“Crete” – Chapter 12:- “A Floating Ice Bucket And A Top Five – We Talk”

"With the aid of a bit of clever engineering, the talking starts..."

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Sunday was the quietest day of the week in the hotel complex, as many of the staff had the day off. So there were no shows or discos to go to in the evening or much going on during the day. Guests were very much left to their own devices. Of course, the bars and restaurants were open, and we could still get drinks delivered to our small private pool.

The quietness suited us as we wanted a day together; just the two of us. We wanted to reconnect, and to talk; become a couple again. However, even without our future conversation, I felt more in love with Sarah, more alive. I didn’t regret last night, nor did I feel the urgency to reclaim her. To a chorus of smiles and giggles, I even joked that my cock was not the last in Sarah’s pussy, only to be reminded by my girlfriend that applied to her mouth as well… there were more giggles.

This talk kept us happy, even aroused, as we left our early brunch and wandered around the rest of the complex. Sarah was on my arm, and her braless boobs gently bounced with each step. But for me, the more obvious thing was what was around her right ankle, the now ever-present thin gold chain… Her anklet.

In my head, it was a glinting advertisement; it was saying she was free to have sex with anybody. Though, the rational part of my mind knew every heterosexual man would not notice it there, as their eyes wouldn’t get past my girlfriend’s wobbling tits.

We went up the observation tower stairs and took in the view. As we walked to the window, I couldn’t help looking to see if there was a dry cum stain on the floor where Sarah’s voyeur had been sitting. There wasn’t, but she saw me looking and quietly giggled. It was also a reminder to me that we had to talk.

Much to Sarah’s frustration, I read every word in English that told us about the view and the wildlife. When we left, I certainly had the impression that she had preferred last night and being observed, rather than gazing out the windows and taking in the natural beauty with me.

We then explored the two little shops inside the hotel, one sold newspapers and gifts, and the other, clothes. We both bought ourselves a sarong, Sarah’s white, with blue edging, mine the reverse, blue with white edging.

Arms still wrapped around each other, we walked to the far side of the complex to see the second swimming pool and the other small bars and food outlets that were scattered around it. There were more people there, certainly, more swimming as the pool was partially setup to swim lengths, unlike the swimming pool near us or the still-to-be-explored nude pool.  

Today it felt different. It felt like we were closer and yet on the prowl. We were now officially swingers, as we had now swapped partners twice, with another much older couple. However, it was when we started the return journey towards our apartment and our little pool that we bumped into, perhaps the last person Sarah wanted to meet. It was Kurt, last night’s voyeur.

“Sarah,” he said in very good English, as his eyes naturally darted down towards her breasts, her nipples just visible as they pressed against the white T-shirt material.

A red-faced Sarah introduced me as David, her boyfriend.

“No Don?” Kurt asked. It was a question which made Sarah’s red face glow a little brighter.

It was left to me to explain to Kurt that Don was our friend and that occasionally we swapped partners, though we didn’t consider ourselves full swingers as we had only just dipped one toe into the water this week. I think he got the gist, well, at least he smiled.

Kurt was wearing only wet blue swimming trunks and a towel over his shoulders. He told us he had been at the pool swimming lengths. He was certainly fit, and he went on to explain that he was going back to his hotel to change for lunch. As he did so, he pointed to the room three floors above us. It was on the hotel’s top floor.

“That is my room, number three-zero-six. Why don’t you both come up to see the view from my balcony? It is even better than the observation tower.” I stifled a laugh. Sarah had had enough of the observation tower, and especially of me taking in the view from it.

“I thought the observation tower view was pretty good,” I replied, whilst grinning.

I had deliberately chosen those exact words for both Kurt’s and Sarah’s benefit. Wondering if either would get it, and smile. Sarah did, but no smile. Instead, I got a hard stare. It was only then I realised, normally, I would be receiving a nudge.

“Have you tried the Raki?” Kurt asked. He had not picked up on my observation tower comment; maybe he didn’t get the English humour.

“I have some if you want to try it; I believe it’s the Cretan tradition,” Kurt suggested. His eyes were still on Sarah’s breasts and it felt like I was showing her off. I liked that!

“Kurt isn’t Raki, a type of wine? I don’t think I have ever tried it.”

“It is a bit stronger than wine; I think it is a clear brandy, but I’m not sure.”     

“It is a bit early,” I replied, “But it is up to Sarah.”

