A Street Party Named Desire: Chapter 3

"Oooh! Kajal! He’s a doctor!"

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As she blinked herself awake early the following morning, Kajal smiled as she remembered the previous day’s events. She could still feel Steven’s cum in her pussy, although she knew some had leaked out overnight. However, Kajal wasn’t too concerned; she had given her body ample opportunity to absorb most of Steven’s deposit when she returned home.

After showering, Kajal took out the Lincoln green lehenga she planned to wear. She hadn’t worn it since a friend’s wedding the previous year, and it had been in a packing box since she moved house, so she hung it and steamed it, ready for later. Then she temporarily threw on yesterday’s skirt and T-shirt and went to the garage to get out the gazebo and camping hob.

Unfolding the gazebo’s frame was easy, but Kajal found getting the canopy in place challenging. Will, the police officer, was setting up a bouncy castle on his front lawn and saw Kajal struggling, so he came over to help. Will quickly managed to get the canopy over the frame, and he and Kajal began securing it.

“Kajal, you have a stain on the back of your skirt,” Will said. “It looks like dried yoghurt maybe?”

Kajal grabbed her waistband and spun the skirt around to see a massive string of dried semen across the back. How had that happened? How had she not noticed? She could feel her cheeks redden, and she wanted the ground to swallow her up. Even worse, seeing her unusually acute embarrassment, Will quickly realised what it was.

“Ah, it’s not yoghurt, is it?” he said with a wide grin. “So that’s what you were doing at Steven’s yesterday evening! I saw you coming home, looking furtive. I didn’t know you two were together!”

“God, somebody has obviously passed his detective exams,” Kajal said sarcastically, unsure whether to laugh or cry. “I can assure you, nothing is going on between Steven and me. It was just once. We had both had a glass or two of wine, and things went a bit further than they should have.”

“Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me,” Will said, tapping the side of his nose. “But if something is developing between you, he’s a lucky guy. To be honest, Kajal, I think you could have had your pick of the Entertainment Committee. Of course, we all know the married guys came to the meetings because their wives told them to, but did you not wonder why so many single guys volunteered?”

If Kajal hadn’t already been puce with embarrassment, she would have blushed at the overt compliment. Maybe she had been naive to think the guys were all there solely out of community spirit.

Kajal didn’t believe Will when he said he wouldn’t tell anyone about her and Steven. Although he had become a good friend over the past weeks, she knew better than to trust guys with secrets. She imagined him recounting tales of his conquest to his envious colleagues in the police station locker room. Anyway, it suited her purposes if rumours began circulating in the neighbourhood. If and when her baby bump began to show, it would create confusion between Connor and Steven about who the father was. And by then, there might be further possible candidates to throw in the mix, too.

Will’s admission that the single guys on the committee fancied Kajal made her reevaluate Will as a potential baby father. She had initially moved him down the list of targets because she didn’t know him well and was unsure of his relationship status. But now they knew each other quite well, and conversations Kajal had overheard on Thursday nights suggested he was recently out of a relationship. Moreover, Will had just openly admitted that he found her attractive; could she, should she, would she get away with seducing him too?

“Thank you, but honestly, it was a one-off. I’m not in the market for a long-term relationship.”

“Of course, I understand,” Will said disappointedly.

“That said, a girl is allowed to have some fun occasionally, isn’t she?” Kajal said, raising her eyebrows suggestively and biting on her fingertip. “And sometimes more often than that….”




As the garage door closed behind Will and Kajal, she began to feel guilty. It was only a few hours since she had fucked Steven, and evidence of their rendezvous still made itself apparent every time she went to the toilet. It must be crossing a line to fuck one guy with another guy’s cum still seeping from her, mustn’t it?

But then she thought of her family history. Her ancestors in the Ghoutul would have experienced the same thing. Fucking multiple guys was her birthright, heritage, and culture; she was just the latest of many generations of her family who had taken numerous partners, one soon after the other. So why should she feel guilty? And besides, Meenakshi and her friends would arrive in a few hours. They would be impressed to hear that she had added Steven and Will to her list of conquests so soon after Connor.

After a brief kiss and fumble, Kajal looked around for somewhere to have sex. But unfortunately, the garage was primarily full of unpacked removal boxes, tins of paint, and gardening equipment. The only possible prop was an antique sideboard of her father’s, which she hadn’t yet managed to sell.

Kajal figured that with his muscular physique and alpha male tendencies, he would respond best if she adopted a more direct approach to sex. So she decided to give him a porn star experience; after all, if Will was going to spread stories about her to his neighbours and colleagues, they might as well be good ones.

Kajal took Will’s hand and led him to the sideboard.

