Lisa climbed over another fallen tree and got snagged on a broken branch. She swore under her breath and got herself lose. She continued on the path that was slippery from the rain storm during the night. The sun had broken through the cloud in the early morning and that’s when Lisa’s grandmother, Greta had woken her up. It was an ungodly hour for a sixteen-year-old girl to get out of bed during her summer break. Lisa had been sent to her granny by her parents to help her pick lingonberries and blueberries so the old woman could make jams she could sell at the local market for some extra cash. Times were tough in Sweden these days for the retired folks so they needed all the help they could get.
Lisa trudged along the path looking on either side for the red or blue berries. When she saw them, she used a special kind of tool that raked the plants of their berries and then she put them in either of the two baskets she was carrying. Both were half full or half empty depending on how you looked at it. Lisa was a positive girl so to her they were half full.
Twenty minutes later she reached a clearing in the dense northern forest and she took a break sitting down on an old trunk which was covered in moss. She realized too late the moss would be wet and she swore when she felt the water filter through her shorts and reach her skin. That would leave a wet stain covering her ass she thought.
She opened her backpack and took out a bottle of water and a chocolate bar. She ate, drank, and listened to the sounds of the forest. Birds chirping, insects buzzing around, and far, far away a dog barked. She liked the silence and the peace the forest gave her. Back in Stockholm where she lived life was stressful. School, friends, trying to be fit, trying to be cool, hanging with the right people, wearing the right clothes, the right makeup. The constant flow of bullshit on her Instagram and Facebook accounts. Then there were the boys. Constantly flirting, making advances, trying to group her and her friend. Lisa wasn’t a prude and she knew she attracted boys and men with her hourglass figure and blue eyes. Her blond hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. She liked guys, that wasn’t the problem The problem was her reputation and that was very important to her. She had seen with her own eyes how one make-out session at a party had ended up with the poor girl being hanged out as a slut. Another had made the mistake of getting naked with a guy and a video soon surfaced of her masturbating him.
Life as a teenager was not easy, she concluded in her thoughts and got up. She checked the baskets and then her backpack and put it on before continuing her walk. It would take her about half an hour to complete the circle and come back to her granny’s cottage. If you looked at a map it would look like a figure eight from above where the cottage was in the center where the lines crossed. Every two days she would cover one circle and then the other, giving the berries enough time to ripen. Sometimes she would come across other berry pickers and people looking for mushrooms.
She was deep in her thoughts when she heard a sound that didn’t fit into the sounds of the forest. She lifted her head and gazed into the trees trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. She thought it came slightly from her right so she got off the path and as silent as possible made her way through the brush. It wasn’t easy going and she scraped her arms and legs on branches. Slowly making progress the sounds increased in volume. It was a woman she realized and she was moaning loudly as if she was in pain. Lisa hurried thinking that there might have been an accident. Maybe a berry picker had slipped and broken her foot?
Then she saw her and Lisa stopped in her tracks and hid behind a tree. Slowly she peeked around it and took in what she was seeing. A young brunette knelt on the grass with her upper body supported by a trunk. Behind her knelt an older man, maybe in his fifties. He was holding the brunette who seemed to be in her early twenties by her hips. He was fucking her ass slowly running his cock to the base before pulling out. The woman had her mouth open and every time he went in, she made that almost crying sound.
Lisa stared at the couple and then hid again. Her face was blushed and her hands were shaking. She had never seen a couple have sex before and she hadn’t had it herself. Not even a blowjob or a handjob due to the fear of being outed as a slut.
She sat on the wet ground not caring that the water once again seeped through. What she had seen was hot at the same time as disgusting. She knew some women liked anal sex but she had never considered trying it. Then she heard the couple speaking.
“Here I come, Jenny, are you ready?”
“Yes, yes, Benny, give it to me.”
With a long howl almost, the man must have come because a few seconds later the girl said, “Holy shit, Benny, that was a lot.”
The man laughed and then said, “I thought you liked a lot?”
“Sure, but I’ll be leaking cum for hours now and I don’t want Danny to find out.”
“He won’t. Just go to the bathroom after I drop you off. He will be busy with the customers and won’t notice.”
Lisa put her hand to her mouth. Shit, she thought. That’s Jenny from the mini super and Benny from the gas station. Danny was Jenny’s fiancé and her boss. Lisa wasn’t sure what to do. Slowly she got up and took one step forward and under her foot, a twig snapped. In the silence, it sounded like thunder.
