Temp Wives Ch. 2

"Sophia has her week, Olivia has hers, and what was sowed must now be reaped."

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Week 3 Sofia

I spent most of the rest of the day thinking about Sofia. It sounded like she was a willing participant, but I wondered if Owen was pressuring her. There was no doubt that I found the leggy blonde very attractive, but I wasn’t going to take advantage of her. If she was a willing temp wife, then I would be a very willing temp husband. I would also be perfectly content with just hanging out with her for a week. Her happiness was the most important thing to me.

I pulled into the garage that evening, grabbed the garage door opener off the bench, and went inside. I heard the television in the living room and walked into the room. Sofia was sitting on the couch looking very comfortable in her boy shorts and tank top. It was very obvious that her amazing tits weren’t being contained by a bra. She looked up at me and smiled tentatively.

I held up the opener. “Here’s the spare opener. There is no need for you to park on the street.”

I laid it down next to her purse and sat down on the couch near her, “How are you Sofia?”

She was visibly nervous. “Uhm, OK. How about you?”

I reached out and took her hand. “I get the feeling that you might not want to be here. That’s OK. We won’t do anything that you don’t want to. You don’t have to be here at all if it doesn’t make you happy.”

She shook her head. “Oh no! I want to be here. It’s just that I’m very nervous. I’ve never been with another man since I met Owen. I’m nervous as hell, but I’m also excited. I just need a little time to adjust. I know one thing that might help.”

“What’s that? You know I’ll do anything for you.”

Her lips quirked up into a little smile. “Well, you could kiss me.”

I could. I definitely could. I kissed her soft lips with tenderness and let the kiss go where it wanted. Kissing Sofia was a wonderfully romantic experience. We would kiss for a while, then talk and sip our wine. Our lips would gravitate toward each other, and we would be kissing again. A slow burn built between us each time our lips met again. Things were rapidly getting out of hand when I decided to slow things down a little. I didn’t want Sofia to regret anything. I wanted her to have time to think and hopefully decide that she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

I took her out to dinner at a romantic restaurant nearby. Our meal was good, but the company was awesome. When Sofia gets past her reservations, she becomes a vivacious, beautiful, and fascinating woman. It is pure joy to be around her. We returned to the house and danced closely in the living room while we kissed.

Our kisses became more and more heated. I turned the music off, took Sofia’s hand in mine, and led her to the bedroom. Our lips met again and I undressed her slowly. I knelt to remove her thong and as I slid it off her foot, I looked up at the vision standing before me. Her amazing beauty and the look of arousal on her face had me painfully hard. I couldn’t wait for another second. My hands gently gripped her hips and guided her onto the bed. I stood and leaned down to kiss her passionately before joining her on the bed and kissing my way down her body.

Those amazing tits of hers kept my mouth and hands busy for several minutes before I continued moving closer to her treasure. I teased her thighs and belly with kisses and licks, getting ever closer to her sweet pussy. When I ran my tongue up her labia her body quivered. My hands gently squeezed her tits and my thumbs brushed her nipples while I sucked her little clit between my lips. I loved her taste, her smell, and the wonder of her body.

I brought her close to the brink several times before finally sending her over. Her high-pitched squeaks and coos as she orgasmed were cute and sexy as hell. I kissed her pussy tenderly as she recovered from her little death. We kissed and held each other until she pulled me up and kissed me. Her legs wrapped around my hips and she pulled me in with her feet until my cock was rubbing against her wet pussy. I entered her slowly, and over the next few minutes found her depths. Our lovemaking was romantic and intimate. Her quivering body was deep into her orgasm when I buried my cock and lost myself in the joy of our shared orgasm.

I laid down next to her and pulled her close. I held her to me and continued to kiss her beautiful face until her breathing changed and she slept. I soon followed her into dreamland.

The following morning, we made love like we had been together forever, but also like we were just discovering each other. It was a strange dichotomy. I was still discovering her erogenous zones and took joy in each new place I found that excited her. There was none of the hesitation or awkwardness that often happens with a new lover. She felt like a part of me and I was entranced.

We spent the day hiking in the national park and stopped for a quiet dinner on our way home. I can’t say what she was thinking, but I know all that I could think about by that point was touching her naked body again. She answered that question for me when we walked from the garage to the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply, then took my hand and walked me to the bedroom.