“Come on, Will. I bet you’ve been sitting through these dull meetings of ours, wondering what it’s like to have a bit of Indian pussy. So come and find out.” With that, she pushed herself up onto the end of the sideboard and lay along its length.

Will needed no second invitation. Quickly pulling his T-shirt over his head, he threw it on top of a packing box and began unfastening his jeans. Kajal was pleased to see his body was fit, rugged and toned, and she hoped his cock would be equally impressive. After one short, thick cock, and one long, thin cock, it would be nice if the third combined the best aspects of the previous two.

As Will urgently pulled down his boxer shorts, it became clear that his cock did combine the attributes of Connor’s and Steven’s cocks, but not in a good way. Will’s manhood was singularly unimpressive in length and girth, and Kajal struggled to hide her disappointment. She had assumed a tall, ripped guy like Will would have been packing more. However, as he took his semi-stiff cock in his hand and began wanking himself hard, Kajal caught sight of the most enormous ball sack she had ever seen. It heaved back and forth with each of Will’s firm pumps, and she imagined it full of potent seed, ready to give her the baby she had long coveted.

“Come on, Will! Come and make me your Indian slut!”

Gripping the waistband of her skirt, he pulled it off and dropped it on the garage floor. Then he wrestled her panties over her legs and trainers, throwing them down next to her skirt. Only then, as Kajal raised her legs and rested them on his shoulders, did he take his cock in his hand and thrust inside her.

The way Will closed his eyes, threw his head back, and let out an animalistic grunt as his cock slowly entered Kajal made her think he hadn’t had sex for months. Then, pulling on the front of her thighs until her bottom was hanging off the edge of the sideboard, he thrust hard into Kajal, launching his hips against her in a series of mighty, punctuated heaves.

Kajal began to regret giving Will he was the impression he was some kind of porn star. She felt he was overcompensating for his lack of size with his macho grunts and powerful thrusts. But his technique didn’t do anything for Kajal, and she knew that if she were going to cum, she would need to do it herself. Putting her hand between her legs, she rubbed her clitoris with her fingertips, hoping to bring herself off, but Will’s amateur dramatics were distracting her, and she wasn’t feeling it. Finally, after a few minutes, she gave up.

Kajal encouraged Will with a few pleasurable moans, but after five minutes of staccato thrusts and much panting and sweating, he seemed no closer to his climax. Kajal began to worry about getting the gazebo decorated in time. And she really must get rid of that pile of empty paint tins on the garage floor.

Finally, after several more minutes of the same monotonous thrusting, Will began to show the first signs of finishing, and Kajal encouraged him with more dirty talk. Perhaps then he would cum then let her get on with the rest of her day.

“Yes, Will! Fill my dark, tight Indian pussy with your cum. Empty your huge balls deep inside me. Then pull out and walk away. Leave me with your seed dripping from my used cunt. Come on, Will! Cum for me!”

Suddenly, it was as if someone had turned a tap on. Will grunted as he came, and Kajal felt streams, not ropes, of semen, flooding her pussy. With each new thrust, as much cum seemed to be forced out of her as Will was pumping back in, and Kajal could feel a steady rivulet flow over her anus and drip to the floor every time he entered her.

“Yes! Cum for me, Will! I want every drop in my eager pussy,” Kajal cried.

Will’s performance may have been underwhelming, but what he lacked in skill, he more than made up for in virility. Kajal had never known a guy cum so much, and as Will finally stopped thrusting and reached for his T-shirt to wipe his brow, she figured it had been worth it. With her pussy full of its second load of the weekend, the pressure was off. Now she could concentrate on enjoying the Coronation and street party rather than finding another guy to fuck. And even if Will chose to be indiscreet, Kajal was confident she would get a five-star review.

Will pulled out and inspected the mess he had made of Kajal. Then as instructed, he smiled, put on his T-shirt and shorts, blew her a kiss, and then left by the garage’s side door. After waiting a few minutes to allow her body to absorb her latest load, Kajal pulled herself upright, sitting on the edge of the sideboard. Another thick stream of semen dripped from her as she stood to retrieve her skirt and panties.

“Oh, for fucks sake!” she said as she saw her skirt on the floor at the end of the sideboard. Now, it was stained not only by Steven’s crusty mess but also by several large puddles of Will’s fresh jism, slowly soaking into the front.

“Fuck my life!” she muttered as she put on her panties and discreetly returned to the house through the back door, clutching her skirt.




