The thing about having the hottest girl at school as your girlfriend is just that: she is the hottest. Every man, teen, and tween stopped and stared at her, like that day in the mall. Nick was walking slightly behind Isabel while she was window shopping. Dressed for success in skin-tight shorts that made her long legs seem even longer, and a white halter top that, if she had lifted her arms above her head, exposed the lower parts of her boobs. Her flat stomach with the belly piercing was just made to kiss and lick gently. Her doe brown eyes, which were so kind and turned sexier than most women dreamed of looking, were hidden behind a pair of Gucci sunglasses.
Nick had been dating Isabel for a few months and when they started, he was the luckiest guy in the world. He had the prize, the most amazing seventeen-year-old girl you could ever hope to meet. There was just one problem. She sucked in bed. Not that she sucked his cock; that was something she would never do. As far as positions, missionary only. No riding and God forbid he mentioned doggy style. No, Isabel was a dead fish in bed, just lying there with her legs apart, looking up at the ceiling no matter what Nick did. She had never orgasmed during the times they had fucked. The weirdest part was that she was the one who mostly began the foreplay.
“Honey, we should be getting home,” she said.
“Sure. Are you done?”
“Yeah, I don’t want to buy anything today. Let’s go back to my place and fool around. My parents won’t be back for a few hours.”
When she wasn’t looking, Nick sighed and wished he could go home and play PlayStation with his buddies. Instead, he took her hand and they walked to the parking lot where her car was parked.
Isabel lay on her bed, naked and so goddamn beautiful you could cry. Every part of her body, from her painted toenails to the way her black hair spread out on the pillow like a halo. Her lips were lush and the lipstick was just the perfect shade of pink to fit her fair skin. Her dark blue eyes were watching Nick as he undressed.
“Baby, you aren’t hard, what’s wrong?”
Before, Nick’s dick would be like an iron rod and already dripping pre-cum before he even took it out of his pants. A few months later, it was barely erect by the time he was naked. He looked down at it and grabbed it with his left hand even though he was right-handed. Felt a bit better that way. He stroked it until it had a decent erection and then climbed in between Isabel’s long, perfectly shaped legs. Looking down at her pink pussy he became harder. It was tasty, tight, and just so right for him. He thought about trying once again to go down on her but she would gently push him away like she had done dozens of times before.
He lay down on top of her and her warm skin felt like silk against his, making him just a little bit harder. When his cockhead touched her lips, she was dry as a desert. He had forgotten the lube. She reached for her drawer and gave it to him. Using plenty on his cock he added a little along her slit. When he pressed against her, he couldn’t help but sigh with pleasure as he slid in. He placed his hands on either side of her head and began thrusting. She did nothing, just looked past his face at the ceiling. Her D-sized boobs bounced a bit when he began to fuck her harder and continued to do so until he emptied his nutsack in her. She was on the pill a year back. Not her decision, but her parents’.
“Ah, fuck, you feel so good, baby,” he said and waited until he was flaccid lying on top of her. No hugs, no kisses nor any kind of snuggling. He slid out a few minutes later and she gently pushed him off.
“That was great, Nick. I love fucking with you. You are such a great lover.”
She went to the bathroom to clean up and Nick stayed in the bed, wondering what the fuck he was doing with her. If he broke up, the school would think she dumped him. He hadn’t fucked any other girl before Isabel, but after talking with his friends and listening to their experiences he knew that Isabel was useless in bed. He had talked to her a couple of times but she insisted she was happy with what they did.
“Babe, I think you better go before my parents come back.”
Nick didn’t know how she did it but in less than ten minutes she looked as sexy and hot as before the fuck. No tousled hair, no smeared lipstick, nothing. Just the hottest chick in town.
“Yeah, I guess you are right. I’ll shower at home.”
“You do that and text me later.”
After showering and changing clothes Nick went downstairs to grab a sandwich. His mother was in the kitchen putting away the groceries after a run to the store.
“Hi, honey. How are you?”
“Fine, Mom.”
“Did you have fun with Isabel? She is such a lovely and pretty girl. You should be happy she likes you.”
“I know, Mom, and I am.”