I looked at her. She hadn’t said anything since I had introduced myself. I knew I had just put her on the spot, but I was happy either way. I wanted to spend time with Sarah and talk. But this was an opportunity for further experimentation and a chat with a known voyeur. Maybe we would learn something new.

She looked at me. Was she looking for what I wanted to do, instruction?

I remained mute. The choice was entirely up to Sarah; but there was no way I was going to let Kurt fuck her, even if we had a condom.

Sarah found her voice. “It is, as David said, a bit early for strong drinks, so can we have a rain check instead?”

“A rain check?” Kurt queried, this time looking at Sarah’s face.

He seemed not to understand, as he looked to the skies and said, “There is no rain.”

Maybe this was German humour, but Sarah jumped in before we had a chance to laugh.

“Can we do this another time? We are out tonight and after yesterday, I think a day of not drinking alcohol is a good idea.”

“Kurt, when do you leave?” I asked before he had answered my girlfriend’s question.

He confirmed he left the day after us. We said we see him around without setting a time and a place for our get-together.  

With that, we moved on. I don’t know what Sarah was thinking about Kurt. I planned to talk about it later. What I did know as we walked away was Kurt was still watching Sarah, so I let my hand slip down as we walked until it rested on her tight bottom, and then I squeezed it.

She was mine.




We did not go to the nude pool or the beach. Instead, we took a risk and sunbathed naked at our apartment hidden behind a windbreak and two flowering bushes. Later, we dipped in the pool, Sarah now just in her white bikini bottom and me in my smallest swimming costume, which was huge in comparison to what my girlfriend was wearing.

As the clock reached two and with the afternoon sun getting the better of us, I went to the pool bar and ordered lunch, swordfish, salad, fries and a bottle of fizzy wine. Yes, alcohol, despite what Sarah had earlier said… After all, we were on holiday!

They delivered everything to us as we sat in our chill-out area, both of us with our new sarongs wrapped around our lower halves, Sarah not bothering to cover her bare breasts; instead, she chose to entertain the waiter.

With lunch consumed, we retired to our small pool. The large fizzy wine bottle was now being chilled in a specially designed ice bucket. For the flotation, I used a child’s inflatable ring and wedged inside it was a large, yellow beach bucket full of ice.

As we toasted ourselves for the second time, I pointed towards the bobbing wine cooler.

“Luckily, you are going out with a gifted design engineer,” I teased. “Who else here has their very own floating wine bucket to keep their wine bottle cool?”

Rather surprisingly it earned me my first proper nudge of the day, but I just chuckled as I didn’t care. Whatever Sarah thought, it was a clever bit of engineering.

With no sign of Don and Ashley, and our ice bucket bobbing away, the conversation turned towards our future together and, of course, Clare.

Our serious talk had started.

“We need to talk about last night and Clare,” I whispered. My left arm was around Sarah, holding her close. As the sun bronzed our bodies, we were sitting in our apartment pool, watching my great bit of engineering bob up and down.

“What more is there to say about Clare?” Sarah softly replied. “I like her. I have accepted her, and as I have already told you, David; she could be part of our future. That is, if she wants to be. You have to remember Clare is on her own sexual adventure, and it is not just the two of us who are on one.”

I pulled her close and hugged her. I knew this was all still new to us, a relationship of three and our two nights of swinging.

“I want Clare to be part of our lives,” I absently minded said, my eyes never leaving the bobbing ice bucket. “You know, both of you have very similar visions of your future,” I then more strongly said.

Sarah looked at me. She didn’t know; I didn’t normally share my girlfriend’s private conversations.

That was one of my rules!   

“Ask her when you next chat,” I added. I wanted my two girlfriends to carry on talking to one another as I saw it as only a good thing if we wanted to live all together.

We just both sat there, listening to the quietness, enjoying the wine.

“David,” Sarah quietly said, as she broke the silence. “This is the best holiday I have ever had. I needed this time with you, and you need to know not to worry about me and Clare. I think we will be fine, and I am planning to spend some private time with her when we get home. I do want to get to know her a little better.”

Really!” I exclaimed, my mind firmly in the gutter.

“Not that, David!” Sarah laughed, and she then re-enforced that answer with her elbow, as she gave me a little nudge. The ripple made our wine bucket bob a little faster. “I not ready for that type of relationship,” she added. “And if I was, it would be unlikely to be Clare as she knows my family and anyway; she already has two girlfriends!

Despite the elbow, I chuckled. It was an honest reply and one I found hard to argue with, so I let the subject go.

“And Don,” I asked. “Do you want to carry on seeing him during this holiday? They are only here for another three full days.”    