By half past ten, the street looked resplendent with bunting, balloons and highly decorated street food stalls. Kajal and Jhansi’s gazebo was one of the most ornate, richly adorned with the flags of India and the UK and walls of bright orange marigold garlands on three sides. Some people in the street were already in their national dress as they set up, their children sporting Union flag face paint and hats. Eventually, with the procession to the Abbey about to start, Kajal and Jhansi decided they had done all they could and returned to their houses to finish cooking and watch the ceremony. Kajal brought a mirror and her make-up down to the lounge so she could apply it during the boring bits.

Meenakshi and the girls had planned to arrive by quarter past ten but had texted to say the many road closures around Westminster had held them up. But she was confident that they would be there shortly. Kajal had considered asking Jhansi to join them but figured Jhansi would rather watch it with Sahil. Besides, she had said she still had some cooking to do.

The procession to the Abbey looked stunning in the bright spring sunlight. Helmets and brasses sparkled as the horses, carriages, and soldiers snaked their way through the Westminster streets, cheered on by enthusiastic crowds lining the route. The King and Queen were passing Parliament Square when the doorbell finally rang.

“Fucking hell!” Meenakshi said as she hugged Kajal and thrust some Indian sweets into her hand. “I didn’t think we’d ever get here! Has it started yet?”

“No, don’t worry,” Kajal replied. “They’re not even at the Abbey yet.” She hugged Nisha and Seema and welcomed them to her home. “You all look amazing! Seema – that sari is beautiful! I love the beadwork.”

“Thank you,” Seema replied. “I thought I would dress up in case I strike it lucky later.” She gave Kajal a wink.

Kajal directed her friends to the lounge and brought a bottle of Prosecco and four glasses from the kitchen. “I’m going to be up and down sorting food, so help yourselves,” she said, pouring a first glass for everyone. “There’s plenty more where this came from. And Meenakshi – there is fruit juice in the fridge, too, since you’re the driver.”

The women sat and eagerly watched the scene unfolding on the television.

“So, the plan is that the street party will begin when the balcony appearance is over, whatever time that is,” Kajal said. “Then, we’ll take the food outside and help Jhansi with hers. She’s due in two weeks, so she can’t be on her feet for long, unfortunately.”

“Don’t worry – we’ll help you serve,” Nisha said. “You’ll need to keep checking how everything else is going in other parts of the street, so leave the food to us. It smells delicious, by the way.”

“Is there anything else we can help you with during the day?” Meenakshi said slyly. “We will all understand if you need time… for other things.”

Kajal hadn’t had the chance to fill the women in on the events of the previous twenty-four hours, and now didn’t seem the time to do so.

“Let’s just worry about the food first,” she replied with an embarrassed smile.




As the procession from the Abbey to the Palace ended, Kajal went upstairs to dress. When she emerged from her room, looking radiant in her green lehenga and Indian gold jewellery, the women all complimented her on her choice of dress.

“Oh, my God, Kajal! We won’t have to try too hard to find you a man this afternoon. We’re going to be fighting them off with shitty sticks! You look so sexy!”

Kajal appreciated the compliment, but with the flypast over and the Royal Family withdrawing behind the Palace walls for the final time, she had to put the women to work.

“Okay. Seema – the saag is on the hob. Can you take that outside, please? Meenakshi – the dal is next to it. Nisha – can you grab napkins, bowls, and cutlery? I’ll bring the Coronation Chicken and salad.”

The entire street emptied into their front gardens as the women quickly set up the food. Over the road, Grace was already serving nshima and fish stew while wearing a vibrant Zambian chitenge. Her youngest, Goodson, was on her back, suspended from another chitenge. Kajal thought it looked dangerous, but Goodson seemed happy as he slept in his makeshift papoose.

Soon, Jhansi came to join them, with Aakil in his pushchair. Sahil followed, bringing biryani, samosas, naan bread and other delights Jhansi had made. With the food delivered, he returned inside to find a comfortable chair for his wife.

Kajal was slightly worried about Jhansi meeting the other women. What would this straight-laced, sensible woman make of her new cousin and her friends? She hoped Meenakshi would keep sex out of the conversation, at least while Jhansi was around, and not embarrass her.

Although their Indian food was hugely popular, with five women serving on a rota basis, there were plenty of opportunities to wander around the street to see what else was happening. Kajal was impressed that the guys had all the children engaged in a carousel of fun activities, and Steven had music pumping from the vast speaker system he had set up.

About half past four, with the party in full swing, Connor came running over with a worried look.

“Kajal, a guy is wandering the street in a suit and carrying an iPad. He’s taking notes. I think he’s a Council inspector because he asked me who is in charge. I gave him your name. I hate to say it, but I think my ex-girlfriend might have tipped them off, and now they’re checking up on us.”

