“Crete” – Chapter 10:- “BaBa’s – Part 2 – The Pain and the Pleasure”

"The night continues, David and Ashley look on..."

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With our meal finished and our sparkling wine drunk, Ashley and I relocated to BaBa’s a little earlier than most and we took a corner booth. It was well away from the dee-jay and the music.

I purchased another small bottle of sparkling wine, which we sipped. We were here to flirt, play and watch our two partners as they got it on with each other. Currently, they were still eating and flirting in the restaurant above us. As darkness fell outside, we drank our wine and waited as the room slowly filled up with other hotel guests.

I surveyed the large, semi-dark room. All the guests seemed to have dressed as per the house rules, the ladies in sexy and skimpy attire and the men in smart casual. Surprisingly, a few men wore ties, but most were like me, in long cotton trousers and a smart long-sleeve shirt. It was too warm for jackets.

I smiled as I noticed one lady accidentally flash her hairy pussy as she tried to climb onto a bar stool. Unlike me, she didn’t seem to be embarrassed at all when she caught me staring. She even gave me another quick flash before smiling at me.

Was she interested in me? I asked myself. I wasn’t interested in finding the answer; I already had a fine-looking older lady on my arm.

The room was certainly filling up and, as it did, Ashley and I chatted. My hand all the time was high up on her bare thigh, gently stroking and letting her know I was there as she scanned BaBa’s looking for her husband and Sarah.  

With the party starting to liven up, I pulled Ashley close and kissed her. Our mouths melted into each other’s and our tongues briefly explored. We were no different from many of the other couples who were currently around us; the party was certainly livening up.

With the small bottle of wine nearly gone and thirty minutes elapsed, there was still no Don and Sarah. We were wondering where they had gone. Surely they had not gone straight back to Sarah’s and my apartment. That wasn’t in the plan.

“There be here soon,” I said as I made an excuse to visit the bathroom and look around the now very crowded room. With no sign of Sarah or Don, I return with another small bottle of sparkling wine, our third, only to find another man had moved into my seat. He was trying to encourage Ashley to dance!

I made Don’s wife laugh when I introduced myself to the man as her husband.

He soon left!

“Still no sign of them,” Ashley said, and I was starting to wonder where they had gone. This was all planned. It was simple, the meal and then BaBa’s, before a night of pleasure in each other’s apartments. I was getting a little anxious, as I wanted to watch Sarah, be a voyeur at least for a while, to test myself to see if I could share her without the anxiety.

I leant across and kissed Ashley, my hand brushing up her inner leg, my fingers just caressing her naked pussy. She gasped at the unexpected intrusion and then warmly smiled, and said, “I need the bathroom and a cigarette. Pleased keep my seat; I let you know if I see them.”

Ashley got up and walked off in the direction I had come from and as she did, I could understand why so many men turned their heads and watched her, as my eyes never left her firm bottom. Don’s wife may be in her mid-forties, but she had a nice body shape and a tight ass. It was something I was looking forward to getting my hands on later tonight.

No more than ten minutes later Ashley returned and as she slid in with me, she deliberately flashed me her bare and now rather wet-looking pussy. I grinned and placed my hand high on her thigh, my fingers once again just brushing her sex. She seemed aroused and had to stifle a moan as my finger probed her opening.

“There outside on the smoker’s landing.”

I smiled. That made sense.

There were steps down from the terrace bar area that ended on a long landing on the cliff side of BaBa’s. It was the Basement Bar’s second entrance, and also the other side of the nightclub from where we were sitting. 

“They will be here in a minute,” Ashley confirmed as she finished the last of her sparkling wine, and then I refilled her glass from the fresh bottle. We were getting tipsy.

“Did you talk to them?” I asked.

“Yes, but only Don, as Sarah was otherwise engaged.”

“My eyes lit up.” I didn’t like the sound of that as we had agreed tonight it would only be Don and no one else; unless Sarah wanted me… or Ashley!