“Did I tell you my old sister from my sorority days will be coming by next weekend?”
“No, you didn’t. Does Dad know?”
“He doesn’t mind. He will be with Jim and Butch fishing. It’s going to be just you, me, and Rachel. She is such a blast. Back in the day, we would party so hard that we’d hardly remember what we did the following day. All the boys loved Rachel; she was such a tease. Now she is married, has three kids, and works as an accountant.”
“Great, Mom. Looking forward to meeting her.”
Nick sighed and left his mother to finish what she was doing. For fuck’s sake, the last thing he needed was some middle-aged woman whining about her shitty life and drinking wine with his mother. Anyway, he might be able to escape to Tom and spend the weekend at his place a few blocks down the street. He picked up his phone.
“Hey, Tom, what are you up to?”
“Not much, what about you?”
“Can I come over; we need to talk.”
Twenty minutes later they were sitting in Tom’s room with sodas.
“What’s up?” said Tom.
“My mom is having a friend spend the weekend so I was wondering if I could crash here?”
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry, dude. My grandmom is coming.”
“Sorry. By the way, how’s that hot girlfriend of yours, Isabel, doing?”
Nick sighed and drank from his can before speaking. “Honestly, I’m not sure what to do with her?”
“Are you nuts? There is only one thing you can do, fuck her every single day.”
“I’m going to tell you something no one else knows. You can’t tell anyone. OK?”
“She doesn’t like to fuck. She lays on the bed and doesn’t do shit, no blowjobs, no position changes, don’t let me eat her out, nothing.”
Tom just stared at his friend at first and then said, “You are joking? We all thought she would fuck like a horny rabbit. At least that’s what she looks like she does.”
“No, the fucking department sucks, she sucks and I have no clue what to do.”
“Do you love her?”
“I did, and I still like her. I mean, she is cool to hang out with and so on, but the sex is starting to bother me and the worst thing is that she says we have a great sex life when we don’t.”
Tom nodded slowly. “That is weird. Well, whatever you do, I’m sure it’s the best solution.”
The week went by without much happening. Nick went to his classes and had dinner with Isabel and her family. On Thursday night they fucked, or whatever you could call it, while her parents were at a bridge game. She was meeting friends on Friday so Nick decided to be the good son and first help his dad after school packing his car for his fishing trip. The kayak went on the roof and then all the tackle and rods inside. He waved his dad goodbye as he drove away just before sunset.
“Hey, Mom. Is Rachel coming today or tomorrow?”
She was having a glass of wine and reading something on her phone. “She’s coming around eight this evening. Her flight lands in an hour and then she takes a taxi.”
“Cool. I bet you are excited. How long has it been since you saw her last?”
His mother lifted her head from her phone and thought. “I guess, five or six years, maybe. I went to see her when I was on a training course not far from where she lives. We had a great time. She was in such a good shape, amazing figure.”
Nick patted her shoulder. “You look great too, Mom.”
“Oh, thank you, sweety. It’s not easy when you are close to fifty, you know.”
“I’ll hang in my room, let me know when she arrives.”
Nick spoke to Tom, played video games, and listened to music until he heard a car stop outside and a car door open and close. He looked out the window but all he could see was a shape rolling a suitcase behind it, walking towards the front door.
“Nick, she is here. Come down and say hello and then we can have dinner,” his mother called.
Nick went downstairs and, in the hallway, he stopped. The woman standing in front of him was not what he had expected. She was tall, with blonde hair in a ponytail. Her green eyes met his and her full mouth smiled showing perfect white teeth. She wore jeans and a white turtleneck sweater where her large boobs threatened to rip through. She didn’t look a day over thirty, but there were no obvious signs of plastic surgery where the skin was taut.
“Hi, you must be Nick. I’m Rachel, nice to meet you again.”
He took her warm hand in his and said, “Again?”
“The last time I saw you, you couldn’t have been more than four or five. You have grown into a handsome young man since then.”
“Nick, help Rachel with her bag to the guestroom.”
“Sure thing.”
While he carried it upstairs Nick’s head was spinning. He had never seen, as far as he could remember, a woman like Rachel. She looked like she had stepped out of a fashion magazine. That she was fifty years old sounded crazy, but it must be true.