“Fuck my life,” Kajal said to herself as Connor sidled off before the inspector came asking questions.

It was easy for Kajal to identify the inspector; he was the only guy formally dressed, stopping at each stall and pecking his iPad with one finger. When he turned and saw the women, all dressed in Indian attire, he immediately headed towards Kajal and her friends.

Kajal tried to size the inspector up as he approached. He was around her age, handsome in a bookish way, tall, and fit. She was pleased that he seemed friendly and not too officious.

“Good afternoon, ladies. I’m looking for Kajal Sharma. Do any of you know where she might be?”

“I’m Kajal,” she replied nervously. “How can I help?”

“I’m Dr Finn MacLeod, from the Council’s Environmental Health team,” he said, flashing his identification badge. “I wonder if we might have a word?”

“Oooh! Kajal! He’s a doctor! And he sounds like James Herriot from the television,” Seema said excitedly, pushing out her bust and shrugging her shoulders suggestively.

“I’m not that sort of doctor, madam,” the inspector said with a bashful smile. “Nor am I a vet.”

Seema looked disappointed.

“I’m sure all your paperwork is in place, but I’m afraid I don’t have any record of it on the system. I know the office is behind in processing the permissions on our side, so if you have copies it would be really helpful,” the inspector said.

“What documents do you need?” Kajal asked.

“Well, I will need to see your license for amplified music, risk assessments for the activities, and, of course, your granted permission form. But, I have to tell you, if I find sufficient irregularities, I do have the authority to close the party down, I’m afraid.”

Kajal looked aghast. All their hard work would be for nothing, but the game was up, and she might as well admit it. Connor’s ex-girlfriend had won, the cow.

“I’m sorry, I don’t…”

“She doesn’t have them with her,” Nisha interrupted. “But she can get them for you.”

“I can?” Kajal said sceptically.

“Yes, of course you can! I saw them earlier – they’re in your Ghotul.” Nisha gave Kajal a discreet wink.

“Yes, they’re definitely in your Ghotul,” Meenakshi agreed, catching on quickly. “I saw them there earlier, in a file.”

“Oh, well, that’s perfect,” the inspector said. “Perhaps you can fetch them from your, er, Ghotul in a moment? The only other thing I need to do is conduct a spot check that the party is run by residents, for residents. I’m afraid if other people are present, it will affect the licensing arrangements for the bar. So ladies, can you confirm which houses are yours, please?”

“Well, I live here, and Jhansi lives next door, there,” Kajal said.

“And we live around the corner. You can’t see our houses from here, but you will get a perfect view if you follow Kajal to her Ghotul. She will point them out from there,” Seema said. “Her Ghotul overlooks our houses.”

Kajal didn’t know what to think. It was crystal clear that her friends expected her to fuck her way out of her predicament, and they seemed confident that she could do so. However, while Kajal would normally have jumped at the chance of fucking a handsome, intelligent, sensitive man like Dr MacLeod, something was different this time. It wasn’t just that she still had another guy’s sperm inside her; that hadn’t worried her this morning with Will. Nor was it shame at fucking her third guy in twenty-four hours or even concern that the street party might be closed. Something was different, and she couldn’t quite grasp what it was.

“Come on,” Kajal said resignedly to the inspector. “Let’s go inside.”

“Thank you, Ms Sharma. I must say, this ‘Ghotul’ sounds like paradise to an Environmental Inspector. I’m sure you’ll be able to provide me with everything I need there,” the inspector said.

“Oh, you can bet on it,” Meenakshi called after them.

“I’m sure you’ll leave completely satisfied,” Nisha chipped in.

As Kajal closed the door behind her and the inspector, she heard peals of laughter from the front garden.




“Can I get you a drink, Doctor?” Kajal asked as the inspector wiped his feet.

“Oh, please, call me Finn,” he replied. “Yes, please. It has been a long day. Just some water, please.”

“Then you must call me Kajal. Ms Sharma sounds terribly formal,” Kajal said as the inspector sat down, and Kajal went to the kitchen. “I hope you haven’t had to close down many parties today. I don’t think people understand how much work goes into them and how much the community gets from the shared experience. Especially the children.” Kajal was laying it on thick.

She returned from the kitchen, placed two glasses of water on the coffee table, and sat beside the inspector.

“No, no. I’ve not shut any down. I usually find that I can find a creative solution if there are any discrepancies in the paperwork. I think a light touch and a bit of… give and take on both sides can usually resolve the problem,” Finn replied with a wink. “One woman this afternoon hadn’t applied for any paperwork at all, but it only took a few minutes of extra effort on her part before I left completely satisfied.”