“David, it is not what you think. So down, boy,” and she placed her hand on my cock. It stirred at Ashley’s touch, which she noticed, and then, just to be sure, she squeezed it.

“By the way, I didn’t have a cigarette, as I chose to come back to tell you what Don told me; I hope it doesn’t shock you.”

“Go on,” I carefully said, thinking the worst.

“They went done to the beach after the meal where they found a private bench and Sarah gave Don a blow job. It was near the lifeguard’s hut; it surprised him how good she was at giving head, considering her age.”

Ashley stopped talking and looked directly at me. “Apparently, she swallowed; I don’t even do that!

I smiled, though I wasn’t sure I should. I was proud of Sarah. She had always swallowed, and I hoped that never would change. But what I was more pleased about was my girlfriend had not broken my trust and she hadn’t directly involved anyone other than Don in our sexual game.

“There is something else, David; it is not bad, actually it was really good. I just had a little taste of Sarah.”

I picked my drink up and took a large sip, then another. My dirty mind had thought that Ashley must have gone down on Sarah in the lady’s bathroom.

“How did that happen?” I asked, as I had no idea, but hoped!

Ashley moved close to me and said, “Don told me that he has been fingering Sarah every chance he had since the restaurant; keeping her on edge. He even managed to keep two fingers in her when they walked up from the beach and he only removed them as he got close to the bar. I appeared a few seconds later. It was then that Don offered me the two pussy juice-covered fingers. He knows I prefer the taste of a woman’s pussy to a man’s sperm-covered cock.”

I smiled and took another sip, then asked, “Where was Sarah?” 

“She was close, but as you know, Don doesn’t smoke. So he had given Sarah a little space as she lit up. She saw me and smiled. But she was already talking to another smoker out there. Don told me that Sarah is in heat at the moment, David. She already asked about going back to the apartment.”

“Who is the other smoker?” I asked, guessing it would be a man trying to chat Sarah up. After all, two attractive older ladies had asked me to dance in the ten minutes Ashley had been away and I knew Sarah would get ten times the attention I ever would.

Ashley saw my concern. She was right; I didn’t like this unknown.

“Don’t worry, David. Don will put a stop to it; after all, he wants to spend a night with Sarah.”

Though perhaps that was the wrong reaction, I did feel better. Sarah was sticking to my rules. But I knew I needed to check on her, and soon. I didn’t want her to get too drunk, too horny, and do something we might regret later. But I needn’t have worried as right on cue, Sarah and Don appeared on the dance floor. With them was another man. He was younger than Don, but still, at a guess, in his mid to late thirties.

Ashley had also spotted them and confirmed the second man was the same person Sarah had been talking to earlier. We sipped our wine and watch the happy couple and their third-wheel. Ashley’s hand was resting on my cock. My hand was on her inner bare thigh as we whispered our observations.

The room was a hubbub of noise and people. The light seemed to have dimmed, the noise even louder. As Don and Sarah danced and mingled.

It was only then, as they slow danced, that I noticed for the first time there seemed to be real sexual chemistry between them. A couple that just wanted to fuck. That thought made my already hard cock stir as I wanted that to happen, too!

The third-wheel guy seemed to disappear into the slow-dancing crowd, only to reappear behind Sarah. Her face was a little red and flushed from all the attention she was getting from Don. I then notice his hand seemed to be under the front of her dress. Once again he was fingering Sarah, but this time on the crowded dance floor!

But they were not alone, as in the darkness of the crowd, others were doing similar things. It was subtle, but there was definitely a little petting going on. It became obvious that Don and Ashley were not the only swingers in town.

“Do you think the new guy has also fingered Sarah?”

That hard-hitting question came in the form of a gentle whisper from Ashley and then her hand once again squeezed my tenting cock.

“I don’t know, but I doubt it, as it is not in our rules,” I replied.

But I was unsure. I was still trying to understand this new Sarah; the third-wheel guy was very close. He certainly had rubbed against Sarah and had touched her translucent curtained bottom, but had he done anything more? I questioned. I needed to get closer. Ashley read my mind.