“Who’s there?” she heard Benny call out.
“Shit, maybe someone saw us,” said Jenny.
“Hey, you, behind the tree, come,” he demanded.
Lisa slowly turned and stepped out from behind the tree. “Sorry, guys, I was out picking berries for Granny when I heard you and thought someone was hurt.”
Jenny was red in the face and Benny quickly closed his pants and pulled up the zipper before speaking. “Lisa, I hope this can stay between us and you. No need to tell anyone, ok?”
Lisa looked from Benny to Jenny who stood with her head down and her hands clasped in front of her looking very guilty. “Look, I don’t care what you do. I’ll go on my way and you on yours.”
Benny let go of a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Lisa. I think Jenny will invite you to ice cream next time you come in, right Jenny?”
Jenny snapped out of her guilt and nodded her head. “Sure, of course, whatever you want. See you later.”
Lisa watched the two lovers scuddle away through the trees and then she laughed. It had been such an out-of-this-world experience seeing them and they must have had the fright of their life being found out in a place neither of them thought anyone would be at.
On the way back to the cottage Lisa couldn’t stop thinking about what she had seen. Jenny’s naked body with a thin film of sweat under the sun. Benny’s hard cock slid in and out and how his balls looked so big and heavy. She wondered what it felt like having them in her hand. Lisa didn’t fuck, but that didn’t stop her from fantasizing about how it would be and what it would feel like to have a man inside her. She often masturbated at night or in the morning when she woke up. She loved feeling the smoothness of her shaved pussy. That was another issue at school. If any girl had a single pubic hair visible during the shower after physical education, the mob would form and she was a hairy slut.
No, Lisa’s pussy was exactly what it was expected to be. Her firm boobs weren’t the biggest but had small pink nipples which she loved to twist and flick while masturbating. Sometimes she would unscrew the shower head and aim the water at her clit slowly sliding down to the floor in the shower with her legs spread wide apart and moaning as the water drove her to an orgasm.
She made the full circle and came upon the cottage from the side. She could see her granny outside watering the plants she had around the cottage. Red, blue, violet, pink, a beautiful place to live and grow old.
“Hi, how did it go?” she said when Lisa dumped the two baskets on the table standing outside with four chairs around it.
“Good, I think it might be worth going back tomorrow and doing the other circle. The rain and now the sun made the ripe faster.”
Greta put her hands in the baskets and felt the berries run through her fingers. “Well done, my dear. Did you see any people?”
Lisa shook her head, not wanting to tell her granny about Benny and Jenny. “No, not a soul, all quiet and peaceful. By the way, I’m taking the bike to the store. Do you need anything?”
“Bread, and milk.”
Lisa took out the empty water bottle and the chocolate wrapper from her backpack and then walked over to the bike leaning against the wall of the cottage. It was an old bike with a basket at the front and big wheels. The bike was cumbersome but there was no other option. She pushed it down the slight incline and jumped on. As the bike’s momentum increased Jenny got ready for the first turn. She put out her foot to keep her balance and took the turn like a GT rider and leaned into it.
Fifteen minutes later she turned on the main road leading into the small hamlet. It consisted of the mini market where Jenny and her guy worked, a pizzeria, and a gas station. If you needed the post office or buy liquor you need to drive another thirty minutes to the south. In Sweden you could only buy low-alcohol beer in the mini markets or supermarkets, wine or anything stronger had to be bought in the state-owned shops.
Lisa leaned the bike against a lamp post and went up the two steps and into the shop. There were a few people in there and Jenny stood behind the counter. Danny, Lisa saw was in one of the aisle restocking canned soups.
“Hey, did you come for your ice cream?’ said Henny
“Yes, and a couple of things my granny needs.” She went to the milk section and then where the bread was. On her way back to Jenny she picked up a chocolate cone from the freezer. Jenny, as promised only charged her for the milk and bread.
“I’ll see you later,” said Lisa and walked out.
Jenny watched the young girl from the big city through the window. She was a very pretty thing and she knew Danny always eyed her up and down when he saw her. During the walk back with Benny a few hours earlier they had talked about being seen and they both agreed that it had taken their affair to a higher level. The idea of someone watching them while they fucked was a huge turn-on for both of them. While watching Lisa lick her cone Jenny wondered if the girl was up to being part of their secret. Maybe she could convince her to be the audience while they fucked deep in the forest.
“Danny, mind the counter I’m going out and talk to Lisa for a moment.”
“Sure thing, say hi to her.”