“Oh, I see,” Kajal looked disappointed. “I didn’t realise it worked like that. Well, I may as well admit I have no paperwork, and my friends live in Hounslow. So I think you will need to have sex with me like you did with the other woman. As long as you promise the party can continue after.”

Finn looked horrified. “Oh, my God! Kajal, I am so sorry! That wasn’t what I meant at all! No, I mean, most permissions can be worked out retrospectively. Indeed, the ones you need can. So I can be on my way if I can just ask you to fill out these forms first. The Council don’t want to be seen as killjoys on this happy occasion.”

Kajal wrapped her arms around Finn and gave him a long, tight hug. “Oh, I thought you were going to be one of these men who take advantage, and I was disappointed because you seem so lovely.”

Kajal couldn’t believe what had just come out of her mouth.

Finn didn’t know what to say, and when he eventually found the words, they came out all at once.

“And I think you’re rather lovely too. But, yours is the last party on my list, so do you think I might hang around for a while after we’re done, and maybe try some of that beautiful food you’re serving?”

Kajal laughed. “Of course you can, unless it means I have yet another form to fill in.”

When Finn and Kajal returned to the garden five minutes later, the women were shocked.

“God, that didn’t take long,” Meenakshi said, looking down her nose at Finn.

“No, it’s all sorted out. Properly sorted out,” Kajal said. “And Finn will join us for a while now his work is finished.”

All four women looked stunned.

“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongues?” Kajal asked.




Around half past seven, after watching the Pop-up Choir’s impressive rendition of the National Anthem, Kajal and Finn went indoors before it got dark and the fireworks began. The food stalls had long since packed up, and most neighbours had gathered outside Steven’s house to watch the choir perform. And there they remained, on picnic blankets or camping chairs, drinking beer and wine and chatting in small groups, their children enjoying a rare late bedtime.

Kajal opened a bottle of Champagne and poured them both a glass. Their mutual attraction had been noticeable to everyone, and Kajal was glad to finally be alone with Finn to find out where it might lead.

“Well, Kajal, having seen several street parties today, I can safely say yours was the best. Well done! Your neighbours have had a wonderful time, as have I.”

“Aw, thank you! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it,” Kajal replied. “Now, let’s toast the King. May he have a long, happy and successful reign.”

The two clinked glasses.

“But the highlight for me, if I may be so bold, was meeting you, Kajal.” Finn continued. “I hope I can see you again, perhaps for dinner next week?”

“I’d like that,” Kajal replied, taking Finn’s glass and putting it on the coffee table. She leaned in and kissed him. As their caresses became more passionate, Kajal couldn’t help but notice the bulge in Finn’s suit trousers. Long and thick, it seemed she had hit the jackpot at last.

Kajal was sick of living room furniture. Having been fucked over the back of a couch and on the top of a sideboard in the last twenty-four hours, she decided that if things were going to progress with Finn, it should happen in the bedroom and more comfortable surroundings. So she stood, took his hand, and led him up the stairs, sashaying her hips as she walked before him.

When they reached the bedroom, Kajal was glad she had tidied up in case such an eventuality occurred. She closed the curtains, switched on a lamp, and went to kiss Finn again.

“Welcome to my Ghotul,” Kajal said seductively. Although, we don’t have to do anything unless you want to.”

Finn kissed her again. “Ah, so this is your Ghotul, and this is what you planned when you brought me inside? I was horrified when you thought I was going to demand sex from you, but now, it seems, you were about to do the same to me!”

Kajal gave him a guilty smile.

“But, of course, I want to,” Finn continued, holding her hands. “But I must shower first. I’ve been in the sun all day in this suit. Is that okay?”

“Me too,” Kajal replied, although it was more than the stickiness of a day in the sun that Kajal wanted to remove from her body. “You use the en-suite, I’ll use the bathroom. Let me fetch you a fresh towel.”

Once Finn had disappeared into the en-suite, Kajal quickly retrieved her make-up and took some of her best white lace underwear from the drawer. She knew she would need to shower quickly to avoid keeping Finn waiting. But she had to be thorough to ensure none of Will’s residual cum reappeared when she was with Finn. Kajal didn’t want him to think she was a total slut.

Finn was already in bed when Kajal returned from the bathroom. He leaned over and pulled down her side of the duvet, enticing Kajal to join him. Then, unfastening her dressing gown, Kajal shrugged it from her shoulders and allowed it to drop to the floor.

“Kajal, you look exquisite,” Finn said as she slowly walked towards the bed. The contrast of the white lace on her dark skin was stunning, and the delicate lace allowed Finn a teasing glimpse of what lay beneath.

