This is a true story about my recent life and troubles, and also about an incredible day last Friday that has re-ignited something deep inside me.
My husband and I have been married for many years; it was always good, exciting, and loving. We have two wonderful children, both now grown up and at university. In recent times, his business has been going through some difficult times. The pandemic hit us badly, as has the country’s economic crisis. He works long hours, is away a lot at weekends, and even at my age, like most women, I still have needs. I crave attention from him and throughout my life, I have always adored sex in all its many forms. Those of you familiar with my other stories will know very well what I like and have been lucky enough to experience.
A few years ago, I cheated on him just once; it was at a work Christmas party and I ended it after about a week, due to overwhelming guilt and fear of him finding out. He never did and I tried to put it behind me.
Last Friday, I had to take the family bus, our trusty Volkswagen Passat, to our local car repair shop for two new tyres. The garage is run by a guy I went to high school with. Dave and I have known each other as friends ever since, and he has always made it clear to me how much he would love to fuck me one day. I have always palmed him off with the usual, ‘Stop it, Dave, you know full well I am married.’
Nevertheless, Dave always flirts with me whenever I take my own car or the Passat into his workshop. Every time I go there, I have tended to dress very casually, in jogging pants and a T-shirt, or jeans and a jumper, hair tied up and with little or no makeup; however, this has never deterred him from flirting with me. I have been chatting regularly on here with a truly lovely man; I won’t divulge his Lush profile, but suffice it to say, he is genuine and wonderful to talk with. We have shared so much during my time on Lush.
Last Friday I told my Lush friend about my trip to the workshop. He already knew all about my marriage troubles and my husband’s business woes. He also knew about the lack of sex in my life and how frustrated I had become.
‘June, I have an idea for you,’ he told me. He then explained his idea was in fact a rather sexy dare. He dared me to get dressed up like a sexy office secretary and to surprise Dave when I took my car in. As he told me more about the details of my dare, I found myself becoming more and more turned on about the idea. My Lush friend was most specific about details I had to comply with regarding my outfit. No knickers and no bra, plus he told me to wear one of my steel butt plugs inside my bum.
Eventually, I agreed to do as he suggested, so last Friday, having pre-booked the car into the garage, I decided I would accept this challenge set for me.
I woke nice and early on Friday morning; my husband had already left for work as normal. After taking a long hot shower, drying and styling my lovely new highlighted hairstyle, I began to get ready. My heart was by now pounding in my chest, and I felt a lot like that wild young girl again, when in my late teens and mid-twenties. I did my makeup, slightly heavier than usual, and applied dark red lipstick to my lips. I then slipped on a new pair of sheer hold-up stockings I had bought a while ago but not worn yet. I pulled them high up my legs, leveling off the lace tops. I then found my black high-heeled court shoes; they are easy to walk in, and I also wanted to do a shoe dangle in the garage waiting room, as guys love that. I had already removed my contact lenses before my shower, so found my glasses and put them on.
Next, I lubed the inside of my bum, just a little, making sure I could slide the glass butt plug inside with ease, but not so much lube that it would pop out again. As I pushed it inside my bum, I felt that wonderful sensation I always get when inserting a plug (or better still, a hard cock) inside my bum. The plug then got sucked in all the way, so the jeweled end was flat against my bum cheeks. I had placed the plug in my freezer for about ten minutes that morning, so when I pushed it in, it was lovely and cold against the walls of my bum.
I then slipped on a little black skirt, did up the zipper and a small button. This skirt was very short; it barely covered the tops of my stockings. I turned around and bent over, looking in our bedroom mirror. I could clearly see the bright pink sparkly jewel of the butt plug and that I had no knickers on.
I then slipped on a white, silky blouse and buttoned it up over my naked tits, leaving the top three buttons undone; any more than that and I might be arrested for exposure!
I then put on my black jacket that matched the skirt and grabbed my handbag and the keys to the Passat. I left the house, sheepishly hoping no neighbours were about, as I didn’t want awkward questions about my outfit.
The drive to the garage only took about ten minutes, and I noticed just how much my skirt had ridden up my legs… a lot!
During the drive, every bump the car went over would push my butt plug slightly deeper inside my bum, a feeling I have always loved.