She whispered, “Let’s finish our drinks and dance.”

We did just that.

We slid quietly onto the dance floor, unnoticed by Don and Sarah, as they were in a world of their own. Their voyeur friend occasionally moved very close, though never touching. However, what was a little odd was he was dancing on his own.

My attention switched and was now more on Ashley; after all, we were on a date. She let my hands wander, including sliding my hand under the hem of her dress and a quick touch of her bald pussy, though I didn’t try to finger her.

We danced and flirted. As we did so, Ashley kept glancing at her husband and Sarah. His hands were all over her body as they slowly danced together. It was turning her on. Ashley was making it very clear to me that she wanted me for sex. It felt different from last night. We kissed. We danced with each other and with those who were looking on. We were a couple, the older woman with her toy boy or for one particular hotel guest; her husband!

“I need a cigarette,” Ashley announced after ten minutes of slow dancing. The sexual tension between us had been building up, and it was real. We both felt it. I didn’t smoke, but at that moment I sensed I needed one to calm me. It would have been my first-ever cigarette.

“Let’s get some air,” Ashley suggested, somewhat ironically.

I once again looked across at Don and Sarah. They were still dancing, but they were in a discussion. It was a conversation between the couple, but also with their watching friend. Then they seemed to be some agreement between them as I noticed Don nod to their friend. They all left the dance floor and went out the door to the smoker’s balcony.

“Let’s follow,” Ashley suggested; her unlit cigarette already in her hand.   

We discretely shadowed them out onto the smoking balcony, then up the next steps to the Terrace Bar. Don’s hands were once again resting on Sarah’s bottom. The third-wheel guy was always one step behind the couple, his eyes no doubt also on Sarah’s tight ass.

We stopped and watched them go into the Observation Tower and then disappear as they climbed the stairs. The concrete tower wasn’t that high, at around forty feet tall. It only had a few dim internal lights and was above the illumination of the Terrace Bar; therefore, inside it was so much darker.

It was also quiet, as few people ventured up there after dark because they had constructed it to take in the daytime scenic views, and with this in mind, it had three large windows on outward-facing sides. However, its rear wall was concrete, with photos and various explanations covering what you could see from the tower.

I stopped and looked at Ashley.

“Give them a few seconds,” she said as she lit her cigarette.

I wondered about the second man. It made me want to join Ashley in smoking, but I reframed.

We stood there together, waiting, Ashley smoking, and then she suddenly stubbed her cigarette out. It was only half-smoked.

“Let’s go,” she said, not wanting to wait any longer.

We crept up, not knowing what to expect to see. Though we hoped the fully boxed-in stairs would give us some cover, as we did not want to be observed. At the top, we found we were lucky. We could peep through the slightly open door and remain unseen.

As we looked, the first thing I saw was Sarah’s head buried into Don’s shoulder. Her back was against the tower’s only wall and in her right hand was a newly lit cigarette. She was just standing there. Don’s left hand once again under Sarah’s skirt. He was fingering her. There was no doubt about that as we heard her quietly moan into Don’s shoulder.

The third-wheel guy was sitting on the bench seat in the middle of the room watching, and slowly masturbating, his hand working his long, thin cock. He was watching Don’s fingers moving under the hem of Sarah’s red dress. It was mesmerising. My cock was tenting in my trousers. I now knew what it was like to be a voyeur.

Ashley was next to me. Her action was only a little different to what the man in the centre of the room was doing. Her hand was now under the front of her dress, with her fingers working their magic within the folds of her pussy.

I looked at Ashley, at her glazed lust filled eyes. I could feel her desire to watch those fingers moving, her pussy probably drenched.   

Don’s hand moved a little faster beneath the dress. Sarah voluntarily opened her legs slightly further and as she did so, her body scooted down, forcing Don’s fingers further into her. It was as if she was riding his fingers, trying to force herself to cum.

Mr third-wheel was still beating his cock, and Ashley was doing similar to her pussy. I didn’t know what to think. I knew my cock was hard; it wanted attention, but I was just not ready to get it out and join the other two in their masturbatory fun.

