust up and down on his boner. Each stroke brought him closer to his climax.


Rafferty cried out as she lifted off him completely and left him fucking air as she sat on her haunches and grinned at him as lay vulnerable and helpless.

“Just a quick taste.”

The minx sucked on his throbbing member and she hummed happily as she tasted a combination of his and her sweet juices.

The hiss of the gas lamp was just audible as they both uttered groans and grunts as Selina painted his cock with her saliva, her right hand all the while pinching the base of his cock to stem his orgasm.

Then, ready for more, she straddled his groin in a reverse cowgirl position.

She cupped his balls as her rump wriggled on his line of view before she let him slide back inside her molten cave.

“Oh, yes!”

Selina knelt forward and placed her hands on her knees as she began to fuck the restrained cat burglar in earnest.

With wide eyes, Rafferty was glued to the sight of her asshole which winked at him as his length vanished up inside her cunt.

She was well aware of what he saw and leaned further forward to give him an eyeful.

“I won’t be able to hold out much longer.”

“Do you want to cum? Do you desire release? Maybe inside me? Or on my tits? So many choices. Or maybe I’ll just leave.”

“Would you be so cruel?”

She smiled as her motions increased which stimulated her clitoris on his pelvic bone.

Slow and deliberate movements on his fat prick drew her near to her own climax and she snapped her head back, tossing her lush mane down her spine as the woman convulsed in an all-consuming orgasm.

“Heaven, pure heaven,” she cooed as she rammed down one last time on his cock.

With his hose jammed tightly inside her sodden pussy Rafferty erupted and she felt his warm blast enter her cunt with a pulsating inevitability.

After a few moments, Selina got off him and walked over to a chair, and sat.

She lit a cigarette and studied his face until she had smoked the whole thing. Then she began to dress and pack her things, together with the bag of loot. And blueprint.

“Pardon me for asking, but do you intend on leaving me in this embarrassing predicament?”

Rafferty jingled the cuffs in a dramatic flourish.

“Leaving you, taking the spoils, hitting the road. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it immensely. But spare the rod and spoil the child as they say. Next time you visit New York you may want to pass right on through.”

Selina put on her clothing and made to leave.

“But how long will I be thus? It might be days.”

“Not at all. The maid comes in to change the sheets promptly at nine. Then either she will set you free, or summon security. Pity I can’t stay to watch.”

“But, madam! What about sustenance? I cannot leave this bed.”

Selina went to a corner of the room and returned with a saucer of milk which she placed on the bed beside him. The man looked at it in disdain.

“Farewell, Mister Rafferty, and good luck.”


Published 2 years ago

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