“Thank you,” Kajal replied as she knelt on the bed and crawled over to straddle him, pinning him down with the duvet. “You don’t look too bad yourself,” she said, running the palms of her hands over his firm pectoral muscles and shoulders.

Kajal could feel Finn’s cock under the duvet, and she lowered her hips until her pussy pressed hard against it. Then, leaning forward, she kissed him, and she felt his hands reach around and fumble with her bra strap, quickly releasing the hooks. Kajal raised her body again, cupping her breasts to stop her bra from falling off. Finally, after loosening the shoulder straps, she allowed the bra to fall forward, revealing her small, dark breasts to Finn for the first time.

“Have you seen an Indian woman’s body before?” she asked. “Is it what you expected?”

Finn shook his head. “Never. But your nipples are so dark and alluring. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so beautiful.”

“You might notice other bits are darker than on white women,” Kajal said coyly. “I don’t want you to be shy. I want you to explore every inch of my body, and I would like to explore yours too.” Kajal rolled onto her back next to Finn.

Finn leaned over, kissing Kajal. Then he explored further, running his fingers through her dark, damp hair, and as Kajal turned her head, Finn traced her neck and shoulders with soft licks and butterfly kisses. Finally, deciding his position was restrictive, he climbed on top of Kajal, straddling her as he continued kissing her neck, chin and eyelids.

Kajal could feel Finn’s cock between their abdomens, the tip gently nudging her navel. Then, as he moved his mouth downwards towards her breasts, she felt his tip slide closer to her pussy, leaving a wet string of pre-cum in its wake. Kajal gasped and gripped his head as Finn took each nipple, sucking them deep into his mouth as she moaned with appreciative pleasure.

When Finn moved further down between Kajal’s open legs, she released his head and lay her arms on the pillow behind her head as if in submission. She flinched as he flicked his tongue around the stud in her navel, the bristles on his chin arousing as they brushed her sensitive lower abdomen.

When Finn’s face reached her smooth mound, Kajal began to panic. Although she had done everything she could to ensure she was clean, after receiving two huge loads in the past twenty-four hours, it was likely that there was still some of Will and Steven’s cum inside her. If Finn used his fingers or, God forbid, his tongue on her, she couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t get a nasty surprise.

Finn sniffed in Kajal’s scent, and she gripped his head again.

“No, Finn. It might be best not to do that now.” Kajal was disappointed at having to turn down oral sex for the second time in as many days. “I love it, but not now, please.”

“Why?” Finn asked, briefly coming up for breath. “Because you were with another man earlier today?”

Instead of stopping, Finn continued until his tongue brushed the length of her opening. “And another one yesterday,” he continued, during a brief pause. “I don’t see why that should stop us from enjoying this.”

Kajal couldn’t believe it! How could Finn possibly know about Steven and Will? Both of them must have been boasting, and now the whole street was talking about it. Kajal didn’t care what the neighbours thought, but she was anxious about Finn’s opinion of her.

But as Finn’s tongue eagerly ploughed her more deeply with every upward stroke, it became apparent that not only was he unconcerned about her recent slutty behaviour, he was equally untroubled about what he might find when his tongue probed even further.

“Oh, my God,” Kajal said, drawing her knees back and splaying them wider. “God, Finn. You’re incredible.”

And it wasn’t just what Finn did with his tongue that impressed Kajal. That he was so comfortable with her being with other men and welcomed the implications that held for him was deeply attractive. She could only imagine the fun she could have with such an open-minded guy.

When Finn put one finger, then two, inside Kajal, she knew she wouldn’t last much longer. With his fist pounding her perineum and his fingertips stimulating her G-spot, Kajal felt a powerful orgasm begin to build. She didn’t know if the slick wetness facilitating Finn’s thrusts was all her own, but it enabled her to enjoy all the incredible sensations he elicited from her comfortably. Then, when he began expertly licking her clitoris in a series of deft, firm strokes, Kajal reached for her breasts.

“Oh, God! You’re going to make me cum,” she cried, gripping her nipples and massaging her breasts hard.

The first orgasm caused Kajal’s body to jackknife spontaneously. Then, as Finn continued fingering her at the same relentless pace, an inexplicable chill gripped her, causing her to tremble uncontrollably as she loudly moaned through another orgasm.

Eventually, Finn allowed Kajal’s orgasms to ebb. He slowed his finger thrusts until he stopped completely, leaving his fingers inside her, moving only the tips slowly and gently across her sweet spot. Finally, he pulled out and lay beside Kajal.

