Kelly MacGuire – Lincoln Park Mommy Ch. 07a

"After a day running around town primping for a charity event, Kelly returns home and gets demolished by the construction crew working on her home."

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It was a Sunday afternoon and a lazy one at that.

Dan had gone out early on Saturday to watch a few college football games with friends. The afternoon had turned into the evening, and the evening had turned into a blur. You know, when you have lunch and dinner in the same bar, that the next day is going to be a tough one. And it was.

A few of his more stalwart friends ventured out on Sunday, hair of the dog, Sunday-Funday, all that. But Dan begged off, ordered a pizza, and spent the afternoon on the couch, watching another Bears failure and whatever game followed that one.

As the sun began to set, his phone chirped. It wasn’t within easy reach and he debated not checking it at all, but a few minutes later, he relented. “Kelly” had left him a voicemail.

“Hey,” it began. “Call me. I need to see you.”

After refilling a tall glass with ice and water, he settled back on the couch, head at one end and feet at the other, and dialed.

“Are you home?” That’s how she answered the phone. No “hello,” no other normal greeting. “Are you home?” That’s it.

“Yeah… what’s up?”


“Yeah…again, what’s up? What’s wrong?”

“I… I just need to see you. I’ll be there in… five minutes.”

The security pad chimed about ten minutes later and he opened the app on his phone to buzz her in. A few minutes later, he heard the elevator chime, then a tentative knock before the door pushed open.

Kelly entered and dropped her shoulder bag by the door. In a pair of flats, jeans, and a zippered, fitted top, she strode across to the couch that Dan was still laying on. She threw a leg over him, straddling his waist, and bent. Her mouth found his hungrily and she shoved her tongue into his mouth, her tits flattening against his chest. After a moment, she pushed herself up, fingers splayed on his shoulders.

The near-assault had left Dan close to breathless. “What’s that all about?”

“I’m fucking needy,” she responded, tugging the zipper of her top down and shrugging out of it, leaving her upper body in just a pale blue bra with a little bow nestled just below her breasts. “Mike and I got into a fight last night… didn’t make up… and I just dropped him at the airport.” She reached behind herself awkwardly and pushed her flats off, then twisted to loosen her belt. “I need to get fucked… hard. Okay?” She wriggled out of her jeans and then pushed her matching panties down.

Below her, Dan nodded, happy to accommodate the early evening booty call.

“Good boy,” she responded playfully, kicking her panties free. She adjusted herself astride him and her baby-soft mound slid along his thigh, her slick labia parting and leaving a trail of wetness on his flesh.

Dan rested his hands on her hips as she settled. “But what do I get out of it?” he asked, only half-serious.

Kelly knitted her brows. “An easy fuck? Empty balls?” She slapped him lightly on the chest. “The same thing you always get with me. And another story.”

She took his hands in hers and moved them above his head, pinning them there and smiling down at him. She kissed him lightly and then began to move up his prone body. “Hope your tongue is well-rested,” she whispered as her wet pussy dragged over his chest. The scent of her was overwhelming him. She raised her hips and moved a little further up his body, her bald pussy hovering over his now-panting mouth. A droplet of her wetness collected on an outer labia, swelled as another joined it, and then slowly dripped to his tongue.

When Dan groaned, she lowered her needy cunt to his mouth. His tongue found her fiery clit and lapped at it gently. “Just… eat,” she hissed, her head thrown back and her bright blue eyes fluttering shut.


Kelly’s bright blue eyes fluttered open and she reached across the bed for her husband. Her hand found only empty space; Mike had already left for work. Stretching, her tanned arms above her head, she rolled her lush body the other way and found the numerals on her alarm clock: 6:30.

She floated in and out of sleep for the next hour or so, dreams drifting through her subconscious. She couldn’t remember their content, but she was restless each time she awoke. Lying on her side, she shuffled her thighs. Kelly wasn’t restless; she was agitated.

Her gynecologist had cleared her for intercourse two months previous, about six weeks after their daughter was born. Since that time, she and Mike had taken advantage of those rare moments alone, those moments when their child was sleeping and neither she nor he was too tired. But something was missing.