Sarah didn’t straight away answer my question; she put her drink down and straddled my lap facing me and then started to kiss me. Her bare breasts and their hard nipples pressed into my chest. The action reminded my cock that we still had not had sex today. It became erect. We both wanted sex, but I was still putting off reclaiming my girlfriend. It had become a little game.

“Yes, I want to carry on with Don,” she replied between kisses. “As you said, they are only here for a few more days, and I want to experiment some more. David, are you okay with that?

I felt my penis pulse at the answer; I knew I should say more, but my cock was once again thinking for me and I needed to bide some time. So I asked something completely different…

Well, maybe not quite so completely different.

“Sarah,” I whispered, my mouth close to her ear. “What are your five biggest sexual fantasies?”

I’m not telling you,” she giggled and then nudged me to make sure I got the message as we sat there in the water, smiling at one another.

“But now you mention it,” Sarah replied, whilst grinning. “What are yours?

I chuckled, “You and Clare!

It was an instant reply, and I was sure I could not go wrong with that answer until I got another nudge.

People don’t count!

My surprised reaction made Sarah giggle. She climbed off me, and once again we cuddled up.

“But at least you got our names the right way around and just for your health. You need to always remember that I am girlfriend number one!”

I smiled; then kissed her.

Sarah was girlfriend number one, and sometimes she liked to remind me of that fact, but the truth was I liked it when she told me. It reminded me she was special, my first true girlfriend. If I had my way, I would have her tell me every day we were together, in our own house, the one which we shared with Clare.

“Okay,” I said. “I go first… You like older men.” I was trying to be clever by mentioning one of Sarah’s known sexual preferences, but she just started giggling.

“David, I never thought of you as being into older men.” Sarah giggled, “Oh and you wait when I tell Clare that you are bisexual… and I better warn Don!

Another burst of giggling filled my ears, and I nudged Sarah. That was a first! But it seemed she was immune to nudges as her giggles just turned into laughter.  

In the end, I left her in her giggling fit and I went to use the bathroom. Then I got my camera. I took a photo of a still somewhat playful Sarah in our pool.

“That will make a nice holiday photo to show your parents,” I remarked as the camera went CLICK for the second time. I had made sure that Sarah’s breasts were very much to the fore.

You wouldn’t!” Sarah exclaimed.

I smiled, and we reached an unspoken impasse as I stepped back into the pool, the camera now resting close by on the chill-out area table. It was there, just waiting, to take another shot of the half-naked Sarah.

“As I said, for YOU Sarah; the first of YOUR sexual fantasy list is older men.”

Oh, you meant me,” Sarah grinned, then added whilst still grinning. “I wouldn’t put that at number one, even if they had a big cock.” Sarah giggled again. “Actually, even then I am not sure that makes my top five!”

Another giggle came from Sarah; she was in a very playful mood.

I picked up the camera, CLICK, but Sarah didn’t seem to care. She even lifted herself to make sure her bare breasts were above the water and helped herself to another glass of fizzy wine. CLICK, I took a photo of my clever, floating ice bucket with Sarah’s body next to it.

“Okay,” Sarah replied. “You really want to know my five biggest sexual fantasies?”

I nodded. Then I stuck my tongue out and left it hanging, before panting. I was pretending to be a dog begging for a bone.  

Sarah giggled again and then nudged me to stop me from being an idiot. That gentle reminder led me to say something more to the point…

“I think for our future it is important to understand the other’s sexual desires, our kinks, our fantasies. I know I might sometimes act like an idiot, but I have learned one thing. We need to talk and be open and honest with each other.”

“You sure it is only sometimes?” Sarah giggled, “I’m being open and honest with you!

I smiled, though her reply tempted me to nudge her for a second time!

Sarah then agreed with me.

“We take it in turns though, and being seduced by an older man is at best only number seven on my list. Well, at the moment. My lower-order ones tend to change. But you are right on one thing; I do prefer sex with older men, like Donand Jerry.”

I realised either Sarah had been thinking about this, or perhaps, and maybe more likely, she was hinting she preferred sex with Don to a younger man like me!

I just couldn’t tell.

Sarah then said, “So, number five, a threesome with two men.”

I grinned and got a gentle nudge for my efforts.

Sarah continued, “I would think that is quite a common sex dream for a girl. I have always liked the idea, especially if they have nice size cocks. But I have to say, I could easily add another five to my list without thinking too much.”

“Shaved pussy,” I quickly replied, which caught Sarah a little off guard. She hadn’t expected such a quick reply.