Feeling guilty that Finn had already made her cum without her so much as seeing his cock, much less touching it, Kajal composed herself and prepared to reciprocate oral sex on him. Kneeling, she turned to see that Finn’s cock looked as impressive as it had felt. It was long, thick, and contoured with pulsing veins. Its uncircumcised tip was still leaking pre-cum, and underneath, two huge testes drooped lazily across his inner thigh.

“Yes, Kajal. I’d like you to explore my body, just as you said. So take your time, but maybe swing your leg over my body so I can still explore you too.”

Kajal did as Finn asked, adopting the sixty-nine position with Finn underneath, shuffling up the bed until her mouth could comfortably take his penis and he could reach her vulva.

“Tell me if I get it wrong,” he said, returning his attention to Kajal’s clitoris.

Kajal didn’t verbally respond. Instead, she pulled back his foreskin, licked the resultant drop of pre-cum from his tip, and then took as much of his cock as she could into her mouth. Finn gasped as Kajal took him in the back of her throat. Then, closing her lips around his girth, she slowly drew her head backwards until only his glans remained in her mouth. Finally, gripping the base of Finn’s shaft and sucking in her cheeks, Kajal began to move up and down his length in ever-quickening strokes.

Kajal could feel Finn’s gentle licks and kisses as he continued to acquaint himself with her body and her likes and dislikes. Finally, when he licked around her anus, Kajal’s soft moans told him this was something she enjoyed, so he pulled apart her firm cheeks and devoted himself to her anal pleasure as she skilfully bobbed up and down on his cock.

When Finn turned his attention to her pussy again, Kajal wondered if she was still leaking Steven and Will’s mess. But, if she was, Finn didn’t say anything. Perhaps he didn’t want to embarrass her, or maybe he didn’t want her to know how much it turned him on. Either way, it demonstrated he was a caring, sensitive lover unlike any she had known before.

When Kajal came up for air, kneeling upright and stroking Finn’s dick with her hand, he told her he couldn’t wait to be inside her any longer.

“Let me make love to you,” he said softly. “Let me look into your eyes and make love to you.”

Kajal suspected her fellatio skills were bringing Finn close to orgasm, so she happily acceded. Finn was different to the other guys, but that only made her more certain she wanted his cum inside her. Who would become the father of her child was now in the lap of the gods, but Kajal desperately hoped that it would be the next load she received which would prove to be the one with the greatest potency.

Kajal lay back on the bed and opened her legs. The missionary position was a little dull, and Kajal found it difficult to cum that way, but for her first time with Finn, it felt right. She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and drew him towards her as he took his weight on his powerful arms. Finn slipped inside Kajal easily, and she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer still. Finally, he dropped to his elbows and cradled Kajal’s head as he kissed her.

For a minute, Finn and Kajal remained locked in a motionless embrace. Being together was enough, and Kajal didn’t want the moment to end. For once, she didn’t feel under pressure; with Finn, it just felt right. Even when he first began to move inside her, it was in time with the rhythm of their lovemaking rather than the wild thrusts of a man chasing his climax. To know it was her he wanted, body and soul gave Kajal a feeling of completeness she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

When Finn’s climax came, it took Kajal by surprise. There was no wild thrusting, grunts or howls; he just loudly sighed as he pushed himself deep and locked himself in place, kissing her tenderly on the neck as he delivered the gift Kajal had craved for so long.

“Ah, yes,” Kajal whispered as Finn followed up his initial push with a second. “Yes, that’s it. I want to feel you inside me, now and always.”




Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. Kajal and Finn were still naked in bed, and she had just sucked Finn hard again. So she wasn’t inclined to get up and answer the door.

“It’ll just be Jhansi telling me the fireworks are starting shortly. But we still have a few minutes, I reckon. Enough time for more naughties, if you’re ready, Mister.”

Not needing a second invitation, Finn raised his eyebrows and shot her a crooked smile.

“You know what I’d like? I’d like you to take me against the wall. I want to feel your breath and kisses on my neck as you press me to the wall and fuck me hard,” Kajal added. She knew Finn could do gentle lovemaking, but could he give her the rough, hard sex she often needed?

Finn looked a little surprised but said nothing. Instead, he got out the bed and stood with his arms out. Catching on, Kajal stood on the bed and walked towards him. Draping her arms around his neck, she threw her legs around Finn’s waist as he gripped her bottom in both hands. Then, turning around, he effortlessly walked her towards the wall and pressed Kajal against it with his body. Suddenly, Kajal felt the tip of Finn’s cock at her opening as he lowered her onto his thick pole.

Finn was every bit as good as Kajal had hoped. He seemed indefatigable, thrusting hard into Kajal as he supported her body weight with his arms. Sometimes, on the rare occasions he needed to take a break, he would pull out and set Kajal down before turning her around and entering her from behind, sometimes forcing her upper body flat against the wall as he pounded her. In that position, Kajal couldn’t help but cum, and soon she could feel her thighs coated in her juices.