It wasn’t a mystery. She knew what it was. She hadn’t been fucked in four or five months. Made love? Yes. Sex even? Sure. Mike wasn’t all chivalry and gentleness. But she hadn’t been fucked, hadn’t felt the raw abandonment that so often accompanied her sexual assignations. She missed it, the sweat-dripping, nipple-throbbing, hair-pulling, ass-slapping, cunt-stretching, delirium-inducing fucking that she had found so gratifying before her daughter’s birth. Now, she yearned for it.

Cries from down the hall pulled her from her thoughts. Before she could raise herself from the linen bedsheets, she heard Esmerelda on the stairs and her daughter’s cries soon ceased.

With the sun shining brightly through the large windows that faced the rear of the house, Kelly padded across the room to the walk-in closet. She shed the gray cotton shorts and loose-fitting tee shirt she had slept in and pulled a pair of black Lululemon yoga pants from one of her shelves. She found the structured top in white and a light gray zipper top buried in a corner. Once dressed, she pulled a pair of bobby socks over her small feet and laced up a pair of white Nike running shoes, and bounded down the stairs, the smell of Honduran coffee permeating the air.

“Morning, Esmerelda,” she announced bouncing into the kitchen, anticipating her morning caffeine injection.

“Good morning, Mrs. MacGuire. May I pour you a cup of coffee?” The MacGuires’ housekeeper and nanny had just put the girl in a swinging chair, having fed her from a bottle.

“I’ll get it myself. Thanks, though,” Kelly responded, moving through the almost-bare kitchen.

After filling a mug, Kelly sat at the kitchen table with her iPad and read a few articles from the Wall Street Journal. Esmerelda had taken Evelyn upstairs for a nap when there was a knock at the back door.

She peered through the back hallway toward the door, finding two men standing on her back porch. She knew who they were and rose, opening the door. “Good morning,” she said, a bright smile creasing her classically beautiful features. “You must be Jim’s guys.”

“That’s right, ma’am. He sent us over to get started.”

The MacGuires were beginning the rehabilitation of their three-flat in Lincoln Park, which would be accomplished in stages so they could remain living in the home. The first floor was the first stage, and these men were here to essentially tear the first floor of her home apart.

“Well,” she said, stepping back to allow them to enter. “Come on in. I’ll get out of your way so you can get started. Everything is cleared out of the first floor except for a few things here in the kitchen. I’ll have our housekeeper get that stuff out of your way, but if you could move the table into the basement, I’d appreciate it.”

“Thanks, ma’am.” The two men squeezed past Kelly and into the back hallway, their bulging arms brushing against her athletic little body and milk-filled breasts in the process. Kelly followed them into the kitchen and called upstairs for Esmerelda.

“Just a moment, Mrs. MacGuire,” came the response. Kelly turned back to the demolition crew.

“I’m Kelly MacGuire, by the way,” she introduced herself, extending a hand.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. MacGuire. I’m Jerome,” said the apparent leader of the two-man crew, taking her small, soft hand in his larger, calloused one. He hooked a thumb over his shoulder. “This is Reggie.”

Just then, Esmerelda appeared in the kitchen and Kelly gave her a few directions and introduced her to the construction workers. She glanced at her watch: 9:00.

“I gotta go now. If you need me, just call. I’m going to be at East Bank for a while and then taking care of some things for the charity thing tonight. I should be back around three or so.”

“Okay, Mrs. MacGuire. I will be gone when you get back. I am taking Evelyn to your parents and will go home from there.”

“That’s fine, Esmerelda. Have a good day.” She turned toward the construction workers. “Have fun, guys. See you in a few hours.”

Kelly retreated to the second floor of her home and gave her daughter, asleep in her crib, a kiss on the forehead, then checked to make sure the girl’s overnight bag was appropriately packed. In her bedroom, she found a clutch and put her wallet, keys, and phone in it. Remembering that their garage had been torn down the day before, she left through the front door and found her BMW on the street a block down from their house.


Her lithe thighs burned and sweat tickled her nose before dripping onto the Stair-Master’s foot paddles. Kelly had been on the machine for twenty-five minutes and felt as though she was going to collapse. Usually, she only spent fifteen minutes climbing the simulated stairs but her mind had drifted.