“I would have thought that would have been number one on your list the way you keep going on about it!” Sarah remarked.

“You know my next one already. Exhibitionism in general but I do particularly like the idea of doing a photo shoot for a men’s top-shelf magazine. That always gets me hot, as you well know.”

I smiled. I did know, but it brought me to Kurt and our chance meeting this morning.

“Later in the holiday; do you want to go to Kurt’s apartment and try his Raki?”

Sarah giggled again and then nudged me. “Do you want me to?

“I thought you seemed keen to do something with Don in front of Kurt, so why not do something with your boyfriend?”

“It could be fun,” I then added.

You won’t get jealous?

“I can’t promise that, but I am pushing myself and trying to understand my boundaries. You know; what works for me, and what doesn’t.”

Sarah thought about it, and then a little smile crept across her face.

“Okay, but let’s wait until Don and Ashley have gone home and then talk again about Kurt.”

We moved back to our sexual fantasy list…

“Girls who act slutty, that is a big sexual turn-on for me and always has been. Sorry.”

I was thinking of Clare. But I then realised that during this holiday Sarah was dressing and acting just as slutty as Clare and maybe even more so. I hoped she wasn’t just dressing sexier because she saw Clare as her rival. I wanted her to dress like that for herself and, of course, also for her boyfriend, namely me.

I noticed Sarah was looking at me and thought I needed to say something to clarify.

“It’s just a sexual fantasy, Sarah.”

David, you know this all stops when we get home. I can’t dress and act like a slut there. I have friends and, most importantly a family. They will disown me if they knew; I already had my one warning.”

She was talking about Jerry.

Sarah paused, the mood suddenly more serious. “I can only do this when we are away and, most importantly; only if you want me to!”

“I know…” I quietly replied. I knew she was right.

But I could not help grinning as Sarah kept looking at me. She was thinking and took another sip of her fizzy wine before starting to grin too. We had re-established the playful mood, and we both knew things were never going to be exactly the same when we got home and, importantly, neither of us wanted them to be!

I had already realised that the arrival of Clare had accelerated what had already been within my girlfriend. That Sarah, who existed at the end with Jerry, had now extinguished, and what was returning was a more grown-up version of the Sarah that had been with Jerry.  

“Your turn,” I said after a quick break and a kiss.

“The next one I am going to mention is probably number one on the list, as the other two will almost certainly remain just fantasies. But this one is something I have already half-explored.”

Sarah stopped and grinned. She was holding the stage, waiting for me to say something…

I bit.

“Come on, tell me.” I was salivating. Sarah’s hands brushed my cock. It was erect and had been ever since we started our talk, and that was especially true as soon as we touched on our sexual fantasies.  

“Take your trunks down,” Sarah requested. “I want to sit on you.”

You are reclaiming me?” I grinned.

Sarah giggled, “Maybe!”

I did as asked and my cock groaned as Sarah pulled her bikini gusset aside and impaled herself on me.

“Risky sex,” I said as my cock slid into Sarah’s pussy.

“Nope, that is maybe at number six, and while I’m at it…” We both started giggling at Sarah’s double entendre. “Being covered with cum, anal sex, a one-night stand and being fucked by a large cock are all outside my top five. But my sexual fantasies change with situations, like right now, risky sex feels higher on my list.”

Sarah started moving up and down on me a little faster. It made my cock pulse.

As we slowly moved together in our pool, part of my mind switched to the floating wine bucket and I hoped it didn’t capsize, but most of me was enjoying the new sensation, of sex in water and being intrigued by what my girlfriend had just said.

What were Sarah’s current top three? I asked myself. I had a feeling I knew what was number one, but as for the other two. I had no idea.

“So number one is having sex with another woman, or even women. You already knew that, David.”

I did.

“It is easily my biggest sexual fantasy and one that has never changed, though number two sometimes runs it close.” Sarah paused, both her words and our sex now stopped. She was collecting her thoughts.

“David, it scares me too, that I could be like Clare, bisexual. All my life I have always repressed that pull to have sex with another woman, but Clare, and you, have got me thinking about it again. I am now seriously considering fully exploring that desire with Ashley…”

“David, would you be okay with that?”

“Yes,” I softly replied, “As long as you are wearing your anklet; as per my rules.”

My brain was not the only thing giving Sarah its approval. My cock was too, as we slowly started to fuck once again in our small private pool. It was risky sex. It was exciting sex; currently number six on Sarah’s fantasy list. But I didn’t want to cum in the pool and even more importantly…

I didn’t want to get caught!

