“Ah, there it is!” Chester eventually exclaimed, rummaging through his attic Many years back, when he was still a teenager, his grandfather had told him about his years as a wizard, and the many spellbooks he possessed, some of which he claimed contained ‘forbidden’ spells.
Chester always thought his grandfather was just making it up for his amusement. Until recently, when his grandfather passed away. That was when his belongings were divided and Chester came across a couple of notebooks, a wand, and some loose parchments with spell incantations written on them.
Out of curiosity, and boredom, Chester gave one of the ‘luck’ incantations a try. To his surprise, it actually worked! The doorbell rang almost immediately after casting the incantation. Opening the door, he was greeted by a lottery spokesperson, claiming he had won a big lottery prize (even though he never bought a ticket for it). As the ticket was registered to his address, he received the prize anyway. Later, at work, He suddenly started receiving tips frequently, which he wasn’t used to, his boss even called him in to give him a pay raise, seemingly out of nowhere. It convinced Chester that having that much luck wasn’t just luck, or fate. It had to have been magical.
He couldn’t wait to tell his girlfriend Mariana about it, but when he arrived home, he discovered her lounging around on the couch in nothing but her lingerie, which was a very rare occurrence. The subject of the lucky charm incantation became a worry for later, and instead, Chester and Mariana made out on the couch.
Sweet kisses became French kisses, and before long, Chester was planting his lips all over Mariana’s body. From her neck, down to her breasts, down to her stomach, all the way down to her toes, before slowly heading back up to her belly button while cheekily evading her vagina, only for her to manually push his head back down again.
When the couple was finished with their foreplay, they considered continuing things in the bedroom, but Chester quickly changed his mind and decided to remain on the couch, purely to make use of his newfound luck and discover new, intimate positions on the spot and turn their evening into an unforgettable experience.
It was only after the sex, when Mariana was just about ready to ask for an inhaler, that Chester told her about the incantation.
Mariana was skeptical at first, and put his claims to the test, instantly tossing various random clothing pieces and other items at him, shouting, “Think fast!” Needless to say, Chester caught everything, and even successfully repeated the test with his back turned to Mariana, which, in her eyes, proved his luck. In the years to follow, both Chester and Mariana used Chester’s luck to their advantage, and they lived a relatively happy life for nearly five years.
But, although they lived happily, they did not live smart and paced the usage of Chester’s luck. They spent it wishing for free food deliveries and other simple things. The spell had a decay rate, and every month, Chester’s luck whittled, little by little. And by the time they connected the dots, it was already too late. After the fourth year, they had even started to run into some misfortunes, which lead to arguing between the two. A little at first, but more and more over time. Chester eventually tried to refresh the incantation, but it seemed to work only once, as it did not improve his luck in the slightest.
And as their luck whittled away, so did their sex life. Suddenly Chester found himself in situations where he would spontaneously suffer from an acute, head-splitting migraine if Mariana got in the mood. Or he would trip on his way to the bedroom and severely sprain his legs. The unlucky accidents put their sex life on hold, though it bothered Chester more than Mariana.
Mariana had discovered that Chester’s misfortune provided her with a natural luck in getting away with the risky encounters she planned with other men. Poor Chester was none the wiser. Whenever his misfortune caused a plumbing pipe to burst, he left the house in hopes of minimizing the damage while Mariana hired a plumber to fix the problem. By the time he returned, the problem was always fixed, free of charge, even! Chester called it her natural luck. Little did he know it was paid in nature.
Eventually, when Chester tried to convince Mariana to do the incantation on herself to renew their luck as a couple. Mariana feared they’d both end up being unlucky and preferred if they’d just remain as they were, relying on Mariana’s natural luck to keep their life as stable as they could. But as Chester’s life became more and more miserable, he started to wonder if the luck incantation he had cast, was one of the forbidden spells his grandfather had warned about. Why else was it written on a loose parchment instead of being included in a spellbook?
And that’s when it hit him. “Spellbooks! Of course”, Chester exclaimed. He rushed to the attic to recover his grandfather’s notebooks, but as he neared the pile of neatly placed books, he slipped and knocked everything over. Books disappeared in piles of other possessions, and Chester spent hours sorting through them, continuously finding books that only ended up being old textbooks from his college days.
“Ah, there it is!” Chester eventually exclaimed, rummaging through his attic. He didn’t bother checking for any other books and brought the spellbook downstairs to examine it under better lighting. Skimming the pages, he found instructions on the strangest spells. Spells to transmute diamonds into paper (who would even do such a thing?), turn a bee into an eagle, make people believe anything you say, make cardboard radioactive, or even turn people into various kinds of animals. “What are even the logical uses for any of these spells?” Chester wondered.
Disappointed with his findings and lack of any seemingly useful spells, Chester stored the book in his drawer and returned to the attic, where he spent the rest of his day looking for other loose parchments and notebooks in hopes of finding something better, anything at all. Though, with Chester’s lock gone sour, he only made a bigger mess, and had to resort to clearing out the entire attic. Hours turned into days, days into weeks. He barely talked with Mariana anymore and when they did, talking turned into arguing, and even fighting.
The hallways had become clogged with all the items previously stored in the attic, much to Mariana’s dismay. She simply wanted to move on, but Chester insisted on finding a spell to fix everything. When Chester finally fully cleared the attic, he was certain parchments and notebooks were missing. He could’ve sworn he had more than he recovered from the attic and grew suspicious of Mariana, whose disinterest in the subject of magic and spells suddenly felt like a ploy to him.