As I rounded the corner and approached Dave’s garage, my nerves were overwhelming, my heart was pounding inside my chest and my hands were shaking. I hoped there might be at least one other customer already there, but as it was only 9.30 AM, they had just opened, so I was the first. I parked the car and switched off the engine, took a deep breath, and opened the car door. I swung my heels out the door, then caught sight of Dave; he was inside the first bay and he saw my car pull up. He smiled and waved, then his expression changed as I climbed out of the car.
I smiled back as Dave approached me; he stared wide-eyed when he saw me, then he said, ‘Fucking hell, June, is that you?’ (We have always been on first-name terms; Dave never calls me by my married surname.)
I knew I was blushing as I said hello to Dave, and told him I had just had my hair done. He said, ‘It looks gorgeous, but it’s not just your hair, what’s with the stunning outfit today, fucking hell, pardon my French, June.’ I laughed and told him that I just felt like dressing up ( I was unprepared for that question and it was all I could think of saying).
Dave commented again on my outfit and even my makeup; he said, ‘God, June, you look more gorgeous than ever today.’
Dave said that he had often dreamed of seeing me done up to the nines and looking so sexy; I told him to stop it and we both laughed. It was then that I realised the other three guys in the workshop were all now staring at me. Dave said, ‘Doesn’t she look so damn gorgeous today, guys?’ You can imagine their responses.
After the wolf-whistling had subsided, Dave took my car keys and gave them, to Gavin, one of the guys; he then drove the Passat into the bay so they could change the tyres.
I walked into the reception area; my high heels clicked so loudly on the tiled floor. The guys were all looking at me and smiling, Dave especially so.
‘I can’t get over how fucking sexy you look today, June,’ he said. I thanked him, then took a seat and sat down to wait. During this time, I made sure, whenever Dave or one of the guys came through to the reception desk, I would cross and uncross my legs, during which I was pretending to read a magazine. Each time I did so, I overheard them say, ‘Fuck me,’ or ‘Fucking hell, she has no panties on.’
My skirt had ridden high up my legs and I let the jacket fall open a little more. I picked up one of the car magazines and began to flick through the pages. I uncrossed my legs once more, throwing one leg over the other.
Then another of them said quietly, perhaps hoping I would not hear him, ‘No fucking bra either, she is begging for it.’ However, I could still make out what was said. It was at this point I decided to stand up and pretend to search for something inside my handbag. I turned around, then bent over slightly and began searching through my bag, aware that any of them at the counter would see my butt plug and my bare cunt.
Predictably it was Dave who reacted first, saying under his breath, ‘Fuck me, lads, I always knew she was prime cock material,’ but, I think, enough for me to hear. I said nothing of course.
Another of them said, ‘Look at that, fuck me!’
I sat back down and could hear the sounds of the zip guns undoing the wheels of our car. Grabbing my magazine, I held it up in front of my face, and again I crossed and uncrossed my legs some more, the skirt now ridden high up my thighs. I couldn’t see who was behind the counter, but I heard plenty of whispering and a gasp or two. As I sat there, my butt plug was now very firmly set inside my bum; I shifted slightly as I felt the sensations it gave me begin to make my cunt wet again. I felt myself leaking down onto the seat under me. I parted my legs again, then re-crossed them, hoping that Dave or one of the others might see how wet I was now. Dave watched me crossing my legs. I could just about see him over the top edge of the magazine; he was smiling and staring straight between my legs. I got the sense that Dave had to say something; he said, ‘June, you look stunning today, babe, fucking ravishing in fact.’
I replied, ‘Thanks, Dave.’
He then came over and said, ‘How about that night out I mentioned to you a while ago?’
‘I don’t know,’ I replied.
Dave added, ‘All on me, a nice meal, then back to my place, your husband need never know, and it can be our secret.’
I felt myself blushing and said, ‘Stop it, Dave, you are embarrassing me.’
He replied, ‘Sorry, June, I can’t help myself, I’ve never seen you look so damn sexy before.’
I continued to read, my legs crossed, and I let one heel slip off from my foot, then moved my foot gently so the shoe dangled.
Dave said, ‘June, you are one fine sexy-looking babe today, never seen you in glasses either, sex on legs.’
Dave asked me again about a night out, so I told him I would think about it. He then went back to working on our car; it was at that point that I set my phone up on the seat in front of me and managed to capture a short video clip, However, pretty soon another customer arrived, came in and sat down right next to me. Awkward moment number one, as I had to retrieve my phone and stop the video, but I got a short clip with sound.