After that Saturday night, I knew I was in love with her. I am not a fickle person and never have been. I wasn’t being fickle. I didn’t forget my feelings for Mia and Ava. They were still strong within me and growing. I knew that my feelings for them wouldn’t stop. Sofia became the newest addition to the group of women that I was in love with, and that I couldn’t have.

How can I describe the intimacy that we shared? Words are not enough to illustrate the depth of feelings, the joy, and the ecstasy of our time together. It didn’t matter whether we were making love or quietly talking. Every second of it was a revelation to me. I was overwhelmed by the gift these four women, my friends, were giving me.

They weren’t just healing me. They were putting their hearts on the line for me, and I needed to be absolutely sure that I respected that. They all were risking their marriages to help my aching heart. I didn’t feel remotely worthy, but I was committed to making sure they understood how thankful I was. They all needed to know without a doubt that I loved them and would do anything for them.

I knew that I hadn’t been with Olivia yet, but I also had a little secret that only Maria ever knew. I had already been in love with Olivia for years. I never did a thing about it for good reasons. Maria told me that she wanted me to be happy and if exploring my feelings with Olivia did that for me, then she was fine with it. She also reminded me that there was always a cost to be paid when two people fall in love that are already married. Almost invariably everyone loses. I wasn’t willing to pay that cost or make Olivia pay it either.

Since Maria’s death having Olivia next to me in meetings always helped to ground me and keep me in this world. Call it her aura, call it what you will, but something about her being close to me lifts my heart. Even when I was at my lowest, being near her kept me going.

Sofia eventually opened up to me about her marriage. She told me about the one-sided open marriage that she didn’t really want. She knew that she had to let Owen run wild once in a while or she would lose him. It bothered me a lot that he never once gave her the same freedom he enjoyed. When the group of friends came up with the temp wife plan Sofia put her foot down. She told her husband that she was going to be a temp wife and he had better get used to the idea. I’ll give him a little credit. He didn’t argue with her, and she swore that his enthusiasm for the plan was real. I questioned that, but only in my head. Her opinion of him was much higher than my own.

Owen and I are very different people. Owen is brash and a dedicated womanizer. He doesn’t want a relationship with the women he fucks. He just wants sex. It seems to me that he takes the one woman that loves him for granted in his single-minded quest. He doesn’t appear to have any empathy for the wife he leaves sitting at home while he goes fucking. Maybe I’m wrong. I certainly hope so, because Sofia deserves nothing less than the best her man has to give.

I certainly wasn’t above some fun sport fucking In the past. It can be a wonderfully good time, but sex is always better when I feel emotionally connected to the woman. I try very hard to stay aware of the woman, the human being, that I am with. I want to do wonderful things to her and for her. Her emotional well-being is more important than my own. I don’t need or want a fuck toy for a one-night stand. I need an emotional connection. I’ve always been that way.

The days that followed with Sofia were amazing and over way too soon. We made love often. Sometimes we went at each other with a frantic need for completion. Our preferred way was to make love languidly, pushing completion out as far as we could so that we could dwell in our coupling. It wasn’t just the orgasm we were after. That part was going to happen eventually. We were entranced by our connected bodies and the feelings shared between us.

She told me that she loved me Sunday while in the throes of her orgasm. She told me again just before falling asleep. We told each other of our love often during the remainder of the week. Thursday night we had just finished making love and were snuggling. I was concerned that the week that we spent together may have done Sofia more harm than good. “Sofia, please tell me what you’re thinking?”

She looked up at me and gave me a soft smile. “I was thinking that I wish I had met you before Maria and how nice it would be to be married to you. Don’t worry. It was just a little fantasy and I know it. The reality is that Owen and I need to work some things out. I really do love my husband, but I want to be with you too. If he is going to continue to screw other women, then he’s going to have to accept me seeing you. Even if he does agree, I’m not sure our marriage is going to last much longer. He puts me at risk every time he fucks some strange woman, and he doesn’t seem to care. As much as I hate to admit it, I can’t see how he could love me and treat me this way.”