In his mind, Mariana was up to something, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. But instead of focusing on mending their relationship, or clearing out the hallways and restoring the attic to the organized mess it used to be, Chester devoted his time to spying on Mariana. His paranoia eventually got the better of him, and without logical reason, he started feeling that she was going to cheat on him. In his anger, he went back through his grandfather’s notes, looking for any spells to use as a preemptive attack, when his eyes landed once again on the spell turning people into animals.
“You know what, if she insists on cheating on me like a bitch, then a bitch she shall be,” Chester muttered to himself. He read up on the spell, scribbled down some notes, collected his grandfather’s wand, and snuck up on Mariana, who was changing her clothes in front of her wardrobe. She had not seen or heard Chester enter the room as she was listening to some music and was more focused on her outfit for the day.
Without explaining himself, or even bothering to question Mariana first, Chester quietly muttered the spell, his wand glistened in response, and with a flick of his wrist, he hurled the spell at her. However, Chester had not accounted for his rotten luck, and as Mariana ducked to pick up a fallen piece of clothing, the spell went right past her, ricocheted off of the standing mirror behind her, and bolted right back at himself. Not having expected this outcome, Chester failed to react in time to dodge his spell, and within seconds, he turned into a dog, while the transformation knocked him out cold and trapped him underneath his former clothing.
The wand hit the wooden floor and startled Mariana. She yelped and turned, expecting to see Chester, but instead only saw a pile of his clothing and a wand lying at the doorpost. Lifting the clothing, she discovered a fast-asleep dog. Doing the math, she figured, “Chester had turned himself into a dog… But why? Was he trying to present me with a gift to make amends?” She simply could not tell. Nor could she ask Chester who, besides being asleep, was now also a dog, unable to speak like a human anymore.
Wondering if Chester had left an explanation anywhere, she looked around the house, but found no notes in the living room, on the fridge, or in the bedroom. All Mariana could find was an old book lying on the bed. Opening it, she realized it was a spellbook. “Maybe this will tell me what happened and how to reverse it,” Mariana thought aloud as she started going through the book.
At first, she went through the pages chuckling as she discovered some of the strange spells in the book, but when she found the transformation spell Chester had used, her lighthearted mood was quickly replaced with anger. Chester’s scribbles consisted of various sidenotes. ‘Cheater’, ‘bitch’, ‘revenge’, ‘keep or sell?’, ‘puppies?’, Mariana couldn’t believe her eyes. She was disgusted with what she read, angry with how Chester had even attempted to cast the spell, relieved with how it backfired on pure luck, and determined to not let Chester get away with this unprovoked attack.
With a desire for vengeance, she kept going through the book, looking for any spells she could use in retaliation. That was when she found the spell to make people believe everything she’d say. A sidenote read the spell would only be effective for 24 hours, so Mariana took the time to carefully lay out her plan…
“Up you get!” Mariana said as she shook Chester awake. He quickly remembered what had happened and started barking angrily. “Nuh-uh!” Mariana said, shaking her index finger at him. “You may be a bad dog, but you will behave around me.” Instantly, Chester went quiet. He didn’t seem happy in the slightest, but he stopped barking and growling at her.
Mariana then kneeled and clipped a collar around Chester’s neck. Hanging from it, was a dog tag with the name ‘Chester’ engraved on it. Adding insult to injury, she also clipped a pink bow tie to the top of his head. A malicious smile appeared on her face as she brought her face close to his, looked into his eyes, and said, “Now that you’re a dog, it’s important to have you chipped, so we’re taking a trip to the vet!”
Being magically unable to resist, the leashed Chester reluctantly followed Mariana on their walk to the clinic, whom she had called earlier that day to ‘remind’ them of the chipping appointment she was bringing Chester in for.
While at the clinic, Mariana even took the opportunity to call all of Chester’s friends, family, and anyone else they mutually knew, to tell them that she got a little crazy with buying a phone for her dog and that she would stop using it. “Feel free to remove the number, and if you ever want to hang out with Chester and me, feel free to drop by!” Everyone instantly forgot about the once-human Chester, All while Chester was in earshot, silently crying to himself as he heard how all of his once friends and family confirmed how they indeed found it silly that Mariana got her dog a phone but that they were also happy she was enjoying life enough to do such crazy things.
Finishing her phone calls, she turned to Chester and said, “When this is all done, you will always remember how you were once my boyfriend, tried to turn on me, and are now forced to live as a dog.” She paused for a second, remembering Chester’s scribbled notes, and added, “I might not be able to make a true bitch out of you and let you experience having puppies of your own, but a gay puppy like you will be popular in dog parks either way. You are always in heat, and that’s fine, but you’ll only be in heat for your own kind. I don’t want you trying to hump other things or people. You’re a princess, you don’t do the fucking, you get it.”
“Chester?” A voice suddenly asked. It was the veterinary’s assistant. “We are ready for you now.”
Mariana got up and guided Chester to the operation table, after which he received a quick medical exam and promptly became the carrier of a newly implanted chip in the back of his neck. Shortly after, Mariana and Chester were outside again, ready to go home.
Arriving home, Chester noticed his former home had already changed. It was no longer just him and Mariana inhibiting the house, as Mariana had used the spell’s power to convince a, judging by his attire, well-off and good-looking man that they were a couple and madly in love. Seeing each other, Mariana quickly put Chester down as she and her new boyfriend wasted no time in going to the bedroom before getting frisky with each other.
Conflicted in his thoughts, Chester wondered, was he getting cucked? He was no longer a human nor did he desire humans anymore, and above all else, he was now gay. A faint voice in his head told him he was most certainly still getting cucked and cheated on, but the majority of his conscience told him it was no stranger than seeing other animals have intercourse. The only relationship between Chester, Mariana, and her new boyfriend, was that of a dog and his owners. And as Chester dozed off, he found himself hoping to, one day, have a ‘boyfriend’ of his own.