The Package

"Their hands reached for stiffening cocks as her hips lifted and swayed off the bed."

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She heard him calling her name and despite her best effort, the butterflies in her stomach took flight. Three weeks he’d been around with his college-aged painting crew and though she usually enjoyed the solitude of her home, this summer company had been a stimulating addition to her life.

“UPS brought this for you.” They met in the hallway, he making his way in from outside, she walking quickly towards him from the kitchen. No shirt on, just a spattered pair of painter’s pants, he glistened with his work and his smile lit up the windowless corridor. From his smooth shoulders, the curve of his biceps rose as he lifted the package for her inspection.

“Something from Prague,” he smiled. Danny knew that Mr. Sexton was away for the month working on a very big deal.  They had met in the late spring and immediately hit it off, the homeowner seeing something of himself in the young entrepreneur. Mr. Sexton had driven a hard bargain, getting Danny and his crew to finish the antique colonial in just three weeks: today was their last day.

“Thank you, Danny. Do you want something to drink” she said taking the package from him and inspecting the label, smiling slightly and confirming that indeed it was from her husband.

“Maybe in a bit, just have a little more to do on the porch.” Again, a flash of his teeth and the little upturn of his full lips were like a warm hand pressed against her delicious places. A little breathless, she watched him longer than a polite person should have, admiring the hair curling down his neck, his broad back, and the wonderful ass powering him back to work.

Rebecca Sexton had secrets. A regular in the Fairfield County social scene, her charity work, thriving design firm, and love of art gave no indication of her more scandalous interests. A “Libertine,” her desires did not keep her in the confines of marriage. Instead, she indulged them and enthusiastically shared them with her husband Desmond.  Like the thrill of her little Danny “interactions” over the course of the painting job, the anticipation she felt each morning, waiting for the rumble of his truck to come up the driveway. And the way that, more than once, she’d let her fingers and imagination explore what a private moment with Danny might be like.

In the kitchen, she opened the package.  Wrapped in pink glossy paper with black lace ribbon was a gift from Desmond. Attached to the ribbon was a note in his strong, forward-leaning cursive, “Do me a favor, put this on and get off.” She laughed out loud and sat down at her butcher block table, her eyes drifting to the window that opened out to the sweep of the back porch and the small orchard in the distance.

Across the lawn, in the fading light, the crew busied themselves with packing up the job. As she watched them, Rebecca wondered again if Danny made his hires based solely on their looks, though she had no complaints about their skill. The house was beautiful and so were the sights around it for the past three weeks.

“Nothing like a dozen strapping, half-naked men to liven things up,” she thought.

She undid the ribbon, neatly unwrapped the box and opened it. Her husband’s naughty streak was equal to her own and she could only imagine what a few hours shopping in Prague might produce. Under the box cover, she found out. A simple, black, finely-meshed corset with satin-covered vertical ribs spaced a few inches apart. In the back, it tied with a silk ribbon, and four straps dangled for the filmy stockings that lay at the bottom of the box. A smile spread over her face. Rebecca was not a snob but she loved finely made things. This was perfection: simple, beautiful and so sexy, she wanted to put it on immediately, to feel it against her skin, to look at that part of herself that had been so unsatisfied these past few weeks.

As she held it out admiringly, movement in the window interrupted her reverie. She looked out and saw two of the crewmen sheepishly picking up a ladder that rested below the kitchen window. Dropping the corset back into the box, the lady of the house looked back up at the workmen and found herself laughing when they both met her gaze with a smile of approval.

“It’s not for me,” she said through the window.

“Too bad,” laughed the tall one, “that’d be something to see.”

Her laughter trailed off and the butterflies came back as the men continued looking at her for a scrumptious moment before walking the ladder towards the driveway.

Her eyes fell to the box, she felt the heat between her thighs and imagined a young cock inside her. Her hands reached for the corset, fingertips tracing the seductive texture, her mind dipping into the river of her sensuality.

Through the window above the front door, Danny was distracted by the scene in the kitchen. For three weeks, he’d been walking around with a hard-on for Mrs. Sexton and the thought of her in the corset made his head spin.

She got up from the table, taking the box with her and walked purposefully back to the master bedroom. From outside, Danny followed her progress outside and around the 18th century home. When one of his crew asked him where he was going, Danny said nothing, just smiled and picked up his pace. They’d talked about something like this over the course of the entire job.

Inside the big, white bedroom, Rebecca wasted no time, kicking off her mules and shimmying out of the flowered sundress she’d picked out because of its low neckline. The lacy bra was next and her boy shorts. Naked she stood at the end of the bed feeling the delicious awakening of her pussy. Fighting the impulse to touch herself now and rush through an orgasm, she walked to the package on the bed and pulled out the corset.