Two young men rode Stair-Masters in the row in front of her, the muscles in their legs rippling, their flesh glistening in sweat. Loose athletic shorts were incapable of masking their powerful builds. Kelly’s thoughts drifted back to her early morning musings: God, how she craved a filthy, no-holes-barred fuck.

Her body exhausted, she stepped off the machine to end her workout, using a towel to wipe sweat from her face, and made her way back to the locker room, where she planted her butt on a bench in the steam room for fifteen minutes before showering.

From the East Bank Club, Kelly steered her car north on Franklin to Ohio, then over to Michigan Avenue. The digital clock on the console read 11:15. She turned off Michigan Avenue just before Neiman Marcus and found an empty spot in the fifteen-minute zone. She knew she’d be more than fifteen minutes, but also knew the traffic cops didn’t police the zone heavily.

Inside, she took the escalator upstairs to the women’s section to pick up her cocktail dress for tonight’s charity event. Kelly sat on the board of directors of the charity sponsoring tonight’s event and was chairing the planning committee. Unsatisfied with the contents of her closet, she had found a black velvet gown at Neiman’s. After trying on the tailor’s alterations, satisfied with the results, she quickly exited the store with the garment bag thrown over her arm and got back in her car.

‘Perfect,’ she thought. A short ride up to Oak Street and she’d be right on time for her manicure appointment.

Kelly parked in the Bloomingdale’s building and walked around the block to Oak Street, walking through her manicurist’s door just before 12:30. An Asian lady filed and buffed her toes while another did the same to her fingers. Kelly stared, her eyes glazed over, as the fire-engine red lacquer was applied to her nails, lapsing into a daydream.

An image of her small hand with bright red nails, diamond glittering, wrapped around a fat cock, pre-cum dripping down the shaft, coating her fingers, skittered across her subconscious. A wet heat began to grow between her thighs and she squeezed her legs together absently. The manicurist snapped her from her reverie with a tap on the back of her hand.

She was back in her car by 1:45, after a brief browsing stop at Prada on the corner of Rush and Oak. From her car, she dialed her husband’s office from her cell phone.

“Mike MacGuire,” he answered business-like.

“Hi, sweetie,” she gushed.

“Hey, beautiful. What’s goin’ on?”

“Just wanted to check in. I’m out running errands, getting ready for tonight.”

“Oh, yeah? Getting yourself sexy for me?”

“Hey! I’m always sexy.”

“I know, I know. Bad choice of words.”

“But to answer your question, yeah. And just for you.” Mike just laughed, unaware of her insincerity. “What time are you leaving the office?”

“I should be home around 5:30 or so.”

“Okay, see you then. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Eight or nine blocks down State Street, she found street parking only a few steps from her salon. Half an hour later, an updo put most of her long, dirty blond hair on top of her head.

The spa was a block east of Nick’s salon, so Kelly walked the distance. She sat passively while the make-up specialist painted her face. “Painted” was an overstatement, insofar as Kelly was never an advocate of heavy make-up. A little eyeliner, some color on her cheeks, and she was almost done.

Mike often chided her for spending money on something she could easily do herself, but Kelly was always able to tell the difference between her work and that of the specialist. After bright red stay-behind lip gloss was applied to her full lips, making them appear as smooth as glass, she was on her way.

The hands on her watch told her it was almost 3:00. Getting into her car, Kelly delicately adjusted the rearview mirror, careful to not chip her freshly painted nails. Liquid lips greeted her. She put the car in gear, visions of those lips clamped tightly around a thick cock clouding her brain. ‘Bet that would put this stay-behind lip gloss to the test,’ she thought, her lips curling into a devious smile. She readjusted the mirror and pulled into traffic.

Returning to Lincoln Park, Kelly found an open curb space a few doors down from her house. She pulled in, got her gown from the trunk, and locked the doors with a chirp. The bag containing the gown thrown over her arm, she bounded up the steps to the front door, her large breasts bouncing on her small torso. She pushed the front door open and found Jerome and Reggie seated atop two overturned five-gallon drums, taking a break.

“Hi, guys,” she sang, announcing her presence with a bright smile. “How’s progress?”

“Hey, Mrs. MacGuire. We were just taking a break,” Reggie began, rising from the makeshift stool.