She paused for breath and continued, “John, you need to know that my marriage problems were there long before we started the temp wives thing. You have done nothing but be wonderful to me and I will never regret a second of the time we spent together. I love you, John, just as Mia does, as Ava does, and of course, Olivia does. How could we not? You are a wonderful man and lover. Maria was blessed to have you and you were blessed to have her. Each of your temp wives has things about her that are very much like Maria. Is it any wonder that you fell in love with us?”

I shook my head, “I don’t love you because you have qualities that resemble Maria. I love the wonderfully unique person that you are. If you share qualities, then they must be good ones and that isn’t a bad thing at all. Don’t think for one minute that I think of you as some kind of temporary Maria. There will never be another Maria and I’m not interested in finding one. I love you, for you, and don’t you ever think that I don’t.”

Friday morning, I carried her suitcases out to her car, collected the garage door opener, and dropped it on the bench. Sofia was waiting in the kitchen, and I took her in my arms. I kissed her deeply and hoped that I wouldn’t make her cry. She smiled up at me, “I love you, John. That will not change no matter what the future may bring.”

I let her go and she climbed into her car, then drove away. I sat down in the kitchen and fought the tears. How was this going to end without utter misery? I see a brick wall ahead and I’m running at it at a hundred miles an hour and unable to stop. My heart is filled to bursting with love for women I can’t have. I’m beginning to wish that they had just let me die. I don’t know that I have the strength to love in silent misery as they lived their lives without me.

I finally put myself together and mentally slapped my face for being such a wimp. I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself and remember the gifts these wonderful women were giving me. It didn’t matter how I felt, as long as they were happy. Their happiness is always the most important thing to me.

I managed to get to the office on time and the morning was a blur. I know that I got work accomplished, but I have no idea what I did. Right after lunch Mia and Ava came to my office. They closed and locked the door behind them before walking over to my desk. They led me to the couch and sat down on either side of me. Just having them close to me settled me down a lot, but I was still a mess. “Mia, I don’t know if I can take anymore. I love you all and I don’t know how this ends, other than badly. I don’t want to hurt anyone. Maybe you all should have walked out. I’m not worth all the heartache this is going to bring.”

Ava kissed me to shut me up and it worked magnificently. Mia kissed me, then looked at me sternly. “OK mister, time to get a grip. You know that Olivia is your fourth temp wife. You need to focus on her and stop worrying about what tomorrow might bring. There is also something else you need to accept. We did this because we needed to and not just because we wanted to save you. We women agreed that we needed to be with you in every way we could, even if for only a week. We’ve all wanted you for a long time. We are doing this for us, just as much as for you.”

Ava patted my arm. “You’re not responsible for protecting my heart. That’s my job. I gave it to you because I love you and I know that you love me. All the other shit aside, we love each other. Let’s focus on that. You’re about to complete the circle of temp wives and Olivia is waiting. Why don’t you take off early and take Olivia with you when you go?”

Mia stood and pulled on my arm. “Come on, let’s go.”

I stood and she kissed me hard before aiming me at my desk. “Get your shit and get out. Oh, and I love you, John.”

I grinned at them, “I love you both. Ever consider… The two of you and maybe… We could, like the three of us… Uhm, never mind.”

Totally flustered, I gathered my shit and walked out of my office while Ava and Mia laughed their asses off. I couldn’t help but notice the heated look they gave each other at my ‘almost’ suggestion. I turned my thoughts to Olivia, driving thoughts of a threesome out of my head. At least for now.


I walked into Olivia’s office and sat in the chair in front of her desk while she worked on something on her computer. Her desk was immaculate, her inbox empty, and her outbox full. She hit a few keys, then looked up at me, “Hi John.”

I stood and walked around the desk. I took her hands and pulled her to her feet “Olivia, let’s go home.”

She had a slight smile on her face but didn’t speak. She just nodded her head quickly and grabbed her purse. I walked her out to her car and she followed me home. I pulled into the garage and motioned for her to pull in next to me. She grinned at me when I handed her the garage door remote. It was pretty awesome. Olivia smiles a lot, but I rarely get to see that wonderful grin while we are at work. She clipped the opener on her visor and popped the trunk lid.

I carried her suitcases into the house and down the hall to the bedroom. She followed behind me and was soon standing next to my bed. I set the suitcases down and turned to her, “Olivia, would you like some time to unpack?”

She shook her head and was avoiding my gaze.

I thought it was going to be a long week if I was going to have to force the words from her, “Is there something else you would like to do first?”