Outside, Danny pressed himself against the wall and peeked through the French doors that led off the master bedroom and onto the patio. Rebeccas’s toned ass and smooth sex greeted his gaze as she bent over to step into the corset, pulling it over her hips and just under her rising breasts. Unconsciously, his hand pressed his erection against his thigh.

With both stockings on, Rebecca stepped to the full-length mirror beside her armoire. Admiring the stunning marriage of her husband’s taste and her own fit body, she added a black choker with a ruby.  Again, she looked in the mirror and thrilled at the image. Rebecca loved who she was, there was no false modesty, no wishing to be something else.

Opening the armoire, she reached up and grabbed her vibrator.

As she turned to the bed, she thought she caught something at the window. Was someone watching? Pausing in the middle of the room, she strained to listen, her pulse quickening and pussy throbbing. The thought of her college boys taking in this scene was enough to make her lose it. But it scared her too. Rebecca certainly was wild but every girl has her limits. It occurred to her that maybe what really scared her was how far hers seemed to go.

Tentatively, she walked to the French doors, holding the toy at her side like a weapon, her silky feet sinking into the ample cushion of her carpet. At the window, she looked left and right but saw nothing.

Slightly disappointed, she made her way to the bed and lifted herself up onto the duvet, falling back into the mass of pillows, her legs falling open to the window across the room.

Peeking above the sill, the “ladder boys” from the kitchen had caught on to Danny’s show and after finding him at the French doors, moved around to the other side of the bedroom. Now, they had an unobstructed view as Mrs. Sexton brought her humming vibrator down and around her prominent clit. Their hands reached for stiffening cocks as her hips lifted and swayed off the bed.

Their boss had seen too much. Danny left his post at the French doors and trotted back to the front porch, his erection rubbing sinfully with every step. From the corner of his eye, he could see his crew gravitating towards the master bedroom.  Word was out, something was up.

One hand pulling on her nipples, Rebecca’s other hand worked the vibrator.  She thought of Danny’s tongue down there, she tried to hold off her imagination from sliding his excitement into hers.

Was that the front door? Her head lifted from the pillows. Again, was there someone at the window, this time across from the bed? As good as she felt, curiosity pulled Rebecca back across the room. Craning her neck, she couldn’t see anything at either side of the window or down below. Twilight was coming on fast.

Danny slipped his boots off in the kitchen and tiptoed down the hallway to the master bedroom. His skin was covered in goosebumps, his dick stuck out over the top of his pants. His hunger for the woman at the end of the hall was like an iron hook stuck in Danny’s chest. There was no way he could get out of what was pulling him towards her.

Outside the door, Rebecca heard him.

Who is that? Fear twisted into her, desire set her senses on fire.

Danny couldn’t speak. His hand shook reaching for the doorknob. It felt like it took all his strength to turn it.

Opening towards her, Rebecca stared at the door in a rage of excitement. Whoever was coming in, this was going to be intense. The vibrator still whirred in her hand, but she did not hear it.

At the windows, the boys held their breath. Danny appeared as the door swung open. He didn’t say a thing but unbuttoned his pants, pulled them off and approached Mrs. Sexton.

As he got closer, they could see her eyes take in his fullness as it swung menacingly from side to side. Stopping at arm’s length from his client, Danny wrapped his hand partway around himself and gave it a couple of slow pumps.

“Mrs. Sexton, I’m sorry. I have to…”

“Yes you do, Danny. I insist.” She reached out for his hand and when he put it in hers, she turned for the bed. Again, she thought there was movement at the window. Though her sex felt as though it was a being all its own, Rebecca had the dirty thought that this encounter could get even better.

“Danny, are we being watched?”

He tried to stay locked on her face but his focus strayed to the windows and the truth that this fantasy could quickly come to an end.

“Yeah,” he said, “I think the guys caught wind of something going on in here.”

His cock was throbbing but his heart started to sink at the prospect that this whole afternoon was about to end his entrepreneurial career. Worse, he was this close to paradise he but felt the gate was about to slam shut.

She could see the torment. She could feel the eyes from outside racing up and down her body. She loved the power, enjoyed the salty taste of all this lust.

“Get them in here,” her lips pressed against his ear, “I want them to watch. Up close”

As told, Danny went to the French doors, opened them and from where she was lying back on the pillows, she could hear him speak. Closing her eyes, she felt the room fill up, its privacy violated by a crush of foreign masculinity.

The group settled. Rebecca opened her eyes and took them all in. Seven of them, some shirtless, all of them aroused and handsome. The naughtiness of it thrilled her. Letting her arms spread out across the pillows, she opened her legs and pulled her feet up to her bottom.

“Wanna see how a grown-up woman likes it?” she purred to her audience.

Their response was apparent though unvoiced. “C’mon Danny, I think you know what to do.”

Kneeling on the bed, the crew chief put one hand behind her head, the other under her chin. Despite his strength, he gently brought her face to his, their lips met and then made way for their tongues, gliding along their teeth, exploring new space, looking for a reaction.