Kelly waved him back down. “Don’t worry about it. Sit down. Everyone deserves a break.” She paused to look around what was once her living room but was now just a shell. “Looks like things are comin’ along.”

“Yep. Doesn’t take too long. Kitchen’s gutted, too.” She arched her eyebrows in surprise. “Let me show you.”

She paused before answering. “Gimme a minute, guys. I wanna take this upstairs,” she explained, holding up the garment bag. Kelly trod up the stairs, leaving Jerome and Reggie seated in the living room.

“Jesus Christ, man,” Jerome exhaled. “That bitch was pretty hot this morning. But now? Whoa.”

“No shit. Did you check out those tits? Looked like big firm bags of sand.”

“Couldn’t really get past those lips. Cock suckin’ lips if I’ve ever seen ’em. I’d love to see those things wrapped around my cock.”

Upstairs, unaware that she was being degraded from afar, Kelly entered her bedroom and hung the gown in her walk-in closet. She turned and looked in the mirror mounted to the back of the closet door. She stole a glance at her watch again: 3:15. She needed to pump some milk from her bloated breasts, lest she leak through her gown at the charity event. ‘Do I have time for this?’

She cocked a hip and a manicured hand reached up and slowly pulled the zipper of her top down. The lapels pushed apart on their own, strained as they were from her jutting breasts. Pump for the weekend? Or… fuck these two? An angel on one shoulder, the devil on the other. It took only a moment for Kelly to resolve the conflict.

She slipped the zippered top off her shoulders and pulled the fitted tee over her head, removing her overworked maternity bra. She bent down in the closet, reaching behind her shoe rack and, without replacing her bra, pulled a tight white tank top over her head. Donning the Lulu zipper top again, she left her bedroom and skipped down the stairs, the unencumbered weight of her breasts causing them to wobble as she did so.

“All right,” she announced, that bright smile back in place. “Show me what you’ve done.”

Reggie remained in the living room as Jerome guided her back toward the kitchen. “Wow,” he heard from the long hallway. “I hardly recognize this place as mine.”

Her voice faded as Reggie stared absently at the large plastic tarp that he and Jerome had hung across the large front windows. Several minutes passed as he spaced out, and he didn’t hear Kelly’s and Jerome’s footsteps as they returned from the kitchen.

“Check this shit out,” Jerome spoke from the mouth of the hallway. Reggie looked up toward the voice. His bloodshot eyes went wide and his jaw dropped open.

Kelly stood in the doorway, hips cocked to her side. One leg was locked at the knee, the other bent and balanced on the tip of a Nike running shoe. Her arms extended up and out, bracing herself against the walls on each side of her. Her tanned and lightly made-up face glowed under her infectious smile, snow-white teeth glistening, and brilliant blue eyes sparkling. Her light gray top was unzipped and hung open; printed on her shirt, Reggie could make out “e DOES Mat.”

Jerome stood behind her, his strong jaw three or four inches above her dirty blond updo. Sinewy arms snaked beneath her armpits, thick, knotty fingers joining at her waistline beneath her protruding breasts.

“What the fuck!?!” Reggie exclaimed, rising from his seated position.

“Seems Mrs. MacGuire here thought we deserved a little something special for all our hard work.”


“I was showing her the kitchen and this horny little bitch says to me, ‘You know, Jerome. I think you guys deserve a reward.’ She says this as she struts this little body toward me, hips swaying back and forth, pulling the zipper down on her top. When it gets all the way down, she pulls it apart and shows me this.” Jerome eased Kelly’s top apart and coaxed her manicured hands off the walls. As they fell to her sides, he tugged the top off her shoulders to her elbows.

Proud, Kelly thrust her chest forward. Emblazoned in red letters across the front of her tank top, slightly distorted due to her milk-filled breasts, were the words “Size DOES Matter.”

“No… fuckin’… way,” Reggie said in awe, moving toward the unlikely couple posed at the mouth of the hallway, Kelly’s dark nipples evident through the thin, white cotton.

“Then she says, all innocent-like, ‘I want you and your friend to fuck the shit out of me with your thick cocks.'” Jerome just shrugged, his shoulders visible on either side of Kelly’s pristine face, her glossy lips still parted in a brilliant smile. “Not gonna turn down that offer, right?”