When he came back down, the women were in the living room and drinking wine.
“Dinner is in a few minutes,” said his mother.
“C’mon, have a glass with us,” suggested Rachel.
“Nah, I can’t, my parents don’t allow me.”
“Oh, Sally, let your son have a drink with us, after all, he is almost eighteen.”
“Fine, help yourself.”
Over dinner, the wine flowed and the two women became drunker and gigglier. Nick had never seen his mother like that before and he wondered what she had been like back in the day. Maybe she hadn’t been the boring woman he knew now, but a party girl ready for a drink and a fuck. He shivered over the thought of his mother doing anything sexual.
Rachel, on the other hand — he could see her on her knees gobbling cock like there was no tomorrow while some frat boy fucked her from behind. She had that aura about her that some women did. Isabel had it, in spades, but she never lived up to it. It was this sexuality that was raw and pure in itself. Yes, Rachel had most likely been a real fuck doll back in the day.
“Your mom told me you have a girlfriend, a hot one at that. Tell me about her,” said Rachel over coffee.
“Not much to tell. Her name is Isabel, and we have been together for a few months. She is really pretty, smart, and funny.”
Rachel leaned in and he could see in her eyes she was quite drunk by now. “Is she good in bed?”
“Rachel! That was uncalled for,” said his mother while pouring more coffee into their cups. Nick wasn’t sure it would sober them up, but you never knew.
“C’mon, Sally. You remembered how it was when we were Nick’s age. You wanted it so badly, but you were afraid of giving it because people would talk about you.”
“Sure, I remember.”
“Nick, did you know I was in the same room as your mother when she sucked dick the first time? It’s such a funny story. What happened was that…”
“Rachel, be quiet. That’s private.”
Nick was happy his mother had jumped in. He had no need or interest in hearing about her escapades. Now, Rachel was something he was interested in.
“So, Rachel, how was your first time?”
“What? Fucking or sucking?’
Rachel glanced over at Sally, who shrugged her shoulders as if she was saying, “go for it, girl.”
“Well, my first time sucking dick was a disaster. The dude came in like seconds, all over my face. My first time fucking was not as bad as a disaster, but not something I would call great.”
“Enough sex talk. I’m going to do the dishes and you can go to the living room and talk there,” said Sally and began to collect their plates.
Nick took his soda with him and Rachel grabbed the wine bottle and her glass, leaving her almost undrunk coffee on the table.
“Let me tell you one thing. Your mom wasn’t such a prude back in the day. I’m not going into details because that’s not fair to her, but we sure did some fun and crazy things.”
“You are so lucky to have grown up in the late eighties and nineties. Life for a teen or young adult now is so hard. Especially for guys. We never know how to talk to or what to say to girls. Always afraid of saying the wrong thing and then having it blow up on social media.”
“I feel for you, and you are right. It was easier, I guess, back then, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have to slap a guy or tell some jerk to keep his hands to himself. That part hasn’t changed much. Even now, I have to tell men off in the mall or supermarket, but I know what I look like and I know some have ape brains and are mouth breathers.”
Nick laughed. He liked Rachel. She was fun, sexy, and just a nice woman.
After a while, his mother joined them and they chatted for a while and finished the wine. By the time Nick went to his room the two women were very drunk. He figured they would stay for a while but not long after he had closed his door, he heard them come up the stairs giggling like school girls.
He didn’t know what time it was but at some point during the night, he got up and went to use the bathroom. When he opened the door to go back to his room he was startled. Rachel stood right outside, naked.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry,” he mumbled and slunk past her.
When he did, his upper arm caressed her boob and it was so much firmer than he had thought. Must be silicone, he thought before closing his eyes and falling asleep.
The next morning when he came into the kitchen Rachel sat at the table reading on her phone.
“Good morning,” she said.
Even without makeup, she was a sight to see. “Morning, how are you feeling today,” he said.
“Uhuh, a bit rough around the edges, but I’m OK. Your mother left, she got a call and had to run.”
“Probably one of the older people she takes care of.”