Sarah’s eyes opened, and she took a long draw of her cigarette. As she did so, the masturbating guy drew her attention. He was sitting opposite her, staring. In his hand was his long, thin, erect cock. He was appreciating my girlfriend, maybe even more now she was watching him. With his right hand wrapped around it, pumping, his cock looked increasingly raw. Its purple bulbous head pointed in her direction, desperately wanting to be in her pussy.

Sarah wickedly grinned at the voyeur before lifting the front of her dress. Don’s thick fingers came into view. There were two buried in Sarah’s bald cunt. Then she started to ride them, moving up and down, fucking Don’s fingers as his hand became still. He had realised what was going on, that she was now putting on a sex show for her voyeur friend.

At that moment, I didn’t know what to think or do. I hadn’t expected my girlfriend to expose herself like that. But Sarah’s actions made me realise something. They turned me on. My cock was now like steel and I was now not just playing the part of a voyeur…

I was a voyeur!

There was a gentle, almost silent moan from Ashley and then a grunt from the guy wanking as he came all over the floor. His eyes never moved from Don’s embedded fingers and Sarah’s accommodating cunt.

The third-wheel guy started to clean up, even wiping the floor, before standing and with a curt nod to Sarah and Don, walking straight past us and down the stairs. As he did so, I realised he must have known that we were there all the time and if that was true, then so did Don and Sarah.

Now alone, we broke from our cover.

Ashley made a B-Line towards Don, as he withdrew his fingers from my girlfriend’s pussy. I looked at the grinning Sarah. Her eyes were still a little glazed with lust.

As she had done earlier, Ashley licked Don’s pussy juice covered fingers. Then she pulled away and smiled at her husband. He smiled back before they kissed.

I asked myself, were they playing their own private game, one that was similar to ours? 

Ashley then turned towards my girlfriend, her eyes locking onto Sarah’s, and she resumed licking her husband’s fingers, long licks lapping Sarah’s pussy juice from each finger. As she did so, she made it very clear that she wanted to be with my girlfriend, doing something similar to her.   

I checked on Sarah. She was fine though still very horny having not yet, “properly cum.” Those were her very words. I reminded her that she was Don’s date tonight, so I couldn’t help her sexually. Instead, I chose to kiss my girlfriend and then wrap my arms around her. Our loving cuddle represented a brief interlude in our dates.

I looked across at Don. He was doing the same, cuddling Ashley.

It was at that moment we heard the doors bang at the bottom of the observation tower. Someone else was coming up. A few moments later, two more couples arrived in a gaggle of laughter, only to go quiet as they realised there were four other people already in there, and now observing them.

I indicated to Don that he needed to leave and follow me, as I wanted a private chat, well away from our two girls and the two new couples. Though I accepted, they had not broken any of my rules; I felt we needed to just make things clear to one another once again.

We left them there and the four of us went back down to the Terrace Bar, though Don and I left the girls to chat and smoke as we went over to a quiet spot near the clifftop handrail.

“Your missus is one hell of a girl,” Don told me as soon as we were on our own.

I smiled. “Your missus is also nice, too.” I wasn’t sure if I should say something stronger, as I didn’t want to upset Don and maybe enrage his jealousy. I wanted Sarah to have her sexual fun.

Don then said, “She let me finger her right in the middle of the dance floor.” Don looked at me. He was judging my reaction, and then, as if he was suddenly unsure. He added, “She asked me to.”

“Who was the guy watching?” I quickly asked. It was what I wanted to know from Don, as it was something I wasn’t sure I liked. He was an unknown.

“Kurt. That is his name, David. He is German, and it might surprise you that his watching us was all Sarah’s idea. Not mine.” Don said those last two words strongly; it almost came out like a rebuke.

“David, do you know Sarah likes to be watched?”

I did. Being watched was something she had experimented with when she was with her previous and first lover, Jerry. We had brushed through some of the details in the earlier talk Sarah and I had today.

Don was still speaking; my ears tuned in, even if my brain was a little foggy.