“Yes, but it’s something you need to do.”

I was curious now, “Sure, what do I need to do?”

She grinned, “Kiss me, you dumbass!”

I did and it was so much better than I had imagined. As soon as our lips met our hunger for each other took control and we couldn’t keep our hands still. Somehow in the frenzy, we managed to get our clothes off and our naked bodies onto the bed. I needed her desperately. She must have felt some of that herself because she pulled me toward her, “I need you in me now John. I don’t need foreplay because I’m fucking soaked. I need your big cock right now.”

I pushed my cock deep into her amazing little pussy. All the fantasies I had about her over all these years never came close to the joy of the real thing. Our first coupling was a frantic expression of all the pent-up feelings we had for each other, and it ended in minutes with explosive orgasms that left us both breathless and weak.

After a quick visit to the bathroom, we settled back in bed. I kissed her thoroughly and she kissed me thoroughly back. I thought we should talk about things, but her kisses soon convinced me that we had better things to do than talk. I made love to her with all the skill, tenderness, and lust that I had. Her touch and her responses to me made me feel wanted and loved. It seemed timeless until our orgasms took us and we lay in a tangle on the bed. I pulled her into my arms and held her close in silence for the longest time. I was nearly overwhelmed with my feelings, and I didn’t trust myself to speak. You knew you loved her before she even got here. You knew she was going to be the fourth woman you’ll love and can’t have.

We showered together and I dried her off as an excuse to explore every inch of her amazing body. I left her to unpack while I started dinner. I got to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, slammed the door closed, and ran back to the bedroom. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her again. She was giggling when I left to return to the kitchen.

I had been working for about ten minutes when a pair of slim firm arms snaked around my waist and her hands ran up my chest. I turned toward her, and our lips met again. We kissed for several minutes before she broke away and ran back to the bedroom laughing. We had two more interruptions like that before I managed to set the table and serve dinner.

Saturday, we spent getting to know each other as lovers. I knew how much I had wanted her over the years, but I had never suspected that she felt the same way. At least, not until Mia said something about it. Her honest expression of her love for me was a revelation. We were sipping some wine Saturday evening while cuddling on the couch. I reached out and touched her beautiful face. “Olivia, there is one subject you seem to be avoiding.”

She leaned into my touch. “Uhm… You mean Chet. I haven’t mentioned him because he isn’t something for you to worry about. He’s my husband and you need to trust me to take care of my relationship with him. I will tell you this though…”

A grin lit her face. “He loves the idea of you, or someone, fucking me. It’s been a huge fantasy for him for as long as I’ve known him. I was honest with him and told him about my feelings for you, and he still wanted me to do it. I didn’t want to be a temp wife at first. I mean, I did, but I knew I shouldn’t. I knew all my feelings would come out and I would want you that much more. I was afraid of losing one, or both of you. I still am. I love Chet and I think he loves me, but I don’t think he fully understands how I feel about you.

“I’ve loved you for years, but I didn’t realize how deeply until yesterday when we first made love. Being with you is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I want to embrace every second I spend with you and not waste any of it worrying about what comes next. We have the most amazing group of friends. Trust them to do what’s right for everybody.”

She was absolutely correct. Why was I wasting precious time worrying about a future I had limited control over? Her presence entranced me, and it wasn’t all that difficult to focus on her and the moment. A huge weight lifted from my shoulders and that made our time together that much more wonderful.

We didn’t make plans beyond the hour ahead of us. We would have been perfectly happy just being together at my house. We did go out and socialize a bit. We worked on Monday and took vacation days on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Monday after work our group of friends met for drinks and it was a bit strange.

Olivia stayed right by my side while her husband sat at the other end of the table. Olivia and I had developed the habit of constantly touching each other. I know I was doing it because I was having trouble believing she was real. I needed constant reassurance that she was close to me. There was also the fact that she is irresistibly touchable.

It wasn’t deliberate on our part, but it must have looked blatant as hell to everyone else, especially Chet. His response was to smile happily, at least when he was in his seat. As often as not he was excusing himself to go to the bathroom. It became obvious fairly quickly that he was enjoying seeing Olivia with me. I didn’t understand it at all. I realized that the man was happy for his own reasons and that was good enough for me. The rest of our friends acted like Olivia and I had been a couple forever. I didn’t see a single look of concern or worry pass between them.