He poured cornflakes into a bowl, added milk, and sat down. “What are you up to today?” he asked.
Rachel looked up. “I’m going for a dip in your pool. Do you want to join me?”
She got up and her robe came apart a little, exposing her right breast, nipple, and all. She didn’t say anything, just walked out. He figured she would go and put on a bikini. He finished his breakfast and then went to put on his swimming trunks.
Walking out onto the deck, he saw Rachel in the pool hanging onto the steps.
“This is amazing. I need to convince my husband to get a pool.”
Nick walked up to her and dropped his towel on a chair and then dove in. The water was cool against his body and he swam the length of the pool underwater, coming up at the far end from where Rachel was. He swam back and grabbed the edge a few feet from her. Suddenly he realized she was topless; not only that, she was bottomless as well.
She must have noticed his shock because she said, “Don’t worry, I don’t mind you seeing me naked. My husband and I are nudists.”
“Oh, Mom didn’t mention that.”
“She doesn’t know. Why don’t you try it? It’s such a freedom not having anything on your body.”
Nick was not sure if it was such a good idea. What would happen if he got a hard-on; that would be so embarrassing.
It was like she had read his mind. “Don’t worry, men have their dicks go hard being naked in the fresh air. It’s normal.”
Fuck it, thought Nick. You only live once and his mother wouldn’t be back for hours. He wiggled out of his shorts and threw them next to his towel. Rachel had been right; it felt good being naked in the water.
“Hey, this is awesome, thanks for the tip,” he said.
“You are welcome. I’m going to get us a drink.”
She went up the steps and he couldn’t miss seeing her pussy from behind where he was. It was shaved and pink and looked so inviting. When she began to walk away from him, her hips moved seductively and her round ass looked firm and inviting. She had a beautiful tan that covered her entire body.
When Rachel came back, she carried a tray with a pitcher and two glasses. “Ice tea,” she said and placed it on the table by the chairs.
Nick got up and walked over. It felt weird being naked and having his cock dangling freely between his legs. Rachel looked up from pouring. “Oh my, my?”
“You are a well-hung young man, that’s all. Isabel must be happy.”
Nick blushed and sat down. “To be honest, she is weird when it comes to sex.”
He felt he could talk to Rachel easier than to his parents about his issues with Isabel.
“What do you mean?”
He told her how she was and how he felt about it. She thought for a moment. “I think she is just insecure. Many girls her age don’t know what to do or how to do it.”
“That’s bullshit, there is porn if she wants to see how it’s done.”
Rachel laughed. “That’s a bad idea. Good sex is nothing like porn.”
“Well, maybe she would learn something.”
“Sure, she would, but she would get the wrong picture. Men in porn seem to fuck for hours, and few men can do that. They have boners for a very long time, even after they just squirted, which is not based on reality.”
Nick drank from his glass and looked out over the pool. She was right; porn wasn’t the answer and he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to continue with Isabel. He was in his thoughts so he didn’t notice Rachel standing up and moving closer until he felt her hands on his knees. She was hunkered in front of him.
“What about feeding me some of that young cock?”
“It’s our little secret, neither Isabel nor your mom needs to know.”
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”
She knelt and let her hands slide up and down his thighs and each time moved a bit closer to his dick. He felt how it began to fill with blood and then it popped out from between his legs. The foreskin slid back, exposing his mushroom-formed cockhead.
“Just look at that, so big and beautiful,” mumbled Rachel, taking it in her hand.
Nick was frozen in place. He just watched as his mother’s best friend began to suck and stroke his dick in the warm sun. He had never had a blow job and it felt so good he couldn’t help moaning and sliding down a bit in his chair.
“Yeah, you like this, you like how I suck your cock, Nick?”
“Mm, I do.”
“I love to suck it, so young and hard, smooth and warm against my lips.”
She continued and it didn’t take long before his balls began to contract. “Oh, shit, Rachel, I’m almost coming.”
She held his cock in her hand, and she looked funny the way her eyes crossed while she looked at the little hole at the end of his dick while stroking him faster.
“Yeah, baby, give me that cum, give me all of it.”
“Oh fuck, here it comes!”