“Well, that is what she told me. I know he has been hitting on her all night, but I stopped that, though agreed to let him watch in the observation tower as long as he stayed on the other side of the room.”

“Anyway, Ashley told me you were both watching, too.”

I nodded. Don was right, but I needed to say something more.

“Just be careful with her,” I reminded Don. “You know, this is the first time we have done anything like this. I want her to have a good time and not go too far. Then tomorrow, we are going to talk and see what Sarah would like sexually in the future. So tonight might be the last time.”

Don looked at me and then we both looked out into the darkness; taking in the night view. The dark silhouette of the distant islands showed up black against the lightness of the full moon. 

“We are going back to your apartment after this,” Don said. “I know Ashley wants to watch me, and it has been a long time since that has not been possible. So please take good care of her, David. Look after her for me, just like I will look after Sarah.”

Don’s words showed his softer side, and I promised that I would. The two ladies re-joined us. They were still chatting and still smoking!

I didn’t like Sarah smoking. She knew that, I just tolerated it, but that was a discussion for another day.




It was close to midnight when Sarah and Don left us to walk back to Sarah’s and my apartment. We just let them go and then waited, giving them some space, before heading in the same direction. In our case, we were going towards Ashley and Don’s apartment, where I was planning a night of wild sex with a married woman.

We were both horny, and I wanted to fuck Ashley, but as we got towards our destination, we saw Don and Sarah. They were sitting on the swinging chill-out area settee, the same one which I had used at lunchtime; they were making out.

Their tongues were down each other’s throats; that looked so personal, maybe even more personal than Don’s hand, which was once again between Sarah’s open legs. There was little doubt that his fingers were once again working my girlfriend’s wet pussy.

Ashley stopped me and pulled us unnoticed into their chill-out area. It was a good place to watch and be unseen. We had become voyeurs once again.

As we crouched there, my eyes focused on the other couple. I also knew Ashley watching Don with my girlfriend would beat any foreplay I could offer. We silently crouched behind the identical swinging settee. We had stumbled upon a perfect spot to hide as it was close, yet they could not observe us easily. I was certain they currently didn’t know we were there.

As my eyes adjusted to the moonlit darkness, I now noticed that Don had his trousers undone and his hard cock out. Sarah had her hand wrapped around it, and she was slowly masturbating him. As she did so, I could feel my cock start to harden.

Sarah stood up, removing her dress carefully by pulling it over her head. She was stark naked except for her red stiletto shoes and her anklet. Don joined her. He quickly discarded his clothes, which were scattered around him.

To set the scene, Ashley and I were looking over the top of their settee in their very dark chill-out area; the sunshade, keeping any moonlight off us. We were both staring across the low dividing wall into my apartment’s identically furnished area. What little light there came from behind Ashley and me. We were just shadows, with the light advantage, and it was enough to make out the details of what the other couple was doing.

Ashley pulled her dress up until it was above her waist, then, still in the shadows, bent over the settee. Her hand went once again between her open legs. She was once again slowly fingering herself.

I looked back at Sarah. She was now working Don’s cock with her sweet mouth. Her full, red lipstick-painted lips wrapped around it. I knew that feeling all too well; she was giving him some fantastic head for the second time that night.

I slipped behind Ashley, her pussy now making a slight sloshing noise. I then pulled her tight bum cheeks apart, and her anus and pussy now looked at me. They were waiting to be eaten, so I went down behind her and my tongue started to lick her, and lap up her pussy juice. It then darted into her asshole, as anal play had always been my thing.

Ashley was trying her best to stay silent, her head on the settee with her teeth now biting a cushion, her pussy now running with her flavour. My brain registered it. Her flavour was different from Sarah’s and Clare’s but still, one that I enjoyed. My tongue was darting, lapping, and then moving between her well-fingered cunt and her puckered hole. Enjoying the different essences, but my mind was thinking more about what was happening in the other apartment chill-out area.

I pulled back to give her a quick rest but instead. Ashley started cumming. She was cumming almost entirely from what she was seeing and a little masturbation.