Olivia and I enjoyed the company of our friends for a few hours, but what we really wanted was to be alone. Chet stood and said his goodbyes. We gave him time to get out of the parking lot and said our own goodbyes, which were met with snickers. There wasn’t a soul at our table that didn’t know exactly what we would be doing as soon as we got home. The women all gave Olivia hugs while I shook the guy’s hands.

When it came time for the women to tell me goodbye, they lined up in temp wife order. Mia put her arms around my neck and planted a hot kiss on my mouth. When her tongue entered my mouth, I let the rest of the world go and kissed her back with enthusiasm. Ava was next and she did her best to fuck me with my clothes on. Her hot mouth and roaming hands had me painfully erect.

Sofia’s kiss was heated but loving, and it made me want her desperately. Through all those kisses Olivia stood next to me glowing with happiness. The guys seemed perfectly content to watch their wives kissing my face off. It was the best parting of friends I had ever experienced, but it was weird as hell.

We arrived home and went directly to the bedroom. Clothes flew and we were naked in each other’s arms in moments. Our lovemaking was almost animalistic as we tried to devour each other. She straddled me and rode me until her orgasm took her muscles away and she collapsed onto my chest.

We were relaxing in the afterglow and I had to ask. “It was kind of weird having Chet sitting there smiling.”

She chuckled. “Yeh, I get that. I happen to know that he loved every second of it. Did you notice how many trips he made to the restroom? He’s never had bladder problems before.”

I was stunned. “You mean he was in there masturbating?”

“Yep! I figure at least three times while we were there. He probably went home and beat his meat until it was too tender to beat anymore. Which is odd when you consider that normally he has a very low sex drive. Unless we are deep into one of his fantasies it’s usually once a month for us.”

I looked at the amazing beauty in my arms and was astounded that any man could resist her for a minute. How the hell her husband could go a month at a shot was beyond me. “I couldn’t stand being around you and not making love to you. You’d be lucky if I settled for once a day.”

She kissed me and that’s all it took to get us going again. I’d dedicated myself to learning what pleased her from the first time I touched her, and I put that knowledge to good use. Her pussy tasted sublime, especially when she orgasmed on my tongue. Soon I was thrusting into her, and her soft moans of pleasure were like a song to me. We molded our bodies together and my deep thrusts became erratic as I pulsed into her. I watched her face change into a blissful grimace as her body quivered in orgasm. She had never looked so beautiful.

We did things during our vacation days, some of them memorable, but those things are never as clear in my mind as our intimate time. Whether it be touching and talking, or having sex, it was all burned into my brain.

Wednesday evening Olivia’s phone rang and she walked into the kitchen while she talked. She returned a few minutes later and sat down next to me. “That was Sofia on the phone. Owen called her and said he wasn’t coming home again tonight. This will be three nights in a row and she’s very upset. I know I should have asked first, but I invited Sofia to come over. She shouldn’t be alone while that dumb bastard cheats on her again.”

I hugged her to me. “This is your home too. You don’t need my permission to invite whomever you want. I trust you and I trust your judgment.”

Less than half an hour later there was a knock on the front door. I opened the door and smiled. “Sofia, why are you standing on my porch? You know you’re welcome here and you certainly don’t need to knock.”

I held the door while she walked through and closed it behind her. I held her and kissed her softly as she began to cry. Olivia was next to us in an instant and it wasn’t long before Olivia was holding her in her arms. The two of them went off to talk and I settled back on the couch. I knew that they would call for me if they needed me.

The television was on but I was busy contemplating my navel and thinking deep thoughts. I was beginning to wonder if they had called for me and I’d missed it when I heard Olivia’s soft steps approaching.

She leaned over the back of the couch and nibbled on my ear. “Why don’t you put your glass in the sink and come into the bedroom?”

Sounded like a plan to me, although I didn’t understand the need to have me put my glass in the sink. I would have done it without the reminder. Practicing for when we’re married? Olivia hadn’t waited on me and my curiosity grew as I approached the bedroom.