Nick watched several large globs of cum shooting from his cock and landing on Rachel’s face and boobs. She giggled and laughed. “God, I love the cum shots, it looks so sexy when the hole widens and then all that love juice squirts out. Hang on.”
She got up and walked across the grass to where the hose his parents used to water the plants hung on the wooden fence. She rinsed off her face and her boobs and then came back.
“Let’s clean you up,” she said and bent down. She sucked his dick, licked the sides and around the head, making sure there was no cum left, and then she sat down and drank from her glass.
Nick wasn’t sure what to say and was still in shock after what had just happened. He loved the blowjob, he thought Rachel was such a hot woman and it made him laugh.
“What’s so funny?” she asked.
“This, what we just did, and how we now just sit here and drink iced tea.”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, I hope you don’t think I’m a bad person. I just love sex and my husband and I live in an open relationship. We often fuck other people when we are at the nudist camps.”
“That was my first blow job.”
“I know, I hope you liked it?”
“I loved it.”
“Usually I swallow, but you have such a beautiful cock I wanted to watch it squirt. I find it very attractive and manly.”
After an hour or so of talking and swimming Nick decided to head over to Tom’s place. Maybe they could hang in his room even though Granny was there. On the way out, he met his mother on the driveway where she parked her car.
“Where are you going?”
“Inside, I think. We used the pool earlier.”
“OK, great. See you later.”
When Sally walked in, Rachel was just coming in from the poolside and only had her towel wrapped around her waist.
“Were you swimming topless with Nick in the pool?” asked Sally.
“No, no, I just lay there for a while after he had gone.”
“Oh, OK. I was a bit worried there for a second.”
Rachel walked past her and said, “I’m not crazy you know, I would never do a thing like that.”
There was something in Rachel’s face that Sally remembered from back when. A glow, a smile, and those happy eyes. If Sally didn’t know better, she would have sworn Rachel had just had sex.
“You play like a dog’s ass, dude, what’s wrong with you?” said Tom.
His parents and Granny had been out so the boys were playing video games in Tom’s room. Nick couldn’t take the sight of him coming all over Rachel’s face and boobs. She looked so happy and horny at that moment. Now he knew what a horny woman looked like, someone who craved cock and enjoyed it. It was far away from Isabel’s vacant stare.
“Sorry, dude. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Well, you better concentrate because the other team is kicking our asses.”
They played a bit longer until Tom gave up. Nick was so off his normal game there was no point in playing.
“Have you thought about what to do with Isabel?”
“I think I’m leaving her. I like her a lot but these sex issues, I don’t know how to deal with them.”
“Maybe it’s for the best. She might come around when she is older, you never know?”
“Sure, but we will graduate next year and probably end up in different universities.”
“True, and there you will meet plenty of girls who do like fucking.”
Nick smiled at the thought. “You are right.”
In the evening Nick, Rachel, and Sally went out for dinner to a fish restaurant in town. It was a nice place so the women were dressed up in skirts, blouses, hair, and perfect makeup. Nick had even put on a jacket and tie.
The food was great and they talked about Nick’s options for universities. He wanted to study computer engineering and there were several options, both in-state and out-of-state. Sally preferred him to stay close to home, but she would respect his choice.
When they came home, the women opened a bottle of wine and Nick went online and this time, he played much better. He still had the image of Rachel’s lips around his cock but it didn’t affect him as much as earlier.
Rachel poured another glass of wine for her friend, who took a big drink from it. Rachel slowly sipped hers while they talked about work, husbands, and raising kids. She made sure Sally’s glass was always full and after a couple of hours, Sally yawned and said she was going to bed.
“I’ll be up soon. I just need to check my emails,” said Rachel.
She waited half an hour and then went upstairs. She knocked on Nick’s door and when he said it was open, she walked in.
“Hey, what are you up to?” she said quietly.
“Watching a movie. I thought you were downstairs with Mom.”
“She went to bed and I couldn’t sleep.”
She sat down at the desk and watched Nick, who lay on his bed with his laptop on his lap. The room was silent and after a while, Nick felt a bit uncomfortable. “Did you want something else?”