Risky sex was not on my sexual fantasy list. So, I picked Sarah up and took her inside, to our bed, where I allowed her to reclaim my body… to the full, before we had a brief nap.

As I dozed, now fully reconnected, my dreams turned to a now empty wine bucket. It was still floating, bobbing up and down in our little pool.




It was late afternoon and still hot when we emerged, showered and dressed. We had decided to head into town. Tonight was our first opportunity to visit the local town, buy and send postcards, explore the local restaurants, and have a meal. It was just going to be a romantic evening for two, though we did have one thing which we had to do. That was to find a telephone box for Thursday’s call to Clare. It had been a surprise to us to find out how expensive it was to phone internationally from our apartment room.

Our unfinished talk and the sexual fantasy list completion would come later, maybe over that meal, or in a quiet town bar. Tonight was mainly about us being a couple. I wanted it to be fun and, above all, I want it to be about us. 

As normal, Sarah changed behind the door so she could surprise me. She came out wearing a new yellow and white summer dress. The top half was pure white, with the white darkening to a sandy yellow at the hem. Sarah had chosen the white side of a reversible wide belt of the same colours. It matched the colour of the high-heeled sandals on her feet.

The dress was fairly short and showed off her long, tanned legs and around her right ankle, the thin, and now an ever-present gold chain.

Sarah then did something I did not expect. She lifted her dress and her bare pussy appeared.

She looked at me, my mouth now open, and my tongue once again hanging out.

Sarah giggled at my reaction and then said, “I thought you might like to know that for the rest of this holiday, I will be both braless and pantyless. It was Jerry’s thing and now Don’s, but if I am being truthful, I find it exciting too… Oh… and before you ask, that is not on my sexual fantasy list either.”

She giggled again. “Maybe I need to change that list… or preferably lengthen it!

Sarah was having fun, teasing me and playing with my mind. It was something I enjoyed as long as she followed my rules.

The telephone box turned out to be easy to find. There were two, right next door to the taxi rank by the hotel complex front gate. We caught a taxi; they were all dark blue Mercedes cars for the uneventful ten-minute drive inland to the nearest town.

On arrival, we bought three postcards and posted them to our parents and also to Clare, though ironically we were told that they would arrive three days after we got back from our holiday.

“Well, it’s the thought that counts,” I said, and Sarah agreed with me. We hadn’t known that we needed to send our postcards as soon as we arrived at the resort.

We toured the shops looking for something for Clare. That was important, as we both agreed; she was now special to us.

The question now was… How special?

That was something I later wanted to once again ask Sarah. First presents, then sightseeing, drinks, a meal, and finally talking. I had it all planned in my head.

We searched for Clare’s present and we wanted it to tell her that we love you and that we wished you were here too. In the end, Sarah bought her a key ring with a photo of the resort and the words; I love you, written on it.

Sarah’s present reminded me of the little bell with a heart on it which I had bought for her at the airport shop in Majorca and I told her so. That earned me a nudge, as apparently, buying a tacky present in town is completely different to buying a tacky one at the airport!

Lesson learned.

For my present for Clare, I chose to go for something completely different. I went down a more practical route.

I bought a back scratcher which every time you went to use it, lit up and made a noise like someone breaking wind. Well, I thought it was funny, though Sarah was distinctly unimpressed.

She went as far as saying, “That she wanted nothing to do with my present.”

I just smiled as the gift was just so, ME and therefore… perfect for Clare! 

In the evening, we went for a romantic meal and, according to Sarah. It was only the second time that we had ever eaten out as a couple in a proper restaurant, though I begged to differ.

But, apparently, the hotel didn’t count, especially as last night we were with different partners!

I smiled and rebuffed, “That was only a technical point, as we were eating in the same room, at the same time, watching each other.”

At least that made Sarah laugh, even if she didn’t exactly agree with me.

As we ate I reflected on the first time we did this. It was by the coast and overlooked a small harbour. That evening ended with Sarah also pantyless, and I smiled. It was the night that I first became aware that she was changing as a person. Becoming more confident, maybe more like Clare!

I preferred this new carefree Sarah, the one that had emerged now she was away from home, though I knew she came with warnings.

In the restaurant, Sarah kept teasing me with her short dress. She had this technique of almost flashing her pussy at me, but never quite. Every time I tried to look, she readjusted her dress and then she smiled at me. It was a game she played oh so well, maybe another by-product of Jerry; just keeping me on the edge and very horny. 