Jerome’s fingers disengaged and slowly traveled up Kelly’s taut stomach, cupping her magnificent breasts. He buried his face in the nape of her neck, his lips planting light but wet kisses along her smooth, warm flesh. The fabric over Kelly’s chest became translucent as he manipulated her bloated breasts.

Reggie stood before her, towering over her little body, watching as milk leaked from her breasts. He placed a thick finger beneath her chin, tilting her head up and back so that she was staring right at him, her eyes smoldering with lust.

“So, Mrs. MacGuire,” he began, his voice soft. “Whaddya want?”

“Cock,” she responded. Her voice was barely audible, and hot breath caressed Reggie’s cheeks.

Jerome’s hands released her aching breasts and slid down her torso to her slim hips. His strong fingers curled around the front of the bony structure and pulled her back toward him. Through the fabric of their clothing, he ground his thickening cock against Kelly’s firm ass cheeks.

“Whose cock?” Reggie taunted, brushing the back of a hand across the nipple of her left breast, milky residue slicking his fingers.

“Your cock,” she whispered, her voice catching. He turned his hand over, his thumb and forefinger trapping the nipple between them.

Kelly’s heart raced and her knees almost buckled, and Reggie felt a wet warmth spread across his gnarled fingers.

“How ’bout him?” Reggie inquired with a raised eyebrow, nodding his head behind her at Jerome and increasing the pressure on her distended nipple.

“His, too,” she moaned, eyelids fluttering rapidly. The dark spots at the front of her tank top spread further as Jerome took the fabric of her bottoms in his fingers and pushed downward.

“Not sure you can take two cocks in this little body, slut.”

Behind her, Jerome kneeled and pulled her bottoms down her supple legs, helping her to step out of them, his thick tongue tracing up the crevice formed by her sinuous ass cheeks.

“I can take anything,” she promised, her breath ragged and the upper half of her tank top soaked through and clinging to her swollen breasts.

Reggie released her nipple from his grasp and lifted the bottom hem of her tank top, pulling it up and away from her torso. The saturated fabric protested, sticking to her hot flesh insistently, but it eventually let loose. Kelly’s arms willingly stretched above her, Reggie pulled the heavy fabric over her head and dropped it to the dusty floor. Kelly’s ballooned breasts wobbled on her chest.

From behind her, Jerome found her left hand and brought it before her beautiful, lust-filled face. He took the ring finger in his hand and gave it a shake. “What about this?”

She gave Reggie a sly smile. “What about it?” she answered brazenly.

Jerome dropped her hand and cupped her milk-filled tits in his huge palms as Reggie ran two fingers over the silky fabric of her thong, consciously avoiding her vaginal crevice and the clitoris that sat at its apex. Kelly’s head fell back against Jerome’s chest. “He married a whore,” she continued. “It’s his problem, not mine.”

Reggie chuckled. “So, you think you’re a whore, huh?”

She nodded coyly in response, her eyes hooded in lust.

“Then show me that size matters,” he commanded, placing his broad hands on Kelly’s shoulders and pushing her down into a squatting position.

Kelly’s sparkling blue eyes locked onto Reggie’s, her bright red nails pulling the button of his pants loose and dropping his zipper. With one hand, she tugged the pants down over his hips so that they fell to the floor, puddling around his work boots, and with the other she reached into his boxers, pulling his thick cock free.

Her wet pink tongue darted out with the appearance of Reggie’s head, lapping at it. She breathed deeply, the musky, sweaty scent of him assaulting her nostrils. When the remaining length of his shaft protruded from his boxers, Kelly wrapped her left hand around the base of the rod, gripping tightly, her gleaming bright red nails contrasting sharply against the taut flesh of the raging cock.

“Suck,” Jerome demanded from behind her.

Kelly shuddered but raised the awesome shaft in line with her shiny red lips and leaned forward, sucking the first few inches into her hot mouth.

When she tried to pull back, Jerome’s strong hands prevented her retreat. Grabbing her by the nape of the neck, he pushed her pretty face back on his co-worker’s shaft until six inches of Reggie’s cock disappeared from view, and held her there. “How’s that for size, slut?” Jerome taunted.