Horny, bastard thought Jenny and went outside. “Hey, Lisa do you have a minute?”
Seeing Jenny outside surprised her and she said, “Sure, what’s up?”
Making sure no one could hear them and then stepping closer Jenny said, “You know, about what you saw earlier. What did you think about it?”
“Like I said, none of my business.”
“That’s not what I meant. I mean, how did it make you feel?”
Jenny observed the younger woman’s face and sure enough, she blushed a little while her pink tongue slid up the cone and scooped up ice cream which she then swallowed.
“It was interesting.”
“In what way?”
“I’ve never had sex, so it was interesting to watch you.”
Jenny was surprised. “Seriously, I thought you guys in Stockholm had sex all the time with so many possible partners?”
“Nah, not so. It’s such a risk of being stamped a slut, most girls wait until university or when they graduate high school.”
“I see. Did it excite you, what you saw I mean?”
Lisa tilted her head and looked Jenny in the eye. “What are you getting at?”
It was Jenny’s turn to blush. She leaned in and whispered. “Benny and I want you to watch us again. We will be at the same place at the same time tomorrow.”
Lisa felt her body become warm and her nipples hard. It was a very exciting thought to watch them. “Yeah, sure. I’ll be there.”
That evening Greta noticed that her grandchild was up to something. She didn’t seem to pay much attention to her and she went to bed much earlier than usual. Maybe she had met a boy when she went to the store?
Lisa was out the door and into the sunlight at ten in the morning. She hiked up her backpack and then grabbed the two baskets. “Bye, Granny, I’ll be back later.”
Greta lifted her head from the flowers she was attending. “You are leaving early.”
“Yeah, I want to take my time and enjoy the forest. I’ll be going back to Stockholm in a few days.”
“Ok, take care.”
The reason she was out the door so early was that she had to cover the lower circle picking all the berries she could find and then go almost full circle on the upper one before reaching the spot where she had seen Benny and Jenny. This would take her several hours to do. Lisa didn’t care, she loved being out in nature and the thought of seeing the couple having sex again was a great motivator.
Benny was smoking his second cigarette and Jenny was pacing back and forth in front of him. They had been at the clearing for fifteen minutes and still no sign of Lisa.
“Do you think she stood us up?” he asked.
“No idea, she seemed interested yesterday.”
Benny took in his mistress. She wore a summer dress that ended halfway down her thighs with a floral pattern in red and blue. A very pretty dress on a pretty girl, he thought. As usual, she had taken off her panties and bra as soon as he picked her up behind the mini market.
They heard a sound and they both turned towards it. From a path behind them, Lisa came out.
“What happened to you?” said Jenny taking in the younger girl’s wet and muddy shorts and T-shirt.
“Fucking slipped and fell into a ditch where there was water.”
Benny didn’t mind what he was seeing. The T-shirt had become see-through and he could see her boobs and the small nipples.
Lisa put down the baskets and took the backpack off her back. “Look at me, this is a fucking disaster.”
Jenny walked up to her. “Hey, calm down. It’s happened to me too. Take off your shorts and top and hang them from that branch in the sun. In thirty minutes, they are dry and you can shake off the dried mud.”
Lisa gave her a look. “You want me to be naked?”
“I guess you are wearing panties? Both of us have seen boobs before, so it’s no big deal.”
Benny didn’t say a thing, just hoped Lisa would follow Jenny’s suggestion. Back home his wife, Helena was a large woman with saggy boobs and ass so he was more than pleased to have the opportunity to check out the young and perky Lisa. He lit another cigarette and pretended to be very busy with a stone on the ground he kicked around.
Lisa figured there wasn’t much else she could do so she pulled her top over her head and then wiggled out of her shorts. Luckily, she wore regular cotton panties and no thong. At least part of her ass was covered from Benny’s eyes. She had no doubt the dirty old man would be staring at her.
She hung her clothes over the branch and turned to Jenny. “What’s the deal, do I just stand here, or what?”
Jenny wasn’t sure what she wanted. The thought of being watched had seemed fun at the time but now that it was happening it felt kind of weird. She turned to Benny who had stopped kicking the stone and was leaning against a tree. She walked over to him and he threw away his cigarette. She put her arms around him and they kissed for a moment. Nothing deep, just soft kisses while holding each other.
They were in the same clearing as the day before and Lisa figured the couple would use the same trunk. She found another a few feet away and sat down looking at them making out. Benny’s hands gently caressed Jenny’s back and then moved down and he took a steady grip of her ass cheeks which made Jenny sigh and giggle. His hands moved up to her shoulders and gently he slipped the dress off her and it fell to the ground. Lisa figured she would help out and quickly picked it up and hung it next to her clothes.