“We need to talk a little more,” I said as we ate, though Sarah’s pussy was never far from my mind.

“Not that list again,” Sarah remarked.

“Not yet,” I grinned. “Let’s talk about us and Clare again.” We had gone over this once before today, but this was important. I HAD to get this right.

Sarah once again explained that she liked Clare and admitted that part of the changes in her persona was down to her arrival. “Yes, the competition, but it was only a small part, David. I would have become more me eventually, especially when away from my village and my family.”

I swiftly realised that I was going to learn something new.

Sarah said, “You need to realise I am only just finding myself as a woman. When I was with Jerry, I didn’t know what I wanted. Sexually, we fucked. He showed me off. We fucked in risky places and I learned about exhibitionism, and then later, the desire to be ejaculated on. Now, when I look back, there are something’s I cannot believe I did, sexually, the risks I took with friends and family around… David, I never could do that now!

Sarah paused; she looked at me, her food temporally forgotten. I felt awkward. We had taken a break from our fun, but this was important. This was our future!

“David, I have said this before, but you need to remember I hurt so many people when it all came out about Jerry… But the hardest part wasn’t that. It was losing the baby. I felt guilty. I don’t want to go back there, but sometimes I just wished my mum would tell me it was not my fault.”

I had stopped eating too. I knew we needed this conversation, and I didn’t want it to spoil the romantic mood, but I felt Sarah was different now. I didn’t entirely understand, but she seemed to of suddenly grown up.

We had uncorked her emotions, and with them, her desires.

Sarah whispered, “It has taken me six months to get to how I was before I become pregnant and a further month since Clare’s arrival to start to explore further. Yes, I want to have sex with another woman and to experiment, but it must not just be with Clare. I need my first time to be with someone well away from us, or our families and our friends.”

“Why not just with Clare?” I asked. I had assumed that Sarah might go with Ashley, but beyond that, it might only be with Clare.

Sarah replied, “I want to explore more than just Clare. I am telling you, David. I have always been extremely sexually attracted towards women, and now with your agreement, I have decided to release the handbrake…”

Sarah left that sentence hanging before moving on.

“Also remember, as I told you earlier, Clare is in a relationship, and most importantly. She knows my parents and my family. She is a little too close to home. That is why I asked you about Ashley. She would be a good first-time choice, and you told me that you didn’t mind.”

I didn’t.

“That is why we have these rules, especially wearing your anklet. I want to support you, Sarah. In the same way, I already support Clare,” I quickly replied.

I had no issues with Sarah being with other women. To me, that was an open playing field, maybe even one with no rules. What was of more concern to me is that I knew that Sarah was likely to want to go with other men, not just Don, but other men like him.

Sarah smiled at me. She liked my answer, and as a reward, she deliberately flashed her pussy.

“What about Clare?” I asked. “Do you think you may want to be with her?”

“David, let’s not worry about Clare, and just to be clear, I’m not sure that I will ever want a full-on relationship with another woman… Let’s see what happens if I sleep with Ashley and go from there.”

Sarah took a sip of her drink and then told me…

“If we had carried on without Clare, I admit you probably would never know of my strong desire to have sex with another woman. I would have carried on suppressing it like I have all my life. But we need to remember. We are still young and learning about ourselves, and importantly, you have only just given me my sexual freedom. I am beginning to think differently…

Sarah left that last sentence hanging and returned to her food. Her pussy was now hidden. I wondered how much she was teasing me.

We had eaten most of our food, chatting about other subjects when Sarah returned to our future…

“David,” she said. “Let’s see what happens in the next year, but this anklet is not staying on when we go home. I am not saying I want to keep it that way. I and maybe we… just need time to reflect.”

Sarah paused, and then started to say, “David, I know you want me to be sluttier but…”

I cut her off.

“I want you to be happy, Sarah, and dress a little more provocatively than you used to, but as I have already told both you and Clare. My preference would be to have a monogamous relationship, just you, me, and Clare.

Sarah looked at me. “I am not ready for that and neither is Clare. But if I enjoy my time with Ashley, I hope it does not surprise you if I bring it up again in the future… me with another girl. It is my number one all-time sexual fantasy and if Ashley agrees, which we both know she will, then it is going to become all too real, and very soon.”

I was a little surprised just how strongly Sarah desired to have sex with another woman, as it only came up recently. It was when Clare told Sarah she was bisexual; before then… nothing.

We finished our meal, drank our drinks, and moved to a little cocktail bar that overlooked the town square. It was one of several similar places, but we particularly liked this one because it had an upper level where you could sit and take in the views, not just over the square and its church. But also, the view beyond, that of the ever-darkening valley that ran up to the distant mountain peaks.