Ashley was a true female voyeur.

I looked back at the other couple just in time to see Sarah lowering herself onto Don’s hard cock. It was a cock which was completely bare. She was fucking him skin-to-skin with no fucking condom!

Sarah was breaking my rules!

My brain kicked into overdrive, my mouth was suddenly dry, and my legs turned to lead… I was that deer caught in the car’s headlights. The view was so captivating, yet so wrong.

Sarah’s pussy stretched tightly around Don’s cock. She was going to ride him, reverse cowgirl style, her legs astride Don’s, his hands around her, and playing with her sensitive nipples. It was a position we had never fucked in. It was not possible in my car and at Sarah’s, it simply had never been suggested as a sexual position my girlfriend wanted to have sex with me in.

Then it twigged, as my head whirled, lustful thoughts flowing through it… I realised this was probably a position she used to fuck Jerry regularly in. Then anguish gripped my mind as powerful and painful questions pulsed through it.

Was Sarah now re-acting a sex act with Don?

Why hadn’t she suggested that to me? 

Sarah started moving, and my eyes locked on her. She was fucking him hard, fast, her hands resting on his knees. Don was lying on his back, taking his pleasure, and yet not doing any of the work. It was a furious fuck.

It was clear to us voyeurs that Sarah needed to cum; she wanted his cock… his cum.

She was riding him to completion, with no break to put on a condom.

Did she want to be impregnated by Don… just like Jerry had done?

I stood there frozen. The half-naked Ashley was still in front of me, bent over the settee, masturbating. Her legs now spread a little wider, and her eyes were like mine, focused on the show.

Though I knew, her eyes had never left it!

Sarah’s pace quickened. She was doing all the work, his bare cock deep within her. Then she gargled a moan. Sarah was starting to cum and still furiously fucking Don. She was searching for the big O, the one Don earlier told me she had wanted during their date.

On it went, the copulation not yet completed; the noises were not loud, but enough to know that it was a couple having sex… desperately fucking.

A cog in my brain clicked; there was time to stop this. I only had to shout, but I was in a daze. Sarah’s skin-to-skin action had paralysed me. My only working body parts were my thoughts… and my cock.

This was another moment of both pain and pleasure, the double P’s.

I had only recently discovered the emotions of the double P’s. They had first started when Clare arrived and somehow had grown with the new Sarah.

I quickly questioned, did I have emotion before Clare? 

Another cog turned. It was time for a better equilibrium, to increase the pleasure side. I dropped my trousers and took my cock in my hand as I watched my girlfriend and another man. I joined Ashley and slowly started to masturbate. I don’t think she even noticed as we watched the fucking couple.

I edged myself; I didn’t want to come and feel the anguish which I knew came with it.

Sarah fucked on, riding Don’s cock like a lady possessed. Her moans were now louder, her pussy nothing but a wanton cunt.

As I fisted my cock, I was dumb to all around us except for Sarah and Don and their movements, their quiet noises, and their lust for each other.

Then it happened.

Sarah’s head went back. She convulsed and then stifled a groan as Don went stiff. Then he thrust up as he started to ejaculate into Sarah. I couldn’t move, except for my hand… and with it, my cock.

I just stood there, my cock twitching, begging for its own release as my girlfriend and Don consummated their date. She had her orgasm… the big O.

Ashley was still bent before me. Her fingers were now still. She was recovering from cumming, though unseen by me.

Perhaps she had also just had the big O, I just didn’t know.

I was suddenly dumbstruck, my hard cock still in my hand. I hadn’t cum. I wanted to, but I just couldn’t, my hand now still. I just stood there, in the darkness, and watched the happy couple gather their clothes, and then, with a few giggles, go into Sarah’s and my apartment.

In my daze, the only thing I noticed was Don’s cum running down the inside of my girlfriend’s thighs.

I stood there, silently, yet furious. I was angry, my insides now in turmoil, my brain still in a fog, and my cock like a rod of steel.