When she turned back to the couple, she noted that Jenny was naked. Her ass was bigger than Lisa’s without being huge and her boobs were also larger and rounder than her own. Again, Benny found her ass cheeks and kneaded them while they kissed. Jenny’s hand went down between them and unzipped his pants. He stepped out of them and then she helped him with his boxer shorts. Lisa took them and hung them up. Back at her trunk Lisa for the first time in her life saw a cock so close she could almost touch it.
Benny turned his head from kissing Jenny to watch Lisa. They stood so she was just a few feet from where she was sitting. He noted how her eyes were focused on his erection poking at Jenny’s belly. Benny wasn’t a fit man, so he had a bit of a beer belly but he wasn’t fat. He turned his head back to Jenny and kissed her one more time. Her hand had slid down and had begun to stroke him and he moaned before beginning to kiss and massage her large breasts.
Lisa wondered what it felt like for Jenny holding Benny’s cock in her hand. From where she sat, she could make out thick protruding veins, and a small drop of a clear liquid had formed on the tip of the head which was swollen and dark red.
Jenny loved holding Benny in her hand. The stiffness of his erection and the thick long cock in her hand. She leaned her head on his shoulder and saw Lisa licking her lips.
“Hey, do you want to try?” she said.
Lisa looked up at her. Her face blushed and her eyes still staring at the cock in Jenny’s hand. She continued. “It’s ok if you want to. He has such a wonderful hard cock to stroke and suck.”
Lisa wasn’t sure what to do. One part of her was yearning to feel the man, to experience what Jenny was experiencing but at the same time, she was shy and nervous.
“C’mon, don’t be shy, Lisa. No one is here, no one back home will know what you do here and now. Live your life, and have some fun,” said Jenny, and then stepped away from Benny who turned and faced Lisa.
Facing Benny’s hard-on Lisa’s instinct took over. It must have been hidden in her DNA from the time her ancestors lived in caves. There was never a doubt in her mind about what she was supposed to do facing the hard cock dripping pre-cum. She grabbed it by the base and gently pulled forward while still holding it tight. She was presented with a larger drop of a clear liquid that she licked off. The cock was warm to her touch and the head soft as silk. She kissed it and then opened her mouth, closed her eyes and she was sucking cock for the first time in her life.
Jenny loved sucking dick but watching Lisa doing it was at a different level. She seemed to know exactly what to do. Jenny had fumbled and made a mess of it the first time but Lisa, took the cock further back than Jenny thought possible and never gagged. Sucking, licking, and stroking it Lisa enjoyed every inch of dick.
Benny’s legs began to shake and he was surprised at the young girl’s skills. He had never in his life thought a woman could do what she was doing. He even felt the back of her throat close down on his cock head when she took him deeply and he had never felt such an amazing sensation before.
Lisa with her eyes closed drank every drop of pre-cum and played with his balls, teased them with her nails, and pulled forward from the base making sure she got as much of the clear liquid as possible. Her pussy was yearning for him, she wanted him, or better, his cock in her.
With a plop, his cock came out of her mouth and she breathed deeply a couple of times, getting oxygen into her brain. She looked up at Benny and said, “Can you fuck me, please?”
He turned to Jenny who nodded. She hadn’t thought about the possibility of Lisa wanting to get fucked so when she said it, it came as a exciting surprise. She helped Lisa up and then showed her how to kneel and rest her chest against the trunk as she had done before.
“It might hurt a bit, honey, but in the end, you will love it.”
Lisa giggled. “I don’t think it will. I have used cucumbers to masturbate with, so it should be ok.”
Jenny laughed and stepped aside letting Benny come up behind Lisa. He caressed her white asscheeks and then put his hand between her legs, cupping her pussy. His middle finger stretched out and he ran it along her slit. It came back wet.
“Oh, she is so wet and ready, baby,” he said to Jenny.
Lisa turned around and over her shoulder, she said, “Give me that cock, you dirty old man.”
It made Benny and Jenny laugh and he lined it up with her pussy. Then he let the head move up and down her slit, teasing her before beginning to push inside.
Lisa relaxed as much as she could even though her position wasn’t the most comfortable. His cock head was warm against her folds and when he began to penetrate her, she gasped. It was a far cry from the slim but long cucumbers she had used. This was a real cock, hard, long, and thick. She felt the head push inside and then her pussy began to stretch further than ever before. Her breathing came in gasps and she grabbed the moss on the trunk tearing it to bits.