We went in and chose the most private two-seat booth on the upper floor. As Sarah sat down, she deliberately let her skirt ride high before pulling down as the waitress came over. She took our order, two strawberry daiquiris, and we relaxed as we took in the dusk view of the shadows creeping their way up the valley.

As soon as the waitress left, Sarah grinned and then looked around. I thought she was people watching, but she then slowly spread her legs, her glistening pussy coming into view, and only the low balcony wall stopped her from flashing the whole town square.

Sarah leaned forward. “Slutty enough for you?”

She then giggled and closed her legs. I grinned.

“David, I like teasing you, and I guess you are wondering if you did the right thing, giving me my sexual freedom. Well, just to let you know, it is something I think about too.”

“Go on,” I replied, my eyes now looking at Sarah rather than her dress hem or the valley view.

“I think you did,” she replied, as her legs uncrossed and she put another cube of ice into her drink.

“I think I need this, don’t get me wrong, David. I do deeply love you, despite what happened in Majorca. But it made me think hard and I realise that I need to get away from my village. Get a better job. Move more into the grownup world… and I think that includes letting my self-imposed sexual barriers down.”

“What do you exactly mean?” I questioned.

“It’s something I still working on, David, but whatever happens, I will need your support… I am just being honest with you.”

I needed to clarify one thing.

“You are not looking for a relationship with another man?” I questioned.

Sarah giggled. “You sound worried?”

I was more unsure than worried… then I thought a little more… maybe I was also worried!

Sarah then told me. “I am with you, David. I love you; I deeply love you, as I have already told you. I am definitely not looking to replace you… Are you happy now?”

I was, but I was still a little unsure.

“So you saying, maybe just sex with other men?” I knew I was now pushing for an answer.

“We see.” It was one of Sarah’s stock answers. “I am not ruling anything out, other than I want to be with you, David.”

We started generally talking, though my eyes developed the habit of looking down at Sarah’s hemline. More drinks arrived, and with them, an extra bowl of ice.

As soon as the waitress left, Sarah took an ice cube out of the bowl and then licked it before running it down to her pussy and pushing it in. Sarah winced, its coldness against her hot pussy. It was erotic and naughty, but also, so damn risky. I actually had to push her legs together as the ice cube fell to the floor.

“Slutty enough for you, David?”

It shocked me. This wasn’t my Sarah. Or perhaps it now was!

The truth was, I just didn’t know.

“Do you want to take me around the back and fuck me against the wall?”

My eyes lit up. Did I?

Sarah saw me thinking.

Oh, shut up!” My girlfriend suddenly exhaled, though I had not said a thing.

“My point is, David, I can be slutty, but for me, I find it can also become addictive. You need to be warned, as I quite like being slutty; BUT only when we are away from home.

Sarah continued. “You need to remember, I tend to have an addictive personality and once I try something, I can easily be hooked. Think of how it went with Jerry. I became out of control.”

My thoughts turned to Jerry, what Sarah had already said to me about him, and I began to realise that she may be right.

Sarah smiled. She could see I was concerned. It was another gentle warning but given in a light-hearted and teasing way.

“David, the good thing is I am a little older and a lot wiser now, and there is something else. I want to give Don my ass!

Those words hit home. Sarah knew it, as she had never had anal sex with anyone. Until this moment we had not even seriously discussed doing it back there, though I never hid the fact I had been with a girl before who had readily given me anal sex.

Sarah leaned forward and put her hand on my tenting cock. It was the same action that Ashley had done to me last night.

“I see you like the idea of Don taking my anal cherry. It is my last virginal hole.”

My mouth went dry, and I was confused. It was true. Part of me liked the idea, but rationality returned to my head.

Sarah, I think that is a job for me.

Sarah smiled. She didn’t disagree. She had been both teasing me and maybe warning me that she was going to have sex with Don again, and I started to realise this could all get out of hand.

While it had occurred to me that Sarah could be slutty. I had never taken the time to think further ahead than that. It certainly had not occurred to me that there was a possibility that she would actually want to act like a slut while on holiday.

“And I also want to have Don and you together. Remember, that one is number five on my current sexual fantasy wish list.”

I gulped. I wasn’t sure how much of this was just teasing chat, and how much was real. We needed to talk again tomorrow with clear heads, but I did ask one question.

“So you want to carry on seeing Don during this holiday?”

I was pretty sure I already knew the answer.