I then decided to go outside and walk to the corner cafe for a coffee; when I stood up I looked down to see a wet patch on the seat I had been sitting on. No one saw this so I made my way outside and began walking towards the corner cafe. It was during this walk that I managed to take the few photos I have; my phone fell down twice, but I was able at least to get a couple of photos, not easy on your own I am sure you can imagine. Anyway, I managed to get a few photos during my walk.
When I returned to the garage, Dave told me he needed to show me the problem with the Passat’s brake discs. It turned out that we needed them replaced, along with the two tyres, so I told him to go ahead. While I was inside the main bay, Dave stood next to me and I suddenly I realised that Dave had his hand around my waist; I didn’t stop him, though. He was explaining the problem we had with the Passat’s brake discs, and I stood listening. Then Dave’s hand went lower and ended up on my bum; he turned and made to kiss me, which I responded to ( to his surprise, I suspect). We kissed passionately, his hands now groping my bum through the tight little skirt.
We parted after a few minutes more, then he said, ‘June, I have always loved that tight arse of yours, and those killer legs.’
Adding, ‘June, I love what you have inside you, babe, is it a shiny plug of some sort?’ he asked.
‘It’s a butt plug, Dave,’ I admitted.
He said, ‘Holy fucking moly! I had no idea you were so kinky, June.’
I smiled and said, ‘Oh, there is a lot about me you don’t know, Dave.’
He then leaned closer and said softly, ‘Watching you cross your legs earlier, I could see your cunt glistening with juices.’
I blushed once more then replied, ‘That’s what the butt plug does to me, Dave.’
He then said, ‘Fuck it, that’s it, June. Come on, babe, how about it, you and me on a night out, all on me, then back to mine?’
He added, ‘I have never seen you look more sexy, June. I think, maybe, you are trying to tell me something?’
I just smiled at him, and sort of half giggled.
‘So how about it, June?’ he asked me again.
I said, ‘OK, Dave, I give in, I would like that.’
Dave’s face was a picture as he said, ‘Fantastic, June, when?’ Unknown to Dave, my husband is going away next weekend to an engineering company in the west of the country, to gain a contract. So he will be away from Friday to Sunday evening.
Dave and I arranged for next Friday evening; he would pick me up, and we would go for a meal out of town then back to his place. He added, ‘June, have you any idea how long I have dreamed about fucking you so much?’
I replied, ‘I think I know, Dave.’
While all this was going on, the other three mechanics had been eavesdropping; I had not noticed them up to this point. They then said, ‘Lucky you, Dave, fucking legend, she is gorgeous, mate.’
Dave then turned to me and said, ‘We had a lad’s night planned for next weekend, but I would rather spend it with you, June.’
I said, ‘Thank you, Dave.’
Then one of the other guys said, ‘Fucking lucky bastard, Dave, go for it, mate.’
‘I have been after her for years, as she knows,’ he replied.
Then the deal breaker happened, as the same guy said, ‘Wouldn’t mind a piece myself if there is room for more, June?’
I couldn’t help it; it just came out. I said, ‘Well, I am game if you are.’
If I could describe their faces and their reactions, I would, but I will leave it to your imagination. Thankfully the other customer had left a little while earlier, so they were all quite vocal.
The repair took much longer than I thought as one of the guys had to leave to obtain the brake discs for the Passat, so I had to sit and wait. Dave and the guys were never far away, nor were their eyes from my legs. Two more customers came in during my time there. A woman and another man, who also had a good look at my legs while I carried on reading the magazine.
The end result of that Friday is, I am going out for a meal this Friday night, with Dave, Richard, Alan, and Gavin, at a restaurant well out of town, then back to Dave’s place afterward with the four of them, and I have agreed to stay overnight and let them have some fun with me.
I know I will be cheating; I know all that, and I know it is close to my doorstep too. Dave assures me we will all be discreet, hence him choosing a restaurant some distance away. Seriously, I don’t care; it’s done now and I want it so much! I know I was wracked with guilt about cheating on my husband before, but I can’t stop myself this time; if a group session with Dave and the three other guys is on the cards, then I want it with open arms.
Lastly (you can laugh at my expense), when I got home I went to get changed out of my outfit, then I went to remove my butt plug, but it wouldn’t come out! It had been inside me since around 8 am that morning, so around six hours. The longest I have ever worn a butt plug for. Eventually, it came out after much persuasion!
More to follow after my night out on Friday!