Reggie’s cockhead tickled the back of her throat, triggering her gag reflex. Saliva poured from the glands in her mouth. Kelly shook her head in an attempt to dislodge the thick shaft from her throat, and Jerome let her go. She pulled back, allowing the cock to fall from her mouth, a thick, stringy rope of saliva connecting the tip of Reggie’s cock to her glossy lips. After a moment, it snapped, falling across her chin and heaving chest with an almost audible slap.

Reggie gave a short laugh, pulling his work shirt over his head. “I guess you are a whore,” he announced before pushing his spit-stained cock back into her wet mouth.

Kelly trembled at the degradation.

Behind her, Jerome kneeled again. He snuck a hand around her torso, milking her right breast, squeezing the flesh, feeling it ooze between his milk-coated fingers. With his other hand, he reached between Kelly’s legs from behind, gently easing her black silk thong to the side. His thick fingers slid up the slick folds of her hairless pussy, aided by the wetness that leaked from her.

“Jesus,” he whispered. “You should see this shit, Reg. This fuckin’ cunt is soaked.”

Kelly quivered as Jerome’s broad fingers found her clitoris, pressed down on it, and grasped it between his knuckles.

“More proof she’s a fuckin’ slut,” Reggie answered, pulling his cock from the wet confines of Kelly’s hot, sucking mouth until his cockhead was poised just between her bright red lips. “Isn’t that right, bitch?”

Kelly’s eyes were still bored in on his, and she merely nodded her head.

“That’s right, Mrs. MacGuire. Show me those baby blues, you cheating fuckin’ cunt.” Reggie pushed his cock savagely back into her wet mouth, her tightly clamped lips pulling his cockflesh taut before the thick mushroom head slammed into her tonsils, again triggering her gag reflex.

Jerome’s dark fingers continued to dance across her clit and Kelly’s breathing became irregular, ragged. She released Reggie’s cock from her fierce grip and braced herself against his thighs, her long red nails digging into his flesh as his cockhead slipped into her throat. Juice poured from her pussy, soaking Jerome’s fingers, running down her squatting thighs to her ass before dripping to the floor.

“You gonna cum on my fingers, Mrs. MacGuire?” Jerome taunted her from behind, increasing the speed of his fingers over her inflamed clitoris. “Cum on me, you filthy whore!”

Kelly’s lithe body quaked at the degradation these guys were laying on her. Her dripping cunt convulsed and she fell forward to her knees. Reggie’s saliva-soaked cock slipped from her glossy lips, leaving a trail of spit and pre-cum along her cheek as she buried her face in his crotch.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, her voice muffled.

Jerome’s fingers maintained their vigorous pace against Kelly’s swollen clit as the thick, hot mess flowed from her inflamed labia. Her body jerked and shook as an orgasm ripped through her stomach and slammed into her pussy. Her nipples throbbed and ached and her vision clouded at the edges. Groans emanated from her slender throat as her manicured nails dug deep into Reggie’s thighs, almost drawing blood.

Jerome’s fingers slowed as Kelly’s orgasm subsided, but Reggie didn’t give her any time to recover. He bent and put his mitt-like hands beneath her arms, hauling her to her feet and turning her around to face Jerome. He put his back to the wall in the narrow hallway, pulling Kelly with him.

Jerome kicked his work boots off and pulled his pants and boxers down his legs. He approached them as Reggie reached between Kelly’s sopping inner thighs, pulling her up so that she was cradled in his hands, her tight bottom squishing his cock to his stomach. Holding her behind the knees, Reggie spread her legs apart, her dainty feet dangling before her. Jerome unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall from his broad shoulders as he stepped between Kelly’s lewdly spread legs.

“Whaddya want now, cheating cunt?” he goaded the married woman, lifting his cock above her thong-covered pussy and letting the heavy head fall against her inflamed clitoris.

Kelly’s eyes rolled into her head. “Cock,” she moaned, her breath still ragged from her orgasm.

“Where?” Jerome asked harshly, pulling the fabric aside to expose Kelly’s bald cunt. Moving closer to the widespread wife being held aloft by his co-worker, Jerome let his cock rest in the overheated cleft created by her blossoming cunt lips. He slid his thick length up and down her slick folds, the underside of his shaft brushing against her exposed clitoris, eliciting moans from deep in her throat at each contact.

