Without another look back at her fan club, she whisks me through the hall, students parting around us to let a professor through, and stomps our way down the stairs. The looks I get range between amused condescension and jealousy.
I want to ask her why she is taking me in such a rush, but as I open my mouth to speak, she glares over her shoulder. Better not to make her anymore mad than she is.
At the first floor, she turns us away from the crowd milling into the cold and walks me down a hall of offices. A few students speak with professors in their offices, doors open, and the others have office hours posted outside closed doors. At the very end of the hallway, there is one office tucked around the corner. The light just outside is out despite the entire hall being lit fairly well, and the open door is three-quarters the size of a standard door. They must have converted a small storage closet into an office some time ago from the age of the door. Maybe if you are just a visiting professor, you don’t get a full office.
As Tachibana Sensei steps in, the girl with the hood stands from the chair in the corner. She starts to open her mouth to speak to Sensei, but when she sees me, her teeth clack shut and her face turns red. Blushing from deep within her hood, your roommate stares at the floor.
“Oh.” Sensei steps back in surprise and adjusts her blouse to cover a bit more bosom, as if she’s just realizing her areolas were almost showing. “I wasn’t expecting anyone. What can I help you with?”
“Um.” Your roommate fidgets, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she wrings her hands at the hem of her coat. She tries to lift her eyes to Sensei, but with one quick glance at me, she’s staring at her shoes. “I missed the first class. . . .”
Sensei eyes the girl as she struts to her chair behind the desk and motions for you to take a seat. The only chair I can take is sitting to the side of her desk, back to the wall. From here I can see Sensei’s thighs threatening to burst the seam in her skirt and into the hallway.
Your roommate glares at me when I sit, perhaps upset to not have Sensei to herself. With a defiant huff, she turns to the desk and straightens. “I wanted to make sure I didn’t fall behind, but now. . . .” She eyes me nervously.
“Now what?” Sensei looks at me and back to her in confusion.
“It’s nothing.” Your roommate turns her head away from me with her nose raised, as if she won’t let herself be bothered by my presence.
“Very well. There’s nothing to worry about. It was just the first day. You didn’t miss anything critical for the course, unless introductions and first impressions are important to you.” Sensei eye’s me closely as if her words are for me, but your roommate flusters and quickly bows.
“I’m so sorry I missed the first class. I don’t mean to make excuses, but I didn’t sleep well the night before and slept through my alarm. I won’t miss any other classes.” She eyes me from her bow and grimaces. “No. Matter. What.”
Sensei sighs and dismisses her, but before she leaves the room, she stabs me with another glare. I meet her gaze, causing her to blush terribly and scurry around the corner. Looking after her, I suddenly realize I could ask her about you. She was looking for you on that fated day when I discovered you in the library.
Stuck in my thoughts, Sensei has to clear her throat to get my attention. A tick of anger washes over me. Not only is she mad at me for some unknown reason, but now she is keeping me from the only lead I have on you.
“Are you sure that’s what you’re into?” She calls playfully. I turn my head and nearly choke.
Sensei drapes over her office chair, one leg over the armrest, exposing her red panties, and she’s pulled her blouse down to just above her nipple on one side. Blood rushes south and I can hardly think of saying something. Tachibana Sensei chuckles to herself.
“That’s right. This is what you want.” With the hand not tugging at her top, she snakes down her belly and thigh, settling over the soft fabric embracing her mound. “Shut the door.”
Tearing my eyes from her panties, I search her eyes for understanding. This can’t be happening. She smiles impishly and nods toward the door. She’s serious.
I stand and hesitate. If I run, I can probably catch your roommate. She couldn’t have gotten far, but if I run, I’m still going to face Tachibana Sensei in class on Friday.
With my hand on the door handle I hear her mewl and the soft hiss of clothing being stripped. I step into the hall, pulling the door closed, and with a flick of my fingertip, twist the lock on the inside before letting it shut behind me. She can just unlock her own door, but it will take her an extra second if she didn’t notice me lock it in the first place.
Sensei calls after me, but I’m already around the corner and down the hall. Part of me is running from her, but a larger part is running for your roommate. If I hadn’t ever run into you, I’d probably welcome Sensei’s advances, as unbelievable and amazing as they are.
Outside, I think I spot your roommate way ahead of me on her way to my dorm building. I sprint after her, hoping whatever awkwardness she feels between us isn’t too much for her to introduce us.
My feet slap the pavement as I close in on her, alerting her to my approach. She turns while I’m still a dozen paces off, yelps, and tries to run. She makes it about three steps before she trips in her Uggz boots. At my speed, I reach her before she’s half to the brick sidewalk and catch her in my arms, face down.
“Are you okay?” I ask as I roll her to face me and lift.
Her mitten hand whips out and slaps the side of my face.