It felt like my girlfriend had cheated on me!

No condom!!! 

An alpha thought flashed through my mind. Should I follow them in?

Kick Don out?

Then I looked at the still half-naked Ashley. She was bent over in front of me. She hadn’t moved, her breathing, and her body recovering from cumming with her husband. A dangerous thought suddenly developed within me.

I craved revenge!

I wanted to fuck Ashley and to fuck her here, in their chill-out area. Just like he had done with my girlfriend, skin-to-skin… without a condom!

Though, even in that moment of anger, deep within me, I knew it wasn’t Don’s fault that a condom had not been used.

It was Sarah’s. She knew the rules!

David’s rules.

In the darkness, I stood behind Ashley. My cock probed her well-rubbed pussy.

Ashley turned her head. I knew her pussy was still sensitive, but I needed my release. My brain was still in the fog of Sarah’s cheating, and it had only one thought. Fuck Ashley; fuck her brains out, with no condom!

“Go easy on me,” Ashley told me as she braced herself for our doggy sex. 

A quiet “Ooh,” came from Ashley’s mouth as my cock head found her opening. She was soaked, and there was little resistance to my bare cock. It slid right in. I pushed home, seven and a half inches of skin-to-skin pleasure.

I quietly asked, “Are you on birth control?” and then started to move slowly in Ashley, back and forth. It was slow and a so sensual fuck. I was taking my pleasure. I certainly wasn’t “fucking her brains out” as I had early told her that I was going to do. 

Ashley moaned, our pace slow and steady, the surrounding darkness our only cover from being caught. 

“Don’s had a vasectomy. I normally only go with girls,” Ashley groaned. It was her answer to my earlier question. Her body was responding to my hard, slowly moving cock. She was still horny, despite her recent silent and unnoticed climax. My bare and now completely bald cock moved back and forth.

I was enjoying the feel of Ashley’s fertile and soaking pussy. That thought also quenched my anger; lust was replacing it and was now starting to drive my cock. I rhythmically moved in Ashley, feeling her as she squeezed me; her panting getting louder as she pressed her face once again into the settee’s cushion.  

“Do we need protection?” I questioned, my cock still moving back and forth with slow and deliberate strokes. I was controlling myself, trying to stop cumming in her.

Ashley groaned.

In the dark, she tried to look back at me, to say something, but failed. She pulled her little black dress off. Her body had taken over. She started meeting my every stroke. My anger was still there, bubbling under, though, with every stroke, it was diminishing.

“I am twenty-two and very fertile; is it safe for me to cum in you?” I breathed.

With those words, I felt Ashley’s pussy suddenly quiver. They were sensations that pulsed through my cock, as her cunt felt even wetter.

Was her body responding to the thought of fucking for a baby?

It was an erotic thought, but it was also such a very dangerous one; this was risky sex, a chance of pregnancy.

“I do not know,” Ashley said, her voice muffled by the cushion. “It’s been a while since my last period. I’m not as regular as I used to be.” Then she moaned again, her hand back down between her legs; teasing her clit.

“Fuck me harder; toy boy,” she groaned, somewhat louder.

Her words told me about Ashley’s mindset. They also cleared the last of my anger. I wanted to enjoy Ashley, both slowly and deliberately, but above all, I wanted to enjoy her… skin-to-skin.

We slowly fucked on, now a mating couple. She wanted me and I wanted her. There was simply not a thought of stopping for a condom.

“Where do you want me to cum?” I grunted, now pumping her a little faster, her cunt now awash.

Ashley was now quietly gurgling into the chill-out area swing settee, which she was currently bent over. My mind was now mainly inside my cock. I was feeling every minor sensation as we fucked on, with no condom. It was exactly what we now both wanted.

It had more intimacy! More risk!

“Where do you want me to cum?” I grunted again, now with more urgency. I was getting close.

“Oohhhh fuucckkk,” Ashley moaned. She was cumming, my cock feeling every pussy contraction.