I saw right away what the plan had been. They were going to surprise me with their nude bodies on display. The error in their planning became evident when they lay nude together, their soft skin touching, and their emotions high. I don’t know if Sofia kissed Olivia first or if it was the other way around. The result was the same. They were totally wrapped up in each other, sharing one of the most loving kisses I have ever seen. I might have been in the back of their minds somewhere, but a fool could see what was foremost in their minds at the moment.

They were so beautiful together it was breathtaking. I leaned back against the doorframe to watch quietly. The last thing I wanted to do was disturb this wonderful moment. Awareness hit them when their lips parted for a moment. It occurred to them simultaneously that they had forgotten someone. Their eyes got big and they quickly looked toward the bedroom door where I stood. “Don’t let me interrupt. You look so beautiful together and I’ll never forgive myself if you stop. I’ll be fine right here.”

Oliva turned back to Sophia and smiled before returning to the kiss they had been enjoying so very much.

They kissed and caressed, building the heat in each other. Olivia sucked on Sophia’s tits as only a woman can while her fingers slid between her nether lips. Soon their mouths met again and Sophia slipped her fingers between Olivia’s legs. They touched, kissed, and grew their arousal until hands and kisses were no longer enough.

Olivia turned her head toward me and crooked a wet finger, motioning for me to join them. I certainly wasn’t going to argue and my naked body was on the bed in a heartbeat. Olivia leaned over Sophia and kissed me. “Sophia needs you now. We both need you now.”

My chest got tight with emotion. “And I need you.”

I moved between Sophia’s legs and kissed her deeply. She kissed me hard, then looked up at me with need in her eyes. “Please make love to me John. Show me what real love feels like. Please, please, take all of me.”

At that moment I wanted to hold her and love her more than ever before. I wanted to take away her sadness and show her my love. We made love and it was sweet, loving, and so emotional. Olivia was right there with us, her gentle hands touching us, and sharing the wonderful moment.

When Sophia orgasmed she held onto me with all her might, her body shaking with passion, while tears ran down her cheeks.

The three of us were entwined, touching, and sharing little kisses. Olivia and I were focused on Sophia, making her feel loved and her tears soon dried. She let out a deep breath. “I’ve never felt so much emotion in my life. You two are everything I needed, and then some.”

A beatific smile lit her face. “Now, sweet Olivia, it’s your turn!”

Making love to Olivia was even more amazing and when we finally all collapsed together I was emotionally and physically spent. I was also more content than I had been in the three years since Maria’s death. As I drifted off to sleep I must have dreamed of her voice, “This is what I want for you, my love.” I don’t remember dreams, but I’ve never forgotten that one.

I’d been thinking about something for a while now and decided to pull the trigger. I shouldn’t have done it, but I took a chance. I bought Olivia a diamond ring for her right hand.

I know! Stupid thing to do. She’s already married and I’m going to throw in the guy’s face that I’m trying to take his wife. My hope was that he would get off on it, or at least not mind too much, and I could promise my love to Olivia. I knew that she wouldn’t accept it if she thought it would hurt Chet. I took a chance and then braced myself for it to blow up in my face.

It was Thursday evening and we had just returned from a nice dinner out. I got us both wine and sat her down in the big armchair in the living room. I knelt down in front of her and pulled out the ring box. I held it up, “I know that you can’t marry me, but I hope you will accept this ring. It is my promise to you of my undying love. I love you Olivia and I always will.”

I took her right hand and suddenly her face transformed. Her eyes glittered as she watched me slide the ring onto her right-hand ring finger. I leaned in to kiss her and felt her tears on my cheek as her lips were crushed against mine. When she finally let me go, she smiled at me so happily, “I love you so much, John. It’s really beautiful and it means everything to me.”

I rubbed the ring on her finger, “I hope this doesn’t create problems with Chet.”

She gave me a shove, “You let me worry about Chet. He’s going to have to accept the fact that he encouraged me to go exploring. Now he’ll have to live with the fact that I found the treasure of a lifetime when I did. I’m not giving you up and I’m not going to hide it from Chet.”

Then she jumped into my arms and kissed me. When we made love that night, it wasn’t with the desperation of knowing that it was the last time. We both knew that there would be more time for us. We had promised that to each other.

Friday morning, I carried her suitcases to her car, popped the remote off her visor, and dropped it on the workbench. I went back inside and spent the next half hour kissing her and holding her close. I followed her to work, and the day started.