“Yes, that’s a good girl, relax, let him inside, just a few more inches,” Jenny said softly while strong her back and playing with the boob closest to her.
Lisa loved the woman’s warm hand massaging her breast and she relaxed a bit more. Then, he was inside. Her pussy felt like it would rip apart, the pain was strong but at the same time exciting. He rested inside her and didn’t move an inch. She felt herself open up for him and soon the pain was gone, replaced by a new and overpowering sensation. She was being fucked for the first time in her life. She had a cock inside her, not many of her friends had and she felt so sexy.
Benny watched Lisa’s pussy open for him and then stretch taught around his cock. He thought he would rip her but she adjusted to his girth and after a few minutes he felt her relax again and he began to move, gently and slowly at first.
Jenny moved her hand from Lisa’s boob down to her pussy. She felt Benny’s cock as it slid in and out and then she played with Lisa’s clit. She was so wet by now she had to rub her pussy with her other hand. The sun was beating on her back but she didn’t care. The sound of Lisa’s pussy being fucked, Benny’s, and her moans filled the air.
Lisa could hardly breathe by now. Her entire body was overtaken by pleasure and she felt how her orgasm was growing deep inside her. The cock fucking her, Jenny’s fingers rubbing her clit was driving her to such an orgasm that when it came, her mouth opened and an uncontrollable roar erupted which filled the air so that the birds and insects fell quiet.
Benny had never heard such a sound before, not from his wife, not from Jenny, and not from any other of the many women he had fucked over the years. It was coming from somewhere deep inside the young girl, a hidden place where few people wanted to go to find out who they were as human beings but Lisa had gone there and had found her true self.
Lisa’s head was spinning as she felt Benny pull out of her. Her entire body was shaking and she was gasping for air. Her ears were ringing from her roar and that feeling, that dark, animalistic thing that had shown its head slid back into her soul but not gone entirely and she just slumped down on the trunk.
Jenny grabbed Benny’s cock and pulled him down on top of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he entered her hard, pounding her pussy and her into the soft wet ground before coming at the same time as her. She held him tight and he kissed her cheeks and forehead before getting up.
Lisa slowly moved and managed to get up on shaky legs. She looked around like she wasn’t sure where she was or what had just happened.
“Are you ok?” asked Jenny holding her arm.
“Yeah, I guess so, I mean, I have never felt anything like that before and I want more, I want a lot more cock.”
Her face slowly changed into something else. Jenny stepped away from her, not sure what was happening. Lisa’s body had become more voluptuous, with larger boobs and a narrow waist. Her nose flared as she sniffed the air around her and then she whipped around to face Benny who looked scared, standing naked in the clearing.
“You, you fucked me, you made me come, you will make me come again and again and again.”
Benny wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on. The timid young teen was gone and before him stood a thing he had never seen before. He watched Jenny moving forward, putting her hand on Lisa’s shoulder.
Jenny wasn’t ready for what came next. Lisa whipped around and pushed her away with both hands to her chest and she felt herself flying through the air, landing several feet from where Benny and Lisa stood.
Benny was pushed up against a tree and had nowhere to go. In horror, he watched Lisa come closer, and then her hand was around his dick and her face in his. She sniffed it and then said, “I’m Succubus, fuck me.”
Dusk was setting around the cottage and Greta was finishing planting the last flowers. She stood back and looked at her handiwork and was very pleased. Suddenly, she heard something and she looked into the forest behind her. Her green eyes glowed once and then twice before returning to their natural color. Her ears picked up a roar far away and she smiled. Lisa had finally come to her own, and now the family was saved. Berry picking, my ass, she thought. That was just a way to get the girl into the forest where she would hopefully stumble upon some horny couple, and her DNA would do the rest. She could now give away all those jars of jam she had stored to the poor people and be done with the whole nasty jam-making business she hated.
She thought she had been the last of her kind since her daughter Anna never came to bloom even though she had walked miles upon miles in the forest as a teenager. Greta’s pussy was dried up now. Even though she could still on a good day do some shapeshifting, she didn’t have the strength to appear to be a teenager for a long enough time. One hundred fifty years of fucking the local farmers to insanity had taken its toll on her, and she was glad to be able to let Lisa take over. Whether the girl would stay with her or venture back to the big city to wreak havoc among men, she didn’t know.