It was like a freight train passing, the sensations of her pulsating cunt, the rumble of her muffled moans, her spasms massaging my sensitive cock. One moan merged with another as her pussy gripped me and pulsated.

Ashley’s orgasm was taking me to the edge, and then she gurgled into the settee.

Her new words merged with her moans, “Cum in me, cum in me!”

Ashley wanted me to try to impregnate her. It felt like an order. My cock started to twitch. It liked the idea. Her gurgled words were like a trigger that had sent a command from my ears, through my non-functioning brain, to my balls and my cock.

I had to obey the order!

I felt my jism rise. I was way too worked up to control it anymore. I needed to cum. I needed to ejaculate and with a grunt; I came… all over Ashley!

At the last second, I pulled out, and I fired my baby-making- juice all over her back and bottom. Squirt after squirt splashed over her; my manly cum covered Ashley.

My anger was now gone. Rationality had taken effect. I didn’t want to become a father yet. Maybe the risk was slight, but I certainly did not want to have a baby with Ashley. After all, I had promised Don to look after her; there never had been any talk of trying to knock her up!

I felt guilty.

It took a few minutes for us to get our breath back and when we did; we gathered our clothes and disappeared into Ashley’s and Don’s apartment. We were completely naked, my cum dripping from Ashley’s bottom and back.

As we discarded our clothes and cleaned up, Ashley said, “Thank you for not cumming in me.”

I smiled and then tried not to blush as she started to giggle as she looked down at my almost flaccid cock.

“David, what happened to all your pubic hair?

I was a little embarrassed as I told Ashley why Sarah had shaved me.

Ashley chuckled, “Well, that was first for me, being fucked by a completely bald cock.”

She then giggled again, “You really are my toy boy!”

We lay down on the bed, both of us completely naked. My cock was starting to think about round two, but the heat of the long day, the alcohol and above all, the emotion was catching up with me.

So much for being young and virile, I thought.

Ashley pulled a single sheet over us, and we snuggled up, my arms around her and my cock tucked into the crease of her bottom.

“Maybe it is best not to mention the lack of a condom,” Ashley whispered, as my hands automatically found her breasts. “Don won’t like it,” she softly added.   

I agreed, and Ashley turned off the light as we continued to spoon and cuddle. We were both sleepy and, though unspoken, we knew it was only a matter of time before we fell asleep.

A few moments later, I whispered in Ashley’s ear, “You are a truly lovely lady.”

I received my reward for my soft words; it came in the form of a soft purr and then shallow breathing as Ashley drifted away to wherever sleep took her. All I knew was it would be her private world, and I briefly wondered if that was a place which now included me… her toy boy.

With my mind now only just coherent, dreams came knocking at the door. Which one would I ride as I slept… work, home, Clare, or Ashley?  

There was only one dream for me that night. It was a restless one, though not a nightmare.

I dreamt about Sarah, our day, the talk about Jerry and her flirting with me. I am sure there was a smile on my face when that small, dream segment drift through my subconscious. But then my mind became more agitated. It couldn’t find the dream’s path. Don’s face flashed up and then melted as Sarah’s giggle took its place, and then her giggle turned into sexual moans.

My girlfriend was having sex with Don. 

I listened intently to Sarah’s voice as her moans slowly faded away, and her beautiful face slowly emerged. Her deep blue eyes were smiling at me. They were telling me that she was happy and that this holiday was good for her. It got her away from her job, her village, and her family. Though, unexpectedly, in their place, it had brought her closer to those memories of Jerry. 

But my subconscious was telling me something more… Sarah was dealing with Jerry, those shackles that had remained deeply embedded in her mind. She was breaking free of them.

I realised my girlfriend was becoming the woman she had been destined to be… before Jerry.

It was the woman I wanted.

I felt my body jolt. Was that part of the dream? I wasn’t sure, but I felt Ashley’s warm, lucid presence next to me, and I realised one thing.

It was important.

Sarah and I needed to talk, and it needed to be tomorrow, and that talk had to happen when we were on our own.

It was with that thought that deep sleep then took me…

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Published 2 years ago

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