I left early for lunch on a mission and had just gotten back to my desk to start on the remainder of the day when Mia knocked on my door. Standing behind her was her husband Jack, “Hey John, would you please come to the conference room?”

I’d expected as much. I grabbed the bag that I had picked up at lunch and followed them down the hall. This time I wasn’t shocked to see all eight of my friends sitting at the table. I sat down, looked over at Mia, and raised an eyebrow. She got the hint right away, “OK guys. It’s been four weeks and four temp wives. We wives talked about it a lot and we shared what we learned with our husbands.

“First of all, John has made a lot of progress and we wives are grateful that we could help him. We’ve seen him smile again, laugh again, and orgasm again and again. His loving nature is blossoming, and he is letting himself have romantic feelings. He has told each of his temp wives that he loves them, and we all believe that to be true. That’s the good stuff.

“Sadly, we don’t think John is ready yet. It would be too easy for him to fall back into depression if he is left on his own. Plus, there is the fact that his temp wives aren’t done with him yet. We came to the only conclusion that we could. We have to do it again for another four weeks. And we will keep on doing it until we are all convinced that John doesn’t need us anymore.

“Plus, I want one of those rings like Olivia has.”

I’ll admit that I was stunned. Not because of Mia’s proposal, but because their husbands had actually agreed to continue to go along with it. I studied the faces in the room and every one of them looked happy. Here I was in love with four, count them, four, married women. Not only was I in love with them, but I was also struggling with sharing them with their own husbands. The same husbands that joyfully let their wives fuck me.

I wasn’t about to look this gift horse in the mouth. I would never say no to what they wanted because it was what I wanted too. I stood up and grabbed the gift bag. I pulled out four small, wrapped boxes and placed one in front of each of my temp wives. As soon as I set the last one down they began to scramble, opening them.

Each contained a velvet box about the size of a deck of cards, but deeper. Olivia’s box had one item in it. The others had two. I knelt in front of Mia and pulled the ring I’d picked out for her from her box and slipped it on her right-hand ring finger, “I love you Mia and I always will.” I kissed her and she returned it with passion.

I moved to Ava and put her ring on as I had done Mia. Then, Sofia received hers. All four women were crying, and the guys looked a bit stunned. Mia was the first to open the other side of her box. Her loud laugh rang through the room as she held up her own personalized garage door opener. The other temp wives’ eyes got huge as they grabbed for their own.


Of course, the temp wife project wasn’t sustainable. We’re talking about human beings here. Not too surprisingly, Owen and Sofia separated and eventually divorced. Chet was the one that surprised me. Shortly after our second four-week cycle, Chet sat Olivia down for a friendly discussion. Chet admitted that now that he had his wife sharing fantasy fulfilled, he’d lost interest in his wife. He felt like it was time he moved on to something else. He asked her for a divorce, and she readily agreed.

Olivia moved in with me, and Sofia move in shortly afterward. Olivia and I got married a year later. Sofia shares much more than a house with us and we both love her very much. Noah and Ava are still going strong and occasionally will come to our house to play. It took me a long time to accept Olivia having sex with Noah. I finally realized that I was being a selfish prick considering what got us here. When I saw how much fun Olivia had, and knowing that love wasn’t part of it, I was actually happy for her. I did have the wonderful consolation prize of Ava.

Mia and Jack are doing just fine as well. When they discovered Jack was unable to father children, they asked me to be the surrogate. I was happy to make Mia pregnant, but I wanted assurances that I would remain in the child’s life. I didn’t want to risk being shut out if something crazy happened. Mia had a nice contract drawn up that fit the bill perfectly. Our son’s name is Ethan. Mia stays over at our house frequently.

We finally found a new marketing guy. Owen had left town without giving notice the day his divorce from Sofia was final. Scott, the new guy was impressing the hell out of the temp wives and his wife Tricia was impressing the hell out of me. They’re wonderful people and I am certain that Maria would have loved them. Time will tell if anything more than friendship develops.

I was settling into a nice morning when Mia walked into my office, “Hey John! Quick question. My hubby Jack seems awful down lately. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to give him the temp wives’ treatment? Oh, and Ethan and I will need a place to stay while that happens if you don’t mind.”

I’m sure you could have heard me laughing all the way to the reception desk at the other end of the floor.

Published 2 years ago

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