“Right… there,” she managed, her eyes screwed tightly shut, her fire-engine red toes curled.

“Right in this filthy cheating hole, Mrs. MacGuire?”

Kelly’s suspended body quivered; her nipples, still dripping milk, throbbed. She could only nod her head.

Jerome pulled back, dragging the full length of his shaft down her sopping labia. He took his shaft in his fist, right at the root, planting the dark purple head at the entrance to her slick, bald pussy. With his co-worker’s back braced against the wall, Jerome pushed forward, the mushroom-like head of his cock shoving her folds to the side, forcing them to part and engulf that fat head. He pushed harder and two or three inches of his length slipped inside her, dragging her slippery lips inward.

“Oh, fuck,” she spat, her eyes snapping open at the intrusion and boring into his.

The lust in Kelly’s eyes was obvious and it drove his own. Jerome leaned closer to her and planted his full lips on hers, his thick tongue slipping between her bright red lips, the taste of her gloss strong. His cock slipped further into her superheated cunt and she moaned into his mouth as the walls of her pussy stretched further. He pulled back, withdrawing his cock almost completely, before plowing back into her, driving the full length of his shaft between her folds until he felt his pubic bone crush against her engorged clit.

That final thrust took her breath away, nearly knocking the wind out of her. She breathed deep in her awkward position and recovered a little. “That’s it,” she grunted, her bright eyes locked onto his, ablaze with lust. “Fuck me with that fat cock! Fuck me haaard!”

Kelly raised her left hand to wipe a bead of perspiration from her forehead and another from the tip of her nose, her engagement ring sparkling in Jerome’s face. He pulled out of her dripping cunt and slammed back into her with all of his might, forcing grunts from both Kelly and Reggie behind her.

“Hard enough…for you…married slut?” he grunted, pistoning in and out of Kelly’s soft, yielding pussy.

“Fuck… yesss!” she moaned, her sensuous voice echoing on the stripped-bare hallway,

Jerome smashed his obscenely thick cock, stretching her cunt lips to the point of being painful. Sweat dripped from her nose and off her chin, collecting between her bloated tits before streaming down her taut stomach.

“Nothin’ like… stupid cunts… like you,” Jerome managed, pounding into Kelly’s scalding cunt, holding himself there, grinding her clit between their bodies. “Fuckin’ whores… husbands treat you… like primadonnas… and all you want… is to be fucked… like white trash.”

Kelly nearly screamed out when Jerome crushed her clit against his pubic bone, but her shining blue eyes remained locked on the man that was assaulting her unfaithful cunt. “That’s right… you motherfucker! I fuckin’ love… strange cock!” she snapped back, sweat dripping down her ass now, forming a puddle on the exposed floor panels. So slick was her flesh that Reggie’s grip threatened to fail and drop her to the ground.

Jerome again forced his lips on hers, their wet, pink tongues dueling with each other. He could taste her glossy lips in the back of his throat. “I am… a motherfucker,” he moaned into Kelly’s mouth. “You’re a… mommy… aren’t you… Mrs. MacGuire?”

Kelly groaned from deep in her throat at Jerome’s poignant reminder of her station in life. A product of Chicago’s North Shore, married to a wealthy man with whom she had a child. And here she was, pinned between the muscular bodies of two construction workers in her own house, not a stitch of clothing save for bobby socks and sneakers and a flimsy thong that had been pulled aside, sweat streaming from her shaking body, and a thick cock planted deep in her unprotected cunt. She shuddered at the image that floated before her eyes.

“And I’m… fucking… your filthy… mommy-cunt!” Jerome hissed, slamming the full length of his shaft into Kelly’s pliant cunt, trapping her clit between their sweaty bodies, grinding it there, sending shock waves through her heaving body.

“Ohmigod!” Kelly nearly wailed, her eyes slamming shut, her voice hoarse. “Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Ohmigod!” she babbled, tossing her head back and forth.