Danny’s hand eased from Rebecca’s chin, down the golden skin of her neck and shoulder and found a nipple sticking up ready to be teased. Rolling it between his finger and thumb, he twisted and pulled as her breath quickened.

“You like that, Mrs. Sexton?”

“Yes,” she sighed, “yes, I do.”

Following the path of his hand, Danny sucked Rebecca’s other nipple between his teeth. To the rhythm of his work, Rebecca’s hips slowly lifted off the bed once again. The watching eyes were treated to the blossoming of her pussy as it opened with the pulse of each heartbeat.

Her lover’s thick fingers grazed across the fabric of the corset. They lingered, playing there as though the lingerie were as stimulating as what her body had to offer. That he appreciated it as much as she did, made Rebecca want her young stud even more. She reached out for his cock but he gently redirected her hand.

“You’re not ready, yet”

Certain she was, Rebecca looked for an alliance with the boys surrounding her but her eyes were not what they were collectively looking at. She spread her legs even further and Danny’s fingertips traced lazy circles around the tops of her thighs, each loop coming closer to her clit and the exquisite tenderness of her pussy. When he finally grazed her throbbing nub, she groaned with satisfaction.

“I think Mrs. Sexton likes that too, boys.”

Rebecca relished this attention. She felt so alive, so vulnerable to what was coming next.

Barely able to control his urge to cum right there, Danny slid behind Mrs. Sexton, raising her almost to a sitting position. With his dick now pressed into the small of her back, he continued to spoil her full breasts while his hand busied itself in the stickiness below.

Rebecca laid back onto his body and with her hands on the top of her stockings, languidly framing the action her audience found so compelling. Cocks out, they stroked themselves at different speeds, eyes half-closed, hair standing on end. The rasp of their excitement rumbled in their chest and throats. Knowing it was her doing this to them gave Rebecca a sense of power she’d never found anywhere beyond the bedroom.

The end was near. Against him, Danny could feel Mrs. Sexton’s body begin to surge.

“I want to be in you when you cum.”

His hand left her and Rebecca felt a painful instant of frustration but knew that it could be quickly remedied. She spun around feeling her body start to contract into tighter waves of excitement. Now, kneeling above him, the long, thick promise she’d thought of for weeks was about to be delivered.

Over her shoulder, she found the gaze of one of the crew, “Watch out, this is going to get messy.”  In a rush, she sat back on Danny’s member and felt the intensity of being filled to her limit. Rebecca’s nails dug into the ripples of the stomach as she lifted herself up and down for an eternity played out in seconds. On the final brink, she arched her back, felt her nipples point to the ceiling and Danny’s hands squeezing her waist through the corset.

“Oh my God,” he whispered, “Oh my God… Mrs. Sexton, you’re so fucking hot.” His cum spurted into her in a gruesome rush. One last grind of her clit on him and now she let loose, shivering through wave after wave of completion. She crumpled forward, her forearms resting on his chest, and looked meaningfully into his eyes. Around her, the audience started to erupt. Flecks of their excitement streaked her skin, one bit grazed her mouth, reflexively her tongue reined it in.

Knowing how to finish a show, Rebecca raised her hips one last time and slid all the long way up Danny’s handsome cock.  With just his meaty head inside her, she rolled around it until it hit her special place. Crying out loud enough for the distant neighbors to hear, she let loose a torrent of passion that soaked her and her young lover. The surprise of its hot stickiness convulsed Danny again and to her delight, she heard the surprise and shock of the young men.

Uncoupling from Danny, Rebecca carefully got off the bed and walked the line of her admirers. Stopping in front of one of the ladder boys, she reached down to his wilting dick and wiped the head with the soft pad of her forefinger. Locking him with her eyes, she brought the finger to her lips and licked it clean.

“Nobody says a thing, boys. And you get the best reference this town’s ever seen.”

Her phone buzzed on her nightstand.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s been a lovely visit but that’s my husband and I can’t miss his call.”

Danny lay on the bed for a moment wrestling with the conflict of what he felt and what he knew. Her smile was grateful but not inviting. The gate to paradise had let him in but only for that moment. Now that it was passed, it was time for him to move on.

“C’mon guys, get moving,” he said.

“You’re a good leader, Danny. That’s quite a crew you have. Mr. Sexton and I couldn’t have asked for more.”

Clutching his pants to his chest, Danny headed for the door but paused to take this in. With his friends filing past him and onto the patio he looked at Mrs. Sexton standing there in her corset and stockings, the sun’s last rays struggling into the musky room and caressing her half-naked spent self.

“Best job we ever had Mrs. Sexton. Not even close.”

“Yes, I would hope so, Danny. My husband tries to make sure that everything around us is always the best. He spoils me.”

 With that, she sat back up on the bed and picked up her phone.

Published 3 years ago

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