With her ear pressed against the wall, Kajal heard Jhansi and Sahil’s bedsprings begin to creak. Too concerned with her and Finn’s pleasure, she didn’t give it too much thought. Perhaps Jhansi had knocked to let her know she was tired and was retiring for the night? But then Kajal heard whispering next door, which didn’t sound like Jhansi and Sahil.

“Oh, God! Kajal, I’m going to cum. I can’t hold back – I’m going to cum!” Finn was nearing his climax.

“Yes, Finn! Cum for me! Cum inside me again. Make my pussy yours!”

This time, Finn’s crisis was anything but quiet. He grasped her breasts firmly as his cadence slowed, and then, with his legs spread wide, he repeatedly thrust himself inside her in short, staccato bursts, dumping a thick rope of semen inside her with every push.

‘Gnnn! Gnnn! Gnnn!”

As his orgasm passed and his cock became flaccid, Finn pulled out, turned Kajal around and kissed her firmly. It was then that the noise began next door. The bedsprings creaked as hoots, cheers, and copious applause seeped through the wall.

“You go, girl!” Meenakshi’s voice was unmistakable.

“Oh, my God! Does he have a brother?” said Seema.

Finn and Kajal looked at one another and laughed.




Kajal took Finn’s arm as the fireworks crackled, hissed and burst above their heads.

“So, are you two an item now then?” Nisha asked.

Kajal and Finn looked at one another and smiled.

 “It’s early days,” Finn replied. “Let’s see how it goes.”

“Yes, perhaps we can get to know one another even better if we’re given a little privacy,” Kajal scolded. “God! I can’t believe you lot! How did you get Jhansi to let you into her bedroom?”

“She was there too. In fact, it was her idea. When nobody answered the door, we figured you two must be at it, so Jhansi said we could come and listen – just so we knew that you were safe, of course,” Meenakshi explained disingenuously. “Besides, she said she and Sahil have put on a show for you plenty of times, so it was only fair that you should do the same in return.”

Kajal looked confused. “Put on a show?”

“Duh!” Meenakshi mocked. “Jhansi knows how thin the walls are. You often wake Aakash up with late-night vacuuming after you’ve finished decorating for the day. Jhansi and Sahil are too polite to mention it, but we’re not. Anyway, they both have an exhibitionist side, so they figured they’d keep you up with some noise of their own occasionally.”

Kajal couldn’t believe it. “Jhansi? An exhibitionist? She’s one of the most conservative, straight-laced people I know!”

Meenakshi, Nisha and Seema giggled. “Okay, then ask her about when she and Sahil went skiing. And what they did in Florida. And believe me, exhibitionism is only the start!” Seema was delighted to be the one to break the news to Kajal. “You must know, it’s always the quiet ones!”

“So I spend months getting to know Jhansi, but I knew none of this. You three spend a few hours with her and discover everything! What the fuck?”

Jhansi, Sahil and Aakash came over to join them. Aakash was wrapped up in his pushchair with ear defenders on, enjoying the fireworks.

Kajal hugged Jhansi. “Oh, God! I’m so sorry! I had no idea my vacuuming was responsible for Aakash not sleeping. I’m sure you’ve dropped a hundred hints, and I’ve been too thick to pick them up. Sorry, Didi.”

“Well, we got our revenge, didn’t we?” Jhansi winked. “Although, I know you enjoyed hearing us sometimes. The sound travels both ways, you know.”

Kajal blushed.




Several months later, Kajal’s phone pinged. The email told her her daughter’s DNA results were online.

Collecting sufficient saliva from a teething baby hadn’t been difficult, and Kajal had submitted the sample to the company six weeks previously. Now the results were in.

Kajal looked at the maps and data once more, and this time they seemed conclusive. Looking at the ‘DNA Matches’ tab confirmed it:

‘Uncle – 1900cM shared.’

A smile spread across Kajal’s face as she recognised the name.

Finn entered the kitchen, wearing only a bath towel, and kissed the baby.

“How’s my beautiful Nina?” he asked. “Are you enjoying your din-dins?”

Nina smiled and smeared another spoonful of puréed casserole across her face with her plastic spoon.

He kissed the top of Kajal’s head. “And how’s my original best girl?”

“Oh, I’m fine. Just fine,” Kajal replied.

She went to the ‘DNA Settings’ tab, switched the ‘Confidential’ button to ‘On’, clicked ‘Save’, and then put away her phone.



Published 2 years ago

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