Sweat flew from the tip of her nose and her body convulsed in Reggie’s grip, her soft heels bouncing against the flesh of Jerome’s ass, as an orgasm clenched her dripping cunt tight around his pounding shaft, trying to strangle the life out of it. He continued the quick, staccato thrusts into her dripping cunt as she rode through her orgasm, only slowing as she did. As Kelly’s body settled and her legs ceased jerking, her pretty blue eyes eased open and a shameless smile parted her still glossy lips.

“Oh my fucking God,” she groaned as Reggie lowered her sneaker-clad feet to the floor. She almost fell on rubbery legs but braced herself against Jerome, her manicured nails dragging down his sweaty chest, and moved from between the two black men into the living room.

“Where you goin’? We’re not done yet, slut,” Reggie said, pushing himself off the wall.

Kelly looked over her shoulder, a sly smile crossing her sweet features, and stooped to collect her soaked tank top and dusty yoga outfit. “I hope not. Neither of you has cum yet,” she said, humor in her eyes, as she moved toward the stairs. She stopped at the foot of the stairs, wetness glistening on her inner thighs, and crooked a bright red nail at them. “Follow me, please, gentlemen.”

Jerome and Reggie followed the housewife up the stairs and down a hallway toward the back of the house. She paused at the doorway to a room, her tight ass beckoning them along, and turned to see if they were still with her. Seeing that they were, she stepped into the room and turned to them.

“You dirty boys had a taste of mommy-cunt downstairs,” she tittered. “Now you can get wifey-cunt upstairs in my husband’s bed.” She turned and walked further into the room she shared with her husband as Jerome and Reggie followed her in.

Reggie brushed past her, giving her a sharp slap on the ass, and climbed onto the king bed, falling to his back on the duvet cover. “Get up here,” he commanded the adulterous wife.

Kelly kicked her shoes and socks off and tore the tattered thong down her thighs, jumping on the bed, eager to get another fat cock into her sopping hole. She threw a leg over his wide hips and leaned forward, dangling her massive, milk-engorged tits in his face. She reached behind her and found his thick cock standing upright, bumping against her firm ass.

Reggie lifted his head from the duvet cover and trapped one of Kelly’s nipples in his mouth, sucking it between his teeth. Breast milk squirted from the teat, flooding his tongue and coating his lips. Above him, Kelly moaned as he manipulated her engorged nipple with his tongue before spitting it out. “Get that cock in your filthy cunt,” he demanded harshly.

Kelly wrapped her slender fingers around the thick tube and lifted her hips a little, lining the shaft up with her dripping pussy. When she felt the searing cockhead brush against her cunt and become firmly seated between her lips, she lowered her hips, groaning as the broad shaft began to penetrate her.

“Yesss,” she hissed, looking behind her for Jerome but finding no one there. Kelly shoved her hips down on Reggie’s, coaxing a few more inches of his shaft into her cunt. “More,” she muttered, her voice barely audible.

“Take all you want,” he said beneath her, taking the other nipple between his teeth and nibbling lightly, breast milk expressing into his mouth.

“I want… it all,” she breathed, rocking her hips back and forth atop the construction worker, gasping as the remainder of his length sunk into her yielding cunt, his heavy, bloated balls crushing against her ass. She pulled her body up his slowly, relishing the tugging sensation as the full length of Reggie’s cock was pulled from her pussy.

Kelly slammed her hips back down his shaft, taking the entire cock back into her again, and bent her head to his face. She mashed her glossy lips against his, her pink tongue lustfully invading the man’s mouth. She could taste her milk on his lips and his tongue.

“Where’s… the other one?” she grunted.

Before Reggie could answer, they felt Jerome’s weight on the bed. Kelly turned her head toward the movement and was greeted by Jerome knee-walking up behind her, a bottle in one hand pouring baby oil into the palm of the other. She quivered, her eyes hooded in need.

“Ready to take on two cocks in your husband’s bed?” Jerome asked, letting the baby oil flow from his palm to Kelly’s ass cheeks. She trembled as the oil hit her upturned ass and slid across her clenching asshole.

“Fuck, yes, I am,” she purred, lust dripping from her voice.

(To be continued in Kelly MacGuire – Lincoln Park Mommy Ch. 07b. Due to work-count limitations, I had to break this chapter into two parts.)

Published 2 years ago

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