“Yes, and also Ashley, if she is still up for it.”

I nodded. I knew Ashley would be “Up for it.”

“Okay,” I said, and then I asked the still unanswered question, though I was not sure I wanted to know the answer now as it might be something totally outrageous. 

“What were the two sexual fantasies you not mentioned?” I quickly asked as I drank the rest of my daiquiri and waved to the waitress for two more while Sarah looked at me.

“I believe it was your turn,” I reminded Sarah.

“Actually, it is yours. As I said, sex with other girls is my number one sexual fantasy.”

As our new daiquiris arrived, I took the opportunity and ordered two Pina Coladas and then explain to Sarah once again that I had no issues with her exploring her bisexual side.

Then, cheekily, I added, “I don’t have too many sexual fantasies, as I do not masturbate as much as you do!

That earned me a nudge, though we both knew Sarah did masturbate a lot; at least once a day and even more if she was not seeing me.

Before we left the cocktail bar, I told Sarah that I liked the threesome we had with Clare and that anal sex was probably my number one sexual fantasy, though Sarah once again playfully hinted that I must be bisexual if anal sex was my number one on my fantasy list. 

So I clarified, “Anal sex with GIRLS ONLY,” even though I had put it that way, Sarah still managed to giggle.

That left me with one left and Sarah, her top-secret two, which in the end she relented and told me.

“Don’t think of me any less when I tell you, David, as these two will almost certainly just remain fantasies.”

I nodded and understood that Sarah didn’t want this to go any further.

“Number three is to have sex with a hung black man and number two, and this has always had a powerful pull on me; is to be paid for sex with an older wealthy guy. That was partly why I posed like that in those photos you took of me in the company backyard. I have thought many times about doing something similar to that in my sexual fantasies.”

Sarah was talking about the photo I took of her naked under an old-fashioned orange security light and another of her also nude, but this time leaning into a car window with a cigarette hanging from her mouth. Both photos looked like I had taken them of a naked prostitute.

Sarah quietly added, “But I am NOT ever looking to make either of those sexual fantasies happen… they are just fantasies and I plan to keep them that way.”

“Are you happy now?” She then asked a little louder.    

“There is nothing wrong with those fantasies,” I replied, and there wasn’t. Sarah looked up and smiled, and then my brain ran away with my mouth.

You could probably find an older wealthy black man who would pay you for sex…

“Owe!” I received a nudge, but Sarah didn’t seem to mind. She actually giggled.

“I don’t know why I like those two so much,” Sarah whispered.

“And your last one?”

“Loving two girls at once,” I softly said, and I meant it.

Sarah looked at me and kissed me. Perhaps people did count, as she knew I was telling her the truth.

I not said which two girls, yet!”

“Owe!” I got nudged again, but we both chuckled, as the nudge was more for being a smartass. We both knew there were only ever two girls for me, Sarah and Clare.

We cuddled up and sat there people watching and as we did so…

A young boy walked past using a flashing, farting backscratcher. I pointed it out to Sarah and told her that there must be a rush on for such a popular present. She just rolled her eyes and then told me that the young boy and I probably had the same I.Q.

I smiled and did not disagree… as in my opinion; he was a very smart lad!

I just loved Sarah, our banter and, of course, the flashing farting backscratchers!

The whole evening had been about us. We then left the bar, and we just held hands, explored the shops, and took family photos. As we did so, we slowly fell deeper in love with one another. In just one day, I had learnt so much about Sarah and just maybe; she learned a little more about me!




It was late that night, after we had made love to each other and with Sarah now fast asleep, that I took out my orange journal. I wrote all about Sarah, about us, and then about the three of us.

It was information that I needed to remember. So, I drew a little box around it and then marked it with a large asterisk.

I also wrote down Sarah’s ever-growing list of sexual fantasies and, as I wrote each of them, I wondered if we would cross any more off before the end of the holiday. Though I was sure that at least one would be; full-sex with another woman.

After it was all written up, I closed my journal and cuddled up to the sleeping Sarah. I smiled. I was content. Today had been fun, and I whispered in her ear, “I love you.” I sensed she heard me, and just like Ashley did last night; my soft words caused Sarah to purr.

We snuggled up together, spooning, again just like I had done last night with Ashley, but tonight it was different. Better. Even perfect; as my arms were around Sarah.

A peaceful sleep came quickly and with it… sweet dreams, which during the night drifted to our apartment pool and its well-engineered, bobbing ice bucket.

I was happy…

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Published 2 years ago

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