Rachel began to unbutton her blouse while he looked at her and when her bra came off, she said, “I think you know what I want.”
Nick’s hands were trembling. Was this for real? Did a fifty-year-old woman want to have sex with him? Sure, she did; she had already sucked his dick so this was the logical next step. He was nervous his mom would hear them.
“Don’t worry, your mother had several glasses of wine so she is out for the night.” Rachel got up and then locked the door. When she turned around, she began to open her skirt and by the time she stood by the foot of the bed, she was naked.
Nick took in her body. Round firm breasts with quite large nipples and a flat tummy leading down to her shaved pussy. He could see her lips and that made him hard. She got up on the bed between his legs and began to undo his pants. With a swift pull, they came off and then his boxers went the same way. He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor.
Rachel took his cock in her hand and licked the tip and then down one side and up the other. She sucked on the head and sighed when she tasted the first drop of his pre-cum.
“Rachel, can I lick your pussy, please?”
Rachel smiled at him and then moved into a sixty-nine position. She began to suck his cock again and lowered her pussy towards his face. Nick felt the soft warm lips against his mouth and he drew his tongue along the slit. It tasted good, he thought. Nothing like he had thought it would. He used the tip of his tongue and flickered it against her swollen clit and that made her moan. It was such a sexy sound that he moaned himself. Isabel never sounded like that. The more he licked and the more he sucked on her clit, the wetter she became. It wasn’t long until his face was covered in her juices.
“Oh, Nick, you are making me come, fuck, it feels so good.”
He went at it with more energy and soon after, he felt Rachel’s body tense and she gasped a few times before relaxing again. With a purr in her voice, she said, “It’s time we fucked.”
Smoothly she transitioned herself so she was straddling him. With his cock in her hand she said, “I’ll fuck you slowly.” Then she sank and Nick was in paradise.
Where Isabel’s pussy had been dry, Rachel’s felt like warm water. She wasn’t as tight as Isabel but good lord, was she wet and hot.
“Do you like my pussy, Nick? Does it feel good around your cock?”
“Oh, fuck yes, it’s amazing.”
“Yeah, you like this mature woman fucking you?”
“I love it.”
Rachel leaned over and rubbed her boobs in his face and he sucked on her large nipples while his fingers dug into her ass cheeks. She began to rock back and forth, whispering in his ear. “This is good, I love your young cock fucking me. I want you to cum inside me, I want to feel your cock shoot its load inside my pussy.”
She got off him, lay down on her back and he was back inside her within seconds. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his back. His face was an inch from hers. They kissed deeply.
“Yes, Nick, fuck me hard and we come together.”
He began to thrust harder and deeper and held her tight in his arms. He began to feel her pussy squeeze his cock and now he knew what fucking a woman to an orgasm felt like and he almost began giggling because he was so happy.
“Yes, yes, here I come, fuck me, fuck me.”
“Rachel, I love your pussy, it’s amazing.”
With those words, he came and Rachel sighed when she felt his warm cum fill her up. The sensation of his cock pumping it out gave her another orgasm and she gasped with pleasure. They lay still and cuddled for a while before he pulled out and rolled onto his back. She rested her head on his tummy and began cleaning his cock with her tongue as she had done before.
“Rachel, will I see you again any time soon?”
She lifted her head and rested it on his chest and he held her. “Maybe, who knows.”
“I heard there is quite a good university not far from where you live.”
She turned and looked him in the eye. “You mean…?”
“Yeah, why not. My parents will think it’s great that you are close by if I need help. Your husband won’t care since you have an open relationship. I think it’s a great idea.”
“You are such a smart young man, Nick. Just make sure you score well on the SAT so you can apply to that university.”
“I’ll stay single until then, nothing to take my mind off studying so I will be sure to graduate top of my class.”
“What about Isabel?”
“I’m leaving her on Monday.”
Rachel’s hand slid down. “Do you know what I like the most with young men?”
She took his cock in her hand and it went rock-hard in a nanosecond.
“That, you get hard really quick.”
Nick laughed but stopped when her lips slid down over his cock down to the base. “I love mature women,” he mumbled as Rachel began to suck him.